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Formal Qualifications
Video Recording: The teachers in the induction program are asked to do a self/peer recording of one of their lessons and do a self-reflection on the recorded lesson, using a self-reflection form.
Peer-Observation: There is one, arranged peer-observation, and it needs to be
completed after the first observation with the mentor; focused; based on classroom observations, personal targets; and documented (by filling in a peer-observation form).
Teacher Portfolios: Each teacher in the induction program keeps a portfolio with the following documents and filled-in forms:
CV Classroom observations Video recording Peer-observation Reflections on any recent teacher development events End of semester report-based on their experience at FLEPS, the course(s) they have been teaching and on the mentoring programme.
Each teacher who is involved in the induction program is assigned a tutor. The tutors are responsible for monitoring performance in the above stages and provide support as and when necessary.
Formal Qualifications Cambridge Teaching Qualifications (TQs)
FLEPS has been one of the Cambridge English Language Assessment and Authorised Teaching Qualification Centres. Among the courses run were CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) – a pre-service teacher training course for new instructors; ICELT (In-Service Certificate in English Language Teaching) – the qualification for inexperienced EFL teachers who want to improve their English language teaching skills, knowledge and confidence; and DELTA (Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults) – an in-service teacher training course for more experienced instructors. Instructors who complete these courses receive an internationally-recognized UCLES (University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate) certificate or diploma.
After the last ICELT course run in 2007, we have re-applied to turn our standby status into active, and our application has been accepted. We are planning to run ICELT courses as of 2018 Spring Semester. We also invest in training of our PD team members, i.e. our tutors, to obtain qualification for offering CELTA and DELTA courses as well. To this aim, we have signed an agreement with the NILE training institute in the UK and started training in the 2016-2017 academic year. For further details of these courses, please contact the Assistant Director for Teacher Training and Professional Development.