2020 September OCEC enchantment

Page 1

enchantment The Voice of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives


Otero County Electric Cooperative

Tick Tock Goes the Clock

2020 Photo Contest

CERTIFIED POSITIONS Position Teaching/Special Education Counselor (County) Registered Nurse Home Language Teacher

Incentives $1,000 Moving Expense $5,000 Signing Incentive Free Rent $1,000 Moving Expense

Teacher of the Deaf Educational Diagnostician $10,000 Additional Compensation Social Worker Speech Language $10,000 Additional Pathologist Compensation Teacher of the Visually Impaired Physical Therapist $10,000 Additional Compensation School Psychologist $10,000 Additional Compensation

Salary Range $42,337-$64,977 $55,163-$69,421 $43,555-$63,404 $35,098-$69,255Depending on License $42,337-$55,797 $55, 163-$66476 $63,071-$64,977 $45,244-$59,336 $42,337-%55,797 $67,361-$69,421 $55,163-$69,421


Position Educational Assistant Health Assistant Secretarial Mechanics Bus Drivers JROTC Army Instructor

Salary $17,483-$25,868 $17,483-$25,868 $21,215-$31,345 $24,978-$43,885 $10,735-$28,168 $45,234

For a detailed list of all our vacancies visit our website at


September 2020



CONTENTS 04 We are enchantment 05 View from enchantment 06 Hale to the Stars 08 New Mexico SHIP 10 Energy Sense 12 Book Chat


14 2020 Photo Contest Tick Tock Goes the Clock 16 Your Electric Co-op 20 On the Menu





22 Electric Farming Equipment 24 Celebrate Democracy: Register and Vote 26 The Market Place 30 Youth Art

enchantment The Voice of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives


Continental Divide Electric Cooperative

Tick Tock Goes the Clock

2020 Photo Contest

On the Cover Vashti Flores' winning cover photo of this year's Tick Tock Goes the Clock photo contest. Flores is a member of Socorro Electric Cooperative.

enchantment.coop • September 2020



We live in the Land of Enchantment… We are

Helping Birds

Co-ops throughout the country have methods in place to help birds while maintaining reliable service to members. These methods include: • Incorporating bird-friendly power line designs and retrofits to reduce electrocutions. • Installing power line marking devices to reduce bird collisions. • Developing and implementing Avian Protection Plans. Source: NRECA

How to contact enchantment Phone 505-982-4671

Email enchantment@nmelectric.coop Facebook facebook.com/enchantmentnmreca Mail 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 Community Events events@nmelectric.coop Display Ads enchantmentads@nmelectric.coop Book Chat Inquiries enchantment@nmelectric.coop


Take a photo of you or someone with the magazine and email it with a few words about the photo. Include your name, mailing address, and co-op name.

Take a photo of you holding YOUR MAGAZINE AND WIN!

One lucky member will win $20. Submitting your photo(s) gives us permission to publish the photo(s) in enchantment, Facebook, and other media outlets.

monthly photo win ner

Email to: enchantment@nmelectric.coop

Congratulations to… Karen Topping who is reading the January 2020 enchantment. Karen Topping writes: “When we fly, I often take reading material. I love the smaller magazine because at 8,600 feet in the air in a very small cockpit, it's easier to manage."

Karen wins $20!


September 2020 • enchantment.coop


September 1, 2020 • Vol. 72, No. 09 USPS 175-880 • ISSN 0046-1946 Circulation 89,976 enchantment (ISSN 0046-1946) is published monthly by the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505. enchantment provides reliable, helpful information on rural living and energy use to electric cooperative members and customers. Nearly 90,000 families and businesses receive enchantment Magazine as electric cooperative members. Non-member subscriptions are available at $12 per year or $18 for two years, payable to NMRECA. Allow four to eight weeks for delivery. PERIODICAL POSTAGE paid at Santa Fe, NM 87501-9998 and additional mailing offices. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Postmaster please send address changes to 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505-4428. Readers who receive the publication through their electric cooperative membership should report address changes to their local electric cooperative office. THE NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION provides legislative and educational services to the cooperatives who are members of the Association that deliver electric power to New Mexico’s rural areas and small communities. The mission of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association is to strengthen, support, unify, and represent Cooperative member interests at the local, state, and national levels. Each cooperative has a representative on the association’s board of directors, which controls the editorial content and advertising policy of enchantment through its Publications Committee. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Charles Pinson, President, Central Valley Electric Co-op, Artesia Tim Morrow, Vice President, Springer Electric Co-op, Springer Duane Frost, Secretary-Treasurer, Central NM Electric Co-op, Mountainair BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chris Martinez, Columbus Electric Co-op, Deming Keith Gottlieb, Continental Divide Electric Co-op, Grants Lance R. Adkins, Farmers’ Electric Co-op, Clovis Robert Caudle, Lea County Electric Co-op, Lovington Robert Quintana, Mora-San Miguel Electric Co-op, Mora Thomas G. Rivas, Northern Río Arriba Electric Co-op, Chama Preston Stone, Otero County Electric Co-op, Cloudcroft Antonio Sanchez, Jr., Roosevelt County Electric Co-op, Portales George Biel, Sierra Electric Co-op, Elephant Butte Donald L. Wolberg, Socorro Electric Co-op, Socorro Travis Sullivan, Southwestern Electric Co-op, Clayton Wayne Connell, Tri-State G&T Association, Westminster, Colorado Charles G. Wagner, Western Farmers Electric Co-op, Oklahoma NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Phone: 505-982-4671 Santa Fe, NM 87505 Fax: 505-982-0153 www.nmelectric.coop www.enchantment.coop Keven J. Groenewold, CEO, kgroenewold@nmelectric.coop Susan M. Espinoza, Editor. sespinoza@nmelectric.coop Tom Condit, Assistant Editor, tcondit@nmelectric.coop DISPLAY ADVERTISING: Rates available upon request. Co-op members and New Mexico display advertisers, email Shaylyn at enchantmentads@nmelectric.coop or call 505-252-2540. National representative: American MainStreet Publications, 800-626-1181. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives that are members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER. Copyright ©2020, New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission of the publisher.

view from enchantment I By Keven J. Groenewold, CEO New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association

