The Fabulous Fox Theatre
March 2009
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contents March 2009
features 12 ‘Happy Days’ Are Here Again Garry Marshall talks about his hit TV show and its musical transformation. 16
Thank You. NEXT!
Many new and veteran actors depend on the Atlanta Unified Auditions for their big break.
the performance 23 Program and notes
Encore Atlanta
18 Don’t Rush, Don’t Stress,
Do Dinner & a Show
Check out the dinner and show packages for the Fox Theatre and Atlanta Symphony Orchestra.
40 Put a Little Spring in Your Step Here is Encore Atlanta’s guide to the best festivals this season.
departments 46 The Buzz 50 Information 52 Staff/Golden Rules Cover Photo: joann carroll
Paul Kolnik; Michael LaMont
6 Bob Avian’s Singular Sensation A Chorus Line’s co-creator shares his thoughts on Broadway, Michael Bennett and his favorite show.
editorial director/chief storyteller
Kristi Casey Sanders art director
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Whitney Stubblefield associate editor/storyteller Ashley Brazzel contributing writers
Brooke Phillips and Suehyla El-Attar publisher/sales Sherry Madigan White 404.459.4128 senior national accounts manager
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SINGULAR SENSATION A Chorus Line’s co-creator shares his thoughts on Broadway, Michael Bennett and his favorite show
hen Bob Avian’s teacher at the Boston School of Ballet told him she wanted to get him a job with a prestigious German ballet company, he refused. Instead, he insisted, “I want to dance on Broadway!” “I’d always loved musical theater,” Avian explains. “I found it totally magical. And you get a chance to do everything — not only to dance, but to
sing and act, and you get little roles and understudy … I liked the total package better.” Avian returned to New York and started making the rounds, showing up for auditions where he was one of 300 boys in the room. “You knew there weren’t going to be 300 jobs, there’d be eight jobs,” Avian says. “So you had to have the strength to be rejected and to understand that.” Avian was lucky. Often, he did get the jobs. “But you see dancers who get rejected constantly and never get the job, and you wonder how they deal with it,” he says. Avian made his Broadway debut in West Side Story as a replacement
cast member. When he was offered the job, he says he “was over the moon. I was crying and screaming and thrilled to death.” When it came time to go onstage, however, he panicked. “I was frightened to death, because I’d had very little rehearsal and I’d worked pretty much alone in rehearsals,” he remembers. “Ready or not, you’re on that stage. But I knew what I was doing, I think. It was all very exciting.” Also in the cast was an ambitious young dancer named Michael Bennett, who aspired to be a choreographer. The two became best friends. When Bennett was hired to choreograph A Joyful Noise in 1966,
Atlanta’s Performing Arts Publication
Encore Atlanta
One night, a group of dancers Bennett and Avian knew were gathering together to dance and hang out. When invited, Bennett asked if he could bring a tape recorder. The dancers said yes. “So off they went to this studio late at night after they had all finished their shows (it was like 12 o’clock), and they danced for a couple of hours,” Avian remembers. “It was very relaxed, maybe a little competitive … and they finally sat down in a circle and Michael said, ‘This is a great opportunity to talk about ourselves and find out why we do what we do and who we are as dancers.’” The tape recorder still rolling, Bennett began by telling the first story. “By starting it off, he opened certain doors about his childhood, about his sexuality, about why he needed to dance,” Avian says. The session lasted 12 hours, with each person’s story getting a little deeper and a little more revealing. Avian and Bennett organized a couple of follow-up sessions. After collecting hours and hours of tape, they realized
Paul Kolnik
he invited Avian to work with him. Avian already had a job, so he turned Bennett down. But the following year, he joined Bennett to work on Henry, Sweet Henry, and a creative partnership was born. For the next 20 years, Avian and Bennett created iconic shows such as Company, A Chorus Line and Dreamgirls together. By the end, they were not only receiving choreography credits, but also directing and producing credits, as they exercised complete creative control over their projects. “It proved to be very fruitful, because being very close friends, he always relied on me to tell him the truth,” Avian says. “I wasn’t just some dancer he hired to work out steps on, so he could say anything to me, or I could say, ‘I didn’t like that’ or ‘this looks good.’ I didn’t know if I had any kind of talent as a choreographer, but I realized I was a pretty good editor. He came to rely on me very much, because I didn’t want to be him, and he didn’t want to be me. We had a very strong relationship.”
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10 Encore Atlanta
imagine themselves up there battling to get a job.” Despite being part of one of the most dynamic directing/choreographing teams of the ’70s and ’80s, Avian says he expected his career would end when Bennett passed away in 1987. Instead, Cameron Macintosh invited him to England to choreograph shows such as Miss Saigon and Sunset Boulevard for London’s West End. “I became part of the British invasion,” Avian says with a chuckle. A Chorus Line remains Avian’s favorite creative work, and he leapt at the chance to remount it for Broadway and take it on the road again. When it originally played Atlanta, Avian visited the Fox Theatre to check on the show. He remembers sitting in the back row and being blown away by the size of the venue. “Our little show opened in a theater with 190 seats off-Broadway,” he says. “That I was watching it in [one of ] the largest theaters in America said a lot to me about the success of the show.” A Chorus Line plays the Fabulous Fox Theatre March 3-8.
Paul Kolnik
they needed to do something with the material. Bennett always had wanted to create a show about dancers. “Eventually, we found the concept for the show and distilled all this material into a biography of the dancers life,” Avian says. One of the dancer/storytellers, Nicholas Dante, put together the show’s book with assistance from James Kirkwood Jr., who provided additional materials and dramatic structure. Rather than have the show’s characters retell the real dancer’s stories verbatim, pieces of stories were divvied up between many different characters to make composite figures. The only exception, Avian says, is the character of Paul, whose story of sexual discovery and hardships is exactly like it was told during the original midnight taping session. In 1975, A Chorus Line opened offBroadway at The Public Theater. It went on to win nine Tony Awards and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama. Avian says the story of the underdog hoping to get a break is something everybody understands. “At the time, we compared it to ‘Miss America,’ but now, of course, it’s like reality TV. [The audience] can
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Brunch, Lunch, Dinner, Late Nite and Kidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Menu On-Site Valet Parking 848 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, GA 30308 404.870.0805
3 Blocks North of The Fox Theatre on Peachtree St.
‘Happy Days’ are here again
egendary Hollywood writer, director, actor and producer Garry Marshall has some choice words of advice for those obsessed with the current fiscal crisis. “Forget the Ponzi trouble, and come see Fonzie!” he says. His latest creation, Happy Days – A New Musical, plays The Fox from March 31 thru April 5. The musical, like the television show, harkens back to a happier, more carefree America, circa 1959 in Milwaukee, Wisc. For a decade (1974-1984), TV audiences were riveted by the relatively angst-free adventures of Richie Cunningham, his pal Arthur Fonzarelli, a.k.a. “The Fonz,” 12 ENCORE ATLANTA
and the rest of their gang as they hung out after school at Arnold’s diner. And it’s that kind of innocent entertainment Marshall promises audiences will find in his new musical. “Sometimes we just need to forget about our problems,” Marshall says. “This is a happy show, a family show — there’s no need to cover anyone’s ears during any part of the show. You come see Fonzie and have a couple hours of fun.” Marshall has been in show business for well over 40 years. Among his hundreds of credits are the hit movies Pretty Woman and The Princess Diaries; and TV shows “Laverne & Shirley,” “Mork
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14 Encore Atlanta
old hangout, Arnold’s, which is being threatened with demolition. Richie and his friends cook up a plan to save it by having a dance contest. “I enjoyed this process so much, but it’s difficult,” Marshall says. “One of the challenges is to find kids who can sing, dance and act. A lot of them can be on reality shows, or one of them can act, or one can sing, but we need all three in one person. [And] we managed to find them for this show.” Great care was put into casting the role of Fonzie, the most iconic figure of the show. In fact, Henry Winkler (the original Fonzie) helped coach and style actor Joey Forge, who plays Fonzie on tour. “Henry and I worked with him to get it just right,” Marshall says. “You’d never be able to tell that it’s not Henry Winkler.” Brooke Phillips is a freelance writer, based in Atlanta and a frequent contributor to Encore Atlanta.
