enchantment The Voice of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives
friends workin' on the railroad
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MARCH 2018
enchantment March 1, 2018 • Vol. 70, No. 03 USPS 175-880 • ISSN 0046-1946 Circulation 101,753
enchantment (ISSN 0046-1946) is published monthly by the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505. enchantment provides reliable, helpful information on rural living and energy use to electric cooperative members and customers.
Nearly 102,000 families and businesses receive enchantment Magazine as electric cooperative members. Non-member subscriptions are available at $12 per year or $18 for two years, payable to NMRECA. Allow four to eight weeks for delivery. Periodical Postage paid at Santa Fe, NM 87501-9998 and additional mailing offices. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Postmaster: Send address changes to 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505-4428. Readers who receive the publication through their electric cooperative membership should report address changes to their local electric cooperative office. THE NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION provides legislative and educational services for the 17 cooperatives that deliver electric power to New Mexico’s rural areas and small communities. The mission of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association is to strengthen, support, unify, and represent Cooperative member interests at the local, state, and national levels. Each cooperative has a representative on the association’s board of directors, which controls the editorial content and advertising policy of enchantment through its Publications Committee. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Charles Pinson, President, Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Artesia George Biel, Vice President, Sierra Electric Cooperative, Elephant Butte Tim Morrow, Secretary-Treasurer, Springer Electric Cooperative, Springer BOARD OF DIRECTORS Duane Frost, Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative, Mountainair William C. Miller, Jr., Columbus Electric Cooperative, Deming Arsenio Salazar, Continental Divide Electric Cooperative, Grants Lance R. Adkins, Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, Clovis Cristobal Duran, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative, Taos Robert Caudle, Lea County Electric Cooperative, Lovington Robert Quintana, Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Mora Tomas G. Rivas, Northern Río Arriba Electric Cooperative, Chama Preston Stone, Otero County Electric Cooperative, Cloudcroft Antonio Sanchez, Jr., Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative, Portales Travis Sullivan Southwestern Electric Cooperative, Clayton Wayne Connell, Tri-State G&T Association, Westminster, Colorado Charles G. Wagner, Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, Oklahoma NATIONAL DIRECTOR David Spradlin, Springer Electric Cooperative, Springer MEMBERS OF THE PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE William C. Miller, Jr., Chairman, Columbus Electric Cooperative Arsenio Salazar, Continental Divide Electric Cooperative Cristobal Duran, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative Robert Caudle, Lea County Electric Cooperative Leroy Anaya, Socorro Electric Cooperative NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Phone: 505-982-4671 Santa Fe, NM 87505 Fax: 505-982-0153 www.nmelectric.coop www.enchantment.coop Keven J. Groenewold, Chief Executive Officer, kgroenewold@nmelectric.coop Susan M. Espinoza, Editor, sespinoza@nmelectric.coop Tom Condit, Assistant Editor, tcondit@nmelectric.coop DISPLAY ADVERTISING Rates available upon request. Cooperative members and New Mexico display advertisers email Kim Vigil at advertising@nmelectric.coop or call 303-253-5255. National representative: American MainStreet Publications, 800-626-1181. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives that are members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER. Copyright ©2018, New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission of the publisher.
INSIDE READS Spring Forward, Review Safety Checklist 7 More to check and change than just the clocks.
DEPARTMENTS Co-op Newswire
10 Tips for Spring Energy Savings Save money with these simple to do tips.
12 View from enchantment 5
Friends Workin' on the Railroad
13 Hale To The Stars
This group of friends helps keep the longest and highest narrow gauge steam railroad in the country as historically-accurate as possible.
Co-ops Celebrate New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Day
Enchanted Journeys
On The Menu
14 Energy Sense
Electric cooperatives honored at the state legislature.
Educating Teachers about Electricity 23 An electrifying conference for educators.
On the Cover: Friends install
a headlight on D&RG locomotive 483, being restored for static display in Chama. Photo courtesy of The Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad.
Book Chat
Vecinos 20 Backyard Trails
Trading Post
Youth Art
Your Co-op Page
MARCH 2018
Co-op Newswire Electric Cooperatives Encouraged by Trump’s Rural Infrastructure Emphasis
Co-ops Prepare for Electromagnetic Pulse Event
ational Rural Electric Cooperative Association CEO Jim Matheson issued the following statement on the Trump Administration’s principles for an infrastructure package: “The success of rural America is critical to the wellbeing of our entire nation. The president’s proposal to improve and expand rural energy, broadband and surface transportation will help rural communities adapt and thrive in the modern American economy. As the president and Congress work together to finalize an infrastructure proposal, it’s important that the package continue to focus on more than roads and bridges. A vibrant 21st century rural economy depends on expanded high speed internet access and electric grid modernization efforts. We look forward to supporting an infrastructure bill that addresses the needs of rural families and communities.” The Bipartisan Budget Agreement enacted by Congress contained a $20 billion “infrastructure initiative” for FY 18 and 19. Electric cooperatives have called on Congress to dedicate at least $2.5 billion of that funding per year to “broadband deployment in rural areas of the country.”
ith a new study showing that a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse attack could have regional or local effects on power delivery, electric cooperatives and the electric utility industry are working with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies to protect the grid. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) released a report on December 20 that analyzes the impact on the grid of certain simulated high-altitude electromagnetic pulse, or HEMP, events. “For years, the electric sector has been preparing for the possibility of events that could impact grid operations,” said Jim Spiers, NRECA’s senior vice president for Business and Technology Strategies. Co-ops are also partnering with the North American Electric Reliability Corp. and the Department of Energy to have preparations in place for electromagnetic pulse incidents. “Simulations and analyses like this help the electric industry enhance preparedness, safety, grid resiliency, and reliability. America’s electric cooperatives work closely with EPRI. Their research will help the industry continue exploring safe, reliable and cost-effective EMP mitigation strategies,” said Spiers. “We will continue on this path as we identify and test costeffective measures to reduce grid vulnerability to a HEMP event,” said Michael Howard, EPRI president and CEO.
Prizes: 9 winners receive $75 each; 1 grand prize winner receives $150, and photo is featured as the August cover photo
Animal Expressions Photo Contest We’re looking for some awesome animal expressions for this year’s photo contest. Take a trip to your local zoo, wildlife center or hometown petting zoo to take photos of your favorite animal. Seriously, we’re not monkeying around. Submit your favorite photo of lions, gorillas, birds, giraffes, alpacas, llamas, or any animal of your choice! Just make sure it’s a great facial expression. The winning photos will be featured in the August enchantment. 4
MARCH 2018
Contest Rules: Photos must be taken in New Mexico • Entrants must be a New Mexico electric cooperative member Information Required: Full Name • Mailing Address • Phone Number • Electric Co-op Name • Details of Photo Send Submissions By: June 22, 2018 Email to: enchantmentphotos@nmelectric.coop Mail to: Animal Expressions Photo Contest enchantment, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 Questions? Call 505-982-4671 or email sespinoza@nmelectric.coop enchantment reserves print and web rights for all winning photos. 1803
(Text edited in letters to fit in space) Hooray for Youth Art! Thanks for the opportunity offered to students in the Otero Electric Co-op area for the Youth Art Contest. My 4th grade classes entered this contest years ago. Whenever a student had art published, it created so much excitement. It boosted their self-esteem to see their personal work published in the enchantment. Since returning to the classroom, we are again entering the contest. Thank you for promoting a positive activity for Otero's youth. —Nancy Miller, Mescalero Apache School Thanks Nancy! We look forward to receiving your student drawings. Tip: Drawings are due the 9th, one month prior to publication. —Ed.
Reverse Reviews I wonder whether the photos of [the] book covers on page 14, February, are reversed? —Alma Gregory, Sapello You are absolutely correct Alma. Apologies to our authors and readers. Thanks for asking. —Ed.
