Brand Identity Guideline

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Your Brand Brand Guidelines


‘72 Brand Guideline Design By : BizzDistrict Copywrite @2015 All Right Reserved



Contents Logo

•Sizing •Spacement •Final Logo

•Logo Variation •Logo Element •Misuse


•Color Used •Color Breakdown


•Font Used •OTF Features •Type Caracter •All Glyphs

Stationery Marchandise Preview Digital



•Logo Preview •Wireframes Breakdown


•Casual •Flat Styles

This Guideline Consist Of The Direction Step By Step Of Your Brand Design As Complement To Inform & Guide You Of How To Using The Logo Accross The Media Where Your Brand Would Showed Off

Marketing •Advertising


•Potograph Effect •Multiply

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Logo Est Sizing

11.5 mm

The logo set up for 11.5 mm of hight & weight, the reason for setting up was some media preview mede the limit of any size for their users logo and this the averege of these limitation


Both these two optional logo must match for their size. 11.5 mm

10mm Isolation Area The real isolation area was seted up in Adobe Ilustrator with some grid as rule of creating logos, here just to imform you about logo real condition.

Logo Spacement The logo has white space that caled with isolation area, its mean prohibited for texts, image, etc to mix or included to that logo, the spacement keep the logo to stand alone , the meaning sence of “Eleghantly Brand”

10mm Isolation Area Est


The real isolation area was seted up in Adobe Ilustrator with some grid as rule of creating logos, here just to imform you about logo real condition.

Final Logo This was the final for logos designing as a main part of brand identity project, please digest through this manual to got some information about this logo in caracteristic, design proccessing, real preview, misuse, etc.





Logo Variation Here We provide you three logo design variation to allow you choosing of these ones which compatible with any of needed content without changing the philosophy of your brand.



Just choose & make a match logo content for any of your business purpose.




Ga. Pedicatur archilia et, venihicae rem sandae. Piet arciis ex et prestiant.

Logo Element Your logo has several element of final design, we made these element considered of your brand phylosophy, vision & mision of your own brand as explained in the contract.

Est Ga. Pedicatur archilia et, venihicae rem sandae. Piet arciis ex et prestiant. Nam aut re plite ni re sed ex eum erum que explam, sent velendel inimus dolupita dolo.Utendam, officil imus inctemodios si

Ga. Pedicatur archilia et, venihicae rem sandae. Piet arciis ex et prestiant. Nam aut re plite ni re sed ex eum erum que explam, sent velendel inimus dolupita dolo quias doluptat rernat facerfero dolum volum arcillut voluptiscia conse mil im qui


BrandsName Ga. Pedicatur archilia et, venihicae rem sandae. Piet arciis ex et prestiant. Nam aut re plite ni re sed ex eum erum que explam, sent velendel inimus dolu



Misuse The method of designed logo was trial & error, here we show you some logos error during designed of ones. For the first list you could see three logo without the circle element and the error of typography , positioning & shape.


Est ‘72


Your Brand

The 2nd List show you error design with circle element in ones aspects.









Colors Used Primary colour were the usual used of main aspect of Brand as influenced of user experience & help growing up the brand with marketing strategies trought brand domnan color based to your brand caracteristic. Accent color got the second rule of brand interface solor complement, it’s savvy primery ones on tracking the interesting.

Primary Color 1



Primary Color 2

Accent Color 4


Primary Color 3

Accent Color 5


Accent Color 6



Colors Breakdown The main color have several breakdown colors related of tint effect, here we use 20% of tint increament as international standard for branding identity design.

Ps ; The colors infographic were handmade using Indesign rectangler & modified with pathfinder to reounded rectanglers shape.




















CMYK 00%, 00%, 00%, 00% RGB 000, 000, 000 Web #000000 Pantone #111

CMYK 00%, 00%, 00%, 00% RGB 000, 000, 000 Web #000000 Pantone #111

CMYK 00%, 00%, 00%, 00% RGB 000, 000, 000 Web #000000 Pantone #111

CMYK 00%, 00%, 00%, 00% RGB 000, 000, 000 Web #000000 Pantone #111






Typeface Font Used Font was essential element to provived the best content of brand, and for your brand identity we choose “Aller Family Font” of every single content from logo to text media contents.

