We see power lines everywhere, so it can be easy to forget they can be dangerous Page 18 ALSO INSIDE >> Legislative Update Page 6 Dig Safely Page 14
Power lines distribute electricity across New Mexico. ADOBE STOCK PHOTO BY SHELL
March. 1, 2025 • Vol. 77, No. 3
USPS 175-880 • ISSN 0046-1946
enchantment (ISSN 0046-1946) is published 10 times a year—every month except June and December—by the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperatives, 614 Don Gaspar Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87505. enchantment provides reliable, helpful information on rural living and energy use to electric cooperative members and customers.
More than 113,000 families and businesses receive enchantment magazine as electric cooperative members. Nonmember subscriptions are available at $12 a year or $18 for two years, payable to NMREC. Allow four to eight weeks for first delivery.
PERIODICAL POSTAGE paid at Santa Fe, NM 875019998 and additional mailing offices.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Postmaster, please send address changes to 614 Don Gaspar Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87505-4428. Readers who receive the publication through their electric cooperative membership should report address changes to their local electric cooperative office.
THE NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES provide legislative and educational services to the cooperatives that are members of the association and deliver electric power to New Mexico’s rural areas and small communities. The mission of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperatives is to strengthen, support, unify and represent cooperative member interests at the local, state and national levels. Each cooperative has a representative on the association’s board of directors, which controls the editorial content and advertising policy of enchantment through its Publications Committee.
Tim Morrow, President, Springer Electric Co-op, Springer; Charles G. Wagner, Vice President, Western Farmers Electric Co-op, Anadarko, Oklahoma; Duane Frost, Secretary-Treasurer, Central NM Electric Co-op, Mountainair.
Rusty Gwynne, Central Valley Electric Co-op, Artesia; Chris Martinez, Columbus Electric Co-op, Deming; Keith Gottlieb, Continental Divide Electric Co-op, Grants; Antonio Sanchez, Farmers’ Electric Co-op, Clovis; Manny Bustos, Jemez Mountains Electric, Española; Bobby Ferris, Lea County Electric Co-op, Lovington; James Ortiz, Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Mora; Thomas G. Rivas, Northern Río Arriba Electric Co-op, Chama; Preston Stone, Otero County Electric Co-op, Cloudcroft; Eric Segovia, Roosevelt County Electric Co-op, Portales; Raymond Ruffini, Sierra Electric Co-op, Elephant Butte; Manny Gonzales, Socorro Electric Cooperative; Joe Reeser, Southwestern Electric Co-op, Clayton; Wayne Connell, Tri-State G&T Association, Westminster, Colorado.
NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES 614 Don Gaspar Ave. Phone: 505-982-4671 Santa Fe, NM 87505 Fax: 505-982-0153 nmelectric.coop enchantment.coop Vince Martinez, Interim CEO
Tom Condit, Communications Manager
DISPLAY ADVERTISING: Rates available upon request. Co-op members and New Mexico display advertisers, email Shaylyn at enchantmentads@ nmelectric.coop or call 505-252-2540. National representative: American MainStreet Publications, 800-626-1181.
Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives that are members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperatives. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER.
Take a photo of yourself or someone else with the magazine and email it with a few words about the photo. Include your name, mailing address and co-op name.
One lucky member will win $20. Submitting your photo(s) gives us permission to publish or post the photo(s) in enchantment, on Facebook and in other media outlets.
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Congratulations to Madison Manuelito, a Jemez Mountains Electric Cooperative member. Madison read the enchantment with Hamilton, who belongs to her younger sister, Tzeitel Manuelito. She is an active participant in 4-H and FFA. Hamilton won champion Duroc at the San Juan County Fair in August.
Madison wins $20!
Email tcondit@nmelectric.coop.
Your Co-op’s Page
Your Co-op’s Page
Representatives. Members of the Senate are elected to four-year terms without term limits. Members of the House of Representatives are elected to two-year limits without term limits.
Bill Introduction
How a Bill Becomes New Mexico Law
Each New Mexico legislature lasts two years and has two constitutionallymandated sessions.
The first session lasts for 60 calendar days and occurs in odd-numbered years, convening in January.
The second session is for 30 calendar days and occurs in even-numbered years. Bills in the second session are limited to fiscal matters, items specified by the governor and bills passed in the previous session that were vetoed by the governor.
The governor can call a special session,
Regardless of how the legislature is convened, all bills follow the same path through the legislature. Any bill can be introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives—unlike the United States Congress, where only the House can introduce tax bills. The bill is assigned a number, read twice, printed, and referred to the proper committee.
committees in the Senate and House of Representatives.
Committee Reviews
The committees can approve the bill, amend it, substitute it, forward it to the next committee with no recommendation, or kill the bill by tabling it. Committee hearings are open to the public.
If a bill passes its committee hearings, it will be considered by the Senate or House of Representatives where it was introduced. The bill is placed on their calendar, which means it is formally scheduled for its third reading, and a final vote.
Representatives and the president pro tempore of the Senate, and forwarded to the governor. The governor can sign the bill, making it law, veto it, or line-item veto it, if the bill contains an appropriation.
If the governor doesn’t sign or veto a bill within three days—and if the legislature is still in session—it becomes law. If the legislature has adjourned, the governor has 20 days to sign bills. Unsigned bills are pocket vetoes.
Each bill is reviewed by one or more committees in the Senate and House of Representatives. The committees can approve the bill, amend it, substitute it, forward it to the next committee with no recommendation, or kill the bill by tabling it. Committee hearings are open to the public.
To the Governor’s Desk Bills that pass both the Senate Representatives go to the governor or vetoed. They are formally prepared Senate or House of Representatives originated, signed by the speaker Representatives and the president the Senate, and forwarded to governor can sign the bill, making line-item veto it, if the bill contains
The legislature can override the governor’s veto with a two-thirds vote by the Senate or House of Representatives.
