FEC December 2020 enchantment

Page 1

enchantment The Voice of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives


Farmers’ Electric Cooperative

Of Horses and Heart


December 2020 • enchantment.coop

December 2020



CONTENTS 04 We are enchantment 05 View from enchantment 06 Hale to the Stars 08 Co-ops Work to Get Ahead of the Blaze 10 Energy Sense


12 Book Chat 14 Of Horses and Heart Artist Suzette Howard 16 Your Electric Co-op





19 We Want To Hear From You Send your thoughts about the mag 20 On the Menu 22 Happy Holidays Fun holiday reads! 26 The Market Place 30 Youth Art 31 Renewable Energy crossword puzzle! On the Cover A horse painting by Suzette Howard, an employee of Farmers' Electric Cooperative, who adores horses. Photo courtesy of Suzette Howard.

enchantment.coop • December 2020



We live in the Land of Enchantment… We are

enchanted Journeys… Readers Want to Know

Several readers have inquired about our enchanted journeys page. Due to COVID-19, there isn't any in-person events, so we have not published the page. If you know of any Virtual Events, send our way one month ahead of publication and we will do our best to publish. Email to: events@nmelectric.coop

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Congratulations to… Aaron Gallegos who is reading the November 2020 enchantment. Elvia Gallegos writes: “Enjoying a good read from the November enchantment magazine with a couple of friends." This area is serviced by Lea County Electric Co-op.

Elvia and Aaron win $20!


December 2020 • enchantment.coop


December 1, 2020 • Vol. 72, No. 12 USPS 175-880 • ISSN 0046-1946 Circulation 91,199 enchantment (ISSN 0046-1946) is published monthly by the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505. enchantment provides reliable, helpful information on rural living and energy use to electric cooperative members and customers. Over 91,000 families and businesses receive enchantment Magazine as electric cooperative members. Non-member subscriptions are available at $12 per year or $18 for two years, payable to NMRECA. Allow four to eight weeks for delivery. PERIODICAL POSTAGE paid at Santa Fe, NM 87501-9998 and additional mailing offices. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Postmaster please send address changes to 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505-4428. Readers who receive the publication through their electric cooperative membership should report address changes to their local electric cooperative office. THE NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION provides legislative and educational services to the cooperatives who are members of the Association that deliver electric power to New Mexico’s rural areas and small communities. The mission of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association is to strengthen, support, unify, and represent Cooperative member interests at the local, state, and national levels. Each cooperative has a representative on the association’s board of directors, which controls the editorial content and advertising policy of enchantment through its Publications Committee. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Charles Pinson, President, Central Valley Electric Co-op, Artesia Tim Morrow, Vice President, Springer Electric Co-op, Springer Duane Frost, Secretary-Treasurer, Central NM Electric Co-op, Mountainair BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chris Martinez, Columbus Electric Co-op, Deming Keith Gottlieb, Continental Divide Electric Co-op, Grants Lance R. Adkins, Farmers’ Electric Co-op, Clovis Robert Caudle, Lea County Electric Co-op, Lovington Robert Quintana, Mora-San Miguel Electric Co-op, Mora Thomas G. Rivas, Northern Río Arriba Electric Co-op, Chama Preston Stone, Otero County Electric Co-op, Cloudcroft Antonio Sanchez, Jr., Roosevelt County Electric Co-op, Portales George Biel, Sierra Electric Co-op, Elephant Butte Donald L. Wolberg, Socorro Electric Co-op, Socorro Travis Sullivan, Southwestern Electric Co-op, Clayton Wayne Connell, Tri-State G&T Association, Westminster, Colorado Charles G. Wagner, Western Farmers Electric Co-op, Oklahoma NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Phone: 505-982-4671 Santa Fe, NM 87505 Fax: 505-982-0153 www.nmelectric.coop www.enchantment.coop Keven J. Groenewold, CEO, kgroenewold@nmelectric.coop Susan M. Espinoza, Editor. sespinoza@nmelectric.coop Tom Condit, Assistant Editor, tcondit@nmelectric.coop DISPLAY ADVERTISING: Rates available upon request. Co-op members and New Mexico display advertisers, email Shaylyn at enchantmentads@nmelectric.coop or call 505-252-2540. National representative: American MainStreet Publications, 800-626-1181. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives that are members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER. Copyright ©2020, New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission of the publisher.

view from enchantment I By Keven J. Groenewold, CEO New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association

Co-ops Remain Strong and Committed to its Members


his year has been a struggle like no other. COVID–19 has changed the fabric of society. It has posed many challenges to keeping the lights on. Usually, December is a quieter time for rural electric cooperatives. Annual meetings are finished, trustee elections are over, and it is time to settle into the business of delivering electricity to our members. Of course, that is what we do for the rest of the year, too. Like any other electric utility, we answer customer phone calls, connect new customers, fix outages, repair the electrical system, attend safety classes, and plan for our members’ future needs. With justifiable pride, we work hard to provide reliable and affordable electric power to rural consumers—both here at home and across America. Other electric utilities claim the same commitment, although it may be to very few rural consumers. And the industry does a good job of keeping the lights on without charging too much for its product. However, that is not good enough if you’re a cooperative. We have standards that go beyond power lines and electric meters. These standards—the cooperative principles—define the values that guide our work, our relationship with our

members, and our relationship with our communities. Our values are simple enough. We are member-owned businesses. Any consumer can be a member; members control their co-ops through their vote. Members have an economic stake in us, and we operate independently on their behalf. We owe them honest and reliable information about our plans and operations. We cooperate with other co-ops to better serve our members, and we work to improve our communities. We strive to improve the quality of life of our members along the way. While simple, these values make us different from any other type of electric company. Investor-owned utilities are accountable to their shareholders. Publicly owned utilities are accountable to government agencies. They operate to meet the policy goals of elected or appointed officials. Each of them has a filter between the business and the customer. We are governed by trustees who are members, elected by their neighbors to guide the operations of their cooperative. The members vote at annual meetings or district meetings to choose the trustee who can best represent what they want from their co-op. Any member can run for election if he or she meets the

requirements of the co-op’s bylaws. And once chosen, it is their duty to follow through on the wishes of those who elected them. The members convene at least once a year to approve or disapprove of our actions. The rest of the year, they can call their elected trustee if they have a question about the cooperative’s operations. In fact, trustees frequently hear about outages or other concerns before the co-op’s management team. There are 42 million people who are part of this enormous enterprise. They live in 47 states from Hawaii to Maine and from Alaska to Florida; and are members of over 900 rural electric cooperatives. They come from nearly every walk of life and background imaginable. They have one thing in common; however— they are all members and owners of their electric utility. No one else can make that claim. As co-op owners, we are in this together—striving for the same goals. We will need unity to achieve these results. But as we know, the branches and leaves of any two trees are not identical. Yet, they all stand together to create a forest. Unity, without conformity, is what will keep our co-op forest healthy. Stay safe, everyone. And I hope 2021 is a brighter year. enchantment.coop • December 2020


hale to the stars I By Alan Hale

Geminid Meteor Shower Peaks in December


or the past several months, we have witnessed the two largest worlds of our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, traveling through the nighttime sky together, Jupiter leading Saturn by about half an hour but with the two of them gradually drawing closer together for the most part. This tag-team performance reaches its climax on Monday, December 21, when the two worlds will be the closest together they have appeared in our nighttime sky in almost 800 years. This “Great Conjunction” will take place fairly low in our southwestern sky after dusk, and for about a week or more on either side of that date, the two planets (and their accompanying bright moons) will be visible within the same field of view of backyard telescopes. Although these two worlds steal the show this month, other bright planets remain visible in our nighttime skies as well. Mars, although not quite as bright as it was when it was close to Earth two months ago, is still a prominent object almost overhead during the midevening hours, and sets during mid-morning. Over in the pre-dawn sky, Venus remains the brilliant object that it has been for the past few months but is gradually sinking lower to the horizon and rises around the beginning of dawn by month’s end. The thin crescent moon is close to Venus on Saturday morning, the 12th, and that after-


