enchantment The Voice of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Cooperatives
marketing the
September 2018
Looking Forward to the Future
Dear Fellow New Mexicans,
ter for all New d Commissioner to make our state bet Lan te Sta xico Me New r you be to my focus to ran I Four years ago, all good grandpas, I now want to turn Like rs. hte aug ndd gra e thre my of re Mexicans and for the futu being a part of their lives. ortunity to serve. Even and who voted for me, giving me the opp me ted por sup who se tho to d ces in a bte I am forever inde mpion of the conservation of our resour cha a be to e tinu con will I ce, Offi d once I am out of the Lan responsible manner going forward. e it seemed that all I my term. However, I realize that to som ing dur 00 0,0 ,00 000 $3, r ove ted them what era The land office gen than happy because I would not just give less ups gro stry indu or t res inte s (the cial did was make all of spe t for the Land Trust and its beneficiarie bes t ugh tho I ns isio dec the ke ma to e better land they wanted, but my goal was pledge to New Mexico of giving the stat my lled fulfi e hav I k thin I ). xico Me children of New management. l days finishing what I started. Please fee 120 t nex the nd spe to ge pled I and e see what we have Even still, my work is not yet don know of any concerns you have or to me let to e offic land r you t visi and by free to come accomplished with your support! Respectfully, issioner
te Land Comm Aubrey Dunn, New Mexico Sta blackwalnut1@hotmail.com
Aubrey Dunn. HC 75, Box 49, Mountainair, NM 87036.
September 1, 2018 • Vol. 70, No. 09 USPS 175-880 • ISSN 0046-1946 Circulation 101,583
enchantment (ISSN 0046-1946) is published monthly by the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505. enchantment provides reliable, helpful information on rural living and energy use to electric cooperative members and customers.
Nearly 102,000 families and businesses receive enchantment Magazine as electric cooperative members. Non-member subscriptions are available at $12 per year or $18 for two years, payable to NMRECA. Allow four to eight weeks for delivery. Periodical Postage paid at Santa Fe, NM 87501-9998 and additional mailing offices. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Postmaster: Send address changes to 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505-4428. Readers who receive the publication through their electric cooperative membership should report address changes to their local electric cooperative office. THE NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION provides legislative and educational services to the cooperatives who are members of the Association that deliver electric power to New Mexico’s rural areas and small communities. The mission of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association is to strengthen, support, unify, and represent Cooperative member interests at the local, state, and national levels. Each cooperative has a representative on the association’s board of directors, which controls the editorial content and advertising policy of enchantment through its Publications Committee.
OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Charles Pinson, President, Central Valley Electric Cooperative, Artesia George Biel, Vice President, Sierra Electric Cooperative, Elephant Butte Tim Morrow, Secretary-Treasurer, Springer Electric Cooperative, Springer BOARD OF DIRECTORS Duane Frost, Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative, Mountainair Chris Martinez, Alternate, Columbus Electric Cooperative, Deming Arsenio Salazar, Continental Divide Electric Cooperative, Grants Lance R. Adkins, Farmers’ Electric Cooperative, Clovis Cristobal Duran, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative, Taos Robert Caudle, Lea County Electric Cooperative, Lovington Robert Quintana, Mora-San Miguel Electric Cooperative, Mora Tomas G. Rivas, Northern Río Arriba Electric Cooperative, Chama Preston Stone, Otero County Electric Cooperative, Cloudcroft Antonio Sanchez, Jr., Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative, Portales Judith Holcomb, Socorro Electric Cooperative, Socorro Travis Sullivan Southwestern Electric Cooperative, Clayton Wayne Connell, Tri-State G&T Association, Westminster, Colorado Charles G. Wagner, Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, Oklahoma NATIONAL DIRECTOR David Spradlin, Springer Electric Cooperative, Springer MEMBERS OF THE PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE Tomas G. Rivas, Chair, Northern Río Arriba Electric Cooperative Arsenio Salazar, Continental Divide Electric Cooperative Cristobal Duran, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative Robert Caudle, Lea County Electric Cooperative Judith Holcomb, Socorro Electric Cooperative, Socorro NEW MEXICO RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Phone: 505-982-4671 Santa Fe, NM 87505 Fax: 505-982-0153 www.nmelectric.coop www.enchantment.coop Keven J. Groenewold, Chief Executive Officer, kgroenewold@nmelectric.coop Susan M. Espinoza, Editor, sespinoza@nmelectric.coop Tom Condit, Assistant Editor, tcondit@nmelectric.coop DISPLAY ADVERTISING Rates available upon request. Cooperative members and New Mexico display advertisers email Shaylyn Hancock at enchantmentads@nmelectric.coop or call 505982-4671. National representative: American MainStreet Publications, 800-626-1181. Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations and are not endorsed by the publisher or the electric cooperatives that are members of the New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER. Copyright ©2018, New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. Reproduction prohibited without written permission of the publisher.
INSIDE READS Solar Surges in Rural Communities From trial size to supersized, a transformation in solar energy.
Marketing the Market
Behind the scenes of getting fresh produce to your table.
Co-op Newswire
12 View from enchantment 5 14
Hale To The Stars
Enchanted Journeys
On The Menu
Energy Sense
Book Chat
Vecinos 20 On the Cover: How 'bout that cabbage? The best of the best produce is offered with pride at the Taos Farmers’ Market. Photo by Sharon Niederman.
Backyard Trails
Trading Post
Youth Art
Your Co-op Page
Co-op Newswire sumer members prior to hitting the polls for every election. Please join us, and make sure our elected leaders know we expect them toIS represent all the people electric cooperatives WHAT CO-OPS VOTE? serve. Learn more at www.vote.coop
merica’s Electric Cooperatives understand what’s America’s Electric important to our homes and our communities, and Cooperatives we understand that registering to vote and voting in every understand what’s important to our homes election is vital to protecting our way of life. So is building and our communities, relationships with elected officials, and so they understand the we understand unique issues we face. that registering to vote voting in every Co-ops Vote is designed to boostand voter turnout, develop election is vital to protecting our way of life. So is building relationships with and elected andthe relationships withcandidates elected officials, so theyofficials, understand ensure issues that matter in rural America are heard everyunique issues we face. where, fromVote localiscouncils wayvoter to the U.S. Capitol. Co-ops designedalltothe boost turnout, develop relationships with candidates and elected officials, Co-ops Vote provides the tools to help build thoseand relaensure that issues that matter in rural America are heard tionships and educate co-op employees, directors and coneverywhere, from local councils all the way up to the U.S. Capitol.
Co-ops Vote provides the tools to help build those relationships and educate co-op employees, directors and consumer members prior to hitting the polls for every election. Please join us, and make sure our elected leaders know that we expect them to represent all the people electric cooperatives serve. Learn more at vote.coop.
Follow CO-OPS VOTE on social media and stay updated @ CoopsVote
Co-ops Vote is a non-partisan campaign focused on enhancing the political strength of electric cooperatives National Voter Registration Dayvoter engagement. through relationship building and The main goal of the campaign to boost voter turnout25, and National Voter Registration Day isisTuesday, September in cooperative areas, making sure that our members Co-ops Vote hasofpartnered National Voter exercise one their most with basicthe rights - the right to Registration vote. Day (NVRD) project. NVRDwith is astates non-partisan Working in collaboration and localprogram co-ops, that this effort will educate and engage candidates and to vote. works to ensure all Americans have the opportunity voters on important issues like:
Check your community for any registration drives scheduled for•Tuesday, September 25, 2018 or visitthroughout www.vote.coop Expanding broadband coverage rural America.
• Mexico's Ensuring continued to reliable electricity. New Deadlineaccess to Register • Mexico’s Promotingdeadline the workto of register co-ops within New for thetheNovember 6, 2018, communities they serve. General Election is October 9, 2018. Visit the New Mexico Secretary of State’s Office at www.sos.state.nm.us or call 505827-3600; or visit www.vote.coop for more details. AMERICA’S ELECTRIC
833 distribution and 62 G&T cooperatives, a total of 905 co-op members. Serve a total of 42 million people in 47 states. Generate 5% of the total electricity in the United States. Own and maintain 2.6 million miles or 42% of the nation’s electric distribution lines, covering 56% of the U.S. landmass. Serve 19 million, businesses, homes, schools, churches, farms, irrigation systems, and other establishments in 88% of US counties.
Let our coal-fired•steam engine take you to another century and beyond. Into an unspoiled West of simplicity, We must elect public officials who identify with America’s Electric Cooperatives and will vote to natural beauty, andsupport authenticity. Climb aboard ourmillion national historic landmark and you’ll along the the issues important to 42 electric cooperative members acrosszig thezag nation. Colorado and New Mexico border through steep mountain canyons, the high desert, and lush meadows. • Electric cooperatives are a trusted resource in the communities we serve. Voters want to hear from It’s an experiencecommunity that’s completely at odds with the modern world. And better for it. leaders (like electric co-ops) about important issues.
For more information on Co-ops Vote please visit vote.coop book now at cumbrestoltec.com 1-888-286-2737 or cooperative.com/coopsvote. YOUR DAY INCLUDES THE RIDE, LUNCH AND A SOFT DRINK.
Pat Garrett, an Otero County Electric Co-op member, takes enchantment to the Lincoln County Fair in August. Photo by Gerald Garrett.
Take a photo of you holding YOUR MAGAZINE AND WIN! Simply take a photo of you or someone with the magazine and email it with a few words about the photo. Include your name, mailing address, and co-op name, send to: enchantment@nmelectric.coop One lucky member will win $20. Deadline is September 10, 2018. See other submitted photos on Facebook at: facebook.com/ enchantmentnmreca
Delightfully antiquated.
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5/31/18 7:12 AM
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How to Contact enchantment Phone 505-982-4671 Email comments@nmelectric.coop Facebook facebook.com/enchantmentnmreca Mail 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505 Community Events events@nmelectric.coop
View from enchantment
Your Vote, Your Voice, at Your Annual Meeting
Co-op members can vote to introduce a new member to the board. This is one of the core values of any cooperative— members exercising the democratic right to choose like-minded representatives.
eptember marks the end of another year for New Mexico’s rural electric cooperatives annual meetings, elections, door prizes, and community get-togethers. It has been a busy year with changes in laws affecting co-ops and challenges appearing on the horizon. On the annual meeting circuit this year, it was relatively calm with a couple of exceptions. This year ends with very little change in board and management leadership. A couple of the cooperatives changed their bylaws in some way. Only two cooperatives failed to achieve an annual meeting quorum of members this year. It’s all part of a very healthy system—the democratic process of consumer-owned business and its ability to shift and change with the times. At the core, it also reflects the home-grown nature of locally based organizations like co-ops. For example, a cooperative can lose a board member when the individual moves out of the area the board member was elected to represent. That doesn’t happen in investorowned utilities. Directors serve on boards regardless of where they live. The consumers of investor-owned utilities are faceless statistics, not
friends and neighbors you would normally have morning coffee with. The for-profit director wants the company to have a high stock price and pay regular dividends. Service and customer satisfaction are a means to that end, but are secondary to those goals. In co-ops, directors are members and consumers just like the people who elect them to their positions. Co-op bylaws say they must live in the areas they represent because they have two main tasks as trustees. First, they must make sure the cooperative remains financially healthy so their neighbors have power. Second, they must represent the interests of their neighbors as the co-op decides how to provide the best service at the lowest reasonable cost to the entire membership. Co-ops can also lose a director when the individual is no longer able to devote enough time to the board. Like so many other local organizations—school boards or hospital boards—cooperatives rely on ordinary citizens to set the direction of the organization. Those citizens have jobs, families, and other community obligations. Sometimes they may not have time to study the financial reports, review the operating plans, address all of the con-
Keven J. Groenewold. P.E. Chief Executive Officer New Mexico Rural Electric Cooperative Association
cerns of their neighbors, and attend all of the cooperative’s meetings. Finally, co-op members can vote to introduce a new member to the board. This is one of the core values of any cooperative—members exercising the democratic right to choose like-minded representatives. For profit utilities also have annual meetings where shareholders choose the board of directors. However, a shareholder gets to vote based on how many shares of stock they own. Contrast this with a cooperative where the large industrial consumer has the same vote as your elderly neighbor that uses a fraction of the amount of electricity—one. All members are equal in a rural electric cooperative. There is one exception to this rule. Members who do not vote, do not have a voice in their co-op. Thomas Jefferson is often quoted “We in America do not have a government by the majority but by the majority of people that participate.” His words also ring true for cooperatives. The annual meeting cycle begins again next March. Why don’t you put the date of your co-op’s annual meeting on your calendar? You can enjoy some fellowship with your neighbors, help direct the future of your co-op and maybe win a door prize.
Enchanted Journeys
Hale to the stars BY ALAN HALE
he “parade” of bright nighttime planets we’ve enjoyed the past few months concludes its show in September. The brilliant planet Venus, rapidly starts sinking into the dusk. It sets around the end of evening twilight at the beginning of the month, and by month’s end it sets much earlier, and completely disappears into the dusk sky in early October. Meanwhile, Jupiter, already somewhat low in the west when darkness falls, sets from 1 to 1½ hours after Venus. Still occupying a position just north of the “teapot” of the constellation Sagittarius is Saturn, which remains visible in our southwestern sky throughout the evening and sets around midnight. Following along, two hours after Saturn, is Mars. It is still the brightest planet of the “parade,” and shines with a distinctive reddish glow throughout most of the night before setting during the mid-morning hours. As for the other planets, Mercury is visible in our eastern sky during dawn the first few days of September, but disappears into twilight within a week. The distant worlds, Uranus and Neptune, are well-placed for viewing all night (if one has binoculars). Neptune, in Aquarius, is at “opposition,” directly opposite the sun in early September and is highest around midnight, while Uranus follows about three hours later.
Comet Giacobini-Zinner on August 6, 2018, as imaged by the Las Cumbres Observatory telescope in the Canary Islands. Image courtesy Las Cumbres Observatory and The Earthrise Institute.