If the governor doesn’t sign or days—and if the legislature is becomes law. If the legislature governor has 20 days to sign bills. pocket vetoes.
When a Signed Bill becomes Law
If a bill passes its committee hearings, it will be considered by the Senate or House of Representatives where it was introduced. The bill is placed on their calendar, which means it is formally scheduled for its third reading, and a final vote.
The Final Vote
Signed bills typically become law 90 days after the legislature adjourns. However, the legislature can specify an emergency, which makes the bill effective when the governor
The legislature can override the with a two-thirds vote by the Senate Representatives.
If it passes, the bill moves to either the Senate or House of Representatives and repeats the entire process. If approved in the same form, it goes to the governor to be signed or vetoed. If the Senate or House of Representatives passes a different bill, they form a conference committee to work on a compromise. If the committee agrees on a compromise, the bill goes back to the Senate or House of Representatives for a final vote.
Legislative Almanac App
Legislative Almanac App
Scan the QR code to download to your mobile device.
To access the Legislative Almanac App, scan the QR code to download it to your mobile device.
When a Signed Bill becomes Signed bills typically become law legislature adjourns. However, specify an emergency, which makes when the governor signs it, or law to go into effect.
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Landscaping to Save Energy
By Miranda Boutelle
Q: How can landscaping help lower my power bill?
A: There’s a lot going on in the space around our homes. Competing factors of aesthetics, safety, energy efficiency and water conservation, and the increasing risk of wildfires are a lot to consider. Thoughtful planning and good design can address these factors and result in year-round energy savings.
Carefully positioned trees can save up to 25% of a typical household’s energy use, according to the Department of Energy. When selecting the right trees and other foliage, research what is best for your local climate. Select native species naturally adapted to your location for lower maintenance.
Strategically placed deciduous trees allow for summer shade and passive solar heat gain in the winter when leaves have fallen. This can lead to energy savings in summer and winter.
Slower-growing trees might take longer to provide maximum shading benefit, but their roots are typically deeper and branches are stronger. These factors can make them less likely to be damaged by wind, snow, ice or drought.
Be sure to plant large trees far enough away from your home to prevent damage from falling branches or root damage to your home’s foundation.
Keep in mind: If you have a rooftop photovoltaic solar system, even a small amount of shade can significantly reduce energy production. Consider planting smaller plants closer to the home to shade walls, windows or hardscaped surfaces.
Windbreaks are another landscaping strategy that can be beneficial for energy savings in windy areas. The DOE says windbreaks reduce wind speed by as much as 30 times the windbreaks’ height. That, in turn, reduces wind chill near your home and can lower heating costs. The DOE recommends planting two to five times the mature tree’s height away from your home.
Plant evergreen trees and shrubs for windbreaks, and consider adding fences or earthen mounds to help lift the wind over your home. In cold climates, they offer the added benefit of acting as a snowdrift to keep snow from piling up against your home.
Keep landscaping clear of dryer vents, heat pumps, and airconditioning units to ensure access for maintenance and airflow around those locations.
If you live in an area at risk of wildfire, create a defensible space
around your home. Consider hardscaping with gravel, bricks, pavers or stone shaded by fire-resistant awnings or covers. Plant fire-resistant plants with proper spacing from your home and other structures on your property.
When landscaping, always consider safety first. Call before you dig to ensure you know where any underground power, gas, water or sewer lines are located. The national 811 Underground Service Alert program routes you directly to your local resources. Call 811 or visit call811.com before you dig.
Be mindful of overhead power lines, too. Look up and check the surroundings before setting up ladders. Be thoughtful when planting new landscaping that could encroach on power lines. Utility equipment should have at least 10 feet of clearance, when possible.
As you prepare to refresh your yard for the coming spring and summer, consider ways you can boost your energy efficiency for more comfort and savings year-round. e
This content was originally created by Efficiency Services Group LLC under contract with NRECA. NRECA retains ownership of this content. NRECA does not endorse Efficiency Services Group, its views herein expressed, nor any products or services it offers.
Miranda Boutelle has more than 20 years of experience helping people save energy. She has worked on energyefficiency projects from the Midwest to the West Coast. Today, Miranda is chief operating officer at Efficiency Services Group in Oregon, a cooperatively owned energyefficiency company.
Mohave Electric Cooperative Energy Services Supervisor Bill Nielsen planted a live oak in his Arizona yard to provide shade during summer. PHOTO COURTESY OF MEC
Alan Hale
Total Lunar Eclipse
For the past several months, the brilliant planet Venus has dominated the evening sky. That show comes to an end during March.
While Venus still sets an hour after the end of dusk at the beginning of the month, it rapidly sinks towards the western horizon, and by midmonth is lost in twilight. After passing between Earth and the sun March 23, Venus begins climbing rapidly into the dawn and will be a brilliant beacon in our morning sky throughout most of the rest of 2025.
Curiously, the crescent moon makes a close pairing with Venus twice this month: a somewhat close meeting the evening of March 1, and a more distant meeting in the morning sky March 27.
Our solar system’s other inner world, Mercury, also makes an appearance in our dusk sky during the first two weeks of March. It passes close to Venus on the evening of March 12, although this event takes place fairly deep in bright twilight and will not be easy to see.
Two other planets are also visible in our evening skies this month. Jupiter is fairly high in the western sky as darkness falls and
sets one to two hours after midnight, while Mars is high overhead around the end of dusk and sets during the midmorning hours.
We will see a total eclipse of the moon late Thursday to Friday morning, March 13-14. The partial eclipse, when the moon enters the Earth’s umbra, or dark inner shadow, begins shortly after 11 p.m., with totality beginning just before 12:30 a.m. and lasting for the next hour. The partial eclipse ends around 2:45 a.m.
