Reach Vietnam magazine

Page 1

fall 2010


a well-educated workforce is essential to power vietnam’s development. east meets west’s comprehensive approach to education delivers real solutions.

leave no mind behind

a tribute to dr. peter singer, chairman of emw’s board of directors for two decades washington governor a special guest at emw school opening

emw volunteers bring professional services to enhance our mission

fa i s s ll ue 20 11 10

4 7 8 14 16 18 19

snapshots A new infant care technology is released to support our Breath of Life program; New website launched for Life Is Beautiful campaign; EMW Dental Program teams up with US Navy; Governor of Washington a special guest at EMW school opening; recent EMW-related events.

spring 2010

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Our program results broken down by the numbers. feature

leave no mind behind A well-educated workforce is essential to power Vietnam’s development. EMW’s comprehensive approach to education delivers real solutions.


summer/ fall 2008











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Reach Vietnam is published by the East Meets West Foundation, an international development organization working in Vietnam and Southeast Asia for the past 23 years. EMW designs and implements solutions to challenges faced by the region’s most vulnerable populations in sectors such as clean water and sanitation, education for the most disadvantaged, people with disabilities, infant health and pediatric cardiology. find out more at east meets west foundation president

John Anner vietnam country director

Minh Chau Nguyen

reach vietnam magazine managing editor

Rachelle Galloway lead writer and editor

Sylvia Townsend editors

John Anner Rachelle Galloway


chief financial officer

Ann T. Truong

Volunteers bring their skills and passion to EMW. What do they get in return?

e m w b oa r d o f d i r e cto r s chairman

design and layout Rachelle Galloway

inside emw

donor spotlight

a tribute to dr. peter singer For over 20 years EMW board chair Peter Singer has been a passionate advocate for the people of Vietnam. We celebrate his service. donor spotlight

albatros foundation This family foundation did its homework before choosing EMW.

donor list EMW major donors in 2010.

Peter A. Singer, M.D. vice chairman and secretary

Stephen Gunther treasurer

Eric Hemel board members

Jerry Falk Gil Kemp Tom Low Lena Tran h e a d q ua rt e r s u.s.a.

1611 Telegraph Ave. Suite 1420 Oakland, CA 94612 Tel: 510-763-7045 vietnam

No. 1, Lane 40 Linh Lang St. Ba Dinh District Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: 84-43-834-7790

cover photo

Kevin German writers

John Anner Cao Vu Hoang Chau Rachelle Galloway Van Ly Minh Chau Nguyen contributing photographers

Patrick Alleyn Kevin German Stephen McGee Hanh Nguyen EMW Staff subscribe

Donors who give $100 or more per year receive Reach Vietnam by mail. Back issues can be viewed at www. This issue was printed using soy-based inks on New Leaf Reincarnation Matte, a 95% postconsumer recycled paper, at in Berkeley, CA, a certified green print shop.

w ry r e m n t to u c co i r e d

Doers and Seekers Hands-on learning, constant analysis and persistent questioning have always driven East Meets West’s program design and implementation—but those traits characterize our donors’ approach to giving, too. Those of us who work professionally in developing countries are in love with planning—we devise master plans, five-year plans, action plans, strategic plans and even plans to help us make plans. But at East Meets West it’s hands-on learning that guides much of our work, and makes it so effective. From its inception, East Meets West has been a “seeker.” This means that, rather than sitting in our headquarters making up plans to impose on Vietnam, we spend most of our time in the field—in the classrooms and hospitals, at construction sites, and at the homes of those we serve—working side by side with our Vietnamese partners in designing programs for local communities. Our mission, our vision and our values come from that grassroots experience. In this issue, we feature some of EMW’s other doers and seekers. We’re paying a special tribute to Dr. Peter Singer in honor of his 20 years of service as chairman of the East Meets West Board of Directors. But Peter has been so much more than a titular chairman and financial supporter. He has been intimately involved with EMW since its earliest days, helping guide the organization and mentoring its growth. Peter and his wife Margie’s hands-on approach exemplifies EMW’s way of working: on their frequent visits to Vietnam they spends hours talking with staff members, local officials, and doctors and patients, analyzing the program, suggesting ways to improve it and sharing their professional expertise. Peter and Margie have been a constant and engaged presence in the field, bringing EMW the benefit of their many years of medical experience. EMW is fortunate to have deeply committed board members like Peter. An active and engaged board is also a feature of the Albatros Foundation, a family foundation established

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in Geneva, Switzerland, and also profiled in this issue. The foundation is relatively new, and its board is conscientiously and carefully seeking the most effective way to use the family’s resources to make a difference. Of the Albatros Board’s five members, four have visited Vietnam to experience for themselves how ideas are implemented and programs managed. And the more they’ve seen of EMW in action, the more engaged they’ve become. In recent years, we’ve made some significant progress in influencing public policy in Vietnam in the areas of education, climate change, medical care and clean water and sanitation. Our Breath of Life program, for example, is now the national standard for neonatal care. That we are able to play this kind of role is the result of many years of implementing programs and carefully observing what works and—perhaps more important—what doesn’t. When we try out new ideas, we monitor the results and use that information to make our work more effective and efficient in the future. Vietnam is growing rapidly and this growth has given the country the resources to tackle many big problems. But organizations like East Meets West are still vitally necessary for trying out new ideas and creative solutions and helping government agencies adopt the ones that really work. We rely in turn on donors who are seekers, who invest in us—not just their resources, but their time and attention, and their insistence that we keep doing what we’re doing—seeking solutions and providing results. n

from top vietnam Country Director Minh Chau Nguyen in the field: at an emw-built Compassion Home with members of EMW’s Board of Directors, including Chair Dr. Peter Singer on the far right; touring a rehab clinic for the disabled; and with a disabled child and his mother.

Best regards from Vietnam,

Minh Chau Nguyen EMW Country Director

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Over four million infants in developing countries die within a month of birth due to prematurity, low birth weight and infection. India alone accounts for one quarter of the world’s total neonatal mortality. Equipment that is standard in the developing world could save most of these infants, but machines donated by wealthier countries often prove ineffective. They are usually intended for an industrialized setting with highly trained users, a reliable power supply and access to spare parts and skilled maintenance—assumptions that rarely hold true in a developing country. Designing medical products that work for developing world situations is something that DtM cofounder Timothy Prestero knows a thing or two about. As a fellow at MIT, he toured a hospital in Indonesia with a group from DtM that was researching how to design a more reliable, less expensive incubator. The hospital had eight neonatal incubators donated by international relief organizations, but all eight were sitting unused— rendered inoperable by common stresses like power surges and humid weather, as well as the fact that the hospital staff were unable to understand the repair manuals. Based on their findings from that trip, DtM designed an incubator built out of car parts that could be powered by an adapted cigarette lighter or standard motorcycle battery. This efficient design utilized both the local supply of parts and the local knowledge of automobile repair. The situation that Timothy and his team witnessed in Indonesia is one that East Meets West staff working in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Timor know well. The collaboration on Project Firefly arose when EMW’s Breath of Life program began to expand to district-level hospitals. EMW International Program Director Luciano Moccia notes, “District-level