Co-ops Strong Amid COVID Crisis


he Coronavirus has been with us now for six months. Very few of us envisioned what this last summer would bring. We have canceled or postponed all electric cooperative annual meetings to date. County fairs, little league, and mass public gatherings have been lost. The state of New Mexico has taken aggressive public health actions to mitigate the spread of the disease; and continue to test, process, monitor, and track instances of the virus. COVID-19 is a highly infectious and fast-spreading virus. Symptoms and their effects can range from mild to severe and, in certain cases, result in extreme health complications and death. Through this adversity, New Mexico electric co-ops, as essential services, have remained resilient. Our employees have been careful and remained safe. COVID-19 has had minimal impacts on co-op operations. All cooperatives are at various stages of opening offices up for business again. Although the 2021 general session of the Legislature remains somewhat in the distance, the COVID crisis is making it essential to start planning now. While the precise make-up of the Legislature will not be known until after the November general elections, it is not too early to make some assumptions. New Mexico will be confronted with a historic budget deficit in the 2021 leg

islative session. Even if the economy begins to rebound, most analysts see 2-4 years as a reasonable “best case” scenario for economic recovery. New Mexico’s realistic short-term economic outlook will greatly reduce the number of options for “balancing the budget” in 2021. After two years of record spending, legislators and the Governor will be struggling to make substantial cuts in spending to address a historic deficit and an even larger projected deficit for the following session. Against this background, electric co-op interests will be focused more on “playing defense” than in many years. This will apply to both social issues and economic issues. Advocates for various controversial measures that were blocked during the past few years will see their chances for success as improved with the outcome of the primary elections. Accordingly, we expect energy and climate to be a hot button issue. Legalization of marijuana, additional gun control, the single-payer health initiative, and increasing or eliminating medical malpractice caps, among other issues, are obvious areas of controversy to be featured in the upcoming session. Taxes and spending will also be prominent issues for consideration. Trying to maintain funding levels for key institutions, agencies, programs,

and initiatives during a period of cuts will be a priority for public institutions. Other interests are focused on avoiding tax increases and other new legislative initiatives that could make the cost of an agency, institution, or business significantly more expensive. Although some governmental institutions and programs (higher education) are already reeling after the measures adopted during the special session, the forecast is for more of the same come January. Complicating these already daunting tasks for the upcoming legislative session is the growing likelihood that the session will more likely resemble the “virtual” session that was conducted during the special session of the Legislature in June than a typical legislative session. It is increasingly likely that the public at large and various special interest groups who routinely crowd the Capitol will have limited to no access to the Capitol and legislators. The New Mexico Legislative Council Service is already considering several options for conducting a virtual or semi-virtual session. Stay tuned as this entire situation evolves. Keep your attitude positive, your spirits up. And above all—stay safe.

enchantment.coop • September 2020


hale to the stars I By Alan Hale

Four Planets in View


our of our solar system’s bright planets are prominent and well placed for viewing this month. The remaining one, Mercury, does put in an appearance in the evening sky but remains very low in the dusk and will not be easy to see. The two largest planets, Jupiter and Saturn, are highest above the southern horizon around the end of dusk and set one to two hours after midnight. Right now, Saturn follows Jupiter by about half an hour, but the two worlds gradually draw closer together (as seen from our perspective here on Earth) over the coming weeks and will have a very close conjunction with each other in late December. Mars rises around the end of dusk and is highest above the horizon during the mid-morning hours, and becomes brighter and brighter as the stage gets set for its moderately close approach to Earth next month. Venus, meanwhile, shines brilliantly in our morning skies all month, rising two hours before the beginning of dawn and being well up in the east by the time twilight starts. Three spacecrafts have recently been launched towards Mars, and are expected to arrive there next February. NASA’s Perseverance rover is expected to touch down in a crater named Jezero and will specifically be looking for indications of past (and possibly even


Comet NEOWISE on the evening of July 21, 2020, one night before the 25th anniversary of the Hale-Bopp discovery. Photograph by Alan Hale.

present) Martian life; among its instruments is a small drone helicopter named Ingenuity. Meanwhile, China’s Tianwen 1 mission includes an orbiter, a lander, and a rover, and the United Arab Emirates’ Al-Amal, or Hope, orbiter is expected to examine large-scale weather phenomena in Mars’ atmosphere. As previously mentioned in this space, this past July marked the 25th anniversary of this writer’s discovery of Comet Hale-Bopp. The recently-discovered Comet NEOWISE put on an excellent show to mark the occasion, and during July was a conspicuous naked-eye object with a bright and distinct tail. By September, Comet NEOWISE will have faded quite

September 2020 • enchantment.coop

a bit but should still be detectable with relatively small telescopes; it will be in the southwestern sky after dusk traveling through the constellations of Virgo and Libra.

Finally… a better mobility solution than Scooters or Power Chairs. The Zoomer’s versatile design and 1-touch joystick operation brings mobility and independence to those who need it most. If you have mobility issues, or know someone who does, then you’ve experienced the difficulties faced by millions of Americans. Once simple tasks like getting from the bedroom to the kitchen can become a time-consuming and potentially dangerous ordeal. You may have tried to solve the problem with a power chair or a scooter but neither is ideal. Power chairs are bulky and look like a medical device. Scooters are either unstable or hard to maneuver. Now, there’s a better alternative… the Zoomer. After just one trip around your home in the Zoomer, you’ll marvel at how easy it is to navigate. It is designed to maneuver in tight spaces like doorways, between furniture, and around corners. It can go over thresholds and works great on any kind of floor or carpet. It’s not bulky or cumbersome, so it can roll right up to a table or desk- there’s no need to transfer to a chair. Its sturdy yet lightweight aluminum frame makes it durable and comfortable. Its dual motors power it at up to 3.7 miles per hour and its automatic electromagnetic brakes stop on a dime. The rechargeable battery powers it for up to 8

Who can drive a Zoomer? – everyone!

The secret to the Zoomer is its simple steering system. You operate it with a simple-to-use joystick, giving you precision maneuverability and the ability to navigate tight spaces easily with a 25” turning radius. It is designed to let you pull right up to a table or desk. You no longer have to move to another chair to work or eat at your table Zoomer conveniently rolls beneath table or desk

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Easy to use joystick control

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enchantment.coop • September 2020


Please mention code 113458 when ordering.

The Zoomer Chair is a personal electric vehicle and is not a medical device nor a wheelchair. Zoomer is not intended for medical purposes to provide mobility to persons restricted to a sitting position. It is not covered by Medicare nor Medicaid. © 2020 first STREET for Boomers and Beyond, Inc.


SHIP Provides Information and Assistance to New Mexicans


edicare Open Enrollment is around the corner—October 15 through December 7. For most people, it’s the one time of year that you can change your Medicare coverage. If you are in a Medicare health or prescription drug plan, you should always review the materials your plans send you, like the “Evidence of Coverage” (EOC) and “Annual Notice of Change” (ANOC). Medicare health and drug plans can make changes each year— things like cost, coverage, and what providers and pharmacies are in their networks. Also, your health needs may have changed. Now is the time to compare all your Medicare health and drug plan choices.

What is SHIP? State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) is part of the New Mexico Aging and Long Term Services Department, and offers free, unbiased, expert information and assistance to New Mexico residents. You can reach a SHIP counselor at 800-432-2080 to get help making the best decision about Medicare for your situation. If you’re satisfied with your current Medicare coverage, there is no need to do anything. However, if you want to make changes and would like assistance, call the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at 800-432-2080. Even if you’re happy with your current coverage, it pays to compare plans while you can with a SHIP counselor. By reviewing options before making a decision this fall open enrollment, you may be able to lower your healthcare and prescription drug costs. If you decide to make a change to better meet your needs, new coverage becomes effective January 1.