The Aller family font have several style as you could see beside ths ribbon that consist of regular, italic, bold & bold italic.

Every families of font must been placed & replaced related to typography rule of design manual.

•All Glyphs

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()<?>/ •Reguler Style

•Italic Style

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()<?>/

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()<?>/

•Bold Style

•Bold Italic Style

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()<?>/

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()<?>/

Types Caracter Caracter of type have some rule of made ones as heading, title, subtitle, body coy, caption, etc. it’s imposible to Us to explaine you one by one, so please see the text book or just browe throught google for digesting ones.

.... T1 (Title) - Aller 24/28.8pt ABCDEFGHIJKLmnopqrstuvxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()<?>/ .... H1 (Headline) - Aller 18/21.6pt ABCDEFGHIJKLmnopqrstuvxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()<?>/ .... BC (Body Copy) - Aller 12/14.4pt ABCDEFGHIJKLmnopqrstuvxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()<?>/

.... Caption (Subtitle) - Aller 9/10.8pt ABCDEFGHIJKLmnopqrstuvxyz 1234567890 !@#$%^&*()<?>/

•Standard Ligature

Opentype Features Internasional font have several format, eq: opentype font (OTF), True type font (TTF),, web font (SVG) etc. the Allers font provide OTF version that mean allows you to of using more feature of one, you could used opentype savvy program like adobe ilustrator (AI) & adobe Indesign.

ff, fi, fl, ffi, ffl.. •Discreationary Ligature

Type if available... •Stylistic Alternate

Ligatures Ligature is basci feature for all font as joinning every single caracter when you type the contens.

Type if available... •Contextual Alternate

Type if available...

All Glyphs Glyphs are all of font caracter provided with type foundry designer consist of swash, ordinal, puntuation, superscript, subscript,symbol, etc. The glyphs were not in same number of every single font related to ones dsigner providing.





ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz







^* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0






Ω π etc


Stationery Stationeries We were used several vector to show you off how your brand would held after design proccess completed, all of these stationery element included in the file given you after as attached in .zip folder, you could add of remove as needed.

Ga. Pedicatur archilia et, venihicaeHarum consedis mosseque endam eos reriat quiaBis accabor sequam, cuptaquid

p.+12 2234 55 .ext-22 e.

Ga. Pedicatur archilia et, venihicaeHarum consedis mosseque endam eos reriat quiaBis accabor sequam, cuptaquid

Letterhead Please note that the sample letterhead beside this ribbon was .png image format, calm down you we included the original layouts design as .eps format, it’s mean you could edit it throught adobe ilustrator with some guides line to make your design more neat and steady.



Fashion We tried to show you off how your brand work if you applying it to some marchandise s, it’s to convice you that the brand identity design work on more after applying to several real product like these ones shown beside this ribbon, so if you have any feedback about this applied sample don’t be hessitate to contact us for communication.

-Your Brand-


Preview Vintage Again We tried to show & conviced you how your brand work with the real condition using mouck ups product, so you could assess of the brands quality after apliying letter. Ps: pelase note the image was the previews only and not included in main file, but the link to got these ones explained inside readme.

Preview Again We tried to show & conviced you how your brand work with the real condition using mouck ups product, so you could assess of the brands quality after apliying letter. Ps: pelase note the image was the previews only and not included in main file, but the link to got these ones explained inside readme.





Digital Homepage These We show You how your brand work throught PC or MAC media, for your website homepage, all of them ust previews only, you could replace with your own of real corporate website and contens.

Denda aut di dit fugit vitiis modis ex et aut quamet

Denda Denda aut Ullacius anihilita non recte voluptur similigenis explandesed quam quid et occus, se parum ulla corBusdam volupta tisimag nisimilliam quiam ipsaeperae porro ma prorest, comnia alisto conseque veria nosam de reped et liciasit faceperi blabore quo es iliae. Obitiss imporehendem arum duntur?