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from concept to release (l-r): the newest machine in the Breath of Life neonatal suite of products—a phototherapy device dubbed the “Firefly”—is revealed at Design that Matters headquarters in Cambridge, MA, and released for testing at a hospital in northern Vietnam.

hospitals in Vietnam providing primary health care and struggling to reduce the volume of newborn patient referrals need a safe and inexpensive tool to provide infant phototherapy.” Such facilities too often have to refer patients with complications to larger hospitals, resulting in higher mortality rates and chronic overcrowding at those hospitals. Because these district-level clinics lack the resources (staffing, training, reliable electrical supply) to take advantage of BOL’s full neonatal suite, simpler and less expensive tools are needed to improve their ability to treat patients and reduce referrals. A Design that Matters team partnered with Breath of Life staff in Vietnam in August to train medical staff on the new device. Project Firefly is now developing a “beta” or second-generation prototype of the machine and human trials are expected to begin in early 2011. Timothy ref lects on the choice of name: “The firef ly is a symbol of hope and joy, light in darkness, and is found worldwide.” As EMW and DtM bring the Firef ly to more rural clinics in the developing world, it will provide a reliable source of the warmth and light so critical to fragile newborns. n rachelle galloway

Equipment standard in the developed world could save hundreds of thousands of infants, but donated machines are usually intended for an industrialized setting with highly trained users, a reliable power supply and access to spare parts and skilled maintenance—assumptions that rarely hold true in a developing country.

donor testimonial

T h e n e w e s t p i e c e o f e q u i p m e n t in the fight against infant mortality is the appealingly named “Firefly.” But don’t let the image of a tiny, fragile creature fool you: while small, this is a rugged machine designed for use on babies born in low-resource community clinics in the developing world—sites where the usually overburdened staff contend with unreliable power sources, high heat and humidity and chronic overcrowding. This new infant care device, which treats newborn jaundice with phototherapy and facilitates warming during the critical first days of life, was designed by EMW’s new partner, Design that Matters (DtM).

photos ©design that matters

Firefly Lights Up Vietnam Hospitals

“It was a very easy decision for my wife and me to decide to donate money for a neonatal machine. We knew exactly what the donation would make possible, and EMW donated the machine to a site in Vietnam where we knew it was urgently needed. The program has also wisely decided to manufacture the machines in Vietnam, thus fostering the biomedical industry in Vietnam while ensuring that parts and servicing will be available... I want to thank EMW for giving us this great opportunity to donate.” Rob Gertler, MD, PhD Anesthesiologist, Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound and Director, Group Health Global Health

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bookmark this!

s Governor of Washington Reports from EMW School Opening

Log On to a Beautiful Life User-friendly, content-rich, and visually engaging, is the newly launched website of the Life Is Beautiful (LIB) campaign, a joint effort by East Meets West and Vietnam Television (VTV), Vietnam’s largest broadcaster, to raise funds and awareness to support people with disabilities in Vietnam. The website shares compelling stories about the disabled in every province of Vietnam and serves as an online resource and community for people all over the world to support the Vietnamese disabled. The website channels individual donations to organizations that work directly with the disabled there. Ten organizations were chosen to receive support as “Top Ten Program Models” by an independent panel of experts.

In addition to the new website, other features of the Life Is Beautiful campaign include a traveling promotional

road show and live performances in Vietnam with celebrity goodwill ambassadors recruited for the cause. This fall, the LIB campaign had a booth at the Food Fair in Brussels, Belgium to showcase opportunities for investors and customers to learn more about social entrepreneurs in Vietnam and increase access to disabled people’s products in Europe. In September, LIB Goodwill Ambassador Kasim Hoang Vu, an extremely popular Vietnamese singer, performed a goodwill concert in Ukraine in an effort to bring the message to Vietnamese communities overseas. All of these activities will be broadcast frequently on VTV Channel 4, reaching millions of Vietnamese all over the world. A calendar of events can be found on This EMW initiative is funded by the Ford Foundation. n cao vu hoang chau

operation carat (l-r): The USS John S. McCain landed in Da Nang in August as part of its five-day engagement commemorating the 15th anniversary of the normalization of relations between the US and Vietnam. representatives worked with EMW’s Dental Program on a dental outreach service project and performed a community service project at EMW’s Village of Hope.

photos © U.S. Navy/Released

US Navy teams up with emw dental program and performs service at village of hope I n Au g u s t, t h e U S S J o h n S . M c C a i n , in cooperation with the Vietnamese Navy and East Meets West’s Dental team, conducted a five-day medical outreach mission dubbed CARAT (Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training). The mission, which commemorates the 15th anniversary of the normalization of relations between the United States and Vietnam, is the first time the two navies have participated in a training event together. As part of Mission CARAT, EMW’s Dental Program worked with the US Navy’s Western Pacific Logistics Group and the Da Nang Health Department on a medical civic action project at a local hospital in Son Tra District. Over two days, 312 patients benefited from a total of 1,279 free dental services, including fillings, sealants, extractions, and preventative care. US Navy representatives also visited the Village of Hope, EMW’s home for disadvantaged, orphaned, and disabled children, where they planted a flower garden and taught the center’s hearing-impaired children a few words of American Sign Language. n va n ly

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Washington Governor Christine Gregoire was in attendance at the September opening of a new primary school built by East Meets West with funds donated by the Boeing Company. Governor Gregoire sent an excerpt from her journal about the importance of the day, explaining why it was the highlight of her trip to Vietnam.

“Today I visited a new school, Quang Vinh 2 Primary School, located an hour outside Hue, Vietnam. It was a unique and heart warming experience. It was built through a partnership between East Meets West, The Boeing Company and Hue Province. Upon arrival we were greeted by young students lining the walkway, with some playing the drums. It made me feel very special. As ...the the school opening ceremony significance began, young female students entertained us with dance and of this school song. We had speeches sharing opening for the pride of the community these students and the partners.

was the Over 100 students sat and watched and I was most imhighlight of pressed with their patience. They my trip... obviously understood the significance of the event for their future. Along with the US Ambassador Michael Michalak, my husband and I planted three trees on the school grounds to mark this historic event. We toured the classrooms and after the students left for the day, we shared a meal with parents, teachers and community leaders. Most of all we shared in the friendship of the gathering and the knowledge of the promise this day represented. As memorable as my trade mission was for the State of Washington, what will always stick in my mind is the significance of this school opening for these students. It was the highlight of my trip. In this poor rural area of Vietnam, these students and their education are the future of Vietnam. Without the vision and support of East Meets West, this day would not have been possible.” Christine Gregoire, Governor State of Washington, USA

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april 2010 On April 16, EMW’s Chief Financial Officer Ann Truong and Development Administrator John Hieu Nguyen presented EMW’s international media campaign, Life Is Beautiful, to members of the US-Vietnam Dialogue Group on Agent Orange/Dioxin at the Asia Foundation offices in San Francisco, CA. The campaign, which is funded by the Ford Foundation, raises funds and awareness for people with disabilities in Vietnam. Attending were Charles Bailey, Director of the Special Agent Orange Initiative at the Ford Foundation, as well as Vietnamese delegates of the

