Falling for fresh faculty
VOL. 51
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See In-Depth page 8
Common Core introduces new school standards
All states have the same standards
A nationwide shift toward critical thinking and real-life applications By Shiri Huber
Smarter Balance standardized test taken on the computer
Starting this school year, new educational standards will be implemented in classrooms nationwide. Referred to as the Common Core State Standards, they address national concerns regarding high school seniors’ lack of preparedness for college and professional life. Until recently, educational standards differed between states. Curriculum was also governed under No Child Left Behind, an act that has been criticized for setting unrealistic goals and for relying on standardized test scores to judge academic performance. The Common Core, which standardized requirements nationwide, emphasizes critical thinking and application to real ife, and implements a new standardized test called Smarter Balance. “It’s more focused on thinking and explaining your thought process rather than just getting an answer,” said Connie Murray, who teaches AP Calculus BC. “The big difference with the Common
Emphasis on critical thinking and applications to real world
NEW STANDARDS Under Common Core
Core standards is really more of a greater focus on depth versus breadth. The state standards right now are not looking for depth or understanding, and the Common Core is trying to reduce the list [of standards] a little bit and to allow more time to go in-depth.” According to English and Humanities teacher Erin Harris, the English standards are similar to what Homestead English teachers have been teaching already. Analysis and critical thinking are already common topics in English classes. The one major change is an increased amount of nonfiction, as well as a rewritten list of standards that need to be covered in each grade. According to Madame Ronsheimer, the World Languages department is also following the Common Core, but change are mostly based on the new English standards and have not changed too dramatically. Common Core is also being implemented in history, PE, and science classes. Common Core also replaces
Each state has its own standards
Test scores used to judge proficiency
the STAR test with Smarter Balance, a standardized test that is taken entirely on the computer. These tests are taken annually from third to eighth grade, and only once in high school, during junior year. It is still unclear at Homestead whether the new tests will be taken this year. The decision is up to state legislator Jerry Brown, who is advocating for Smarter Balance, but is currently met with opposition from the Department of Education. The practicality of Smarter Balance is under debate. Each test has to be hand-graded and returned to students in a timely manner, whereas the STAR test was graded electronically. There is also the difficulty of providing enough computers for all students in the junior class. The response to the new standards has still been positive. Said Harris, “Overall, I like the standards. Anything that causes students to problem-solve in the real world is a good thing.”
STAR testing using Scantrons and automated grading
OLD STANDARDS Under No Child Left Behind
FUHSD experiences slow but steady economic growth
State legislation helps restore previous cuts to education By Camille Miller
In an effort to improve California’s school finance system, the state has provided increased revenue for education within the past two years through the implementation of Proposition 30, Common Core Standards, and the enactment of the local control funding formula (LCFF). As a result of the recently passed legislation, the Fremont Union High School District (FUHSD) has experienced a budget increase of about $2 million this school year. The increased revenue will be focused on restoring cuts that were made in the district within the past decade due to the state
education’s economic crisis. to get through what was cut and dent funding. FUHSD is a basic According to Jason Crutch- lost and a lot of students lost out aid district, meaning that besides field, FUHSD’s Director of Busi- on some benefits of education a $200 per student basic aid from ness Services, cuts in classified because we weren’t able to offer the state, it relies mainly on propstaff salaries and previously state those kinds of things,” principal erty taxes for funding. Crutchfield funded programs, as said, “because we’re well as raises for teacha [basic aid district], “To us, it’s less of a cut but it’s we’re not really going to ers will be restored. Positions within the still $5.3 million less than what we feel the positive effects district office that had of those changes.” should have.” been left open in prior In addition, the state years are now being has revoked about $7.3 -Jason Crutchfield filled, including Homemillion of the district’s FUHSD Director of Business Services annual $9 million in stead’s former principal Graham Clark’s role as categorical funds within the Associate Superintendent of Greg Giglio said. the past two years to help fund Administrative Services. A porThe changes in legislation revenue limit districts. “That’s tion will also be fostered towards mostly benefit revenue limit dis- why we don’t see that [$2 milclassroom supplies and textbooks. tricts, or districts that do not meet lion] as an increase in funding,” “It’s going to take us years the state’s minimum for per stu- Crutchfield said. “To us, it’s less of
Your eyes, your responsibility Zero Tolerance promotes slutshaming See page 4
Tattoo and piercing stigmas
Body alterations not so bad afterall? See page 8
a cut but it’s still $5.3 million less than what we should have.” Despite the lack of support from the state, the district is looking at a six percent increase in property taxes which started last year. This increase will help with FUHSD’s funding the most, as well as with restoring cuts. “In years past, there’s been real belt-tightening and less money coming in,” Giglio said. “This year, we’re getting about the same money we got last year, which is good news. It’s bad news in that costs go up and we have more students and more staff, but generally we’re not going backwards which is where a lot of other districts have been going.”
Entertainment 9
The Last Word 12