2021 New Mexico Legislative Almanac

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Legislative Almanac

55th Legislature | First Session

Table of Contents

Legislative Leadership...................................................................... 2 Constitutional Officers......................................................................3 New Mexico Public Regulation Commission.....................3 New Mexico U.S. Congressional Delegation......................3 New Mexico Senate...........................................................................4 New Mexico Senate Standing Committees........................6 New Mexico Senate Seating Chart...........................................6 New Mexico Senate Electoral Districts................................... 7

New Mexico House of Representatives.................................8 New Mexico House Seating Chart........................................... 11 New Mexico House Standing Committees....................... 12 New Mexico House Electoral Districts.................................. 13 How to Pass a Bill in New Mexico............................................14 Legislative Session on the Web................................................14 Members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association..................................................... 15 & 16

Compliments of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives

Legislative Almanac App

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New Mexico Senate Legislative Leadership Senate



Howie C. Morales (D)

Peter Wirth (D)

Gregory A. Baca (R)

Office of the Lt. Governor State Capitol, Office 417 Mailing: 490 Old Santa Fe Trail Room 417, Santa Fe, NM 87501 505-476-2250 www.ltgov.state.nm.us

Santa Fe. 4th term. Distr. 25. (Santa Fe). Office: 119. Phone: 505-397-8855. peter.wirth@nmlegis.gov Vice Chair: Committees’ Committee. Member: Rules; Tax, Business & Transportation. Attorney. BA, Stanford University; JD, UNM School of Law.

Belen. 2nd term. Distr. 29. (Bernalillo, Valencia). Office: 109A. Phone: 505-986-4877. greg.baca@nmlegis.gov Member: Judiciary; Rules; Committees’ Committee; Health & Public Affairs. Attorney; Business Owner. BS, Business Administration, UNM.

Mimi Stewart (D)

Linda Lopez (D)

Craig Brandt (R)

Albuquerque. 3rd term. Distr. 17. (Bernalillo). Office: 105A. Phone: 505-397-8853. mimi.stewart@nmlegis.gov Chair: Committees’ Committee; Member: Judiciary; Rules. Retired Educator. BA, Sociology, History, Boston University; MS, Education, Wheelock College, Boston, MA.

Albuquerque. 7th term. Distr. 11. (Bernalillo). Office: 120A. Phone: 505-397-8833. linda.lopez@nmlegis.gov Consultant, Organizational Development, Strategic Planning, Community Organizing. BA, Business Management, MBA, Human Resource Development, College of Santa Fe.

Rio Rancho. 3rd term. Distr. 40. (Sandoval). Office: 109B. Phone: 505-986-4385. craig.brandt@nmlegis.gov Ranking Member: Education. Member: Committees’ Committee; Tax, Business & Transportation. Veteran, United States Air Force; Clergy. BA, Oklahoma Baptist. University.

Brenda McKenna (D)

Mark Moores (R)

Corrales. 1st term. Distr. 9. (Bernalillo, Sandoval). Office: 328A. Phone: 505-397-8834. brenda.mckenna@nmlegis.gov Member: Health & Public Affairs; Indian, Rural & Cultural Affairs. Field Representative, Representative Deb A. Haaland. BA, Psychology, Syracuse University.

Albuquerque. 3rd term. Distr. 21. (Bernalillo). Office: 109C. Phone: 505-986-4856. mark.moores@nmlegis.gov Ranking Member: Rules. Member: Judiciary. Executive Director, New Mexico Dental Association. BA, Political Science, Communications, MBA, UNM.

Lt. Governor & President of the Senate

Majority Floor Leader

President Pro Tempore

Minority Floor Leader

Majority Whip

Minority Whip

Member: Judiciary; Rules; Committees’ Committee.

Democrat Caucus Chair

Republican Caucus Chair

New Mexico House Legislative Leadership House



Brian Egolf (D)

Sheryl Williams Stapleton (D)

James G. Townsend (R)

Santa Fe. 7th term. Distr. 47. (Santa Fe). Office: 104. Phone: 505-986-4782. brian.egolf@nmlegis.gov Member: Judiciary; Taxation & Revenue; Printing & Supplies; Rules & Order of Business. Attorney. BSFS, International Security and Diplomacy, Georgetown University; JD, UNM School of Law.

Albuquerque. 14th term. Distr. 19. (Bernalillo). Office: 134. Phone: 505-986-4780. sheryl.stapleton@nmlegis.gov Member: Education; Labor, Veterans’ & Military Affairs; Printing & Supplies; Rules & Order of Business. District Administrator. BA, Education; MA, Education, Education Specialist, Education Administration.

Artesia. 4th term. Distr. 54. (Chaves, Eddy, Otero). Office: 125. Phone: 505-986-4757. townsend@pvtn.net Member: Energy, Environment & Natural Resources; Judiciary; Printing & Supplies; Rules & Order of Business. Board Member and Director, Holly Energy Partners. New Mexico Junior College; NMSU, Carlsbad.

Doreen Y. Gallegos (D)

Rod Montoya (R)

Las Cruces. 5th term. Distr. 52. (Doña Ana). Office: 134. Phone: 505-986-4780. doreen.gallegos@nmlegis.gov Member: Commerce & Economic Development; State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs; Printing & Supplies; Rules & Order of Business. Executive Director, Mesilla Valley Court Appointed Special Advocates. BA, MA, Social Work, NMSU.

Farmington. 4th term. Distr. 1. (San Juan). Office: 125. Phone: 505-986-4757. roddmontoya@gmail.com Member: Energy, Environment & Natural Resources; Taxation & Revenue; Printing & Supplies; Rules & Order of Business. Real Estate Broker. High School.

D. Wonda Johnson (D)

Rebecca L. Dow (R)

Church Rock. 4th term. Distr. 5. (McKinley, San Juan). Office: 413D. Phone: 505-986-4433. dwonda.johnson@nmlegis.gov Vice Chair: State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs. Member: Commerce & Economic Development; Rules & Order of Business. WJ Consulting; Principal, Grants Management. BA, Business, Communications, Marymount University.

Truth or Consequences. 3rd term. Distr. 38. (Grant, Hidalgo, Sierra). Office: 203DN. Phone: 505-986-4336. rebecca.dow@nmlegis.gov

Speaker of the House

Majority Floor Leader

Majority Whip

Disclaimer: All information current at press time. Search for 2021 Legislative Almanac in the app stores or scan the QR code to download to your electronic device.


Democrat Caucus Chair

Minority Floor Leader

Minority Whip

Republican Caucus Chair

Member: Commerce & Economic Development. Education. Non-Profit Consultant, Grant Writer. AA, Early Childhood, Tulsa Community College; BS, Business, Oral Roberts University.

55th Legislature, First Session (60 Days) • 2021 Legislative Almanac

New Mexico Constitutional Officers Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) Governor

Lt. Governor & President of the Senate

Howie C. Morales (D)

Maggie Toulouse Oliver (D)

Office of the Governor State Capitol, Office 400 Mailing: 490 Old Santa Fe Trail Room 400, Santa Fe, NM 87501 505-476-2200 www.governor.state.nm.us

Office of the Lt. Governor State Capitol, Office 417 Mailing: 490 Old Santa Fe Trail Room 417, Santa Fe, NM 87501 505-476-2250 www.ltgov.state.nm.us

Office of the Secretary of State State Capitol North Annex, Office 300 Mailing: 325 Don Gaspar Avenue Suite 300, Santa Fe, NM 87501 800-477-3632 www.sos.state.nm.us

Brian S. Colón (D)

Tim Eichenberg (D)

Hector H. Balderas (D)

Office of the State Auditor Mailing: 2540 Camino Edward Ortiz, Suite A Santa Fe, NM 87507 505-476-3800 www.saonm.org

State Treasurer’s Office 2055 S. Pacheco Street, Suites 100 & 200 Mailing: PO Box 5135 Santa Fe, NM 87502 505-955-1120 www.nmsto.gov

Office of the Attorney General Villagra Building, 408 Galisteo Street Mailing: PO Drawer 1508 Santa Fe, NM 87504 505-490-4060 www.nmag.gov

State Auditor

State Treasurer

Secretary of State

Attorney General

Stephanie Garcia Richard (D)

Commissioner of Public Lands New Mexico State Land Office 310 Old Santa Fe Trail Mailing: PO Box 1148 Santa Fe, NM 87501 505-827-5760 www.nmstatelands.org

New Mexico U.S. Congressional Delegation ~117th Congress Martin T. Heinrich (D)

Ben R. Luján (D)

U.S. Senator

U.S. Senator

303 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-5521 202-228-2841 Fax www.heinrich.senate.gov

B40C Dirksen Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-6621 202-228-3261 Fax www.lujan.senate.gov

Debra A. Haaland (D)

Yvette Herrell (R)

Teresa Leger Fernandez (D)

Distr. 1 1237 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 202-225-6316 www.haaland.house.gov

Distr. 2 1305 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 202-225-2365 202-225-9599 Fax www.herrell.house.gov

Distr. 3 1432 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 202-225-6190 202-226-1528 Fax www.fernandez.house.gov

U.S. House of Representative

U.S. House of Representative

U.S. House of Representative

New Mexico Public Regulation Commission Stephen Fischmann (D)

Joseph Maestas (D)

Theresa A. Becenti-Aguilar (D)


Vice Chair


Distr. 5 Public Regulation Commission PO Box 1269 Santa Fe, NM 87504 505-216-8569 stephen.fischmann@state.nm.us www.nmprc.state.nm.us

Distr. 3 Public Regulation Commission PO Box 1269 Santa Fe, NM 87504 505-508-9293 joseph.maestas@state.nm.us www.nmprc.state.nm.us

Distr. 4 Public Regulation Commission PO Box 1269 Santa Fe, NM 87504 505-795-0713 t.becenti@state.nm.us www.nmprc.state.nm.us

Jefferson L. Byrd (R)

Cynthia B. Hall (D)

Distr. 2 Public Regulation Commission PO Box 1269 Santa Fe, NM 87504 505-795-1037 jeff.byrd@state.nm.us www.nmprc.state.nm.us

Distr. 1 Public Regulation Commission 1120 Paseo de Peralta Santa Fe, NM 87504 505-235-8013 cynthia.hall@state.nm.us www.nmprc.state.nm.us



Compliments of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives


New Mexico Senate Gregory A. Baca (R)

Craig Brandt (R)

William F. Burt (R)

Belen. 2nd term. Distr. 29. (Bernalillo, Valencia). Office: 109A. Phone: 505-986-4877. greg.baca@nmlegis.gov Member: Judiciary; Rules; Committees’ Committee; Health & Public Affairs. Attorney; Business Owner. BS, Business Administration, UNM.