EMW staff and attendees at the National Workshop on Neonatal Jaundice in hanoi

dialogue group. Vietnam Ambassador Ngo Quang Xuan expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the work of East Meets West and said he was touched by the dedication of Vietnamese Americans helping the disadvantaged in Vietnam.

may 2010 EMW hosted the first National Workshop on Neonatal Jaundice Management and Prevention in Vietnam, offering hands-on training on a variety of topics, including the use of EMW’s Breath EMW Staff Training, Quy Nhon, Vietnam



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of Life (BOL) technologies. The three-day conference was attended by over 80 doctors and nurses, representing 43 hospitals in 25 provinces. Workshops covered diagnosis and treatment of jaundice in infants, hospital improvements (including infection control), and counseling and education for parents. The Hanoi conference was the first in a series of workshops whose overall goal is to standardize jaundice treatment in Vietnam to promote newborn health.

june 2010 Two EMW Breath of Life expert medical consultants were invited to present at this year’s Global Health Council Conference, held June 1418 in Washington, DC. On a panel titled “Helping Babies Get to One,” Dr. Micol Fascendini presented the results of an EMW pilot program using LED-phototherapy to treat neonatal jaundice in Vietnam. Dr. Steven Ringer of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard University focused on BOL’s success in distributing and implementing neonatal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines for infants in respiratory distress. EMW’s Luciano Moccia and John Anner manned the BOL exhibit booth and hosted a reception entitled, “Reducing Neonatal Deaths: Proven Solutions from Southeast Asia.” On June 9, EMW President John Anner hosted a gathering in Oakland to welcome well-known Vietnamese philanthropist Doan Phung and Dang Huong Giang, Executive Director of the Hanoibased organization Action

construction corner The first phase of construction at the National

Hospital of Pediatrics proj-

Featured guests Doan Phung and Dang Huong Giang speak at the Vietnam’s Future event

for the City, for a discussion on civil society in Vietnam and the role of the Vietnamese American community in its development. The event, titled “Vietnam’s Future: Choices and Obstacles,” opened with presentations by the featured guests, followed by a lively question-andanswer period.

august 2010 Over 100 EMW staff gathered in the Vietnamese coastal city of Quy Nhon for a three-day training entitled “Nurturing Our Talents for the Future.” Staff took part in sessions on managing and implementing projects and attended a presentation by President John Anner on EMW’s strategic plan and a workshop by Country Director Minh Chau Nguyen on visionary leadership. Staff from all the Southeast Asian offices presented their program accomplishments and shared ideas. The training was capped by a remarkable display of abilities in the final evening’s “EMW’s Got Talent” competition, which showcased comic skits, hip-hop dancing, singing and rapping. n sylvia townsend

ect in Hanoi was completed in July when the final of the project’s four buildings was handed over by EMW, less than a year after ground was broken. The new structure, which houses general wards, kitchens and laundry facilities, will help alleviate serious overcrowding at the facility. The EMW project management team responded with characteristic flexibility when, midway through construction, hospital directors requested a major change: the inclusion of a neonatal intensive care unit to address desperate overcrowding in the existing unit. EMW, the contractors and NHP produced a design to accommodate an intensive care unit that would hold up to 84 babies in a neonatal ward meeting international standards. The project’s funder, the Atlantic Philanthropies, agreed to provide extra funds and, remarkably enough, the project finished only two weeks behind its scheduled completion date. Design work continues on the Hanoi School of Public Health . The

planned 10-story building of approximately 11,000 m2 will include classrooms, lecture halls, labs, administration and study areas and a possible 400-seat conference auditorium. EMW is working with international hospital planning consultants including Vietnemese architects, Singapore-based M&E experts and American hospital planning experts. The EMW Construction Project Management team gets “greener”

every day. Construction of all EMW-managed buildings have a strong environmental focus, utilizing green building methods, practices, and products that are resource and energy efficient and reduce the overall impact on the environment. EMW staff have been visiting factories, quarries, and asphalt, pre-cast concrete, and truck mix plants to observe their methods of waste treatment and pollution control and develop a list of vendors to work with who meet the inspection requirements.


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p r o g r a m u p dat e s f r o m ja n ua r y - au g u s t 2 0 1 0

doing the numbers compiled and written by sylvia townsend

Breath of Life



BOL distributed 120 neonatal machines to 31 hospitals. More than 150 medical staff received training in basic newborn care.

The program distributed 44 machines to 9 hospitals and 16 doctors and nurses received intensive instruction in basic newborn care at training courses and seminars.

The program distributed 36 machines to 5 hospitals and 40 doctors and nurses received intensive instruction in basic newborn care at training courses and seminars.

Clean Water & Sanitation

Four new water systems were completed, providing 2,448 new households with connections to clean, piped water, and 8 new systems are due to be completed by the end of 2010. In the Poorest of the Poor program, 159 free connections were provided to households who could not afford the connection fee. In the sanitation division, 941 new latrines were built.

Dental Program

A total of 29,205 free dental services were provided to 6,639 children through treatment at EMW’s Da Nang Dental Clinic, on 6 outreach trips to rural areas of Vietnam, and on 3 mobile dental trailer trips to Da Nang primary schools. In-kind donations totaled over $21,049, and 96 international volunteers donated 4,512 volunteer hours, a humanitarian value of $136,400 in services.


Operation Healthy Heart

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Tutoring programs in 10 schools were evaluated. Special classes were set up to prepare 28 exceptional students for the gifted high school entrance exam. Staff verified the eligibility of 250 sixth-year students for funding, visited the families of 340 ninth graders to prepare student profiles; and conducted field trips to nearly 50 schools. Events to celebrate SPELL’s success over the last six years were held at 91 primary schools.

168 children with congenital heart defects received lifesaving surgeries. 25 cardiac specialists were provided with on-site training seminars on advanced surgical skills and an additional 5 specialists were sent overseas for formal training in advanced cardiac techniques.

Support Network for People with Disabilities

EMW’s comprehensive program to support the disabled in Vietnam provided the following services: 935 individuals received rehabilitation and physiotherapy, 287 received corrective surgeries or medical intervention, 234 beneficiaries were given assistive devices and 210 volunteers received training in physiotherapy and rehabilitation. In the program’s education component, 600 disabled children received school scholarships, 112 of them in the form of private tutoring, and 50 teachers received specialized training on working with disabled students and 6 disabled individuals received vocational training or job placement.

Village of Hope

EMW’s home for disadvantaged and disabled children is housing 136 children, including 109 orphaned and 27 hearing- and speech- impaired students. Children receive full education and are able to choose from vocational training classes—sewing, cooking, computer skills, carpentry, embroidery, greeting card production and painting—every week. In the VOH graduate program, 17 former VOH residents are studying at vocational schools, colleges or universities.

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provides a hospital with a neonatal machine to help reduce infant mortality.


provides a household connection to safe water for Vietnam’s poorest.


provides a child free modern dental care for one year.


provides one poor child with a year’s scholarship for primary school.


provides a child with lifesaving heart surgery.


provides one disabled person with corrective surgery and a prosthetic device.


provides care for a year for one child living at the Village of Hope.



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written by sylvia townsend photos by hanh nguyen and kevin german


arents everywhere share the belief that education is the key to their children’s success in life, the best path to a sense of security in the face of an unpredictable future and, in the most optimistic scenario, a ladder up to a better standard of living. In first world countries, where access to primary and secondary education is a given, parents focus their anxiety about their children’s futures on trying to ensure that even their earliest educational experiences (kindergarten applications, anyone?) provide the foundation for later admission to prestigious colleges and the attainment of degrees in lucrative fields. But for poor parents in developing countries like Vietnam, the struggle is more fundamental: To ensure, in the face of myriad obstacles, that their children can go to school and can stay in school, from the earliest elementary grades through high school graduation. That the dream of securing an education remains elusive for many of the world’s families is reflected in the UN Millennium Goals for Education: “Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling.” Preparing students for higher education is also crucial for the emerging Vietnamese economy. While the country’s impressive literacy rate indicates that much of the population has acquired basic skills, it is far from the large, well-educated workforce needed to power the country’s development. The familiar pairing of poverty and insufficient ca-

pacity continues to deprive a segment of Vietnam’s children of the very education they need to improve their circumstances. So what is East Meets West doing about it? The answer is two-fold: providing individual support through scholarship programs to Vietnam’s most vulnerable or marginalized children—the orphaned, disabled, hearing-impaired and the most impoverished—and, on a macro level, improving the overall capacity of the country to deliver education to its population through the construction of primary schools and kindergartens, wide-scale teacher training and building higher education facilities at the university level. EMW’s programs were created and evolved in response to the twin challenges of poverty and lack of capacity.


ducation programs have long been a cornerstone of EMW’s work in Vietnam. But even long-time followers and supporters of EMW may be surprised by the number of education projects EMW implements. Our largest, flagship education programs are: SPELL, our scholarship initiative which reaches almost 5,000 of Vietnam’s poorest children and funds scholarships to enable high school graduates to attend college; our School Construction and Early Childhood Education initiatives, which build kindergartens, primary schools and university infrastructure; and the Village of Hope, a center in Da Nang that houses and educates 150 of central Vietnam’s most impoverished and disadvantaged children. But EMW also supports an anti-trafficking initiative (ADAPT); provides customized educational support c o n t i n u e d o n p. 1 0



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it’s all supplied Our education programs provide full support for students and teachers, including supplies, books and training tools.

hanh nguyen

FOCUSING ON VULNERABLE POPULATIONS The ADAPT anti-trafficking program supports girls and young women with education and job training to give them better life opportunities.

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moving on to high school Despite the progress Vietnam has made in primary education, high school enrollment rates hover stubbornly at about 50%. As the first cohort of EMW’s SPELL students approached high school, the program began to focus on preparing students for high school admission and ensuring they receive the support they need during the demanding high school years.

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gifted programs several spell students recently passed rigorous exams to enter gifted programs in lower secondary and high school.

c o n t i n u e d f r o m p. 8

for children with disabilities through Support Network for People with Disabilities; and runs a new initiative that trains students in computer skills.


ast Meets West has a long track record in addressing the problem of inadequate school facilities in Vietnam. Conditions in badly deteriorated buildings like inadequate lighting, leaky roofs, poor ventilation and no source of safe drinking water interfere with learning. As the rate of school construction lags behind growth in population, schools in some rural areas can provide only half a day of education to each child. Few of Vietnam’s schools can accommodate the needs of disabled children, who frequently reach adulthood without formal schooling of any kind. East Meets West built its first primary school in 1995. Since then, EMW’s School Construction program has built or renovated over 300 schools in rural and underserved areas, with local governments contributing a portion of the cost. Facilities constructed by EMW at large university campuses, primarily funded by longtime EMW major funder The Atlantic Philanthropies, include resource centers, dormitories, a sports complex and, most recently completed, an International Center at Thai Nguyen University in northern Vietnam.


hile EMW’s school construction team increases the capacity of Vietnam to make education available to thousands of additional students in rural areas, many families in poverty cannot take advantage of that opportunity. School is not free in Vietnam—while there is no tuition, various fees imposed can total about $50 a year for primary school and $75 a year for high school, an expense often beyond the reach of the poorest families. Further compounding the problem, sick or disabled wage earn-

ers depend on their children to contribute to the family income or care for younger siblings, often forcing an early drop out. Unsafe water and poor sanitation result in frequent illness and absence, and untreated chronic conditions like heart disease may keep children out of school entirely. EMW’s innovative and highly successful SPELL (Scholarship Program to Enhance Literacy & Learning) program is one of the answers EMW provides. The evolution and success of SPELL provide a glimpse into how EMW designs a program, monitors and adapts it, and may ultimately use it as a model or launching pad for other programs. When founding SPELL donors Eric Hemel and Barbara Morgen visited Vietnam several years ago on a walking tour, they witnessed bright young children not attending school. Eric says, “When I found out why these kids weren’t going to school–for lack of about $35 a year–I had a transformative moment of realization: my wife and I felt that we had a responsibility to make sure these kids could go to school.” Back in the US, Eric’s research on development organizations working in Vietnam led him to East Meets West. Working together, they began constructing an education program that would address the root causes of drop out and poor school attendance in Vietnam. The goal was to target the poorest 10% of Vietnam’s families. Not only would school fees be paid, but the cost of books, uniforms, and other expenses would have to be covered. The program also mandated tutoring, regular family visits and regular progress reports. The Vietnam SPELL team recruited respected community leaders in the day-to-day running of the program. “The idea,” says EMW President John Anner, “was to remove every barrier that could prevent these children from staying in school.” Another key factor of the pro-

grassroots support SPELL partners with local educational volunteer leaders and groups to monitor and implement the program.

c o n t i n u e d o n p. 1 2



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education for the disabled EMW funds special education for hearing-impaired children. Such programs are a rarity in Vietnam.

art classes The Village of Hope has a thriving art program: students can create and sell their paintings and greeting cards.

“East Meets West has learned that true progress is only possible when people of all ages are fully educated. As the old saying goes, up until second grade you learn how to read, after that you read in order to learn.” - EMW President John Anner village of hope Children learn to use computers in the donated computer lab.

east meets west’s learning curve Although school fees were fully paid through SPELL, EMW staff noticed a drop off in attendance when some students reached middle school. The problem? Schools were too far for students to reach. The solution: bicycles funded for all SPELL students living further than 2 km to school.