Extra Help: Extra Help helps you pay for your Medicare Part D (prescription drug) costs. If you get Extra Help (also known as LIS), you will have either no or a reduced premium for your drug plan and will pay between $1.30 and $8.95 for your medicine at the pharmacy. Medicare Savings Programs: Medicare Savings Programs help you to pay for some of your Medicare costs related to health care (but not prescriptions). • The Qualified Medicare Beneficiary program—QMB helps pay for your Parts A and B annual deductible, Part B premium, and other copayments you may have at the doctor/hospital. • The Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary program—SLMB pays for your monthly Part B premium. • The Qualified Individual program—QI pays for your monthly Part B premium. • The Qualified Disabled and Working Individual program—QDWI is for people with Medicare who are under age 65, disabled, and do not qualify for free Medicare Part A because they returned to work. QDWI pays for Medicare Part A premiums. Even if you do not get other types of Medicaid, you may be able to get help from a Medicare Savings Program.

How can people get help comparing Medicare plans? Call the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at 800-432-2080 to speak with a SHIP counselor or request an appointment. Appointments will begin being accepted on October 1. Another option is to take advantage of the live web chat at the website: www.nmaging.state.nm.us. Where to Get Help: Call the Aging and Disability Other ways SHIP may be able to help you save money on Medicare: If you have Medicare and have trouble paying for your health care and prescriptions, there are programs that may be able to help.


September 2020 • enchantment.coop

Resource Center (ADRC) at 800-432-2080 and ask about Extra Help and Medicare Savings Programs. This office provides free information and assistance to people with Medicare and their families. You can also access live web chat at www.nmaging.state.nm.us



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energy sense I By Patrick Keegan and Brad Thiessen

Five Ways to Winterize Your Manufactured Home


ere are five tips for winterizing your manufactured home, which can help you capture some significant energy savings. It’s worth noting that some of these suggestions are quick, easy and cheap, but some will require more money than you may want to spend. Choose the approach that works best for your home and budget. 1. Furnace: It doesn’t cost anything to lower your thermostat in the winter. Make sure you clean or replace your furnace air filter as often as recommended. If you heat your home with an electric or propane furnace, you can likely cut your heating costs dramatically by installing a heat pump. Ductless heat pumps are efficient, and they eliminate the problem of leaky furnace ducts. If you don’t have the budget to make this investment now out of pocket, you may qualify for a loan. It’s quite possible that your energy savings would cover the loan payment. 2. Water Heater: You pay a lot to heat water. One simple way to lower that amount is to lower your water heater’s thermostat. Make sure it’s set to medium, between 120° F and 140° F. Energy efficient showerheads can also save energy. Some are equipped with a button or valve that allows you to reduce or stop the flow while you lather up. Another fairly simple fix is to insulate the first several feet of the hot water pipe where it exits the tank. If there is room around your water heater, you could also wrap the tank with an insulation jacket, which you can purchase

Insulating the first several feet of the hot water pipe where it leaves the tank is an energy saver. Photo credit: Marcela Gara, Resource Media, EE Image Database. from a home supply store for about $20. If your water heater uses gas or propane, be careful not to restrict the air needed for combustion or install insulation too close to the exhaust flue. 3. Ducts: Leaky furnace ducts are often a major source of energy loss. A simple step is to make sure all supply and return registers are open and are not covered by furniture or rugs. Closed registers can take a toll on your heating and cooling system. You might also be able to save energy by sealing your ducts at the floor registers. The biggest leaks, however, are likely under your manufactured home and could require the services of a contractor to locate and seal. Check with your local electric co-op to see if they can recommend local contractors who can provide this service. 4. Windows and Doors: That window A/C unit that kept you cool all summer can be a major source of heat loss in the winter. Before the cold hits, cover

10 September 2020 • enchantment.coop

it up—or better yet, remove it during winter months. Another fairly easy way to cut down on energy loss is to install window insulation kits—these are plastic, disposable sheets that are stretched over window and held in place with double-sided tape. Thick curtains can also do a remarkable job at cutting drafts and adding insulation around a window. The final and most involved step is to fill cracks and holes in walls and around windows and doors with caulk, filler and/or expanding foam. 5. Floors: Cold floors can be costly and uncomfortable. The easiest solution is to lay down area rugs for additional warmth. But to really get the floor comfortable, you may have to venture into the crawlspace and insulate the floor or skirting. If you’re not sure how to do this, there are several video tutorials available online. With these simple steps, you can look forward to a cozier and less-costly winter!


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enchantment.coop • September 2020 11

book chat I By Phaedra Greenwood Visit your local bookstores to buy books. Send your book for review to: Book Chat, 614 Don Gaspar Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87505

At the Crossroad Bennett won the 2012 Dark Oak Mystery Contest, which launched the Blackhorse Campground Mystery Series. His first day on the job, the hero, Detective J.D. Wilder—a former city cop who straddles a Harley—is assigned to investigate cold cases of three young women who disappeared five, 10 and 15 years earlier. The plot is a slow-flowing river that winds through convoluted relationships typical of a small town where the residents have known each other since high school. Three marked graves in a private cemetery are not discovered until page 141. Bennett is adept at establishing vivid characters with a phrase: “She wasn’t a hugger…” or “She fought the urge to cross her fingers for lying.” Bennett alleviates her long dialogues with revealing actions: “He laid a fingertip on her lips, a gesture so intimate she almost gasped.” And yes, there’s romance. Instead of the cliché of flushing cheeks, the heroine “feels embarrassment prickle her back.”

Beatrice On Her Own This young adult novel is part of a series about Beatrice, a wealthy 13-year-old English girl, who is sent by her parents to the U.S. in 1941 to escape the German bombing of London. This “little princess” overcomes her class and racist prejudices while sharing ship quarters with Jewish refugees fleeing Europe, and through the kindness of a black porter who looks out for her on the train. In Santa Fe, she finds safety, but suddenly America is rocked by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the sinking of U.S. vessels in the Pacific. Bea helps recruit dogs that can be trained for the Canine Corp and discovers a military internment camp on the edge of Santa Fe for Japanese men. She gets involved in the Japanese detainees’ fair treatment when she decides to sneak out to watch them arrive by train and be transported to the camp. This book is dedicated to all the young people who are trying to make the world a safer, kinder place. Bravo!

The Irish Skateboard Club This young adult thriller is part of the Callahan Family Saga series. Sixteenyear-old Michael Callahan, a dedicated skateboarder, travels to Ireland to explore his adopted family’s values and “lock in” his own identity. (He was born in Bolivia.) Here he meets his first love—the feisty and lovely Ciara. “She flashed one of her thousand-watt smiles as she strode toward him. . .” They stumble upon a Russian Red Mafiya ring that’s trafficking young girls through Ireland and are soon pursued by the murderous Russians. Should they save the girls or ride away and save themselves? The dialogue is true, the tension crackling, the stakes roof-top high. A fellow boarder calls Michael “Spider Man.” “Don’t call me that.” “Dude, I saw you run straight up a 10 foot wall last week.” A skill that comes in handy toward the end. Colenda, a former military pilot, says he wrote this book, in part, “to promote awareness of this spreading social cancer.” Five stars!