How to Contact enchantment Phone 505-982-4671 Email enchnatment@nmelectric.coop Facebook facebook.com/enchantmentnmreca Mail 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 Community Events events@nmelectric.coop
View from enchantment
Electrifying Miles of Highway B
The range of electric vehicles is increasing with each generation. Today, electric vehicles are becoming a viable option for rural commuters.
y the time this issue of enchantment makes it to your mailbox, another legislative session will be in the rear view mirror. It was a short session and was limited to the state budget and issues of critical importance to the State of New Mexico. Therefore, a short session really means fewer bills for co-ops to follow. One of the interesting topics in this legislative session was House Joint Memorial 15, (HJM-15). A memorial, if passed, does not create a new law. Rather, it is an indication of legislative intent. The purpose of HJM-15 was to highlight portions of the Volkswagen lawsuit settlement (VMT). Under the settlement, New Mexico is eligible to receive about $18 million to implement projects that reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from vehicles. Of this, up to 15 percent is being set aside to build a light duty electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure for New Mexico. The lawsuit addressed Volkswagen’s admission of purposely, and over a sustained period of time, employing prohibited emissions defeat devices on its diesel passenger vehicles that resulted in excess emissions of nitrogen oxides. NOx emissions are responsible for increased ozone as well as increased nitrogen dioxide levels, both of which are covered by National Ambient Air Quality Standards because of their effect on human health and welfare, including environmental effects.
Maximum emissions reduction takes place through the utilization of vehicle technologies that emit zero air pollutants—electric vehicles. Similar to other vehicle technologies experiences, build-out of supporting infrastructure is needed to ensure market growth and development. The VMT funding provides a meaningful opportunity to position the state to serve not only its residents, but visitors traveling through New Mexico with a strategically placed network of electric vehicle charging stations. This network should serve not just the major interstate areas, but also consider the multitude of commuters into the major metro locations from rural communities. By serving those commuters, the emissions benefits will reach further throughout the state. By supporting infrastructure development, the VMT funding enables market development of zero emission technology vehicles furthering emissions reductions across the state. To develop this charging network, attention should be paid to the major interstate systems that crisscross our state. However, equal attention should be focused on the multitude of commuters that trek daily from rural and suburban communities across the state to urban locations. Many of our rural members go to work, play and shop in places like Albuquerque and Santa Fe. The range of electric vehicles is increas-
Keven J. Groenewold. P.E. Chief Executive Officer New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association
ing with each generation. Today, electric vehicles are becoming a viable option for rural commuters. Funds from the VMT settlement will be administered by the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED). A wide variety of projects are eligible for funding under the settlement. HJM-15 calls upon NMED to be forward-thinking and to fund the most advantageous projects—those which do the most to reduce NOx, improve air quality and benefit average New Mexicans. The state should allocate the maximum $2.7 million allowed (15 percent of the settlement) to deploy an EV charging network. New Mexico has signed onto the Western States Governors’ memorandum of understanding (MOU) that spells out a plan to develop EV corridors throughout the region. The 15 percent set aside is the most cost-beneficial way for New Mexico to meet the terms of the MOU. New Mexico should work with other states to build out a network of charging stations along interstates and other major highways in the state. This opportunity may be a way for New Mexico electric co-ops to sell more kilowatt hours. And the higher the sales—the ability to spread the co-op’s fixed cost across more kWh sales also improves. We will watch this development closely.
MARCH 2018
Enchanted Journeys
Hale to the stars BY ALAN HALE
he last few weeks of 2017 and the first couple of months of 2018 presented the rather unusual situation of there being no bright planets visible in our evening sky. That situation started to ease towards the latter part of February, and comes to a dramatic end in March. The brilliant planet Venus, becomes distinctly higher and easier to view during March. The other inner planet, Mercury, is also visible this month, passing close to Venus on the 2nd (when both are still low in twilight), and then being located higher than Venus—to its upper right—for the next two weeks before rapidly dropping back into sunlight. Meanwhile, on Wednesday evening the 28th, the distant planet Uranus, passes very close to Venus, although this event will require a moderate-size telescope to be detectable. One other planet also makes its entry into the evening skies this month: the giant planet Jupiter. By the latter part of March, Jupiter rises an hour or so before midnight and is highest above the southern horizon about two hours before the beginning of dawn. Our remaining two bright planets, Mars and Saturn, rise in the east two to three hours before the start of dawn. They are somewhat separated from
MARCH 2018
This year’s “bloody blue moon,” i.e., the total lunar eclipse this past January 31. Photograph by Alan Hale. each other, but Mars travels eastward against the stars quite rapidly, and closes in on Saturn. The two will have a close conjunction in early April, above the “lid” of the “teapot” of the constellation Sagittarius. The moon is full the evening of March 1, and is full again on the 31st. The second full moon of a month is referred to as a “blue moon,” and normally this occurs at intervals of slightly less than three years. However, January also had a “blue moon.” Since February only has 28 days (versus the 29-day lunar phase cycle), it does not have any full moons. The last time there was such a “double blue moon” in a year was 19 years ago in 1999, and it will recur again 19 years from now in 2037. This is an example of the so-called “Metonic” cycle, named after the ancient Greek astronomer Meton of Athens, who in the 5th Century B.C. noted the relative positions of the sun, moon and Earth repeat almost exactly every 19 years. The “blue moon” this past January was also a “blood moon,” i.e., it coincided with a total lunar eclipse, and the “blue moon” in January 2037 will also coincide with a total lunar eclipse.
March 2 • Alto Popovich Comedy Pet Theater Spencer Theater 575-336-4800 March 2, 9, 16, 23 • Gallup Gallup Poetry Slam Downtown 505-722-2228
March 17 • Alamogordo St. Patrick’s Day Showcase Alamogordo Civic Center 575-437-6120
March 3 • Cerrillos Amigos Hike Cerrillos Hills State Park 505-827-7400
March 17 • Portal St. Patrick’s Day Parade Rock House Road 520-558-3133
March 3 • Hillsboro Animal Rescue Society Chili Dinner Hillsboro Community Center 575-895-5501
March 17 • Red River Comedy Club Round II Red River Conference Center 575-754-2366
March 3-4 • Ruidoso Vines in the Pines Wine Festival Ruidoso Convention Center 575-257-7395
March 17-18 • Ruidoso Mountain Living Home & Garden Show Ruidoso Convention Center 575-808-0655
March 10 • Columbus 15th Annual Camp Furlong Day Village Plaza 575-531-2711
March 17-19 • Taos Snowboarding 10th Anniversary Taos Ski Valley 575-776-2291
March 10 • Radium Springs Magical March Skies Leasburg Dam 575-524-4068
March 24 • Portales 9th Annual Spring Trout Derby Oasis State Park 575-356-5331
March 10 • Sipapu 15th Annual Cardboard Derby Sipapu Ski area 800-587-2240
March 24 • Socorro Youth Fishing Derby Escondida Lake 575-835-0240
March 16-18 • Clovis CGRA Running For The Green Curry County Events Center 575-935-7000
March 23-24 • Floyd 68th Floyd Jamboree Floyd High School 800-635-8036
Spring Forward, Review Safety Checklist Time to Change the Clocks Daylight Saving Time begins every year on the second Sunday in March. Clocks are set forward one hour, except in Hawaii and most of Arizona. Daylight saving time begins Sunday, March 11, 2018. It’s also a good time to review the following spring safety checklist:
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Three out of every five home fire deaths result from fires in homes with no smoke alarms, according to the National Fire Protection Association. Test smoke alarms every month and replace the battery at least once a year. If the alarm makes a “chirping” sound, replace immediately. Smoke alarms should be in every bedroom and in the common areas on each floor of a home. Mount them at least 10 feet from the stove to reduce false alarms, less than 12 inches from the ceiling and away from windows, doors and ducts. Smoke alarms can be interconnected wirelessly. That means, when one sounds, they all sound. A Consumer Product Safety Commission survey found this is the best way to notify everyone in a home if there is a fire. Be sure to purchase smoke alarms with the label of a reputable testing agency, like Underwriters Laboratories (UL).