A composite (30 images) of Geminid meteors appearing over the European Southern Observatory in Chile. Photo copyright Stephane Guisard, used with permission. For more photos by Guisard visit http://sguisard.astrosurf.com and https://www.instagram.com/los_cielos_de_america/

noon actually passes in front of, or “occults,” Venus, although that event takes place during daylight hours from New Mexico when the pair is low in the western sky. One of the strongest of the annual meteor showers is the Geminid shower, which peaks on Sunday night-Monday morning, December 13-14. This year the moon will be near its “new” phase at the time of the shower, and thus, the viewing prospects are excellent. Meteors should be visible all night, however, Gemini is highest above the horizon a couple of hours after midnight, and around that time, as many as 100 or more meteors may appear per hour. Bundle up! Although nothing of this event will be visible from New Mexico,

December 2020 • enchantment.coop

a total solar eclipse takes place on Monday, December 14. The path of totality begins in the southcentral Pacific Ocean and tracks eastward, crossing central Chile and the Patagonia region of central Argentina before continuing eastward into the south-central Atlantic Ocean. This is a short eclipse, with totality lasting a maximum of slightly over two minutes. A partial eclipse will be visible across all but the northernmost parts of South America and parts of Antarctica closest to South America.

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enchantment.coop • December 2020


Electric Co-ops Work to Get Ahead of the Blaze By Erin Kelly, NRECA


s the threat of devastating wildfires continues in the West, electric cooperatives are strengthening their efforts to help reduce the risk to their communities. Many co-ops are aggressively clearing vegetation away from power lines, developing higher-tech ways to monitor their systems for problems, and in extreme cases, where wildfires are raging, conducting temporary Public Safety Power Shutoffs to prevent sparking new blazes. David Gottula, general manager of Okanogan County Electric Cooperative (OCEC) in Winthrop, Washington, says it’s important for electric co-ops to be proactive. Like much of the West, the territory served by the small, 3,000member co-op is experiencing a “new normal” of longer, drier, more dangerous fire seasons. The co-op contracted with an outside forester in 2019 to survey its lines and the trees outside of its easements that posed a threat. “That ended up being one of the best decisions we’ve made,” Gottula said. In Montana, a new drone will help Missoula Electric Cooperative inspect lines and identify weak spots in connections, said Joe Smith, the co-op’s chief operating officer. An infrared camera attached to the drone can detect the heat that builds up at bad connections, he said.


The drone will be especially helpful in inspecting lines on the sides of cliffs and in other areas that are difficult for line crews to reach. It’s just one part of the co-op’s new fire mitigation plan— the first in Montana, Smith said. Some electric co-ops also turn off reclosers during the fire season. As Gottula explained in a recent newsletter to OCEC members, “a recloser is an automatic high-voltage electric switch that operates much like a circuit breaker in your home. When a household breaker trips, it will remain off until it is manually reset. A recloser will test the electric line by automatically closing to see if the problem has been removed. If the problem was only temporary, the recloser will stay closed, and power will remain on. This operation is sometimes seen as a ‘blink’ at your home.” To reduce the risk of fire, OCEC and many other co-ops place some reclosers on “non-reclose” mode so the breaker will kick in, and the line will be de-energized until crews can manually inspect the line for problems. This could cause longer, more frequent outages in some areas during fire season, Gottula said. “We hope our members understand that the benefits of reduced fire risk outweigh the increase in possible outages,” he said. Douglas Electric Cooperative in Roseburg, Oregon, has an extensive fire management plan that includes buying each line crew a 500-gallon firefighting wagon, new fire extinguishers, and water cans to help suppress flames until firefighters arrive. The crews

December 2020 • enchantment.coop

take this equipment with them everywhere during fire season, said General Manager Keith Brooks. In western Oregon, where wildfires have been devastating rural communities, the general manager and incident commander at Blachly-Lane Electric Cooperative in Eugene made the difficult decision on Sept. 8 to conduct Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) in the forested areas of their system “rending nearly all of our residential consumers powerless during our high wind, high temperatures, low humidity conditions,” said Pam Spettel, the coop’s manager of communications and legislative affairs. “Several small communities in our county burned to the ground,” she said. “We were very lucky. The sentiment of our members was generally favorable to the PSPS and grew more so through the week as they saw what was happening around us. At this point, we have received hundreds of messages of support for the action from members of our tiny little co-op.” You can help reduce the risks of wildfires. AccuWeather.com offers the following tips:

• If you see an unattended fire, immediately call 911 or your local fire department. • Report any trees that appear to be too close to power lines, and keep your own trees and bushes regularly trimmed. • Completely extinguish all campfires and fire pits after use. Follow local ordinances to make sure burning a fire is allowed. • Never throw cigarettes outside a moving vehicle or on the ground. • Only use fireworks in clear areas with no woods nearby. • Monitor the risk of forest fires in your local area.


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Proudly assembled in America! enchantment.coop • December 2020


energy sense I By Patrick Keegan and Brad Thiessen

Three Steps to an Efficient Attic


he attic is area you can get the most bang for your buck on energy efficiency investments. Insulation is actually just one part of the energyefficient attic puzzle. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you prepare to make your attic more efficient. Step 1. Sealing. Attics are often the place where warm air leaks out of the home in winter or into the home during summer. Trouble spots include anything that comes through the attic floor, such as recessed lights, the chimney, the attic hatch and pipes, and ducts or wires coming through the attic floor. It’s best to seal these trouble spots before adding or improving the insulation. Invest a small amount of money in supplies, like caulk, expanding foam, or weather stripping, to seal air leaks in your attic. Step 2. Ventilation. Many attics are under-ventilated, which allows moisture and heat to build up. Moisture causes harmful mold and wood rot. During the summer, a poorly ventilated attic is prone to overheating, which can bake shingles and shorten their life. During the winter, a warm attic can melt snow on the roof, causing it to run into your gutters and then freeze, causing ice dams. Proper attic ventilation lets airflow from a low point to a high point. This is usually done by installing soffit vents and insulation baffles around the perimeter, plus vents near the peak of the roof. If there is no way to install

