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media & ad rader: beyond the algorithm
least importantly, it involves a car. stay with us on this one.
INFINITI USA released a commercial last month for their 2022 car. the "Beyond the Algorithm" campaign proves that car commercials can be more profound than we think. it starts off with man peering at an overwhelming amount of notifications. the commercial indicates that we are each born into this world with no outside, environmental factors inhibiting or motivating our sense of self. eventually, due to the rise of constantly needing to stay connected, how we see ourselves get morphed into what the world perceives, wants, and tells us. the narrator goes on to preach how digital algorithms tell us what to eat, what to like, and how to think. "Is there digital version of you... really YOU?" this directly relates to the concept of the influence of emerging technology on our self-concept. the video reflects on how evolving aspects of technology — like the algorithm that is seemingly pervasive across all digital content platforms — essentially tells its users how to act, be, and look. the digital algorithm feeds off of the information and reactions you give it to in turn give you what it thinks it wants. it's basically a very passive way of telling you how to be yourself because without that tech, we are lost. literally. when is the last time you didn't use GPS for a travel that was more than 30 minutes from your home? they should have used that idea in the commercial.