EncoreTEch - Word 2007 Train the Trainer (Sample)

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EncoreTech - Word2007 Train The Trainer v3

ENCORETECH - WORD 2007 TRAIN THE TRAINER Overview: Course Information

Multilevel Li sts

Requirements, Re sources & R eminders

Building Blocks

In The Beginning . . .

Table Of Contents

Inevitable Inevitability

Table Of Authorities

The New User Interface: The Ribbon

Inserting Pag es (Cover & Blank )

Contextual Tabs

Headers & Footer s

Galleri es

Page L ayout

Office Button

Smart Art

Recent Documents

Proofing: Find & Replace


Comparing & Combining

Status Bar & Vi ews


Commands, Quick Access Toolbar

Mail Merge

Keyboard Shortcuts

Finishing a Document

Ruler, and Browse Object


Working With He lp

Content Controls


Word Options

Linked Style s

File Formats

Creating A N ew Styl e




Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook

TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview: Course Information ...............................................................................................................................................................................................1 Requirements, Res ources & Reminders .............................................................................................................................................................................2 In T he Be ginning . . . ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 More about the New User Interface ....................................................................................................................................................................................6 Using Help ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Saving ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Styles .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Themes.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Multilevel Lis ts ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Quick Parts and Building Blocks ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Table Of C ontents .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Table Of Authorit ies ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 40 Inserting Pages (Cover & Blank) ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Headers & Footers ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Page La yout ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 44 SmartArt ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Proof ing Group.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49 Find & Replace .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50 Comparing & Combining...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52 Protect ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 55

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Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook

Mail Merge ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................56 Finis hing a Docume nt .............................................................................................................................................................................................................57 Publish ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................60 Content Cont rols .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................61 Word Opt ions .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................62 File Formats .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................67 Compatibility...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................71 Inevitable Ine vita bility .............................................................................................................................................................................................................73

Š EncoreTech, Inc. 2009

Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook


O V ER VI EW : C O U R S E IN F O R MA T IO N This Train-T he-Trai ner cou rse focuses on what is new and imp rov ed in Office 2007. It will p rep are you to use, train and troub leshoot Word 2007.


Why Offic e 2007

The User Interface

Word 2007 Featu res

Finish ing Documen ts

Conten t Con tro ls


File Formats

A UDIENCE This class is d esigned for all technology personnel, and esp ecially train ers. Class Leng th is three d ays: 

Day One and Day Two cover Word 2007.

Day Three is a half day o f Outloo k 2007 and ano ther half day sp lit between Excel 2007 and PowerPoint 2007.

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Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook


R EQ U I R E M EN T S , R ES O U R C ES & R E M IN D E R S The following illustrates v arious hardware requ irements, cites online resou rces, and provid es helpful remind ers related to each class.

M INIMUM HARDWARE R EQUIREMENTS If you are upgrad ing from Office 2003 to Office 2007, you probab ly won’t need to upg rad e your hardware. How ever , you will want to check th e minimum requ irements fo r a Windows upg rad e. For

info rmation


requirem ents

fo r

v ersions



Offic e,


http://office.mic rosoft.com/ en-

us/wo rd/HA101668651033.aspx

R ESOURCES Office 2007 Home Page – http://office.mic rosoft.com Interacti ve







Gui de


http://office.mic rosoft.com/ en-

us/wo rd/HA100744321033.aspx, and search fo r “Getting Start ed” and select “ Download Word 2007 add-in – Get st art ed Tab for Word 2007”. Th is ads and add itional tab to Word 2007 wh ich can be removed th rough Add/Remove P rograms. Word 2007 H elp and How To – http:// office.m icro soft.com/en-us/ wo rd Word 2007 Training Online – http://o ffic e.mic roso ft.com/ en-us/ train ing/CR100654561033.aspx Word 2007 Ti ps - h ttp://wo rd 2007.tips.n et Ribbon Customizations T ool s - by Patr i ck S ch m i d - http:// pschmid .net/ office2007/ ribboncustom izer/ind ex.php Microsyst ems Ribbon Designer - http://mic rosy stems.com/ solu tion s/wo rd-ribbons.php

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Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook



Please tu rn off cell phon e or p lace it on vib rate mod e.

