August 2020 CVE

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enchantment The Voice of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives


Central Valley Electric Cooperative

Student Centered Future Focused

August 2020



CONTENTS 04 We are enchantment 05 View from enchantment 06 Hale to the Stars 08 U.S. Renewable Energy Generation and the Impacts of COVID-19 10 Energy Sense


12 Book Chat 14 2020 Government-in-Action Youth Tour 16 Your Electric Co-op





22 On the Menu 26 The Market Place 30 Youth Art

On the Cover A photo collage of all the students selected for the 2020 Government-in-Action Youth Tour which was canceled for 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. • August 2020



We live in the Land of Enchantment… We are

The Co-op Cake Baker

"I just wanted to thank the editor for including that beautiful cake in the July edition—I remarked how wonderful it would be for our resident cake baker, Luz Gonzales, to make us one for the holiday and she did it! It was wonderful!!" ~Jenny, Sierra Electric Co-op The cake looks delicious! Luz, if you're ever near the NMRECA office, swing by with some cake. ~Ed.

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Congratulations to… Inez Provencio who is reading the July 2020 enchantment. Columbus Electric Co-op member, Amanda Provencio writes: “Inez Provencio relaxing, enjoying the cool evening and pictures from the article, “Inspiring Girls to Pursue Their Passions."

Inez wins $20!


How to contact enchantment

August 2020 •


August 1, 2020 • Vol. 72, No. 08 USPS 175-880 • ISSN 0046-1946 Circulation 89,990 enchantment (ISSN 0046-1946) is published monthly by the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505. enchantment provides reliable, helpful information on rural living and energy use to electric cooperative members and customers. Nearly 90,000 families and businesses receive enchantment Magazine as electric cooperative members. Non-member subscriptions are available at $12 per year or $18 for two years, payable to NMRECA. Allow four to eight weeks for delivery. PERIODICAL POSTAGE paid at Santa Fe, NM 87501-9998 and additional mailing offices. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Postmaster please send address changes to 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505-4428. Readers who receive the publication through their electric cooperative membership should report address changes to their local electric cooperative office. THE NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION provides legislative and educational services to the cooperatives who are members of the Association that deliver electric power to New Mexico’s rural areas and small communities. The mission of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association is to strengthen, support, unify, and represent Cooperative member interests at the local, state, and national levels. Each cooperative has a representative on the association’s board of directors, which controls the editorial content and advertising policy of enchantment through its Publications Committee. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Charles Pinson, President, Central Valley Electric Co-op, Artesia Tim Morrow, Vice President, Springer Electric Co-op, Springer Duane Frost, Secretary-Treasurer, Central NM Electric Co-op, Mountainair BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chris Martinez, Columbus Electric Co-op, Deming Keith Gottlieb, Continental Divide Electric Co-op, Grants Lance R. Adkins, Farmers’ Electric Co-op, Clovis Robert Caudle, Lea County Electric Co-op, Lovington Robert Quintana, Mora-San Miguel Electric Co-op, Mora Thomas G. Rivas, Northern Río Arriba Electric Co-op, Chama Preston Stone, Otero County Electric Co-op, Cloudcroft Antonio Sanchez, Jr., Roosevelt County Electric Co-op, Portales George Biel, Sierra Electric Co-op, Elephant Butte Joseph Herrera, Socorro Electric Co-op, Socorro Travis Sullivan, Southwestern Electric Co-op, Clayton Wayne Connell, Tri-State G&T Association, Westminster, Colorado Charles G. Wagner, Western Farmers Electric Co-op, Oklahoma NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Phone: 505-982-4671 Santa Fe, NM 87505 Fax: 505-982-0153 Keven J. Groenewold, CEO, Susan M. Espinoza, Editor. Tom Condit, Assistant Editor, DISPLAY ADVERTISING: Rates available upon request. Co-op members and New Mexico display advertisers, email Shaylyn at or call 505-252-2540. National representative: American MainStreet Publications, 800-626-1181. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives that are members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER. Copyright ©2020, New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission of the publisher.

view from enchantment I By Keven J. Groenewold, CEO New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association

Electricity Remains a Good Value


n today’s world, you won’t find many items that cost less than $5. You can purchase a gallon of milk, a pound of bacon, or a latte from your favorite coffee house. But did you know that an average day’s worth of electricity costs less than $5? Even in our country’s shifting energy climate, electricity remains a good value. In fact, electricity has about the same cost per day of any of the items listed above. And not all of those items are necessary for daily life! Here in New Mexico, the average monthly residential electric bill, depending on your co-op, ranges from $75 on the low end to $115 on the high end. This is $3 to $5 a day for a service you use 24 hours a day—365 days a year. We should ask ourselves what other services are we as depended on, yet only costs us $3 to $5 a day. We should all think about our daily necessities (electricity and gasoline, to name a couple), and then think about the cost of the special treats we allow ourselves to purchase on a weekly basis (maybe even on a daily basis for some items!). We don’t often question the cost of a flavored coffee drink—it costs as much to buy that drink as it does to purchase a day’s worth of power. And yet, we frequently become

upset if our electricity rates rise. It makes sense; we have become increasingly reliant upon electricity. Electricity has, for most of us, gone from a luxury commodity to a necessity and an expectation. We expect the lights to come on when we flip the switch, and we expect our power to stay on during the best and worst conditions. How else would we keep our food fresh, our homes cool in the summer or warm in the winter? It is easy to cut a guilty pleasure out of your spending routine here and there to save a few dollars. But we cannot simply cut electricity out of our budgets if times get tough or we decide that we want to scale back our spending in order to save. Perhaps that is why it is so upsetting to us when our rates increase, even if only in small increments. It is nearly impossible for us to think about what our lives would be like if we did not have electricity. If at times it doesn’t seem that electricity is affordable, remember—even as the demand for electricity grows— annual cost increases still remain low, especially when compared to other consumer goods such as medical care, education, gasoline and, yes, even lattes. Electricity is still a great bargain. Your electric co-op is constantly

working with its wholesale electricity provider to keep costs down. We are seeing a major shift from fossil fuels to the sun and wind as the fuel for generating your power. This is largely an economic choice. In the last few years, the price of renewable energy has decreased drastically. This switch also meets many of our member expectations. And remember this; your local electric cooperative is committed to making sure all our members have safe, reliable, and affordable electric service in their homes and communities. So the next time you crave a latte, remember your electric bill, and think about what a great deal you’re getting for your dollar! • August 2020


hale to the stars I By Alan Hale

Visible Worlds in the Night Sky


upiter and Saturn, the two largest planets of our solar system, continue to dominate the evening skies this month, being well up in the southeastern sky when darkness falls and being highest above the southern horizon during the midevening hours. Both worlds were at “opposition,” i.e., directly opposite the sun in the sky, last month, and meanwhile, both worlds are well amenable to telescopic observation, Jupiter with its cloud bands and four bright moons, and Saturn with its system of rings as well as its moons, including the large moon Titan. Rising in the east at around the same time that Jupiter and Saturn are highest is the Red Planet, Mars, which is highest above the horizon around the beginning of dawn. Mars brightens rapidly over the coming weeks as the stage becomes set for its moderately close approach to Earth (38.6 million miles) this coming October. Having emerged into our morning sky a little over a month ago, Venus now rises up to two hours before the beginning of dawn and shines brilliantly in our eastern sky during the morning hours, and indeed will do so for the remainder of this year. Our solar system’s innermost world, Mercury, may be visible very low in the dawn at the beginning of August but disappears behind the sun not too long thereafter. Meanwhile, Ceres, the largest asteroid, is at opposition late


August 2020 •

A Perseid meteor from space. This photograph was taken over China by Ron Garan aboard the International Space Station on August 13, 2011. Courtesy NASA.

in August and can be viewed with binoculars as it travels through the stars of the constellation Aquarius. The Perseid meteor shower, one of the strongest of the annual meteor showers, peaks on Wednesday morning, August 12. Under the best conditions the Perseids can produce 60 or more meteors per hour, although since the moon will be just past its Third Quarter phase at that time, this may cut down somewhat on the numbers we see this year. As their name implies, the Perseids will appear to come from the constellation Perseus, which is high in our northeastern sky during the morning hours. The Perseids are associated with Comet Swift-Tuttle, which was

independently discovered by two American astronomers in 1862, although previous returns have been identified in historical records all the way back to 69 B.C. With an approximate orbital period of 130 years, it returned most recently in 1992 and will do so again in 2126, during which time it will pass just 14 million miles from Earth on August 5 of that year.