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Anything that burns fuel can potentially become a source of carbon monoxide, an invisible, odorless gas that can kill. CO alarms should be installed in a central location outside each bedroom and on every level of the home. The safety tips for CO detectors mirror those of smoke alarms: change the batteries, test them and interconnect them, if possible. Source: National Safety Council
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MARCH 2018
Potato Soup and More for a Windy Spring Day Flipping through the pages of my book, “New Mexico Farm Table Cookbook,” I looked for recipes that could take a chill off a windy March day; and warm the kitchen and the heart when, perhaps, a spring snowfall seems like a possibility. All three recipes are from Sharon Niederman’s book, “New Mexico Farm Table Cookbook,” winner of the New MexicoArizona Book Award.
Farm & Table Loaded Baked Potato Soup
A recipe from the kitchen of one of Albuquerque’s favorite restaurants found in the North Valley. 4 large russet potatoes, unpeeled 2 Tbs. butter 5 rashers uncooked bacon, finely diced 1 yellow onion, minced 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced ½ cup crème fraiche 2 cups chicken stock ½ cup half-and half Salt and pepper Garnish Bacon crumbles Cheddar cheese, grated Chives, chopped Bake potatoes in preheated 400 F oven about 45 minutes, until tender. Place butter in hot 6-8 quart heavy pot at medium heat. As soon as butter begins to foam, add bacon, onion and garlic. Saute until bacon is rendered. Dispose of ¾ bacon fat. Peel potatoes and add to pot. Add crème fraiche, stock, and half-and-half; bring to a simmer. Cook 1 hour. Puree soup on high
MARCH 2018
in blender in small batches, for 4-5 minutes, until perfectly smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with bacon crumbles, grated cheddar and chives. Serves 4.
each bowl with shredded chicken, avocado, queso fresco and tortilla strips. Serves 6.
Shepherd’s Lamb Green Chile Stew
For the broth 1 (2-3) lb. stewing chicken 8 ozs. carrots, peeled and sliced 8 ozs. celery, sliced 5 guajillo chiles, seeded 4 medium tomatoes, roasted and peeled (I roast mine on my cast iron comal) Water, to cover, by two inches Kosher salt and white pepper Garnish 1 avocado, pitted, peeled and diced 1 cup queso fresco, shredded 2 dozen strips fried corn tortillas
From the Shepherd’s Lamb ranch high in the San Juan Mountains above Abiquiu, near the Colorado state line. 1 lb. lamb stew meat 1 tsp. oil 2 tsps. all-purpose flour 1 cup onion, chopped 1 cup carrots, chopped 4 medium potatoes, cubed 4 garlic cloves ¼-½ cup green chiles, chopped 5 cups chicken stock 1 tomato, chopped Salt and pepper Tortillas, warmed for serving
Broth: Place all ingredients, except salt and pepper, in a stockpot and bring to boil over high heat. Lower heat and simmer 2-3 hours. When flavor is to your liking, remove from heat, strain, reserving chicken. Pull chicken meat from bones and shred. Season broth to taste with salt and pepper. Garnish: Garnish
Heat oil in heavy stewpot over medium heat. Lightly brown lamb. Add flour and stir to coat meat. Add other ingredients, except salt and pepper. Bring to boil. Skim fat. Lower heat and simmer for 2-3 hours, until very tender. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve with warm tortillas. Serves 6.
La Fonda Sopa de Tortilla
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MARCH 2018
Elevators have been around since the mid 19th century, and you can find them in almost every multi-story structure around… except homes. That’s because installing an elevator in a home has always been a complicated and expensive home renovation project… until now. Innovative designers have created a home elevator that can be easily installed almost anywhere in your home by our
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Energy Sense
BY PATRICK KEEGAN and Brad Thiessen
Hiring the Right Contractor
ear Pat: We’re wanting to make renovations to our home that will improve aesthetics and overall energy efficiency. How can we make sure we hire a contractor who will do a good job and stay within our budget? —Bridget and Neil Dear Bridget and Neil: Great question! Renovations can be the perfect time to improve your home’s energy efficiency. To make sure you get those energy savings, it’s important to do some planning right from the beginning. The first step is to educate yourself so you can be in control of your project. Helpful, easyto-understand energy efficiency information is available for virtually any area of your home and any renovation project. Just be sure to use reputable sources, such as energy.gov, energystar.gov or your local electric co-op. You’ll need that knowledge so you can judge the solutions each potential contractor proposes. Some products or methods that are sold as effective energy efficiency solutions may not work as well as they claim, or may be too expensive relative to the energy savings they provide. It’s important to talk to your local building department to find out if your project requires a permit
MARCH 2018
and inspections. Some contractors may suggest doing the work without a permit, but unpermitted work can cause problems if you need to file an insurance claim down the road or when you get ready to sell your home. You can also use your newfound knowledge to ask the right questions of potential contractors. Ask about the product to be installed, the energy savings it should yield and whether it will improve comfort. Because energy efficiency installations and construction are specialized, most measures are unlikely to be installed correctly unless the installer has experience and hopefully some appropriate training or certification. Finding a contractor can be a challenge, especially in rural areas. To find them, use your online search engine to “find a contractor in your area.” If you’re in a sparsely-populated area, the right contractor may be located an hour or two away. Your electric co-op may be able to provide a list of approved contractors in your area. You can also check with a local energy auditor for contractor names. You may decide you’d like to hire a small specialty contractor or
An energy auditor can help you determine the work you will hire a contractor to do, and may be able to suggest contractors that do quality work. Photo Credit: United Cooperative Service.
a larger general contractor. Either way, it’s crucial to hire someone with a contractor’s license, a local business license and three types of insurance: liability, personal injury and workers’ compensation. Check references to verify the contractor has a solid history of cost-control, timeliness, good communication and excellent results, including significant energy savings. You might learn that your lowest bidder has a tendency to increase the price after the job has begun. As you choose between contractors, quality should be an even more important consideration than price. Poor-quality energy efficiency work will not deliver maximum savings. Finally, be cautious about prepaying. Keep the upfront payment as low as possible, set benchmarks the contractor must meet to receive the next payment and make sure a reasonable amount of the payment is not due until the project is completed, passes building inspections and you are fully satisfied. If you don’t feel qualified to approve the project, you could
Get a Written Contract
Once you have settled on a contractor, get a written contract. It should include “as built” details and specifications that include energy performance ratings you have researched ahead of time, such as: • The name of the individual doing the installation. • The specific R value if you’re insulating. • The make, model, the AFUE (annual fuel use efficiency) and COP (coefficient of performance) ratings if you’re replacing a furnace (and ask that an efficiency test be conducted before and after the work). • The make, model and EER (energy efficient ratio) rating if you are replacing the air conditioner. (Some contractors are able to check for duct leakage in the supply and return ductwork with a duct blaster if you’re doing any furnace or AC work.) • Whether the contractor must pay for the necessary building permits.
even require testing or inspection by an independent energy auditor. Then, enjoy your new energy efficient space!