Rio Rancho. 3rd term. Distr. 40. (Sandoval). Office: 109B. Phone: 505-986-4385. craig.brandt@nmlegis.gov Ranking Member: Education. Member: Committees’ Committee; Tax, Business & Transportation. Veteran, United States Air Force; Clergy. BA, Oklahoma Baptist. University.

Alamogordo. 4th term. Distr. 33. (Chaves, Lincoln, Otero). Office: 415C. Phone: 505-986-4366. bill.burt@nmlegis.gov Member: Finance. Business Owner. BA, Mass Communications, NMSU.

Pete Campos (D)

Jacob R. Candelaria (D)

Joseph Cervantes (D)

Las Vegas. 9th term. Distr. 8. (Colfax, Guadalupe, Harding, Mora, Quay, San Miguel, Taos). Office: 302B. Phone: 505-397-8818. pete.campos@nmlegis.gov Member: Finance. Full-time Citizen Legislator. BA, Economics, Philosophy, UNM; MA, Counseling, NMHU; EdD, Educational Leadership, UNM.

Albuquerque. 3rd term. Distr. 26. (Bernalillo). Office: 218B. Phone: 505-397-8819. jacob.candelaria@nmlegis.gov Member: Finance. Nonprofit Management and Development. AB, Princeton University.

Las Cruces. 3rd term. Distr. 31. (Doña Ana). Office: 319. Phone: 505-397-8820. joseph@cervanteslawnm.com Chair: Judiciary. Member: Conservation. Committees’ Committee. Attorney; Businessman. BA, Architecture, UNM; MA, Architecture, California Polytechnic; JD, UNM School of Law.

Crystal R. Diamond (R)

David M. Gallegos (R)

Roberto “Bobby” J. Gonzales (D)

Elephant Butte. 1st term. Distr. 35. (Doña Ana, Hidalgo, Luna, Sierra). Office: 414C. Phone: 505-986-4703. crystal.diamond@nmlegis.gov Member: Finance. Outreach Director. BA, Agriculture Economics, NMSU.

Eunice. 1st term. Distr. 41. (Eddy, Lea). Office: 415A. Phone: 505-986-4278. david.rsi@hotmail.com

Ranchos de Taos. 2nd term. Distr. 6. (Taos). Office: 218A. Phone: 505-397-8825. roberto.gonzales@nmlegis.gov Member: Finance. Retired Educator; Owner of Gonzales Rentals, Commercial and Residential Rentals. BS, Elementary Education, UNM; MA, Education and School Administration, NMHU.

Ron Griggs (R)

Carrie Hamblen (D)

Siah Correa Hemphill (D)

Alamogordo. 3rd term. Distr. 34. (Doña Ana, Eddy, Otero). Office: 414A. Phone: 505-986-4391. ron.griggs@nmlegis.gov Ranking Member: Indian, Rural & Cultural Affairs. Member: Tax, Business & Transportation. Retired Business Owner; Former Landman, Texaco, Inc. BBA, NMSU; Graduate Work, ENMU.

Las Cruces. 1st term. Distr. 38. (Doña Ana). Office: 416G. Phone: 505-397-8827. carrie.hamblen@nmlegis.gov

Silver City. 1st term. Distr. 28. (Catron, Grant, Socorro). Office: 416F. Phone: 505-397-8821. siah.hemphill@nmlegis.gov

Transportation. BA, Broadcast Journalism, UTEP; MA, Communication Studies, NMSU; Masters, Public Administration, NMSU. CEO/President, Las Cruces Green Chamber of Commerce.

Member: Committees’ Committee;

Martin Hickey (D)

Stuart Ingle (R)

Daniel A. Ivey-Soto (D)

Albuquerque. 1st term. Distr. 20. (Bernalillo). Office: 416D. Phone: 505-397-8828. martin.hickey@nmlegis.gov

Portales. 10th term. Distr. 27. (Chaves, Curry, DeBaca, Lea, Roosevelt). Office: 415G. Phone: 505-986-4702. stuart.ingle@nmlegis.gov Ranking Member: Rules. Member: Health & Public Affairs. Farmer; Rancher. BS, Animal Science and Industry, Oklahoma State University.

Albuquerque. 3rd term. Distr. 15. (Bernalillo). Office: 320A. Phone: 505-397-8830. daniel.ivey-soto@nmlegis.gov Chair: Rules. Member: Judiciary. Association Executive; Attorney. MA, Education, Claremont Graduate University; MBA, JD, UNM.

Leo Jaramillo (D)

Katy Duhigg (D)

Gay G. Kernan (R)

Española. 1st term. Distr. 5. (Los Alamos, Río Arriba, Sandoval, Santa Fe). Office: 416C. Phone: 505-397-8831. leo.jaramillo@nmlegis.gov Vice Chair: Indian, Rural & Cultural Affairs. Member: Tax, Business & Transportation. Staff

Albuquerque. 1st term. Distr. 10. (Bernalillo, Sandoval). Office: 300B. Phone: 505-397-8823. katy.duhigg@nmlegis.gov

Operations Manager, LANL. BA, Mass Communication, Journalism, UNM; MA, Curriculum Design, Instructional Leadership, College of Santa Fe.

BA, University of Orgeon; JD, UNM School of Law.

Hobbs. 6th term. Distr. 42. (Chaves, Eddy, Lea). Office: 415E. Phone: 505-986-4274. gay.kernan@nmlegis.gov Ranking Member: Tax, Business & Transportation. Member: Education. Retired Educator; Business Owner. BAE, University of Mississippi.

Linda Lopez (D)

Brenda McKenna (D)

Democrat Caucus Chair

Republican Caucus Chair

Albuquerque. 7th term. Distr. 11. (Bernalillo). Office: 120A. Phone: 505-397-8833. linda.lopez@nmlegis.gov

Corrales. 1st term. Distr. 9. (Bernalillo, Sandoval). Office: 328A. Phone: 505-397-8834. brenda.mckenna@nmlegis.gov Member: Health & Public Affairs; Indian, Rural & Cultural Affairs. Field Representative, Representative Deb A. Haaland. BA, Psychology, Syracuse University.

Albuquerque. 3rd term. Distr. 21. (Bernalillo). Office: 109C. Phone: 505-986-4856. mark.moores@nmlegis.gov Ranking Member: Rules. Member: Judiciary. Executive Director, New Mexico Dental Association. BA, Political Science, Communications, MBA, UNM.

Minority Floor Leader

Member: Education; Tax, Business & Transportation. Executive Physician.

BA, John Hopkins University; MA, Medical Administration, University of Wisconsin; MD, Rush Medical College.

Majority Whip

Member: Judiciary; Rules; Committees’ Committee. Consultant, Organizational Development, Strategic Planning, Community Organizing. BA, Business Management, MBA, Human Resource Development, College of Santa Fe.


Minority Whip

Ranking Member: Conservation. Member: Health & Public Affairs. Senior Superintendent, Ramirez and Sons Inc. Construction Co.; Retired, New Mexico Gas, PNM. AA, NMJC; BA, University of the Southwest.

Member: Conservation; Tax, Business &

Vice Chair: Rules; Member: Judiciary; Committees’ Committee. Attorney.

Finance. School Psychologist. BS, Elementary Education; MA, Interdisciplinary Studies, emphasis School Psychology.

Mark Moores (R)

55th Legislature, First Session (60 Days) • 2021 Legislative Almanac

New Mexico Senate George K. Munoz (D)

Steven P. Neville (R)

Bill B. O’Neill (D)

Gallup. 4th term. Distr. 4. (Cibola, McKinley, San Juan). Office: 325B. Phone: 505-397-8836. senatormunoz@gmail.com Chair: Finance. Member: Committees‘ Committee. Land Developer; Contractor; Property Management. Attended University of Arizona.

Aztec. 5th term. Distr. 2. (San Juan). Office: 415B. Phone: 505-986-4701. steven.neville@nmlegis.gov Ranking Member: Education. Member: Conservation. Real Estate Appraiser; Investor. BS, Animal Science, BS, Agronomy, MS, Agriculture, Economics, NMSU.

Albuquerque. 3rd term. Distr. 13. (Bernalillo). Office: 300D. Phone: 505-397-8838. oneillsd13@billoneillfornm.com Vice Chair: Judiciary. Member: Rules. Self-Employed, Underdog Development, LLC. BA, American History, Cornell University.

Gerald P. Ortiz y Pino (D)

Michael Padilla (D)

Shannon D. Pinto (D)

Albuquerque. 5th term. Distr. 12. (Bernalillo). Office: 300A. Phone: 505-397-8839. jortizyp@msn.com Chair: Health & Public Affairs. Member: Rules. Social Worker; Retired Public Employee. BA, Latin American Studies, UNM; MSW, Social Work, Tulane University.

Albuquerque. 3rd term. Distr. 14. (Bernalillo). Office: 217. Phone: 505-397-8840. michael.padilla@nmlegis.gov

Tohatchi. 2nd term. Distr. 3 (McKinley, San Juan). Office: 301B. Phone: 505-397-8841. shannon.pinto@nmlegis.gov Chair: Indian, Rural & Cultural Affairs. Member: Education. Educator. BA, Finance, UNM.

Cliff R. Pirtle (R)

Harold Pope Jr. (D)

Nancy Rodriguez (D)

Roswell. 3rd term. Distr. 32. (Chaves, Eddy, Otero). Office: 414D. Phone: 505-986-4369. cliff.pirtle@nmlegis.gov Ranking Member: Judiciary. Member: Rules. Committees’ Committe. Farmer. Honor Graduate, Roswell High School.

Albuquerque. 1st term. Distr. 23. (Bernalillo). Office: 416E. Phone: 505-397-8843. harold.popejr@nmlegis.gov Retired Air Force. BS, Biochemistry, UNM; MA, Military Operational Art and Science, USAF, Air Command & Staff College; MS, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Florida.

Santa Fe. 7th term. Distr. 24. (Santa Fe). Office: 325A. Phone: 505-397-8844. nancy.rodriguez@nmlegis.gov Vice Chair: Finance. Consultant. MBA, Business Administration.

Joshua Sanchez (R)

Antoinette Sedillo Lopez (D)

William E. Sharer (R)

Grants. 1st term. Distr. 30. (Cibola, McKinley, Socorro, Valencia). Office:414B. Phone: 505-986-4375. jas4nm@gmail.com

Albuquerque. 2nd term. Distr. 16. (Bernalillo). Office: 218C. Phone: 505-397-8847.

