PSG iTech Auditorium

• Facade area = 1100 SqM • No of glass panels = 1876

• Facade area = 1100 SqM • No of glass panels = 1876
Rafter base plate level
❖ Used as reference model for 3D making
* Roof – facade interface modules are mounted on these purlins. Roofing materials are from Kalzip
Centre of ellipse (0,0,600) as Reference coordinate point. Facade level is 600mm above from actual ground level.
Minor axis of ellipse
Major axis of ellipse
From the survey model, Basic ellipse is generated (used for facade wireframe reference).
This elliptical path is the base of Glass line (Ground Transoms’ center line follows this elliptical path)
(Black color) divisions are for Standard modules
(Magenta color) divisons are for roof interfacing modules
❖ Wireframe generation is based on the basic ellipse and rafter curvatures.
❖ The wireframe represents the glass outer surface.
❖ Facade wireframe is created for optimum panel size and to achieve the equilateral triangle aspect. ( generated by Grasshopper )
❖ Wireframe gets trimmed at kalzip purlin region to achieve smooth curve for Facade - Roof interfacing.
(Purple color) Facade purlin
❖ Based on the system design facade purlins are extracted from the wireframe.
❖ These purlins are bent round tubes which are fixed on rafters.
❖ Standard modules are mounted on these purlins.
❖ A special type of bracket is used for fixing the modules in purlins.
Door opening
Door opening
Door opening
Unitized frame Mullion - Transom
Door opening
❖ Production model includes standard modules, Door modules, Roof interface modules.
❖ IGES files of mullions are exported for the production process and the cutting length of mullions are generated as excel sheet through grasshopper scripts.
❖ 3D details of transom are converted to 2D using Rhino and exported to Autocad for drafting purpose.