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U.S. Renewable Energy Generation and the Impacts of COVID-19 By Maria Kanevsky, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association


he future of how we receive electricity is changing. The energy that we see all around us—from the sun, the wind, and water—is rapidly being harnessed to power our lives. Looking at the numbers, we can see that renewable energy generation has steadily increased over the last decade. As of 2019, almost 18% of all energy generated in the U.S. came from renewable sources, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA). This is a significant jump up from only 10% in 2010. To break it down by energy type: wind energy makes up 7.3% of the total energy generated, hydropower makes up 6.6%, solar energy makes up 1.8%, and other sources like biomass and geothermal energy make up 1.8%. And those percentages will continue to grow as a result of several factors. The largest contributing factor is that the costs of building renewable energy projects have become much cheaper. Additionally, many states across the country have set guidelines and policies for producing a certain percentage of energy from renewable sources by a set goal year. Lastly, many large corporations like Google, Amazon, and Facebook, have started to invest in large-scale renewable energy projects. In addition to receiving a return on their investment from renewable energy projects, these companies are able to show concern for sustainability to their consumers. Combined, the declining costs, state policies, and large-scale action have brought the industry to where it is today. Although the growth trends for renewable energy have been steady for nearly a decade, the COVID-19 pandemic has


August 2020 •

This chart shows all electricity generation by energy source, including non-renewable and renewable, over the past 10 years. Source: Energy Information Administration. brought uncertainties to the industry. Many projects have been delayed, or even canceled, because of manufacturing and construction issues. Financial concerns of an uncertain market further worsen the impacts of COVID-19 on new renewable energy projects. New installations for solar energy are expected to drop 20% this year, according to the energy research group Wood Mackenzie. Similarly, but not as steep, wind energy installations are expected to drop 6%. The overall decline of renewable energy projects also means many lost jobs. Research from BW Research Partnership shows that over 100,000 jobs were lost in March 2020 alone, and there is a potential for more than half a million jobs lost as a result of COVID-19 through the rest of the year. Despite these drawbacks, there is

abundant hope for the renewable energy market. Forecasts by the U.S. EIA show that the electricity produced in the U.S. will decline by 5% in 2020. However, despite the overall drop of electricity production, EIA shows that renewable energy will still grow 11% this year in the electricity power sector. Renewable energy is predicted to be the fastest-growing form of energy produced this year. Looking to the future, there are many states that remain committed to their renewable energy policies, and many investors and corporations continue to see economic and social value in renewable energy investments. COVID-19 will undoubtedly affect the renewable energy industry in the short-term, but we expect to see the industry continue to grow over the coming decades.

Stand Up Straight and Feel Better Discover the Perfect Walker, the better way walk safely and more naturally It’s a cruel fact of life, as we age, gravity takes over. Our muscles droop, our bodies sag and the weight of the world seems to be planted squarely on our shoulders. We dread taking a fall, so we find ourselves walking less and less- and that only makes matters worse.

Old Way

NEW Better Way

Well, cheer up! There’s finally a product designed to enable us all to walk properly and stay on the go. It’s called the Perfect Walker, and it can truly change your life. Traditional rollators and walkers simply aren’t designed well. They require you to hunch over and shuffle your feet when you walk. This puts pressure on your back, your neck, your wrists and your hands. Over time, this makes walking uncomfortable and can result in a variety of health issues. That’s all changed with the Perfect Walker. Its upright design and padded elbow rests enable you to distribute your weight across your arms and shoulders, not your hands and wrists. Helps reduce back, neck and wrist pain and discomfort. Its unique frame gives you plenty of room to step, and the oversized wheels help you glide across the floor. The height can be easily adjusted with the push 24” of a button to fit anyone from 5’ to over 6’. Once you’ve reached wide your destination you can use the hand brakes to gently slow down, and there’s even a handy seat with a storage compartment. Its sleek, lightweight design makes it easy to use indoors and out and it folds up for portability and storage.


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energy sense I By Patrick Keegan and Brad Thiessen

Sealing Air Leaks, Step by Step Here are three steps to get you started. Keep in mind, there’s much more to learn about sealing your home than we can cover in this article, so consider researching trusted websites for additional tips and tutorials.

Step 1: Find the Leaks The first step is a thorough visual search of the interior and exterior of the home. Look for gaps and holes in exterior walls, flooring and the ceiling. These will often occur where different building materials meet, such as the top of cement foundation walls or around windows and doors. Another common source of air leaks is where pipes or wiring penetrate a wall, floor, or ceiling. Ductwork located in unheated crawl spaces or attics can also contain air leaks. Exterior doors and windows that open deserve your attention. Open each door or window and place a dollar bill between the door or window sash and the frame. If you can pull the bill out easily when the door or window is closed again, the seal is not tight enough. Also, a window that rattles when it’s closed or when it’s windy probably isn’t sealed sufficiently. The best way to find all air leaks is to hire an energy auditor to do a blower door test. The blower door is a large fan that is mounted in a doorway to depressurize the house. The auditor can then find the leaks and may even be able to recommend ways to seal them. It’s also possible to conduct your own whole-home pressure test. The Department of Energy provides detailed instructions at weatherize/air-sealing-your-home/ detecting-air-leaks

10 August 2020 •

Some of the most common areas for air leaks may not be where you think they are.

Step 2: Gather the Materials You’ll Need Here’s a quick list of materials to get you started: • Caulk: You’ll need a caulk gun ($4+) and caulk ($4 to $10). We recommend indoor/outdoor waterproof silicone or latex caulk that is water-soluble until it cures and is paintable when dry. • Expanding spray foam: One can typically costs $4 to $6. This is an effective way to plug leaks, but keep in mind, it’s a messy job. • Weatherstripping: Prices vary depending on the type and length of the materials, but there’s a wide variety of weather stripping options made of vinyl, metal and felt, or open-cell foam that works for most situations. • Pre-cut foam socket sealers: You can typically purchase a pack of 24 sealers for about $3. • Chimney plug balloon: Prices range

from $50 to $90. You may need a chimney plug balloon if your chimney flue doesn’t seal well. Buy a square or round one to match the shape of your chimney flue. • Adhesive plastic window insulation sheets: Prices range from $2 to $14 depending on size. You may need insulation sheets later in the year for windows that can’t be sealed and don’t have storm windows.

Step 3: Do it! If you are unfamiliar with applying these materials, we recommend watching online tutorial videos. Sealing air leaks is one of the best ways to boost your home’s energy efficiency. Whether you’re a DIY pro or novice, with a few simple steps (and low-cost materials), you’ll be well on your way to a sealed, more efficient home. • August 2020 11

book chat I By Phaedra Greenwood Visit your local bookstores to buy books. Send your book for review to: Book Chat, 614 Don Gaspar Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87505

Chupacabra Meets Billy The Kid What risks will a blocked novelist take to capture the true nature of a historic outlaw? Carrying her laptop, Rosa Medina glides back to 1879. She encounters an alternative reality inhabited by shapeshifters, ETs, Bigfoot and Chupacabra. She confronts a group of scientists known as C-Force that threatens to clone armies of Chupacabra and take over the world. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, she meets Billy/Bilito, (the Kid) who is polite and sober. He sings soulful Hispanic folk songs as they ride to the Lincoln County War. He won’t shoot Bigfoot because the creature mutters something in Mescalero Apache. In the bar, “Rosa had felt a thrill when she floated across the floor in Billy’s arms.” She can’t change the Arrow of Time that drives Billy to his fate, but can she get home without getting shot? Between the lines, Anaya delivers both joyful and painful slices of Southwestern history. Five stars! Thanks to this brilliant, compassionate man for all his wonderful books. He will be missed.

Near Art Experience Lisa Gill and Ezra were smashed head-on by another truck on Broadway in Albuquerque in 2001. When she came to and struggled out of her pick up, Lisa found herself staring at a wall mural, a hopeful community effort that she later believed “saved us all.” The drunk driver ran. Angry witnesses pursued Manny, pummeled him into submission, and waited for the cops. Her friend Ezra stood beside her and recited poetry. “ …this is what happens when poets get into car crashes,” she wrote. At the salvage yard, when her step-father had finished explaining “totaled,” “I realized I had climbed out of that mangled mess of metal.” What she lost, besides her truck, was logic, color vision, the use of her upper arms and shoulder. What she endured was nerve-raked, screaming pain. What ate up her life in a long recovery was about 150 doctor and therapist appointments for neurological damage. “I got lucky.” Manny almost ran free to crash again. Almost. Five stars!