During totality, the moon’s surface takes on a red-orange glow, as it reflects the combined light from sunrises and sunsets on Earth at that time. This is the first total lunar eclipse our part of the world has seen since May 2022. The next is March 3, 2026.
A partial solar eclipse also takes place March 29, though we won’t see this event. The eclipse will mainly be visible from Europe, Northwestern Africa and Greenland. The Northeastern United States and Southeastern Canada will see up to 80% or more of the sun covered at sunrise.
New Mexico doesn’t see another solar eclipse until January 2028, when we will get a small partial eclipse. In 2029, we will get a distinctly deeper partial eclipse. e
During a total lunar eclipse, the moon glows red-orange as it reflects the combined light of sunrises and sunsets happening simultaneously on Earth. PHOTO BY ALAN HALE
Why Your Co-op Trims Trees
Although most trees do not present a problem, some of them grow into or crowd power lines, poles or other utility equipment. This could cause service issues.
Unruly and overgrown trees can:
Cause outages.
Create fire hazards.
Break off and land on power lines.
Cause lights to flicker during high winds.
Get weighed down with ice and cause issues.
Proper pruning techniques are used to preserve tree health, although sometimes a tree must be removed. This is a last resort, but it can be necessary if there are:
Fast-growing trees directly under power lines.
Trees that are leaning into lines.
Trees that are declining, cracked or split.
Unobstructed power lines make it easier and safer for utility crews to repair or service lines.
Style and Sophistication for a Fraction of the Price!
e starting gate opened and 19 horses galloped o , each jockeying for the lead. While Apache, the horse I bet on, was the odds-on favorite, his rival Napoleon pulled ahead in the race’s nal seconds.
In less than a minute I lost a fortune at the Paris horse races.
After a brief moment of disbelief, something caught my eye. It seemed like every woman in Paris was carrying the same classic handbag! I had to have one for my own, so I had our handbag designers interpret this classic o er. Presenting the Parisian Chic Claire Handbag.
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Backed by our satisfaction guarantee, you can revel in its sophistication risk-free for 30 days. Should it fail to dazzle, return it for a full refund of the item price.
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Parisian Chic Claire Handbag
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Inspired by the equestrian gear I encountered in the stables after the race, the Claire Bag is the color of saddle leather with metal adornments that recall horse bits and stirrups. Sturdy and chic, the Claire Bag is ideal for the woman on the go. See for yourself why the Parisian Chic Claire Handbag is the toast of France!
Dig Safely—It’s Your Responsibility
By Christina Sawyer
When it comes to maintaining safety and preventing service interruptions, your electric utility is committed to doing its part. That includes performing dig locates for consumers who call the 811 Call Before You Dig service. But safety doesn’t stop at the locate. It’s crucial for everyone take personal responsibility to dig carefully, remain cautious and contact your utility immediately if any lines are accidentally hit. Remember, even with the best technology and the most diligent efforts, some risks simply cannot be predicted.
Call Before You Dig: The First Line of Defense
The first step in any digging project—whether you’re planting a tree, installing a fence or setting up a mailbox—is to call 811. This free service alerts utilities in your area to mark underground lines with flags, paint or stakes. This crucial step helps you avoid hitting underground lines and protects yourself, your neighbors and the infrastructure that keeps our community powered.
The process is simple: Call 811 or submit a request online at least two business days before you plan to dig. After that, utility representatives will visit your site and mark the approximate location of underground lines. Each type of utility line is marked with a different color—electric lines are typically marked with red. This visual guide is your map to digging safely.
Use Caution While Digging
Even after a locate, the work isn’t over. The lines marked on your property are approximate. While the markings give a general idea of where the underground lines lay, there is still room for error. That’s why we urge you to dig with care, especially when you’re within a few feet of any markers.
Hand tools, such as a shovel, should be used within this area. This might slow down your project, but it significantly reduces the risk of accidentally hitting a utility line. If you’re using heavy equipment, be extra cautious and consider using spotters or soft digging techniques to further minimize the risk.
Risk Factors That Can’t Be Predicted
Underground utility lines can shift over time due to erosion,
temperature changes and soil movement. Even with a locate, you could encounter lines in unexpected places. Additionally, lines may not be as deep as expected due to changes in the landscape over the years, such as soil erosion or excavation work done before the current standards were enacted.
Furthermore, not all lines are owned or maintained by your local utilities. Private lines, such as those running from the meter to your home or shed, might not be marked during a locate. The owner is responsible for knowing the location of these lines and digging carefully around them.
The Locate Process and Resources Available
When you call 811, our team uses state-of-the-art mapping and detection tools to pinpoint the location of underground lines. These maps are developed based on detailed records and regular updates, but they’re only as good as the information available. That’s why digging carefully is essential, even when you think you know where every line is located.
The Responsibility of Digging
As a member of a community, you share the responsibility of maintaining community safety. Digging is no small task. It requires awareness, caution and a willingness to follow the right procedures. Should you hit a power line or any other utility line while digging, cease all work and contact us immediately. Do not attempt to repair or inspect the damage yourself. We have trained personnel and specialized equipment to handle the situation safely.
Inspiring a Culture of Safety
Safety is not just the responsibility of the utility company; it’s a shared duty that each of us carries.
When you plan your next digging project, remember a little extra caution can prevent accidents, outages and even save lives. By calling 811, following the locate markings and digging carefully, you contribute to a safer, more reliable community for everyone.
Let’s work together to keep our power flowing and our neighborhoods safe. Dig smart, dig safe and always reach out if you’re unsure. We’re here to help you every step of the way.
When you call 811, utility representatives visit your site to mark the approximate location of underground infrastructure, such as buried gas.
Hold That
Batteries power toys, remotes and even cars. Now, they’re showing they can help power communities, too.