The snow on this roof hasn’t melted, which can be an indication that the attic is well insulated. Photo Credit: Amy Aletheia Cahill. enough attic ventilators, an attic fan can be installed to provide mechanical assistance to exhausting overheated air. Step 3. Insulation. The three main types of insulation for attics are loose-fill, batt and rigid. Whichever type you have, it needs to provide a high-enough level of insulation for your region, measured in R-value. Batt and rigid insulation will often have the R-value printed on them. Loose-fill, which is blown in, is the most common for attic floors, and its R-value is approximately its depth in inches multiplied by 2.8. Your attic should have 14 to 24 inches of loose-fill insulation if you live in a northern state, and 11 to 14 inches if you’re in a southern state. You can find the recommended level for your region at www.energy.gov If you have loose-fill insulation that is less than the recommended amount, you should be able to simply add more

10 December 2020 • enchantment.coop

on top of it, as long as there aren’t any moisture, rodent, ant, or termite problems. If your existing loose-fill insulation was installed before 1990, it could be Vermiculite, which may be contaminated with Asbestos. Asbestos can cause cancer when particles are released into the air, so it’s a good idea to have the insulation tested. If it’s contaminated, have it removed by a professional before beginning work. Remember to seal and insulate any walls in the attic that border conditioned space, such as skylight openings. Some of these steps can be challenging, so consider hiring a professional contractor. If you’re a DIY pro and decide to do some of the work on your own, be aware of potential hazards. Disturbing old wiring can cause shorts in your electrical system, and roofing nails will often pierce the attic ceiling. We hope these tips will help you take the next steps to a more energyefficient attic.

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enchantment.coop • December 2020 11

book chat I By Phaedra Greenwood Visit your local bookstores to buy books. Send your book for review to: Book Chat, 614 Don Gaspar Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87505

At The Precipice Paskus is a widely-published environmental journalist and producer of the New Mexico in Focus series: “Our Land: New Mexico’s Environmental Past, Present and Future.” She reminds us New Mexico is in a megadrought; our beetle-killed moutainsides are burning hotter than ever; snowmelt is evaporating before it reaches ranches and farms that so desperately need it; we are draining aquifers which may not renew themselves; in some places the Rio Grande is drying up and we may never be able to fill Elephant Butte Dam again. Her sharp observations are softened with telling vignettes about nature because “Scientists can predict and model. But data points and graphs don’t inspire people to change their behavior. That takes faith. And love.” This book appeals to New Mexicans who love the animals and the land.

Historic Churches of New Mexico Today Graziano explores the “querencia” of rural adobe churches of New Mexico from Mora County to Taos, Chimayo, and south to the chain of pueblo church communities along the Rio Grande. The author focuses on the buildings but also on priests, parishioners, caretakers, and restorers who cooperate to preserve religious traditions. He speaks to past tensions and resistance to Catholicism when the Pueblo peoples were forced to abandon their kivas to build and attend Catholic churches as part of the Hispaño deculturation process. Overall, the book is profoundly about “the importance of a church in the life and identity of an extended family.” “Natural, cultural, and supernatural realms fold over and into one another with a fluid continuity.”

The Land of Rain Shadow These fiction stories set in Horned Toad capture the folksy slang and rural values of a small, drought-ridden town in Texas. Obviously proud of her West Texas heritage, Roach is not above poking at Toad for a few laughs. Religion plays a major role in some of these tales. The only entertainment in Toad was in the school, the churches, or at lively tent revivals. “Singing, praying, dancing and shouting is a fine way to spend the summer,” a young man says. In “The Day After Pearl Harbor, 1941,” Roach describes how they mobilized in Toad, rolling bandages, practicing air raid warnings, applying for jobs in the bomber plant. A grassroots historian and folklorist, Roach has received three Spur Awards and the Carr P. Collins Prize for her nonfiction and short fiction. Her dry humor is both funny and astute.

By Laura Paskus • unmpress.com

By Frank Graziano • global.oup.com

By Joyce Gibson Roach • ttupress.org




Weird Santa When Skinner was small, Christmas was a special time when the hard edges of the heart were softened, “a time of redemption and conversion.” Love is lurking in the plot of each of these holiday stories. In “Christmas Village,”

Jim becomes obsessed with creating a miniature Christmas scene. His wife, Delia, is critical and jealous when crowds of admirers come to see Jim’s creation. But on Christmas Eve, a little boy appears who opens their hearts to a warmer future. In a sweet and spicy tale, under the spell of Grandma’s gingerbread cookies, a courting couple gobbles up cookies made to look like

12 December 2020 • enchantment.coop

him and her, which leads them both to bliss. In “A Doggie's Tale” a boy secretly adopts an abandoned puppy. Otto lives under the dilapidated porch of a house that is condemned. Will the bulldozers demolish the house on top of him? Or will Otto follow Tony home and sleep on his feet? By Brian Allan Skinner • nighthawkpress.com 575- 758–1499

enchantment.coop • December 2020 13

Of Horses and Heart By Thom Moore


Suzette Howard.

he comes by it honestly. What can she say? It’s in her blood, so to speak. Suzette (Suzy) Howard, Accounting Manager at Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, headquartered in Clovis, cut her teeth on drawing pencils and her mother’s leatherwork. Growing up in Portales, she fell in love with horses and began to notice their different personalities, attitudes, intelligence, strength, and of course, their beauty. Suzy had inherited what would become a “true love.” Inherited because she comes from an impressive pedigree of fine eastern New Mexico horsemen and women. Floyd (Mutt) Cater, Suzy’s maternal great-grandfather, and his wife Gertrude (Mammie), moved to Liberty, New Mexico (no longer existing, but was located south of Taiban, New Mexico) from Post, Texas in the late 1920s. They traveled there by covered wagon. On their arrival in Liberty, they built a half dugout, repurposing the wagon as the upper part of the home. Mutt was a veteran of World War I, having served in Italy. His duty: working in the cavalry maternity ward, foaling out mares. It would be safe to say that Mutt knew just a little about horses. With the ugliness of the war a distant memory, Mutt and Mammie, raised four children on the ol’ desert farm