Tall Tales & Half Truths of Pat Garrett Pat Garret is the man who killed Billy the Kid. LeMay, former president of the Historical Society for Southeast New Mexico, recounts not only that historic moment, but “the most significant moments of Garrett’s career.” LeMay doesn’t shy away from humorous tales and slander. Or how an outlaw that Garret had shot bled to death in the corner while Garret played poker. Apparently, this tall, lanky cowboy who came from a genteel family in Alabama had a mouth and an attitude. He also had a wife and four children to support and was often broke. He owned a ranch in Roswell, and his greatest dream was to irrigate the Pecos Valley. He helped finance the Northern Canal, a 40-mile-long irrigation canal through the Pecos Valley. New towns sprang up along it, but Garrett never got credit for his efforts. He did succeed in creating Chavez County, but not in becoming its sheriff. He was ambushed and killed by one of his enemies—a fascinating read.

By Rudolfo Anaya •

By Lisa Gill •

By John LeMay • • 800-848-6224 • 843-972-1821

The Good Life Lab Wendy and Mickey traded high-paying but boring jobs for self-employment and time to enjoy their lives as homesteaders. They got rid of the TV and “acquired fundamental knowledge.” They learned how to keep photo documentation and take notes. As they invented tools, cooked up new recipes and learned wildcrafting remedies, they also

12 August 2020 •

created this book of practical and spiritual advice about self-sufficiency and how to reconnect with community. They harvested prickly pear cactus, made mesquite flour, installed solar panels, bought an electric car. When they began remodeling a 40-year-old mobile home in a former RV park in Truth or Consequences, they developed valuable skills. Wendy learned how to weld; Mickey invented things like a custom temperature

controller. With this guide you can repair common household electronics or build a plant dehydrator with four yards of screen and a few plastic bread trays. This retro book was way ahead of its time. Now, in the throes of COVID-19, we need all the hands-on advice we can get. Five Stars! By Wendy Jehanara Tremayne • 413-346-2100

Finally… a better mobility solution than Scooters or Power Chairs. The Zoomer‘s versatile design and 1-touch joystick operation brings mobility and independence to those who need it most. If you have mobility issues, or know someone who does, then you’ve experienced the difficulties faced by millions of Americans. Once simple tasks like getting from the bedroom to the kitchen can become a time-consuming and potentially dangerous ordeal. You may have tried to solve the problem with a power chair or a scooter but neither is ideal. Power chairs are bulky and look like a medical device. Scooters are either unstable or hard to maneuver. Now, there’s a better alternative… the Zoomer. After just one trip around your home in the Zoomer, you’ll marvel at how easy it is to navigate. It is designed to maneuver in tight spaces like doorways, between furniture, and around corners. It can go over thresholds and works great on any kind of floor or carpet. It’s not bulky or cumbersome, so it can roll right up to a table or desk- there’s no need to transfer to a chair. Its sturdy yet lightweight aluminum frame makes it durable and comfortable. It’s dual motors power it at up to 3.7 miles per hour and its automatic electromagnetic brakes stop on a dime. The rechargeable battery powers it for up to 8

Who can drive a Zoomer? – everyone!

The secret to the Zoomer is its simple steering system. You operate it with a simple-to-use joystick, giving you precision maneuverability and the ability to navigate tight spaces easily with a 25” turning radius. It is designed to let you pull right up to a table or desk. You no longer have to move to another chair to work or eat at your table Zoomer conveniently rolls beneath table or desk

Sturdy & Lightweight Frame

Joystick Control (adaptable left or right)

Comfortable Seating

Swivel Away Footrest

Powerful Battery/ Dual Motors 12”

miles on a single charge. Folds to 12” in seconds Plus, its exclusive foldable design enables you to transport it easily and even store it in a closet or under a bed when it’s not in use. Why spend another day letting mobility issues hamper your lifestyle? Call now and find out how you can have your very own Zoomer.

Easy to use joystick control

Ready to get your own Zoomer? We’d love to talk to you. Call now toll free and order one today!



Please mention code 113093 when ordering.

The Zoomer Chair is a personal electric vehicle and is not a medical device nor a wheelchair. Zoomer is not intended for medical purposes to provide mobility to persons restricted to a sitting position. It is not covered by Medicare nor Medicaid. © 2020 first STREET for Boomers and Beyond, Inc. • August 2020 13

A Tribute to NMRECA’s 2020 Youth Tour Delegates By Ariana Kramer


ach June, New Mexico’s rural electric cooperatives sponsor students from their service areas to attend an allexpense-paid trip to Washington D.C. through the Governmentin-Action Youth Tour. The New Mexico delegates are also supported by the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association and National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. Nearly 1,400 students from electric co-ops across the nation’s rural communities convene in D.C. to learn about electric co-ops, meet their congressional leaders, learn about the government, and tour the nation’s capital. This year the trip was canceled due to COVID-19. Our cover story for enchantment Magazine is dedicated to the 31 student delegates who were selected, but were unable to participate in this “trip of a lifetime.” When the students for the New Mexico contingency of the 2020 Youth Tour first found out they had been selected, they experienced a myriad of feelings, including surprise, shock, excitement, joy, and gratitude. Heidi Garcia says, “I was really excited, and I couldn’t stop smiling, especially since I worked really hard on the essay I submitted.” There were many aspects of their trip the students were looking forward to experiencing from making new friends to trying new foods to participating in community service projects and learning about U.S. government and history. Some of the sights the students were especially excited to visit were the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery, Mount Vernon, and the White House. “I was most looking forward to meeting many different people from all over the country and creating new friendships,” says Ava Martinez. After learning their trip had been canceled, the students’ feelings of elation were naturally deflated. Every one of them felt disap-

14 August 2020 •

pointed. Even so, many said it was the right decision for their safety and the safety of those around them. Some are hopeful they might be selected again next year. For the most part, this 2020 cohort finished their school year online, or through home-schooling. They missed out on socializing with peers, classroom learning, prom and graduation ceremonies as well as extracurricular activities. Classes such as music were especially difficult in an online format. “It has been an interesting journey,” says Nicole Puderbaugh, “but I’ve now learned not to take actual school for granted because you will quickly miss it when it’s gone.” The 2020 Youth Tour delegates shared with us what they have been doing during quarantine, and their plans and dreams for their futures. We wish them all the best! Delegates’ names are followed by their grade levels during the 2019-20 school year. These are followed by their home town, county and electric cooperative. Anders Nelson 11th grade, Texico High School Texico in Curry County Farmers’ Electric Cooperative

One positive that came out of the quarantine was the result of an ag mechanics assignment to make something out of wood. I started making wooden crosses and have even begun to sell them. I have also been raising my lambs for the county fair in hopes that we will have a fair as I will take a big loss financially if the fair is not allowed. I have also been able to spend a lot of extra time with my family. I have also been working out trying to keep in shape for my senior year of football and basketball. As a junior, I have many friends in the senior class, and I was heartbroken for them and all the things that were canceled their senior year—sports, FFA contests, prom, graduation, and award ceremonies—they can never get these back. My plans and dreams are to get back to normal so that my senior year is not canceled as well. I am excited to play football and basketball my senior year and take in all I can as I finish off my high school career. As for the future beyond high school… I’m still trying to figure out the path God has for me.

Annemarie Magaña 12th grade, Deming High School Deming in Luna County Columbus Electric Cooperative

While in quarantine, I have been biking a lot and spending more time with my family which has been great. My dream for the future is to pursue a career as a dental hygienist which leads me to be attending Doña Ana Community College/NMSU in the fall.

Ashlynn Keel 11th grade, Cloudcroft High School Cloudcroft in Otero County Otero County Electric Cooperative

During the “quarantine,” I’ve been helping my church distribute breakfasts and lunches to kids in our community, doing lots of puzzles, and anxiously awaiting the opening of Hobby Lobby! I’m planning on going to college at Eastern New Mexico University for music education and educational law. My dream is to direct a high school marching band, and to give my students the ability and opportunity to impact the world around them with their music.

Ava Martinez 12th grade, West Las Vegas High School Ribera in San Miguel County Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative

I have mostly been spending time with my mom, helping take care of our new puppy, cuddling with my cats, and trying to stay active. I have enlisted in the United States Air Force and I should be leaving for basic training in September as long as the schedule stays the same due to COVID-19. I am really excited about this path and I am honored to serve our country.

Chance Essary 11th grade, Floyd High School Floyd in Roosevelt County Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative

School during quarantine has really made me appreciate the freedom we have in this country.

We are lucky to have grown up in such a great country where we can get a great education. I wouldn’t want to do school during quarantine again due to it’s a lot more difficult to learn. I have been on the tractor getting our land ready for the upcoming planting season and doing other chores around my family farm. I have been working on habits to improve myself for the next school year. I plan to attend a local college and get a degree in technology.