By Jennah Denney
It’s often possible to use resources immediately while also saving some for later. It can be cost-effective for electric utilities to generate power when it is the most affordable and then save it for when demand is highest.
To do this, we need to use batteries.
To help manage supply and demand, some electric utilities use a variety of battery energy storage systems. These can vary by battery material—be it electrochemical, mechanical or thermal—as well as by size, with
some operating at utility scale. Other, smaller batteries can be placed in residential garages.
Utility-scale battery systems are designed for energy storage to support the electric grid, requiring high initial investments but offering significant long-term savings.
Residential battery systems cater to individual homes, providing more energy independence and savings while still representing a significant investment.
Utility-Scale Battery Storage
Utility-scale storage systems are large installations that store
huge amounts of electricity. Some can store several megawatt-hours, which could power 500 homes for several hours. Larger installations can store enough to power roughly 1 million households.
The key benefit of batteries is balancing supply and demand. Batteries can take energy produced when the cost of production is cheaper and save it for periods of high demand when utilities may see higher prices.
This can be especially useful in areas where demand can spike or fall rapidly throughout the day.
Batteries also pair well with renewable generation sources, such as solar and wind.
Sometimes, on particularly sunny or windy days, solar panels and wind turbines produce more power than a community needs at the time. Batteries can save that energy for when the sun sets or the winds fade.
Electric utilities can also deploy utility-scale storage systems at electric substations to enhance grid resilience.
If a power outage means no electricity is reaching a substation, on-site batteries can continue sending power to critical infrastructure—such as hospitals and emergency services—until power is restored.
That Charge
Residential Battery Storage
With batteries, homeowners can reduce their energy bills and ensure a steady supply of power, even during grid disruptions and outages.
Residential battery storage systems are compact installations designed for individual homes, typically ranging from a few kilowatthours to 10s of kWh in capacity. Often paired with residential solar panels, these smaller systems allow homeowners to store excess energy generated during the day for use at night or during power outages. Residential batteries can help provide a level of energy independence. However, the initial cost of buying and installing a residential storage system is expensive, which may deter some homeowners.
Electric utilities are increasingly recognizing the benefits of residential battery storage. These systems not only support grid stability and resilience, but can help reduce costs for utilities and their customers. Some utilities offer energy-storage programs and rates, which means homeowners can contribute to a more efficient and reliable energy system that benefits the entire community.
As electric utilities navigate the complexities of modern energy supply, utility-scale and residential battery energy storage systems can be a benefit to all of our lives.
Energy Storage
Energy storage involves devices and methods that absorb power when it’s generated and save it for when it’s most needed. The ability to “warehouse” large quantities of energy economically and over long periods of time will help utilities improve grid operations, integrate renewables and boost reliability.
Below are the four most widely used storage methods.
Kinetic storage; most common: flywheel and compressed air Battery
Untangling Power Line Myths
Power lines deliver electricity to homes and businesses and are essential to our modern way of life. We see them everywhere, so we sometimes forget they can be potentially dangerous.
Myths abound when it comes to power line safety. To help protect our communities, s it’s crucial to end power line misconceptions.
I’m safe as long as I don’t touch power lines.
If birds can sit on power lines, it’s safe for humans to touch them, too.
Lines can energize the air around them. If too close, electricity can jump to you, leading to injury/death.
Wooden ladders are safe to use around power lines.
It’s safe to trim trees near the power lines.
5 5 4 3 2 1
Power lines are insulated, so they’re safe to touch.
There’s no difference in voltage in the distance between a bird’s feet, so no circuit is created. Electric shock occurs if a person touches a line while touching the ground.
Wood is not a sufficient insulator. Only use nonconductive ladders around power lines and maintain a safe distance.
Branches could strike power lines and you at the same time, causing physical harm or death. This should be left to the professionals.
Touching a power line, even if it appears insulated, can deliver an electric shock.
Spring Into Tax Day With Energy-Efficiency Tax Breaks
By Erin Hollinshead, Executive Director of Safe Electricity
It’s tax time. Save on energy costs and increase your energy efficiency with these federal and state tax credits. With federal energy-efficiency credits alone, you can claim up to $3,200 this year.
Home Energy Audit
Not sure where to start? Claim up to $150 for a home energy audit that can estimate the energy and cost savings of efficiency improvements and recommend the best options for your home.
Upgrade your doors, insulation and windows, and get 30% back—up to $1,200. To learn more, visit www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/ energy-efficient-home-improvementcredit.
Install Heat Pumps, Water Heaters Or A Biomass Stove
Save 30% (up to $2,000) on energy-efficiency upgrades, including heat pumps, water
heaters, biomass stoves and biomass boilers. For details, visit www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/ energy-efficient-home-improvement-credit.
Going Renewable
Claim up to 30% back on the cost of clean energy installations, including solar, wind, geothermal and battery storage, with no annual or lifetime dollar limit (except for fuel cell property) through 2032.
Visit www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/residentialclean-energy-credit for a guide on how this tax credit works.
Home Energy Rebates
These rebates help reduce the cost of energysaving upgrades for single- and multi-family homes. Since individual states manage these programs, check with your state’s energy office to learn more about what’s available. Some rebates are based on income.
You can use these discounts for things like Energy Star appliances, insulation and more. Check your state’s status and learn more at https://www.energy.gov/ save/home-upgrades.
Celebrate history with flavors
Feliz cocina, or top o’ the kitchen! With March holidays upon us, both greetings work.
The Mexican celebration of president, attorney and military commander Benito Juarez’s birthday falls on the third Monday of March each year.
Juarez was a Zapotec, and its 26th president. He was the first democratically elected indigenous president, serving from 1858 until his death in office in 1872. His birthday is commemorated for his fight for democracy and indigenous rights. Celebrate with chicken fajita nachos, which are simple to make with a cheese sauce that can be made alone or used in a variety of dishes.