14 December 2020 • enchantment.coop

and ranch at Liberty. The Cater’s only daughter became Eleanor Finley when she married a local cowboy, Pecos Finley. The Finleys became members of Farmers’ Electric Cooperative in 1954. In 1959, they purchased the mercantile store and post office in Taiban. Eleanor was the postmaster and storekeeper, while Pecos would do any job available. There was only one caveat, whatever job it was, it had to be done from the back of his horse. You see, the tall, lanky young man preferred sitting in the saddle versus sitting on the hard seat of a horse-drawn or muledrawn plow, as his father before him. Pecos believed that horses were meant to be ridden. And with a name like Pecos, could one expect anything less? He worked for the sheriff’s department, the game department, the livestock board, and “cowboyed” for various ranches in the area. It was often said by people who knew him, “If Pecos can’t do it with a horse, it can’t be done.” It was in Taiban that the Finleys raised their three girls. The love of horses passed onto the girls, especially their middle child, Arlie. Arlie Mitchell is Suzy’s mother and greatest influence. Arlie and her sisters had an affinity for Farmers’ Electric Cooperative long before Suzy came into the picture. They appreciated being able to flip a switch and have plenty of light. Before connecting to Farmers’ Electric’s lines, the Finley sisters would read by keyless light fixtures powered by a wind-charger. When the wind wasn’t cooperating, the girls would have to do their lessons by kerosene lamp. Arlie never let her lessons or the lack of good light get in the way of her and her horses. She has always loved her horses. Arlie is a talented horsewoman in her own right and rodeoed before her children came along. Now that the kids are grown and gone, she continues to own, show, and ride her own horses. Another love of Arlie’s is art. Arlie has excelled in many mediums and has enjoyed creating western art pieces in pastel of horses and native Americans. Quite well, her most proficient medium is leatherwork. As a matter of fact, sales from her leatherwork supplemented her meager income while she worked hard to put herself through college and provide for her three kids. She continues to produce beautiful leather products for the public. As you might have guessed, because Suzy’s family was steeped in the tradition of horses and art, it was only natural that Suzy pick up on it as well. Some might say that it is genetic. Perhaps, but it is much more than that

to Suzy. It is driven by something far more unexplainable than just a simple family trait. Together, horses and art, have become Suzy’s passion. The art world says, “paint what you know,” and she “knows” horses. Suzy can’t hardly remember a time when horses weren’t a daily part of her life. Horses were always around growing up and now that she and her husband, Gary, have their own land in Melrose, New Mexico, she made it a choice. In her words, “I wouldn’t have it any other way… I choose horses, or maybe they choose me.” According to Suzy, “Art has always been my way of connecting to who I really am. The ability to stir a memory or an emotion in someone is a wonderful gift, and I hope that my work does that for someone.” Gary has indulged Suzy over the last 36 years because he, better than anyone, understands where her passion lies and is fully aware that if she didn’t have the ability to put on canvas what she feels in her soul, she wouldn’t be the person she is. It didn’t take much convincing when Suzy asked for an art

studio when together they rebuilt the old DeGraftenreid house in Melrose. Interestingly, Mr. DeGraftenreid served as Melrose’s first town marshal. The ambiance of the old home, particularly in the studio, inspires Suzy from a creative perspective. Gary awakes most mornings to Suzy sitting under her studio lights, rockin’ out with her earbuds, and surrounded by the smell of oil paint. “Only God knows the true purpose of my artistic path, but I believe I was given these gifts to share a small moment in time from our western culture so that it might ignite something in the viewer to motivate them to perpetuate that feeling in others.” Suzy’s horsemanship and art have not gone unnoticed by others. Doyle Stowe, a horse trainer that she admired, when discussing pieces of her art, once told her, “I can almost smell your horses.” Suzy proclaims proudly, “To me, there is no greater compliment.” To see more of Suzy’s artwork, you can follow her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/suzettehoward.westernart

enchantment.coop • December 2020 15

Farmers’ Electric Cooperative No More Messy Gas... No More Cords... Perhaps a Battery-Powered Electric Lawn Mower is for You General Manager Lance Adkins Clovis Office 3701 Thornton Clovis, NM 88102 575-762-4466 Ft. Sumner Office 618 East Sumner Ft. Sumner, NM 88119 575-355-2291 Santa Rosa Office 1169 Historic Route 66 Santa Rosa, NM 88435 575-472-3971 Toll-Free 800-445-8541 Website www.fecnm.org Office Hours 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (M-F) “Owned By Those We Serve” Board of Trustees President Michael B. West Fort Sumner, District 3 Vice President George Dodge, Jr. Santa Rosa, District 4 Secretary-Treasurer Donnie Bidegain San Jon/Logan, District 7 Vacant Tucumcari-Ragland, District 5 Ernest Riley Melrose, District 2 Justin Barnes Clovis, District 1 John Pat Woods Broadview/Grady, District 6 Board Meeting The Board of Trustees meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in the Clovis Cooperative boardroom.


A Consumer Review by Thom Moore of Farmers’ Electric Cooperative

recently purchased a Kobalt “cordless-electric” lawnmower. At first, I was a little skeptical, but after having mowed with it three times now, I’m a believer. I bought it during an “end of the season” event, so I was able to save quite a bit off the full regular retail price. That was the first good thing about it. When I unboxed it, I found the minor assembly required to be just that, minor. No tools necessary, and after about 10 minutes, it was complete. Now, after having mowed three times with it, about half an acre each time, here is what I discovered: 1. It is quiet. I was really surprised at how quiet the mower was. Don’t know what the decibel level is, but I’m guessing it is only half as loud as my older gas-powered mower. I described it to my brother as sounding a bit like a vacuum cleaner. Now I can mow earlier in the morning or later in the day without worrying about disturbing my neighbor. 2. It is powerful. At first, I thought it may lack a little in the power category, but to my surprise, it is very powerful. I had let the grass grow to about 6-8 inches tall and it cut through it like hot butter. 3. It is fuel free. Unlike gasoline-powered mowers, battery-electric lawn mowers need only to be charged overnight; no more oil or messy gas to deal with. 4. Ease of operation and maintenance. My Kobalt 80 Volt lawn mower is very light and very maneuverable compared to my old bulky gas mower. It is so light, there is no need for it to be self-propelled, but if you want that feature, those are available as well. I have found it to be far easier on my back, shoulders, and legs. No more pushing my heavy gas mower around the yard. Also, no pull cord to start! Just engage the electronic starter, and off you go! With the absence of a gas engine, the only real maintenance an electric mower needs is to be cleaned. 5. It is green. I’m not talking about your grass either (but hopefully, it’s green too). There are no greenhouse emissions being exhausted into the air as there is with a gas-powered mower. For those of you who are environmentally conscious, this could very well be the mower for you. Some people simply don’t like the fumes a gas-powered engine gives off. With an electric battery-powered mower, you don’t have to worry about fumes or the smells that come with them. Electric mowers may not be for everyone, but they’ve been good for me so far. I’m hoping that if I keep talking about how light and maneuverable it is, I might just get my wife to try it out!

16 December 2020 • enchantment.coop

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Farmers’ Electric Cooperative


Scholarship Applications Available Now!

armers’ Electric Cooperative will award scholarships again this year through the Farmers’ Electric Education Foundation. Scholarship applications may be obtained from area high school guidance counselors or from cooperative office locations in Clovis, Ft. Sumner, and Santa Rosa. Scholarship applications can also be requested by calling the Clovis office at 575-762-4466 or 800-445-8541 or by going online to www.fecnm.org. All cooperative members and their dependents are eligible to apply for these scholarships. As in the past, there are two different scholarship forms. Be sure when requesting a form that you specify either the “Graduating High School Student Application” or the “Returning College Application.” Both forms are available from any FEC office or are available to download from www.fecnm.org. This year, the FEC Board of Trustees has authorized (63) $1,000 scholarships and (1) $2,000 Glenn Holland Memorial scholarship.

Don’t delay! Deadline for applications is February 1, 2021.