Codi Jane Wright 11th grade, Animas High School Animas in Hidalgo County Columbus Electric Cooperative

Considering where I live, being quarantined really didn’t affect me except with school and sports because I’m in a really rural area. I have been working at our local valley mercantile and working with my show pig, hoping we still have our county fair. I have 1 Hampshire/ Berkshire crossbreed and 2 Hampshire pigs. One of my Hamp pigs has really big ears compared to the other pigs. He has a really mellow personality and is easy to work with. My other Hamp is ornery but very loveable. My Berk has a spunky personality and loves to run and play. My plans are to graduate high school, attend college at Eastern Arizona College in Thatcher, Arizona to become a nurse, and eventually get married and have a family of my own. I have always wanted to be a nurse, probably because my Nanny (grandma) was a nurse. I watched her care for others and she taught me to do the same. I enjoy helping people become well.

Cordelia Wier 11th grade, Tatum High School Lovington in Lea County Lea County Electric Cooperative

Much of my time in quarantine has been to help on the farm. I have helped change hoses on pivots, fertilize cotton, and give shots to calves. In my free time, I have been practicing leather work making jewelry and knife sheaths. I plan to go to college and major in political science. I plan to go on and become a lawyer and eventually become a politician and run for Senate or Congress. • August 2020 15

Central Valley Electric Cooperative Boots on the Ground with Mario Grado Manager Charles T. Pinson, Jr. Address 1403 N. 13th Street P.O. Box 230 Artesia, NM 88211 Artesia/Dexter/Roswell 575-746-3571 Hagerman 575-752-3366 Fax 575-746-4219 Website Office Hours 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (M-F) Se habla español Board of Trustees President Charles G. Wagner, Jr., North of Roswell, District 6 Vice President Michael Bennett, Hope, District 7 Secretary-Treasurer Wesley R. Pilley Dexter/Hagerman, District 4 Larry Benedict South of Roswell, District 5 Jason Ciempa Loco Hills, District 2 Rusty Gwynne Artesia/Lakewood, District 1 Steve Spence Cottonwood, District 3 Board Meeting

Central Valley Electric Cooperative has almost 90 employees, and each one plays a special role in making sure the co-op operates in a safe and efficient manner. There are a variety of jobs at CVE ranging from linemen, engineers, and customer service representatives to accountants, mechanics, and dispatchers. But one of the most unique jobs is the One-Call Line Locator. Mario Grado started working at CVE in August 2013 as the Line Locator, and it’s his job to go out and locate underground electrical lines for customers who have contacted 811 the “call before you dig” number. Anyone who is planning a project that requires digging should call 811 a few business days before digging to request the location of buried utilities and have them marked with paint or flags so you don’t unintentionally dig into underground utility lines.

The Board of Trustees meets the fourth Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. at CVE. 16 August 2020 •

When you call 811, Grado has two business days to go out and mark the approximate location of underground electrical lines. Once all utilities have marked their lines, you can start your digging project. Keep in mind you should not dig within 18 inches on either side of the painted marks or flags. Grado stated he didn’t know anything about the electric utility business when he came to work at CVE, and with time and on the job training with another employee, he has been able to hone his skills at locating lines. Grado takes his job seriously because he knows that someone can get hurt if they don’t know where underground electric lines are when they start digging. Hitting a buried utility line while digging can disrupt utility service, cost money to repair, cause serious injury or death. In an effort to keep you safe, call 811 the next time you have a project that requires digging and Mario will come out and mark any underground electrical lines. For more information call 811 or go to

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Central Valley Electric Cooperative Drake Retires with 44 Years On July 31, Chalk Drake officially retired from Central Valley Electric Cooperative. He started working as a mechanic at CVE in the fall of 1976 and did so for almost 44 years. In his four decades of service to the co-op, he has seen many things change, from a fleet that had no 4-wheel drive vehicles, to Robert Lee Chalk Drake one with almost all 4-wheel drive vehicles, and an electric car. He has seen vehicles become more computerized and emissions and regulations

Public Safety Policy

This policy establishes procedures and conditions that safeguard Central Valley Electric Cooperative’s members and the general public from potentially dangerous electrical conditions. CVE members and the general public should never come into contact with electrical lines. When potentially hazardous conditions are observed, CVE members and the general public should alert the cooperative to the conditions. CVE, in the construction, operation, and maintenance of its electrical system, will at all times adhere to the provisions outlined in the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), unless specifically required by other authorities to do otherwise. It is the responsibility of each employee, contractor, CVE member, or member of the general public, upon finding a power line in an unsafe condition, (not in compliance with NESC clearances) should immediately notify CVE of the unsafe condition. CVE employees and contractors should standby to guard against hazardous conditions until they are relieved or until the defect is corrected. CVE members and members of the general public are not expected to standby to guard

increase. But one thing has stayed the same according to Drake, “The one thing that hasn’t changed is that trucks are going to break down, but at least now we have a shop large enough to pull the big trucks into and better equipment to get them back on the road faster.” Drake stated that he would miss the people at CVE the most. “I’ve been here so long that everyone is like family.” When asked what he plans to do in retirement, Drake stated, “Piddle.” He also plans to garden, and play golf. CVE would like to thank Chalk Drake for his many years of dedicated service to the co-op and wish him well in his retirement. He will be missed.

against hazardous conditions but should notify law enforcement, emergency personnel, and CVE personnel about the unsafe condition. Members of CVE and the general public should always assume a downed power line or a sagging power line is unsafe. CVE and law enforcement authorities should be notified when such a condition is observed. Contact with power lines, whether downed or not, can result in injury or death and must be avoided. If any cooperative member or member of the general public inadvertently come into contact with a power line, the incident should be reported immediately to CVE. Also, if there are injuries, emergency medical personnel should be contacted immediately. Further contact with the power line should be strictly avoided, and the incident should be reported immediately to CVE. If the incident occurred on a public right-of-way, law enforcement officials should also be notified. All accidental contacts involving CVE’s electrical lines, vehicles, or property shall be properly and promptly investigated, with complete accident reports prepared, including photographs and sketches to substantiate written reports. Call CVE for more information. La Políza de Seguridad Pública está disponible en español a petición. • August 2020 17

Dan O'Neill 11th grade, Estancia Valley Classical Academy Edgewood in Santa Fe County Central New Mexico Electrical Cooperative

bike with my cousins, and taking care of my family. My plans for the future are to attend Emory University to become a sports therapist.

Emma Montgomery

I’ve been working as an assistant manager for an online company called Contractor Exam Academy. I’ve also been volunteering for Presbyterian Hospice at Kaseman Hospital. I assist in the office with computer and paperwork. I plan to volunteer in the inpatient unit at Presbyterian Kaseman Hospital. However, because of the COVID-19 situation, volunteers are not allowed on the hospice unit. I am planning to attend the University of New Mexico after graduation. I am interested in radiology and my goal is to be accepted one day to the UNM School of Medicine.

12th grade, Artesia High School Piñon in Chaves County Central Valley Electric Cooperative

Eli Terry

Heidi Garcia

11th grade, Floyd High School near Floyd in Roosevelt County Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative

11th grade, Belen High School Veguita in Socorro County Socorro Electric Cooperative

During the COVID-19 quarantine, I have had more time to focus on my FFA and 4-H projects. Since I did not have school from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. or have track practice or track meets, I have found a lot to do at home. I have been taking dual credit college classes online, refinishing and painting furniture, raising laying hens, and raising 6 Holstein calves as well. Most recently, I have been studying and taking some practice tests for the ACT. All these projects have kept me really busy. Currently, my plans and dreams for the future are to attend and graduate college at Eastern New Mexico University to become a speech therapist. I am interested in a bachelor’s degree in communication disorders and a master’s degree in speech therapy. I like the idea of going to college close to home and being able to finish with a master’s degree all at one college. I have looked into the speech therapy program, and I have seen that the program is well respected. Other than higher education goals, I hope to be happy in my life and serve God.

During this time in quarantine, I’ve picked up new hobbies like writing and making bracelets, but just like everyone else, I’ve been binge-watching my favorite Netflix shows. Once I graduate from high school, my biggest dream would be to study at the Anglo American University in the Czech Republic. I want to travel, meet new people, and learn about different cultures. I want to major in business and come back to the U.S. and go to law school. I want to live in Denver, Colorado, because I love urban cities, especially Denver because it’s close enough to my family.

Ella C. Guerro 10th grade, Magdalena Municipal Schools Alamo Navajo Reservation in Socorro County Socorro Electric Cooperative

I have been taking walks with my dog, going fishing at my pond, riding my

18 August 2020 •

With the whole family being home, I’ve been able to spend a lot more time with them, which I’m very thankful for. Next year, I will be attending Texas Tech University and majoring in agricultural communications. I hope to serve the agriculture industry by marketing, advertising, and designing for a major agriculture magazine or company.