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MARCH 2018
10 Tips for Spring Energy Savings
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1. C LEAR THE AIR: Open windows to allow fresh (free!) air to circulate. 2. C OOK OUTSIDE: Enjoy a few hours of sunshine by using your grill or smoker to add festive flavors to meals. 3. SEARCH AND SEAL: Cracks and spaces let conditioned air outside. Caulk and weather strip to seal leaks. 4. NATURAL LIGHT: Open blinds and curtains, and turn off the lights to save energy. 5. BE FAN FRIENDLY: Use ceiling fans to circulate airflow. 6. ATMOSPHERIC ADJUSTMENT: Remember to adjust your thermostat settings for the milder months ahead. 7. TUNE UP: Schedule an appointment with your HVAC technician to identify any potential problems with your system. 8. PEAK SAVINGS: Think about supply and demand. Plan household chores that require electricity during off-peak hours (when energy demand is low). 9. TAKE CHARGE: Consider disconnecting electrical devices you don’t use regularly until you need them. Plugged-in devices use energy even when not in use. 10. MOVE OUTDOORS: Time spent outdoors offers opportunities to turn off lights, televisions, computers and home appliances. You’ll be more active, have more fun and save more money. Source: U.S. Department of Energy
MARCH 2018
d a o r il a r e h t n o friends workin' By Chris James
In bygone days, many a youngster had dreams of railroading. The steam, the whistles, the locomotives, the caboose at the end of every train, all had an allure that was hard to resist.
ast-forward a century: today’s trains are dieselpowered and generally lack the romance of the early days. In Chama, New Mexico and Antonito, Colorado, however, you can still step back in time, as they are the southern and northern ends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, the longest and highest narrow gauge steam railroad in the country. Not only can you ride the train in Chama and Antonito, you can also be workin’ on the railroad by becoming a member of the Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad. The Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad is the all-volunteer organization tasked with the restoration, preservation and interpretation of the railroad’s history. This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the
Friends’ dedication to keeping the Cumbres & Toltec a historically-accurate, mid-20th century operating railroad, a rolling railroad “museum” of the sights, sounds and smells of a Rocky Mountain narrow gauge railroad. The railroad itself dates back to 1880 when the Denver & Rio Grande (D&RG) built the San Juan Extension west over Cumbres Pass to Durango and north to the mines in Silverton, Colorado. By 1968, commercial freight traffic had disappeared and the D&RG announced plans to scrap the line. Concerned with losing this historic treasure, citizens and politicians lobbied the States of New Mexico and Colorado to purchase and preserve the Chama-Antonito portion of the railroad.
One of the proponents for the states’ acquisition of the railroad was Carl M. Turner, the first and longestserving executive manager of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association. In 1970, with the assistance of Turner and others, New Mexico and Colorado officials created the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad (C&TS) , not only to preserve a piece of the Denver & Rio Grande, but to also bring economic opportunities to this rural corner of New Mexico and Colorado. Along with the right-of-way over 10,022-foot Cumbres Pass, Turner helped C&TS acquire the steam locomotives, antique rolling stock and a number of his…continued on page 16
MARCH 2018
Co-ops Celebrate New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Day
New Mexico rural electric cooperatives celebrated New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Day on February 1, 2018, at the state legislature for the first time. 14
MARCH 2018
ov. Susana Martinez signed a proclamation declaring the First Day of February 2018 as “New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Day.” Over 40 electric cooperative officials from 15 electric cooperatives gathered at the state legislature in Santa Fe on February 1, 2018, for this historical event. All areas of the state were represented from Chama in the north to the oil fields of the Permian Basin in the southeast; from the northeastern grasslands to the Bootheel desert. Electric cooperative directors and employees, who are members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, were acknowledged on the senate and house chamber floors. State legislators from both chambers read the senate and house memorials respectively, and recognized the efforts the electric cooperatives have done and continue to do in order to keep the lights on in rural New Mexico in an affordable and reliable manner. Legislators also recognized the co-ops for their leadership in renewable energy in providing more than 25 percent of their energy from solar, wind and hydro sources.
After introduction of the electric cooperative officials by the state legislators, co-op officials then met in the Rotunda of the state capitol to reflect on the history of rural electrification. Lt. Gov. John A. Sanchez read the governor’s proclamation and presented it to New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association President Charles T. Pinson, Jr. Sen. Clemente Sanchez, D-Grants and Rep. Candy Spence Ezell, R-Roswell, read the Seven Cooperative Principles. These principles are a key reason America’s electric cooperatives operate differently from other electric utilities, putting the needs of their members first. Sen. John Pat Woods, R-Broadview (Senate Memorial 11 Sponsor) and Rep. George Dodge, Jr., D-Santa Rosa (House Memorial 23 Sponsor), spoke about how cooperatives are committed in strengthening the local communities they serve. Sen. Woods and Rep. Dodge serve on the Farmers’ Electric Cooperative board headquartered in Clovis. Rep. Dodge serves as vice president of the board of trustees. For many directors and employees, this was a lifetime opportunity to be on the senate and house floors on behalf of their respective cooperatives acknowledging New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Day.
Photo, page 14: Electric cooperative officials in the senate chambers. Photos, page 15, left to right: New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association President and Executive Vice President of Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Artesia, Charles T. Pinson, Jr., left, and Lt. Gov. John A. Sanchez hold the proclamation. Rep. George Dodge, Jr., D-Santa Rosa, and Sen. John Pat Woods, R-Broadview, speak about the importance of rural electric cooperatives. Rep. Candy Spence Ezell, R-Roswell, and Sen. Clemente Sanchez, D-Grants, read the Seven Cooperative Principles. Audience members during the ceremony in the Rotunda. Photos courtesy of Lea County Electric Cooperative, Lovington.
MARCH 2018
The Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad …continued from page 13 toric, but deteriorating structures from the D&RG that would contribute to a functioning tourist operation. In the beginning, the C&TS had limited resources for restoration. Despite “saving” the railroad itself, it could not save the railroad cars and buildings from the ravages of the harsh Rocky Mountain climate. In 1981, Bill Lock, an Albuquerque attorney, became concerned about the condition of the railroad’s historic equipment. He and friends began traveling to Chama, volunteering their time to paint some of the rolling stock. Lock’s informal volunteer activities grew as more individuals joined to help. In the spring of 1988, Lock established the all-volunteer Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, dedicated to the preservation of the Cumbres & Toltec’s
ity annually.” In and around the Chama yard, the co-op supplies the power that makes much of the Friends’ restoration work possible. You don’t need to be a skilled craftsperson to be a Friends’ volunteer; all you need is enthusiasm and a love of railroading. While many members are retired or self-employed, others have the summer off or use their vacation time to volunteer. A number of Friends’ volunteers have professional backgrounds in construction or other trades, but most are not highly skilled laborers. Folks with all levels of carpentry, painting, photography, and general labor skills are welcome. Some prefer the “clean” work selling Friends’ merchandise or preparing food. There is something for everyone and sometimes the easiest projects are the most important, such as stenciling historic lettering onto restored freight cars. The camaraderie is as rewarding as the work at hand.