Energy Efficiency Tip of the Month Trim your holiday energy costs by choosing energy efficient LED lights! LED Christmas lights use less energy and can last up to 40 seasons. They’re also easier to install—you can connect up to 25 LED strings without overloading most wall sockets.




n accordance with Farmers’ Electric Cooperative’s irrigation rate schedule, certain annual minimum charges apply to all irrigation accounts. Your original minimum charges were calculated through a contract with the Cooperative based on the cost of line extension to the irrigation load. Upon expiration of the contract, the horsepower on that account determines the annual minimum at the rate of $20 per horsepower, but not less than $110 for single-phase service and not less than $165 for three-phase service. Under the irrigation rate schedule, consumers have one calendar year (approximately December 20 through December 20 of the following year), to use the annual minimum charges. The December billing will reflect the remaining charges if any. If you have any questions regarding the annual minimum charges for your irrigation account(s), please contact the Cooperative’s Billing Department at 575-762-4466 or 800-445-8541.

Merry Christmas! Farmers’ Electric will be closed December 24-25 and January 1 in observance of the holidays.

enchantment.coop • December 2020 17

SAFE DÉCOR FOR A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON It’s almost time to deck those halls! Statistics show that home fires and electrical accidents typically increase during winter months, so keep these holiday lighting tips in mind for a safe holiday season.

Carefully inspect all electrical decorations before you use them. Cracked or damaged sockets and/or loose or exposed wires can cause serious shock or start a fire.

Consider purchasing LED lights, which use less energy and run cooler than traditional incandescent lights.

Never mount or support light strings in a way that might damage the cord’s insulation.

Make sure that cords are not pinched in doors, windows or under heavy furniture, which could damage the cord’s insulation.

Always unplug electrical decorations before replacing bulbs or fuses.

Turn off all indoor and outdoor electrical decorations before leaving home or going to sleep.

Source: Electrical Safety Foundation International

18 December 2020 • enchantment.coop

We Want To Hear From You

(Thanks to those of you who have already contacted us. We certainly appreciate your feedback.) As we prepare for the new year, we would like to hear from you. ▶ What type of stories would you like to read in enchantment? ▶ Do you like the new magazine size? ▶ Is the text size too small or just right to read? A little larger? ▶ Do you know of someone, a place, item, or piece of history we could write about in enchantment? ▶ Other suggestions? Your answers to these small questions are BIG to us—and matter. Please let us know what you think. Contact us by mail, email, or phone: Mail: enchantment Feedback 614 Don Gaspar Ave. Santa Fe, NM 87505

Email: enchantment@nmelectric.coop Phone: 505-982-4671

Thank you!

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enchantment.coop • December 2020 19

on the menu I By Sue Hutchison


othing delivers a personal message quite like a homemade treat. With the end in sight of one of the most challenging years to date for most, making time to create an edible indulgence will speak volumes to recipients. The following recipes provide for just such gifts, as well as an opportunity to share preparation time with loved ones. A win-win! . Apple Crunch in a Mug allows gift-givers an opportunity to select the perfect mug for each recipient, and gifts which leave something behind are always welcomed. Nuevo

Mexico Bocadillos Picante (spicy snacks) provide a taste of one of our state’s most beloved treasures as well as a lingering sweet and salty taste-kick. And tried-and-true Crispy Christmas Squares provides not only smiles but also a golden opportunity to employ children in preparation, with a little adult assistance. Spending multigenerational time in the kitchen? Priceless. Happy 2020 gift giving and a wonder-filled holiday season to all!

Apple Crunch in a Mug For Apple Sauce 5-6 lbs. apples of choice, washed, cored and cut into small chunks 1⁄₃ cup sugar (optional) 2 Tbs. ground cinnamon 1 Tbs. ground nutmeg 1 tsp. ground cloves 1 tsp. vanilla ¾ cup apple juice or apple cider 1 cup cheddar cheese, grated Salt and pepper to taste

To Prepare Apple Sauce 1. Combine all ingredients in a large kettle. Bring to a low boil until apples are soft enough to mash. If apples begin to stick, add a little more juice. 2. Mash with potato peeler until desired consistency is reached. Set aside to cool. To Prepare Crunch Topping 1. Preheat oven to 350⁰ and line medium sized, rimmed baking sheet with foil. 2. Mix all ingredients in small bowl with fork until mixture resembles large crumbs. 3. Place crunch mixture on baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes, stirring once.

20 December 2020 • enchantment.coop

For Crunch Topping ½ cup brown sugar, loosely packed ½ cup quick-cooking oats ½ cup chopped pecans ½ stick butter, softened

To Assemble Mugs 1. Fill mugs of choice three-quarters with cooled applesauce, top remaining space with crunch topping. 2. Wrap or decorate mugs as desired. 3. Instructions for recipients: microwave 1 minute to warm.

Nuevo Mexico Bocadillos Picante 6 cups Honey-Nut O-Shaped oat cereal 4 cups Corn squares cereal 5 cups Butter Snap pretzels 2 cups dry roasted peanuts 1 stick butter

1 Tb. Worcestershire sauce 3 Tbs. Green Chile Salt (more or less, to taste) 1 Tb. Seasoned Salt

1. Combine cereals, pretzels, and nuts in large mixing 2. 3. 4. 5.

bowl. Set aside. In saucepan, melt butter, and add remaining ingredients. Stir until incorporated. Preheat oven to 250⁰. Drizzle sauce mixture over dry mixture, stirring well to coat. Place mixture in large, rimmed roasting pan.

6. Bake, uncovered for about 2 hours, stirring every

30 minutes. 7. Remove from oven, cool and place in desired giftgiving containers or store in airtight container. 8. NOTE (credit Linda Hand): for those with sweettooths, add chocolate or peanut-butter/chocolate shelled candies or chocolate chips to the mix.

Crispy Christmas Squares ¼ cup butter (½ stick) 30-35 large marshmallows 6 cups colored fruity cereal

1. Prepare 9x9 inch baking pan with butter-flavored

5. Using dampened hands, press very firmly into pre-

cooking spray. 2. Place cereal in large mixing bowl. Set aside. 3. (Adult supervision required) Combine butter and marshmallows in medium sized saucepan, being careful to continually stir until both are melted and smoothly combined. 4. Pour marshmallow mixture over cereal, stirring until cereal is completely coated.

pared baking pan. 6. Let stand for 1 hour and cut into desired-sized squares or use cookie cutters. Let stand an additional hour to set. 7. Package as desired or store in airtight container.

enchantment.coop • December 2020 21

Happy Holidays! Best wishes to our co-op members and families for health and happiness in the coming year. From New Mexico's Rural Electric Cooperatives: Central New Mexico Electric, Mountainair Central Valley Electric, Artesia Columbus Electric, Deming Continental Divide Electric, Grants Farmers' Electric, Clovis Lea County Electric, Lovington Mora-San Miguel Electric, Mora Northern Río Arriba, Chama Otero County Electric, Cloudcroft Roosevelt County Electric, Portales Sierra Electric, Elephant Butte Socorro Electric, Socorro Southwestern Electric, Clayton Springer Electric, Springer Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Westminster, CO Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, Anadarko, OK New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Santa Fe

22 December 2020 • enchantment.coop

The Lineman's Christmas Eve By Kevin Hughes

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring ‘cause the power was out. How could this happen? What trouble could be? The house is all dark, even the lights on the tree. The lineman’s asleep all cozy and warm, his power apparently was spared by the storm. Deep into slumber, but soon to awake, ‘cause a tree on the line has caused it to break. The calls swamp, the office “MY POWER IS OUT! Get them here quickly because I carry clout.” The dispatcher calls and with a hint of despair, he informs the lineman the lines need repair. In three or four hours, the trouble is found, you see the road didn’t pass where the tree went down. After walking through snow and fighting the storm, the line is now clear and the power is on. And now it’s the morning, the kids shout with glee and their eyes shine as bright as the lights on the tree. The lineman goes home now, as tired as can be. The storm just ignored. It was his Christmas Eve. He’s not asking for praise or for you to applaud, ‘cause according to him, it’s just part of the job. But please just remember, as you pick up the horn, and you call to the office, he may be out in the storm.