Member: Indian, Rural & Cultural Affairs; Tax, Business & Transportation.


Farmington. 6th term. Distr. 1. (San Juan). Office: 415H. Phone: 505-986-4381. bill@williamsharer.com Ranking Member: Finance. Businessman. BA, NMSU.

Small Business Owner. High School.

Retired Law Professor. BA, UNM; JD, UCLA.

Benny J. Shendo, Jr. (D)

William P. Soules (D)

Elizabeth “Liz” Stefanics (D)

Jemez Pueblo. 3rd term. Distr. 22. (Bernalillo, McKinley, Río Arriba, San Juan, Sandoval). Office: 323A. Phone: 505-397-8849. benny.shendo@nmlegis.gov Chair: Tax, Business & Transportation. Member: Committees’ Committee; Indian, Rural & Cultural Affairs. President and CEO, The Pueblo Agency, Inc. BS, University of Colorado, Boulder.

Las Cruces. 3rd term. Distr. 37. (Doña Ana). Office: 328C. Phone: 505-397-8850. bill.soules@nmlegis.gov Chair: Education. Member: Conservation. Educator. BA, Psychology; MA, Psychology; PhD, Interdisciplinary Doctorate, Education and Psychology, NMSU.

Cerrillos. 2nd term. Distr. 39. (Bernalillo, Lincoln, San Miguel, Santa Fe, Torrance, Valencia). Office: 328B. Phone: 505-397-8851.

Jeff Steinborn (D)

Mimi Stewart (D)

President Pro Tempore

Bill Tallman (D)

Las Cruces. 2nd term. Distr. 36. (Doña Ana). Office: 302A. Phone: 505-397-8852. jeff.steinborn@nmlegis.gov Member: Finance. Land Conservationist. BS, Political Science, University of Texas, Austin; Graduate Work, Institute of World Politics, Washington, DC.

Albuquerque. 3rd term. Distr. 17. (Bernalillo). Office: 105A. Phone: 505-397-8853. mimi.stewart@nmlegis.gov Chair: Committees’ Committee; Member: Judiciary; Rules. Retired Educator. BA, Sociology, History, Boston University; MS, Education, Wheelock College, Boston, MA.

Albuquerque. 2nd term. Distr. 18. (Bernalillo). Office: 300C. Phone: 505-397-8854. bill.tallman@nmlegis.gov Vice Chair: Health & Public Affairs. Member: Tax, Business & Transportation. Retired City Manager. BA, Syracuse University; MA, University of Cincinnati.

Gregg Schmedes (R)

Peter Wirth (D)

John “Pat” Woods (R)

Santa Fe. 4th term. Distr. 25. (Santa Fe). Office: 119. Phone: 505-397-8855. peter.wirth@nmlegis.gov Vice Chair: Committees’ Committee.

Broadview. 4th term. Distr. 7. (Curry, Quay, Union). Office: 415D. Phone: 505-986-4393. pat.woods@nmlegis.gov Member: Finance. Farmer; Rancher. BS, Agriculture Economics, NMSU.

Tijeras. 1st term. Distr. 19. (Bernalillo, Sandoval, Santa Fe, Torrance). Office: 415F. Phone: 505-986-4395. gregg.schmedes@nmlegis.gov Ranking Member: Health & Public Affairs. Member: Conservation. Surgeon. Electrical Engineering, University of Texas, Austin; MD, Texas Tech.

Vice Chair: Tax, Business & Transportation. Member: Education. Independent Business Owner. UNM; University of Phoenix; Six Sigma Quality Greenbelt; General Electric University.

Vice Chair: Education. Member: Conservation.

Vice Chair: Conservation. Member: Health & Public Affairs.

Majority Floor Leader

Member: Rules; Tax, Business &


Chair: Conservation. Member: Health & Public Affairs. Retired. BS, Eastern

Kentucky; MS, University of Wisconsin; PhD, University of Minnesota.

Transportation. Attorney. BA, Stanford

University; D, UNM School of Law.

Compliments of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives


New Mexico Senate Standing Committees Committees’ Committee (SCC)

Conservation (SCONC)

• Chair: Mimi Stewart (D) • Vice Chair: Peter Wirth (D) • Gregory Baca (R) • Craig Brandt (R) • Joseph Cervantes (D) • Katy Duhigg (D)

• Chair: Liz Stefanics (D) • Vice Chair: Antoinette Sedillo Lopez (D) • Ranking Member: David Gallegos (R) • Joseph Cervantes (D)

At Call of the Chair • Room 105

• Siah Correa Hemphill (D) • Linda M. Lopez (D) • George Muñoz (D) • Cliff Pirtle (R) • Benny Shendo (D)

Education (SEC)

Monday, Wednesday & Friday • 9:00 a.m. • Room 311 • Chair: William Soules (D) • Vice Chair: Harold Pope Jr. (D) • Ranking Member: Steven Neville (R) • Craig Brandt (R) • Martin Hickey (D) • Gay Kernan (R)

• Michael Padilla (D) • Shannon Pinto (D)

Judiciary (SJC)

Monday, Wednesday & Friday • 1:30 p.m. Room 321 • Chair: Joseph Cervantes (D) • Vice Chair: Bill O’Neill (D) • Ranking Member: Cliff Pirtle (R) • Gregory Baca (R) • Katy Duhigg (D) • Daniel Ivey-Soto (D)

• Linda M. Lopez (D) • Mark Moores (R) • Mimi Stewart (D)

Taxation, Business and Transportation (STBT)

Tuesday & Thursday • 9:00 a.m. • Room 311

Tuesday & Thursday • 1:30 p.m. • Room 321

• Carrie Hamblen (D) • Steven Neville (R) • Harold Pope Jr. (D) • Gregg Schmedes (R) • William Soules (D)

Finance (SFC)

• Carrie Hamblen (D) • Martin Hickey (D) • Leo Jaramillo (D) • Joshua Sanchez (R) • Bill Tallman (D) • Peter Wirth (D)

Indian, Rural & Cultural Affairs (SIRC)

Monday through Friday • 1:30 p.m. • Room 322 • Chair: George Muñoz (D) • Vice Chair: Nancy Rodriguez (D) • Ranking Member: William Sharer (R) • William Burt (R) • Pete Campos (D) • Jacob Candelaria (D)

• Chair: Benny Shendo (D) • Vice Chair: Michael Padilla (D) • Ranking Member: Gay Kernan (R) • Craig Brandt (R) • Ron Griggs (R)

Tuesday & Thursday • 9:00 a.m. • Room 303

• Crystal Diamond (R) • Roberto “Bobby” Gonzales (D) • Siah Correa Hemphill (D) • Jeff Steinborn (D) • Pat Woods (R)

• Chair: Shannon Pinto (D) • Vice Chair: Leo Jaramillo (D) • Ranking Member: Ron Griggs (R) • Brenda McKenna (D) • Joshua Sanchez (R) • Benny Shendo (D)

Health & Public Affairs (SHPAC)

Rules (SRC)

• Chair: Gerald Ortiz y Pino (D) • Vice Chair: Bill Tallman (D) • Ranking Member: Gregg Schmedes (R) • David Gallegos (R) • Stuart Ingle (R) • Brenda McKenna (D)

• Chair: Daniel Ivey-Soto (D) • Vice Chair: Katy Duhigg (D) • Ranking Member: Stuart Ingle (R) • Gregory Baca (R) • Linda M. Lopez (D) • Mark Moores (R)

Monday, Wednesday & Friday • 1:30 p.m. Room 311

Monday, Wednesday & Friday • 9:00 a.m. Room 321

• Antoinette Sedillo Lopez (D) • Liz Stefanics (D)

• Bill O’Neill (D) • Gerald Ortiz y Pino (D) • Cliff Pirtle (R) • Mimi Stewart (D) • Peter Wirth (D)

Committee Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in the daily bill locator, available from the Legislative Council Service and at: www.nmlegis.gov/lcs/session_locator.aspx SCC: Senate Committees’ Committee SCONC: Senate Conservation Committee STBT: Senate Taxation, Business & Transportation Committee SEC: Senate Education Committee SFC: Senate Finance Committee SIRC: Senate Indian, Rural & Cultural Affairs Committee SJC: Senate Judiciary Committee SHPAC: Senate Health & Public Affairs Committee SRC: Senate Rules Committee

New Mexico Senate Seating Chart Senate Party Affiliation (42): 27 Democrats • 15 Republicans


55th Legislature, First Session (60 Days) • 2021 Legislative Almanac

New Mexico Senate Electoral Districts Senate Statewide Districts

Senate Bernalillo County Districts

Senators by District

General Information

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

William E. Sharer Steven P. Neville Shannon Pinto George K. Munoz Leo Jaramillo Roberty “Bobby” Gonzales John “Pat” Woods Pete Campos Brenda McKenna Katy Duhigg Linda M. Lopez Gerald P. Ortiz y Pino Bill B. O’Neill Michael Padilla Daniel A. Ivey-Soto Antoinette Sedillo Lopez Mimi Stewart Bill Tallman Gregg W. Schmedes Martin Hickey Mark Moores

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

Benny J. Shendo, Jr. Harold Pope Jr. Nancy Rodriguez Peter Wirth Jacob R. Candelaria Stuart Ingle Siah Correa Hemphill Gregory A. Baca Joshua Sanchez Joseph Cervantes Cliff R. Pirtle William F. Burt Ron Griggs Crystal Diamond Jeff Steinborn William P. Soules Carrie Hamblen Elizabeth “Liz“ Stefanics Craig W. Brandt David M. Gallegos Gay G. Kernan

Write Your Senator

The Honorable (First and Last Name) New Mexico State Senate State Capitol, Room 411 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501

Chief Clerk’s Office

Room 115 • 505-986-4714 senate@nmlegis.gov

Senate Information Room 219 • 505-986-4281

Senate Tours Phone: 505-986-4589

Legislative Council Service

School Abbreviations • ENMU: Eastern New Mexico University • NMHU: New Mexico Highlands University • NMMI: New Mexico Military Institute • NMSU: New Mexico State University • NNMC: Northern New Mexico College • UNM: University of New Mexico • WNMU: Western New Mexico University

Senate Photo Credits

• Courtesy of the Legislative Council Service. • Courtesy of Sen. Carrie Hamblen website. • Courtesy of Sen. Leo Jaramillo. • Courtesy of Sen. Joshua Sanchez.

Room 411 • 505-986-4600 lcs@nmlegis.gov

Legislative Information and Tours Phone: 505-986-4589

Legislative Almanac App

Search for 2021 Legislative Almanac in the app stores or scan the QR code to download to your electronic device.