Also this month is St. Patrick’s Day, which celebrates the patron saint of Ireland. Pistachio blueberry shamrock fluff combines the appeal of a dessert into what some call a salad. With pineapple, cream cheese, blueberries and the crunch of salted pistachios, categorize it any way you choose.
However you choose to celebrate this month, happy cooking!
Pistachio Blueberry Shamrock Fluff
2 3-ounce boxes instant pistachio pudding mix
1 20-ounce can crushed pineapple, drained
4 ounces cream cheese, softened to room temperature
12 ounces prepared whipped topping
1 cup blueberries, rinsed
1 ounce roasted pistachios, shelled, salted and chopped
• In a mixing bowl, stir together pudding mixes and pineapple. Place in the refrigerator to cool.
• Blend cream cheese until smooth and stir in whipped topping. Remove pudding mixture from the refrigerator and fold in the cream cheese mixture. Scoop into a serving dish and return to the refrigerator to set, approximately 3 hours.
• Prior to serving, sprinkle rinsed blueberries and pistachio nuts on top. Serve immediately.
• In a skillet, warm oil and add red bell pepper and onion. Fry until onions are translucent. Add thinly sliced chicken and fry
until cooked. Sprinkle red pepper flakes, salt and pepper if desired. Set aside.
• In a saucepan, warm milk until steaming, but do not boil. Slowly whisk flour into the milk, one tablespoon at a time, until there are no more lumps. Simmer until milk is thickened.
• Stir in one cup grated cheese until melted. Add salsa, and stir until warmed.
• To assemble, place a dense layer of tortilla chips on a rimmed baking sheet. Sprinkle chicken mixture on top of chips and drizzle cheese sauce on top. Bake for 15 minutes or until cheese sauce begins to lightly bubble.
• Remove from the oven, sprinkle with remaining grated cheese as well as lettuce and tomato. Add salsa if desired. Serve immediately.
WAGYU - Registered fullblood CattleTimbuck2 Ranch, Las Vegas, NM. Available in spring, 4 heifer and 7 bull yearlings, 3 bullocks, and F1 steers for sale. Please visit our website at timbuck2ranch.com for more information or contact Sudie at 865607-1918 or tb2ranch.sudie@gmail.com
BLACK ANGUS BULLS. Thick, easy fleshing, low maintenance bulls for sale. Range raised at high elevation. Low birth weight and herd bulls available. 18 month old bulls available now starting at 2800.00. Yearlings available in April starting at 2400.00. Also, Alfalfa Bales for Sale. Call Bobby Salvo 575-642-0962.
BUSINESS for sale in Mora, NM. 1.86 acres with one water right, 4000’ retail building plus storage and outbuildings. Highly successful seasonal garden center. All inventory with complete business equipment will transfer. Great parking and plenty of space to develop other business enterprises - i.e.- storage sheds anyone? www.moravalleyranchsupply.com Text 505.429.4112 with contact info for a business brochure and more information.
TILE SHOWERS BUILT ESPECIALLY FOR YOU! Call 931-201-2791. Ask for FREE Estimate!Great Prices, Beautiful Showers! *In business since the late 1900s* Any shower, anywhere. Call Ed 931-201-2791.
WANTED - 10” Alfalfa value Hydrants in good condition. Call 915-525-2504.
GEHL 603 EXCAVATOR - $25,000, Case 621B Loader - $28,000, John Deere 210LE
IRRIGATION PIPE FOR SALE. Make irrigating faster and more efficient. PVC and aluminum pipe and fittings like T’s, elbows, plugs, hydrants, alfalfa valves, butterfly valves. Half the price of new and ready to use. Call Sierra (575) 770-8441.
Great Finds
HEADSTONES (I.E. CEMETERY MONUMENTS) is our business. Over 1,000 designs. An eternal memory of a loved one. TAOS MOUNTAIN HERITAGE. Call 575770-2507 or 575-758-3903 or Email: taos_mt_ heritage@msn.com. Alfalfa Bales for sale also. Website: www.taosmountainheritage.com
Real Estate
40 BEAUTIFUL, FORESTED LOTS IN THE PENDARIES SUBDIVISION, FEATURING PONDEROSA PINES. Each lot is available for purchase individually, with prices as low as $5,000. Community water access and views. Don’t miss this opportunity—secure your ideal lot today! Laurie Frantz, Real Broker LLC, 505-920-1346, lauriefrantz@gmail.com
2 CONTIGUOUS PINON/JUNIPERFORESTED LOTS, 45.563 ACRES, MUJERES RANCH, CIBOLA CO. Electricity at lotline; well, septic needed. No HOA or covenants; MHs allowed. $99,500 for both. Big mountain views! Laurie Frantz, Real Broker LLC, 505-920-1346, lauriefrantz@gmail.com
80 HILLY ACRES WITH LOTS OF BUILDING SITES 3 MILES SOUTH OF MADRID OFF THE TURQUOISE TRAIL. Stupendous views of surrounding hills & valley. Shipping container on large level spot would be great place to build. Utilities required. Live off grid in the splendor of solitude! Laurie Frantz, Real Broker LLC, 505920-1346, lauriefrantz@gmail.com
LARGE, CUSTOM-BUILT HOME AT 7 CALLE VACIO IN RURAL LA MESILLA, SOUTH OF ESPANOLA. 3B2B & office on 1 acre. High ceilings, tile floors, wood-burning stove, open concept kitchen/living room/ dining room. Recently painted inside and out, new tile behind woodstove, new seamless gutters, double entry gate. Two fenced yards, one with hot tub, and wooden storage shed. Three sides fenced. Laurie Frantz, Real Broker, 505-920-1346.
CLOVIS-409 HUMPHREY ROAD, VACANT LAND WITH COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL. 8.5 acres not far from US 60-84. $77,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com.
575-485-2508 www.jandjauction.com April Albuquerque Area Equipment Auction
April 12 & 13 2025 @ 8:30am. 507 Boundary Court SE Albuquerque NM
Contact one of our salesmen to consign your items.
Buddy @ 505-900-4185
Dave @ 505-652-8832
John @ 505-617-0799
Roland @ 505-617-5345
PRIME BUSINESS LOCATION ON HISTORIC BRIDGE STREET JUST STEPS FROM LAS VEGAS’ HISTORIC PLAZA. Surrounded by beautiful historic commercial establishments, this building is an infill built in 1988 in the style of its neighbors. Downstairs retail; upstairs residential or 3 separate offices w/kitchen, dining area, & full bath with laundry. New roof 2004; central heat & air; security system; parking in back & on-street. Laurie Frantz, Real Broker, 505-920-1346.
HISTORIC VILLANUEVA GENERAL STORE AND RESTAURANT on Hwy-3 near serene Villanueva State Park. Outfitted with commercial kitchen, appliances. .35 acres. Owner financing possible. $349,000. Keller Williams Realty (505)983-5151. Crystal Latimer, broker (206)719-3312. crystallatimer@kw.com
TUCUMCARI-1120 S SARATOGA, (Also next to US 54/Mountain Road) $20,000. City water close by. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com.
CANADIAN RIVER-WEST UTE LAKESIX 40 ACRE +/- PARCELS. LAKE AND MESALANDS VIEW. Call for showing and pricing. Owner Financing Available. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com.
SANTA ROSA- 1070 BAR Y ROAD, HOLLYWOOD RANCH SUBDIVISION. PRICE REDUCED. Three parcels totaling 41 acres. Water, electricity, fencing. $70,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com.
MILAGRO- 0000 PECOS SPUR, PORTILLO CREEK RANCH SUBDIVISION. Tract 6, 164 acres. Partial fencing. Wide open space. $84,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com.
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614 Don Gaspar Ave. Santa Fe, NM 87505
MAGDALENA-0000 TBD STATE ROAD 169, 1.28 ACRES. Great mountain views 15 miles from Magdalena. Borders Cibola National Forest. Hunting potential. $15,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com.
DATIL- 85 NORTHERN TRAIL, SUGARLOAF MOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION, SOLD. Two lots totaling just over 13 acres. Small cabin. $39,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000, Paul Stout, Broker 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com.
DATIL/PIE TOWN- Various 40 +/- acre tracts north of Sawtooth Mountains and national forest in former Criswell Ranch area. Call for pricing. (Goat Ranch Road Properties SOLD). Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com.
EASTERN NEW MEXICO- Let us sell your large acreage working farm or ranch. Broker is farm owner/operator and lifetime New Mexico resident. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com.
3.5” x 2”
OKLAHOMA PANHANDLE- Let us sell your large acreage working farm or ranch. Broker is farm owner/operator. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker 17843, OREC Broker 209965 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com.
160 ACRE OASIS NEAR VILLANUEVA (626 CR B36), thoughtfully designed 300 sq. ft. cottage, electricity, private well and septic, productive garden beds, permaculture design. $450,000. Keller Williams Realty (505)983-5151. Crystal Latimer, owner/broker (206)719-3312. crystallatimer@kw.com
LITERALLY MAIN ST USA, $99,500, 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Carport, 3 Lots with 800 Square Feet AND 1200 square feet garages, mature Pecan Trees, in privately fenced yard, 1 ½ blocks to schools, walk to everything in town, all City services, Fort Sumner, NM, 88119. 505.604.0635
18 ACRES OF FORESTED PONDEROSA , PINON AND JUNIPER , ELECTRICITY AND RUSTIC CABIN. 260 ft frontage on black top HYW 53, 7800 ft elevation 5 miles west of continental divide , (Bandera Volcano & Ice Caves) 35 miles SW Grants. Cibola county. $99,000. 805-423-8891, ourplace680@yahoo.com
Candace Muncy Financial Advisor
1200 New York Avenue Alamogordo, NM 88310 575-434-5850
MKT-5894N-A > edwardjones.com
1. Due the 7th, one month prior. Ex: Ads due March 7 for the April issue. Good to Know
1. Only members of New Mexico electric cooperatives may place ads.
2. We reserve the right to reject any ad.
4. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives of New Mexico.
6. Enchantment prints monthly, except for June and December. Questions? Call: 505-982-4671.
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Cooperative: Select Category Below Animals Great Finds
Business Real Estate Equipment Vehicles
The Land of Enchantment is filled with stunning desert landscapes, breathtaking mountain ranges and a diverse range of 18 national and 35 state parks, not to mention historic cities such as Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Las Cruces and Taos. New Mexico is a fusion of culture with Native American, Mexican and Spanish heritage. It is a truly unique state offering something for everyone. Here are a few local events you might want to add to your calendar:
March 1-3—Red River
Mardi Gras in the Mountains
Celebrate Mardi Gras in the snow-capped mountains of Red River. The unique blend of Mardi Gras and Red River traditions draws crowds from all over the country. Experience the burning of the Tchoupitoulas, a spirit that removes your troubles and worries for the coming year. Dress up for the grand ball or enjoy the Mardi Gras Main Street parade showcasing local businesses.
March 1-2—Truth or Consequences
Truth or Consequences Rock and Gem Show
The third annual Rock and Gem Show is 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday at the Sierra County Fair Barn, 1321 Hyde Ave. Take a soak in the local hot springs before or after enjoying the show. Vendors offer rocks and minerals, geode cracking, fossils, beads and jewelry. There will also be collecting field trips, presentations, demos and free rock painting for children. Come pan for gold and Montana sapphires, or spin our Wheel of Fortune. Free admission, free parking and door prizes. www.scrags.org
March 3—Alto
Dragons & Mythical Beasts Live
Enter a magical world of myths and legends in this fantastical new interactive show for adventurers ages 4 and older. Unveil a myriad of dark secrets and come face-to-face with magnificent monsters and terrifying beasts. Discover the colossal stone troll, the mysterious indrik and Japanese baku, the tooth fairy—not as sweet as you’d think—an adorable unicorn and a majestic griffin. Take your place among
legendary heroes—just don’t wake the dragon. From the creators of the West End smash hit “Dinosaur World Live,” don’t miss this hourlong, spell-binding adventure. spencertheater.com/dragons%26mythicalbeasts
March 6—Taos
Latin Night
Spice up your après-ski and join us every Thursday in March at 8 p.m. for Latin Night at DALEEE KTAOS. Dance the night away to vibrant Latin beats on your way back to town from Taos Ski Valley. It’s the perfect way to end your ski day and kickstart your weekend. $5 cover. www.daleeektaos.com
March 8—Columbus
Cabalgata Fiesta de Amistad 2025
Join us as we honor the history and sacrifices of the Villa Raid with a day of remembrance, friendship and community. Join the memorial ride from the border into Columbus, and ride in Luna County’s longest horse parade. Enjoy mariachis and folk dancers, vendors, food booths and games in the plaza downtown. The Columbus Historical Society annual memorial honors the fallen victims of the Columbus raid in the predawn hours of March 9, 1916. The event is free and family-friendly. villageofcolumbusnm.com/a-historic-celebrationcabalgata-fiesta-de-amistad-2025/#google_vignette
Include Your Upcoming Event
March 8—Truth or Consequences
Second Saturday Art Hop
Discover the vibrant art scene in Truth or Consequences at the Second Saturday Art Hop. Since July 2005, the Truth or Consequences Art Hop has welcomed visitors to downtown shops, galleries and studios from 6-9 p.m. each month. Through changing businesses and shifting weather, Art Hop has remained a beloved tradition. Explore local galleries, studios and shops and stroll downtown, enjoy live music and savor refreshments in this unique town. sierracountynewmexico.info/local-events/secondsaturday-art-hop
March 15—Ruidoso
The Links 5K Run and Walk
Join Ruidoso Parks and Recreation for this family-friendly annual event benefiting the Lincoln County Food Bank. Event begins at 10 a.m. at White Mountain Sports Complex. Complete one lap around the Links Walking Trail as the first of six races in the Run Ruidoso 2025 series. Choose from two races: 5K walk or 5K run. The course winds through the picturesque Links Trail, offering participants fresh air, beautiful scenery and a lively community atmosphere. Register online today. The first 50 participants receive an event T-shirt. www.discoverruidoso.com/calendar-of-events/walkthe-links-5k-run-and-walk
March 15-16—Albuquerque
33rd Annual Rio Grande Arts and Crafts Festival: Spring Show
This show at the EXPO Fairgrounds historically lured thousands of shoppers and collectors to a well-loved celebration of the arts with deep roots in New Mexico. Prepandemic, the Rio Grande Spring Show was ranked as one of the top 100 fine art shows by Sunshine Artist magazine. We’re excited to revive this beloved festival. riograndefestivals.com
Send your event details to eventcalendar@nmelectric.coop. Include the event title, date, town and a summary of the event. Include the event website address so readers can get additional event information. Submit the event notification at least 60 days before the event to meet our press deadline. Space is limited, and events are run at the discretion of the editor.
You can help save energy at home by using electronic devices more efficiently. Read the energy-saving tips below and fill in the blanks with the correct word that completes the efficiency tip.
Psst! Check your work in the answer key below.
1. Use a(n) _____ with an on/off switch when powering multiple electronics to easily manage energy use.
A. power strip B. extension cord C. remote control
2. For devices that require _____, use rechargeable ones, which are more cost-effective and environmentally friendly.
A. power cords B. lights C. batteries
3. Unplug electronic devices that consume energy even when they’re not in use, like _____.
A. lamps B. ceiling fans C. phone chargers
4. Use the sleep or power management mode on your _____ to save on energy costs.
A. computer B. refrigerator C. oven
Comfortably heat and cool your home more efficiently while saving money. When paired with proper insulation, you can save over 30 percent on your heating and cooling bills compared to conventional HVAC systems, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Both ducted and ductless heat pumps provide efficient HVAC solutions that will improve your home’s air quality while eliminating the need for combustible fuels.
Together with our members, we’re extending the benefits of electrification for schools, homeowners, businesses, agricultural producers, nonprofits and more. LEARN MORE AT WWW.TRISTATE.COOP/ELECTRIFY-AND-SAVE
Smart home technologies are transforming how we live, making our homes more comfortable, convenient and energy efficient.
Smart home technologies are devices that communicate with each other to automate everyday tasks and functions around the home, such as heating and cooling, lighting, and security. In addition to convenience, smart technologies enable consumers to manage and monitor their energy consumption through device scheduling and control.
With just a tap on your phone or a voice command to your virtual assistant (like Alexa or Siri), you can conveniently control many aspects of your home environment. If you’re new to the smart tech world, you can try several cost-effective devices as you explore ways to make your home smarter.
One of the best and most inexpensive places to start is with a smart bulb or plug. Smart LED bulbs allow you to control home lighting remotely through a smartphone app or voice commands. You can set schedules to automatically turn
lights off or on, which can help you save energy and boost home security.
Smart plugs are another inexpensive way to give electronics and small appliances the smart home treatment. Smart plugs allow you to set schedules and remotely control power for lamps, small appliances and electronics, minimizing standby energy consumption and maximizing convenience.
For example, you can sync the timing of your bedside lamp, alarm, speakers and coffee maker to turn on at the same time each morning.