Santa Tracker Where's Santa! Beginning December 1, visit www.noradsanta.org to track Santa and his reindeer

The first Christmas postage stamp The United States Post Office Department issued its first Christmas stamp in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania on November 1, 1962. Postmaster General J. Edward Day announced at the stamp dedication ceremony the stamp would be the first in a series of Christmas stamps. The red and green 4-cent stamps featured a wreath, two candles, and the words “Christmas 1962.” The initial printing of the stamp, 350 million copies, immediately sold out, and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing worked round the clock to print more. By the end of 1962, 1 billion stamps had been printed and distributed.

Poinsettia Tip

Touch the soil surface before watering. If it’s slightly moist, hold off a while… but don’t let it dry out too much either.

Fun Holiday Town Names It’s that time of year again! The excitement of the yearend holidays is everywhere. In these communities with holiday theme names, it is holiday time all year! • Angel Fire, NM • Noel, MO • North Pole, AK • Advent, WV • Thanksgiving, MD

• • • • • • • • • • •

Poinsettia Park, FL Holiday Lakes, TX Christmas City, UT Angel City, TX Jollyville, TX Tannenbaum, AR Reindeer, MO Faith, MN Christmas, MI Santa Claus, AZ Eggnog, UT

• • • • • • • • • • •

Deck The Halls, PA Star, NC Mistletoe, KY Blitzen, OR Comet, NC Dasher, GA Donner, CA Donner, LA Vixen, LA Rudolph, OH And many more…

enchantment.coop • December 2020 23

Legislative Almanac: Your Guide to New Mexico's Legislators The guide to New Mexico’s senators and representatives who represent you, and much more useful information. Hard copies of the 2021 Legislative Almanac will be available mid-January 2021. You may also download the smart app to your smart device from any of the two app stores. Search for: NMRECA Legislative Almanac.

Download the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s

Legislative Almanac

to your iPhone, iPad or Android device.

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~ Compliments of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperatives

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Here at your local Touchstone Energy cooperative, we’re proud to be a part of it, bringing people together by providing energy for all the things you love.

24 December 2020 • enchantment.coop

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NMRECA Legislative Almanac




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Send a gift subscription of enchantment Magazine. Mail a check or money order payable to NMRECA in the amount of $12 for a one-year or $18 for a two-year subscription. Include name and mailing address of person. Mail payment and details to: enchantment Magazine 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 enchantment.coop • December 2020 25


Animals NOT ALL WATER TANKS Are Created Equal! Is Quality, Value and Longevity important to you? Buy High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Superior Black NRCS tanks. Lowest prices only provide minimum standards, lower weights, and shorter warranties. Find out more! 575-430-1010. LET US MARKET YOUR LIVESTOCK. Live auction every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. View online at dvauction.com, Country bid or live auction, if you’ve got em we’ll sell em. Call 575-374-2505. fivestateslivestockauction.com

A BEAUTIFUL 2-1/2 YEAR old Angus Composite Bull out of Colburn Primo (sire of numerous champions). Also, a beautiful 2-1/2 year old Miniature Bull (great for Heifers) out of an Aberdeen Lowline National Champion Bull. Call David West at 575-355-2465.

SANTA FE LATH & PLASTER. Interior and exterior. Specializing in Diamond Finish, synthetic stucco, coyote fences, roofing, window and tile replacement. Licensed, bonded and insured. Now serving the East Mountains. For free estimates, call 505-577-2272.

NEW MEXICO DRINKING WATER Storage Tanks, Heavy Duty Black Poly. Fittings customized to your needs NRCS and EQUIP approved. High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Algae Resistant, Black NRCS Water Tanks. Call 1-800-603-8272 or 575-682-2308.

SUNSET SADDLES OFFERS CUSTOM leatherwork, ie: saddles, chaps, chinks, holsters, belts, etc. Also saddle & tack repair. Located in La Luz, NM. Call 575-257-8874. Email: sunsetsaddles@yahoo.com

BLACK ANGUS BRED HEIFERS. Thick. Easy Fleshing, Low Maintenance. Bred to calving ease angus cross bulls. $1,300 each. Range raised in Moriarty, NM. Available November. Call Bobby Salvo at 575-642-0962.

FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. For your small tractor: 1/3 yd. dirt scoop, soil ripper, two bottom breaking plow, super duty bordering disc, 3 point motor lift, hydraulic squeeze for lifting boulders or ? For larger tractors: Loader boom with man lift attachment, Vee ditcher, 2” & 3” aluminum irrigation siphon tubes, 2,000’ 4” aluminum sprinkler line, 20’ joints and many fittings. Will send pictures, prices, information. Call: 575-398-6121, text: 806-786-2213 or email: harrisnursery@gmail.com

MOUNTAIN-TOP GOATS HAS GREAT goats and great goat deals! La Manchas, Nubians, mini La Manchas, mini Nubians, Nigerian Dwarfs. Does, kids and bucks. 4-H, milkers, pets, meat, weed eaters. You need it, we have it! In Capitan, call 575-937-0342.

YOUNG EWE LAMBS FOR SALE. 7 months old. Good progeny, twinners. White face-Rambouilett. Quality sheep for starter herd, to upgrade your existing herd or good replacement ewes. $200/head. Taos County. Call 575-770-2881 or 575-770-7315.

HAULS FOR YOU-LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION service. Transport to/from the Vet, new homes and/or locations, etc. Transport throughout New Mexico, Texas and Southern Colorado. For more details, call 575-802-3422 or email: king.bluesky@yahoo.com

RABBITS ALL AGES AND SIZES. For pets, Show, meat, fur. Polish, New Z’Land, Californians. Cages, feeders, door latches, urine and wire guards. Call Gene at 505-9061291 in Jamestown, New Mexico, at The Bunny Farm. All calls will be answered. Thank you.

SADDLES AND TACK. EVERYTHING for the Horse. Western & English Tack bought and sold. Rancho Elisa Stables, LLC, 500 Route 66 East, Moriarty, NM 87035. Call 505-832-5113 or email: ranchoelisastablesfr@swcp.com

Business PLUMBER NEEDED TO COMPLETE 2 bathrooms in Quemado, New Mexico. Call Bob at 480-986-1209 or 480-516-9540.

