New Mexico House of Representatives James R. J. Strickler (R)
Candie G. Sweetser (D)
Luis M. Terrazas (R)
Farmington. 8th term. Distr. 2. (San Juan). Office: 202B. Phone: 505-986-4220. Member: Energy, Environment & Natural Resources; Taxation & Revenue. Petroleum Landman; Oil and Gas Producer. BBA, Petroleum Land Management, University of Texas, Austin.
Deming. 3rd term. Distr. 32. (Grant, Hidalgo, Luna). Office: 203AN. Phone: 505-986-4255.
Silver City. 1st term. Distr. 39. (Doña Ana, Grant, Sierra). Office: 203DN. Phone: 505-986-4336
Elizabeth “Liz” Thomson (D)
James G. Townsend (R)
Christine Trujillo (D)
Artesia. 4th term. Distr. 54. (Chaves, Eddy, Otero). Office: 125. Phone: 505-986-4758. Member: Energy, Environment & Natural Resources; Judiciary; Printing & Supplies; Rules & Order of Business. Retired Board Member, Holly Energy Partners. New Mexico Junior College; NMSU, Carlsbad.
Albuquerque. 5th term. Distr. 25. (Bernalillo). Office: 413A. Phone: 505-986-4435. Member: Appropriations & Finance; Education. Educator; Labor Leader. BA, Education, NMHU; MA, Education, UNM.
Albuquerque. 3rd term. Distr. 24. (Bernalillo). Office: 314B. Phone: 505-986-4425.
Chair: Health & Human Services. Member: Consumer & Public Affairs; Printing & Supplies. Pediatric Physical Therapist. BS, Physical Therapy, UNM. Member: Appropriations & Finance; Education. Retired Broadcaster. BS, Radio, TV Communications, ENMU; MA Communications Studies, NMSU.
Minority Floor Leader
Member: Enrolling & Engrossing -B; Labor, Veterans’ and Military Affairs; Health & Human Services. Funeral Director. BA, Business, emphasis in Accounting.
Martin R. Zamora (R) Clovis. 2nd term. Distr. 63. (Curry, DeBaca, Guadalupe, Roosevelt, San Miguel). Office: 203EN. Phone: 505-986-4467.
Member: Agriculture, Acequias & Water Resources; House Government, Elections & Indian Affairs. Farmer, Rancher.
New Mexico House Seating Chart House Party Affiliation (70): 45 Democrats • 24 Republicans • 1 DTS
Compliments of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives