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“B rothe r, can you spare a paradigm?” _Eric Owen Moss, March 16, 1994 He said, architecture has no originality. Architecture is a borrower that borrows ideas form others. I don’t believe in it. “Architecture needs an enemy.” _Eric Owen Moss, March 18, 2009. He said. That is my enemy.

in collaboration with Ang-Ruei Shih

Competition and exhibition for 2012 Heineken Dream Space Luminal Arts Festival in Taipei, Taiwan. As a team, we(FAF-Freaks Architecture Firm) cooperated with four local artists in different fields including new media installation, clothing and fashion, film and animation and music and sound art. Curator: Roan Ching-Yueh Location: HuaShan 1914 Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan Site area:2200 sq-ft Character of Space: Exhibition Space Principal Materials: Black High Polymer Fiber Mesh Project Cost: $5,000 Year: 2012/05 (Competition)

T h e 1 20 t h N i g h t

D esign Conc ept Af te r seve ral mee tings with artis ts that we are working with, we found some common nature in thei r works. Obscure, Plac id, or even depressed fee lings. These characte rs shoul d b e represent in our design which is the containe r of these ar t pieces. One Hundred and twenty laye rs of meshes are hanging parall e l from the al uminum cei ling frame which is added to the exis ting s tructure of the his torical site. These mesh es bl ur the lighting, vision and di rect ion. Narratives of each art work he lp us to design the paths in among meshes, they are ways that the artis t wants to te l l the s tory, fee l the s tory and see the s tory b ehind thei r works.

S c reen s

12 0 Scre e ns layo u t

T h e 1 20 t h N i g h t

E ven t s

L a by rin t h

Existing Beam Structure

Aluminum Ceiling Frame System

Mesh x 120

White Sand Pool

Furniture for programs

The 120th Night Labyrinth

T h e 1 20 t h N i g h t

Signal Flow 2.1 Chung

Brighten Your Hands Up Anti Chang

FarAway Road Wen Cheng

Other side of Landscape Y u - C hin Ts e n g

T h e 1 20 t h N i g h t

T h e 1 20 t h N i g h t

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