Helen Bright 11th grade, Quemado High School Between Pie Town and Quemado in Catron County Socorro Electric Cooperative

I have had lots of time to do some of my favorite things, like art and music. On top of that, our ewe had a lamb which she refused to take care of, so I also ended up taking care of a lamb. I also really enjoy the art of cosplay (costume play), when I have felt like quarantine was hard all I had to do was get dressed up, and in some ways, I felt better as it is a way for me to deal with the constant stress of life on my shoulders. For my future, I haven’t completely thought out everything I want; I don’t have some

sort of dream job or anything like that. I want to go to school and study art which is something I’m very passionate about, and after that I’m not sure what I want to do. There are so many available options and as a high school student I don’t think I should tie myself down to a single occupation.

Jacob Edgar Cook 11th grade, Cloudcroft High School Cloudcroft in Otero County Otero County Electric Cooperative

I’ve been playing a lot of video games in my spare time. I’m also trying to stay active, which is important in quarantine. I’ve been staying active by taking hikes on trails around town while practicing adequate social distancing. In addition, I have a workout setup at home that I use for weights. I want to go into game design. Making content that people look back on after years is something that has always appealed to me.

Julie Maestas 11th grade, Escalante High School Chama in Rio Arriba County Northern Rio Arriba Electric Cooperative

During quarantine, I have been moving. I plan to graduate next year and attend college in California. This is as far as I have planned for my future. I would like to go into physical therapy and chiropractics so I will be able to open a gym one day.

JW Necaise 11th grade, Artesia High School Hagerman in Chaves County Central Valley Electric Cooperative

Most people were staying home, but I had very little “quarantine” as I was and still am working most of the time as my job is in agriculture; and therefore considered essential. I work on a ranch outside of Hope when needed and also work at the feed store owned by the same family in Artesia. I do fence work, and basically, anything else that needs to be done. My plans after high school are to join the military and then go to college at Northern Arizona University. I am planning on either joining the Army right out of high school, or I will join the National Guard and go to college, then go to the Army when I graduate.

Kayden Pinson 11th grade, Artesia High School Artesia in Eddy County Central Valley Electric Cooperative

I have mostly been working. I work at Walmart as an Online Grocery Associate. I plan to attend Texas Tech University so that I can attend med school and become an anesthesiologist. I’ve been surrounded by people that have helped me all my life, so I feel the need to help others! Becoming an anesthesiologist is a great way to accomplish my goal!

Kimber Perkins 11th grade, Estancia High School Stanley in Santa Fe County Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative

I have been working on the ranch and farm. My future plans are to go back to school and later attend college.

Kirshawna Kristi Cohoe 11th grade, Quemado High School Pinehill in Cibola County Continental Divide Electric Cooperative

I have been enjoying the company of my baby nephew. My plan is to finish high school and to go to college in a community college and work my way up.

Koen Ethan Overberger 11th grade, Roy Municipal Schools A cattle ranch outside of Roy in Harding County Springer Electric Cooperative

Besides school, I spent a lot of time working on the ranch and branding for neighbors around the area. I also got to fish on a few occasions, which is my favorite hobby and now have started to learn how to fly fish. I’ve also been helping fight fires around the area as a volunteer firefighter. I sure have missed occasionally eating out at my favorite restaurants, and a haircut is past overdue. These small things that I have taken for granted are missed for sure now. I am not certain what • August 2020 19

field of study I will pursue in the future, but I will be attending NMSU. I may consider Doña Ana Community College depending on the field of study. Possible careers that are interesting for me is nursing or similar medical field careers. I’m also considering linemen school or wind energy fields of study. There are so many opportunities after high school, and I look forward to starting new challenges, reaching and setting new goals, and experiencing a good life.

Luz Emilia Vargas 11th grade, Quemado High School Quemado in Catron County Socorro Electric Cooperative

Since quarantine, I have been doing all that I can to keep busy. I’ve worked a little here and there. For my Natural Helpers group we did a project for our seniors and put a message on our school fence for the community. I’ve also spent a lot of time with family. My plans for the future are to go to college for cosmetology and child development, and get my associate’s degree. My dream for the future would be to own my own business for cosmetology.

Madison Bleyenberg 11th grade, Tatum High School Tatum in Lea County Lea County Electric Cooperative

While in quarantine, I have been focusing more on creating art. I have always loved to draw, and it gives me something constructive to do now that my classes are over and I have more free time. Determining my future at such a young age scares me at times, and I do not have my life planned out for me, but I do know the direction I want to go in. I have been told that I am good at teaching, so no matter what I choose to do, I want to help people learn and guide them towards improvement.

Nathan Brown 11th grade, Hot Springs High School Truth or Consequences in Sierra County Sierra Electric Cooperative

During quarantine, I have been working. After completing my online

20 August 2020 •

school classes, I immediately launched into a full-time job in maintenance and fabrication. Immediately after high school, I plan on going on a two-year mission for my church. When I return I will pursue a career in a STEM field while raising and caring for a family of my own.

Nicole Puderbaugh 11th grade, Grants High School Grants in Cibola County Continental Divide Electric Cooperative

I have been reading a lot during this quarantine and spending more time with family. For the future, I hope to go to college and graduate with my nursing degree and hopefully be able to work in a children’s hospital after schooling.

Presley Sullivan 11th grade, Centennial High School Monticello in Sierra County Sierra Electric Cooperative

While in quarantine, I have been working hard on my ranch doing various jobs such as irrigating, putting up a deer fence and more. When I’m not doing that, I’m doing schoolwork and preparing for my AP tests. After I graduate, I wish to attend college and wish to pursue a career in electrical engineering or law.

Riley Rohrbach 11th grade, Texico High School Texico in Curry County Farmers’ Electric Cooperative

I have been playing lots of games with my family, playing volleyball and basketball in the yard, and looking into colleges to help the application process in the coming year. I have been involved in sports my entire life, which has also led to multiple injuries. Between my own injuries and my family’s injuries, I have watched several physical therapists. I realized that I was really interested in it, and I knew I wanted to pursue a career where I could help others. I plan to attend a university to pursue a degree in kinesiology and earn a doctorate in physical therapy. I hope to use my degree to help people better their lives.

Riley Truex 11th grade, Cloudcroft High School Cloudcroft in Otero County Otero County Electric Cooperative

Other than working on school, I have been working (my place of employment was considered essential, and we were able to remain open the whole time) and running. I have had more time to exercise, which I appreciate. I have also been able to work more, which has granted me the opportunity to save up for college. As of right now, I plan to get my degree in journalism from an online university. I am planning on getting my optometrist technician certification simultaneously in order that I am qualified in two separate fields. One day, later on in life, I want to open my own bakery and specialize in decorating of some form (cakes, cupcakes, etc.).

Rio Sessions 10th grade, Socorro High School Socorro in Socorro County Socorro Electric Cooperative

Quarantine has freed up a lot of time for me that I normally partition for extracurricular activities, so I wasn’t all that sure what to do with the time in the beginning. I have been utilizing this time to develop skills that I use very often (such as coding and writing), working on the activities that I miss (for example, I have been preparing for next year’s Science Olympiad season), and overall using this time to help out and spend time with family. In the future, I plan to go to New Mexico Tech and major in the fields of computer science and physics (at least until I figure out what interests me most). From there, my future is a mystery, and I am leaving it open, seeing as I haven’t really figured out what I even want to learn in the next step of my life. The only thing that I have determined so far is that I would like to devote myself to being a lifelong learner.

home. I have been riding nearly every day since quarantine has begun and enjoying the peace and quiet from living out in the country. My plans for the future are to attend Western Texas Community College and receive my associate degree in welding. I plan to further my education and receive my bachelor’s degree in welding from a school that is to be decided. I plan on becoming a welding inspector.

Shanay E. Casados 12th grade, Mora High School Mora in Mora County Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative

Throughout quarantine, I have been bettering myself and working on softball. I plan to obtain a degree in dermatology. I will be attending Luna Community College in the fall and will eventually transfer to the University of New Mexico. Julian Rutiaga of Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative was also selected to participate on the 2020 Youth Tour.