If Alexa or Siri is already part of your household, you can build on your existing tech ecosystem by adding a smart hub, such as Amazon Echo or Apple HomePod. Voice assistants synced to smart devices such as bulbs and plugs provide additional options for device management and allow family members to interact with the various devices through voice control rather than individual apps.
Home heating and cooling account for a significant portion of energy use, so a
smart thermostat is one of the best smart tech investments you can make.
While traditional programmable thermostats can be set to your schedule and preferences, a smart thermostat takes this one step further by learning and adjusting to your routine and building a schedule around it.
Smart security systems are popular with homeowners looking for advanced security solutions incorporating cameras, sensors
and cloud-based video recordings. As with other smart technologies, smart security systems provide convenient, flexible ways to monitor homes and businesses, giving you peace of mind even when you’re away.
If you’re considering smart tech for your home, start by defining your goals. Is saving energy your top priority, or are you aiming to improve home security?
Smart home technologies provide great convenience—but remember, they are
internet-connected devices. That means you need a stable Wi-Fi connection to ensure devices work properly and strong passwords for your router and individual devices.
Whether you’re looking to automate every aspect of your home or simply want to try a device or two, smart technologies have the power to transform your living space into a home where comfort and convenience reign supreme.
youth art
April Topic: Draw what you imagine life on Mars would look like.
May Topic: School’s out! Draw your favorite summertime activity.
Send Your Drawing By mail: Youth Editor 614 Don Gaspar Ave. Santa Fe, NM 87505 By email: tcondit@nmelectric.coop
Deadline: Submit by the 9th, one month prior to publication.
Winners receive a $15 gift card.
Have a Youth Art Topic? Email or mail to the addresses above, or call 505-982-4671.
5 items to include on the back of your drawing, otherwise YOU ARE DISQUALIFIED: 1. Name
Mailing Address
Phone Number 5. Electric Co-op DON’T FORGET THESE ITEMS!
Artwork accepted up to age 13.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Congratulations to the winning artists who drew a green animal.
Jocelyn Williams • Age 10 Socorro Electric Cooperative
Charlotte Maestas • Age 9 Jemez Mountains Electric Cooperative
Eli Barbour • Age 6 Central Valley Electric Cooperative
Sebastian De La Cruz • Age 6 Lea County Electric Cooperative
Emiliana Chavez • Age 10 Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative
Marcus Cates • Age 8 Southwestern Electric Cooperative
Live Free
Your Stylish, Foldable, and Travel-Ready Mobility Products for Life on the Move
Folding Travel Mobility Scooter
With its compact size and split mode, ATTO is the only scooter that can fit in an airline’s overhead compartment.
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Rolls like a suitcase when folded in trolley mode
Max. speed of 6.2 mph and 25 mile range with the XL battery
Smooth and stable ride with flat-free, shock- absorbing tires
Compact design fits easily in any car trunk
Approved to be taken on flights with its TSA-approved battery
EZY EXPLORER Folding Power Chair
It easily fits into compact trunks, closets, and tight corners.
Ultra-Lightweight Carbon Fiber Design
Folds in seconds - without you bending down
Adjustable armrests for easy side entry
TSA-approved battery with 9.3 mile range
Joystick for right or left handed control
Pulls up comfortably to a table while seated Flat-Free Wheels
At Movinglife, we make it simple to regain your freedom with free in-home demos and flexible payment plans tailored to fit your needs. Trusted by over 60,000 users worldwide, our lightweight, stylish mobility solutions are designed to keep you active. With the industry’s best warranty, exceptional service, and personalized solutions, our products are sold in 62 countries and supported by a multilocation service network. Discover how Movinglife can help you embrace independence and enjoy life without limits.
Getting this scooter has changed my life. I’m able to enjoy the outdoors with my spouse, without struggling with tiring so easily. I get a lot of compliments and feel confident again. Thank you.
Albert D.
I got my new sport scooter right before going to Disney World with my family. Operating the scooter was easy and reliable. The ability to collapse it to take on the plane was another big plus. I’d definitely recommend it for travel.
Rhonda J. I love the experience I'm having with my new ATTO SPORT. It's very convenient. Folds small enough to fit in the trunk of my car and still have room for more things. Gives me plenty of leg room which I need because of my height.
Donald J.
Electrifying NM Since 1935
Tri-State Generation & Transmission
Western Farmers Electric Cooperative
Associate Member
Co-ops and IOUs
New Mexico’s electric cooperatives are member-owned, not-for-profit organizations focused on providing reliable, affordable power to rural areas. Unlike IOUs, which prioritize shareholders, co-ops reinvest profits locally, improving infrastructure and keeping rates fair.
Distribution Co-op and G&T’s
Distribution co-ops deliver electricity directly to homes and businesses, maintaining local lines and customer service. Generation and Transmission providers supply power to distribution co-ops, managing large-scale generation and bulk transmission.
RPS and Loads
New Mexico’s Renewable Portfolio Standard requires utilities to increase renewable energy use, shaping how co-ops manage electricity demand. Co-ops balance integrating clean energy with providing reliable, affordable power to rural communities.
Beneficial Electrification
Beneficial electrification uses electricity to replace fossil fuels in ways that reduce emissions, save money, and improve energy efficiency. From electric vehicles to energy-efficient appliances, co-ops promote this transition to benefit members and the environment.
Embracing the Latest Technology
Electric cooperatives leverage cutting-edge technology to improve reliability, efficiency, and member service. From smart meters and grid modernization, to renewable energy integration and cybersecurity advancements, co-ops adopt innovations to meet evolving demands.
Vegetation Management Efforts
Vegetation management is critical for maintaining reliable electricity and preventing outages. Electric cooperatives actively clear trees and manage vegetation near power lines to enhance safety and reduce wildfire risks.