By Amy M. Bennett • www.amazon.com

By Rosemary Zibart

By Brinn Colenda


www.kinkajoupress.com • 505-286-0892


Lazy B How did a girl who grew up on a ranch in the high desert of Arizona, become the first female justice of the Supreme Court? The 160,000-acre Lazy B, which straddled the Arizona/New Mexico border, supported three Day generations that learned

how to co-operate and thrive. Water was scarce and the ranch struggled to maintain 35 wells for 2,000 cows. Even the children had chores and responsibilities. Sandra was the first-born in the third generation. For nine years she was an only child and her parents poured over her all their love and attention. Her mother was “indefatigable” and enjoyed entertaining. Susan learned to participate in long discussions around the

12 September 2020 • enchantment.coop

dinner table about politics and world events, but her father “always had to have the last word.” She fulfilled her father’s dream and graduated from Stanford University. Sandra became a lawyer and also served for six years as an Arizona state senator. Then President Ronald Reagan appointed her to the Supreme Court. A lively, detailed, memoir. By Sandra Day O'Connor and Alan Day www.randomhousepress.com • 800-733-3000

Order a gift subscription for family and friends. 1 Year: $12 • 2 Years: $18 Mail a check or money order payable to NMRECA along with the name and mailing address of the person you would like to send a gift subscription. Mail to: enchantment 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505

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New Mexico Online Equipment Auction

September 1 2th, 2020 Items located throughout New Mexico

For more information please call Casey Spradley at Mossey Oak Properties Centerfire Reality at 505-860-2061 .

FEATURING HEAVY EQUIPMENT, FARM EQUIPEMENT, TRUCKS, TRAILERS, AND MUCH MORE!! This is an online only Auction. No in-person bidding. Check our website for further bidding information enchantment.coop • September 2020 13

Tick Tock Goes the Clock 2020 Photo Contest

It's Always a Good Time for Elvis! Name: Beatrice Kerr. Co-op: Columbus Electric. Description: The inside of the watch is Elvis Presley's signature and the numbers are his name. When you open the pocket watch, it plays a tune—Love Me Tender. 14 September 2020 • enchantment.coop

tions Congratula inners! to all the w

What a Beautiful Shell. Name: Rebekah Lynn Sledge. Co-op: Central New Mexico Electric. Description: My mother's turtle clock, from her collection of turtle figurines.

Creativity at its Best. Name: Jennifer Vevian-Sparf. Co-op: Otero County Electric. Description: Summer Time! This photo with my son Karl as the hands and feet of the clock, is meant to convey some of the simple joys of summer time.

A Fossil Clock that Rocks! Name: Lawrence and Leticia Cunningham. Co-op: Northern RĂ­o Arriba Electric. Description: Our friend, the late Ernest Shirley, owned a rather unique Rock Shop over in Hanksville, Utah. Ernie specialized in cutting and polishing petrified dinosaur bone. One of his lapidary creations was this clock made from a cut slab of colorful agatized dino bone that exhibits its original cellular structure.

A Cool Fairy House Clock! Name: Carol Bignell. Co-op: Central Valley Electric. Description: The house clock was acquired in a silent auction several years ago.

enchantment.coop • September 2020 15

Otero County Electric Cooperative Make Your Voice Heard Chief Executive Officer Mario Romero Cloudcroft Office 404 Burro Avenue • P.O. Box 227 Cloudcroft, NM 88317 575-682-2521

There’s an old political saying, “if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.” This adage is the perfect answer to the question, “why vote?” It’s a blunt description of what happens when you don’t engage in the political process.

Carrizozo Office 507 Twelfth Street • P. O. Box 669 Carrizozo, NM 88301 575-648-2352 Alto Office 1135 Hwy. 48 • P.O. Box 1135 Alto, NM 88312 575-336-4550 Emergency and Outages 800-548-4660 Fax • 575-682-3109 Website • www.ocec-inc.com Office Hours 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. (M-F) Board of Trustees President Charles Mulcock, SE District Vice President Denny Burnett, SE District Secretary Marty Mills, Central District Treasurer Scott Shafer, NW District Vacant, SW District Bill Bird, NE District Cheri Hass, Central District David Powers, NE District Tim Rabon, SW District Preston Stone, NW District Board Meeting

If you don’t vote, you’re not only missing the opportunity to support a candidate that shares your views and concerns, you’re allowing others to chart a course that impacts your future. That’s why we’re encouraging co-op members to recognize National Voter Registration Day on September 22, 2020. Whether you’re registering yourself or others to vote, or helping members of our community get organized, there are many ways to get involved. By voting in national, state and local elections, you are serving as a role model for your family, friends and colleagues. The act of voting demonstrates your support for the community and helps officials chart a course for the future. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Research candidates, learn about issues that are on the ballot, and get out and vote! To learn more about National Voter Registration Day or to get involved, visit:


The Board of Trustees meets the third Friday of the month at 9:00 a.m. at the Cooperative.

16 September 2020 • enchantment.coop

Increased Fuel Economy Tips If you head on a road trip as summer winds down, following are suggestions that could save you cash while being less invasive on the environment. 1. Slow Down: Increased speed equals decreased fuel economy. 2. Check Tire Pressure: Under-inflated tires have more resistance which burns more gas. 3. Check Air Filter: A dirty filter restricts airflow and hinders economy. 4. Maintain Constant Speed: In traffic jams, avoid the urge to constantly speed up and slow down.

Otero County Electric Co-op offices will be closed September 7, 2020, in observance of Labor Day. If you need to report an outage, call:


This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Otero County Electric Cooperative

Curious about your electric usage? Do you ever wonder how much electricity you use daily and how weather patterns, a new window air conditioner unit, or visitors in your home for a few days affect your electric bill? Wonder no more— OCEC members can access valuable usage information by logging into their electric account online to compare bills and analyze where electricity dollars are spent. Logging into your account online is easy. Simply visit our website, www.ocec-inc.com, and click on the red “Pay Online” button in the upperright hand corner of the home page. If you have not signed in previously, you will need your account number and an email address to login. Once you are logged in, click the “My Usage” tab in the red ribbon at the top, and choose the “Usage Explorer” option to view graphs of your electric usage on a month by month basis. To see daily usage, click on the names of the month toward the bottom of the bar graph. If you have questions about interpreting the data or need assistance accessing the information, please call our Member Services Department who will be happy to help you.


enchantment.coop • September 2020 17

Get Your Motor Runnin'! Name: Dale Regensberg. Co-op: Continental Divide Electric. Description: This is a 1980 Harley Davidson shovel head split in half. Even the spark plugs are real!

18 September 2020 • enchantment.coop

Time Created by Hand. Name: Richard Flint. Co-op: Farmers' Electric. Description: These are genuine hand chipped arrowheads. This is a hobby of mine. I have been chipping for several years. I also don't use any type of power tool, this is all done just as the indians did with stone and antler.

Giddy Up!

Name: Hailey Jaramillo. Co-op: Mora-San Miguel Electric. Description: This clock has been in my grandfather's family for generations, and gets passed down to each generation; and I’m next in line!