Like Us on Facebook! NMYouthTour

Sarah Chaparro Senior, Clayton High School Clayton in Union County Southwestern Electric Cooperative

I have been blessed to have always lived on a ranch so during quarantine, I have been able to work a lot more with my animals at • August 2020 21

on the menu I By Sue Hutchison


s summer continues to offer fresh, garden produce and outdoor fun, the steady higher temperatures of the season tend to become wearying to many cooks. The thought of heating up the kitchen at mealtime and time-consuming food preparation are less than appetizing. And after mealtime, who wants to be trapped in a messy kitchen when everyone is enjoying a pleasant summer evening outdoors? This month’s recipes provide not only a cool kitchen as well as using very few kitchen gadgets in preparation but also a delightful frozen finish with

a variety of options to tantalize any taste buds. Most homemade ice cream recipes call for cooking the mixture prior to freezing. Basic No-Cook Ice Cream offers an easy alternative as well as multiple dress-ups for more discriminating tastes. Say a fond farewell to summer with a cool flair!

Slow Cooker Pork and Cola Sliders 1 2 lb. pork tenderloin, fat trimmed to taste 1 tsp. pepper 1 large onion, sliced 2 Tbs. garlic bulbs, chopped ¼ cup brown sugar ½ tsp. ground mustard 2 tsps. salt 24 ozs. cola Finely grated cheese of choice Prepared dinner rolls of choice

! t a E o t e m i T It's 1. Spray inside of slow-cooker with cooking spray. 2. Rinse pork and rub salt and pepper on surface. Place 3. 4. 5. 6.

in slow cooker. Add onion and garlic. Stir brown sugar and mustard together, and sprinkle over meat. Pour cola over meat and cover with lid. Cook on high 6-8 hours.

22 August 2020 •

7. Uncover and shred pork with two forks while in slow

cooker. Stir shredded pork back into liquid to incorporate and replace lid for 20-30 minutes. 8. Serve with sliced dinner rolls and cheese.

Cool as a Cucumber Salad Salad


4 cups cucumbers, thinly sliced 1 cup red cabbage, finely shredded Parsley for garnish

¾ ¼ 4 ½ ½ ¼

cup mayonnaise cup sugar Tbs. apple cider vinegar tsp. cayenne chile powder tsp. salt tsp. pepper

Wash cucumbers, peel, slice and set aside. Finely slice red cabbage. Set aside. In a medium bowl, mix together mayonnaise, sugar, vinegar, cayenne, salt and pepper. In serving bowl, mix cucumbers, cabbage and dressing. Cover and refrigerate until serving. 5. Garnish with crushed parsley prior to serving. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Basic No-Cook Ice Cream

Extra Flavorings (optional)

2 cups sugar 6 eggs 1 16 oz. container half and half 1 32 oz. container heavy cream 2 12 oz. cans evaporated milk 2 tsps. vanilla 5 cups milk (according to size of ice cream freezer canister)

For chocolate-chocolate chip

1 cup chocolate chips-crushed 2 tsps. chocolate flavoring For fruit

2 cups chopped fruit or berries along with 2 tsps. corresponding flavoring, if available For butter-pecan

3 Tbs. butter flavoring, 1-2 cups chopped pecans , warmed caramel sauce after freezing

1. In large bowl, whisk together sugar and eggs

until blended. 2. Add half and half, cream, evaporated milk and vanilla. Whisk until smooth. 3. Add desired flavorings and stir. Pour mixture into ice cream canister. 4. Add enough milk to bring ice cream mixture within 3 inches of top of ice cream freezer canister, stirring to incorporate. If applicable, place dasher and lid on

canister to seal. 5. Freeze according to ice cream freezer instructions. 6. When frozen, remove from canister and place in

large freezer container. Place in freezer to harden until ready to serve. • August 2020 23

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24 August 2020 •


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New Mexico Online Equipment Auction September 1 2th, 2020 Now Accepting Consignments FEATURING Contact: HEAVY

Joe (575) 447-2508 Roland (505) 61 7-5345 Don (505) 490-9344 John (505) 61 7-0799


THE MARKET PLACE Animals NOT ALL WATER Tanks Are Created Equal! Is Quality, Value and Longevity important to you? Buy High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Superior Black NRCS tanks. Lowest prices only provide minimum standards, lower weights, and shorter warranties. Find out more! 575-430-1010. SAFETY ZONE CALF Catcher For Sale, $1,350 (Mora). Catch your calves for tagging or any other reason safely and without harm to you or them. We have a nearly new and hardly used Safety Zone UTV calf catcher for sale. Go to “Safety Zone Calf Catcher” on the internet to see how easily they work. It fits virtually any side by side vehicle. It is assembled and priced at less than half the price of the original sales price. We are located about 30 miles north of Las Vegas, NM. Call 505-350-9666 or email: ALUMINUM CATTLE TRAILER, 24’x7’, gooseneck, 2 divider gates with slides, 2 side escape with split gates, lighting throughout, plexiglass siders to protect from weather. Large storage in nose. Built for show cattle. Reduced Price! Want to sell it! $12,000. Howard McCall, 505-379-4333. ALPACAS FOR SALE! Beautiful members of the camelid family. Breeders, pets, grazers. Friendly to the environment. Produce the most luxurious fiber to spin, weave or felt. Manure is very good for gardening. Males $250, females $500. Package deals available. Call Vivian at 575-430-4882. SADDLES AND TACK. Everything for the Horse. Western & English Tack bought and sold. Rancho Elisa Stables, LLC, 500 Route 66 East, Moriarty, NM 87035. Call 505-832-5113 or email: QUALITY BREEDING RAMS For Sale. Rambouillet. Bred for big lambs and fine wool. Photos available. In Taos County. Call 575-770-2881 or 575-779-7315.

26 August 2020 •

RABBITS AT THE Bunny Farm-All ages for sale. For pets, show, fancier,meat and fur. Can make custom-built cages in Jamestown. Call Maddie and Gene at 505-906-1291, leave voice message. All calls will be answered and returned.

WELDING SERVICES, PIPE Fences, barns, pergola, etc. Call Preston at 575390-7017 or Kerry at 817-559-1018.

MOUNTAIN-TOP GOATS has great goats and great goat deals! La Manchas, Nubians, mini La Manchas, mini Nubians, Nigerian Dwarfs- Does, Kids and Bucks. 4-H, milkers, pets, meat, weed eaters. You need it, we have it! In Capitan, call 575-937-0342.

NEW UNIWORLD COMMERCIAL Doughmixer with Paddlesand stainless steel mixing bowl, paid $900, selling for $500, call Richard at 575-937-8035 for more information. Three weight benches lifting benches, $100, call Mario for more details and/or pictures at 575336-7755 in Alto, New Mexico.

ALUMINUM CATTLE TRAILER, 24’x7’ gooseneck, 1 divider gate, 1 side escape, room in nose for storage. More of a cattle trailer for going to sale barn, etc. Price Reduced for quicker sale! $7,000 firm. Howard McCall, 505-379-4333. Email for picture, NEW MEXICO DRINKING Water Storage Tanks, Heavy Duty Black Poly. Fittings customized to your needs NRCS and EQUIP approved. High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Algae Resistant, Black NRCS Water Tanks. Call 1-800-603-8272 or 575-682-2308. FOR SALE: SHEEP Guardian Pups from working parents, Great Pyrenees/ Anatolian Shepherd mix. Available July 15, 2020. $150 each. Taos County. Call 575-770-2881 or 575-779-7315. APACHE SELF CREEP Feeder left for sale with rails for baby calves to enter on 2 sides, portable 6000 #. Price reduced for quicker sale. New they are $4,500, now at $1,500 firm. Located in Moriarty. Howard McCall, 505-379-4333. Email for picture,

Business LOW STEP TILE Showers built especially for you! Mountainair and surrounding areas. Call 931-629-4727 for free estimate, ask for Ed. Great prices, beautiful showers. Any tile, any pattern! Old School or Schluter System. In business since the late 1900’s. 931-629-4727. SUNSET SADDLES, OFFERS Custom leatherwork, ie: saddles, chaps, chinks, holsters, belts, etc. Also saddle & tack repair. Located in La Luz, NM. Email: or call 575-257-8874.


DRINKING WATER STORAGE Tanks, Heavy Duty Black Poly, proven algae resistant. 125 to 11,000 gallons, NRCS and EQUIP approved. Please give us a chance to serve you! MasterCard or Visa accepted. Call 575-682-2308 or 1-800-603-8272. OIL FIELD PIPE, 10” casing 336’, 4” casing 800’ and metal bar joist for barn 43’x90’. Just weld it up. Buy all of it or part, how much ever you need. Howard McCall, 505-379-4333. Or email for picture: COMMERCIAL FOOD TRAILER, 2 axle with electric brakes and electric

jack. Large NSF temperature control meat smoker, 8000 watt power plant. Refrigerator, freezer, 3 bowl sink, steam table, microwave, Panini grill, NSF cornpopper. Roof-mounted refrigerated air conditioner. Large roll-out canopy shade, 30 gallon fresh water tank, 30 gallon waste water tank, stainless steel shelves. Price, $25,000. Call Richard at 575-937-8035. 1948 8N FORD Tractor For Sale. Completely refurbished, engine overhaul, hydraulics overhauled, new steering box and linkages. Sheetmetal is excellent with fresh paint. New rims, good rubber. Ready for work or show. Call 575-313-5245. FOR SALE: OUTFITTERS Lightweight Tent, 14x16x5 foot walls; Priefert head gate, Model 85; dirt scoop for tractor with 3-point hitch; 2 old tractor seats; two I-beams 21 feet long, one I-beam 12 feet long; 20 foot-long steel tube. Call 575849-2844 for prices and information. FOR SALE: FRONT End Loader attachment for 8N Ford Tractor. Call 575-5126406 for more information.