Michael LaMont
& Mindy” and “The Odd Couple.” But Happy Days – A New Musical is the first time he has written the book for a Broadway musical. “I did a lot of shows [but] ‘Happy Days’ is the one I always thought was most like a musical,” Marshall says. “The characters are bigger than life. Back when the show was on, everybody had pictures of Fonzie on their underwear, coffee cups, on lunchboxes … so even if you never saw the show, the characters are so clear.” The adaptation process began with a workshop at Marshall’s Falcon Theatre, in Burbank, Calif. He directed the workshop, cobbled together the book and brought on Oscar-winning composer Paul Williams to write the music and lyrics. Ultimately, Gordon Greenberg directed the final product, which opened Sept. 30, 2007. The story of Happy Days – A New Musical revolves around the gang’s
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NEXT! A look at the Atlanta Unified Auditions BY SUEHYLA EL-ATTAR
magine you’re currently looking for a job. Now, imagine your luck (and resumé) land you a coveted faceto-face interview; not with just one company you want to work with, but with 60. At the same time. That’s right. At the same time. Here’s the catch: You have two minutes to make an impression and rise above the other 200 people interviewing for the job. There will be no questions, conversations, personality tests or references. Just you, talking or singing on a bare stage until your time runs out. Still interested? Welcome to the Unified Auditions! The Unifieds are one of the services the Atlanta Coalition of Performing Arts (ACPA) offers to its member organizations and the arts community of Atlanta. On March 30 and 31, actors from across the United States
will audition for the top theater companies in the Southeast, most of which are based in Atlanta. Each actor must perform a comedic and dramatic monologue, or do a monologue and sing 16 bars of a song. Now, before you start imagining ruthless directors lurking in a darkened theater, gleefully cutting off hopeful and nervous actors before they even begin, it’s important to understand that the auditors must give the actor his or her full two minutes. Once they use those 120 seconds, the actor will be cut off, no matter how good or bad they are. When ACPA suggested holding the first unified audition in 2000, Peter Hardy, artistic director for Essential Theatre Company, says, “[It] sounded like a fairly good idea, [but I] didn’t know if it would last or not.” At that first group audition, 48 theater
companies attended and 358 actors applied. This year, 60 companies will see 225 actors. The decrease in actors is not due to diminished demand, rather to increased qualifications. To secure an audition time, actors must meet minimum requirements, which include having professional theater, not just college or high school, credits. “[The Unifieds] provide a rare opportunity for artistic members of the theater community to come together and see new talent,” says Jennifer Lyons-Bauer, chief operating officer for Horizon Theater. Brooke Collins, Georgia Shakespeare Festival’s company manager adds, “Though we hold our own general auditions, we do make it a practice to try to cast locally. Also, the Unifieds are good timing for our callbacks for the fall show.” The Unifieds is not only a one-stop shop for casting directors, it’s also the fastest way an actor can get their name out there and their talent acknowledged.
For this reason it’s become a must for actors new to Atlanta, fresh out of college or making a comeback. For many veteran actors, however, the Unifieds also have become a ritual rite of passage. Edith Ivey, whose prestigious professional career spans 50 years (she’s currently appearing as “Mrs. Maple” in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button), hasn’t missed one. “It is an absolute priority for me each year, and I am very grateful we have it in Atlanta,” she says. “You never know who will refer you at a later date [not just] in theater, but also in film.” Encore Atlanta wishes all the Unified actors a fabulous audition. May your two minutes remain in eternity and not feel like an eternity … to anyone. Break a leg! Suehyla El-Attar is an actress and playwright living in Atlanta. Through March 8, she will be appearing in Synchronicity’s production of Looking For the Pony and in their next production, 1:23, from April 17-May 17.
Atlanta’s Performing Arts Publication 17
South City Kitchen
Don’t rush, don’t stress,
do Dinner and a Show
ow many times has this happened to you? You’ve got tickets for an 8 p.m. show at the Fox. There’s a restaurant nearby you’ve heard of, so you make arrangements to meet your friends there at 6:30 p.m. Unfortunately, so does half the neighborhood. By the time you are seated, you’re starting to sweat a little because it’s after 7 p.m. The kitchen is busy, so the food takes a while to arrive. Now you’re done with your meal, but you only have five minutes to pay the 18 Encore Atlanta
bill, get to the theater and find your seat (not to mention parking). You arrive five minutes after curtain and end up cooling your heels in the lobby until the ushers find a break in the show. It’s embarrassing, stressful and completely avoidable. Next time, buy a Dinner and a Show package. Frequently, local restaurants partner with the Fox Theatre to offer special pre-theater menus. For one low cost, patrons can purchase a show ticket and a prix-fixe meal.
south city kitchen/fifth group restaurants
By Kristi Casey Sanders
Looking for a great night out? Try one of our dinner and a show packages! HAPPY DAYS THE MUSICAL Gordon Biersch Sunday, April 5
GONE WITH THE WIND (THE MOVIE) South City Kitchen Sunday, April 19
E Street Grille/Ellis Hotel
Ecco Sunday, May 3
Saturday, May 2
For more information, call Sherry White at 404-459-4128 or email
CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG The Savoy Sunday, April 26
THE TEN TENORS French American Brasserie (FAB) Wednesday, May 20
“It’s one-stop shopping,” says Jamie Vosmeier, director of group sales and subscriptions at the Fox Theatre. “You make your dinner reservation and theater reservation at one time, and you pay for it all at one time. The restaurant’s ready for you, so the stress of your evening is taken away.” Vosmeier says booking Dinner and a Show packages has another advantage patrons may not realize. “It’s done for you weeks in advance, so you’re able to book your Dinner and a Show reservations before tickets go on sale to the public.” Fifth Group Restaurateur Michael Erickson says the three-course Dinner and a Show menus his restaurants offer have three seatings per night, at 5:30, 6 and 6:30 p.m., and feature signature dishes, such as fried green tomatoes or goat cheese balls with honey and black pepper. “Being able to pay that one price for a full evening of entertainment is convenient and certainly works with people’s budgets nowadays,” Erickson says. For more information or to order tickets for Fox Theatre Dinner and a Show packages, visit, e-mail or call 404-88120 ENCORE ATLANTA
UPCOMING DINNER AND A SHOW PACKAGES WITH THE FOX THEATRE: • Happy Days, The Musical + Gordon Biersch: April 5 • Gone With the Wind + South City Kitchen: April 19 • Chitty Chitty Bang Bang + The Savoy: April 26 • Movin’ Out + E Street Grille/Ellis Hotel: May 2 • Movin’ Out + Ecco: May 3 • The Ten Tenors + French American Brasserie: May 20 WITH THE ATLANTA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA: • Kodaly, Sibelious, Brahms + French American Brasserie: March 26 • Big Bad Voodoo Daddy + Shout: April 17 & 18 • Mahler + Trois: April 23 & 24 • Liszt, Beethoven & Debussy + Shout: May 7, 8 & 9 • Mozart’s Requiem + Trois: May 14 & 16 • Chris Botti + South City Kitchen: May 22 & 23
2000. For Atlanta Symphony Orchestra packages, visit, e-mail or call 404-733-4848.
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DATE VENUEAtlantaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Performing Arts Publication
John Breglio presents
Conceived and Originally Choreographed and Directed by
Michael Bennett Book by
Music by
Lyrics by
James Kirkwood & Nicholas Dante
Marvin Hamlisch
Edward Kleban
Originally Co-Choreographed by
Bob Avian with
Deanna Aguinaga Clyde Alves Colin Bradbury Venny Carranza Dena DiGiacinto Liza B. Domingo Mindy Dougherty Derek Hanson Hollie Howard David Hull Jordan Fife Hunt Robyn Hurder Julie Kotarides Sebastian La Cause Jessica Latshaw Shannon Lewis Ian Liberto Erica Mansfield Stephanie Martignetti Bethany Moore Colt Prattes Rebecca Riker Alex Ringler Gabrielle Ruiz Clifton Samuels Kevin Santos Brandon Tyler Anthony Wayne J.R. Whittington Amos Wolff Scenic Design by
Costume Design by
Lighting Design by
Sound Design by
Robin Wagner
Theoni V. Aldredge
Tharon Musser
Acme Sound Partners
Adapted by
Natasha Katz Music Supervision by
Music Direction by
Orchestrations by
Vocal Arrangements by
Patrick Vaccariello
John C. Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neill
Jonathan Tunick Bill Byers & Hershy Kay
Don Pippin
Choreography Re-Staged by
Baayork Lee Directed by
Bob Avian The original production of A CHORUS LINE was produced by The Public Theater, in association with Plum Productions.