26 December 2020 • enchantment.coop


TWO-80 TON FEED BINS, One-18 Ton Feed Bin, 1 unloading Grain Hopper, 6”x20’ Auger, 8”x20’ Auger, One-15 HP 3 Phase Electric motor. Call 505-384-5163 for more information. POULTRY WIRE PVC COATED will not rust! Power Poles various lengths. Aircraft Cable 5/16” and 1/4” various lengths. Frostless Water Faucets 3’ burial, $25 each. Call 505384-5163 for more information. FOR SALE: HEAVY DUTY one round bale, bale trailer. Powder River calf table. Round bale feeder rings. Call 575-760-3042 for further information.

USED B&B LIVESTOCK SCALES. Includes weighbars, rated to handle 10,000 pounds, and weight indicator, model 8100ss. Designed to fit under most chutes. I can provide pictures and more details. Asking $400 (Cost is $795 new). Call or text Clayton Gardner at 505-934-8742.

FISHING TACKLE WANTED: “ANTIQUE” lures, reels, rods, tackle boxes. Pre-1950, please. Collector paying highest prices for “Grandpaw’s” tackle box. Lures $50 to $5,000 each. Reels $100 to $7,500 each. Call Rick at 575-354-0365 or send photos to: tacklechaser@aol.com

JOHN DEERE LAND PLAIN 940, 34’ long 10’ wide, top condition, $5,000 OBO. John Deere 750 Hay & Grain grinder mixer with 2 screens, $3,800. Complete set Freeze branding irons from 1 to 10, $900. Two Semen tanks, $350 each. 10’ Pulltype grader, $1,600. Attention 4-H and FFA kids-like new, trimming chute, $450. 40’ 8” grain auger, PTO driven, electric or motor, $900. Call 505-401-0718.

OVERHEAD FEED BINS. 1 to 4 Compartment, 12 to 48 tons. Any size free standing cattle guards, no footing needed. Emery Welding, Clayton, New Mexico. Call 575374-2320 or 575-207-7402. Email: eweld98@yahoo.com

DRINKING WATER STORAGE TANKS, Heavy Duty Black Poly, proven algae resistant. 125 to 11,000 gallons, NRCS and EQUIP approved. Please give us a chance to serve you! MasterCard or Visa accepted. Call 575-682-2308 or 1-800-603-8272. GREAT OFFER ON SOLAR Submersible Shallow/Deep well pumps! ‘NRCS’ approved with 2-year warranty on selected pumps with affordable, easy installation! For a custom quote, email us at: sales@solarsubmersiblewellpumps.com or call 505-429-3093 24/7 service. Order online at our website: www.solarsubmersiblewellpumps.com

Great Finds LOOKING FOR UNIQUE GIFTS for Christmas? Newly opened “802 ARTWORKS and GIFTS” on Highway 60 in Magdalena, NM has an incredible variety of items from both local and international artisans, including fiber art, ceramics, pottery, handblown glassware, jewelry, ornaments, metal sculptures, and festive household items. Take a drive up Highway 60 and visit owner Ginny. Open Fridays/ Saturdays, 11am-5pm. Or text or call for an appointment: 941-376-0910. WANTED: OLDER AIRSTREAM, SPARTAN, Silver Streak, Avion or similar style travel trailers. Any condition considered. Wrecked or gutted trailers included. Please call Rick at 505-690-8272.

WANTED: NEW MEXICO MOTORCYCLE License Plates, 19121959. Paying $100-$500 each. Also buying some New Mexico car plates 1900-1923. Visit NMplates.com for history and 4,100 photographs of NM plates. Bill Johnston, Box 1, Organ, NM 88052-0001. Email: Bill@NMplates.com or telephone 575-382-7804. BUYING OLD STUFF: GAS Pumps and parts 1960’s or earlier, advertising signs, neon clocks, old car parts in original boxes, motor oil cans, license plate collections, Route 66 items, old metal road signs, odd and weird stuff. Fair prices paid. Have pickup, will travel. Gas Guy in Embudo, 505-852-2995. SOUTHWEST NEW MEXICO OLD West History Books. 1. S.W. NM book has over 450 pages and 95 stories, $38.95 plus shipping. 2. Columbus and Pancho Villa book offers early history and first-hand accounts of Pancho Villa Raid survivors, $14.95 plus shipping. Call 575-544-7597. RAILROAD ITEMS WANTED: KEROSENE Lanterns, Brass locks, keys, badges, uniforms, bells, whistles, and pre-1950 employee timetables. Always seeking items from any early New Mexico railroad, especially D&RG, C&S, EP&NE, EP&SW, AT&SF, SP or Rock Island. Call Randy Dunson at 575-760-3341 or 575-356-6919. enchantment.coop • December 2020 27

CONCHAS, BOAT DOCK DRIVE. 3 lots just over ½ acre per property. Two lots starting at $32,000 each. One lot at $35,000. Close to shoreline. Big Mesa Realty, 575- 456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com

Send a gift subscription of enchantment Magazine. Mail a check or money order payable to NMRECA in the amount of $12 for a one-year or $18 for a two-year subscription. Include name and mailing address of person. Mail payment and details to: enchantment Magazine 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 FISHING TACKLE WANTED: “ANTIQUE” lures, reels, rods, tackle boxes. Pre-1950, please. Collector paying highest prices for “Grandpaw’s” tackle box. Lures $50 to $5,000 each. Reels $100 to $7,500 each. Send photos to: tacklechaser@ aol.com or call Rick at 575-354-0365.

Real Estate

LINCOLN, NM HISTORIC HOME for Sale Billy the Kid Country-fully restored, fully furnished currently run as restaurant, gift shop and B&B, if not run as business, 5 bedrooms, 2 full baths-3.5 acres, 1855 water rights. Call 575-653-4670. See video, https://mstrauser3.wixsite. com/thedolanhouse 21 ACRES RURAL LIVING in southwest NM. Paved highway frontage. All utilities (well, septic, power, propane) for two home sites. Northern acreage has hook-ups for manufactured home. South acreage includes 2100 sq. ft. 3 bd/1 ba home with large addition, hot tub, lots of potential. Addition not finished giving the new owner the chance to “make it their own”. Property fenced and has several outbuildings. If you are looking for peaceful rural property, give me a call and come see for yourself. Sandy, 575-590-3225.

2 MOUNTAIN CABINS, 25+ acres at 8000 feet, Wildhorse Ranch Subdivision, Pie Town, NM. Well on stream with 5000 storage tank and fire hydrant. New Mexico Hunting unit 13. Contact Davefor a DVD with pictures: ddh1972ff@gmail.com

FOR SALE: 3 BEDROOM, 2 bathroom home in Kenna, New Mexico; near Portales. New roof, large knotty pine living room, 2 car garage, on 2 acres. Los of privacy. Asking $75,000. Call or text: 575799-5512 or 575-791-2190. Email: Whiskerflats@gmail.com

11.3 ACRES, ORGANIC, IRRIGATED, new cement ditch, all water rights. Direct access to Rio Grande, with parks and miles of open space. 2 homes, all city utilities, New Mexico Tech, golf. Can split property. Call owner, 505-550-3123

RUIDOSO, APPROXIMATELY 5 ACRES, 3 bedroom 2 bath home. Approximately 1200 square feet, 28x30 garage plus storage building. Secluded, quiet. $165,000. Email: lsbp1919@yahoo.com or call 575-937-3586.