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“Regular family visits and fostering family involvement are a critical piece of our approach to comprehensive education.” - EMW President John Anner c o n t i n u e d f r o m p. 1 0

gram design is that donors have to commit to support a student for all 10 years - from third grade until high school graduation, provided the child stays in school. As the program tripled in size from its initial 1,500 students, regular evaluation and feedback ensured a flexible response to unanticipated developments. When lack of transportation emerged as a problem for some students, SPELL provided bicycles. When participation in SPELL tutoring was observed to be a critical factor in students’ progress, that component was redesigned to promote attendance and monitored more closely to ensure effectiveness. Despite the progress Vietnam has made in primary and lower secondary education in recent decades, upper secondary education enrollment rates hover stubbornly at about 50% and graduation rates are lower still. So as the first cohort of SPELL beneficiaries approached high school age, the program was adjusted once again, to focus on preparing its hardest working, brightest students for high school admission and ensuring they receive the support they need during the academically demanding high school years. SPELL staff made detailed assessments of each student and, for the first time, scholarship awards had a merit component. All SPELL children continue to receive assistance, but those who display the most promise receive extra support towards the goal of eventually enrolling in college. The SPELL model was also successfully applied in 2005 in the An Giang/Dong Thap Alliance for the Prevention of Trafficking (ADAPT) program, run by the Pacific Links Foundation with support from East Meets West. SPELL’s comprehensive education support is an ideal model for girls whose difficult life circumstances make the threat of trafficking all too real. Perhaps the greatest tribute to the success of the SPELL program is the three-year, $3 million grant awarded this May to EMW by the World Bank’s GPOBA (Global Partnership on Output-based Aid) fund, the first time this type of support has been made available to an education program (GPOBA previously funded a large expansion of EMW’s water program). With funding GPOBA received from the Australian Agency for International Development, SPELL scholarships will be given to an estimated 7,500 additional impoverished students in 11 provinces in Vietnam so they can attend high school. Output-based aid (OBA) is a results-driven model. In the case of SPELL, this means that schools are reimbursed for a student’s tuition fees only when that student’s satisfactory attendance and academic performance have been verified. EMW will use the experience it gains applying the OBA model in this novel way to shape the program for maximum effectiveness. Once the OBA approach is optimized, it can be adopted by other NGOs working in the education sector.

S 12

PELL is not the only EMW education program to adapt and expand into new territory. In 2008, EMW completed the USAIDfunded Kon Ray Boarding School for Ethnic Minority


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Students, designed to serve about 200 students. The school was built with the goal of improving education outcomes in the impoverished Central Highlands province of Kon Tum, where only an estimated 10% of the local populace completes high school. As the project neared completion, EMW built on the relationships established with the area’s organizations and community leaders to launch a new arm of the program that would address some of the root causes of poor educational achievement there. With additional funding from USAID, EMW began implementing its Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) program in the region. To reinforce the importance of preschool and kindergarten education, the new program works with parents and local groups such as the Women’s Union on community outreach. EMW will rebuild or refurbish several dozen kindergartens, and hundreds of teachers will be trained in tactile and interactive learning methods to more effectively prepare their young students to succeed in primary school.


ther EMW programs contribute to the improvement of education conditions in Vietnam and help ensure access to learning. EMW’s Clean Water and Sanitation division has installed water filtering systems at more than 30 schools, making a clean, safe source of water available during the school day. EMW has also educated almost 400 community water managers through its training component, providing them with the skills to maintain and operate clean water systems. The Support Network for People with Disabilities (SN-PWD) program counts, among its many components, the provision of educational support to children with disabilities, including one-on-one and home based tutoring. EMW also runs the Village of Hope, a disadvantaged children’s center where those from the bleakest of home lives are provided education and a safe and nurturing environment. When VOH residents graduate and leave the school, they use the skills acquired at VOH to support themselves as adults. But some who show significant academic potential can continue their educations with help from the VOH Graduate Program: They attend vocational school, college, or university, supported by individual scholarships that cover tuition and living expenses. Over 23 years, EMW’s education programs have grown in size and multiplied in number, as lessons learned are applied, new needs identified, and new approaches tested. And as the beneficiaries of these programs grow into adulthood and enter the workforce as contributing adults, the education they received will produce benefits, not only to them and their families, but to their communities and their country. As the Chinese saying goes: “If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.” n

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education programs at-a-glance since our first project over twenty years ago, east meets west’s commitment to education is reflected in programs that are comprehensive, innovative and flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances.

scholarship program to enhance literacy & learning

village of hope One of EMW’s original projects, the Village of Hope is a home for extremely disadvantaged children, where up to 150 orphaned, abandoned and hearing-impaired children are provided with shelter and a full education. A wide range of activities is made available: Athletics, music, dance, art, theater training, and English as a Second Language. VOH provides specialized education for hearing-impaired students and also funds college or university education for academically promising students.

SPELL targets students from the poorest 10% of impoverished families and provides them with funding for school fees, books, uniforms, and other expenses. It also mandates and pays for after-school tutoring. Each student in the program is guaranteed a scholarship until graduation from high school, provided he or she remains in school. SPELL supports over 4,500 students and families who are among the country’s poorest and a recent $3 million grant from the World Bank will expand the program’s reach to thousands of high school students.

adapt The An Giang/Dong Thap Alliance to Prevent Trafficking operates in four provinces on or near the Vietnamese border with Cambodia, an area notorious for trafficking young girls into the sex trade. ADAPT uses the SPELL scholarship model to give vulnerable young girls an education.

large-scale infrastructure EMW’s Project Management division helps fill in the gaps in Vietnam’s higher education system through the construction of university facilities such as dormitories, libraries, English language training centers, sport complexes and more.

school construction In rural areas of Vietnam, access to education is severely compromised by a shortage of school facilities. Lack of classroom space means children may receive only a half day of schooling. EMW has an unequaled track record in building facilities in poor, marginalized and ethnic minority areas. To date, EMW has built 319 kindergarten and primary schools in Vietnam.

support network for people with disabilities

kon tum early childhood education A comprehensive education program targeting early childhood education in the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum. The average annual family income in this impoverished region, largely populated by ethnic minorities, is about $120 per year (Vietnam’s national poverty line is set at $240 per family). The program builds off the success of a boarding school built by EMW and is training teachers province-wide, rebuilding preschool centers and providing age-apppriate learning materials and curriculum.

EMW’s comprehensive program to support the disabled in Vietnam has an education component that serves disabled children. With no formal support available to the disabled, these children often stay home and receive no education. Based on the type and severity of the child’s disability, SN-PWD provides customized support—from home-based tutoring, to transportation assistance, to scholarships— to enable the child to learn and thrive.

