12 | thecapitolsteps
Putting the “Mock” in Democracy
Saturday, March 28 8:00 p.m.
When it comes to political theater, Washington, D.C. offers a rich, inexhaustible vein that the Capitol Steps have been spinning into song parodies and sketch comedy gold for audiences across the U.S. for close to 40 years. Putting the “mock” in democracy since 1981, the Capitol Steps return to the Rialto Center with a brand-new show. Tastefully lampooning politicians, Beltway happenings, and the day’s headlines, the Capitol Steps shows are constantly changing and strenuously bi-partisan. All points on the political spectrum are welcomed and dutifully skewered. The group was started in 1981 by Elaina Newport, Bill Strauss, and Jim Aidala, staff members for Illinois Republican senator Charles Percy. They figured that if the newly elected President, Ronald Reagan, could be a politician, they, political operatives, were permitted to be entertainers. Born as a playful intra-party jab, the three Senate staffers
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