Arrow Handicraft Ball Clock. Name: Michael Dietz. Co-op: Socorro Electric. Description: This is from my grandmother’s collection. This clock is not very common and is from the late 70s. It works on ramps, steel balls, and an electric motorized rotating arm. This clock is a bit tricky to understand at first, then it becomes obvious what is happening.

enchantment.coop • September 2020 19

on the menu I By Sue Hutchison


s the New Mexican harvest season begins to wind down, seasonal vegetables as well as our worldfamous Hatch Green Chile take center stage in meal preparation. Regardless of what one’s response is to the New Mexican State Question, (“Red or Green?”) the origins of the favored vegetable are debated. A significant number of acclaims and accounts are readily available. Some historians credit Captain General Juan de Oñate, founder of Santa Fe, for introduction of chile in New Mexico. Christopher Columbus is also reported to have discovered chile while exploring what we now know as the Caribbean

Islands. Regardless of how green chile appeared in New Mexico the following recipes feature both the popular vegetable as well as a few others which are widely harvested during September in the Land of Enchantment. Enjoy an earthy variation of chicken while incorporating autumn harvested apples. As a bonus, kiddos will have no complaints at all when eating their vegetables in the form of Blueberry Zucchini Cake. Harvest a delicious meal, compliments of traditional New Mexican fare.

Blueberry-Zucchini Cake Cake 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup whole wheat flour 2¼ tsp. baking powder ¾ tsp. baking soda ½ tsp. salt 3 eggs ¾ cup granulated sugar ¾ cup plain Greek yogurt ¼ cup Canola oil ½ cup unsweetened applesauce

1. Preheat oven to 350⁰. 2. Prepare fluted tube baking dish by spraying with


baking spray. 3. In a large bowl, combine flours, baking powder,

baking soda, and salt. 4. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs, sugar, yogurt, oil, applesauce, and vanilla until incorporated. Stir in zucchini and 2 cups blueberries. 5. Add zucchini mixture to dry ingredients, stirring until just mixed. 6. Pour batter into baking dish, bake approximately 35

20 September 2020 • enchantment.coop

8. 9.


2 tsp. vanilla 2¼ cup zucchini, finely grated 2 cups blueberries, rinsed

Blueberry Icing 4 oz. cream cheese, softened 2½ cups powdered sugar ¾ cup blueberries, chopped 1 tsp. vanilla 3 Tbs. heavy cream to create desired consistency


minutes or until pic comes out clean. Allow cake to cool on rack for 10 minutes. Invert from baking dish to serving platter and cool completely. While cake is baking, prepare icing. In a medium bowl, cream cream cheese, sugar, blueberries, and vanilla together until blended allowing for small blueberry bits to remain. Add heavy cream to reach desired consistency. Place in sealed container and refrigerate until cake is served. To serve, slice desired amount of cake, and drizzle with icing. Serves approximately 12-16.

New Mexican Style Creamy-Cheesy Corn 8 1

large ears corn, husked or two 10 oz. bags frozen corn (thawed), or combination red bell pepper, diced with seeds removed

3 1 ½ 4 ½

green chiles, peeled and minced cup half and half cup cottage cheese Salt and pepper to taste Tbs. cold butter, thinly sliced cup finely shredded cheese of choice

1. Preheat oven to 375⁰. 2. Prepare a 9 x 13-inch baking dish with cooking spray. 3. If fresh, slice corn from cobs, allowing for kernels to

remain in small sheets. Place corn in large mixing bowl. 4. Add bell peppers, chile, half and half, cottage cheese, salt and pepper. Stir gently, allowing ingredients to mix without disturbing sheets of corn.

Add butter and stir to incorporate. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. Place mixture in prepared baking dish and cover with foil. Bake covered until hot and bubbles appear on edges, approximately 45 minutes. 9. Remove from oven, allow to set for 10 minutes. Serve warm. 5. 6. 7. 8.

One Skillet Chicken, Chile and Apples 4 Tbs. olive oil 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 ½ - 2 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breast tenderloins 1 tsp. salt ½ tsp. pepper

½ 2 1 2 ½ 1

cup apple juice tsps. spicy brown mustard Tb. green chile, peeled and finely chopped apples, cored and thinly sliced cup crumbled feta cheese tsp. dried rosemary leaves

1. In large skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add garlic

5. Add chicken back into skillet and cook until liquid

and lightly brown. 2. Add chicken and fry until lightly browned. Remove from skillet and set aside. 3. In same skillet, add salt, pepper, juice, and mustard, stirring to incorporate into drippings. 4. Stir in chile and apples. Cook until apples are nearly tender.

is reduced. 6. Serve warm and garnish with sprinkled feta and dried rosemary leaves.

enchantment.coop • September 2020 21

Electric Farming Equipment is an Energy Trend to Watch

Some farmers are making the switch to electric tractors, but they currently lack the battery power that many farmers need for a long day of working in the fields. Photo Credit: John Deere.


ur nation’s farmers have worked for generations in fields across the country. They have seen first-hand how farming equipment has improved over the decades to increase efficiency and to feed an ever-growing population. A major new change for farming equipment is the trend of switching fossil fuel-powered farming equipment towards electric farming equipment. This trend builds on the idea of beneficial electrification, where switching to an electric end-use technology satisfies at least one of the following conditions with adversely affecting the others: saving consumers money over time, benefiting the environment, improving product quality or consumer quality of life, and fostering a more robust and resilient grid. Historically, the most common form of electrification for farms has been electric irrigation pumping systems. Irrigation systems are crucial for many farmers and can make or break the crop yield for the entire year. Water heaters are the second most-used forms of electric technology on farms. They can be used for many different purposes, like in dairy farm processing, sterilizing equipment and general cleaning. Choosing an electric water heater for the right application depends on efficiency, size, recovery speed, and peak temperature. There are many benefits of replacing diesel motors with electric motors. Highly efficient electric motors can operate at 90% efficiency, which helps to provide cost savings over time, compared to inefficient diesel motors that only operate at 30% to 40% efficiency. Farmers can

22 September 2020 • enchantment.coop

simply plug in the electric equipment without needing to refill a diesel tank. One of the greatest benefits of electric motors is they do not emit fumes like diesel motors, which means farmers get to breathe in cleaner air around them. Overall, electric motors are cleaner, quieter and easier to maintain. Some farmers are making the switch to electric tractors as companies like John Deere, AgCo and other companies continue to perfect their own electric models. While electric tractors are more efficient, quieter and better for the environment than conventional diesel tractors, they lack the battery power that many farmers need for a long day of working in the fields. But the largest barrier of converting to electric technologies is the cost. Both the price of the electric technology itself and for the wiring to connect it to the entire farm can be extremely costly. Even with savings on fuel costs over time, farmers will be reluctant to replace their farming equipment because of high initial costs. However, there are federal and local government programs that can help to lessen the upfront costs for farmers. Electric cooperatives can also help farmers in their local territory with energy audits to identify energy efficiency opportunities, or with applying for funding from federal programs such as the Rural Energy Savings Program (RESP) or the Rural Business Development Grants (RBDG). Besides electric irrigation systems and water heaters, the availability of other electric farming technologies is much less common, such as grain dryers, thermal electric storage systems and heat pumps. Many of these electric technologies are still in the early stages of commercialization and have not fully entered the agricultural market. The accessibility of these other technologies will depend on a variety of factors, like the type of farm, electricity prices versus fossil fuel prices, and any incentives to decrease upfront costs for buying new equipment. Despite these challenges, there are opportunities for expansion, especially for electric tractors and other electric farm vehicles which are used on many different types of farms. With more time and investment, electric farming equipment will likely become more widespread in the coming years.