Compliments of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives


New Mexico House of Representatives Eliseo Lee Alcon (D)

Anthony Allison (D)

Phelps Anderson (R)

Milan. 7th term. Distr. 6. (Cibola, McKinley). Office: 314A. Phone: 505-986-4416. eliseo.alcon@nmlegis.gov Chair: Labor, Veterans’ & Military Affairs. Member: Judiciary. Disabled Veteran; Retired Magistrate Judge. Attended NMHU.

Fruitland. 2nd term. Distr. 4. (San Juan). Office: 413C. Phone: 505-986-4436. anthony.allison@nmlegis.gov

Roswell. 2nd term. Distr. 66. (Chaves, Lea, Roosevelt). Office: 203B. Phone: 505-986-4226. phelps.anderson@nmlegis.gov

Appropriations & Finance. Retired; Mining Industry. 2 Years College, Journeyman Electrician.

Member: Appropriations & Finance;

Deborah A. Armstrong (D)

Gail Armstrong (R)

Alonzo Baldonado (R)

Albuquerque. 4th term. Distr. 17. (Bernalillo). Office: 312B. Phone: 505-986-4344. deborah.armstrong@nmlegis.gov

Magdalena. 3rd term. Distr. 49. (Catron, Socorro, Valencia). Office: 203A. Phone: 505-986-4227. gail@gailfornewmexico.com

Los Lunas. 6th term. Distr. 8. (Valencia). Office: 202A. Phone: 505-986-4221. alonzo.baldonado@nmlegis.gov

Member: Appropriations & Finance;

Development; Education.

Business Owner; Attorney; Retired Physical Therapist. BS, Physical Therapy, UM; JD, UNM School of Law.

Health & Human Services;

Printing & Supplies. Businesswoman, Rancher.

Real Estate Broker. BBA, Anderson School of Management.

Brittney Barreras (D)

Karen C. Bash (D)

Rachel A. Black (R)

Albuquerque. 1st term. Distr. 12. (Bernalillo). Office: 206B. Phone: 505-986-4248 brittneyfornewmexico@gmail.com Chair: Enrolling & Engrossing -A. Member: Consumer & Public Affairs; Health & Human Services. Sales. High School.

Albuquerque. 2nd term. Distr. 68. (Bernalillo). Office: 413E. Phone: 505-986-4236. karen.bash@nmlegis.gov

Alamogordo. 2nd term. Distr. 51. (Otero). Office: 203HN. Phone: 505-986-4453. rachel.black@nmlegis.gov Member: Labor, Veterans’ & Military Affairs; Local Government, Land Grants & Cultural Affairs. Chief Deputy Treasurer, Otero County. Attended College.

Cathrynn N. Brown (R)

Micaela Lara Cadena (D)

Ambrose Castellano (D)

Carlsbad. 6th term. Distr. 55. (Eddy). Office: 203A. Phone: 505-986-4227.

Mesilla. 2nd term. Distr. 33. (Doña Ana). Office: 204B. Phone: 505-986-4210. michaela.cadena@nmlegis.gov Vice Chair: Judiciary; Member: Taxation & Revenue. Research Director. BA, Trinity College, MCRP, UNM.

Serafina. 1st term. Distr. 70. (San Miguel, Santa Fe, Torrance). Office: 413E. Phone: 505-986-4236. ambrose.castellano@nmlegis.gov

Christine Chandler (D)

Gail Chasey (D)

Jack Chatfield (R)

Los Alamos. 2nd term. Distr. 43. (Los Alamos, Río Arriba, Sandoval, Santa Fe). Office: 205B. Phone: 505-986-4242. christine.chandler@nmlegis.gov

Albuquerque. 13th term. Distr. 18. (Bernalillo). Office: 308. Phone: 505-986-4411. gail@gailchasey.com Chair: Judiciary. Member: State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs; Printing & Supplies;

Mosquero. 2nd term. Distr. 67. (Colfax, Curry, Harding, Quay, Roosevelt, San Miguel, Union). Office: 203FN. Phone: 505-986-4467.

Chair: Health & Human Services. Vice Chair: Rules & Order of Business. Member: Judiciary. Consultant;

c.brown.nm55@gmail.com Member: Appropriations & Finance;

Agriculture & Water Resources. Retired Attorney; Professional Editor. BA, Political Science, Reed College; JD, University of Idaho College of Law.

Vice Chair: Taxation & Revenue. Member: Energy, Environment & Natural Resources. Attorney. AB, Economics Smith College; JD,

Member: Health & Human Services. Labor, Veterans’ & Military Affairs. Retired Clergy. BA, Phillips University; MEd, Lamar University; Master of Divinity, University of Dubuque.

Rules & Order of Business.

Health & Human Services. Small Businessman. Agriculture

Economics, NMSU.

Member: Commerce & Economic

Member: Enrolling & Engrossing -B; Local Government, Land Grants & Cultural Affairs; Appropriations & Finance.

jackchd67@gmail.com Member: Appropriations & Finance; Education. Rancher; Project Manager.

Boston College Law School; International Law LLM, Georgetown University Law Center.

Attorney. PhD, Special Education, UNM; JD, UNM School of Law.

Zachary J. Cook (R)

Randal S. Crowder (R)

Meredith Dixon (D)

Ruidoso. 7th term. Distr. 56. (Lincoln, Otero). Office: 202A. Phone: 505-986-4221. zachary.cook@nmlegis.gov Member: Judiciary; Rules & Order of Business; Local Goverment, Land Grants & Cultural Affairs. Attorney. BA, UNM; MA, International Management, Thunderbird, Glendale, AZ; JD, UNM School of Law.

Clovis. 4th term. Distr. 64. (Curry). Office: 201A. Phone: 505-986-4215. randal.crowder@nmlegis.gov

Member: Appropriations & Finance;

Albuquerque. 1st term. Distr. 20. (Bernalillo). Office: 204B Phone: 505-986-4210. meredith.dixon@nmlegis.gov

Transportation, Public Works & Capital Improvements; Printing & Supplies. Business Owner; Contractor; Developer. Clovis Community College; Industrial Technology, ENMU.

Member: Enrolling & Engrossing -B; Energy Environment & Natural Resources; Appropriations & Finance. Consultant. MA, International Political Economy, University of Pittsburgh.

Rebecca L. Dow (R)

Brian Egolf (D)

Republican Caucus Chair Truth or Consequences. 3rd term. Distr. 38. (Grant, Hidalgo, Sierra). Office: 203DN. Phone: 505-986-4336. rebecca.dow@nmlegis.gov

Member: Commerce & Economic Development. Education. Non-Profit Consultant, Grant Writer. AA, Early Childhood, Tulsa Community College; BS, Business, Oral Roberts University.


Member: Agriculture & Water Resources;

Speaker of the House Santa Fe. 7th term. Distr. 47. (Santa Fe). Office: 104. Phone: 505-986-4782. brian.egolf@nmlegis.gov Member: Judiciary; Taxation & Revenue; Printing & Supplies; Rules & Order of Business. Attorney. BSFS, International Security and Diplomacy, Georgetown University; JD, UNM School of Law.

Daymon Ely (D) Corrales. 3rd term. Distr. 23. (Bernalillo, Sandoval). Office: 205A. Phone: 505-986-4243. daymon.ely@nmlegis.gov Chair: Rules & Order of Business.

Member: Judiciary; State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs. Attorney. BA, JD, Arizona State University.

55th Legislature, First Session (60 Days) • 2021 Legislative Almanac

New Mexico House of Representatives Candy Spence Ezzell (R)

Kelly K. Fajardo (R)

Joanne J. Ferrary (D)

Roswell. 9th term. Distr. 58. (Chaves). Office: 203IN. Phone: 505-986-4454. csecows@aol.com.

Los Lunas. 5th term. Distr. 7. (Valencia). Office: 201A. Phone: 505-986-4215. kelly.fajardo@nmlegis.gov

Las Cruces. 3rd term. Distr. 37. (Doña Ana). Office: 413B. Phone: 505-986-4438. joanne.ferrary@nmlegis.gov

Member: Commerce & Economic

Vice Chair: Health & Human Services. Member: Energy, Environment

Member: Agriculture & Water Resources; Education. Rancher; Farmer. Pre-Vet, 2 years, NMSU; Accounting, 2 years, ENMU-R.

Development; Local Government, Land Grants & Cultural Affairs; Rules & Order of Business. Business Owner.

AA, Legal Studies; BA, Marketing.

& Natural Resources. Retired; DWI Prevention and Victim Advocate. BA, MBA, NMSU.

Doreen Y. Gallegos (D)

Harry Garcia (D)

Las Cruces. 5th term. Distr. 52. (Doña Ana). Office: 134. Phone: 505-986-4774. doreen.gallegos@nmlegis.gov Member: Commerce & Economic Development; Printing & Supplies; Rules & Order of Business; State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs. Executive Director, Mesilla Valley Court Appointed Special Advocates. BA, MA, Social Work, NMSU.

Grants. 3rd term. Distr. 69. (Bernalillo, Cibola, McKinley, San Juan, Socorro, Valencia). Office: 204A. Phone: 505-986-4233. hgarciad69@gmail.com Vice Chair: Transportation, Public Works & Capital Improvements Member: Appropriations & Finance. Business Owner. TVI, Albuquerque.

Miguel P. García (D)

Joy Garratt (D)

Jason C. Harper (R)

Atrisco. 13th term. Distr. 14. (Bernalillo). Office: 314C. Phone: 505-986-4844. miguel.garcia@nmlegis.gov Chair: Local Government, Land Grants & Cultural Affairs. Member: Labor, Veterans’ & Military Affairs. Retired Educator; Farmer; Author. BA, ENMU; MA, UNM.

Albuquerque. 2nd term. Distr. 29. (Bernalillo). Office: 206A. Phone: 505-986-4249. joy.garratt@nmlegis.gov

Rio Rancho. 5th term. Distr. 57. (Sandoval). Office: 202B. Phone: 505-986-4220. jasonharpernm@gmail.com

Chair: Printing & Supplies. Vice Chair: Education. Member: Transportation, Public

Member: Taxation & Revenue; Transportation,

BS, Liberal Studies, Excelsior College; MA, Educational Leadership, Teaching English as Second Language, UNM.

Public Works & Capital Improvements. Research Engineer, Sandia National Laboratories. BS, Chemical Engineering, NM Tech; MS, Chemical Engineering, Purdue University; PhD, Chemical Engineering, UNM.