One of the proponents for the states’ acquisition of the railroad was Carl M. Turner, the first and longest-serving executive manager of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association. rare and valuable inventory. The Friends of the C&TS doesn’t run or maintain the trains; skilled professional railroaders do those tasks. The Friends’ role is the preservation of this unique “living museum.” What began with several enthusiasts with hammers and paint brushes has grown, 30 years later, into an organization with 2,400 members worldwide, many of whom come to Antonito and Chama every summer for one or more of the Friends’ five-day restoration sessions. In 2017, the Friends’ volunteers provided 22,480 hours of time on over 50 preservation projects of cars, buildings, signage and interpretive materials, all in the service of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad. While the Friends’ projects help the railroad, the railroad in turn improves the economic health of Chama and Antonito. Ben Leyba, executive vice president of Chama-based Northern Río Arriba Electric Cooperative, says, “The C&TS is the success it is today because of Carl Turner. The railroads’ visitors and the Friends of the C&TS fill our shops, restaurants and lodging to capacity every summer. The railroad is Chama’s largest employer and is a tremendous asset to the town and Northern Río Arriba County.” Victoria Gonzales, Leyba’s administrative assistant, who also works as a C&TS ticket agent each summer, adds, “The railroads’ shops and office use an average of nearly 15,000 kWh of co-op electric-
MARCH 2018
Looking back over the last 30 years, the Friends’ volunteers have made contributions unheard of on most historic tourist railroads. They are the stewards and curators of a piece of history named “Best Scenic Train Ride in America” by USA Today, and were instrumental in getting the C&TS designated as a National Historic Landmark and a State Registered Historic Site. In 2017, the railroad carried nearly 39,000 passengers. When you ride a Cumbres & Toltec Scenic train, you are traveling over a railroad that is frozen in time, thanks to the efforts of the Friends of the C&TS. Plus, there is a good chance that one of those cars on your train is the Carl M. Turner Parlor Car. While Carl Turner passed away in 2008, his rolling legacy still highlights his role in the railroad’s place in history. In this era of digital distractions, it is easy to forget that it was the railroads that built America, helped win two world wars and, in their heyday, carried millions of passengers. For 30 years, the Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec has helped maintain a piece of that history in a remote and beautiful corner of northern New Mexico and southern Colorado, preserving the lonesome call of the steam whistle, a whistle that still suggests new frontiers and opportunities just over the horizon. For more details about volunteering with Friends of the C&TS, visit www.cumbrestoltec.org
Photos, page 13, clockwise: Fifteen-year-old Remington Templeton of Austin, Texas, accompanies his parents to Chama each year to help with restoration projects. Friends' volunteers maintain the landscaping in both Antonito and Chama as well as brush control along 64 miles of the railroad. Lettering is added to a string of narrow gauge oil tank cars near Chama’s iconic coaling tipple. Photos, page 16, top to bottom: Carl M. Turner and his wife, “PJ,” wave from inside the newly-dedicated Carl M. Turner Parlor Car in 2007. Turner passed away the following year but “his” car is included in most passenger trains. Friends' volunteers perform important preservation work on buildings as well as railroad cars. The structures atop 10,022 foot Cumbres Pass have weathered well in the harsh climate for over years, thanks to the Friends' continued maintenance. Using salvaged parts, Friends' members assemble a set of wheels for one of the oil tank cars currently under restoration. All photos courtesy of The Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad.
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MARCH 2018
CANICULA: SNAPSHOTS OF A GIRLHOOD EN LA FRONTERA By Norma Elia Cantu 2015, 192 pages, $19.95 University of New Mexico Press 800-249-7717; www.unmpress.com Cantu, who grew up on the Tex-Mex border, employs family photos to recreate, in no particular order, pivotal memories of her large and supportive family. These tales of creative nonfiction are not just posed snapshots of family dressed in their Sunday best, but re-created images of the rituals that bound them together: births, deaths, accidents, celebrations, and rites of passage. Cantu also dares to include the painful and the mundane. “Piojos” tells how the teacher finds lice in her hair at school, and the painful treatment that follows. In “Martha’s Mamagrande,” she senses that death is coming for a neighbor. When Mamagrande dies the next day, Cantu reveals the influence of an older culture: the neighbors cover the mirrors and burn candles for nine days. This personalized ethnography of Chicana literature from a professor of Latina/Latino studies and English at the University of Missouri, received the Premio Aztlan Literary Prize. Excellent!
MARCH 2018
Edited by Carmella Padilla 2017, 204 pages, $50 University of Oklahoma 800-627-7377; www.oupress.com
By Corran Harrington 2016, 204 pages, $15.95 Arbor Farm Press mbisbee.beek@gmail.com
By Ross Van Dusen 2017, 32 pages, $19.95 Rio Grande Books www.riograndebooks.com
Tapia was raised in the village Agua Fria, near Santa Fe. His father, a firefighter at Los Alamos National Labs died suddenly—they think of beryllium poisoning. Luis began as a santo carver. Today his sculptures and paintings of “transformative renewal” are featured in exhibitions from Los Angeles to New York, and preserved in 36 collections from the Harwood Museum in Taos to the Museum of National Museum of American History and the Smithsonian. His bright, bold artwork melds a thorny religious past with the tattooed lowrider culture of today, but the broader message is about the human condition. A master of ironic humor, his wooden death cart figure carries a cell phone. His angels have spiked tails. Radiance rises from the face of Christ on a slice of bread that has just popped up from “Holy Toaster.” Tapia is a master of the sacred and profane. “Luis gives animo to those who doubt their ability to testify to the truth,” says Denise Chavez. Five brilliant stars.
This brilliant novel is unique in its surrealistic style and points of view: some stories are told by the table or the mirror, some by those who have died in previous chapters. Guilt, death and redemption swirl around the sudden death of baby Carmen, the shame on her brother Daniel, his ruined life and bloody flashbacks from his tour in Vietnam. When his daughter tosses a ball to the dog, Daniel shouts “Grenade!” and dives for cover. Even the crawl space has a mystery waiting to unfold. A man is robbed and thrown over the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge. A woman almost dies in a plane crash. A Los Alamos employee drowns in a radioactive flash flood. Or not. All that, and yet consciousness survives along the peaceful flyway of the Rio Grande. Harrington is a Santa Fe Writers Project finalist and Pushcart Prize nominee. This tome is not for the fainthearted. It’s a “must read” for writers who care about their craft. Five stars!
Has a child ever asked you what causes lightning? This colorful illustrated, rhymed children’s picture book makes the dynamics clear with lucid text and fanciful illustrations from the imagination of the author. Van Dusen has also published eight light-hearted mysteries for adults. Children’s books allow him to express his whimsical side and teach some fundamental facts of science to children three through eight. (And even you!) Jason, our curious hero, in a yellow rain slicker and hat, wonders, “Is there a tower/ that makes lots of power?” or “… a big shiny ball/that they keep in a hall?” Well, guess what. It’s something so simple you will be surprised. But, Van Dusen warns, “Jason is a cartoon character—he can’t be struck by lightning. Real kids can. So remember: if thunder roars, go indoors.” The book has won five prestigious awards including the 2016 Eric Hoffer Montaigne Award. Five stars!
To submit a book for review: include contact information and where to order.
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MARCH 2018
dreams alpaca
avid Hunter met alpacas almost 20 years ago at a farm in California and was struck with the dream of breeding alpacas for their fleece. Alpacas are known for their luxurious, crimpy fleece which produces lightweight yet resilient yarn. Throughout the time he taught in Europe, Hunter researched and visited alpaca farms for advice. Finally he bought his first alpaca, Josey Wales the Outlaw. This baby alpaca sported excellent rose-gray fleece upon which to build David’s dream. But where should he open his farm? David’s mother, Kathy Richardson, encouraged David to move to New Mexico. Both she and her now deceased partner, Larry Van Landingham, worked with David to prepare the farm for the alpacas. David and Larry built the barn and put up fences. Larry planted and
MARCH 2018
harvested the fields, and Kathy loved tending the gentle alpacas. David managed the farm while teaching students at Socorro Consolidated Schools. Today, Puerta del Sol Alpacas supports 21 alpacas. David is President of the New Mexico Alpaca Breeders Association. One of Kathy’s favorite stories concerns two alpacas that were bred to the same silver-gray male, hoping to get silver-gray offspring. The alpacas were mother and daughter. The day the daughter’s baby died, Kathy remembers, “We were devastated.” Later that day, the mother gave birth to Esperanza and “wherever the baby went, both mom and sister were at her side. Amazingly, Esperanza would nurse from both her mother and half-sister. Something really good came out of something horrific.” David, a member of Socorro Electric Cooperative headquartered
in Socorro, wants to build a community of people who like fiber arts and to provide a place “where everyone helps each other.” David and Kathy invite visitors to enjoy “Fiber Fun at the Farm.” On the second and last Saturdays each month, artisans—spinners, weavers, knitters—come to the farm to relax and work on their own fiber art projects. Susan Welch, a weaver, explains the artisans “gather to learn and share their expertise, and build friendships with other fiber artists.” She appreciates the opportunity to get to see the alpacas with “their big, round eyes,” up close in their pen. “When I leave I feel rejuvenated and excited about my own weaving.” The farm also has a retail store that supports the artisans in their work. The farm sells raw fiber, millspun custom blended and dyed yarn, and rugs produced from their own
alpacas. David is now a dealer for the Dutch company, Louet, which sells spinning wheels, looms and yarns. Tours of the farm are available by appointment, and people can reserve their “Serenity Respite” camper/RV through Airbnb for a peaceful stay. Of his dream, David says, “It’s been a whirlwind, but it’s been a lot of fun too.”
