Planning to use Equitable Teaching and Active Learning in Calculus 1
David Smith and Kyle Yapp Andrew Ross, faculty mentor Math education researchers have identified a set of Equitable Teaching Practices for math, and the Michigan state government has written standards regarding equitable teaching into the new mathematics teacher preparation standards. Many professional mathematics societies (MAA, AMTE, ASA, SIAM) have issued statements highlighting how Active Learning is a key component of retaining students, especially students from underserved groups, in STEM fields. We will describe the Equitable Teaching Practices and our plans to implement them in a Calculus 1 class in Fall 2021, along with new Active Learning materials that aim to make the course material more accessible to a wider variety of students. Poster / Live Session 3 / 2:10 p.m.
Music & Dance Music, Identity, and Expectation: Exploring Music, Health, and Authentic Identity During a Pandemic
Olivia Barnaclo Theresa Merrill, faculty mentor This project discusses and reflects on the experience of being a musician in a pandemic through a voice recital and a self-study. This heuristic self-study reflects on the themes of authentic self, home, and quality of life while living in relative isolation. Through self-reflection, journaling, and analysis, I uncover and discuss themes of music and memory, music and self-identity, and the emotional process of performing. These themes are informed by disability theory, feminist theory, music identity theory, and music psychology. Oral / Live Session A / 9:30 a.m.