 

Please particip ate in all ex erc ises. Please wait until break b efo re accessing th e Internet o r check ing e-mail.

Please retu rn from break s on tim e.

I N T H E B EG IN N IN G . . . We’ll beg in with an overview o f what’s n ew in Wo rd in a g eneral way. This will includ e any negative components. The Microsoft Office 2007 suite is new in p rimarily two ways: 

A new d efau lt file fo rmat, wh ich is mostly transp arent to the user; and

The new u ser in terface, which will be apparen t to all.

O PEN XML F ORMAT The default file fo rmat of Office 2007 is th e new Offic e Open X ML fo rmat which is b ased on XML. In Wo rd, the file exten sion is .docx; temp lates hav e th e .do tx extension . Documents and temp lates that con tain macro s use a .docm and .dotm ex ten sion resp ectively. The new file fo rmat has several plu ses:


Files are au tomatically zipped , resulting in a smaller file size.

When you open a file, it is automatically unzipp ed; wh en you sav e it, the file is autom atically zipped ag ain.

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Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook


Different d ata compon ents are kep t separate from each oth er.

Therefo re, files will allow op ening , even if part of the file is co rrup ted.

In cases of very dam aged files, you can open in a text reader such as Notepad and recov er at least some data.


Users can use standard transform ations to extract and repu rpo se th e data.

Documents saved in the Op en XML file form at are freely u sab le by oth er bu sin ess applications

that support XML. All anyone needs to open an d edit an Office 2007 file is a zip utility and an XML ed ito r.

Office sup ports user-defined X ML Schemas so that info rmation in ex isting systems c an b e acted upon in Office p rog rams (as long as the XML is well-fo rmed ). 1


The new .docx file fo rmat cannot contain Visual Basic fo r App lic ations (VB A) cod e. Ac tiv eX contro ls and VB A and X ML macro s reside in files with an extension of .docm, in a sep arate, more secure sec tion of the file.

Security concerns ab out Word d ocuments are greatly reduced b ecause info rmation sto red in XML is essentially plain text. This data should p ass through corpo rate firewalls withou t hind rance.

The new Doc ument Inspect or too l can remove h idden and p ersonal metadata. A negative component is that th is tool requ ires the user to run th e process within th e file , as oppo sed to third-party m etadata too ls which can be configured to launch when an em ail with a documen t attachment is sent outside of the firm.


If you open an XML file in Word without an attached schema, Word will dis pla y bot h t he ta gs and t he data. Y ou could t hen apply a transform in order to dis play t he data in a m ore Word-like manne r. At the ve ry least, t he content w ill be readable.

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Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook


C LEARER (THOUGH VERY DIFFERENT ) I NTERFACE When Word b egan, there were abou t 200 features. By Office 2003 there were: 

31 Toolbars

19 Task panes

1500 Features.

All were buried in menus and subm enus. New users in Word resp ond favorably to the new user interface. One negati ve component of th e change in interface is that it can be in itially frustrating for those fam iliar with th e old Word menu system . The new u ser in terface consists o f sev eral new featu res: 

The Ribbon wh ich is d esigned to org anize all o f Wo rd’s featu res using T abs to m ake command s more accessible

The Quick Access Tool bar where you can place your mo st frequently used commands

Gall eries wh ich presen t an array o f prefab ric ated options fo r styles, tab les, cover pag es, headers and footers, numbering, watermarks, and more

Live Previ ew which displays in the documen t tex t a potential form atting chang e when po inting to a gallery op tion , such as on th e Quick Style Gallery

A DDITIONAL NEW F EATURES P RE -DEF IN E D C ON TEN T F OR A SSEM BL IN G DOC UM E N TS Word 2007 comes with a lot of reusable conten t, such as cover pages, headers and foo ters, tex t boxes and waterm arks. These Building Block s can be used to automate document assemb ly. Text, fo rmatting and g raphic s can be saved and stored as a Quick Part and reu sed as needed .

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Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook

Notes IM P ROVE D RE VIE W P ROC E SS F OR DOC UM EN TS Word 2007’s Compare feature is mo re robust and includ es the ability to show moved tex t. It m ay offer an altern ative to third-party red line pro ducts. A negative component is that it do es no t hav e as many rend ering set option s as third-party produc ts.