Details • Details • Details Address 5 Windy’s Farm Road San Antonio Facebook Search Puerta del Sol Alpacas for events, directions and more Appointments Call David at 575-418-8289 or Kathy at 505-507-0706
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MARCH 2018
On Mt. Capulin I
f you want to get to know a volcano up close and personal, then a visit to Capulin Volcano National Monument is in order. Located only 29 miles from Raton, the cinder cone visible for miles around affords a chance to see new sites and learn more about New Mexico’s natural history. The drive on the black volcanic cone spirals to the top of Mt. Capulin, nearly 8,200 feet above sea level, where you can level your eyes off a vast swath of landscape. The top of the volcano is an impressive 1,000 feet above the valley floor. From there you can see long distances—all the way to Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas and the soft short-grass prairies that bound into the horizon. Nearby ranches and crossroads spied from above look like a child’s playthings. It’s probably a sure bet you’re safe from any volcanic activity. Geologists believe the last eruption took place approximately 62,000 years ago, when the Raton-Clayton Volcanic Field of northern New Mexico was last spewing hot lava from the bowels of the earth. A volcano this old is considered “young” by geologists. But still, when Mt. Capulin formed it must have been a violent affair with the earth contorting and belching hot lava to congeal into its present form. The matter from inside the earth fell back upon itself to form and build into its fine cone shape. True to most cinder cone volcanos, Mt. Capulin sports a oval-shaped bowl at the top, one that invites exploration. Mt. Capulin spewed lava over some 15 square miles of land, but it did not work alone. This cone is one of approximately 100 other lava eruptions that formed present-day northeast New Mexico. Geologists say that lava from all of them came from one magma source underground. Nearby Johnson Mesa, west of Mt. Capulin, is a good example; the mesa sprawls seven miles wide and 14 miles long. Pinon and junipers stud the slopes of Mt. Capulin. You can walk among them on several hiking trails. The mile-long Crater Rim Trail will take over a paved loop at the top. The Crater Vent Trail, also paved, is a short 0.2 miles into the paunch of the volcano. At the visitor center you can learn more about the geology, and the nature of this national monument. To learn more, visit www.nps.gov/cavo
Photos courtesy of Capulin Volcano National Monument.
MARCH 2018
Educating Teachers about Electricity The 2018 Tri-State Energy Conference June 19-21, 2018 Tri-State G&T Association • Westminster, CO
“I get my power from my co-op so I can put my energy into waking up the neighborhood. Co-op members aren’t just customers, they’re family, working together to create a different kind of energy network, one that puts members first.” Touchstone Energy Cooperatives. Your source of power. And information. Touchstone Energy Cooperatives of New Mexico
Educators interested in the electric industry have an opportunity to learn more about it this summer. The 2018 Tri-State Energy Conference brings together educators (teaching grades 4-12) who are electric cooperative members, teach at schools that are members or teach students who are members of Tri-State’s service area. Educators attending the conference in Westminster, CO, on June 19-21 receive the most up-to-date information on all aspects of energy including the science of energy, sources of energy, transportation, consumption, electricity, efficiency, and environmental and economic impacts. Participants leave with the training and materials to implement innovative hands-on energy units for their classrooms, multi-disciplinary teams, and afterschool programs. Thanks to support of Tri-State’s member cooperatives, there is no cost to educators in the Tri-State service area who participate. Educators outside of the Tri-State service area are welcome to apply and funding will be sought. Lodging, meals, transportation and conference materials are provided. The program is sponsored in cooperation with the National Energy Education Development Project, which works with the education community to promote an energy conscious and educated society by helping deliver multi-sided energy education programs. The conference helps teachers integrate energy curriculum materials into classrooms at any grade level, with any group of students and with all learning styles. It focuses on the successful achievement of state education goals in math and language. Attending teachers receive a NEED Science of Energy Kit, a class-set of NEED Energy Infobooks, access to all NEED Curriculum Guides, and supplemental resources. Visit www.regonline.com/needtristate2018 to register for the conference. For more information, contact Michelle Pastor at Tri-State G&T at mpastor@tristategt.org or call 303-254-3187.
MARCH 2018
Trading Post
Big Toys
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MARCH 2018
DRINKING WATER STORAGE TANKS, HEAVY DUTY Black Poly, proven algae resistant. 125 to 11,000 gallons, NRCS and EQUIP approved. Please give us a chance to serve you! MasterCard or Visa accepted. Call 575-682-2308 or 1-800-603-8272. GREAT OFFER ON SOLAR SUBMERSIBLE SHALLOW/ DEEP well pumps! ‘NRCS’ approved with 2-year warranty on selected pumps with affordable, easy installation! Order online: www.solarsubmersiblewellpumps.com or call us at 505-429-3093 for a custom quote. You can email us too at sales@solarsubmersiblewellpumps.com 24/7 service. WINDMILL BROKE? THINK SOLAR! SOLUTIONS4U HAS the Solution for you! Solar submersible pumps to meet your needs for watering livestock or off-grid residential. Progressive cavity, centrifugal, and vibrating pumps are available for the most efficient way to pump water. Our systems are NRCS CS-UT-268 compliant! solutions4u@yucca.net or 575-742-8050 www.solutions4u-solar.com IRRIGATION PIPE-6”, 8” & 10” PVC and Aluminum with new gates and gaskets. Bonnets, alfalfa valves, T’s, elbows, plugs & butterfly valves available. 1/2 price of new and delivery available. Call or text Sierra at 575-770-8441. JD70 DIESEL (1955) 3 POINT AFTER Maret Hitch with Top Link, power steering, new wiring, new front tires, both engines run good (include pony motor), rebuilt main engine and transmission. Below market price, $3,750. 505-425-7443, email at fstillger1@gmail.com F-20 FARMALL (1938). NEW TIRES, FRONT and rear. Never repainted, power take off, belt AWD, very rare factory hydraulic pump, original seat and steering wheel. Very good running original tractor, recently over-hauled. $1,950. 505-425-7443, email at fstillger1@gmail.com
Country Critters GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG STUD SERVICE LOOKING for healthy male German Shepherd for breeding with beautiful female-has certified hips, heart, elbows. Great temperament, advanced obedience, alert prey drive. Will not breed to male with hip dysplasia or temperament issues. Call 575-758-0350. BEAUTIFUL 7 YEAR OLD MAMMOTH DONKEY, $2,000. Donkey cart, old saddles and tack. Call 505-281-1821.