24 Encore Atlanta
Clyde Alves
Dena DiGiacinto
Liza B. Domingo
Derek Hanson
Hollie howard
David Hull
Robyn Hurder
Sebastian La Cause
Jessica latshaw
Shannon Lewis
Ian liberto
Bethany Moore
colt prattes
Alex Ringler
gabrielle ruiz
kevin santos
Brandon Tyler
Anthony Wayne
Deanna Aguinaga
Colin Bradbury
Venny Carranza
JOrdan Fife Hunt
Julie Kotarides
Erica Mansfield
stephanie martignetti
Rebecca riker
Clifton Samuels
Amos WolfF
Atlanta’s Performing Arts Publication 25
cast Lois................................................................................................... Deanna Aguinaga Mike.......................................................................................................... CLYDE ALVES Roy..................................................................................................... VENNY CARRANZA Bebe.................................................................................................... DENA DIGIACINTO Connie................................................................................................. Liza B. Domingo Val.................................................................................................... MINDY DOUGHERTY Don........................................................................................................ DEREK HANSON Maggie...................................................................................................HOLLIE HOWARD Mark............................................................................................................ DAVID HULL Frank.................................................................................................. JORDAN FIFE HUNT Cassie.................................................................................................... ROBYN HURDER Vicki......................................................................................................JULIE KOTARIDES Zach.............................................................................................. SEBASTIAN LA CAUSE Kristine...............................................................................................JESSICA LATSHAW Sheila................................................................................................... SHANNON LEWIS Bobby...........................................................................................................IAN LIBERTO Tricia......................................................................................... STEPHANIE MARTIGNETTI Judy..................................................................................................... BETHANY MOORE Al..............................................................................................................COLT PRATTES Greg.......................................................................................................... ALEX RINGLER Diana..................................................................................................... GABRIELLE RUIZ Tom....................................................................................................CLIFTON SAMUELS Paul......................................................................................................... KEVIN SANTOS Larry..................................................................................................... BRANDON TYLER Richie....................................................................................................ANTHONY WAYNE Butch.................................................................................................. J.R. WHITTINGTON
musical numbers I Hope I Get It..........................................................................................Company I Can Do That................................................................................................. Mike And.................................................................................... Bobby, Richie, Val, Judy At the Ballet........................................................................... Sheila, Bebe, Maggie Sing!.................................................................................................... Kristine, Al Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love......................................................Company Nothing ...................................................................................................... Diana Dance: Ten; Looks: Three...................................................................................Val The Music and the Mirror.............................................................................Cassie One.........................................................................................................Company The Tap Combination................................................................................Company What I Did for Love........................................................................ Diana, Company One: Reprise............................................................................................Company AN AUDITION Time: 1975 Place: A Broadway Theatre “This show is dedicated to anyone who has ever danced in a chorus or marched in step … anywhere.” — Michael Bennett A CHORUS LINE IS PERFORMED WITHOUT AN INTERMISSION. A CHORUS LINE ORCHESTRA Conductor: John C. O’Neill Associate Conductor/Keyboard 2: Faith Seetoo Keyboard 1: Daniel Percefull Drummer: Rick Donato
Music Coordinator: Michael Keller Synthesizer Programmer: Bruce Samuels Music Copying: Emily Grishman Music Preparation/Katharine Edmonds, Emily Grishman
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Atlanta’s Performing Arts Publication 27
bios CLYDE ALVES (Mike) is proud to be a part of A Chorus Line for the first time! He is grateful each and every day for his friends (old and new), Portuguese family (so many things, but supportive to say the least), Robyn (woman of much beauty and talent/wife) and his in-laws! Clyde is passionate about songwriting and guitar. Enjoy! Dena DiGiacinto (Bebe) is excited to join the line on the road in A Chorus Line after playing Bebe in the Broadway company. Some other favorite credits include Evita, directed by Hal Prince and Larry Fuller (u/s Eva), Saturday Night Fever (Annette), 42nd Street and Fame. Infinite love and gratitude to Mom and Dad, and my amazing family, friends and teachers for helping me make my dream come true! Liza B. Domingo (Connie). Broadway: A Chorus Line (Connie). Tour: Miss Saigon (Swing; u/s Kim & Gigi). N.Y./ Regional: Encores! Kismet (Ababu Princess), Disney’s Aladdin (Carpet), Flower Drum Song. B.S. in Business Management and Minor in Dance from Cal State Long Beach. Thanks to God, Mom, family, friends, Daddy my angel and husband Randy for their love and support. Mindy Dougherty (Val) comes directly from the Tony award-winning Broadway production of Gypsy (Gereldine, Dainty June u/s). Off-B’way: Serenade. Favorites: NY City Center Encores, Walnut Street, Ford’s Theatre, Marriott Lincolnshire. B.F.A. Penn State! Thank you Binder Casting and GWA! Being “on the line” has been a dream come true! For husband David whose support continues to inspire me. DEREK HANSON (Don; u/s Zach) is originally from Missoula, Mont. B.A. from 28 Encore Atlanta
the University of Northern Colorado. Favorite roles: 25th Anniversary Tour of CATS (Munkustrap), Fiddler on the Roof (Perchik), The Man of La Mancha (Anselmo), The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (Aggie). Thanks to God for continually blessing him, the Talent Mine, Binder Casting, his family, friends for their love and support. A proud member of AEA. HOLLIE HOWARD (Maggie). Broadway: Hairspray (Penny), Mamma Mia!, Annie Get Your Gun. Favorites: Thoroughly Modern Millie (Millie), How to Save the World... (Off-B’way), Plane Crazy (NYMF) – N.Y. Times “standout performance.” Creator of The Broadway Dolls. A Missouri farm girl all the way to A Chorus Line — dreams do come true! Love to family: Mom, Dad and Steve. Thanks Binder Casting. Proud Equity member! DAVID HULL (Mark). A recent graduate of the University of Michigan, David is extremely grateful for this opportunity. Recent credits: Wicked (National tour), High Button Shoes (Goodspeed), Tommy (Cousin Kevin), White Noise (World Premier) and Gypsy starring Patti LuPone. Thanks and love to family, friends and God. Robyn Hurder (Cassie) is elated to be “on the line” with her husband, Clyde! Broadway: Grease (Marty), Chicago (Mona, Roxie u/s), Wedding Singer (Donatella, Holly u/s), Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Violet). Nat’l Tours: Spamalot (Lady Of The Lake u/s), Starlight Express (Pearl). All my love and gratitude to my extremely supportive family: Mum, Pop, Jason and Derek. SEBASTIAN LA CAUSE (Zach). Broadway: The Rocky Horror Show, Chicago, Once Upon A Mattress, Minnelli
bios On Minnelli, Spiderwoman (Tour). Regional/N.Y.: Dancing In The Dark, Carnival! (Kennedy Center), Take Me Out, She Loves Me, West Side Story, Fascinating Rhythm, Wingman, Edenville, Tiger By The Tail, The Bus To Buenos Aires, Competing Narratives. Films: Ghost Town, Chicago, Showgirls, Eraser, Penny Dreadful. TV: “All My Children,” “One Life To Live,” “Johnny Zero.” www. Jessica Latshaw (Kristine) is thrilled to be “on the line!” Credits: the Korean tour of Fame! The Musical (Iris), the National tour of The Will Rogers Follies, starring Larry Gatlin. Film: Annapolis (Disney/ Buena Vista Pictures); dance performance degree from UArts. Jessica thanks God for his grace and Drew and her family for their love. www. SHANNON LEWIS (Sheila). Broadway: Curtains, Sweet Charity (Ursula), The Look of Love, Contact (Standby: yellow dress/wife), Fosse (I Gotcha), Candide, Crazy for You (Vera). ENCORES!: Damn Yankees (Lola u/s), Sweet Adeline and Tenderloin. Regional: Carmen (Juanita), Pippin (Fastrada), Damn Yankees (Lola). Film: Beyond the Sea, Across the Sea of Time, Anything But Love. Commercials: Mohegan Sun; eBay, Trident. IAN LIBERTO (Bobby) is a graduate of Millikin University in Decatur, Ill. Favorite roles: Emcee (Cabaret), Jimmy (Thoroughly Modern Millie), Will Parker (Oklahoma!), Simon Stride (Jekyll and Hyde). Tours: Thoroughly Modern Millie. Regional: The Little Theatre On The Square, Broadway Palm West, Encore Theatre, Drury Lane Oakbrook, Marriott Lincolnshire, Gateway Playhouse, Ravinia Festival. Special Thanks to Barry, Jay and Nikole! Love to his family, especially his parents and Kasey!