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ROAD-TRIPPING? Electric vehicle growth is expected to continue to rise across the U.S. There are also plans to install thousands of additional charging stations across the country. With the infrastructure in place, people will soon be able to drive electric from coast to coast with plenty of options to plug in along the way. Let’s ride. –Advanced Energy


Celebrate Democracy: Register and Vote


he best way to celebrate democracy is by encouraging full participation in public life. That’s why co-ops are supporting National Voter Registration Day on September 22, 2020. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, less than 70% of eligible American citizens of voting age—18 and over— were registered to vote in 2018. That means that up to 30% have not filed the required applications with their counties, parishes or states of local voter registrar’s offices, which are essential for making our voices as meaningful in American life as they might be. We’re among thousands of organizations committed to making September 22 the most successful National Voter Registration Day in history, because we believe its goals are more important than ever before. Here’s why: Unusual Year—Unexpected Changes While 2020 began as a very active political year, disruptions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic concerns altered the campaign plans of many candidates. They also dramatically reduced overall access to voter registration forms through department of motor vehicle offices, public libraries and schools. Suspension of on-site classes at many high schools prevented guidance counselors and government teachers from passing out registration applications to students who reached voting age this spring and summer. Voter education efforts by churches, or by state and local officials who normally would have booked space at community events to encourage community outreach found many of those events scaled back or canceled throughout spring and summer. Lingering concerns about a resurgence of COVID19 cases this autumn continue to fuel uncertainties on exactly how polling locations will operate or just how states and other jurisdictions will handle absentee and mail-in balloting. The Challenge Ahead Increasing overall participation in the election process begins with registering as many eligible voters as possible. That’s the goal of National Voter Registration Day. Recognized as a civic holiday since 2012, the annual event

24 September 2020 • enchantment.coop

has served as a rallying point for voter registration initiatives supported by a network of nonpartisan organizations committed to increasing overall participation in the electoral process. “Voting is central to American democracy,” said Laura Vogel, a senior political affairs advisor at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. “That’s why many electric cooperatives and their statewide associations are committed to making this year’s National Voter Registration Day the most successful event ever.” “Since 2012, National Voter Registration Day awareness efforts have helped to register more than three million voters,” said Vogel. “This year, we’re putting even more emphasis on digital engagement, because 41 states and the District of Columbia allow voters to register online.” Many electric co-ops are using their social media pages to promote voter registration, and encouraging political engagement with articles in their newsletters, on their websites, and with bill attachments or point of contact brochures and leaflets. Remember to mark your calendar for National Voter Registration Day on September 22, and together, let’s enjoy the rights and opportunities we all share as Americans and celebrate our democracy. To learn more about National Voter Registration Day, visit www.nationalvoterregistrationday.org

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enchantment.coop • September 2020 25


Animals QUALITY BREEDING RAMS FOR Sale. Rambouillet. Bred for big lambs and fine wool. Photos available. In Taos County. Call 575-7702881 or 575-779-7315. NOT ALL WATER TANKS Are Created Equal! Is Quality, Value and Longevity important to you? Buy High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Superior Black NRCS tanks. Lowest prices only provide minimum standards, lower weights, and shorter warranties. Find out more! 575-430-1010. RABBITS AT THE BUNNY FarmAll ages for sale. For pets, show, fancier, meat and fur. Can make custom-built cages in Jamestown. Call Maddie and Gene at 505-9061291, leave voice message. All calls will be answered and returned. 5 REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN PUPPIES for sale. 5 males, 1 female. Tri-colored, Red or Blacks. Some have blue eyes. Call 505-285-6063. CATTLE BRAND X X , SRH, Left side Forks on both ears. Easy to read. Been in family over 100 years. A Cattle and horses RSC RSH. Make offer. Call 575-743-1618, evenings. MOUNTAIN-TOP GOATS HAS GREAT goats and great goat deals! La Manchas, Nubians, mini La Manchas, mini Nubians, Nigerian Dwarfs-Does, kids and Bucks. 4-H, milkers, pets, meat, weed eaters. You need it, we have it! In Capitan, call 575-937-0342.

NEW MEXICO DRINKING WATER Storage Tanks, Heavy Duty Black Poly. Fittings customized to your needs NRCS and EQUIP approved. High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Algae Resistant, Black NRCS Water Tanks. Call 1-800-603-8272 or 575-682-2308.

LET US MARKET YOUR Livestock. Live auction every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. View online at dvauction.com, Country bid or live auction, if you’ve got em we’ll sell em. Call 575-3742505. fivestateslivestockauction.com

REGISTERED NUBIAN BUCK FOR Sale. White Fields Abram’s Cruz (Palomino color). He has impressive milking bloodlines, Black Mesa Nubians and Goldthwaite. 3 months old. $400. In Capitan, NM. Call 575-686-8297.

WELDING SERVICES, PIPE FENCES, barns, pergola, etc. Call Preston at 575-390-7017 or Kerry at 817-559-1018.

MISCELLANEOUS: HAY RINGS, SEMEN tank, number brands full set, Tru test alley digital scales; Cattle trimming chute used for bulls and cows going to show or sale; Pig farrowing house, 6 stalls, nursery huts. Email Howard McCall for pictures and pricing, h4mccall@gmail.com

DRINKING WATER STORAGE TANKS, Heavy Duty Black Poly, proven algae resistant. 125 to 11,000 gallons, NRCS and EQUIP approved. Please give us a chance to serve you! MasterCard or Visa accepted. Call 575-682-2308 or 1-800-603-8272.

APACHE SELF CREEP FEEDERS with rails for baby calves to enter on 2 sides, portable. One left to sell at $1,500. New they cost $4,500. Located in Moriarty. Howard McCall, 505-379-4333. Email for picture: h4mccall@gmail.com

OVERHEAD FEED BINS. 1 to 4 Compartment, 12 to 48 tons. Any size free standing cattle guards, no footing needed. Emery Welding, Clayton, New Mexico. 575-374-2320 or 575207-7402. eweld98@yahoo.com

THANK YOU FOR ADVERTISING in the enchantment. We appreciate your business! Stay safe and well. ALUMINUM CATTLE TRAILER, 24’X7’ gooseneck, 1 divider gate, 1 side escape, room in nose for storage. More of a cattle trailer for going to sale barn, etc. $7,000. Call Howard McCall, 505-379-4333. Email for picture: h4mccall@gmail.com SADDLES AND TACK. EVERYTHING for the Horse. Western & English Tack bought and sold. Rancho Elisa Stables, LLC, 500 Route 66 East, Moriarty, NM 87035. Call 505-832-5113 or email: ranchoelisastablesfr@swcp.com

26 September 2020 • enchantment.coop



FISHING TACKLE WANTED: “ANTIQUE” lures, reels, rods, tackle boxes. Pre-1950, please. Collector paying highest prices for “Grandpaw’s” tackle box. Lures $50 to $5,000 each. Reels $100 to $7,500 each. Send photos to: tacklechaser@ aol.com or call Rick at 575-354-0365. GREAT OFFER ON SOLAR Submersible Shallow/Deep well pumps! ‘NRCS’ approved with 2-year warranty on selected pumps with affordable, easy installation! For a custom quote, email us at: sales@solarsubmersiblewellpumps.com, or call 505-429-3093, 24/7 service. Order online at our website: www.solarsubmersiblewellpumps.com