Joshua Hernandez (R)

Susan K. Herrera (D)

Dayan M. Hochman-Vigil (D)

Rio Rancho. 1st term. Distr. 60. (Sandoval). Office: 203GN. Phone: 505-986-4450. joshua.hernandez@nmlegis.gov

Embudo. 2nd term. Distr. 41. (Río Arriba, Santa Fe, Taos). Office: 206A. Phone: 505-986-4249. susan.herrera@nmlegis.gov Vice Chair: Agriculture & Water Resources. Member: Appropriations &

Albuquerque. 2nd term. Distr. 15. (Bernalillo). Office: 413F. Phone: 505-986-4432. dayan.hochman-vigil@nmlegis.gov Member: Agriculture & Water Resources; Appropriations & Finance.

Finance. Retired CEO; LANL Foundation. BA, UNM.

Attorney. BA, Italian Studies; French Language; JD Law; LLM.

Ryan T. Lane (R)

Raymundo Lara (D)

Aztec. 1st term. Distr. 3. (San Juan). Office: 203B. Phone: 505-986-4226. ryan@laneforliberty.com

Chamberino. 2nd term. Distr. 34. (Doña Ana). Office: 204A. Phone: 505-986-4233. raymundo.lara@nmlegis.gov

Natalie Figueroa (D) Albuquerque. 2nd term. Distr. 30. (Bernalillo). Office: 203AN. Phone: 505-986-4255. natalie.figueroa@nmlegis.gov

Vice Chair: Commerce & Economic Development. Member: Education. Spanish Language Educator. BA,

Spanish, Stanford University; MEd, University of California, Los Angeles.

Member: Taxation & Revenue. Enrolling & Engrossing -A; Labor, Veterans’ and Military Affairs. Public Relations; Digital Marketing. Attending CNM, Strategic Commuinications.

D. Wonda Johnson (D) Democrat Caucus Chair

Church Rock. 4th term. Distr. 5. (McKinley, San Juan). Office: 413D. Phone: 505-986-4433. dwonda.johnson@nmlegis.gov Vice Chair: State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs. Member: Commerce & Economic Development; Rules & Order of Business. WJ Consulting; Principal, Grants Management. BA, Business Communications, Marymount University.

Majority Whip

Works & Capital Improvements. Educator.

Member: Enrolling & Engrossing -B; Education; Appropriations & Finance. Attorney. BA,

Member: Appropriations & Finance; Education. Title I Program Coordinator,

Mathematics; JD.

Gadsden Independent School District. BA, NMSU.

Derrick J. Lente (D)

Stefani Lord (R)

Georgene Louis (D)

Sandia Pueblo. 3rd term. Distr. 65. (Río Arriba, San Juan, Sandoval) Office: 313A. Phone: 505-986-4341.

Sandia Park. 1st term. Distr. 22. (Bernalillo, Sandoval, Santa Fe). Office: 203HN. Phone: 505-986-4453. stefani.lord@nmlegis.gov

Albuquerque. 5th term. Distr. 26. (Bernalillo). Office: 306. Phone: 505-986-4329. georgene.louis@nmlegis.gov Chair: State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs. Member: Judiciary;

derrick.lente@nmlegis.gov Chair: Agriculture & Water Resources.

Member: Education. Business Owner; Farmer; Rancher. JD, UNM School of Law.

Member: Consumer & Public Affairs; Enrolling & Engrossing -A; Health & Human Services.

Rules & Order of Business.

Attorney. BA, UNM; JD, UNM School of Law.

Patricia A. Lundstrom (D)

Tara Lujan (D)

Willie D. Madrid (D)

Gallup. 11th term. Distr. 9. (McKinley, San Juan). Office: 304B. Phone: 505-986-4316. patricia.lundstrom@nmlegis.gov Chair: Appropriations & Finance. Member: Transportation, Public Works & Capital Improvements. Executive Director, Greater Gallup Economic Development Corporation. BA, History, Political Science, MA, Public Administration, NMSU; CEcD.

Santa Fe. 1st term. Distr. 48. (Santa Fe). Office: 203CN. Phone: 505-986-4254. tara.lujan@nmlegis.gov

Chaparral. 2nd term. Distr. 53. (Doña Ana, Otero). Office: 413C. Phone: 505-986-4436. willie.madrid@nmlegis.gov Member: Education; Transportation, Public Works & Capital Improvements. Educator; Coach. Business Management, University of Phoenix, AZ.

Member: Enrolling & Engrossing -A; Local Government, Land Grants & Cultural Affairs; Taxation & Revenue. HR Director, Government Relations. BA, Science.

Compliments of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives


New Mexico House of Representatives Antonio “Moe” Maestas (D)

Javier Martinez (D)

Marian Matthews (D)

Albuquerque. 8th term. Distr. 16. (Bernalillo). Office: 327. Phone: 505-986-4333. antonio.maestas@nmlegis.gov Chair:

Albuquerque. 4th term. Distr. 11. (Bernalillo). Office: 316B. Phone: 505-986-4420. javier.martinez@nmlegis.gov Chair: Taxation & Revenue. Member:

School of Law.

Albuquerque. 2nd term. Distr. 27. (Bernalillo). Office: 205B. Phone: 505-986-4242. marian.matthews@nmlegis.gov Member: Health & Human Services; Agriculture & Water Resources. Retired Attorney; Educator; Entrepreneur. Bachelor’s, Missouri State University; JD, UNM.

Matthew McQueen (D)

Rod Montoya (R) Minority Whip

Roger E. Montoya (D)

Santa Fe. 4th term. Distr. 50. (Bernalillo, Santa Fe, Torrance, Valencia). Office: 316A. Phone: 505-986-4423. matthew.mcqueen@nmlegis.gov Chair: Energy, Environment & Natural Resources. Member: Judiciary. Attorney. BA, Williams College; MBA, Anderson School of Management, UNM; MS, UM School of Natural Resources; JD, UM School of Law.

Farmington. 4th term. Distr. 1. (San Juan). Office: 125. Phone: 505-986-4757. roddmontoya@gmail.com Member: Energy, Environment & Natural Resources; Taxation & Revenue; Printing & Supplies; Rules & Order of Business. Real Estate Broker. High School.

(Colfax, Mora, Río Arriba, San Miguel). Office: 203BN. Phone: 505-986-4464. roger.montoya@nmlegis.gov

Greg Nibert (R)

Kristina Ortez (D)

Randall Pettigrew (R)

Roswell. 3rd term. Distr. 59. (Chaves, Lincoln). Office: 203EN. Phone: 505-986-4211. greg.nibert@nmlegis.gov Member: Judiciary; State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs; Rules & Order of Business. Attorney, Hinkle Shanor LLP. BA, Economics, Political Science, UNM; JD, Pepperdine University School of Law.

Taos. 1st term. Distr. 42. (Taos). Phone: 505-986-4254. kristina.ortez@nmlegis.gov Chair: Enrolling & Engrossing -B. Member: State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs; Energy, Environment & Natural Resources. AB, Anthropology, Harvard University; MPA, UNM. Executive Director of Taos Land Trust.

Lovington. 1st term. Distr. 61. (Lea). Office: 203FN. Phone: 505-986-4467. randall.pettigrew@nmlegis.gov

Jane E. Powdrell-Culbert (R)

Bill Rehm (R)

Andrea D. Romero (D)

Corrales. 10th term. Distr. 44. (Sandoval). Office: 201B. Phone: 505-986-4214. jpandp@comcast.net

Santa Fe. 2nd term. Distr. 46. (Santa Fe). Office: 205A. Phone: 505-986-4243. andrea@andrearomero.com Vice Chair: Consumer & Public Affairs.

Works & Capital Improvements. Small Business Owner; Consultant Training; Public Relations. BA, Administration.

Albuquerque. 9th term. Distr. 31. (Bernalillo). Office: 201B. Phone: 505-986-4214. bill.rehm@nmlegis.gov Member: Judiciary; State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs; Rules & Order of Business. Private Investigator; Traffic Crash Re-Constructionist; Retired Sheriff Captain. BA, University of Albuquerque; Albuquerque Police Department; Bernalillo County Sheriff; FBI National Academy.

G. Andrés Romero (D)

Patricia A. Roybal Caballero (D)

Angelica Rubio (D)

Albuquerque. 4th term. Distr. 10. (Bernalillo). Office: 313B. Phone: 505-986-4846. andres.romero@nmlegis.gov Chair: Education. Member: Transportation, Public Works & Capital Improvements; Rules & Order of Business. Graduate Student. BA, History, Philosophy, UNM.

Albuquerque. 5th term. Distr. 13. (Bernalillo). Office: 206B. Phone: 505-986-4248. pat.roybalcaballero@nmlegis.gov Vice Chair: Labor, Veterans’ & Military Affairs.

Las Cruces. 3rd term. Distr. 35. (Doña Ana). Office: 312A. Phone: 505-986-4327.

Administrator; Nonprofit Manager; Community Economic Developer. BA, CU, Boulder. Dual MAs, Public Administration, Community and Regional Planning, UNM.

angelica.rubio@nmlegis.gov Chair: Transportation, Public Works & Capital Improvements. Member: Labor, Veterans’ and Military Affairs. Self-employed, Communication and Nonprofit Management. BA, Government, NMSU; MA, Latin American Studies, California State University.

Debra M. Sariñana (D)

Larry R. Scott (R)

Linda Serrato (D)

Albuquerque. 3rd term. Distr. 21. (Bernalillo). Office: 413B. Phone: 505-986-4438. debbie.sarinana@nmlegis.gov Member: Appropriations & Finance; Energy, Environment & Natural Resources. Educator. BS, Secondary Education, NMSU; MA, Education, UNM.

Hobbs. 4th term. Distr. 62. (Lea). Office: 203GN. Phone: 505-986-4450. larry.scott@nmlegis.gov Member: Energy, Environment & Natural Resources; Taxation & Revenue. President, Lynx Petroleum Consultants, Inc. BS, Electrical Engineering, University of Texas, Austin.

Santa Fe. 1st term. Distr. 45. (Santa Fe). Office: 203BN Phone: 505-986-4464. linda.serrato@nmlegis.gov Vice Chair: Local Government, Land Grants & Cultural Affairs. Member: Enrolling & Engrossing -B; Commerce & Economic Development. Project Manager. BA, Public Policy, Stanford University.

Nathan P. Small (D)

Melanie A. Stansbury (D)

Sheryl Williams Stapleton (D)

Las Cruces. 3rd term. Distr. 36. (Doña Ana). Office: 304C. Phone: 505-986-4319. nathan.small@nmlegis.gov

Albuquerque. 2nd term. Distr. 28. (Bernalillo). Office: 413F. Phone: 505-986-4432. melanie.stansbury@nmlegis.gov Vice Chair: Energy, Environment & Natural Resources. Member: Printing & Supplies; Taxation & Revenue. Policy and Management Consultant for Philanthropic, Non-Profit, Research Organizations. Saint Mary’s College of California; Cornell University.