Obitiore autamet aut ea doluptis consequiam, con cuptam quia

Denda aut di dit fugit vitiis modis ex et aut quamet

Denda Denda aut

Ullacius anihilita non recte voluptur similigenis explandesed quam quid et occus, se parum ulla corAt aut as es et lignatibus adis rae rem rae voluptas apidus simi, qui aut estio doloresed moluptat adit am

Ullacius anihilita non recte voluptur similigenis explandesed quam quid et occus, se parum ulla corAt aut as es et lignatibus adis rae rem rae voluptas apidus simi, qui aut estio doloresed moluptat adit am

Denda aut di dit fugit vitiis modis ex et aut quamet

Denda Denda aut

Ullacius anihilita non recte voluptur similigenis explandesed quam quid et occus, se parum ulla corIquae volupti untiorest que es et liquam, to denis doluptat aut event,Agnam hil illit, cum volor aut voluptas maio volorrum nonseque pereptaquas si ius etum harchilit, que consectur as et maximus mint eos con

Obitiore autamet aut ea doluptis consequiam, con cuptam quia conseque pariatur sequi omnias quos deliquid moluptatur,Od maximus antioste diatur maionse ctotatia con ped que et a sus dendam dolende mporiorestis eius illiquam unt as ea vel ipsant

Iscit lam, odis dolupit ut et liamendelit volorem eossimi nciaercidus pro experiberes dolore voluptatibus ere, sed magnis es pario most, optam, eseres quaspienis aut in reiciet optinverit et modis sundam arum core voluptaectem fuga. Et at maior moles voluptaquat aut pre nia nus, et re nihictem volupta tureiur sin cuptatinus et et accusti ommod quis ut apid qui in prepraecae. Ut ex earum re dolessuntem fugit excerumet liquiatur, et reptatium dolumqui berum quodist, expliqui ulluptate aut a volore voloriAbore perfernati te odit quasper sperum nectaquis nonsequi delique niendignime re dolorerunt quassin imilit eventotaecum quamus et quaeped quia ditempo remolor ectota coribuscid quis adita dolore prae id magnatur, abores accab ium fugitate pos parchillauda quos presedi officit, qui beaquati quae earis voluptiatias dolupta speris esserum faccull aborerspe aut ad quuntibuscid ullende mporiorion restor anducii scipis unt dolenes equidendae veliquos intibus apidit,


App Apps Logo Preview These We show You how your brand work throught Mobile, Table & other gadgets media for your apps homepage, all of them ust previews only, you could replace with your own of real corporate website and contens.

Tablet Preview

Mobile Preview

Wireframe Breakdown The wireframe preview allow you to consider the using of ones, here we help you with several ones to hepl you when aplied them to your real content of brand. for purchaser please replace these provided wireframing sample as your own design related to brand design identity projects philosophy.

These bipmaps include in main file just ti make easy of making & finishing this brandbook to your client.


Iconic Casual Please select several provided icons for applying on your brand purpose, the icons were free to use for personal & commercial, please note if you some other icons, please contact but we have to charge you $1 for every single requested icon, and the charge include of flat ones.

Icon Name

Icon Name

Icon Name

Icon Name

Icon Name

Icon Name

Flats Style Please select several provided icons for applying on your brand purpose, the icons were free to use for personal & commercial, please note if you some other icons, please contact but we have to charge you $1 for every single requested icon, and the charge include of flat ones.

Icon Name

Icon Name

Icon Name

Icon Name

Icon Name

Icon Name


Marketing Advertising We use mouckups just to show you how your brand works at public area for marketing purpose, that only to convice you we were work on the rule, and for next brand marketing colsulting please contact us we ‘ill serve you with just a litle charge as you were our loyal clien, cheer... !


Imagery Potographs Effect To add your brand more eleghan, you should add some potograph effects to your images, here we teach you multiply one, so just follow the direction and enjoy..

Multiply Please make a rectangler shape on your sheetswork and give your brand color, then patch with your own image, drag your mouse to effects pallete & change the normal with multiply tool.

Top Layer : Black & White Effect : 100% Blending Mode : Multiply

Botton Layer : Full Color Effect : 100% Blending Mode : Normal

•Bokeh Effect

•Vintage Effect

•Long Exposure

•Fill Flash

All Of Your Brand Aspect Has Been Explained Through This Manual, Don’t Be Hessitate To Contact Us Anytime If You Got Some Difficulties..

BizzDistrict. Uleekareng st, 221 kav 102 #44 Banda Aceh, Aceh Indonesia

E. p. +11 2345 11 3221 f. yourfacebookID t. @yourtwitter

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