FOR SALE: 1984 FORD F-700 wildfire brush truck with 750 gallon capacity tank; “Earth Stove” fireplace insert; Servel gas refrigerator. In Carrizozo. Call 575-309-1021 for more information. MILITARY MEP-017A Generator 5KW, 120-240 volts single phase, 120-208 volts 3 phase. Hercules/ Onan low hours, excellent for offgrid hunting cabin or 5th Wheel. Recent maintenance, new battery, starts and runs great, load tested and ready to go, designed to run 10,000+ hours if properly maintained. 575403-5372. rjenison@plateautel.net FOR SALE: PORTABLE BUILDINGS, 16’x32’, with electric and gas. $1,000 per building. Moving available. Call 505-384-5163. 2-80 TON FEED BINS, 1-18 Ton Feed Bin, 1 unloading Grain Hopper, 6”x20’ Auger, 8”x20’ Auger, 1-15HP 3 Phase Electric motor. Call 505-384-5163 for more information. POULTRY WIRE PVC COATED will not rust. Power Poles various lengths. Aircraft Cable 5/16” and 1/4” various lengths. Frostless Water Faucets 3’ burial, $25 each. Call 505384-5163 for more information. OIL FIELD PIPE, 10” casing 336’ at $8 per foot and 4” casing approximately 400’ at $4 per foot. Bar joists for barn 43’x90’. Just weld it up. Call Howard McCall at 505-379-4333. Or email for pictures at: h4mccall@gmail.com

Great Finds


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HEADSTONES (I.E. CEMETERY MONUMENTS) is our business. Over 1,000 designs. An eternal memory of a loved one. TAOS MOUNTAIN HERITAGE. Email: taos_mt_heritage@msn.com or call 575-770-2507. Website: www.taosmountainheritage.com

FOR SALE: WARNOCK HERSEY Wood Burning Stove with blower, model #W300007. Call 575-3568063 for more information.

WANTED: NEW MEXICO MOTORCYCLE License Plates, 19121959. Paying $100-$500 each. Also buying some New Mexico car plates 1900-1923. Visit NMplates.com for history and 4,100 photographs of NM plates. Bill Johnston, Box 1, Organ, NM 88052-0001. Telephone 575-3827804 or email: Bill@NMplates.com

RAILROAD ITEMS WANTED: KEROSENE Lanterns, Brass locks, FISHING• TACKLE WANTED: keys, badges, uniforms, bells, whis20 December enchantment.coop “ANTIQUE” lures, reels, rods, tles, and pre-1950 employee timetackle boxes. Pre-1950, please. tables. Always seeking items from Collector paying highest prices for any early New Mexico railroad, “Grandpaw’s” tackle box. Lures $50 especially D&RG, C&S, EP&NE, to $5,000 each. Reels $100 to $7,500 EP&SW, AT&SF, SP or Rock Island. each. Call Rick at 575-354-0365 or Call Randy Dunson at 575-760-3341 send photos to: tacklechaser@aol.com or 575-356-6919.

• Full septic systems • Poly pipe • PVC pipe • Fencing supplies

WANTED: MOTORCYCLE TO REPAIR, restore or possibly for parts. 1974 or older. Will consider any. If you have something you are not in love with, please let me know and thanks. Call or text, 575-544-5999. VINTAGE MONARCH DUAL Damper wood burning kitchen range, very good condition, $900 or best offer. 1937 Packard 120 parts: 3-speed transmission, rear end, head-many body parts, no fenders, $300 takes all. Contact Jim at 575-770-2784. 2013 COACHMAN MOTOR Home for Sale. 23 CB. Ford Truck 10 cycls. Only 54,357 miles. Great condition, clean, well cared for, only 1 private owner. Housed in a Motor Home garage. Asking $35,000. Phone: 505-217-6761.

enchantment.coop • September 2020 27

BUYING OLD STUFF: GAS Pumps and parts 1960’s or earlier, advertising signs, neon clocks, old car parts in original boxes, motor oil cans, license plate collections, Route 66 items, old metal road signs, odd and weird stuff. Fair prices paid. Have pickup, will travel. Gas Guy in Embudo, 505-852-2995.

Real Estate 2 MOUNTAIN CABINS, 25+ acres at 8000 feet, Wildhorse Ranch Subdivision, Pie Town, NM. Well on stream with 5000 storage tank and fire hydrant. New Mexico Hunting unit 13. Contact Dave for a DVD with pictures: ddh1972ff@gmail.com 4-10 ACRE LOTS, NORTH of Villanueva on County Road B-29-A. Lots have water, electric and views behind locked gate. $55,000. Owner Financed. $3,500 down, 8% interest. Call Doug at 505-690-0308. CUERVO, 0 MESITA PASS Road, 148.13 acres in Mesita Ranch Subdivision. Beautiful mesa views, perfect for homesite and or livestock. $85,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com

ROCIADA, NM. FRESHLY REMODELED Air Lock Log Home on 5 gently sloping acres. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath. 3,200+/- square feet. 3-car garage/workshop with 110V, 220V. Barn. Good power, water and County Road access. Great views from wrap around decks. $495,000. Also being offered with 10 acres and a new U.S. Postal Facility Lease, $595,000. Contact NM #360 Real Estate, 505-454-0332. SUMNER LAKE, 4516 STATE Road 203. Modular home on two acres, 2160 square feet, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 living rooms. Out buildings, bait shop and box car. Call for more information, 575-799-9946. PENDARIES VILLAGE GOLF RESORT. 3,350 square foot lodge style home built in 2008 on 3 acres at 7500’ elevation. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, great and game rooms. 1,200 square foot covered decks and furnishings. Spectacular mountain vistas. $485,000. Owner, 210-492-3838.

CONCHAS, BOAT DOCK DRIVE, 3 lots just over 1/2 acre per property. Two lots starting at $32,000 each. One lot at $35,000. Close to waterfont. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com ROCIADA, 250 NM 105. 5 bedroom, 3 full baths, 2 half baths. Private well, 3-car garage, large workshop, RV covered area. Separate guest quarters with kitchen, additional full path. Price Reduced! Call 575-799-5463. dlbell@cybermesa.com CONCHAS, TBD 4, BIG Mesa Avenue. Sold! Improved lot with septic. Close to waterfront. $60,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com CUERVO, 1130 AGUILA ROAD. 3 bedroom, 1 bath home with corrals on 56.6 acres at foot of Cuervo Mesa. Close to I-40. $85,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com

FOR SALE BY OWNER: Highway 206, Pep, New Mexico. 320 acres. 3 bedroom house, 1 bath. Post office, several outbuildings, 4 wells. Email: angelinas1080@gmail.com or call 505-450-8428.

NOGAL, TBD BARBER AVENUE, 2.89 acres in Townsite of Nogal. Coop water and electricity nearby. $50,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com

MOUNTAIN CABIN 12’X32’ WeatherKing with porch, insulated and finished inside. Aspen tongue and groove paneling, heater and woodstove. Metal roof (heavy snow load). Picture window, ceiling fan. Cabin is on skids and can be moved. $16,500. Will text photos, call 575403-5936. Chama, New Mexico.