Livestock Round-Up NEW MEXICO DRINKING WATER STORAGE TANKS, Heavy Duty Black Poly. Fittings customized to your needs NRCS and EQUIP approved. High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Algae Resistant, Black NRCS Water Tanks. Call 1-800603-8272 or 575-682-2308. CIRCLE A FARMS AND SUPPLY IN Capitan, NM has premium quality Hay and Feed. We are a dealer for Farmway Feeds. Alfalfa, Wheat Hay, Oat Hay, Sweet Cane Hay, Grass Hay, in 2 string bales, round bales, and large square bales. Loading and delivery available. Weather King portable buildings dealer and American Steel Carports. Come check out all we have to offer. Lincoln County’s most experienced and best priced for your animal feed needs. Call 575-491-7518. QUALITY HAY, MORA AREA. GRASS HAY (orchard Brome mix). Barn stored, not rained on. $7 per bale at my barn. Will deliver, minimum 100 bale load, for additional charge. Call 575-387-5924 or 575-779-7325. NOT ALL WATER TANKS ARE CREATED Equal! Is Quality, Value and Longevity important to you? Buy High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Superior Black NRCS tanks. Lowest prices only provide minimum standards, lower weights, and shorter warranties. Find out more! 575-430-1010. MINI HORSES FOR SALE. MARES, STUD and Foals. Call 228-265-0632. MOUNTAIN TOP GOATS. BABIES ARE ON the ground. We have Milkers, Bucks, Babies, Pets, Cabrito and Weed Eaters for sale. All 4-H and Show Quality. Nubians, Mini-Nubians, LaManchas, MiniLaManchas and Nigerian Dwarfs. In Capitan, call 575-354-2846. HAYGRAZER-WARNER SWEET BEE, QUALITY HAY, NOT rained on. $85 ton or $50 bale in the field. 4’x6’ round bales only. 30 miles SE of Portales, same being, 35 miles SW of Muleshoe, TX. Call 575-760-4223 or 575-273-4220. MANZANO ANGUS BULL SALE. MARCH 20TH, 2018. 150+ Stout Angus Bulls. 40 PAP tested 2 year old bulls. Reliable calving ease and efficient growth. Sale is located near Estancia. Call Bill at 505-705-2856 or visit manzanoangus.com YOUNG CHAROLAIS BULLS FOR SALE. 10 to 12 months old. Bargain price now! $300 higher in a couple of months. Polled bulls, excellent bloodlines. Home phone: 575-461-3851, if no answer leave message. Cell phone: 575-815-8155.
RANCH HORSE FOR SALE, SEVEN YEARS old, gentle, register. AND 2004 John Deere Gator Diesel in good condition. Call 505-681-8545. MINIATURE HORSES FOR SALE. CALL 228-265-0632 WANTED: BULL HORN WEIGHTS. CALL JOE Clavel at 575-485-2591. REGISTERED ANGUS BULLS, MANY SUITABLE FOR heifers, sons of SAV Resource, OCC Paxton, Coleman Charlo, Connealy Confidence Plus. For sale privately and at the NM Angus Sale, March 3 in Roswell. Grass-Alfalfa Mix Hay, small bales 65#, various qualities, $4-5 per bale. Cimarron Angus, Maxwell, 575-375-2972, cell 575643-5294. bgoebel@bacavalley.com NEW MEXICO 100% GRASSFED BEEF. NO hormones. No growth stimulants. Processed to your specifications. From $2.85 per pound plus processing. Mention this ad for a discount. Edgewood/Cedar Grove, NM. 505-2860286, www.moonbeamranch.com
Odds & Ends COFFINS, CASKETS & URNS. Individually handcrafted of solid wood. Simple. Natural. Unique. Quality Craftsmanship. www.theoldpinebox.com or 505-286-9410 for FREE funeral information. Proudly serving New Mexico since 2004. BEEKEEPING EQUIPMENT: APPROXIMATELY 200 MED. SUPERS with frames, $5 each. 9 frame radial extractor-hand cranked, $550. 4 frame SS extractor with swinging baskets-hand cranked, $450. Other equipment available. Call Don Mason at 575-623-4858, Roswell, NM or cell: 575-626-7708. VIOLIN MADE BY RALPH M. KING, 1993, #92, appraised at $500 to $600. Peney Guitar, $125. Call Wesley Burris at 575-835-2340 in the evenings. WELL & WINDMILL REPAIR, SOLAR PUMP INSTALLATION. With over 25 years in the well service business! Please call for an estimate of your well, Windmill Service and Rebuild. We also sell and install solar pumps. 1,000 feet down hole, Camera can give diagnosis on the spot, in most cases. Will travel New Mexico. Digger Services, Wesley, 505-219-9715, office, 505-384-4138. EARTHSTONE WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE INSERT STOVE. Has catalatic combuster. In Cloudcroft area. $750. Call 915-490-5901, leave a message. CASKETS: HANDMADE NATURAL CASKETS ONLY $399. Call Dave. Leave a message at 575-6662140 or 505-652-0106. Located near Wagon Mound, New Mexico on Route #271.
YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR: WATER WELL • WINDMILL SOLAR • ELECTRICAL Installations • Repairs and Supplies Call Today for Freedom with SERVICES (COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL) STAND ALONE SOLAR SYSTEMS (575) 895-3306 3 9th St., Hillsboro, NM 88042
Pioneer Butcher Supplies in Loveland CO, since 1975
1-888-891-7057 toll free EXCESS MACHINERY: CRAFTSMAN HORIZONTAL BAND SAW, drill press, DeWalt Radial Arm saw, Delta wood planer, 6” Jointer, P&W Knee mill, 16” Rotary table, Hobart 300 Amp welder, concrete mixer, 500 gallon kerosene tank, camper on trailer, walk behind tractor with snowblade and mower. Call 505-281-1821 for information.
PSYCHIC-MEDIUM READINGS. INDIVIDUALS $35/ hour, group events $10/person-10 person minimum/2 hours. Readings offered in person, phone or live video internet. Will travel Magdalena to Santa Fe and in-between. Confidential. Money back guarantee. Call 505-990-6180 or visit www.spirit-talk.net
Roof Over Your Head CONCHAS, 000 BOAT DOCK DRIVE. VACANT land just over 1/2 acre, water access at high mark. $49,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com LINCOLN COUNTY. 11 ACRES, WOODS AND meadow next to National forest. Excellent hunting area. Excellent views. National forest trails, hiking and horseback. Perfect for retirement, mild climate. Discount for cash. 505-281-2598.
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MARCH 2018
FOR SALE: 21 ACRE PECAN FARM. Las Cruces, New Mexico 88005. 2 wells, Elephant Butte irrigation water rights, concrete ditches. $598,000. Possible owner financing. Call Henry at 575-647-0320. TORREON, NEW MEXICO. 30 MILES TO I-40. 1200 square feet on 1/2 acre on Highway 55. Fishing, hiking, camping, hunting. Call 505-705-5239. SOUTHWESTERN STYLE ADOBE HOME. 2500 SQUARE feet, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, R-57 insulation, 2 fireplaces, vigas and corbels. 7 acres fenced in northwest Tucumcari. $210,000. Owner will finance with 10% down. Can text photos. Call 575-403-5936. FOR SALE. HOUSE ON 5 LOTS in Oro Grande, New Mexico, 40’x20’, all utilities on site. In desert, south of Alamogordo. Easy access to McGregor Range and W.S.M.R. Cash (or partial) owner-approved finance. Call 575-682-2938. LOOKING FOR WATER? GIFTED TO FIND underground streams. Reputable dowser with 50+ years experience. To God Be Thy Glory! Contact Joe Graves at 575-7583600. In Taos, 75 miles north of Santa Fe. God Bless You! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER. #44 Loma Linda Ranch Road, Vadito, New Mexico 87579. Near Angostura-Tres Ritos, New Mexico, State Road #518. Two bedroom, 1 bath, living and kitchen area. 2-car garage and running well. Adjacent lot included. Beautiful scenic view, 8 miles from Sipapu. $110,000. Call for details, 817-455-0160. FOR SALE: FULLY FURNISHED RUIDOSO CABIN. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, large deck, wood fireplace and furnace, main road, full kitchen (new gas range), metal roof. $79,000. Pictures available. Call Sherry at 806-470-5950. FOR SALE: 640 ACRE FENCED RANCH. 3 bedroom brick home, two car garage, 1993 Dodge truck, lawnmower, and all furniture. Located 5 miles West of Dora on Highway 114. Out buildings and two wells. Turnkey ready. $375,000. 941-4479204, howen@comcast.net HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER, ENCINO, New Mexico. Recently vacated home. 1300 square feet on 1+ acre, fenced. Updated electrical and plumbing. Pro-Panel and Aluminum siding. Call 505-610-9592. FOR SALE: BUILT 2016 CASITA ON 29 acres in Stanley, New Mexico, 45 Western Road. Small, simple living, high ceiling. Flat open land excellent for horses. The well produces 15 gallons per minute. Paved road, 45 minutes to Santa Fe or Albuquerque. Realtor.com to see photos. Call Matt at 207-897-5405.