M O R E A B O U T T H E N EW U S ER IN T ER F A C E T HE R IBBON The Ribbon is design ed to h elp you find commands quickly . Each tab on the Ribbon con tain s functions fo r related tasks. By default there are 7 standard tabs. However, add itional tabs will b e ad ded when th ird -party app lication s are integ rated with Wo rd. Also , som e tabs are contex tual, i.e.,

tab s th at show up d epend ing on the ob jec t

selected. The seven standard tabs are H ome, Insert, Page Layout, R efer enc es, Mailings, Review and View . To minim ize th e Ribb on so that only the tabs are v isible: 

Right-c lick near any Tab on the Ribbon and select Mini mize t he Ribbon ; or

Double-click any Tab on the Ribbon; o r

Press Ctrl +F1.

For Mo re Inform ation on how to cu st om i z e the ribbon, go to:

http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en -us/library/aa338202.aspx, http://pschmid.net/office2007/ribboncustomizer/index.php , http://microsyste ms.com/solutions/word-ribbons.php.

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Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook

Notes A mi nimum sc reen reso lution of 1024x786 p ixels is the op tim al size fo r viewing th e Ribbon wh en th e p rogram is maximized . Higher reso lutions and widescreen monito rs are also recommend ed to tak e adv antage of all th e Ribbon h as to offer. U sing any o f the lo wer resolu tion s (such as 800x600) is not recommended. Componen ts on the Ribbon will truncate.

E x e r c is e 1 . M I N I M I Z E A N D R E S T O R E T H E R I BB O N (1)

Minimize the ribbon using any of the three methods.


Restore the ribbon using Ctrl+F1.

C OMMAND S ETS (COMMAND GROUPS ) Within the variou s rib bon tabs, command s are o rgan ized into logical g roup s called Command Sets. In the lo wer righ t co rner is a Di alog Launcher

. Click this to rev eal dialog s o r task pan es fo r add itional command s. No t all

groups hav e (or n eed) a dialog launcher, such as th e Editing Group on the H ome tab .

Ex e rc is e 2 . EXP L O R E D I A LO G L A U N C H E R S (1)

Select the Home tab.


For each of the f ollowing Dial og Launche rs

, click to display the dialog or tas k pane and

then close: 





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Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook


C ONTEXTUAL TABS Contextual tabs show functionality specific to a selected object.

Ex e rc is e 3 . EXP LO R I NG C O NT E XT U A L TA B S (1)

From the Insert tab, T ables group, click the T able button and drag to create a 2x2 table. Position your insertion point within the table.


Under the T able Tools contextual tab set, there are two other tabs related to working within tables: Design, and Layout. Briefly explore.


Move your cursor to a pos ition outside the table, and the Table T ools contextual tabs will vanish from the Ribbon.


Time permitting, insert a picture (Insert tab, Illustrations group, Picture button) and a text box (Insert tab, Text group, Text box button) to explore the relevant contextual tabs associated with those objects. An equation can also be inserted to explore ( Insert tab, Symbols group, Equation button).

GALLERIES Galleries p rovid e a collection of thumbnail designs from which to choose.

Ex e rc is e 4 . EXP LO R I NG T H E ST Y LE S G A L LE R Y (1)

In a bl ank paragraph, type =rand(10); press Enter.

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Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook

Notes (2)

With the curs or in text, hover over several styles in the Styles group on the Home tab to see a l i ve pre vi ew in your document text.

Live Previ ew h elp s in sty le selec tion. It d isp lays the way sty les will look in your d ocument b efo re you select them . Live Preview is only av ailab le in Print Layout v iew.

T HE O FFICE B UTTON NOTE: The Office Butt on

, in the up per left co rner of you r sc reen , replaces the F ile menu. It also contains severa l

new commands. The nin e commands on th e Office Button menu are: 




Save As

 

Print Prepare


Publi sh and


All Word options are stored in one place – Office Button | Wor d Options. These opt ions will be explore d at various times throughout the class.

A tenth command , Convert, is av ailab le on ly if th e ac tiv e document is a *.doc file, not a *.docx X ML file. Convert will appear between the Open and S ave command s. Wor d Opti ons and Exit Word bu ttons are at th e bottom o f the Office Button menu.