Commerce & Economic Development. Member: Taxation & Revenue; Rules & Order of Business.

Lawyer, MoeJustice Law. BA, Political Economy, University of Washington; JD, UNM School of Law.

Member: Commerce & Economic Development; Transportation, Public

Vice Chair: Appropriations & Finance. Member: Agriculture & Water Resources. Conservationist. BA, Philosophy, English, College of Wooster, Wooster, OH.


Commerce & Economic Development; Rules & Order of Business; Printing & Supplies. Attorney. JD, UNM

Member: Rules & Order of Business; Education.

Velarde. 1st term. Distr. 40.

Member: Enrolling & Engrossing -A; Local Government, Land Grants & Cultural Affairs; Health & Human Services. Consultant, Community Organizer. AA, Long Beach City College; Attended California State Univ., Long Beach.

Member: Consumer & Public Affairs; Transportation, Public Works & Capital Improvements; Enrolling & Engrossing -B. Engineer. BS, Civil Engineering, NMSU.

Member: Taxation & Revenue. Entrepreneur; Small Business Owner. Stanford University.

Majority Floor Leader

Albuquerque. 14th term. Distr. 19. (Bernalillo). Office: 134. Phone: 505-986-4779. sheryl.stapleton@nmlegis.gov Member: Education; Labor, Veterans’ & Military Affairs; Printing & Supplies; Rules & Order of Business. District Administrator. BA, Education; MA, Education, Education Specialist, Education Administration.

55th Legislature, First Session (60 Days) • 2021 Legislative Almanac

New Mexico House of Representatives James R. J. Strickler (R)

Candie G. Sweetser (D)

Luis M. Terrazas (R)

Farmington. 8th term. Distr. 2. (San Juan). Office: 202B. Phone: 505-986-4220. jamesstrickler@msn.com Member: Energy, Environment & Natural Resources; Taxation & Revenue. Petroleum Landman; Oil and Gas Producer. BBA, Petroleum Land Management, University of Texas, Austin.

Deming. 3rd term. Distr. 32. (Grant, Hidalgo, Luna). Office: 203AN. Phone: 505-986-4255.

Silver City. 1st term. Distr. 39. (Doña Ana, Grant, Sierra). Office: 203DN. Phone: 505-986-4336 luis.terrazas@nmlegis.gov

Elizabeth “Liz” Thomson (D)

James G. Townsend (R)

Christine Trujillo (D)

Artesia. 4th term. Distr. 54. (Chaves, Eddy, Otero). Office: 125. Phone: 505-986-4758. townsend@pvtn.net Member: Energy, Environment & Natural Resources; Judiciary; Printing & Supplies; Rules & Order of Business. Board Member and Director, Holly Energy Partners. New Mexico Junior College; NMSU, Carlsbad.

Albuquerque. 5th term. Distr. 25. (Bernalillo). Office: 413A. Phone: 505-986-4435. christine.trujillo@nmlegis.gov Member: Appropriations & Finance; Education. Educator; Labor Leader. BA, Education, NMHU; MA, Education, UNM.

Albuquerque. 3rd term. Distr. 24. (Bernalillo). Office: 314B. Phone: 505-986-4415. liz.thomson@nmlegis.gov Chair: Consumer & Public Affairs.

Member: Health & Human Services; Printing & Supplies. Pediatric Physical Therapist. BS, Physical Therapy, UNM.

candie.sweetser@nmlegis.gov Member: Appropriations & Finance; Education. Broadcaster; BS, Radio, TV Communications, ENMU; MA Communications Studies, NMSU.

Member: Enrolling & Engrossing -B; Labor, Veterans’ and Military Affairs; Health & Human Services. Funeral Director. BA, Business, emphasis in Accounting.

Minority Floor Leader

Martin R. Zamora (R) Clovis. 2nd term. Distr. 63. (Curry, DeBaca, Guadalupe, Roosevelt, San Miguel). Office: 203EN. Phone: 505-986-4211. martin.zamora@nmlegis.gov

Member: Agriculture & Water Resources; State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs. Farmer, Rancher.

New Mexico House Seating Chart House Party Affiliation (70): 45 Democrats • 25 Republicans

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Search for 2020 Legislative Almanac in the app stores or scan the QR code to download to your electronic device.

Compliments of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives


New Mexico House Standing Committees Agriculture & Water Resources (HAGC)

Tuesday & Thursday • 8:30 a.m. • Room 315 • Chair: Derrick J. Lente (D) • Vice Chair: Susan K. Herrera (D) • Nathan P. Small (D) • Anthony Allison (D) • Cathrynn Brown (R) • Candy Spence Ezzell (R) • Marian Matthews (D) • Dayan Hochman-Vigil (D)

• Martin R. Zamora (R)

Consumer & Public Affairs (HCPAC)

Tuesday & Thursday • 1:30 p.m. • Room 317 • Chair: Elizabeth “Liz” • Brittney Barreras (D) Thomson (D) • Vice Chair: Andrea D. Romero (D)

• Stefani Lord (R) • Randall Pettigrew (R)

Appropriations & Finance (HAFC)

Commerce & Economic Development (HCEDC)

Lundstrom (D) • Vice Chair: Nathan P. Small (D) • Anthony Allison (D) • Phelps Anderson (R) • Gail Armstrong (R) • Cathrynn N. Brown (R) • Ambrose Castellano (D) • Jack Chatfield (R) • Randal S. Crowder (R)

Maestas (D) • Vice Chair: Natalie Figueroa (D) • Alonzo Baldonado (R) • Rebecca Dow (R) • Kelly K. Fajardo (R) • Doreen Gallegos (D) • D. Wonda Johnson (D) • Javier Martinez (D)

Monday through Friday • 1:30 p.m. • Room 307 • Chair: Patricia A. • Meredith Dixon (D) • Harry Garcia (D) • Susan K. Herrera (D) • Dayan Hochman-Vigil (D) • Ryan T. Lane (R) • Raymundo Lara (D) • Debbie Sariñana (D) • Candie G. Sweetser (D) • Christine Trujillo (D)

Education (HEC)

Monday, Wednesday & Friday • 8:30 a.m. • Room 309 • Chair: G. Andrés Romero (D) • Raymundo Lara (D) • Vice Chair: Joy Garratt (D) • Derrick J. Lente (R) • Alonzo Baldonado (R) • Jack Chatfield (R) • Rebecca Dow (R) • Candy Spence Ezzell (R) • Natalie Figueroa (D) • Ryan T. Lane (R)

• Willie D. Madrid (D) • Patricia Roybal Caballero (D) • Sheryl Williams Stapleton (D) • Candie G. Sweetser (D) • Christine Trujillo (D)

Monday, Wednesday & Friday • 1:30 p.m. • Room 317 • Chair: Antonio “Moe” • Jane E. Powdrell-Culbert (R) • Linda Serrato (D)

Energy, Environment & Natural Resources (HEENC) Tuesday & Thursday • 8:30 a.m. • Room 317 • Chair: Matthew • Kristina Ortez (R) McQueen (D) • Vice Chair: Melanie A. Stansbury (D) • Christine Chandler (D) • Meredith Dixon (D) • Joanne J. Ferrary (D) • Rod Montoya (R)

• Debra M. Sariñana (D) • Larry R. Scott (R) • James R. J. Strickler (R) • James G. Townsend (R)

Health & Human Services (HHHC)

Enrolling & Engrossing-A (HE&EC-A)

Enrolling & Engrossing-B (HE&EC-B)

• Joshua Hernandez (R) • Stefani Lord (R) • Tara Lujan (D) • Roger E. Montoya (D)

• Ambrose Castellano (D) • Meredith Dixon (D) • Ryan T. Lane (R) • Randall Pettigrew (R)

Judiciary (HJC)

Labor, Veterans’ & Military Affairs (HLVMC)

Local Government, Land Grants & Cultural Affairs (HLLC)

Caballero (D) • Karen C. Bash (D) • Rachel A. Black (R) • Miguel P. Garcia (D) • Joshua Hernandez (D)

• Rachel A. Black (R) • Ambrose Castellano (D) • Zachary J. Cook (R) • Kelly K. Fajardo (R) • Tara Lujan (D)

At Call of the Chair • Chair: Brittney Barreras (I)

Monday, Wednesday & Friday • 1:30 p.m. • Room 309 • Chair: Gail Chasey (D) • Daymon Ely (D) • Vice Chair: Micaela Lara Cadena (D) • Eliseo Lee Alcon (D) • Deborah A. Armstrong (D) • Zachary J. Cook (R) • Brian Egolf (D)

• Georgene Louis (D) • Matthew McQueen (D) • Greg Nibert (R) • Bill Rehm (R) • James G. Townsend (R)

Printing & Supplies (HPSC) At Call of the Chair • Chair: Joy Garratt (D)

• Gail Armstrong (R) • Gail Chasey (D) • Randal S. Crowder (R) • Brian Egolf (D) • Doreen Y. Gallegos (D) • Javier Martinez (D) • Rod Montoya (R) • Melanie A. Stansbury (D) • Sheryl Williams Stapleton (D)

At Call of the Chair • Chair: Kristina Ortez (D)

• Linda Serrato (D) • Luis Terrazas (R)

Tuesday & Thursday • 1:30 p.m. • Room 315 • Chair: Eliseo Lee Alcon (D) • Angelica Rubio (D) • Vice Chair: Patricia Roybal • Sheryl Williams Stapleton (D) • Luis Terrazas (R)

Rules & Order of Business (HRC) • Elizabeth “Liz” Thomson (D) • James G. Townsend (R)

At Call of the Chair • Chair: Daymon Ely (D) • Vice Chair: Deborah A.