GREAT OFFER ON Solar Submersible Shallow/Deep well pumps! ‘NRCS’ approved with 2-year warranty on selected pumps with affordable, easy installation! For a custom quote, call 505-429-3093 or email us at:, 24/7 service. Order online at our website: MIDWAYUSA BARREL VISE for sale. Includes some bushings and 3 action wrenches. All for $250 + shipping. Call 575-799-6993. FISHING TACKLE WANTED: “Antique” lures, reels, rods, tackle boxes. Pre-1950, please. Collector paying highest prices for “Grandpaw’s” tackle box. Lures $50 to $5,000 each. Reels $100 to $7,500 each. Send photos to: or call Rick at 575-354-0365. FOR SALE: 15HP 3 Phase electric motor; Poultry plastic covered wire; Power poles-various lengths; 1/4 and 5/16 aircraft cable-various lengths; Auger 6”x20’, Auger 8”x20’; Frostless faucets, 3 feet burial, $25 each. Call 505384-5163 for more information. OVERHEAD FEED BINS. 1 to 4 Compartment, 12 to 48 tons. Any size free standing cattle guards, no footing needed. Emery Welding, Clayton, New Mexico. 575-374-2320 or 575-207-7402. LARGE 1/2 CULVERTS, Heavy Dutyyou load, $800 each. One-22’X12’ diameter, one-16’X10’ diameter, one-16’X12’ diameter. Call 505-274-6445. FOR SALE: PORTABLE buildings, 16’x32’, with electric and gas. $1,000 per building. Moving available. Call 505-384-5163. WANTED: WILL BUY Leather Sewing Machine or Shoe Repair Equipment. Call 505-617-0980.

WINDMILL FOR SALE. 20 feet tall 2 inch pipe structure Aermotor Fan 6 feet diameter. Not functional, Yard-Art. $1,000. Edgewood, New Mexico. Can send photos. Call or text, 505-321-0605.

Great Finds BUYING OLD STUFF: Gas Pumps and parts 1960’s or earlier, advertising signs, neon clocks, old car parts in original boxes, motor oil cans, license plate collections, Route 66 items, old metal road signs, odd and weird stuff. Fair prices paid. Have pickup, will travel. Gas Guy in Embudo, 505-852-2995. ROUGH RIDER ANTIQUES is open! Our store is super clean and has wide aisles so you can safely distance. Our hand sanitizer looks good enough to eat. We limit customers but you may wait in a shady spot outside. We have added dealers since your last visit so there is more inventory and great variety. You never know what you’ll find. 501 Railroad and Lincoln, across from the Castañeda, a Fred Harvey Hotel. Open 5 days a week at present: Thursday through Monday. Call for update and hours, 505-454-8063. WANTED: NEW MEXICO Motorcycle License Plates, 1912-1959. Paying $100-$500 each. Also buying some New Mexico car plates 1900-1923. Visit for history and 4,100 photographs of NM plates. Bill Johnston, Box 1, Organ, NM 880520001. Email: or telephone 575-382-7804. HEADSTONES (I.E. CEMETERY MONUMENTS) is our business. Over 1,000 designs. An eternal memory of a loved one. TAOS MOUNTAIN HERITAGE. Call 575-770-2507or email: Website:

2013 COACHMAN MOTOR Home for sale. 23 CB. Ford Truck 10 cycls. Only 54,357 miles. Great condition, clean, well cared for, only 1 private owner. Housed in a Motor Home garage. Asking $35,000. Phone: 505-217-6761. RAILROAD ITEMS WANTED: Kerosene Lanterns, Brass locks, keys, badges, uniforms, bells, whistles, and pre-1950 employee timetables. Always seeking items from any early New Mexico railroad, especially D&RG, C&S, EP&NE, EP&SW, AT&SF, SP or Rock Island. Call Randy Dunson at 575760-3341 or 575-356-6919. FISHING TACKLE WANTED: “Antique” lures, reels, rods, tackle boxes. Pre-1950, please. Collector paying highest prices for “Grandpaw’s” tackle box. Lures $50 to $5,000 each. Reels $100 to $7,500 each. Send photos to: or call Rick at 575-354-0365. GRADER, $1,800. PORTABLE hoof trimming table, $1,800. Hobart 6-cylinder on trailer, $2,000. 2 bottom plows, $550. Massey Ferguson tractor with 5’ bucket, Bush hog, post hole digger, blade, 6’ disk, low hours, $6,000. Irrigation pump, PTO 100’ line, $1,600. Antique Rodolta Juke Box with records, $800. OBO on all items. Call 505-414-0718.

Real Estate ARTESIA, NM. RURAL residence on about 5 acres. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 4-car garage (air-conditioned), 2 garages, plus air-conditioned Hobby, Craft, Entertainment or “Man-Cave” space. Enclosed outdoor kitchen & lowmaintenance garden backyard. Large insulated Steel shop with overhead doors. Studio with living/office, kitchen and 3/4 bath. Pecan trees, fire pit, room for animals, pens, etc. 575-513-1445. • August 2020 27

Call 505-850-5557

LAST CHANCE: $98 Splash Ad Special for September Edition Size: 2.25" X 2.25" • Price: $98 ($158 value)

Contact Shaylyn Today: 505-252-2540 Beautiful East Mountain Horse Property Get out of the city - before it’s too late! Beautiful 2800 SF home on 2 acre lot. Great schools. 3BR, 2.5BA, 3CG, + office. NEW w/w carpet, NEW Kozi fireplace, ceramic tile, granite countertops, huge kitchen island, corian & granite baths. REDUCED TO $489,000. Go to Zillow. com. Type in 11 Express Blvd. Sandia Park, NM.

2 MOUNTAIN CABINS, 25+ acres at 8000 feet, Wildhorse Ranch Subdivision, Pie Town, NM. Well on stream with 5000 storage tank and fire hydrant. New Mexico Hunting unit 13. Contact Dave, for a DVD with pictures. HISTORIC STONE HOME For Sale: 28 acres with completely remodeled 1600 square foot, two-story house with nine rooms in Ramah, NM. Five minute walk to picturesque Ramah Lake. One of original six homes built in the 1880’s. All woodwork in native Aspen and Juniper. Water rights. Move-in condition. Price negotiable. 505-470-0450. OLD RAMAH POST Office For Sale Or Lease: Located on Highway 53 in Ramah, NM. Heart of Indian Country. Has been used commercially as a trading post, Native American lapidary shop, real estate office and food cooperative. Six rooms and includes an 8x30 container storage unit. Move-in condition. Call 505-470-0450. ARTESIA, NM. COMMERCIAL property 4.88 acres & 10,000 square feet improvements-insulated steel shops, automobile lift & hoist, garage, carport, fenced yard, highway access. Great location for service business, automobile or truck business, light industrial/ manufacturing, warehouse, contractor storage, shop rental. Prime investment property. Room for expansion. Foreman’s residence available separately. Call 575-513-1445. MAGDALENA, 47 ANGUS Loop, Magdalena Ranch Estates. Price Reduced! 11.04 acres with 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, horse barn and corrals. Beautiful mountain views. Abundant ATV and hunting opportunities nearby. $177,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461.