RE C EN T DOC UM E N TS On the right sid e o f the Offic e Butt on m enu, Rec ent Documents, a list of th e last 17 documents op ened, is disp layed. This default can b e chang ed to sho w up to 50 documents at one time from th e Office Button | Word

NOTE: Firms using a document manageme nt system may choose to dea ctivate the Recent Docume nts list.

Options | Advanc ed | Display | Show Thi s number of R ecent Doc ument s.

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Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook

Notes Ex e rc is e 5 . EXP LO R E RE C E NT D O C U M E NT S (1)

Select the Office Button. When you hover over a filename under Recent Docume nts, a ToolTip displ ays the full path of the file.


Docume nts can be pinned and unpinned by clicking the push pin

. Pinned documents

will remain on the list until unpinned. The push pin turns green when a document is pinne d. (3)

To quickly open a f ile that is in the Recent Documents list and has a number 1 -9, press Alt+f and then the nu mber (1-9). Technical Data: Pinning docume nts to t he Rece nt Docume nts list is stored HKEY_CURRENT_ USER\S oft ware \M icros oft \Office\12.0\Word\File MRU Value data key contains numerica l value for re cent # documents t o display.




S TATUS BAR & VIEWS The Stat us bar is located at the bo ttom o f the document windo w. It can b e customized by right-clicking. Elem ents may b e add ed o r removed as d esired, and th is may be customiz ed before a m igration as part o f th e Firm ’s basic im age. The fiv e document Vi ews

are located on the righ t part of the Status bar. F rom left to right:

Print Layout (th e “main” v iew of Wo rd 2007)

Full Screen Readi ng


Web Layout


and finally Draf t view

Nor mal View no longer exists. It has been repla ced by Draft view.

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Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook

Notes DRA F T VIE W Documents saved in Draft view op en in Pri nt Layout view. To change this, go to Word O ptions | Advanc ed | General and select Al l o w o pen i n g a do cu m en t i n Dr af t Vi ew. Draft view do es n ot sho w live p rev iews.


To display f ootn otes wh ile in Draft view, select the Ref er enc es tab , Footnotes command set, Show N otes.

E x e r c is e 6. D I FFE R E N T V I E W S , Z O O M, S T A T U S BA R (1)

Go thr ough the different views.


Try the Z oom slider


Customize the Status bar: right-click the Status bar and make the desire d selections, like adding Track Changes to the Status bar.

Footnotes are now on the Reference s tab, F ootnotes group, as are Endnotes a nd the Next F oot note navigation tool.

which works in all vie ws.

Zoom: Full Zoom contr ol is still available, now locate d on the V iew tab, Zoom command set.


Click the Z oom level

to activate the Zoom dialog.

Q UICK ACCESS TOOLBAR Commands are found either on the Ribbon or on th e Quick Access Tool bar . The Quick Access Toolbar can be custom ized on an ind ividual basis. There are on ly three bu ttons d isp lay ed by defau lt: Save, Undo and Redo. Th ere is no lim it other th an common sense as to how many command s can be added to the Quick Acc ess Toolbar.

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Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook

Notes Commands can be arrang ed in the o rder you choose. In addition, a custom ized Quick Access Toolbar may also


be part of the Firm’s basic image, which users can then custom ize as desired.

There are many met hods to add e lements t o the Quick Access t oolbar: Quick Access Toolbar dropdown arrow, More Commands, or by rightclicking on a command set, dialog launcher, or command on the Office B utton. Even most of the comma nds wit hin command sets may be rightclicked a nd a dded t o the Q uick Access Toolbar. Resetting the Quick Access Toolbar may be done from the More Commands … dialog .

E x e r c i s e 7 . C U S T OM I Z I N G T H E Q U I C K A C C E S S T O O L B A R (1)

Using the Quick Access T ool bar drop-down arrow, select Sho w B el ow th e Ri bbon. (This is recommended to bring the toolbar closer to the document work area).


Add New, Ope n, and Print Preview from the Q uick Access T oolbar drop-down arrow.


Add Print and the Styles box by selecting More Commands from the Quick Access dropdown, then choosing All Commands. Add a <separator> and reor der commands as desired.