Bethany Moore (Judy) is ecstatic to be “on the line.” Tours: CATS (Bombalurina). Regional: The Producers (Ulla), Urinetown (Hope Cladwell), Thoroughly Modern Mille (Miss. Dorothy). B.F.A. in Music Theatre from SUNY Buffalo. Proud AEA member. Thank you to Binder casting, Teresa and Josh! Love to family and friends… couldn’t do it without you! COLT PRATTES (Al; u/s Mike) is fervently perfervid about being in the National tour of A Chorus Line. His previous National tour credits include Disney’s High School Musical. More, Hey T, 06,’ and any other inside jokes I have and didn’t write. Alex Ringler (Greg) is thrilled to be part of this legendary musical. Tours: West Side Story (Action), CATS (Alonzo; u/s Munkustrap). Regional: Seussical, Naked Boys Singing. Dance credits: Brian Sanders’ JUNK, The Pennsylvania Ballet. B.F.A. with honors from The University of the Arts. Proud Equity Member! Thanks to Bob, Baayork, Jay and Nikole for this amazing opportunity! Much love to family and friends for their constant love and support. Gabrielle Ruiz (Diana). OCU B.F.A. Grad. Regional favorites: High School Musical (Gabriella) at Lyric Theatre, A Christmas Carol (NSMT), A Chorus Line (Diana), Phantom! (Belladova), Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (Martha) at MTW. Television: “One Life to Live” (recurring). AEA. Heartfelt gratitude to K.S.A., Jay Binder & Nikole Vallins, Stephen Potfora and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Dedicated to my family for their unconditional love and support, and to all those following their dreams! KEVIN SANTOS (Paul) was born and raised in Las Vegas, N.V., and is a Atlanta’s Performing Arts Publication 29
bios recent graduate of CAP21 at NYU. Thank you to Chris and Binder for this amazing opportunity! All my love and gratitude to my Mom, Pa, Alyssa, Jensen, all my family, teachers and PIE. For Mommie and Danielle. Brandon Tyler (Larry; u/s Mark, Paul) was last seen “on the road” in the 25th anniversary tour of CATS. Regional credits include: Paper Mill, North Shore, Arizona Theatre Company. Concert Dance: Metropolitan Opera Ballet,, Nai-Ni Chen Contemporary, and Ballet Austin. TV: “Gossip Girl,” “Saturday Night Live,” “30 Rock.” Unending gratitude to my family, Binder and Clear. ANTHONY WAYNE (Richie) A Norfolk, Va., native. Tours: The Color Purple (first National), Fame (Tyrone). Regional: Once On This Island (Papa Ge), Aida (MSMT), Beauty and the Beast (ASF) and Swing! (TUTS). Training: B.F.A. (Music Theatre) Shenandoah Conservatory; The Ailey School; Giordano Jazz Dance Chicago. Love to the Gary/Green Families, friends who encouraged and God for the gift and opportunity. Acts 3:16. Proud AEA Member. DEANNA AGUINAGA (Lois; u/s Bebe, Connie, Kristine, Val) Broadway: A Chorus Line (u/s Diana, Bebe, Judy) Mamma Mia! (Swing) Las Vegas Co. Regional/ Tours: High School Musical (appeared as Gabriella, Taylor, Ensemble) Paper Mill Playhouse, Fame, the Musical (u/s Serena, Mabel) 1st National Tour. Kiss Me Kate, Hello Dolly(Sacramento Music Circus) White Christmas ( T.O.T.S) Evita (Mistress) West Side Story, Gypsy. Disneyland: Aladdin (Carpet/Swing) B.A. in Sociology from California State University of Long Beach. Thanks to family, friends and Ryan for their love and faith. Proud member of Actors Equity. 30 Encore Atlanta
COLIN BRADBURY (Swing; u/s Bobby, Don, Larry; Dance Captain) is happy to stop hoping he gets it! Favs: White Christmas (Boston, LA, St. Paul); 42nd Street (once touring, thrice regionally); Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Cats (PCLO); La Cage aux Folles (Gateway); Encore! (Tokyo Disney Sea). Thanks to the best family possible and my loving Homiwarf Brian. VENNY CARRANZA (Roy; u/s Al, Mike, Greg, Richie) is excited to be in this first National tour of A Chorus Line. Bway/National tour: Camelot (w/ Lou Diamond Phillips), We Will Rock You, Seussical, the Musical (w/ Cathy Rigby), HAIR. Many U.S. Regional productions. Thanks to family, friends, Jay, Lisa, all the ACL family and most of all God. I love you all. Ciao! Jordan Fife Hunt (Frank; u/s Larry, Mark, Paul). Credits include Zanna, Don’t (Zanna), Crazy for You (Bobby), Dessa Rose (Harker), Floyd Collins (Jewel) and Cabaret (Victor). Training: The Boston Conservatory — B.F.A. Musical Theater (Dance Emphasis); Houston Metropolitan Dance Company; High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. Thanks to God, family, mentors and DGRW! JULIE KOTARIDES (Vicki; u/s Diana, Bebe, Judy, Kristine) is thrilled to be part of A Chorus Line! New York: Saved! (Cassandra, Playwrights Horizons reading), Miss Liberty (Maisie, The York Theatre); Awesome ‘80s Prom. Regional: The Boyfriend (Maisie) — Carbonell Nominee, West Side Story (Anita), NSMT, KC Starlight, NCT. Graduate of CCM. Thanks Binder Casting, Harden-Curtis, mom, dad, b, ev! Erica Mansfield (Swing; u/s Cassie, Sheila, Maggie, Judy) is thrilled to be a
bios part of A Chorus Line! Broadway: Mamma Mia! National tour: Mamma Mia! (Sophie u/s). Favorite Regional: Radio City, Grease, Oklahoma!, Hello, Dolly! Thanks to Binder Casting, my amazing family, friends, mentors, Dave and my angel Maddy. What a dream! STEPHANIE MARTIGNETTI (Tricia; u/s Maggie, Val, Kristine, Connie) is honored to be a part of this incredible show! Tours: Oklahoma! Regional: Hairspray (MTW, Amber), The Alchemists (workshop, Anne), Forum (Philia), Bye Bye Birdie (Kim). Stephanie is a proud graduate of Penn State, B.F.A. in Musical Theater. Endless love and thanks to Binder Casting, CTG, parents, friends and family. REBECCA RIKER (Swing; u/s Cassie, Sheila, Diana, Bebe) is so excited for this tour of ACL. She comes straight here from the 1st national tour of The Wedding Singer. Past shows: West Side Story (Barrington S.C.), Fireside Christmas (Fireside Theater). Special Thanks to Nicole and Jay! Much love to family in Sacramento! For Grandpa and Grandma, thanks for all the dance classes! Clifton Samuels (Tom; u/s Al, Don, Greg, Zach) hails from Swansea, S.C. Tours/N.Y.: Urban Cowboy (1st National, Norm), The Great White Way (Original Workshop), RC Christmas Spectacular, Urban “again” (Gateway, Steve Strange). Regional: West Side Story (Action), Crazy for You (Bobby), 42nd Street (Andy), Gypsy (Tulsa). OCU grad, BTP alum. AEA member!! Love to Binder Casting, MSA, my incredible family and all teachers. For you, Katelyn. All glory and thanks to GOD. J.R. WHITTINGTON (Butch; u/s Richie, Paul, Mark, Larry) is a native of Pittsburgh and excited to be on “The Line”! Broadway: Bombay Dreams. Tours: Mamma Mia!,
Annie Get Your Gun revival and Starlight Express! Regional Theaters: TUTS Houston, Pittsburgh CLO, Walnut Street Theater, Casa Manana, Helen Hayes PAC and North Carolina Theater! Best known for his role as “The Lead Cadillac” in the NBC/VH-1 miniseries “The Temptations.” PROUD EQUITY MEMBER! AMOS WOLFF (Swing; u/s Bobby, Don, Greg) is pleased to be joining this incredible cast. A recent University of Michigan graduate, Amos has worked at the MUNY in St. Louis and Pittsburg Civic Light Opera. Thanks to Binder Casting, Robert and Cynthia and the many dance teachers who inspire me daily (including Mom). Proud AEA member. MICHAEL BENNETT (Conception, Original Director/Choreographer) choreographed Promises, Promises; Coco; Company; Follies (which he co-directed with Harold Prince); and Seesaw (which he also wrote and directed). In 1973, he made his debut as a dramatic director with Twigs, which starred Sada Thompson. A Chorus Line, which he conceived, choreographed and directed, won nine Tony Awards. In 1976, he and the authors of A Chorus Line were awarded the Pulitzer Prize for drama. In 1979, he produced, directed and choreographed Ballroom, which was nominated for eight Tony Awards and won Mr. Bennett his sixth Tony. He won his seventh Tony Award for 1981’s Dreamgirls, and directed its acclaimed 1985 Broadway revival. The film adaptation of Dreamgirls was released in December 2006. BOB AVIAN (Director and Original CoChoreographer) received Tony Awards as co-choreographer of the original production of A Chorus Line and for Ballroom, on which he also served as co-producer. He was also a producer Atlanta’s Performing Arts Publication 31