28 December 2020 • enchantment.coop

CONCHAS, 0 AND 00 Ridge Drive. Two tracts with two lots per each property, (Lots are 100 x 100 or .23 acre) Each tract has a permitted septic that has never been used. Electricity and Coop water nearby. $50,000 per tract. Big Mesa Realty, 575- 456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com CUERVO, 0 MESITA PASS Road. 148.13 acres in Mesita Ranch Subdivision. Beautiful mesa views, perfect for homesite and or livestock. $85,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com HAPPY HOLIDAYS! RIBERA, 340 CR B41E. 32.674 acres with 3bd/2ba home with custom accents, haybarn, two detached garages. Just over 20 of those acres are in alfalfa and grass hay production. Pecos River frontage. Scenic views and close to I-25. $695,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com NOGAL, TBD BARBER AVENUE, 2.89 acres in Townsite of Nogal. Co-op water and electricity nearby. $50,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000, Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com PIE TOWN, TBD STATE Road 603. 48.4 acres vacant land, fenced with cleared land in corner for homesite. Great views, close to US 60 and Pie Town. $147,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575 456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com

FENCE LAKE, 295 PINE Hill Road. Price Reduced, Very Motivated Seller! 2bd/3ba home on just over 60 acres, well, outbuildings, corrals, abundant wildlife, scenic views. $265,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000, Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com

SUMNER LAKE, 0 AND 00 River Ranches Road (At intersection with State Road 203). Price Reduced! Two lots just over 20 acres each. Scenic views just west of lake. $18,000 Per Lot. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com

MAGDALENA, 47 ANGUS LOOP, Magdalena Ranch Estates. Price Reduced! 11.04 acres with 3bd/2ba home, horse barn and corrals. Beautiful mountain views. Abundant ATV and hunting opportunities nearby. $177,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. www.bigmesarealty.com

PIE TOWN, SOUTH OF Wild Horse Subdivision. Two tracts with closest access from Goat Ranch Road. One is 20 acres for $16,000 and one is 40 acres at $32,000. Vacant land. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com

SAN ANTONIO, NM, 0 Zanja Road, 4.66 acres irrigated farmland in Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District with water rights. Produces alfalfa and grass hay crops. Utilities nearby, $69,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com DATIL, 464 SOUTHERN TRAIL, Sugarloaf Mountain Subdivision. 5.5 acres vacant land. $8,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. www.bigmesarealty.com To Place a Classified Ad

1. Visit www.enchantment.coop/classifieds and complete form. You will be contacted by email with price and to pay by credit card (5% processing fee). 2. Or, complete form and select category. 3. Write ad on another sheet of paper. 4. Price: $20 up to first 40 words per ad, per category, per month. After 40 words, each word is 50 cents. Add $5 for small graphics such as cattle brands. Phone numbers, emails and websites count as one word.

To Send and Pay Your Classified Ad 1. Mail ad and payment (Payable to NMRECA) NMRECA • enchantment 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505

DATIL, 31 OLD HIGHWAY 60. 2bd/1ba home with bonus room that could be used for bedroom on 3 lots. Well, stone fence. Great for hunting property or rental opportunity. $57,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com WANTED! WORKING FAMILY FARMS and Ranches to list and sell. Broker has over 45 years of experience working on a family farm in New Mexico and has been an owner and operator since 1988. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. www.bigmesarealty.com Deadline

1. Due the 9th, one month prior. Ex: Ads due February 9 for the March issue.

Good to Know 1. Only members of New Mexico electric cooperatives may place ads. 2. We reserve the right to reject any ad. 4. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives of New Mexico. 5. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER.


1. Call: 505-982-4671 or 2. Email: enchantment@nmelectric.coop

CURRY, ROOSEVELT AND QUAY Counties. In Clovis, Portales and Tucumcari, or in the country. We want your properties to list and sell. Broker is life resident of Curry County and Clovis native. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000, Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. www.bigmesarealty.com

Vehicles WANTED, DEAD OR ALIVE: Chevy S-10, 2 wheel drive parts truck with standard cab and manual transmission; or 4-door, S-10 Blazer. Call 505-316-3973. TWO 1958 OLDSMOBILE CARS for sale. One in running condition, the other for parts. $8,000 for both, price is negotiable. Call 505-757-2870. 2002 MITSUBISHI MONTERO FOR sale, $700, no title or key. 1987 Dodge DSA for sale, $700, no title or key. Call 505-488-3434 for more information.

Display Advertising Questions? Contact Shaylyn at: enchantmentads@nmelectric.coop 505-252-2540

Name:________________________ ___________________________ Address:_______________________ ___________________________ City:_________________________ State:_________ ZIP:_____________ Phone:________________________ Cooperative:____________________ Select Category Below


Great Finds


Real Estate



enchantment.coop • December 2020 29

youth art

Happy Holidays! Congratulations to the Winners Julia Aaron • Age 8 Continental Divide Electric Cooperative

Rainey Atencio • Age 12 Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative

Liam Barbour • Age 7 Central Valley Electric Cooperative

Monroe Benally • Age 6 Farmers' Electric Cooperative

Maggie Smith • Age 10 Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative

Jocelyn Williams • Age 6 Socorro Electric Cooperative

January's Topic: Happy New Year! Draw some fireworks and celebrations. February's Topic: Who's Your Valentine? Who do you celebrate Valentine's Day with, mom, dad, sister, brother, pets? Send Your Drawing By mail: Youth Editor 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 By email: enchantment@nmelectric.coop Deadline: Submit by the 9th, one month prior to publication. Hooray! You Get Paid: $15 Have a Youth Art Topic? Email or mail to the addresses above, or call 505-982-4671.

5 items to include on the back of your drawing, otherwise YOU ARE DISQUALIFIED: 1. Name 2. Age 3. Mailing Address 4. Phone 5. Electric Co-op *Accepted artwork up to age 13. DON'T FORGET THE 5 ITEMS!

30 December 2020 • enchantment.coop

The Door of Fame After 312 published enchantment editions, countless deadlines, hundreds of cups of coffee, listening to Freddy Fender (on repeat mode), and communicating with many of you co-op members over the years, I now file away my worn and torn AP Stylebook and bid you farewell. Before doing so, a big thank you to the co-op members for reading the enchantment, and a thank you to our loyal advertisers. Kudos to our talented Youth Artists. Many drawings made it on my office door until I ran out of space. Several hanging for 26 years now. Best wishes all. Respectfully One Last Time as Ed.— Susan M. Espinoza

enchantment.coop • December 2020 31

For the Members of Farmers’ Electric Cooperative

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