Armstrong (D) • Gail Chasey (D) • Zachary J. Cook (R) • Brian Egolf (D) • Kelly K. Fajardo (R) • Doreen Y. Gallegos (D) • D. Wonda Johnson (D) • Georgene Louis (D)

• Antonio “Moe” Maestas (D) • Javier Martinez (D) • Rod Montoya (R) • Greg Nibert (R) • Bill Rehm (R) • G. Andrés Romero (D) • Patricia Roybal Caballero (D) • Sheryl Williams Stapleton (D) • James G. Townsend (R)

Monday, Wednesday & Friday • 8:30 a.m. • Room 315 • Chair: Deborah A. Armstrong (D) • Stefani Lord (R) • Vice Chair: Joanne J. Ferrary (D) • Marian Matthews (D) • Phelps Anderson (R) • Gail Armstrong (R) • Karen C. Bash (D) • Brittney Barreras (D)

• Roger Montoya (D) • Luis Terrazas (R) • Elizabeth “Liz” Thomson (D)

Tuesday & Thursday • 8:30 a.m. • Room 309 • Chair: Miguel P. Garcia (D) • Roger Montoya (D) • Vice Chair: Linda Serrato (D)

State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs (HSEIC) Monday, Wednesday & Friday • 8:30 a.m. • Room 305 • Chair: Georgene Louis (D) • Greg Nibert (R) • Vice Chair: D. Wonda • Kristina Ortez (D) Johnson (D) • Gail Chasey (D) • Daymon Ely (D) • Doreen Y. Gallegos (D)

• Bill Rehm (R) • Martin R. Zamora (R)

Taxation & Revenue (HTRC)

Transportation, Public Works & Capital Improvements (HTPWC)

Committee Abbreviations

Chandler (D) • Micaela Lara Cadena (D) • Brian Egolf (D) • Jason C. Harper (R) • Joshua Hernandez (R) • Tara Lujan (D) • Antonio “Moe” Maestas (D) • Rod Montoya (R)

• Randal S. Crowder (R) • Joy Garratt (D) • Jason C. Harper (R) • Patricia A. Lundstrom (D) • Willie D. Madrid (D) • Randall Pettigrew (R) • Jane E. Powdrell-Culbert (R)

HAGC: Agriculture & Water Resources HAFC: Appropriations & Finance HCEDC: Commerce & Economic Development HCPAC: Consumer & Public Affairs HEC: Education HEENC: Energy, Environment & Natural Resources HE&EC-A: Enrolling & Engrossing-A HE&EC-B: Enrolling & Engrossing-B HHHC: Health & Human Services HJC: Judiciary HLVMC: Labor, Veterans’ & Military Affairs HLLC: Local Government, Land Grants & Cultural Affairs HPSC: Printing & Supplies HRC: Rules & Order of Business HSEIC: State Government, Elections, & Indian Affairs HTRC: Taxation & Revenue HTPWC: Transportation, Public Works & Capital Improvements

Monday, Wednesday & Friday • 8:30 a.m. • Room 317 • Chair: Javier Martínez (D) • Andrea D. Romero (D) • Vice Chair: Christine • Larry R. Scott (R)


• Melanie A. Stansbury (D) • James R. J. Strickler (R)

Tuesday & Thursday • 8:30 a.m. • Room 305 • Chair: Angelica Rubio (D) • G. Andrés Romero (D) • Vice Chair: Harry Garcia (D)

The following abbreviations are used in the daily bill locator, available from the Legislative Council Service and at: www.nmlegis.gov/lcs/session_locator.aspx

55th Legislature, First Session (60 Days) • 2021 Legislative Almanac

New Mexico House Electoral Districts House Statewide Districts

House Bernalillo County Districts

House of Representatives by District

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

Rod Montoya James R. J. Strickler Ryan T. Lane Anthony Allison D. Wonda Johnson Eliseo Lee Alcon Kelly K. Fajardo Alonzo Baldonado Patricia A. Lundstrom G. Andres Romero Javier Martinez Brittney Barreras Patricia A. Roybal Caballero Miguel P. García Dayan M. Hochman-Vigil Antonio “Moe” Maestas Deborah A. Armstrong Gail Chasey Sheryl Williams Stapleton Meredith Dixon Debra M. Sariñana Stefani Lord Daymon Ely Elizabeth ”Liz” Thomson Christine Trujillo Georgene Louis Marian Matthews Melanie A. Stansbury Joy Garratt Natalie Figueroa Bill Rehm Candie G. Sweetser Micaela Lara Cadena Raymundo Lara Angelica Rubio

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

Nathan P. Small Joanne J. Ferrary Rebecca L. Dow Luis Terrazas Roger Montoya Susan K. Herrera Kristina Ortez Christine Chandler Jane E. Powdrell-Culbert Linda Serrato Andrea D. Romero Brian Egolf Tara Lujan Gail Armstrong Matthew McQueen Rachel A. Black Doreen Y. Gallegos Willie D. Madrid James G. Townsend Cathrynn N. Brown Zachary J. Cook Jason C. Harper Candy Spence Ezzell Greg Nibert Joshua Hernandez Randall Pettigrew Larry R. Scott Martin R. Zamora Randal S. Crowder Derrick J. Lente Phelps Anderson Jack Chatfield Karen C. Bash Harry Garcia Ambrose Castellano

General Information Write Your Representative The Honorable (First and Last Name) New Mexico State House of Representatives State Capitol, Room 411 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501

Chief Clerk’s Office

Room 100 • 986-4751 house@nmlegis.gov

House Information Room 219 • 986-4285

House Tours Room 219 • 986-4287

Legislative Council Service Room 411 • 986-4600 lcs@nmlegis.gov

Legislative Information and Tours

• NM Tech: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology • UM: University of Michigan • UNM: University of New Mexico • U Penn: University of Pennsylvania • WNMU: Western New Mexico University

House Photo Credits

• Courtesy of the Legislative Council Service. • Courtesy of Rep. Joshua Hernandez. • Courtesy of Rep. Ryan Lane. • Courtesy of Rep. Stefani Lord website. • Courtesy of Rep. Marian Matthews. • Courtesy of Rep. Roger Montoya. • Courtesy of Rep. Kristina Ortez website. • Courtesy of Rep. Randall Pettigrew. • Courtesy of Rep. Linda Serrato. • Courtesy of Rep. Luis Terrazas Facebook page.

Room 219 • 986-4589

School Abbreviations • CU: University of Colorado, Boulder • ENMU: Eastern New Mexico University • NMHU: New Mexico Highlands University • NMMI: New Mexico Military Institute • NMSU: New Mexico State University • NNMC: Northern New Mexico College

Legislative Almanac App

Search for 2021 Legislative Almanac in the app stores or scan the QR code to download to your electronic device.

Compliments of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives


How to Pass a Bill in New Mexico Each legislature lasts two years and has two constitutionally-mandated sessions. The first session lasts for 60 calendar days and occurs in odd-numbered years, convening in January. The second session is for 30 calendar days and occurs in even-numbered years. Bills in the second session are limited to fiscal matters, items specified by the governor and bills passed in the previous session that were vetoed by the governor. The governor can call a special session, as can the legislature with a three-fifths vote of both the Senate and House of Representatives. Members of the Senate are elected to four-year terms without term limits. Members of the House of Representatives are elected to two-year limits without term limits.

Bill Introduction

Regardless of how the legislature is convened, all bills follow the same path through the legislature. Any bill can be introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives—unlike the United States Congress, where only the House can introduce tax bills. The bill is assigned a number, read twice, printed, and referred to the proper committee.

Committee Reviews

Each bill is reviewed by one or more committees in the Senate and House of Representatives. The committees can approve the bill, amend it, substitute it, forward it to the next committee with no recommendation, or kill the bill by tabling it. Committee hearings are open to the public. If a bill passes its committee hearings, it will be considered by the Senate or House of Representatives where it was introduced. The bill is placed on their calendar, which means it is formally scheduled for its third reading, and a final vote.

The Final Vote

If it passes, the bill moves to either the Senate or House of Representatives and repeats the entire process. If approved in the same form, it goes to the governor to be signed or vetoed. If the Senate or House of Representatives passes a different bill, they form a conference committee to work on a compromise. If the committee agrees on a compromise, the bill goes back to the Senate or House of Representatives for a final vote.

To the Governor’s Desk

Bills that pass both the Senate and House of Representatives go to the governor to be signed or vetoed. They are formally prepared by either the Senate or House of Representatives where they originated, signed by the speaker of the House of Representatives and the president pro tempore of the Senate, and forwarded to the governor. The governor can sign the bill, making it law, veto it, or line-item veto it, if the bill contains an appropriation. If the governor doesn’t sign or veto a bill within three days—and if the legislature is still in session—it becomes law. If the legislature has adjourned, the governor has 20 days to sign bills. Unsigned bills are pocket vetoes. The legislature can override the governor’s veto with a two-thirds vote by the Senate or House of Representatives.

When a Signed Bill becomes Law

Signed bills typically become law 90 days after the legislature adjourns. However, the legislature can specify an emergency, which makes the bill effective when the governor signs it, or at a later date for the law to go into effect.

Legislative Almanac App

Search for 2021 Legislative Almanac in the app stores or scan the QR code to download to your electronic device.

Legislative Session on the Web You can track and read bills, follow committee activities and keep abreast of the daily calendar at the legislature’s website: www.nmlegis.gov


55th Legislature, First Session (60 Days) • 2021 Legislative Almanac

2021 Legislative Almanac 55th Legislature, First Session (60 Days) Circulation: 5,000

The Legislative Almanac The Legislative Almanac is published by the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association. The Almanac is provided for free as a service of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives. It is our hope it will help and encourage citizens to participate in the legislative process.

New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association The New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association provides legislative and educational services for its member cooperatives that deliver electric power to New Mexico’s rural areas and small communities. The mission of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association is to strengthen, support, unify, and represent Cooperative member interests at the local, state, and national levels. It also publishes enchantment Magazine, a publication devoted exclusively to the people and events of rural New Mexico. Each cooperative has a representative on the association’s board of directors, which controls the editorial content and advertising policy of enchantment through its Publications Committee.

Board of Directors Charles T. Pinson, Jr., President.... Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Artesia Tim Morrow, Vice President................Springer Electric Cooperative, Springer Duane Frost, Secretary-Treasurer......Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative, Mountainair Chris Martinez, Director....................Columbus Electric Cooperative, Deming Keith Gottlieb, Director........................... Continental Divide Electric Cooperative, Grants Lance R. Adkins, Director........................Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, Clovis Robert Caudle, Director................Lea County Electric Cooperative, Lovington James Ortiz, Alternate.............. Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Mora Thomas G. Rivas, Director...Northern Río Arriba Electric Cooperative, Chama Preston Stone, Director........... Otero County Electric Cooperative, Cloudcroft Antonio Sanchez, Jr., Director.... Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative, Portales Donald L. Wolberg, Director ................. Socorro Electric Cooperative, Socorro George Biel, Director.....................Sierra Electric Cooperative, Elephant Butte Travis Sullivan, Director ..............Southwestern Electric Cooperative, Clayton Wayne Connell, Director ......... Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association Westminster, Colorado Charles G. Wagner, Director..................Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, Anadarko, Oklahoma

Publications Committee Thomas G. Rivas...............................Northern Río Arriba Electric Cooperative Chris Martinez..................................................Columbus Electric Cooperative Robert Caudle.................................................Lea County Electric Cooperative Donald L. Wolberg................................................Socorro Electric Cooperative Wayne Connell, Director ......... Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association

New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Phone: 505-982-4671 Santa Fe, NM 87505 Fax: 505-982-0153 www.nmelectric.coop www.enchantment.coop Keven J. Groenewold..................................................... Chief Executive Officer Tom Condit...........................................................Director of Communications Ed Rougemont............................................. Self-Insurer’s Fund Administrator Evelyn C. Vigil............................................................................Office Manager Mary L. Salazar...........................................................Administrative Assistant

Legislative Almanac Copies Single copies of the Legislative Almanac are available upon request. Send a 9x12 self-addressed envelope with $1.42 in postage to the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association. For multiple copies, call Mary Salazar at 505-982-4671. Available for download at www.nmelectric.coop or as an app (see page 1 for download details).