bios of the highly acclaimed Broadway and National companies of Dreamgirls. Bob choreographed the London production of Follies, followed by the London and Broadway productions of Miss Saigon and Sunset Boulevard, receiving two more Tony nominations. Next was the Boublil & Schonberg musical Martin Guerre, for which he won the Olivier Award for Choreography. He choreographed Putting It Together offBroadway starring Julie Andrews and on Broadway starring Carol Burnett. Returning to London, he choreographed The Witches of Eastwick for Cameron Mackintosh. Bob proudly serves on the board of the Miami City Ballet. JAMES KIRKWOOD (Book) was a Broadway and television actor as well as half of the comedy team Kirkwood and Goodman before taking up writing. His novels include There Must Be a Pony!, Good Times/Bad Times, P.S. Your Cat Is Dead!, Some Kind of Hero and Hit Me With a Rainbow. His nonfiction books include American Grotesque and Diary of a Mad Playwright: Perilous Adventures on the Road With Mary Martin and Carol Channing about the road tour of his play, Legends, which toured again in 2006 starring Joan Collins and Linda Evans. Other plays include the dramatizations of There Must Be a Pony!, P.S. Your Cat Is Dead! and UTBU. James Kirkwood passed away in 1989. NICHOLAS DANTE (Book). Real name: Conrado Morales. He danced in the choruses of Applause and other Broadway shows as well as various TV shows and nightclubs while pursuing his dream of becoming a writer when Michael Bennett, a friend, called and asked him to collaborate on the first draft of the book for A Chorus Line. The final result earned him a Pulitzer Prize, a Tony Award and many other honors. He also 32 Encore Atlanta
authored a screenplay, Fake Lady, and a musical based on the life of Al Jolson entitled Jolson Tonite. MARVIN HAMLISCH (Music) is the composer of the Broadway musicals They’re Playing Our Song and Sweet Smell of Success and shared the Pulitzer Prize for his score of A Chorus Line. He is the composer of more than 40 motion picture scores including his Oscar-winning score and song for The Way We Were and his adaptation of Scott Joplin’s music for The Sting, for which he received a third Oscar. Hamlisch holds the position of principal pops conductor with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and the National Symphony Orchestra in Washington, D.C. Mr. Hamlisch is a graduate of both the Juilliard School of Music and Queens College. EDWARD KLEBAN (1939-1987) (Lyrics). A Chorus Line was Mr. Kleban’s first Broadway musical, and his lyrics won 1975 Tony, Drama Desk and Olivier Awards as well as the Pulitzer Prize. He died in 1987 at the age of 48. Mr. Kleban’s music and lyrics comprise the score of the musical A Class Act, produced on Broadway in 2001, for which he was posthumously nominated for a Tony and a Drama Desk Award. In addition to his legacy as a songwriter, Mr. Kleban created the Kleban Foundation, which awards grants to aspiring theatre lyricists. To date, the foundation’s grants total more than $3 million. BAAYORK LEE (Choreography Re-Staging) performed in a dozen Broadway shows and created the role of Connie in A Chorus Line. Michael Bennett’s assistant choreographer on A Chorus Line, she has directed many National and International companies. Directing credits: The King and I and Bombay Dreams (National tours), R&H’s Cinderella (NYC Opera),
bios Barnum (Australia), Carmen Jones (Kennedy Center), Porgy and Bess and Jesus Christ Superstar (European tour), Gypsy and A New Brain. Choreography credits: Mack and Mabel (Shaw Festival), Arena Stage (Washington, DC): Cocoanuts, Camelot, Dam Yankees, Helen Hayes nomination for Animal Crackers and South Pacific; Washington Opera; Kennedy Center: Goya, Sly and The Merry Widow. Coauthor of On the Line: The Creation of A Chorus Line and recipient of 2003 Asian Woman Warrior Award for Lifetime Achievement from Columbia College. Visit her website ROBIN WAGNER (Scenic Design). Broadway designs include Young Frankenstein; The Producers; The Boy From Oz; Kiss Me, Kate; Saturday Night Fever; Side Show; Angels in America; Victor/Victoria; Jelly’s Last Jam; Crazy for You; Jerome Robbins’ Broadway; Chess; 42nd Street; Dreamgirls; On the Twentieth Century; A Chorus Line; Jesus Christ Superstar; Lenny; Promises, Promises; The Great White Hope; and Hair. Operas: Metropolitan, Swedish Royal, Vienna State, Royal Opera Covent Garden. Honors: Tonys, Drama Desks, Outer Critics Circles and others. He is a trustee of the Public Theater and a member of the Theatre Hall of Fame. THEONI V. ALDREDGE (Costume Design). Select Broadway credits: Sweet Bird of Youth, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Anyone Can Whistle, A Chorus Line, The Threepenny Opera, Annie (Tony Award), Barnum (Tony Award), 42nd Street, Dreamgirls, La Cage aux Folles (Tony Award) and Gypsy. Film credits: The Mirror Has Two Faces, The First Wives Club, Addams Family Values, Moonstruck, Network, The Rose and The Great Gatsby (Academy Award). Honors include the NYC Liberty Medal, Costume Guild Career Achievement Award, Theatre Hall of Fame (1986). For
more than 20 years, Ms. Aldredge was the principal designer for NYSF. THARON MUSSER (Lighting Design Original Production). Broadway: Long Day’s Journey into Night; Mame; Applause; Follies; Same Time, Next Year; A Little Night Music; Brighton Beach Memoirs; Biloxi Blues; Broadway Bound; A Chorus Line; Ballroom; Dreamgirls; The Act; The Real Thing; Tribute; They’re Playing Our Song and 42nd Street. Ms. Musser won Tony Awards for Follies, Dreamgirls and A Chorus Line. NATASHA KATZ (Lighting Design) is currently represented on Broadway by The Little Mermaid. Other Broadway: A Chorus Line, The Coast of Utopia (Tony Award), The Country Girl, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Aida (Tony Award), Beauty and the Beast, Tarzan, Sweet Smell of Success, Flower Drum Song, Twelfth Night, Dance of Death, The Capeman and Gypsy. Extensive designs off-Broadway and for American regional theatres. Opera/dance: NYC Ballet, Royal Ballet, ABT, Metropolitan Opera, NYC Opera. Permanent lighting installations: Niketown NYC and London and The Big Bang at the Museum of Natural History in NYC. ACME SOUND PARTNERS (Sound Design). Broadway: The Country Girl, In The Heights, Legally Blonde, High Fidelity, Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas, The Drowsy Chaperone, Hot Feet, The Light in the Piazza, Monty Python’s Spamalot, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Dracula the Musical, Twentieth Century, Fiddler on the Roof, Never Gonna Dance, The Boy From Oz, Avenue Q, Gypsy, La Bohème (Drama Desk Award), Flower Drum Song, Elaine Stritch: At Liberty, Bells Are Ringing, A Class Act, Jane Eyre, The Full Monty. The partners are Tom Clark, Mark Menard and Nevin Steinberg. Atlanta’s Performing Arts Publication 33
bios PATRICK VACCARIELLO (Music Supervision) is currently the music director for the hit revival of Gypsy starring Patti LuPone and was Music Supervisor for the Broadway production of A Chorus Line. Broadway: La Cage aux Folles revival, The Boy From Oz starring Hugh Jackman, Gypsy w/ Bernadette Peters (music supervisor), Cabaret w/ Alan Cumming and Natasha Richardson (supervisor worldwide), Dance of the Vampires w/Michael Crawford, Jesus Christ Superstar, Victor/Victoria, Joseph … Dreamcoat, Cats, Take Me Along. Conducted The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber worldwide, including Beijing’s Great Hall of the People. Also conducted at Carnegie Hall, Radio City Music Hall, Kennedy Center (Sondheim Celebration, Passion).
JONATHAN TUNICK (Orchestrator). Long regarded as Broadway’s preeminent orchestrator, credits include A Catered Affair, LoveMusik, 110 In The Shade, The Apple Tree, A Chorus Line, The Color Purple, Sweeney Todd, Titanic, Passion, Into The Woods, Nine, A Little Night Music, Follies and Company. Film scores for Mike Nichols, Franco Zeffirelli and Sidney Lumet, plus Sweeney Todd, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein. TV classics “Murder, She Wrote” and “Columbo.” Recordings: arranger/ conductor for Bernadette Peters, Judy Collins, Itzhak Perlman, Placido Domingo, Johnny Mathis, Bette Midler, Barbra Streisand and Paul McCartney. With his Tony, Emmy, Grammy and Academy Awards he is one of five living persons holding all four major awards.
John C. O’Neill (Music Direction). Broadway and off-Broadway credits: A Chorus Line, Curtains, Cabaret, Jesus Christ Superstar, and Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well … Regional credits include North Carolina Theatre for the Arts, Paper Mill Playhouse, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Berkshire Theatre Festival, New Harmony Theater and Fulton Opera House. Touring conductor credits: Cabaret (Japan), The Rockettes Spectacular, Grease (Hong Kong) and Forever Plaid in Las Vegas. Teaching credits: The Julliard School, Rutgers University, and CAP21. Published compositions: Sunshine, a children’s musical based on a Ludwig Bemelmans story.
JAY BINDER C.S.A./ NIKOLE VALLINS (Casting), with Jack Bowdan C.S.A, Mark Brandon and Sara Schatz. Have cast over 70 Broadway shows including Gypsy, A Chorus Line, The Thirty Nine Steps, Is He Dead?, Inherit The Wind, Journey’s End, Butley, Well, Virginia Woolf, Sweet Charity, Wonderful Town, Movin’ Out, Urinetown, 42nd Street, A Class Act, Dinner Party, Music Man, The Iceman Cometh, Charlie Brown, High Society, The Sound of Music, Lion King, Proposals, Beauty & the Beast, The Last Night of Ballyhoo, Chicago, The King and I, Damn Yankees, Lost in Yonkers, Jerome Robbins’ Broadway, Goodbye Girl. 14 seasons of Encores! Film: Hairspray, Dreamgirls, Chicago. Television: “Once Upon A Mattress,” “The Music Man,” Warner Bros, and Sony Pictures Television. Eight–time Artios Award winner.
