Extratime Player Development Programme short guide

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Extratime Player Development Programme

An Academy represents the hopes and dreams of a successful future for any club. Developing a crop of young players who come through the ranks, who are steeped in the clubs’ history, culture and traditions and provide the backbone of the first team, creates a special atmosphere that infects everyone associated with the club. Owners, fans, coaching staff and non-playing and admin staff all have that buzz of expectation that the club are about to enter a golden period. The key to developing a successful academy is to have an outstanding scouting network and then develop the technical ability and skills of young players. But often, that’s not enough. Young players also have to have the drive, focus, commitment and motivation to go along with the talent, in order to forge a career as a professional footballer. But football is a ruthless business where only a few have what it takes to make it all the way; and the impact for a young person who’s released from a club can be devastating. It can affect their confidence and self-esteem and be the trigger for mental health issues and anti-social behaviour. In these situations, clubs have a duty of care to do everything they can to help the young people in their charge to manage that transition as smoothly as possible to enable them to get a place at another academy or club or help them to find meaningful employment, education or training opportunities. At Extratime, we’ve developed new and innovative programmes that will support the development of footballers, which will be perfect for young players in your academy.



How do we know this programme works?

We have drawn upon over 25 years of experience in careers guidance, youth work, mentoring and personal development coaching with athletes and sports people and have gained a comprehensive understanding of the pressures, motivations and needs of young athletes and footballers. We have also drawn upon our extensive links and contacts within youth and wider football to develop 2 programmes that will provide young footballers with the support they need to manage the transition away from your academy or to give them more motivation and self-confidence that will improve their performance on and off the pitch. We are confident we have the right packages that meets the needs of academies and the needs of young people. We have undertaken extensive market research and consultation with a wide range of academies to ensure that what we are offering is just right. These include top 4 Premier League academies, academies of Championship clubs and academies of League 1 and 2 clubs. As well as the clubs, we have consulted with parents of young footballers, who provide much of the practical and emotional support that young players need as they progress through the academy structure, and who are concerned with ensuring their sons get the right support to allow them to develop a career as a professional footballer or are adequately supported if they don’t make the grade. Finally, and most importantly we have spoken extensively with young footballers. We have researched amongst footballers who are currently in academies, those recently released from academies and those who have become established professional footballers. Therefore, we know that the programmes meet the needs of clubs and players alike. The aims of the programmes are; • To provide support for the personal and professional development of players, whilst leaving clubs to concentrate on their core role, that of developing the skills, technique and tactical awareness of young footballers. • To allow clubs to demonstrate to parents that they strive to meet their duty of care towards their sons in supporting their personal and social development and to provide them with comprehensive and effective support for transition from the academy into another academy opportunity or into employment, education or training. • To develop more motivated and focused young footballers who have set themselves high goals and standards both on and off the field and have developed plans and strategies to achieve this with the result that they have improved their footballing performance.




Player Development Programmes There are 2 programmes of support for young players. Transition Programme The Transition programme supports young footballers who have been released from academies and provides them with the attention, support, time and clarity they need to consider their options and prepare for the challenges of finding another academy or finding good quality employment, education or training. More details are available in our Player Development Programme Brochure, which is available on request. Personal Development Plan The Personal Development Plan (PDP) provides support for young people to support them in dealing with the demands and expectations of being a professional footballer. Support for young footballers includes the following issues. • • • • • • • • • • •

Increasing motivation and commitment Improving confidence and self-esteem Instilling a competitive edge Eliminating fear of failure Getting players to enjoy football again and gaining the motivation and desire to become a professional footballer Developing the mindset to express themselves on the pitch Dealing with burnout Dealing with injury/illness Dealing with challenging and/or disruptive behaviour Helping to maximise potential Helping to deal with off-field distractions

Player Development Programme Brochure More details of the Transition Programme and the Personal Development Programme as well as other services for footballers and coaches and managers are contained in our Player Development Programme Brochure which is available at info@extratime.org.uk. The brochure contains detailed information on our courses, their benefits and our pricing policy. To obtain a copy of our brochure as well as information on other programmes of support we have for footballers, coaches and managers. Please contact;

Emy Onuora E: info@extratime.org.uk

T: 07957 19 75 94




9 Neilson Road Liverpool L17 7BA E: info@extratime.org.uk T: 07957 19 75 94


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