One well-known comet that is bright enough to detect with binoculars is Comet GiacobiniZinner which returns roughly every 6½ years. It will pass through the constellations of Auriga—being just south of the bright star Capella on the 3rd—Gemini, and Monoceros (all along the Milky Way and visible in the late night/early morning). On a similar return in 1985, Giacobini-Zinner achieved notoriety for being the first comet to be visited by an artificial spacecraft, when the International Cometary Explorer (ICE) mission passed through its tail on September 11. The moon is full on Monday evening the 24th. Because the moon is rapidly traveling northward at that time, on several consecutive nights it rises only 20 minutes later each evening, as opposed to the average difference of 50 minutes; since this succession of bright moonlit nights occurs around the autumn equinox (in the northern hemisphere) and thus around the traditional time of harvest, this particular full moon is known as the “Harvest Moon.”
September 1 • Hillsboro Mimbres to Miners Hillsboro Community Center 575-895-5154 September 1-2 • Cleveland Cleveland Millfest Cleveland Roller Mill Museum 575-387-2645
September 15 • Deming Mariachi Evening Friends of Rockhound State Park 575-546-6182
September 1-9 • Eagle Nest 26th Annual Fish Fest Eagle Nest Lake 575-377-6941
September 15-16 • Santa Fe NM Railroad History Celebration Santa Fe Railyard Park 303-912-7681
September 7-9 • Elephant Butte Elephant Days 101 Water Avenue 575-744-4892
September 16 • Capitan Historian Lynda Sanchez Book Signing Capitan Public Library 575-354-3035
September 8 • Roswell Dragonfly Festival Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge 575-625-4011
September 21 • Cimarron Shortgrass Music Festival Cimarron Mercantile Building 888-376-2417
September 8 • Silver City Stars & Parks City of Rocks State Park 575-635-0982
September 22 • Moriarty Pinto Bean Fiesta Moriarty City Park 505-832-4406
September 8-9 • Portales St. Helen Parish Fiesta 1600 South Avenue O 575-760-6811
September 22-24 • Nara Visa Cowboy Gathering Old School Community Center 806-235-3781
September 11 • Edgewood White Wings over America Wildlife West Nature Park 505-281-7655
September 29-30 • El Rito Studio Tour & Village Arts Festival Village 415-261-8645
September 14-15 • Santa Rosa Bozo & The Crew Fun Run Park Lake 575-472-1966
September 30 • Las Vegas Concert For The Birds Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge 505-425-3581
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Milky Way By Robert C. Shupak
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On The Menu BY SHARON NIEDERMAN My Green Chile Stew
Green Chile! Oh So Simply Irresistible!
t’s fall and it’s chile time, all the time! That fantastic familiar aroma is in the air. Gotta have it. Whether you get yours directly from Hatch—the Chile Capital of the World—or your local farmers’ market, or your local grocery, now is the time.
Through trial and error, I developed this version of this classic New Mexican dish; honestly, when I make this stew, my kitchen smells like I have a 90-year-old abuelita working at the stove. Olive oil for sautéing 1 lb. round steak or top sirloin, cut in strips 1 large onion, diced 2 tsps. ground cumin 1 tsp. ground Mexican oregano Salt and pepper to taste 3 small potatoes, peeled and cubed 4 cups chicken broth 1 (15 oz.) can tomato puree 1 cup New Mexico green chile, freshly roasted, peeled and seeded
1 cup fresh or frozen corn kernels ½ tsp. kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper, ground 1 cup queso fresco, crumbled In cast-iron skillet over medium to high heat, add olive oil and heat until hot but not smoking. Add squash and cook for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Add onion. Cook one minute, then turn heat down to low. Add diced chile and garlic, cook another 2 minutes, stirring. Add corn, salt and pepper, cook another 2 minutes. Remove from heat and serve immediately in warm corn taco shells with crumbled queso fresco sprinkled on top. Also goes well with flour tortillas.
Chicken-Southwestern Style
Heat oil in 3 quart stew pot. Add and brown meat. Remove meat to platter. Add onion, sauté, stirring about 10 minutes. Return meat to pot, continue stirring, add spices. Add potatoes. Add chicken broth. Keep stirring. Add tomato puree. Add chile. Bring to a boil. Return to simmer. Simmer 40 minutes until potatoes are tender. Serve with warm tortillas. Serves 4.
Tacos de Calabacitas con Queso Fresco From Lois Ellen Frank’s book, Taco Table. 1 Tb. olive oil 3 medium Mexican squash or green zucchini (or combination of both) cut into ½ inch pieces ½ medium onion, chopped 2 poblano chiles, roasted, peeled, seeded, and diced 2 cloves garlic, minced
From Simply Sympatico, the favorite cookbook of New Mexico. 4 Tbs. butter, softened 3 Tbs. Old English-style process cheese spread 2 Tbs. onion, minced ¾ tsp. salt 2 Tbs. green chile, chopped 4 chicken breasts, skinless, boneless ¼ cup butter, melted 1 cup cheese crackers, crushed 1½ tsps. dry taco seasoning mix Mix together softened butter, cheese spread, onion, salt, and chiles. Flatten each breast between sheets of waxed paper. Divide butter mixture into 8 equal portions and place 2 in the middle of each breast. Roll to close and secure with 2 toothpicks. Dip each breast in melted butter and roll in mixture of cracker crumbs and taco mix. Place in buttered 9”x13” baking dish and bake covered for 1 hour at 350 F. May be made ahead and refrigerated before baking, if desired, increasing baking time by 5 minutes. Serves 4. A natural with beans—I like black beans—and rice.
Energy Sense
Do Skylights Bring Sky-High Energy Bills?
ear Pat: Our kitchen and dining rooms are in major need of some natural light. We’ve been thinking about installing a skylight, but we’re wondering if that will increase our energy bills. Can you provide any advice? —Monica
Dear Monica: Skylights can bring a little of the outside world indoors and make your living space more livable— when they are installed correctly. But they can also impact your energy bills and comfort level, so you’re taking the right steps by doing some research ahead of time. One downside of skylights is they can add heat to your home during the summer and heat loss during the winter. The amount of impact depends upon a number of elements, including the skylight’s energy rating, size, placement and quality of installation. You can check its energy efficiency by looking at the skylight’s NFRC Energy Performance Label, which shows four important pieces of the energy efficiency puzzle: • Insulation value (U-Factor) • Ability to transmit solar heat (Solar Heat Gain Coefficient) • Ability to allow light to transfer (Visible Transmittance) • Air leakage. Finding a unit with the best ratings in all these categories will help maximize your
skylight’s energy efficiency and performance. It’s probably worth spending a little more on a better product, since professional installation takes up the lion’s share of the cost of installing a skylight into an existing roof. That said, even the best skylight has a much lower insulation value than a properly insulated attic. Just as important as finding the right skylight is determining the proper size, number and placement. You want adequate light, but too much can make a room less functional on a bright day. Skylights on a steep, north-facing roof will reduce the unwanted solar heat gain in the summer, but this also reduces the desirable solar heat gain in winter. Ultraviolet (UV) light can cause furniture finishes to fade. This can be minimized by making sure your skylight has high-quality glazing or by applying a special film to the skylight. Proper installation by a knowledgeable professional is essential to avoid all-too-common problems. One serious issue is water leaks—a problem often caused by improper exterior installation on the roof. Flashing must be installed correctly to be effective for the
Tubular skylights collect light through an acrylic dome on the roof and transmit it through a highly reflective tube into the space below. Photo Credit: Collaborative Efficiency.
pitch of the roof and the type of roofing materials. Another potential problem area is the skylight shaft that transmits the light into the living space below. Inadequate or poorly installed insulation is a source of heat loss and can cause ice dams that allow water to find its way into the home. Air leaks in the shaft can also cause these types of problems. Moisture problems can cause condensation build-up inside the home, resulting in mold, mildew and rot (especially in bathrooms). An alternative option to the regular skylight is the tubular skylight. A small skylight on the roof is connected to a flexible tube that runs through the attic to a room below. This system provides a diffused natural light. The tube is much smaller than a skylight shaft and is easier and less expensive to install. The tube has less heat loss and is less leak-prone. Tubular skylights can fit into spaces that a traditional skylight can’t, and can be a better choice in rooms with high moisture, like
bathrooms, saunas or indoor swimming pools. As you consider your options, it may be worthwhile to think back to your goals. If you’ve done your research and decide to move forward with new skylights, consider buying the best product your budget will accommodate—and find a contractor with experience and solid references to provide the installation. Good luck!
Gain more light in rooms without installing a skylight by trying these steps: • Paint the room a lighter shade of color. • Hang mirrors. • Replace heavy window coverings with lighter ones. • Add indirect lighting such as upward-facing pole lamps. • Trim any trees that shade the windows.
It’s not a Wheelchair... It’s not a Power Chair... It’s a Zinger! Meet the future of personal transportation. More and more Americans are reaching the age where mobility is an everyday issue. Whether from an injury or from the everyday aches and pains that come from getting older– getting around isn’t as easy as it used to be. You may have tried a power chair or a scooter. The Zinger is NOT a power chair or a scooter! The Zinger is quick and nimble, yet it is not prone to tipping like many scooters. Best of all, it weighs only 47.2 pounds and folds and unfolds with ease so you can take it almost anywhere, providing you with independence and freedom. Years of work by innovative engineers have resulted in a mobility device that’s truly unique. They created a battery that provides powerful energy at a fraction of the weight of most batteries. The Zinger features two steering levers, one on either side of the seat. The user pushes both levers down to go forward, pulls them both up to brake, and pushes one while pulling the other to turn to either side. This enables great mobility, the ability to turn on a dime and to pull right up to tables or desks. The controls are right on the steering arm so it’s simple to operate, and its exclusive footrest swings out of the way when you stand up or sit down. With its rugged yet lightweight aluminum frame, the Zinger is sturdy and durable yet lightweight and comfortable! What’s more, it easily folds up for storage in a car seat or trunk– you can even gate-check it at the airport like a stroller. Think about it, you can take your Zinger almost anywhere, so you don’t have to let mobility issues rule your life. It folds in seconds without tools and
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Solar Surges in Rural Communities
By Tracy Warren, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
Bright futures As a member-driven cooperative power supplier, we proudly support energy education through youth leadership training, scholarships, teacher training and classroom programs in your community.
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ive years ago, many people in the electric industry viewed solar energy as a kind of “boutique” resource—more an energy accessory than a real power supply option. But in the last half-decade, as the costs to install solar went down and electric utilities gained experience with this unique energy resource, there has been a dramatic transformation, and solar energy has made the jump to the big leagues. At local electric cooperatives, consumer-members were asking questions about whether this new technology would be suitable either for their own home or for the cooperative. Given the high cost to install solar, electric co-ops had questions about the economic feasibility of solar and its effect on the electric system. Even with federal tax incentives, the cost of solar was not competitive with other resources such as wind and natural gas. Engineers also had questions. What happens to the system when the sun doesn’t shine? Or even more tricky: what happens on those days when multiple clouds sail by, making a strobe light out of the sun? To answer these questions, co-ops started installing small arrays, analyzing costs and efficiency. Five years ago, compared to other resources, many concluded solar was still simply too expensive. The cost of panels and equipment was not the only reason solar was expensive. There were also soft costs, like training, business processes and software. There was little standardization among solar projects—every project was unique. Engineers and resource planners, unfamiliar with this technology, needed training and technical assistance. Financial partners still needed convincing when it came to investing in large-scale solar projects.
As the solar industry started growing, thanks in part to tax credits and other policy incentives, the cost of solar panels and other equipment started declining; the economics started changing. In 2014, 17 electric co-ops joined with their national trade organization, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), to collaborate on solar installations in 10 states whose combined solar capacity would be 23 megawatts. The goal of the project was to make solar more affordable for electric co-ops by driving down the soft costs. The project, which received funding from the Department of Energy, aimed to create a network of experts within the cooperative community. By sharing information and expertise, co-op experts could make solar installations easier and less financially risky for other co-ops to follow suit.
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Over the course of this project, the cost of solar fell dramatically. For example, one co-op that built a solar installation at the beginning of the project and another one two years later, found the cost was half what it had been two years earlier. In 2013, the cost was $4.50 per watt of installed solar, and in 2016, the cost was $1.74 per watt. As more electric co-ops gained experience and shared information about what worked and what didn’t, the risks that come with innovation and change also went down. Solar became more doable for cooperatives large and small. With the decline in costs and the increase in knowledge and understanding, solar has taken off in rural communities. The proof is in the numbers. Today, America’s electric co-ops own or purchase more than nine times as much photovoltaic solar power as they did in 2013. And by the end of 2019, the combined solar capacity of America’s electric cooperatives is expected to surpass a gigawatt.
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Denise Miller, Executive Director New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association (NMFMA), at one of the state's farmers' markets. Photo courtesy of NMFMA.
Marketing the Market: How the New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association Helps Get Local Produce from the Field to Your Table By Sharon Niederman
t last count, 75 farmers’ markets are open for business across New Mexico, providing our towns, villages and cities with fresh local produce and the opportunity to interact with the people who grow a profusion of fruit and vegetables, from chile to chard. While we enjoy shopping at these farmers’ markets, admiring the fresh produce, becoming inspired to create something new in the kitchen, and visiting with the growers, most of us never give a thought to how they are sustained. Behind the scenes of these growers’ booths is a sophisticated marketing organization, the New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association, that supports farmers and provides the networks necessary to ensure you and your family enjoy crisp apples from Velarde and crunchy carrots from Clovis for your salad. That organization, helmed by Executive Director
Denise Miller, is “dedicated to strengthening the local food system by supporting farmers and the networks that support them, in order to create a healthy New Mexico.” And this association has been around for 24 years, since 1994, when the need for services, like general liability insurance for the public markets to support farmers doing what they do best—growing and selling their produce—first emerged at the Santa Fe and Los Alamos farmers’ markets. Since then, an umbrella of services that facilitate the production, demand, and delivery of fresh local produce to New Mexico’s citizens and helps farmers continue to be productive on their land has grown, operating with a staff of six from an office on Luisa St. in Santa Fe. “People confuse our name thinking we are strictly a farmers’ market organization, but in fact the word “marketing” is important because we
Heirloom tomatoes available in abundance at the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market. Photo by Sharon Niederman.
are involved in a wide array of activities that support farmers and community health,” says Miller. By connecting resources, organizations, and individuals that intersect around food and farming, the association works to build resilient local economies. Toward the aim of publicizing farmers’ markets and educating customers about what is grown in New Mexico, including the culturally relevant foods grown in different markets around the state, the organization publishes four separate newsletters, a monthly column in the Albuquerque Journal, a blog, two websites (farmersmarketsnm.org and doubleupnm.org), and an ongoing marketing campaign branded “local food connects.” They work with various charities, religious associations, and the Roadrunner Food Bank in an effort to get the word out about what is available at farmers’ markets. They also train promontoras (community health workers) in nutritional education, shopping seasonally, and the value of fresh food so these health educators can teach their patients about healthy food options. Another focus of the association is creating food access for low-income populations. By making EBT machines available, recipients of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the same as food stamps), can make electronic benefits transfer to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables from the growers. The association provides technical assistance to the markets and has developed and runs a statewide incentive program for SNAP shoppers called Double Up Food Bucks. “Anyone with a SNAP card who shops at a Double Up Food Bucks outlet,” Miller explains, “will get a dollar for dollar match for New Mexico grown fresh fruits and vegetables.” In 2016, her organization received a four-year $2.1 million grant from USDA to run the program. “We’re now in year three, and this has been really important for creating food access and benefitting farmers. Our goal is to help farmers increase
Variety of fresh produce at the Downtown Growers' Market in Albuquerque every Saturday. Photo by Sharon Niederman.
their sales and to help shoppers afford more produce, and this program brings a lot of money into the state. Double Up Food Bucks is also available at farm stands and certain grocery stores, such as La Montañita Co-op Food Market, Cid’s Food Market in Taos, and Lowe’s, Food King, and Lowe’s Fiesta Markets.” Miller clarifies this program is unrelated to organics. “The only requirement for purchasing at partner grocery stores is that the produce is New Mexico grown. And these grocery stores are willing to make a commitment to purchase more locally grown food from our farmers.” The association works with hundreds of community partners including Roadrunner Food Bank, the Food Depot, food pantries, and religious organizations to create awareness about the Double Up Food Bucks program. Also, through its efforts, the New Mexico Department of Health which administers farmers’ market WIC Health (Women, Infants and Children federal nutrition program for women on Medicaid at nutritional risk from pregnancy to breastfeeding and for children up to age five) makes farmers’ market produce available to WIC recipients. In addition, through their efforts, that started with a state-funded pilot in six counties, the federally funded Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program was expanded to New Mexico so that low income seniors can receive coupons to spend on fresh fruits and vegetables. These coupons are available in nearly every county where federal commodities are distributed. A recent hire at the organization is a part-time value chain coordinator who is working to improve wholesale distribution of New Mexico grown produce by connecting farmers with distributors, local retailers and schools. “To help farmers stay on their land, we must create a culture of health,” Miller says. Visit farmersmarketsnm.org for more information on the New Mexico Farmers’ Marketing Association, listings of farmers' markets and more.
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By Natalie Goldberg 2018, 200 pages, $16.95 Shambhala Press www.shambhala.com
By Kathlena L. Contreras 2016, 360 pages, $14.99 Flying Tiger Press www.flyingtigerpress.com
This renowned author and long-time Zen practitioner writes about her shattering plunge into cancer in a brave, articulate way, like opening a vein of elemental truth with her pen. She is literally Writing Down the Bones. As cancer seeps into her marrow and she submits to various forms of medical torture, she tries to draw herself “pretty.” “Was that me, at the edge of fury, hysteria, madness?” Meanwhile, her beautiful partner discovers a tumor in her breast and endures a mastectomy. The cancer battle is relieved by chapters on love, the struggle to communicate, desperate hikes, and lulling writers’ workshops in France. Fiercely determined to live, Natalie Goldberg never falters. She calls around for help, seeks the best physicians, the right medication. To no avail. She is dying. “It bowled through me, uncontrolled. No meditation, yoga stance, massage, deep breathing, allayed its force. All I could do was acknowledge it, realize it was innate. On an animal level, we all want to survive.” Five shining stars.
In this romance novel about two wizards in love, Amethyst Rey fights the attraction. She is staff wizard for corporate CEO, Jas Harker. Rich, handsome and charming, he considers Amethyst “a smart, capable woman.” But after his betrayal, she thinks of him as “a world-class conniver.” What she wants in marriage is “a collaboration of wizards,” in which she can maintain her independence and have a say over how things evolve. They both know how to use their powers to shape reality. But should it always be to gain some advantage? Imagine what it would be like to witness a snowy scene where a car with three family members has spun out and plunged into a ravine. Jas and Amethyst collaborate using magic to yank off the twisted doors and give first aid to the passengers before the EMTs arrive. Amethyst catches a glimpse of the tender side of Jas as he carries a little girl to safety. Not a bodice-ripper, but an entertaining read.
By Evert Clawson 2016, 299 pages, $23.99 Green Ivy Publishing www.amazon.com
By Barbe Awalt 2017, 36 pages, $24.95 Rio Grande Books www.nmsantos.com
The title translates as “battles of the people.” Clawson, who has lived most of his life around the Zuni mountains of western New Mexico, has heard from various perspectives the story of the conquest and relocation of the Navajos to Fort Sumner. The protagonist, Captain Jeddah Jenkins, serves under Colonel Kit Carson. Jenkins is ordered into hostile Navajo and Apache country to round up and relocate the Navajos, but he refuses to sell them as slaves. Afterward, Jenkins discovers a secluded mountain range in the mountains where he decides to retire from the army and start a ranch. Clawson tosses in substandard Spanish and Spanglish for flavor and captures the Irish soldiers’ dialect: “Good whiskey nivver served me loike that.” Some of the historic details—whether real or imagined— are fascinating, such as the trap the soldiers set for an antelope herd using a white handkerchief tied to a pole. However, this historical novel loses tension as it wanders from battle to cattle business.
This attractive bilingual children’s book with text in English and Navajo was a finalist for the New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards. Children are usually taught to treat books with respect, but how can you read a book you can't touch? This book “Provides a light-hearted introduction to proper book care” and explains how to handle books that are borrowed or in a store. A colorful toy train suggests not to leave your book on a train. What about tearing out a page? No no! Writing or drawing in the book? Only if it belongs to you and the parents say OK. If this is your book “you can touch it all you want…you can drop it and if your hands are dirty, who cares?” But don’t get it wet because it may fall apart. It ends with “Never throw out a book. Never.” Pass it on to others. This hard-backed, glossypaged book, decorated with familiar Native American symbols, looks sturdy and spill-proof. Five stars! To submit a book for review: include contact information and where to order. Mail to: enchantment, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505.
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Strong Enough to Handle a Chicken T
here is no such thing as a typical day at Loeffler Farms. Twenty miles outside Grants in the Zuni Mountains, the farm produces organic poultry, eggs, and vegetables as well as grass-fed lamb, for local buyers. As a largely one-woman operation, the farm has its daily chores but Christine Loeffler can find herself doing something different every day. Loeffler grew up in a town in agricultural western Wisconsin, has a degree in International Agricultural Development and worked as an agronomist for 10 years before going into teaching. She says she always wanted to farm. When Loeffler retired from teaching science at Laguna Acoma High School five years ago, she had the chance. Her home, where she lives with her husband David Loeffler of Loeffler’s Guns, Etc., in Grants, has resources for farming but the question was what to farm? “I am strong enough to handle a chicken,” she says. And, so it began. With an eye toward selling organic food, Loeffler, a Continental Divide Electric Co-op member, began raising chickens for meat and eggs. She found that to be certified organic, her chickens had to be raised on land that had been organic for a year. Since her home already had gardens and an orchard, Loeffler began to work her beds for commercial organic produce. Today, the produce division of the farm has grown to include a hoop greenhouse, a large outdoor vegetable garden and orchards. Loeffler’s produce includes kale, several varieties of heritage tomatoes, celery, spinach, herbs, and more.
Loeffler Farms poultry now sells organic chickens, turkeys, geese, and duck. Loeffler has three hen houses, several brooding areas and a pond, and provides access to pasture for all of the fowl in accordance with her poultry certification requirements from the Animal Welfare Association. Although Loeffler raises her chickens in accordance with organic standards and on organic feed, they are sold as “farm fresh” and “pasture raised” instead of “organic.” Over the years, Loeffler has lost chickens and turkeys to four-footed predators such as cougars and coyotes, and to birds. She says that ravens are not deterred by bird string that works for diving birds and have climbed over fencing to kill chickens. The poultry pasture and hen houses are now protected by additional fencing with electric wire top and bottom, she says. Loeffler drives to areas outside Cibola County to pick up chicks, organic feed, alfalfa, and farm supplies. She often makes her own deliveries to markets in the area. Loeffler says she finds one day very different from another. Loeffler sells at the Ramah Farmers’ Market; she also supplies the El Morro Market, a small natural food store in Ramah, and the Halona Plaza in Zuni. Customers can buy directly from the farm in the mountains or order by phone a day ahead of time and pick up eggs or poultry at Loeffler’s Guns, Etc., 825 West Santa Fe Ave. in Grants. Call Christine at 505-350-5812 to place an order or make arrangements to go to the farm.
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Backyard Trails BY CRAIG SPRINGER Sunflowers: Monuments to the Passing Season September is a transitional month in New Mexico. The chile harvest is in and our freezers are well stocked. The morning light has new quality about it as the kids set off to school. The summer afternoon showers wane, and tail off come first of October. We might get that one last leftover blast of moisture the last week of the month, but it’s never the intensity of the cloud bursts that pour over us in August. Gramma grass and sunflowers will soak up that final bit of moisture. Sunflowers along our rural New Mexico roads are monuments to the passing season. Even the most casual observer will note the progress of the seasons as measured by sunflowers. It’s always a downer this time of year to see their gleaming gold petals trend slowly toward a hue more akin to the corn husks that swaddle a tamale. What a joy it is to watch white, blue or multi-colored butterflies with the most curious of names— swallowtail, fritillary, skipper and checker—to flit about a cluster of sunflowers like winged confetti in a road side ticker-tape parade. Bees big and small land on the brown bulbous round disks that will become autumn seeds. Bees take a more staid and steady approach in gathering nectar to make honey and pollinate the plants. Bees earn dual credit here. They always fly a little bit backwards first, as if to gain a steam to zip off to the next stand of sunflowers. Rural routes are graced by sunflowers, believe it or not, in part by road graders, snow plows and other mechanical actions that disturb the road sides. How often do you see clusters of sunflowers away from the roadside edge? Hardly ever—unless the soil has been scarified in some fashion. It’s not that gravely roadsides make sunflower habitat—its the loosening of the soil that gives germinating seeds a toe-hold.
As fall comes on fully, what fed bees and butterflies will nourish seed-eating birds. Lesser goldfinches dressed in black and lime-tinged yellow feathers migrating to warmer climes will land on the brown hull of an exhausted sunflower, and pry out a few seeds. Leftover seeds might get plowed into the soil by a snow plow in December and set the stage for next September.
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1 Year: $12 • 2 Years: $18 Mail a check or money order payable to NMRECA along with the name and mailing address of the person you would like to send a gift subscription. Mail to: enchantment 614 Don Gaspar Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87505
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WANTED: OLDER AIRSTREAM, SPARTAN, SILVER STREAK, Avion or similar style travel trailers. Any condition considered. Wrecked or gutted trailers included. Please call Rick at 505-690-8272. PRE TARIFF PRICE INCREASES: A 24,000 pound GVWR 25 foot tandem dually gooseneck equipment trailer is $8,162 with double hacks and spare. Logan 2 horse slant load bumper pull trailer, $9,955. Financing available with approved credit. Trades welcomed. Sandia Trailer Sales, 3 miles West of Edgewood on Old Highway 66. 800-832-0603. Visit www.sandiatrailer.com
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Country Critters
Make check or money order payable to NMRECA Advertisements in enchantment are paid solicitations are notor endorsed by theorder Makeand check money publisher or the electric cooperatives of New payable to NMRECA Mexico. PRODUCT SATISFACTION AND DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY LIE SOLELY WITH THE ADVERTISER.
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FOR SALE: FARM EQUIPMENT. MODEL 126 Massey Fergason, 2 wire hay baler, $1,600. Model 124 Massey Fergason, 2 twine hay baler, $1,600. 9 foot sickle mower, $750. Hay rake, $650. Vanderwagen area, contact Bill, 505-906-5214.
Country Critters&(Pets) Big Toys (Tools Machinery)
DRINKING WATER STORAGE TANKS, HEAVY DUTY Black Poly, proven algae resistant. 125 to 11,000 gallons, NRCS and EQUIP approved. Please give us a chance to serve you! MasterCard or Visa accepted. Call 575-682-2308 or 1-800-603-8272.
PUREBRED ANATOLIAN PUPPIES BORN GOOD FRIDAY 2018. Guarding property, trained by Mama, Papa and Uncle. Basic training, sit, stay, leash, and come. All shots, Vet checked and Rabies tag. Pictures and website available upon request. Call 505-864-3248. $600.
Livestock Round-Up NEW MEXICO DRINKING WATER STORAGE TANKS, Heavy Duty Black Poly. Fittings customized to your needs NRCS and EQUIP approved. High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Algae Resistant, Black NRCS Water Tanks. Call 1-800-603-8272 or 575-682-2308. MINIATURE HORSES FOR SALE. MARES, STUD and Foals. Call 228-265-0632. MOUNTAIN TOP GOATS. BABIES ARE ON the ground. We have Milkers, Bucks, Babies, Pets, Cabrito and Weed Eaters for sale. All 4-H and Show Quality. Nubians, Mini-Nubians, LaManchas, Mini-LaManchas and Nigerian Dwarfs. In Capitan, call 575-354-2846. CUSTOM CUT QUARTER/HALF/WHOLE BEEF. PLACE YOUR order now for our Fall Beef Round-Up. Locally raised grass-fed and grass-finished beef, dry-aged 3 weeks, no antibiotics, growth-hormones or other junk. Free deliveries to Edgewood, Las Vegas, Alamogordo, Santa Fe or pick up at Fort Sumner. $8.00-$8.50/lb. of meat you receive. Includes everything: butchering, dryaging, cutting/packaging, delivery! Choose cut sheet and order on: leannaturalbeef.com/custom-cut-beef. Call Mimi “the beef lady” at 575-403-6904, JX Ranch Natural Beef, Tucumcari. NOT ALL WATER TANKS ARE CREATED Equal! Is Quality, Value and Longevity important to you? Buy High Specific Gravity, Heavy Weight, Long Warranty, Superior Black NRCS tanks. Lowest prices only provide minimum standards, lower weights, and shorter warranties. Find out more! 575-430-1010. REGISTERED, BLACK AND WHITE, BORDER COLLIE puppies. Wormed and first shots. Working parents used on cattle and sheep. Parents very friendly, great with kids. Selling Suffolk/Hamp cross sheep, all ages, ewes and lambs. Also alfalfa/grass hay. Northeastern NM, 575-375-2972. LGD PUPPIES FOR SALE. RAISED AROUND livestock: goats, chickens, cattle and horses. $300 each. Call 575-849-1525.