MARCH 2018
70 ACRES, HOUSE AND CASITA IN Pinon Springs Ranches, 26 minutes north of Magdalena, New Mexico. 7000 feet elevation, majestic views of the Bear Mountains. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, built 2008, Adobe style, immaculate. $225,000. Contact Karolyn Rolston, 505-850-8225. CONCHAS, TBD BIG MESA AVENUE. IMPROVED high level waterfront lot with septic on .83 acres. $98,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com WEST OF CONCHAS/GARITA, 134 PAISANO. 1 bedroom, 1 bath home with 1 bath guesthouse, just over 7 acres. $34,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com CONCHAS, 7543 NM 104. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath double-wide with sunroom on 2.91 acres, detached garage, carport, outbuildings, chain link fence with remote gate. Highway frontage with commercial potential. $135,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com GRADY, 300 MARSHALL. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, attached carport, horse property on almost one acre, village water. $59,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. www.bigmesarealty.com FENCE LAKE, 295 PINE HILL ROAD. 2 bedroom, 3 bath log home on just over 60 acres, well, outbuildings, corrals, hunting opportunities. $385,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com SAN ANTONIO, NM, ZANJA ROAD. 4.66 acres, irrigated farmland in Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, has produced alfalfa and grass hay crops, utilities nearby. $75,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com WANTED! FARMS AND RANCHES. LET US list and sell your rural property today. Broker has over 40 years experience in production agriculture and is a farm owner. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com 2007 KARSTEN MODULAR HOME. 27’X36’, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, great room. $40,000 or best offer. Buyer Must Move! Call 505-2692486 in Socorro area. COUNTRY HOME ON 2 ACRES IN Socorro. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2-story. Irrigated pasture, fenced and cross fenced. Carport for 2 and 2 sheds. City water, septic, refrigerated air, propane owned tank. MLS#910153. Offered by NM-Lands.com Call 505-990-6180.
CHAMA, NEW MEXICO: OWN A PIECE of heaven! Two adjoining large residential lots for sale in the middle of downtown Chama. Perfect location for large family gatherings and great view of famous annual fireworks display. All utilities in street. Will sell both for $17,500 each with Owner Financing available. Call 505-2212549 for more information. CONCHAS, 0000 BOAT DOCK DRIVE. VACANT land just over 1/2 acre, water access at high mark. $49,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
Things That Go Vroom! 2012 RAM 2500 DIESEL 6.7 PICKUP, 6 speed manual transmission. Never driven hard! Crew cab, short bed. Needs nothing. Excellent condition. One owner (me). 92,000 miles. $31,000 cash. 575-682-2308. Tularosa, NM area. MUSTANG-1964 ½ WIMBLEDON WHITE, ORIGINAL RED interior, 260 rebuilt engine, 3-speed, numbers match, no rust ever, very rare car. Asking $12,500. Contact: dmiller1@ powerc.net MUSTANG-1967 CONVERTIBLE, RESTORED TO ORIGINAL CONDITION, Brittany blue, white top, 2-tone blue interior, 200 CID, automatic, power steering, power top. Asking $18,500. Contact: dmiller1@powerc.net COUGAR-1970 COUPE, GOLD WITH HOUNDSTOOTH VINYL top, black interior, 351 Cleveland engine, automatic, power steering, original owner, garage kept. Asking $11,500. Contact: dmiller1@powerc.net 1965 FORD 100’ CRANE. BEST OFFER! Call 505-281-1821.
Vintage Finds BUYING OLD STUFF: GAS PUMPS AND parts 1960’s or earlier, advertising signs, neon clocks, old car parts in original boxes, motor oil cans, license plate collections, Route 66 items, old metal road signs, odd and weird stuff. Fair prices paid. Have pickup, will travel. Gas Guy in Embudo, 505-852-2995. RAILROAD ITEMS WANTED: KEROSENE LANTERNS, BRASS locks, keys, badges, uniforms, bells, whistles, and pre-1950 employee timetables. Always seeking items from any early New Mexico railroad, especially D&RG, C&S, EP&NE, EP&SW, AT&SF, SP or Rock Island. Call Randy Dunson at 575-356-6919 or 575-760-3341.
B & C TRADING COMPANY. NOW open for business. Buying, selling, trading authentic antique Western Colonial memorabilia, saddles, spurs, bronzes, Navajo tapestries, jewelry, rare collectibles. Cash paid for antique firearms! Open 10-5, MondaySaturday. 397 Highway 518, Mora, NM. Call 512-571-7733. WANTED: NEW MEXICO MOTORCYCLE LICENSE PLATES 1912-1959. Paying $100-$500 each. Also buying some New Mexico car plates 1900-1923. WANTED: New Mexico Highway Journal magazine, 19231927, New Mexico Automobile License Directory (”The Zia Book”), Motor Vehicle Register books, 1900-1949. See the New Mexico Transportation History Project website NMplates.com for 2,500+ color photographs and 100+ year history of New Mexico license plates. Bill Johnston, Box 1, Organ, NM 88052-0001. Email: Bill@NMplates.com or telephone 575-382-7804. FREE OLD UPRIGHT PIANO AND SMALL organ to repurpose into a nice furniture item. For sale: weathered barn wood in building 34x21, you tear down, $1,600. Estancia, New Mexico. Call 505-274-6445. THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUISNESS. THE deadline for April classifieds issue is March 9th. FOR SALE: OAK DRUM TOP DESK, 30”. Pecan Trestle dining table with 6 chairs, table is 36”x72”, has southwest inlaid tile scene. 1996 18x80 Oak Creek mobile home miscellaneous advertising premiums. Call 575-585-2305.
When Opportunity Knocks 37% OF MEXICO LIVES ON $5 or less a day. We are starting a 501(c)3 to help the poor kids go to school. If you know how to write grants or how to establish a 501(c)3 organization or want to help, call 575-494-0973. LAND BROKER WANTED IN QUEMADO, NM. Developer looking for experienced Broker to sell improved Mountain lots and Land parcels in Quemado area. Leads, office, computer and paperwork provided. Generous Commission and Bonus structure. Requirements: Must have 4-wheel drive vehicle to tour potential clients and be computer proficient. Send resume to: info@swproperties.com or fax to 480-539-7321. WORK FROM HOME OR ANYWHERE. SIMPLY return calls. No selling, not MLM, not a business. 14 year old organization. Full training and support. $500+ per week. Call 505-685-0966.
Galaxy and Space This month's colorful drawings go way beyond the universe. You all get gold stars! Let's draw our feathered friends a home. So for April, Bird Houses, draw uniqueshaped and colorful bird houses. How about an airplane or piano bird house? Have fun. May is National Electrical Safety Month and a safety tip to remember is: Do not fly kites near power lines. If your kite gets caught in a power line, let go of the kite. For May, draw a kite and a power line. Maybe your kite has a safety message on it or an emotional face for getting too close to power lines. Remember: Safety First.
Send Your Drawing by Email: We accept Youth Art drawings by email. Send jpg file and required information by the 9th to: enchantment@nmelectric.coop Remember: Print your name, age, mailing address, phone number, and co-op name on your drawings. Otherwise, your drawings are disqualified. Remember: color, dark ink or pencil on plain white 8.50 x 11.00 size paper is best. Accept artwork up to age 13. Mail to: Youth Editor, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505. Entries must be here by the 9th of the month before publication. Each published artist receives $10 for his or her work.
Janeah Angel, Age 5, Socorro
Marcus Cates, Age 1, Grenville
Makayla Gallegos, Age 7, Grants
Giovanni Gutierrez, Age 8, Lemitar
Donovan Lucero, Age 7, El Rito
Lila Martin, Age 9, Springer
Nickalette Moores, Age 12, PeĂąasco
Ailesh Scully, Age 8, Pecos
Abigaile Vinson, Age 5, Ruidoso
MARCH 2018