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in emsid w e

written by rachelle galloway


EMW volunteers bring professional services that greatly enhance EMW’s work and efficiency


ne of the most important factors that donors consider before committing support to a charitable organization is its overhead rate. Also known as operating costs, overhead is the amount an organization spends to run its offices, administer its finances and raise the money needed to provide services to its beneficiaries. East Meets West’s latest audit shows 93 cents of every dollar going directly to program work, a percentage that places EMW squarely among the most efficient international development nonprofits. Charity Navigator—a respected rating system of nonprofit organizations used by many donors to evaluate their gift giving—awarded EMW four stars, its highest rating. A low overhead rate is important to donors because they like to know that as much of their money as possible is going directly to support their chosen cause. A special subset of East Meets West donors are doing their part to help keep that rate low. They are EMW volunteers. These committed supporters contribute their time and professional skills, providing services to the organization that translate into big savings in operating costs. EMW has long had a highly popular international dental volunteer program, where dental professionals from around the world provide free treatment to poor children at EMW’s clinic in Da Nang, on outreach trips to rural areas, and at the mobile dental trailer. The dental trailer itself was a donation made by one of the program’s most active volunteers, Mel Potter. Mel has participated in outreach trips, organized sizeable donations of dental equipment from dental supply companies, and been a tireless fundraiser for the program. But volunteer activity throughout the organization has flourished in recent years, from programs in Vietnam to administration, fundraising and finance in EMW’s operating offices. EMW volunteers perform all manner of tasks, and also offer new perspectives, dedication and flexibility. In turn, volunteers gain skills, experience and the chance to observe and participate in the day-to-day running of a nonprofit. For all involved, this is a classic “win-win” situation: The more quality volunteers EMW attracts and maintains, the more it saves on overhead; and the more volunteers see and experience EMW first-hand, the more committed they become as donors. In Vietnam, partnerships with professional organizations have led to several fruitful volunteer relationships. Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Australia works in Australia



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and parts of Asia providing technical knowledge to grassroots engineering projects. Their goal is to encourage innovative and appropriate solutions generated by communities in Vietnam. EWB Australia placed two engineers, Catherine Ganley and Gary Field-Mitchell, in volunteer positions at East Meets West. Working out of the Ho Chi Minh City office, Gary has been instrumental in helping the Clean Water and Sanitation staff expand the program in the south of Vietnam, with a focus on developing and evaluating private/ public partnerships. From the Hanoi office, Catherine oversees the quality of the Upper Secondary Education Enhancement program—planning, monitoring and evaluating the activities carried out by program staff and by EMW’s local partners, the Study Promotion Associations, in 11 provinces. In EMW’s Oakland, California headquarters office, two current volunteers have contributed many hours. Vietnam native My-Anh Ha came to EMW after completing a graduate program at Duke University on a Fulbright Scholarship. My-Anh works closely with the fundraising team, providing research and data integration support, to update EMW’s many files—enormously time-consuming, but invaluable, work. And long-time Oakland volunteer Larry Glendinning is not new to volunteering. He and wife Judith spent two years in Africa with their two young daughters as Peace Corps volunteers. Larry’s willingness to perform all manner of office tasks for EMW, from editing to envelope stuffing to recording the voicemail message in his firm, welcoming baritone, has been a boon to the Oakland office. These are just a few of the volunteers who donate their time in EMW offices. Volunteers also contribute their talents to other EMW programs, including the Scholarship Program to Enhance Literacy and Learning and the Breath of Life program. EMW volunteers seem to feel they get as much out of their service as they put in, calling the experience “life-enriching,” “rewarding,” “inspiring,” and “one of those things money can’t buy!” Money, of course, can’t buy a volunteer either. With volunteers, time is money, and in return for their contribution, they seek less tangible rewards: a sense of purpose, new experiences, or even karma points. As EMW volunteer Stephanie Wang (graphic design, Hanoi) puts it, “When you devote your time to help others, it will be an inspiration and cause a ripple effect among everyone else.” Volunteers are at the center of that ripple effect, their dedication inspiring to both staff and other donors, their presence a reminder to all of us that our mission is to help others. n

EMW thanks ALL our 2010 volunteers. Your service has been invaluable! William Akridge SPELL Anastasia Bury SPELL Helen Breanna Lee Breath of Life Gary FieldMitchell clean water My-Anh Ha fundraising Catherine Ganley quality management Larry Glendinning administrative support jeppe Nelson Clean Water Nguyen Thi Ngoc Uyen Clean Water Mel Potter fundraising/ dental Hugues Hoang Faucheu DSNA project (spell) Pham Thi Viet Ha DSNA project (spell) Pham Van Co DSNA project (spell) stephanie Wang communications Linda Zhao finance

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“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.” - anonymous Larry Glendinning

Stephanie Wang

Administrative Support Oakland, CA

Graphic Design Hanoi

Retired school principal; former Peace Corps volunteer

My-Anh Ha Fundraising Oakland, CA Post-graduate student from Duke University on two-year fellowship

“Working with the Oakland staff allows me to gain insights about how the organization operates its overall management responsibilities from the headquarters office. Having learnt about the great achievements of the organization, I was not surprised to see first-hand how professional and dedicated the staff is. It has been such a rewarding experience to work with a group of people who are passionate, innovative and supportive in an encouraging and fun environment.”

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“I am amazed at the ‘bang for the buck’ that EMW gets for such programs as SPELL (which is my favorite); small amounts of money make large differences in children’s lives. I have been to Vietnam several

times and have a very warm feeling for the country and the people. I like being able to contribute in a positive way to a country that was historically very badly treated by the U.S. I like to learn new skills and make new friends; both have been my rewards for volunteering.”

Gary FieldMitchell Water Manager Ho Chi Minh City Engineers Without Borders

“Volunteering your time for a worthy cause is not only good for the organization that you are working with but it is really good for yourself as well. It makes you a happier and mentally healthier person. You can’t get the same level of fulfillment from a commercial organization: this is one of those things money can’t buy!”

English teacher, blogger (chasingendlessdays., and graphic design

“In general, volunteering is one of the most inspiring experiences a person can have. When you devote your time to help others, it will be an inspiration and cause a ripple effect among everyone else. Personally, the appreciation I receive is enough. A simple ‘thank you,’ makes me smile and that’s all I need. I always feel happy, accomplished, and fulfilled after

doing volunteer work. Because of those feelings, I want to keep volunteering for who knows how long.”

Mel Potter Fundraising, Dental Program Retired Corrections Officer

Catherine Ganley Quality Manager Hanoi Engineers Without Borders

“As an international volunteer you get so much out of the experience of living in another country. International humanitarian work—helping others—makes volunteering a very life-enriching experience. Whilst living in Vietnam I have been to some of the poorer provinces and seen what real poverty is like. This experience puts life into perspective and makes many of the things back home seem trivial to me now. I have also had the opportunity to visit many places in Vietnam and have seen how beautiful the country is.”

“Volunteering has been a rewarding part of my life the past 12 years. When asked by others why I give so much energy to something I don’t get any monetary reimbursement for, I have to wonder if they have ever experienced a child with nothing other than a few pieces of clothing, one meal a day and no medical care. By giving a little of myself, I receive more back than any paycheck could provide—a child’s smile or a mother’s tears of joy is a treasure I can keep forever.”