Add the Font command set to the Quick Access toolbar by right-clicking on the Font Di alog Launcher and choosing Add to Quick Access toolbar. Add the entire Paragraph command set to the Quick Access toolbar by right-clicking the Paragraph command set and choosing Add to Quick Access toolbar.


Add the Close command by choosing the Office Button, and right-cl icking the Close command, selecting Add to Quick Access toolbar. Removing buttons from the Quick Access Toolbar: Right-click on desire d button, a nd se lect Re move from Quick Access Toolbar.

NOTE: Quick Access t oolbar files: Word= Word.qat, Mail=olka ddrite m.qat, Contacts =olkapcetrite m.qat, Calendar= olkapptitem.qat.


In Word 2007, Undo will rememb er the last 1,000 action s. In PowerPoin t 2007, Undo can rememb er the last 150 actions (but by d efau lt in Pow erPoint Options | Advanc ed, it is set to only 20).

In Excel 2007, Undo will rem ember th e last 100 actions within each Wo rkbook .

In addition, th e Excel and Po werPoin t 2007 Undo Cac he is n o l on ger cl e ar ed wh en the file is sav ed.

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NOTE: Undo is one of t he three buttons on the Quick Access Toolbar by default.


Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook


M INI T OOLBAR The Mini tool bar appears wh en tex t is selected an d th e mouse po inter is in the selection. 

It is tran sparen t until th e mouse is moved into the Mini toolb ar.

It contain s quick fo rmatting too ls.

It can be turn ed off und er Word O ptions | Popular .

Some negati ve component s are: 

The Mini tool bar cannot be customiz ed;

It can get in the way if you want to rearrange text by clicking and dragging ; and

It can also b e distracting wh en you wan t to access th e contex tual m enu by right-c licking.

Ex e rc is e 8 . TH E M I N I TO O L B A R (1)

Select some text.


Discuss the Mini toolbar. Note that the S tyle Gallery can be accessed from here.

K EYT IPS AND K EYBOARD SHORTCUTS Almo st all keystrokes from earlier versions of Wo rd still function.

KE Y TIP S KeyTi ps are on-screen keyboard sho rtcuts fo r th e Office Button, Ribbon, and Q uick Access T ool bar . Pressing

NOTE: The Ctrl keys rema in the same in Office 2007, including Ctrl+s, Ctrl+z, Ctrl+d (Font dialog), Ctrl+b, u, i, Ctrl+o, Ctrl+p, etc. Most Alt keys will also still function, but Office 2007 will dis play a warning that you are using an old Office 2003 com mand.

Alt disp lay s KeyTips wh ich are represented by a l etter o r n u m ber next to th e command. Th e buttons on th e Quick Access Toolbar are au tomatically assoc iated with Alt+Number as keybo ard shortcuts.

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Word 2007 Train the Trainer Workbook

Notes Ex e rc is e 9. TH E A LT K E Y (1)

Press Alt and then h f or Home; Ke yTips will appear for each command on the Ribbon.


Press b to activate the Borders drop- down command. Press p to create a top border.


Press Alt+ w to s witch to the Vie w tab, and the n e to s witch to Draft vie w. Note: There is no reas on t o memorize t he Alt keystrokes. They a ppear now on the s creen as Key Tips.



The View rul er button

There are ten different choices within Browse by Obje ct.

is near the upp er right of the interface, at the top of the vertical sc roll bar. It is a tog gle

for both the horizontal and v ertical rulers in Print Layout v iew. The button is the equ ivalent of the Rul er command from th e Show/Hide command set on th e View tab. More options concerning ru lers are found in Word Opti ons | Advanc ed, und er the Display group . Rem i n der : th e Sel ect Browse O bject button

in the lo wer po rtion o f th e vertical sc roll b ar m akes nav igating in

documents easier by placing all th e search tools in one location.

Ex e rc is e 1 0. V I E W RU LE R BU T T O N A N D BR O W S E O B JE C T (1)

Open Elvis Will with picture exercise file.


Click the View Ruler button to show / hide the rulers.


Click Select Browse Object and go over all options.


Browse for the picture in the El vis Will with picture document.

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These include Go To, F ind, Browse by Edits, Browse by Heading, Br owse by Graphic, by Table, by Field, Endnote, Footnote, Comme nt, Sect ion and Page.

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