Exchange Bulletin 3

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Issue 3 SPRING 2011

"For Your International Career"


ncreasing the diversity and number of exchange students at EMU is an honor for the International Office. We are now receiving students from various corners of the world. We had a busy semester with new exchanges and interns added to our list in the Spring Semester. Alyssa Youngquist, Courtney Kolovos and Lauren Wright joined us from California State Long Beach University, Evan Abrahamson from North Dakota State University, a group of ten from Alatoo Ataturk University, Andrii Omilin and Anastasia Kostikova from Kherson State University, and Nadia Mjabber, Salma Benguarhou and Leila Nouij from the Institute of Leadership and Communication Studies, Morocco were all on an exchange program for Spring 2011.

Our new collaboration partner Koln University, Germany whom we are initiating cooperation with sent us their student Timo Klein on an internship for six weeks. The Second internship program of the semester was the EMU and AIESEC Eastern Mediterranean joint internship program of “How to promote EMU and North Cyprus in my Country?” We also had a group of Indian, Chinese and Serbian interns participate in the program. We hope that they all enjoyed their time here at EMU.

TIMO KLEIN Beach, sun and the ocean!! This was the first phrase that came to my mind, when I thought about the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. However, I discovered it is more than just an island with pleasant weather, a Mediterranean ambiance and a holiday feeling. It has turned out to be one of the best experiences up until now. I have not traveled to a place with such friendly, helpful people with such a diverse background until my stay at Eastern Mediterranean University. Although I did not know a single word of Turkish, the people received me cordially. At the first dinner, a Turkish student sat in front of me and started to speak in Turkish. Regrettably I could not understand him, so I started to speak in English which he could not understand. However we communicated with hand gestures and he proceeded to show me around campus. Having a student whom I could not verbally communicate with put so much effort into making me feel welcome was a great experience. So it was not me who took the first step in meeting other people, it was the students familiar with EMU that approached me. They were always interested in where I was from and wanted to know all about the reasons for my visit… Also other international students assisted me while I was acclimatizing to Cypriot culture. I am very thankful for having the opportunity to call these people my friends. North Cyprus and EMU is much more than just the beach, sun and ocean! It is a wonderful country with lovely people who appreciate life around tavla and çay, which I have a new found passion for. Teşekkür ederim to EMU for all of these wonderful experiences!

BEGIMAI ISMAILOVA From the first day of our arrival, we started to get to know many students from different parts of the world and became friends with them while learning and understanding their cultures. EMU has a great campus. There I’ve experienced many things which have enriched my point of view and my world knowledge. Many people believe University is not only a place to study but also somewhere to enhance oneself, especially when you’re away from home and studying in another country. In my case, EMU in Northern Cyprus has provided me an opportunity to improve many of my qualities for the profession of translation and interpreting, a wonderful environment of cross-cultural exchange, where I have improved my communicational skills. So, through my experience as an exchange student at EMU I’ve gained lifelong friends, social contacts, and most importantly, this experience has triggered my love for learning.

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