All materials copyright ©2021 New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association Reproduction prohibited without written permission of the publisher.


Printed by Starline Printing, Albuquerque, NM.


Members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association

ew Mexico’s 18 rural electric distribution cooperatives and generation and transmission cooperatives provide electric power to 80 percent of the land area and to 22 percent of New Mexicans. These New Mexican families and businesses own their electric cooperatives. They control the co-op’s bylaws, vote on any significant changes in operations and elect trustees to direct co-op activities. Their cooperatives provide service to Chama in the north to the oil fields of the Permian Basin in the southeast; to the northeastern grasslands to the Bootheel desert. There are 16 electric distribution cooperatives in New Mexico, 14 of which are members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association. The members have invested over $1.6 billion to provide reliable electric service to their members. They employ over 626 New Mexicans as linemen, customer service representatives, engineers, warehouse operators, and other positions. The cooperatives are active in promoting and providing renewable energy resources and energy efficient rebate programs for consumer-members. They also offer a green power program to consumer-members who have the opportunity to purchase renewable energy.

Energy Efficiency Programs Electric cooperatives provide financial rebates to encourage consumer-members to be more energy efficient. • Rebates are provided to eligible consumer-members who purchase energy efficient lighting fixtures; and energy efficient appliances, such as electric water heaters, refrigerators, and geothermal ground source heat pumps. • Electric cooperatives also provide financial incentives for new construction, and to consumer-members who retrofit their existing homes or businesses with energy efficient

The cooperatives strongly support their communities. They collectively operate one of the largest non-governmental scholarship programs in New Mexico. For example, the electric co-ops have provided over $13 million in higher educational scholarships to more than 8,900 New Mexico students over the past 31 years. They sponsor youth programs such as the Government-inAction Youth Tour and provide safety training in local schools. Ten of the 14 member distribution cooperatives receive wholesale power from Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association headquartered in Westminster, Colorado. Four are members of Western Farmers Electric Cooperative headquartered in Anadarko, Oklahoma. There are also three distribution cooperatives that are associate members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association. They are Duncan Valley Electric, Duncan, Arizona; Navopache Electric, Lakeside, Arizona; and Rio Grande Electric, Brackettville, Texas. New Mexico’s rural electric cooperatives, who are members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, protect the interests of their consumer-members through their statewide association headquartered in Santa Fe.

items, such as lighting projects, geothermal ground source heat pumps, and heating and cooling systems. • The cooperatives offer free energy audits to consumermembers to identify ways to make their homes or businesses more energy efficient. • Electric cooperatives also offer a green power program to consumer-members who have the opportunity to purchase renewable energy.

Renewable Energy

enchantment Magazine

New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperatives are leaders in renewable energy sources. Their Renewable Portfolio will expand to 40 percent by 2025 and 50 percent by 2030 in a reliable and affordable manner.

enchantment Magazine is the voice of New Mexico’s rural electric cooperatives. Since 1960, our readers, primarily member-owners of their local electric cooperative, have grown up with enchantment Magazine. Over 87,000 New Mexicans receive enchantment monthly directly to their doors. Visit www.enchantment.coop to view articles in the enchantment Magazine.

The Seven Cooperative Principles Cooperatives around the world operate according to the same set of core principles and values, adopted by the International Cooperative Alliance. Cooperatives trace the roots of these principles to the first modern cooperative founded in Rochdale, England in 1844. These principles are a key reason America’s electric cooperatives operate differently from other electric utilities, putting the needs of their members first. 1. Voluntary and Open Membership: Co-op membership is open to anyone able to use its services. 2. Democratic Member Control: Co-ops elect their leaders, who collectively make decisions. 3. Members’ Economic Participation: Members contribute financially to their cooperative. 4. Autonomy and Independence: Cooperatives are autonomous, and any agreements must maintain their independence. 5. Education, Training, and Information: Cooperatives educate and train their members and employees.

2019 New Mexico Youth Tour Participants New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives sponsor students to attend the Government-in-Action Youth Tour in Washington, DC, each June to learn about the importance of rural electric cooperatives and about the federal government.

6. Cooperation Among Cooperatives: Cooperatives work together to benefit all co-op members.

For More Information

7. Concern for Community: Cooperatives are committed to improving the communities they call home.

Visit www.nmelectric.coop for more details about the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association and about its member electric cooperatives.

Compliments of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives


Members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association Central New Mexico Electric PO Box 157 • Mountainair, NM 87036 505-832-4483 • 505-847-2900 Fax www.cnmec.org Consumers served: 17,828 Total plant investment: $119,468,460 Total miles of line: 4,515 Consumers/Mile: 3.9 Counties served: Bernalillo, Chaves, DeBaca, Guadalupe, Lincoln, San Miguel, Sandoval, Santa Fe, Socorro, Torrance, Valencia

Central Valley Electric PO Box 230 • Artesia, NM 88211 575-746-3571 • 575-746-4219 Fax www.cvecoop.org Consumers served: 15,382 Total plant investment: $194,060,860 Total miles of line: 4,236 Consumers/Mile: 3.6 Counties served: Chaves, Eddy, Lea, Otero

Columbus Electric PO Box 631 • Deming, NM 88031 575-546-8838 • 575-546-3128 Fax www.columbusco-op.org Consumers served: 5,126 Total plant investment: $49,754,643 Total miles of line: 2,077 Consumers/Mile: 2.5 Counties served: Grant, Hidalgo, Luna, NM; Cochise, AZ

Continental Divide Electric PO Box 1087 • Grants, NM 87020 505-285-6656 • 505-287-2234 Fax www.cdec.coop Consumers served: 24,130 Total plant investment: $88,274,315 Total miles of line: 3,948 Consumers/Mile: 6.1 Counties served: Bernalillo, Cibola, McKinley, Sandoval, Valencia

Farmers’ Electric PO Box 550 • Clovis, NM 88102 575-769-2116 • 575-769-2118 Fax www.fecnm.org Consumers served: 13,212 Total plant investment: $126,222,544 Total miles of line: 4,346 Consumers/Mile: 3.0 Counties served: Curry, DeBaca, Guadalupe, Harding, Quay, Roosevelt, San Miguel

Lea County Electric PO Drawer 1447 • Lovington, NM 88260 575-396-3631 • 575-396-3634 Fax www.lcecnet.com Consumers served: 16,037 Total plant investment: $168,060,633 Total miles of line: 4,281 Consumers/Mile: 3.8 Counties served: Chaves, Eddy, Lea, NM; Cochran, Gaines, Yoakum, TX

Mora-San Miguel Electric PO Box 240 • Mora, NM 87732 575-383-4270 • 575-387-5975 Fax www.morasanmiguelelectric.com Consumers served: 11,077 Total plant investment: $38,147,443 Total miles of line: 1,961 • Consumers/Mile: 5.6 Counties served: Guadalupe, Mora, San Miguel, Santa Fe

Northern Río Arriba Electric PO Box 217 • Chama, NM 87520 575-756-2181 • www.noraelectric.org Consumers served: 3,011 Total plant investment: $18,004,141 Total miles of line: 445 • Consumers/Mile: 6.7 Counties served: Río Arriba

Otero County Electric

Socorro Electric

PO Box 227 • Cloudcroft, NM 88317 575-682-2521 • 575-682-3109 Fax www.ocec-inc.com Consumers served: 19,436 Total plant investment: $122,725,687 Total miles of line: 2,787 Consumers/Mile: 7.0 Counties served: Chaves, Lincoln, Otero, Socorro

PO Box H • Socorro, NM 87801 575-835-0560 • 575-835-4449 Fax www.socorroelectric.com Consumers served: 12,744 Total plant investment: $84,789,128 Total miles of line: 3,303 Consumers/Mile: 3.9 Counties served: Catron, Cibola, Sierra, Socorro, Valencia

Roosevelt County Electric

PO Box 369 • Clayton, NM 88415 575-374-2451 575-374-2030 Fax www.swec-coop.org Consumers served: 2,337 Total plant investment: $22,548,469 Total miles of line: 1,827 Consumers/Mile: 1.4 Counties served: Harding, Quay, Union, NM; Las Animas, CO; Cimarron, OK; Dallam, Hartley, TX

New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association

Springer Electric

Lakesize, AZ

PO Box 389 • Portales, NM 88130 575-356-4491 • 575-359-1651 Fax www.rcec.coop Consumers served: 6,010 Total plant investment: $63,410,428 Total miles of line: 2,814 Consumers/Mile: 2.1 Counties served: Chaves, Curry, DeBaca, Roosevelt

Sierra Electric PO Box 290 • Elephant Butte, NM 87935 575-744-5231 • 575-744-5819 Fax www.sierraelectric.org Consumers served: 4,445 Total plant investment: $23,916,712 Total miles of line: 898 Consumers/Mile: 4.9 Counties served: Catron, Luna, Sierra, Socorro

Southwestern Electric

PO Box 698 • Springer, NM 87747 575-483-2421 • 575-483-2692 Fax www.springercoop.com Consumers served: 3,044 Total plant investment: $40,632,131 Total miles of line: 1,627 Consumers/Mile: 1.7 Counties served: Colfax, Harding, Mora, San Miguel, Union

Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association PO Box 33695 • Denver, CO 80233 303-452-6111 • 303-254-6007 Fax www.tristategt.coop

Western Farmers Electric Cooperative PO Box 429 • Anadarko, OK 73005 405-247-4225 • 405-247-4451 Fax www.wfec.com

614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 505-982-4671 • 505-982-0153 Fax www.nmelectric.coop www.enchantment.coop

Associate Members Duncan Valley Electric Duncan, AZ

Navopache Electric Rio Grande Electric Bracketteville, TX


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