Odds & Ends FULL SIZE BUNK BED AND MATTRESS. 2x4, 2x6 Knotty Pine Frame. $400. Call 817-8320608, Alto, New Mexico.
COFFINS, CASKETS & URNS. Individually handcrafted of solid wood. Simple. Natural. Unique. Quality Craftsmanship. www.theoldpinebox. com or 505-286-9410 for FREE funeral information. Proudly serving New Mexico since 2004. ANNUAL RED BARN CRAFT SALE. OCTOBER 6 and 7, 10am-5pm, Cloud Country Estates, Highway 82, Cloudcroft. Weaving, jewelry, wood art, ceramics, quilting and more! Free admission. Complimentary refreshments. Information: Facebook.com/Red Barn HORROR HALL HAUNTED HOUSE SEASON OPENS Friday, October 12. Then every Friday and Saturday in October. 7:00pm to 10:00pm. Halloween night, 6:00pm to midnight. Admission $13. 7710 Highway 54-70, Tularosa. Proud supporter of the Alamogordo Evening Lions. HEADSTONES (I.E. CEMETERY MONUMENTS) IS OUR BUSINESS. Over 1,000 designs. An eternal memory of a loved one. TAOS MOUNTAIN HERITAGE. Call 575770-2507 or email: taos_mt_heritage@msn.com Website: www.taosmountainheritage.com
Roof Over Your Head TRI-COUNTY REAL ESTATE, PIE TOWN. 40 acres, Criswell Ranch, secluded, $16,000. 160 acres, views, trees, secluded, fenced on 2 sides, $200,000. 40 acres, SH36 Frontage, utilities, $30,000. 12 acres, Rancho Alegres, thick trees, private, $18,000. Call Gregg Fix, Qualifying Broker, 575-838-6018 or go to landsofamerica.com/member/12695 TORRANCE COUNTY FARM LAND, 160 ACRES including 122 acres of deeded water rights for sale. Located near Old 66 and Lexco Road. Barn with pipe lots, separate barn with lot and hay barn. $900,000. Contact Beth for more information. 505-228-3880.
NOW ONLY $75,000!
10 Beautiful Acres outside of Las Vegas, NM. 10 of the prettiest acres you will ever see! Incredible views to the top of the Sangre De Cristo Mountains. Private location behind a secure, automated, community gate with the Santa Fe NF approx. 1/2 mile down the road. Water & electric in place with at least two possible building sites. Completely fenced. Cannot be seen from the main road. A VERY private setting! A combination of pines, cottonwoods, cedars, and pastures. Renowned hunting & fishing! Morphy & Storrie Lakes, Gallinas, Tecolote, & Peco’s rivers for incredible trout fishing. Las Vegas, NM is the same area that the “Longmire” series shoots on location with Walt Longmire’s “office” in the downtown square. MANY other movies were filmed here. Home of the “Harvey Girls” Hotel/Railroad line, Plaza Hotel/Ilfield Dept. Store, La Castaneda Hotel, New Mexico Highlands University, Montezuma Castle nearby. Actual property is very close to Patrick Swayze’s 7,000 acre ranch, Hermit’s Peak, & Camp Blue Haven. 60 minutes to Santa Fe. You will not be disappointed! Asking $75,000. Make offer. Call 505-850-5557.
HOME FOR SALE IN LAS CRUCES on 1.25 acres, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 car garage, detached workshop, finished basement, refrigerated air, central heat, sunroom, gazebo, city water, swimming pool and EBID irrigation. And 21 Acre Pecan Farm For Sale in Las Cruces area with 2 wells and Elephant Butte irrigation water rights. Possible owner financing on the land. $908,000 for Home and Farm. Call Sam at 575-647-0320. SOCORRO: CHOICE OF 2, 5-6 ACRE irrigated organic farms with homes. Located in city limits with direct access to Rio Grande. Mountain views, all water rights, mature fruit trees. New 30 million dollar levy with miles of trails and parks. Call for pictures or details. $190,000 OBO. Owner, 505-550-3123. FREE MOVE IN-NEW HOME. ALL CLOSING costs paid by seller includes 2018 property tax. Village of Contreras in north Socorro County, 0.75 acres. Fenced, 2 large bedrooms, 2 full baths. Private well, fully carpeted, detached double carport. Refrigerated air, stone fireplace, 2466 sq. under roof (s), 1529 sq. ft. heated area with one year builders warranty. $152,000. Paul, 505-417-1515 IN LOS LUNAS: PORTABLE SCHOOL BUILDING, 28’x34’, in good condition. Only $8,000. You haul. Call John at 505-977-0429.
10 ACRES FOR SALE ON SAN Clemente Addition off of Villa Linda on Highway 6. A beautiful location 6 miles west and 3 miles south of Las Lunas, NM. $50,000. Call 850-532-8144. HILLSBORO HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER or Lease. Beautifully, completely renovated, 3 bedroom 2 bath secluded home. 1,700 square feet, custom cabinets, abundant wildlife, walking distance from downtown Hillsboro on 1.92+ acres. $269,000/$700 month. Owner financing. Call 575-895-5154. WATER DOWSING AND CONSULTING. PROVEN SUCCESS, 42 years experience in Lincoln County. Will travel. Contact Elliot Topper at 575-354-2984 or 575-937-2722. LOOKING FOR WATER? GIFTED TO FIND underground streams. Reputable dowser with 50+ years experience. To God Be Thy Glory! Contact Joe Graves at 575-7583600. In Taos, 75 miles north of Santa Fe. God Bless You! CONCHAS, 141 GREEN PLACE. 3 VACANT lots at 1.02 acres, has new septic system with RV hookups installed February 2018, community water, $37,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
FOR SALE: SMALL FRAME HOUSE IN Magdalena, New Mexico. On lot with small old pond. Two bedrooms and one bath. A Handyman Special. $35,000. Call Donna at Old Westland Realty, 575-517-6170 or call 505-401-4352.
WEST OF CONCHAS/GARITA, 134 PAISANO. 1 bedroom, 1 bath home with 1 bath guesthouse, just over 7 acres, $34,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-7605461. www.bigmesarealty.com
CONCHAS, 000 BOAT DOCK DRIVE. VACANT land just over 1/2 acre, water access at high mark, $49,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575456--2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, www.bigmesarealty.com or 575-760-5461.
FENCE LAKE, 295 PINE HILL ROAD. PRICE REDUCED! 2 bedroom, 3 bath log home on just over 60 acres, well, outbuildings, corrals, hunting opportunities, $320,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, www.bigmesarealty.com or 575-760-5461.