SUMNER LAKE, 0 AND 00 River Ranches Road (At intersection with State Road 203). Price Reduced! Two lots just over 20 acres each. Scenic views just west of lake. $18,000 per lot. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com

FENCE LAKE, 295 PINE Hill Road. Price Reduced! Very Motivated Seller. 2 bedroom, 3 bath home on just over 60 acres, well, outbuildings, corrals, abundant wildlife, scenic views. $265,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com

DEMING, NM, SMALL FARM For Sale. 28.74 acres with 16 acres water rights. 1 bedroom, 1 bath house, with separate area that has utility hookups. 2856 square foot metal shop. Security fencing. Corrals, irrigation ditches and lots more. MLS #20202856. Call Merline at Deming Realty Company, 575-546-8818.

CONCHAS, TBD 1, 2 and 3, Big Mesa Avenue. Sold! Close to waterfront lots. TBD 1 is 4.4206 acres, $60,000. TBD 2 is 1.231 acres, $20,000. TBD 3 is 0.908 acres, $20,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, www.bigmesarealty.com or call 505-450-8428.

SAN ANTONIO, NM. 0 Zanja Road, 4.66 acres irrigated farmland in Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District with water rights. Produces alfalfa and grass hay crops. Utilities nearby. $69,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com

28 September 2020 • enchantment.coop

SUMNER LAKE, TBD STATE Road 203. Lot in River Ranches Estate, highway frontage just over 20 acres. Scenic views just west of lake. $25,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com RIBERA, 340 CR B41E, 32.674 acres with 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with custom accents, haybarn, two detached garages. Just over 20 of those acres are in alfalfa and grass hay production. Pecos River frontage. Scenic views and close to I-25. $695,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com MAGDALENA, 47 ANGUS LOOP, Magdalena Ranch Estates. Price Reduced! 11.04 acres with 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, horse barn and corrals. Beautiful mountain views. Abundant ATV and hunting opportunities nearby. $177,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. www.bigmesarealty.com DATIL, 464 SOUTHERN TRAIL, Sugarloaf Mountain Subdivision, 5.5. acres vacant land. $8,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843. 575760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com To Place a Classified Ad

1. Visit www.enchantment.coop/classifieds and complete form. You will be contacted with price and to pay by credit card (5% processing fee). 2. Or, complete form and select category. 3. Write ad on another sheet of paper. 4. Price: $20 up to first 40 words per ad, per category, per month. After 40 words, each word is 50 cents. Add $5 for small graphics such as cattle brands. Phone numbers, emails and websites count as one word.

To Send and Pay Your Classified Ad 1. Mail ad and payment (Payable to NMRECA) NMRECA • enchantment 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505

DATIL, 31 OLD HIGHWAY 60. 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with bonus room that could be used for bedroom on 3 lots. Well, stone fence. Great for hunting property or rental opportunity. $57,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. www.bigmesarealty.com

Look for this graphic in the mag to read about our Winter Ad Special.

WANTED! WORKING FAMILY FARMS and Ranches to list and sell. Broker has over 45 years of experience working on a family farm in New Mexico and has been an owner and operator since 1988. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. www.bigmesarealty.com

FOR SALE: 2012 CHEVY Tahoe LTZ, 65,500 miles, good condition, $20,000. Text: 575-626-5244. DYNAMAX CARRYGO RV ON 2003 Ford E350 Base. 75,000 miles. $7,000 or best offer. Call Tony Burgess at 575-437-7763.

FIND GREAT THINGS IN enchantment! RAMAH, CUSTOM LOG HOME, 5.59 acres all fenced. 1,928 square feet, 1 bedroom (potential for 2) horse shelter, RV storage, man cave, garage/basement 1,090 square feet. Good well, propane and wood for heat. 60 Yucca on Zillow.com, call 505-269-5022.

WANTED: DODGE OR PLYMOUTH with 318 engine. Prefer Dart or Duster but will consider any sedan. Must be driveable and have clear title! Person with ‘65 pristine Belvedere, please call me. 575-531-2797.


300ZX 1986 NISSAN, ONLY 70,300 miles, no rust and no dents. $1,000. Call 406-690-5392 in Roswell, New Mexico.

16-FOOT FLAT BED TRAILER For Sale. Lights, tires and brakes are in good condition. Asking $900. Please call 575-686-8338. Deadline

1. Due the 9th, one month prior. Ex: Ads due February 9 for the March issue.

Good to Know 1. Only members of New Mexico electric cooperatives may place ads. 2. We reserve the right to reject any ad. 4. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives of New Mexico. 5. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER.


1. Call: 505-982-4671 or 2. Email: enchantment@nmelectric.coop

5 ALUMINUM PAINTED 18 inch Wheels from 2012 Jeep Wrangler Sahara. Great condition. Previously mounted with P255/70R18 On/Off Road tires. Includes 5 TPMS and 5 center “Jeep” caps. Part# TA5 26011205:03. $199. Call 575-682-6531.

Name:________________________ ___________________________ Address:_______________________ ___________________________ City:_________________________ State:_________ ZIP:_____________ Phone:________________________ Cooperative:____________________ Select Category Below


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enchantment.coop • September 2020 29

youth art

Spot a Bigfoot? Congratulations to the Winners! Tom Aber • Age 9 Socorro Electric Cooperative

Tristen Gonzales • Age 9 Farmers' Electric Cooperative

Sadie Horacek • Age 8 Continental Divide Electric Cooperative

Dessa LaFont • Age 13 Sierra Electric Cooperative

Kayley Nunez • Age 7 Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative

Natalie Zambrano • Age 10 Otero County Electric Cooperative

October's Topic: Galaxies Beyond. Draw another world. What does it look like? Who lives there? November's Topic: National Cake Day Draw your perfect cake! Send Your Drawing By mail: Youth Editor 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 By email: enchantment@nmelectric.coop Deadline: Submit by the 9th, one month prior to publication. Hooray! You Get Paid: $15 Have a Youth Art Topic? Email or mail to the addresses above, or call 505-982-4671.

5 items to include on the back of your drawing, otherwise YOU ARE DISQUALIFIED: 1. Name 2. Age 3. Mailing Address 4. Phone 5. Electric Co-op *Accepted artwork up to age 13. DON'T FORGET THE 5 ITEMS!

30 September 2020 • enchantment.coop

enchantment.coop • September 2020 31

By 2024 we’re bringing over 1 gigawatt of wind and solar resources online, meaning 50% of the energy our cooperative family consumes will come from renewables.

Projects coming online by 2024 Niyol Wind | 200 MW Logan and Washington Counties, CO

Dolores Canyon Solar | 110 MW Dolores County, CO

Crossing Trails Wind | 104 MW Kit Carson County, CO

Axial Basin Solar | 145 MW Moffat County, CO

Spanish Peaks II Solar | 40 MW Las Animas County, CO

Escalante Solar | 200 MW McKinley County, NM

Coyote Gulch Solar | 120 MW La Plata County, CO

Spanish Peaks Solar | 100 MW Las Animas County, CO

To learn about how we are increasing clean energy, visit www.tristate.coop/responsibleenergyplan

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