MICHAEL KELLER (Music Coordinator). Music coordination for In The Heights, The Little Mermaid, Legally Blonde, Spring Awakening, A Chorus Line, Spamalot, Wicked, Avenue Q, Mamma Mia!, The Lion King, Barbra Streisand Tours (1994/2001/ 2006/2007). Life is complete with wife, Pamela Sousa, son, Zachary and daughter, Alexis. 34 Encore Atlanta
RAY GIN (Production Stage Manager) just completed two years as the PSM of Phantom: The Las Vegas Spectacular at the Venetian. He previously helmed the record-breaking runs of Phantom in
bios Los Angeles with Michael Crawford and San Francisco. Other credits include The Ten Commandments with Val Kilmer, The Lion King, Mamma Mia!, Martin Guerre, Chicago, Les Misérables, CATS, A Little Night Music and many others. He is most proud of his volunteer work for AIDS charities and Make-A-Wish and is a long-standing member of Actors’ Equity Association. GREGORY R. COVERT (Stage Manager) is thrilled to be working with this talented cast. Broadway: The Phantom of the Opera; Beauty and the Beast; Brooklyn, the Musical. Off-Broadway: The Fantasticks (2006 revival); Bingo. Ray and Anna, you are the greatest. ANNA R. KALTENBACH (Asst. Stage Manager). Mamma Mia! (2nd National tour); Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (first National tour); Joseph… (Marriott Lincolnshire and Chicago Shakespeare); Some Unfortunate Hour (Other Theatre Company); Rain of Gold (Western Stage); Cleo Parker Robinson Dance; Colorado Ballet; Opera Colorado. Proud Actors’ Equity member. PETER PILESKI (Assistant Director) was also the Assistant Director for the recent Broadway revivalof A Chorus Line. He assisted Bob Avian on Miss Saigon, Sunset Boulevard and Follies (London). Off-Broadway includes An Evening in Bloomsbury, Romeo and Juliet, HMS Pinafore. Regional includes Kiss Me, Kate; Promises, Promises; Patience. TV: Produced and directed USA Network’s “Calliope” and Sci-Fi Channel’s “Inside Space.” MICHAEL GORMAN (Assistant Choreographer). Broadway/National tours: A Chorus Line (the first time around), Copperfield, Harrigan ‘n Hart, Chicago (revival). Michael has been a working
member of Actor’s Equity for 32 years. Thanks to Gerry, Annie, Sharlene and of course Ms. Lee. ALAN WASSER ASSOCIATES (General Manager), under the supervision of Alan Wasser and Allan Williams, oversee and supervise The Phantom of the Opera on Broadway, Phantom on tour and in Las Vegas, and A Chorus Line, Walking With Dinosaurs, and The Backyardigans Live! on tour in North America. Upcoming productions include Spider-Man, Million Dollar Quartet and Dreamgirls. AWA TOURING (Tour Booking and Engagement Management), under the leadership of Alison Spiriti, Alan Wasser and Allan Williams, is a leading theatrical tour booking company, distributing musicals, plays, and attractions internationally. Current projects include A Chorus Line, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Cirque Dreams Jungle Fantasy, Cirque Holidaze, Cirque Illumination, Dora the Explorer, Dreamgirls, High School Musical, The Backyardigans Live!, The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber, The Phantom of the Opera and Xanadu. TYPE A Marketing (Marketing). Under Anne Rippey’s leadership, Type A is an independent full-service marketing company specializing in Broadway and National Tours. Current N.Y.: Phantom, All My Sons, Rock of Ages, Sleepwalk With Me, 9 to 5, Guys and Dolls, and next season’s The Addams Family. National: A Chorus Line, Ain’t Misbehavin’, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mother Load, Phantom and next season’s Cry-Baby, Dreamgirls,,Little House On The Prairie and Xanadu. JAKE BELL (Production Manager) has been a stage manager, production stage manager and technical production Atlanta’s Performing Arts Publication 35
bios manager on Broadway productions for over 25 years. His Broadway, National and International credits include Wicked, The Phantom of the Opera, Les Misérables, Cats, Miss Saigon, Dreamgirls, A Chorus Line, Chess, Swan Lake, We Will Rock You, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Five Guys Named Moe. ACTORS’ EQUITY ASSOCIATION (AEA), founded in 1913, represents more than 45,000 actors and stage managers in the United States. Equity seeks to advance, promote and foster the art of live theatre as an essential component of our society. Equity negotiates wages and working conditions, providing a wide range of benefits, including health and pension plans. AEA is a member of the AFL-CIO, and is affiliated with FIA, an international organization of performing arts unions. The Equity emblem is our mark of excellence.
36 Encore Atlanta
JOHN BREGLIO — VIENNA WAITS PRODUCTIONS (Producer) Vienna Waits Productions was formed by John Breglio to produce the new production of A Chorus Line. As a partner in the international law firm, Paul,Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, where he practiced entertainment law for over 30 years, Mr. Breglio represented clients in the theater as well as the film, music and book publishing industries. His close association with Michael Bennett began in 1973 and continued until Mr. Bennett’s untimely death in 1987, Mr. Breglio’s future plans include productions of A Chorus Line in London, Australia and the Far East. His has also begun mounting a new international production of the musical, Dreamgirls.
bios Staff for A CHORUS LINE GENERAL MANAGEMENT ALAN WASSER ASSOCIATES Alan Wasser Allan Williams Aaron Lustbader BOOKING & ENGAGEMENT MANAGEMENT AWA TOURING SERVICES Alison Spiriti Sean Mackey TOUR PRESS & MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE TYPE A MARKETING Anne Rippey DJ Martin National Press Representative Barlow•Hartman John Barlow Michael Hartman Wayne Wolfe Melissa Bixler CASTING JAY BINDER CASTING Jay Binder, C.S.A. Jack Bowdan, C.S.A Mark Brandon Nikole Vallins
Sara Schatz
PRODUCTION MANAGER Jake Bell COMPANY MANAGER Matthew Sherr PRODUCTION STAGE MANAGER Ray Gin Stage Manager................................ Gregory R. Covert Assistant Stage Manager..............Anna R. Kaltenbach Assistant Company Manager..............Michael Altbaum Assistant Director.................................... Peter Pileski Assistant Choreographer....................Michael Gorman Assistant Scenic Designer.................... David Peterson Associate Costume Designer............... Suzy Benzinger Associate Costume Designer.................... John Glaser Assistant Costume Designer....................Patrick Wiley Associate Lighting Designer....................Yael Lubetzky Assistant Lighting Designer......................Aaron Spivey Assistant Sound Designer................. Michael Creason Music Coordinator..................................Michael Keller Synthesizer Programmer.......................Bruce Samuels
Head Propsman...................................... Susie Owens Production Wardrobe Supervisor............... Rory Powers Wardrobe Supervisor.............................Donna L. Peck Advertising..............Serino Coyne Inc./Greg Corradetti, Kristina Curatolo, Ryan Greer; HMS Media; Stevens Advertising Associates; Cosmic Design Website & Online Marketing.....Situation Marketing LLC/ Damian Bazadona, Ryan Klink Legal Counsel.....Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison, LLP/Carolyn Casselman Accounting............... Rosenberg, Neuwirth & Kuchner/ Chris Cacace, Mark D’Ambrosi Administrative Assistant to Mr. Breglio..... Helene Gaulrapp Associate General Manager...............Aaron Lustbader General Management Office..............Christopher Betz, Cathy Kwon, Jake Hirzel, Thom Mitchell, Patty Montesi, Jennifer Mudge Casting Assistants............ Kate Sprance, Karen Young Production Photographer........Paul Kolnik, Walter Iooss Insurance...................... Ventura Insurance Brokerage Banking............Commerce Bank/Barbara von Borstel, Olivia Cassin Payroll.................................. Castellana Services, Inc. Merchandising........Max Merchandising/Randi Grossman Travel Services....... Road Rebel Entertainment Touring CREDITS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Scenery built and electrified by Hudson Scenic Studio Inc. Automation equipment provided by Hudson Scenic Studio, Inc. Lighting equipment provided by PRG Lighting. Sound equipment provided by PRG Audio. Finale Costumes by Seamless Costumes, Costumes by Lynn Baccus, Bal Togs Industries, Rick Kelly, D. Barak & Catherine Stribling. Custom Shirts by Cego Custom Shirts. Custom Knitwear by C.C. Wei. Footwear by T.O. Dey, J.C. Theatricals. Rehearsal hats by Arnold S. Levine, Inc. Mike Costa’s shirts provided by Lacoste. Finale top hats by Rodney Gordon, Inc. Finale shoes by Capezio. Ricola natural herb cough drops provided by Ricola USA, Inc. Emergen-C super energy booster provided by Alacer Corp. Cosmetics provided by MAC Cosmetics.
Production Carpenter............................... Rick Howard Head Carpenter...................................Brooke Carlson Assistant Carpenter..................................... Dave Vick Production Electrician........................... James Fedigan Head Electrician.......................................Steve Deidel Assistant Electrician............................Steve Ramondo Assistant Electrician................................... Ann Roche Production Sound Engineer................... Scott Sanders Head Sound Engineer.............................Steve Rogers Assistant Sound Engineer...................... David Romich Atlanta’s Performing Arts Publication 37
1708 Peachtree St. NW, Suite 410, Atlanta GA 30309 Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 404.873.4300 Stephanie Parker . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President, Mid-South Region Jennifer Waxman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marketing Director Sarah Goodson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ticketing Manager Rachel Bomeli . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ticketing /Administrative Assistant Rebekah K. Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Technical Director Terry Romanoli . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Corporate Partnerships For media inquiries, please contact Ashley Cameron at KC Public Relations, 404-233-3993.