CONCHAS, 0000 BOAT DOCK DRIVE. VACANT land just over 1/2 acre, water access at high mark, $49,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com CONCHAS, TBD BIG MESA AVENUE. PRICE REDUCED! Improved high level waterfront lot with septic on .83 acres, $80,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, www.bigmesarealty.com or 575-760-5461. CONCHAS, 107 CAMP CIRCLE. 2 BEDROOM 1 bath mobile home on .68 acres, community water, $39,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, www.bigmesarealty.com or 575-760-5461.
MORA/EL CARMEN, TBD COUNTY ROAD A012. 10.5 fenced acres, electricity, beautiful mountain views, $69,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com PECOS, NEW MEXICO. MOBILE HOME PARK. 6.7 acres. 10 Lots, sell for price of the land. Call 505-470-6247 or 505-471-6957. Will negotiate. HOME WITH 5 ACRES. ONLY $95,000! 2201 State Road 1, Socorro, NM. 3 bedroom, 1 bath with updated kitchen and new paint. Room for horse and animals. Contact Sarah Hammack, CB Legacy, 505-865-5500 office, 505-517-0550 cell.
YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR: WATER WELL • WINDMILL SOLAR • ELECTRICAL Installations • Repairs and Supplies Call Today for Freedom with SERVICES (COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL) STAND ALONE SOLAR SYSTEMS (575) 895-3306 3 9th St., Hillsboro, NM 88042
• New Construction and Remodel for Solar, General Electrical, Water Well and Windmill Systems • Customized Stand Alone Solar Designs for both Water Systems and Electrical Systems • Supply, Test and Service Water Pump Systems • Maintenance and Repair • Water Purification Systems • Parking Lot Lighting nmwatersupplyinc @ gmail . com SAN ANTONIO, NM. ZANJA ROAD. 4.66 acres irrigated farmland in Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District. Has produced alfalfa and grass hay crops. Utilities nearby. $75,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com SOUTH OF CLOVIS, 4205 SOUTH PRINCE (533 US 70). Commercial potential on former irrigated farm land, corrals, 3 phase power, $300,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, www.bigmesarealty.com or 575-760-5461. COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITY! 208 NEEL AVENUE, SOCORRO, NM. Building with 12 offices located in high traffic area. Two separate entrances allows for two businesses to be run out of the building. $185,000. Contact Sarah Hammack, CB Legacy, 575-517-0550 cell, 505-865-5500 office. THANK YOU FOR ADVERTISING IN enchantment. We appreciate your business. WEST OF DATIL, 458 SOUTHERN TRAIL, Sugarloaf Mountain Subdivision home. Outbuildings and well on 5.82 acres, beautiful views, $105,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com
facebook . com /@ nmwaterandelectric
GRADY, 300 MARSHALL. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, two-story home. Corrals, outbuildings, and village water, $59,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575-760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com TULAROSA, 509 RIATA ROAD. 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath log home on 70+/- acres with office room and detached garage, 13 acres have pistachio orchard, barn, $640,000. Big Mesa Realty, 575-4562000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, www.bigmesarealty.com or 575-760-5461. WANTED! FARMS AND RANCHES. LET US list and sell your rural property today. Broker has over 40 years of experience in production agriculture and is a farm owner. Big Mesa Realty, 575-456-2000. Paul Stout, Broker NMREL 17843, 575760-5461. www.bigmesarealty.com 320 ACRES: 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, 1 bedroom mobile home, Post Office remodeled house and trailer, several out buildings on property, all included in price. Highway 206 frontage not grazed for 4 years. 4 wells. Call or text, 505-5730661 or 505-450-8428.
Things That Go Vroom!
FOR SALE: HI JET MINI TRUCK. Aftermarket tires and aluminum rims, runs but needs engine work, $500. Call 575648-2465 in Carrizozo. If no answer, leave message. 1946 CHEVY 1 TON FLAT-BED WITH the body and cab in remarkable original condition. Last ran in 1987/88. Photographs can be emailed to email addresses only. $3,000 firm. For details call 575-743-0091. 1980, 8 CYL., CHEVY 3500 CREW cab with flat bed. Runs well, tires in good condition. Twin 250 gallon water containers, Briggs & Stratton horizontal shaft powered Berkley pump with hoses. Call 575-473-0091.
Vintage Finds RAILROAD ITEMS WANTED: KEROSENE LANTERNS, BRASS locks, keys, badges, uniforms, bells, whistles, and pre-1950 employee timetables. Always seeking items from any early New Mexico railroad, especially D&RG, C&S, EP&NE, EP&SW, AT&SF, SP or Rock Island. Call Randy Dunson at 575-356-6919 or 575-760-3341.
WANTED: NEW MEXICO MOTORCYCLE LICENSE PLATES 1912-1959. Paying $100-$500 each. Also buying some New Mexico car plates 1900-1923. WANTED: New Mexico Highway Journal magazine, 1923-1927, New Mexico Automobile License Directory (”The Zia Book”), Motor Vehicle Register books, 1900-1949. See the New Mexico Transportation History Project website NMplates.com for 2,500+ color photographs and 100+ year history of New Mexico license plates. Bill Johnston, Box 1, Organ, NM 88052-0001. Email: Bill@NMplates.com or telephone 575-382-7804. TELL ADVERTISERS YOU SAW THEIR AD in enchantment! BUYING OLD STUFF: GAS PUMPS AND parts 1960’s or earlier, advertising signs, neon clocks, old car parts in original boxes, motor oil cans, license plate collections, Route 66 items, old metal road signs, odd and weird stuff. Fair prices paid. Have pickup, will travel. Gas Guy in Embudo, 505-852-2995. ANTIQUE COOKBOOKS. LATE 1800’S TO EARLY 1950’s. Collection of 10, including: WhiteHouse, Presidential, The Everyday, Popular Norse Recipes, Betty Crockers Picture and Dam Curtsey’s Candy Making. For more information and photos, call 575-517-5287.
Whimsical Winged Creatures Lots of creative and colorful imagination going on this month. Here's a fun topic from a Youth Artist: Crazy Cakes. For October, draw a cake having many colorful layers, a piano cake, a cake that looks like you! It's time to button up, especially since November 16 is Button Day. For November's topic, Buddy Buttons, draw a button face, a tree made out of buttons, a heart made out of buttons, or buttons that have plants, animals or any kooky design. Email your suggestions to enchantment@nmelectric.coop
Send Your Drawing by Email: We accept Youth Art drawings by email. Send jpg file and required information by the 9th to: enchantment@nmelectric.coop
Remember: Print your name, age, mailing address, phone number, and co-op name on your drawings. Otherwise, your drawings are disqualified. Remember: color, dark ink or pencil on plain white 8.50 x 11.00 size paper is best. Accept artwork up to age 13. Mail to: Youth Editor, 614 Don Gaspar Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87505. Entries must be here by the 9th of the month before publication. Each published artist receives $10 for his or her work.
Alyson Archuleta, Age 8, Dixon
Luke Thompson, Age 10, Portales
Kynlee Davis, Age 9, Lovington
Jaylee Mitchell, Age 4, Vadito
Maggie Ross, Age 12, Sandia Park
Tony Carrasco, Age 4, Bosque Farms
Melody Flores, Age 8, Datil
Mila Carrillo, Age 6, Belen
Abigaile Lynne Vinson, Age 5, Ruidoso