28 August 2020 •

SUMNER LAKE, 0 and 00 River Ranches Road (At intersection with State Road 203). Price Reduced! Two lots just over 20 acres each. Scenic views just west of lake. $18,000 per lot. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. 7 ACRES, ALTO, NM. Built 1996, 1795 square foot Stucco home in exclusive, restricted subdivision. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, forced air heating propane heating unit, large attached 2-car garage with carport. 180° views. Detached 20x30 metal workshop with utilities. Both structures have iron wood burning stoves. Includes Massey Fergeson tractor for road maintenance. $300,000. Call Richard, 575-9378035, for more information. RIBERA, 340 CR B41E, 32.674 acres with 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with custom accents, haybarn, two detached garages. Just over 20 of those acres are in alfalfa and grass hay production. Pecos River frontage. Scenic views and close to I-25. $695,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. CONCHAS, TBD 1, 2 and 3, Big Mesa Avenue. Sale Pending! Close to waterfront lots. TBD 1 is 4.4206 acres, $60,000. TBD 2 is 1.231 acres, $20,000. And TBD 3 is 0.908 acres, $20,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. FOR SALE: ELEPHANT Butte, NM. 508 Lakeshore Drive, EB NM. 1600 square foot HM, $189,500. Call for appointment, 505-238-7722 or 505-239-8881. Fenced landscaped shaded 1/2 acre view lot. 2 garages, 1 storage room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, den, solarium with lake view. Covered patio, plenty of secure fenced parking. View on Google Earth.

ROCIADA, NM. FRESHLY Remodeled Air Lock Log Home on 5 gently sloping acres. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath. 3,200+/- square feet. 3-car garage/ workshop with 110V, 220V. Barn. Good power, water and County Road access. Great views from wrap around decks. $495,000. Contact NM #360 Real Estate, 505-454-0332. ROCIADA, 250 NM 105. 5 bedroom, 3 full baths, 2 half baths. Private well, 3-car garage, large workshop, RV covered area. Separate guest quarters with kitchen, additional full bath. Price Reduced! Call 575-799-5463. Email CONCHAS, BOAT DOCK Drive. 3 lots just over 1/2 acre per property. Two lots starting at $32,000 each. One lot at $35,000. Close to waterfront. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. CUERVO, 0 MESITA Pass Road, 148.13 acres in Mesita Ranch Subdivision. Beautiful mesa views, perfect for homesite and or livestock. $85,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. NOGAL, TBD BARBER Avenue, 2.89 acres in Townsite of Nogal. Coop water and electricity nearby. $50,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. FENCE LAKE, 295 Pine Hill Road, Price Reduced! Very Motivated Seller! 2 bedroom, 3 bath home on just over 60 acres. Well, outbuildings, corrals, abundant wildlife, scenic views. $265,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. DATIL, 464 SOUTHERN Trail, Sugarloaf Mountain Subdivision, 5.5 acres vacant land. $8,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461.

FOR SALE BY Owner. 20.8 acres, 2 lots. View of Mt. Alegres. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. New well 2 years ago. Barn, fenced. In Wood’s Subdivision. Asking $85,000. Call 575-518-8671. Health forces sale. HERON LAKE, GATED Community. Rear covered deck overlooks lake. Ponderosa Pines, Oak trees. Deer, Elk and turkey. 2 bedroom, 1-3/4 bath, furnished, on 2 acres. $130,000. Call 928-266-6805. SAN ANTONIO, NM. 0 Zanja Road, 4.66 acres irrigated farmland in Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District with water rights. Produces alfalfa and grass hay crops. Utilities nearby. $69,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. TUCUMCARI, 1601 8TH Street. 3 bedroom, 1 bath home with attached carport on 50x142 foot lot. Opportunity for starter home or rental property. $47,500. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575760-5461. SUMNER LAKE, TBD State Road 203, lot in River Ranches Estate, highway frontage just over 20 acres. Scenic views just west of lake. $25,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. CONCHAS, TBD 4, Big Mesa Avenue. Sale Pending! Improved lot with septic. Close to waterfront. $60,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461.

To Place a Classified Ad

1. Visit and complete form. You will be contacted with price and to pay by credit card (5% processing fee). 2. Or, complete form and select category. 3. Write ad on another sheet of paper. 4. Price: $20 up to first 40 words per ad, per category, per month. After 40 words, each word is 50 cents. Add $5 for small graphics such as cattle brands. Phone numbers, emails and websites count as one word.

To Send and Pay Your Classified Ad 1. Mail ad and payment (Payable to NMRECA) NMRECA • enchantment 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505

WANTED! WORKING FAMILY Farms and Ranches to list and sell. Broker has over 45 years of experience working on a family farm in New Mexico and has been an owner and operator since 1988. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. 1-ACRE, $2,995, NEAR Belen and Rio Communities, 180 feet x 242 feet=43,560 square feet, $95 down, $58.80 for 60 months. Half Acre, $1,495, 100 feet x 217.8 feet=21,780 square feet, $95 down, $39.67 for 48 months. We show you the land. 505-710-2252.

MOUNTAIN CABIN 12’X32’ WeatherKing with porch, insulated and finished inside. Aspen tongue and groove paneling, heater and woodstove. Metal roof (heavy snow load). Picture window, ceiling fan. Cabin is on skids and can be moved. $16,500. Will text photos, call 575-403-5936. Chama, New Mexico. WHEN YOU BUY an item, let the advertiser know you saw their ad in enchantment. Thank you.


CORRALES, NM, BY Owner, Price Reduced! 2 plots-2.4 and 3.0 acres, $150,000 per acre. And 2015 Forest River Leprechaun 319DS, Class C, 6.8L Ford engine, gas, 2 slides, length 32 feet, 14,700 miles, $65,995. Call 505-850-7873.

2000 FORD E350, 15 passenger Van. 305,000 miles, engine runs fine. Needs transmission work. A/C, power locks, power windows. Has 7-16” tires and wheels 10 ply. $1,500 Or Best Offer. Call Dave at 575-666-2140.

PENDARIES VILLAGE GOLF Resort. 3,350 square foot lodge style home built in 2008 on 3 acres at 7500’ elevation. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, guest and game rooms. 1,200 square foot covered decks and furnishings. Spectacular mountain vistas. $485,000. Owner, 210-492-3838.

CLASSIC 1974 FORD F-100 4x4 Short Bed pick-up, complete body, needs tires, tailgate and engine repair, $3,500. Call Richard, 575-937-8035, for more information.

CUERVO, 1130 AGUILA Road. 3 bedroom, 1 bath home with corrals on 56.6 acres at foot of Cuervo Mesa. Close to I-40. $85,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. 4-10 ACRE LOTS, north of Villanueva on County Road B-29-A. Lots have water, electric and views behind locked gate. $55,000. Owner Financed. $3,500 down, 8% interest. Call Doug at 505-690-0308.


1. Due the 9th, one month prior. Ex: Ads due February 9 for the March issue.

Good to Know 1. Only members of New Mexico electric cooperatives may place ads. 2. We reserve the right to reject any ad. 4. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives of New Mexico. 5. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER.


1. Call: 505-982-4671 or 2. Email:

WANTED: 1965-1975 DODGE or Plymouth with 318 engine. No trucks, vans or luxury cars. Prefer Dart or Duster, but will consider any passenger car with 318 engine. Must be driveable! Call 575-531-2797. 1992 CHEROKEE JEEP 4x4, $4,800. 1989 Cherokee Jeep, $4,500. CJ-5 Jeep, $1,500. CJ-6 Jeep, $1,800. 1992 Ford 350 diesel van, rear hitch with 10’ closed trailer (for hunters), $6,500. 1970 GTX Ford Ranchero, $6,500. OBO on all vehicles. Call 505-414-0718.

Name:________________________ ___________________________ Address:_______________________ ___________________________ City:_________________________ State:_________ ZIP:_____________ Phone:________________________ Cooperative:____________________ Select Category Below


Great Finds


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Vehicles • August 2020 29

youth art

Check Out The Ice Cream Drawing Winners! Yum! Tavon Eustace • Age 11 Continental Divide Electric Cooperative

Kyla Minx • Age 12 Otero County Electric Cooperative

Rylee Shaw • Age 6 Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative

Harper Taylor • Age 9 Southwestern Electric Cooperative

Kyle Terry • Age 10 Farmers' Electric Cooperative

Irene Unger • Age 6 Lea County Electric Cooperative

September's Topic: Bigfoot. Draw what you think Bigfoot looks like! Does he or she belong to a family? Use your imagination. October's Topic: Space. When you look up at the night sky what do you see? Send Your Drawing By mail: Youth Editor 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 By email: Deadline: Submit by the 9th, one month prior to publication. Hooray! You Get Paid: $15 Have a Youth Art Topic? Email or mail to the addresses above, or call 505-982-4671.

5 items to include on the back of your drawing, otherwise YOU ARE DISQUALIFIED: 1. Name 2. Age 3. Mailing Address 4. Phone 5. Electric Co-op *Accepted artwork up to age 13. DON'T FORGET THE 5 ITEMS!

30 August 2020 • • August 2020 31

We’re adding enough utility-scale wind and solar projects to double our renewable resources by 2024. Combined with our existing projects, that’s enough to power nearly 850,000 homes. To learn about how we are increasing clean energy, visit

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