Thank you to our Sponsors:
FOR INFORMATION regarding corporate partnerships and promotional opportunities with Broadway Across America â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Atlanta, please call 404.873.4300. Single tickets are ON SALE NOW for the following shows at The Fabulous Fox Theatre: HAPPY DAYS, March 31-April 5, CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG, April 21-26 and JERSEY BOYS, May 27-June 21. Go to or call 1-800-982-2787 to order. Our 2009-2010 MONSTER Season has just been announced. Five-show packages are ON SALE NOW starting at only $92 and SAVE $10 per package if you order by April 2!! Go to to order or for more information.
spring Put a little
in your step
The bees wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be the only things buzzing this spring. Check out our roundup of some of the best festivals around town. 40 ENCORE ATLANTA
Winter Park, Florida
Avoid Dinner Drama
Join us before or after the show
We invite you to walk across the street after the show to enjoy one of our signature desserts at The Savoy Purchase one dessert & receive one complimentary dessert as our guest. On your next Fox Theatre evening; join us for dinner at The Savoy. As always, theatre patrons who dine with us will receive two hours of complimentary parking in our deck.
Get in the St. Patty’s Day spirit by watching this massive parade of over 200 floats, bands, dancers, Irish dignitaries and more. The route starts at the intersection of Ralph McGill Blvd. and Peachtree St., and ends at Underground Atlanta. stpatsparade
Atlanta St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Celebrate Atlanta, Turner Field-style, with clowns, live music, awareness, food and fun for the whole family. Proceeds benefit Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.
Wine Auction
Tantalize your senses with a weekend of food, wine and music in Atlantic Station. There also will be a silent auction of great wines and exotic beer and ales. ATLANTA FILM FESTIVAL (APRIL 16-5)
Catch a flick at several locations throughout the city. The festival features more than 150 works by famous directors and independent filmmakers from the U.S. and around the world. 73RD ANNUAL ATLANTA DOGWOOD FESTIVAL (APRIL 17-19)
Atlanta Film Festival 42 ENCORE ATLANTA
Head to Piedmont Park, where the annual festival returns in all its blooming glory. Browse the Fine Artist Market for an array of art, pottery, jewelry, photography and more.
OK, so this isn’t in Atlanta, but it’s not far away, and it’s definitely worth the trip. This diverse festival brings headliners such as the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and Bonnie Raitt to the picturesque town of Savannah.
encore2:Layout 1
3:22 PM
Page 1
A “Best New Restaurant in America” —Esquire “Best Wine List” —Creative Loafing “Best Appetizer” —Jezebel
Just blocks from the Fox Theatre at 40 7th Street in Midtown Sunday-Thursday, 4-10pm; Friday-Saturday, 4-11pm
present your ticket stub and receive 10% off dinner (one per table).
TWELVE Centennial Park Hotel features chic décor and unsurpassed amenities, in an all suite setting. The Hotel is only a ten minute stroll from the Fabulous Fox Theatre. Enjoy pre and post theatre dinner and drinks at ROOM at TWELVE, part of the Concentrics Restaurant Group and located in the hotel’s lobby level. Discover Atlanta. Experience TWELVE.
400 W. Peachtree St. Atlanta, GA 404.961.1212
Seize the day and explore a kingdom of handmade treasures and delights, watch jousting knights or go for a spin on a medieval amusement park ride.
Atlanta Dogwood Festival
Let loose at Stone Mountain Park’s celebration of Latino culture. Attractions include international performers and food, and carnival rides for the children. SWEET AUBURN SPRINGFEST 2009 (MAY 8-10)
Take in 10 stages of non-stop enter-
Inman Park Spring Festival 44 ENCORE ATLANTA
Georgia Renaissance Festival
tainment and tasty food while shopping from street vendors in historic Sweet Auburn. 2009 ATLANTA JAZZ FESTIVAL (MAY 23-25)
Mellow out to the smooth sounds of up and coming and well-known jazz artists in various venues throughout the city, including Piedmont and Grant parks.
Feria Latina
Stroll Atlanta’s biggest street market and watch the city’s quirkiest parade. Afterwards, tour turn-of-the-century Victorian “painted ladies” and Craftsman bungalows as well as contemporary homes and loft conversions.
It’s not polite to shout during the show. So we invite you to
PRESENT YOUR TICKET AND RECEIVE 15% OFF FOOD ONLY AT SHOUT* Offer valid with your Atlanta Symphony Orchestra or Fox Theatre ticket stub. Expires 3/31/09.
1197 Peachtree Rd • (404) 846-2000 • Open 7 nights a week serving dinner • Lunch served Mon-Fri
Morris & Rae Frank Theatre 5342 Tilly Mill Road Dunwoody, Georgia
PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE AT Box Office: 678.812.4002 Directed By Robert Egizio
April 30 - May 24
Mention this ad and get
$5.00 OFF each ticket. Phone orders only.
"Hilarious comedy.... His finest play... A delightful and enriching experience." - CBS TV
By Ashley Brazzel FOOD
Culinary Rendezvous Tired of the ho-hum dinner and a movie date night routine? Treat that special someone to a hands-on class taught by trained culinary professionals at the Viking Cooking School, instead. Learn classic skills and techniques or test your limits whipping up dishes like lobster cakes with champagne butter sauce or white chocolate cherry cheesecakes for two. Pair it with a glass of wine, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a night out. Register AT: The Viking Store, 1745 Peachtree Rd. NE, 404-745-9064 or
Soul Music If laughter is medicine for the soul, could music be the soulful equivalent of surgery? Songs For Kids (SFK), a non-profit foundation that brightens the lives of needy children through music, is out to answer that question. Through its partnership with various hospitals and camps around the country, children affected by cancer, HIV and other congenital and terminal illnesses are able to “wear big smiles as they sing, play and bang on drums.” Throughout the year, SFK connects children with musicians, producers and engineers to record a CD of music they create. The annual charity event 500 Songs For Kids, will feature hundreds of local artists playing from April 30-May 9 at Smith’s Olde Bar in Midtown. Tickets are $10. Want to go? Visit songsforkids for more information.
Is your romance the stuff novels are made of? Thanks to J.S. Fletcher and Kathy M. Newbern, the husband and wife writing team behind, you too can have a love “For the Ages.” As romance novelists and travel journalists, the duo casts you and your lover as main characters in your own storybook love affair ($57). With 25 different plots with settings, such as Tahiti, Rome and the Caribbean, you can escape with that special someone and get lost in a novel fantasy. Titles, such as “New Mexico Nights,” “Awake, My Love” and “Shore Thing,” are available in mild (hugging/kissing) or wild (steamy encounters). I love you coupon books ($6) are available also. Order online at or by phone: (800) 444-3356. 46 Encore Atlanta
the viking store;
Published passion
Portable PC Fashion Statement Now you can stylishly stay connected on-the-go with the sleek and slim Asus Eee S101 laptop ($700). The ultra-portable, super-cute notebook is about the size of a magazine. Fashion forward features include a copper-infused finish and crystal-adorned hinges. With five hours of battery life, Wi-Fi and up to 64GB of storage, the Asus Eee is the perfect combination of beauty and brawn. WHERE TO BUY Saks Fifth Avenue, 3440 Peachtree Rd. NE, 404-261-7234 or online at
h e a lt h
U Need Water Finally, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an easy way to get those 8-10 glasses of water and key nutrients you need daily. U Natural Hydration ($7.95), an all-natural way to quench thirst and boost electrolyte stores, comes in tablets free of artificial sweeteners and ingredients. Just one can hydrate you and contains 20 to 30 percent of your recommended daily vitamin intake. Flavors come in Goji Berry Green Tea, Lemon Chai or Tangerine Ginger. Just add a tab to your water bottle, and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re ready to go.
asus; nuun active hydration
Where to buy; or in store at REI (four locations): Atlanta 404-633-6508; Perimeter 770-901-9200; Kennesaw 770-425-4480; Buford 770-831-0676; and various health food stores.
48 Encore Atlanta
B E C A U S E Y O U C E L E B R AT E T H E A R T S An easy walk from the theatre district, Straits welcomes you with open arms to enjoy our savory Singaporean cuisine in an elegant and relaxing atmosphere. Straits is a great beginning or ending to your evening out on the town... CHEF CHRIS YEO / CHRIS “LUDACRIS” BRIDGES
7 9 3 J U N I P E R S T. N E
AT L A N TA , G E O R G I A 3 0 3 0 8
Come Coast Awhile, Atlanta!