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pr don o o fi r le

written by sylvia townsend

a tribute to dr. peter singer Dedication, professional expertise, and a natural ability to network have fueled EMW’s board chairman for the past twenty years. We celebrate his service.

peter singer: a history of service in vietnam 1967



performing emergency surgery on child with collapsed lung

With Le Ly Hayslip, founder of emw

Examining a chld with a heart defect


he last twenty years at East Meets West have seen tremendous changes, but if there has been one constant throughout those two decades, it has surely been generous donor, medical advisor, Board Chairman and all around EMW booster, Peter Singer, M.D. As EMW has grown and developed, Peter’s presence and approach have helped ground the organization and keep it true to its roots. Peter Singer can locate the roots of EMW better than almost anyone—indeed, he has planted and tended many of them. Those roots lie in his connection with founder Le Ly Hayslip more than 20 years ago; in his wife, respected UCLA professor Dr. Marjorie KagawaSinger, his partner in life and in service to EMW; in the many friends and colleagues he has cajoled into serving on the board and giving financial support over the years; in the partnerships with hospitals and doctors in Vietnam he has nurtured while advising on the development of EMW’s health programs; and, last but never least, in his tireless care for sick children, beginning with those he treated in Vietnam more than 40 years ago. In 1966, as a young doctor fresh out of medical school and internship, Peter Singer embarked on the path that would eventually lead him to EMW. His decision to join the military led him to Vietnam and what he terms a “life-changing” experience. “Without that,” he says with a grin, “I might have had all the rewards of a medical career in the US, but missed the greater rewards of humanitarian service.” As a US Navy Lieutenant and battalion doctor in Da Nang, his first duty was to treat American soldiers. But the war had caused a severe shortage of Vietnamese doctors, and soon Peter was spending the bulk of his off-duty hours as a volunteer at the local general hospital and an orphanage, treating children with illnesses ranging from typhoid to intestinal parasites to bubonic plague and tetanus, maladies he had never

2006 training Vietnamese doctors

encountered in training, but which he had to quickly learn to treat. By the time he finished his tour of duty in Vietnam, Peter was, by his own admission, “hooked.” Hooked on the country, hooked on the people, and he says, “deeply committed to the medical care of children. I made up my mind to return some day.” Though Peter’s determination never faltered, it would be years before he had the chance. During that time he was far from idle. He resumed his specialty training, met and married Margie Kagawa and had two kids (Jonathan, a faculty physician at UCSF, and Joana, a new mom) and established a successful academic and clinical career in endocrinology at the University of Southern California, where he is a professor. All the while, Margie had been encouraging him to return to Vietnam, knowing that the country tugged at his heart. In 1988, while working as a medical advisor for the television show China Beach, Peter was introduced to EMW’s founder, Le Ly Hayslip. It was a serendipitous meeting that led to an ever deepening involvement in the fledgling organization’s activities. Peter describes the early days of EMW’s existence as “strictly grassroots” in focus, recalling that its first efforts were mostly medical clinic projects, Village of Hope, microloans, and direct emergency relief. “In the first half of the 1990s,” he recalls, “I spent a lot of time scrounging for equipment, trying to raise money, and talking up our work. It took time to develop EMW’s credibility here and in Vietnam. What helped us in Vietnam was that we actually had an office with a few permanent staff beginning in ’90 or ’91. So gradually the Vietnam government recognized we were serious about contributing, in partnership with the Vietnamese people, to improve their health and well-being.” Former board member, fellow physician, and long-time friend Brian Dolan describes Peter’s role during EMW’s early days and its evolu-

Peter’s decision to join the military in 1966 led him to what he terms a life-changing experience.



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“Peter is one of the most deeply committed people I know—in all aspects of his life.” -former emw Board Member Linda Meier





at the opening of the Hue Cardiovascular Center with fellow board member Tom Low

entertaining children at a primary school built by emw on one of his frequent trips to Vietnam

with a 14-year-old boy, whose blue fingers and very small size are due to severe heart defects

with wife margie visiting a family supported by emw’s spell program

tion over time: “During the years of lesser funding, his single-minded dedication kept up the spirits of the small Da Nang staff. Once EMW grew, he moved easily into the role of visiting medical professor at the hospitals and that of chairman of an important NGO at official Vietnamese functions.” Brian calls Peter “a natural emcee,” who once confided, “I’ve never met a microphone I didn’t like.” While his medical expertise was surely invaluable then, as it is today, Peter’s equally impressive people skills helped sustain EMW’s growth. He speaks about the organization with passion and refreshing directness, nicely leavened by a sense of humor, noted by all who know him, that can only be called mischievous. At all times, his dedication to EMW’s mission shines through. Several board members can attest to the combination of charm, humor and not always gentle coaxing (qualities we associate with the best physicians) that convinced them to join the board. Says former board member Linda Meier, who served with Peter for over ten years, “He embodies graciousness. Schmoozing with others is something he seems to love and excel at. What great fortune for EMW.” She also alludes to another personal trait that has been a boon to EMW and informed its management sensibility: an extraordinary ability to be democratic. College friend and fellow EMW board member Jerry Falk confirms that assessment, concluding that it is rooted in Peter’s “uncommonly high degree of compassion” and noting that it “carries over into everything we do together for East Meets West. He listens to all points of view, and bends over backwards to accommodate different opinions and reach a consensus that can make everyone happy.” For his own part, Peter expresses his personal gratitude to the “virtually hundreds of staff, board members, and volunteers who’ve worked so hard over the years to make our vision a reality. Each and every one has brought something unique and valuable to EMW. And of course we’re indebted to our countless supporters and partners over the past 20 years.” Peter describes EMW’s expansion over the past decade as “trans-

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formational,” citing the key involvement of Atlantic Philanthropies in funding large infrastructure projects in health and education, and the skill and dedication of a staff, now numbering over 100, in devising and implementing a host of successful new initiatives, including the Breath of Life neonatal program, the innovative SPELL scholarships, and the Clean Water and Sanitation program. Unsurprisingly, his own personal passion is for EMW’s health programs, to which he and Margie (who possesses a masters in nursing and a PhD in medical anthropology) have devoted countless hours in Vietnam, consulting, treating, and developing professional and personal relationships with Vietnamese doctors and public health officials. Ask Peter about EMW’s most recent development—expansion into other countries—and his reply is typical: “The strengths of EMW have always been that it is nimble and opportunistic. Where we see a need (in the case of BOL, in Laos and Cambodia), and have a successful program than can be replicated, we do it. After all, isn’t EMW about helping people?”


eter Singer, too, is all about helping people. In discussing what the next years may bring, he dismisses the notion of retirement, noting the satisfaction he gets from seeing patients and teaching at USC. “Also, we have our first grandchild, with whom we want to spend as much time as possible. With regard to EMW, I plan to continue to contribute my time, efforts, and support.” That Peter mentions his new grandson and EMW in the same breath is not surprising. In the end, this may be the most notable of many remarkable features about Peter Singer: He brings the same level of passion and commitment to all his endeavors, be they personal, professional, or philanthropic. Says Linda Meier: “Peter is one of the most deeply committed people I know—in all aspects of his life. He seems to seamlessly move from physician to chairman of the board to proud father and husband and now, grandfather.” What great fortune, indeed, for EMW. n