Atlanta’s Performing Arts Publication
More than a program, it’s your ticket to the arts. 404.459.4128
Present this coupon & receive 10% off of your next brunch or dinner experience
793 JUNIPER STREET N.E. AT L A N TA , G E O R G I A 3 0 3 0 8 R E S E R VAT I O N S : 4 0 4 . 8 7 7 . 1 2 8 3
Not Redeemable For Cash
F O R YO U R I N F O R M AT I O N The Theatre A fully restored 1929 “Movie Palace,” the Fox Theatre, with 4,678 seats, is a multiple-purpose facility, housing Broadway shows, ballet, symphonies, concerts, movies, and private corporate events. Private Rooms The Fox Theatre has three private rental spaces, with accommodations for 25 to 1,200 guests. Our Egyptian Ballroom and Grand Salon are beautifully decorated and can be set up to your specifications. The brand new Landmarks Lounge is adjacent to the lobby and is perfect for a small pre-show and intermission event. All rooms include the Fox Theatre’s professional sales and coordination staff. To book your ”Fabulous Fox“ evening, please call 404.881.2100 or visit us at The Box Office The Fox Theatre Box Office is located in the arcade entrance to the theater. The Box Office is open for walk up ticket sales Monday-Friday, 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m., and Saturday, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. The Fox Theatre Box Office is not open on Sundays unless there is a performance. During Events, the Box Office opens two hours prior to show time. Doors to the Fox open one hour prior to show time. Tickets for all performances at the Fox may be purchased at any TICKETMASTER outlet, by calling TICKETMASTER at 404.817.8700 or 404.249.6400, or by visiting the Fox Theatre Box Office in person during regular Box Office hours. You may purchase tickets for a particular nights performance that night only until 8pm at the box office. Concessions Concession stands are located in the Spanish Room, adjacent to the main lobby, and on the mezzanine lobby level. Restrooms Restrooms are located on the main lobby and mezzanine lobby levels. Restrooms are also located on the Gallery level. Restrooms for patrons who are physically challenged are located in the Spanish Room. Gift Shop The Fox Theatre operates a gift shop selling history books, T-shirts, sweatshirts, and an assortment of other theaterrelated merchandise. The gift shop is located in the main lobby and is open at each performance. Tours Tours of the Fox Theatre are available through the Atlanta Preservation Center. Tours are conducted Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. and Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Tours begin in the Peachtree Street Arcade entrance to the theater. For more information on tours and to confirm the tour schedule, please call the Atlanta Preservation Center at 404.688.3353.
Smoking In accordance with the Fulton County Clean Air Ordinance, the Fox Theatre is a smoke-free facility. Smoking is only permitted in designated areas. Special Needs Ken Shook, Patron Services Director, is our liaison to the disabled community. He can be reached at 404.881.2118 and can provide information on such topics as the locations and prices of accessible seating and other programs for the disabled. The Fox Theatre also has a new brochure detailing all of these programs for our patrons with special needs. They are available at the Guest Relations Table. Fox Ambassadors are located at the Guest Relations Table in the main lobby at the Fox Theatre Merchandise Kiosk to offer their assistance, theater information, and several rental items to enhance your performance enjoyment. An audio clarification device (Phonic Ear) is available for patrons with hearing disabilities. It is available, free of charge, on a first-come, first-serve basis on the evening of a performance, or you may reserve a device by calling the Patron Services Director. A limited number of booster seats are also available free of charge. Binoculars are available for sale. All items require a form of identification to be held until the item is returned. Elevators Elevators are located at the north end of each lobby. The elevators are available during all performances and make it possible to access each lobby without the use of stairs. Parking Parking is available within a four-block radius in all directions of the Fox Theatre. Advanced reserved parking is available for sale at the Fox Box Office or by calling TICKETMASTER at 404.817.8700. The Fox Theatre assumes no responsibility for vehicles parked in any of the privately owned parking lots operating in the Fox Theatre district. Performance Notes All patrons, regardless of age, must have a ticket in order to be admitted to the Theatre. Please be aware that not all events are suitable for children. Infants will not be admitted to adult programs/performances. Parents will be asked to remove children who create a disturbance. Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of the management, in conjunction with the wishes of the producers. Please turn off all pagers and cell phones prior to the beginning of each performance. Please limit conversation during the performances. Camera and recording devices are strictly prohibited.
Lost and Found Lost and Found items are turned in to the House Manager’s office. To check on lost items, please call the House Manager at 404.881.2075. Lost and Found items will be retained for 30 days. Emergency Information In the event of an emergency, please walk to the nearest exit. Do Not Run.
50 Encore Atlanta
Backstage employees are represented by the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (I.A.T.S.E.)
Atlanta’s Performing Arts Publication
More than a program, it’s your ticket to the arts. 404.459.4128 •
After the show, Enjoy some of our award winning... Southern Hospitality
A Boutique Luxuryat Hotel West Peachtree 10th
GOLDEN RULES The following brief, but important article has been published to assist in audience etiquette. To this day we get at least one phone call a week asking for reprint rights. These calls and letters come from orchestras and theaters, opera and ballet companies all over the United States and Canada, big and little troupes alike. The message, telegraphed between the lines, seems to be an S.O.S.: American audiences are out of control. Are they? Here’s a refresher course. Please read on, and remember, part of one’s pact as an audience member is to take seriously the pleasure of others, a responsibility fulfilled by quietly attentive (or silently inattentive) and selfcontained behavior. After all, you can be as demonstrative as you want during bows and curtain calls. 1. Go easy with the atomizer; many people are highly allergic to perfume and cologne. 2. If you bring a child, make sure etiquette is part of the experience. Children love learning new things. 3. Unwrap all candies and cough drops before the curtain goes up or the concert begins. 4. Make sure cell phones, beepers, and watch alarms are OFF. And don't jangle the bangles. 5. The overture is part of the performance. Please cease talking at this point. 6. Note to lovebirds: When you lean your heads together, you block the view of the person behind you. Leaning forward also blocks the view.
The Fox
T h e a tre
660 Peachtree Street, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30308 404.881.2100 •
Allan C. Vella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Manager Adina Alford Erwin . . . . . . . . Assistant General Manager Pat “Sunshine” Tucker . . . . . . . . . . . Box Office Manager Robert Burnett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Controller Jennifer S. Farmer . . . . . . . . . Director of Sales/Ballrooms Oliver Diamantstein . . . . . . . Director/Food and Beverage Len Tucker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Operations Pat Prill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . House Manager Greta Duke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant House Manager Kristen Delaney . . . . . . . . . . Director of Marketing & PR Ken Shook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patron Services Director Shelly Kleppsattel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manager, Administrative and Community Services Jamie Vosmeier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Group Sales Director Molly Fortune . . . . . . . Preservation Department Manager Andrew Nielsen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Production Manager Rebecca J. Graham . . . . . . Assistant Production Manager Amy Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Production Manager Gary Hardaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Master Carpenter Larry Watson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . House Flyman Scott Hardin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Property Master Ray T. Haynie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Master Electrician Cary Oldknow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Electrician Rodney Amos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Head Sound Engineer Larry Douglas Embury . . . . . . . . . . Organist In Residence Tammy Folds . . . . . . . . . . . Production Security Manager
Arthur Montgomery . . . . . . . . . . . Chairman of the Board Alan E. Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Robert L. Foreman Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st Vice President Beauchamp C. Carr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd Vice President John A. Busby Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3rd Vice President Julia Sprunt Grumbles . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th Vice President Robert Minnear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer Edward Hutchison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Treasurer Edward L. White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary Clara Hayley Axam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Secretary Robyn Rieser Barkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member at Large Walter R. Huntley, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member at Large Sylvia Anderson, Ada Lee Correll, Richard Courts IV, Keith Cowan, F. Sheffield Hale, John R. Holder, Florence Inman, Steve Koonin, Charles Lawson, Starr Moore, Joe G. Patten, Carl V. Patton, Glen J. Romm, Nancy Gordy Simms, Clyde C. Tuggle, Carolyn Lee Wills, Lee Winfield.
Anne Cox Chambers, Arnall (Pat) Connell, Rodney Mims Cook Jr., Jere A. Drummond, Richard O. Flinn III, Joseph V. Myers Jr., Edward J. Negri, Edgar Neiss, Herman J. Russell, Preston Stevens Jr.
7. THOU SHALT NOT TALK, or hum, or sing along, or beat time with a body part. 8. Force yourself to wait for a pause or intermission before rifling through a purse, backpack or shopping bag. 9. Yes, the parking lot gets busy and public transportation is tricky, but leaving while the show is in progress is discourteous. 10. Honor the old standby: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. 52 Encore Atlanta
Official Beverage
The Fox Theatre
Official Airline
The Fox Theatre
Official Vehicle
The Fox Theatre
Applaud On Demand. Comcast is proud to support the arts. Approval from ancient Roman theatergoers came not only from clapping, but from waving the ďŹ&#x201A;aps of their togas. On another note, Comcast Digital Cable comes with On Demand. Where you can choose what you want to watch, when you want to watch it. So put your hands together for Comcast. Or feel free to just ďŹ&#x201A;ap your toga.
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