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r do PROFILE no

written by cao vu hoang chau

albatros foundation giving through generations


“In making grants, we look for honest, passionate and results-oriented social entrepreneurs and organizations, exactly what we found at EMW.” -albatros Board member Eric Collombin



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evelopment projects in today’s world are not just supported by governments, institutions, and corporations—countless individual philanthropists play a vital role in supporting disadvantaged communities. When members of a family do the giving together, through a family foundation, the value of giving back is nurtured and the tradition of philanthropy is passed on from one generation to the next. One such example of family members working together to fulfill a philanthropic mission is the Albatros Foundation, an EMW donor since 2008. Established three years ago by Claude and Solange Demole in Geneva, Switzerland, the foundation is run by the couple, their daughters and their son. From its inception, the foundation focused its attention on Southeast Asia, but the family members involved had not settled on which country, or in what sector, they would work. Their interests varied, from education to health care, to small infrastructure projects like clean water systems. They could all agree, however, on one criterion for decision making: That the organization they support be well managed and reputable. “It’s often challenging for smallscale foundations like Albatros to decide on what programs to give to and where. Most of them don’t need a big proposal package, but a project that has specific, realistic goals and will have a strong impact in the chosen community,” said Minh Chau Nguyen, EMW Country Director. The family spent the first two years of the founda-

tion’s existence traveling in Cambodia and Vietnam, making personal visits to organizations in order to select projects to finance. In Cambodia, their first project was supporting Friends International to provide education, vocational training and placement for street children. In Vietnam, Claude and Solange Demole found East Meets West through a philanthropic consulting organization. After a trip to the field with EMW president John Anner, they decided to provide $70,000 to finance a clean water system in Quang Nam in 2009. In 2010, the Albatros Foundation contributed an additional $50,000 to EMW to fund sanitation facilities for the poor in Vietnam’s central and Mekong regions. Three years after its founding, the Albatros Foundation has already made a significant impact through its philanthropic giving: an additional 2,000 people in Quang Nam now have access to clean water, and about 2,000 families will soon have access to improved sanitation facilities and training in personal hygiene behaviors. “In making grants, we look for honest, passionate and results-oriented social entrepreneurs and organizations, exactly what we found at EMW. Fostering sustainable human development is what drives us, so we set benchmarks to measure success and monitor progress to ensure that goals are being met,” says board member Eric Collombin. Impressed with the results that EMW’s Clean Water and Sanitation program provided to the communities served, the family members paid another visit to Vietnam in August 2010 and were introduced to more EMW programs, including Village of Hope, the Dental Program and Breath of Life. Those programs are likely to benefit from the Albatros Foundation’s generosity in the future, as one family’s philanthropic spirit helps improve the lives of families in need in Vietnam. As Eric notes, “Nurturing philanthropic values across the family is a good thing, but what really counts is taking action, both individually and collectively.”n

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do no r li st

donors to east meets west $500 and above • jan 1 - sept 30, 2010


The Power of Your Donation A donation to the East Meets West Foundation provides powerful and life-changing support. EMW offers a variety of ways to support our work. Donate Money Three easy ways to donate: Make an instant, secure tax-deductible contribution using your credit card at; send a check in the envelope enclosed with this magazine; or, call a local EMW office to make your donation. Create a Lasting Legacy Consider including EMW in your estate plans. A bequest can allow you and your family to minimize estate taxes while helping you realize your philanthropic objectives. For more information, contact EMW. Give the Gift of Stock A gift of publicly-traded securities can provide tax advantages for the donor as it supports EMW's mission. Please consult your tax advisor. Make a Match An easy way to add value to your gift to East Meets West is through a matching gift program. Numerous organizations match their employees’ charitable contributions— sometimes for double the amount of the initial gift.

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Akzo Nobel Coatings Albatros Foundation Asia Paradise The Atlantic Philanthropies AusAID Ben Daviscourt Memorial Fund Ben singer Family Trust Bishop of Trento The Bowman Family Foundation Canada Rocks Cao Su Thanh Cong Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Connable Office Diageo Singapore Pte Ltd Deloitte FM Global Foundation The Ford Foundation GE Healthcare Global Dental Expeditions Global Volunteer Network Google Gift Matching Program The Greenwood Company Heart of Hope International Henry E. Niles Foundation The How Fund HSBC Matching Gift Program Institut Europeen de Cooperation et de Developpement International School of Ho Chi Minh City Koret Foundation The Lemelson Foundation Luong Minh Huong Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit Masimo corporation Medtronic Foundation Time-n-Talent Program Michelin Company, Ltd. Microsoft Matching Gifts Program MiVAC North Peninsula Jewish Community Teen Foundation Qualcomm Pacific Angel Mission

Philip Morris International Management, S.A. Piedmont Community Church Ronald McDonald House Charities Schafer Family Fund Shared Vision Charitable Foundation Shinoda Junko Femin Group Smart Tulip Foundation Talisman Co., Ltd. UNICEF Vietnam United Nations International School University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill USAID U.S.-China Christian Institute Vietnam Education Society VNHelp Wells Fargo San Leandro Branch The World Bank

individuals John & Devora Anner David Axelrad & Liza Bercovici Brantly Baynes Jack Bernard & Marilynn Westerman Achim & Ruth Boltz William Bucholtz Thorsten Berninger Peter & Alice Broner Diana Brown Laura & Michael Collins Jimmy Cuadra Wendy Crisafulli & Steve Calhoun mark conroy Charles Craft J. Dix & Barbara Wayman Thang Do & Grace Liu Brian & Diana Dolan William & Phyllis Draper Thu Duc Duong Jerome & Nancy Falk Chelsey Ingenito Fields & Ian Fields Frebel Family Rachelle Galloway & Vassilis Popotas Charles Gilreath Gary & Virginia Godley Stephen Gunther

Amanda Hamilton & Tim Hemmeter Eric Hemel & Barbara Morgen Nhi T. Ho Tam T. Hoang Tung N. Hoang Joseph Holewa Wendy & Peter Hua James Jubak & Marie D’Amico Gil & Barbara Kemp Greer King Daniel Knox Jurgen Langematz Bernhard Lechler Henry H. Liem Van T. Ly Shauna McDaniel Jack McCombs Ron McElwee George Miller and Janet McKinley Luciano Moccia William & Barbara Larsen Bi V. Nguyen Hung M. Nguyen John Nguyen & Ria Fresnoza Minh Chau Nguyen & Per Ljung Nam Nguyen Tien V. Nguyen Erik & Jennifer Niemann William & Anne Overbey Allan & Nancy Palmer Ralph & Linda Pene Hieu Phung Dan & Paula Reingold Robert Riordan & Spring Hill Renny & Cindy Rogers Peter Singer & Marjorie Kagawa-Singer Ron Smith Keith Soukkala Mark & Margaret Stewart Sylvia Townsend & Charles Cowens Ann Truong & Terry Hall Veronica & Blandon Tubera John Turman Dien T. Vien Khai Vu Richard Wilkerson Roger Young Joel & Karen Zeldin

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