EncoreTech Word 2007 Migration Workbook - Sample

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Encore Learning System Word 2007 Migration Workbook

The Office Fluent Interface Views Mini Toolba r Create a New Document Edit a Docume nt AutoCorrect Borders & S hading Proof in g Tools Styles Page & Sect ion Breaks Page La you t Formattin g Headers & Footers Bullets & Num bering Table of Contents Tables Print Envelope & Labels Graph ics Word Opt ions

1 Š EncoreTech, Inc. 2008

Word 2007 Migration Workbook Copyright Š 200 9 EncoreTech, Inc. All righ ts reserved. No part of t his publication ma y be re produced or distribute d in any form or by an y means, or st ored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of EncoreTech, In c. For more informat ion about EncoreTech, Inc., vis it our web site: www.EncoreTech.com; call (212) 835-9450 or e-mail inf o@encoretech. com.

Š EncoreTech, Inc. 2009

Word 2007 Migration Workbook Table of Contents The Office Fluent Interface ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1 The Ribbon ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Microsoft Office Butto n ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2 The Quick Access Toolbar .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 The Status Bar ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 The Mini T oolbar ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 KeyTips an d Keyboard S hort cuts ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 Show & Hide The Ruler ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Usin g Help....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Creating New Docu ments ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Starting from a Template ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Saving Documents ................................................................................................................................................................................10 Editin g Documents ....................................................................................................................................................................................11 Direct Format tin g ..................................................................................................................................................................................11 Cut, Copy & Paste .................................................................................................................................................................................12 Fin d an d Replace ...................................................................................................................................................................................13 AutoCorrect ..............................................................................................................................................................................................15 Borders an d S hading............................................................................................................................................................................16 Spellin g & Grammar .............................................................................................................................................................................17 Research ....................................................................................................................................................................................................18 Styles ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................19 The Quick St yle Gallery .......................................................................................................................................................................20 The Apply St yles Dialog ......................................................................................................................................................................21 The Styles Win dow ................................................................................................................................................................................21 The M odif y S tyle Dialog .....................................................................................................................................................................23 Modify Styles by Example ..................................................................................................................................................................23 Create a New St yle ................................................................................................................................................................................24 Add or Remove a St yle from t he Qu ick St yle Gallery .............................................................................................................24 Save A New Quick Style ......................................................................................................................................................................25 Style Sets ...................................................................................................................................................................................................25 Style Ins pect or an d Re veal Format tin g ........................................................................................................................................26 Controlling Styles Wit h O ptions and Manage St yles .............................................................................................................27 Š EncoreTech, Inc. 2009


Word 2007 Migration Workbook

Themes ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................31 Page La you t Formattin g ..........................................................................................................................................................................32 Breaks .........................................................................................................................................................................................................32 Margins an d O rientation ....................................................................................................................................................................32 Columns .....................................................................................................................................................................................................33 Watermark................................................................................................................................................................................................34 Headers and Foote rs ............................................................................................................................................................................34 Bullets & Num bering................................................................................................................................................................................37 Applyin g Bullets an d Numbe rin g ...................................................................................................................................................37 Multilevel Lis ts ........................................................................................................................................................................................39 Usin g St yle-based Lists .......................................................................................................................................................................40 Creating your own Cust omize d Mult ilevel Num bering .........................................................................................................41 Modifying M ultilevel Lists ..................................................................................................................................................................43 Numbering within Paragraphs .........................................................................................................................................................43 Reusin g a Cust omize d M ultilevel Def init ion ..............................................................................................................................44 Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................................................................45 Creating a Table of Con tents f rom Styled Text .........................................................................................................................45 Marking Text for Table of Con tents ...............................................................................................................................................47 Quick Parts an d Building Blocks ..........................................................................................................................................................49 The Bu ilding Blocks Organizer .........................................................................................................................................................49 Creating a Buildin g Block ...................................................................................................................................................................50 Cover Pages .............................................................................................................................................................................................51 References .....................................................................................................................................................................................................52 Footn otes & En dn otes ........................................................................................................................................................................52 Cross-References ...................................................................................................................................................................................54 Table of Aut horities ..............................................................................................................................................................................56 Inde x ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................59 Tables ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................61 Creating a Table .....................................................................................................................................................................................61 Convert in g Text t o a Ta ble ................................................................................................................................................................62 Applyin g Table S tyles ...........................................................................................................................................................................63 Inserting and De letin g Rows and Columns ................................................................................................................................63 Changin g C olum n Widths and Row Height ...............................................................................................................................64 Š EncoreTech, Inc. 2009


Word 2007 Migration Workbook Merging Cells in a Table .....................................................................................................................................................................65 Repeatin g Heade r Rows in a Table ................................................................................................................................................65 Applyin g Borders t o a Ta ble .............................................................................................................................................................65 Applyin g Shading to a Table ............................................................................................................................................................66 Align ing Text and Num bers in a Table .........................................................................................................................................66 Align ing a Ta ble Horiz ontally ...........................................................................................................................................................67 Table Sortin g ...........................................................................................................................................................................................67 Print and Print Pre view ............................................................................................................................................................................69 Creating Envelopes & Labe ls ................................................................................................................................................................70 Mail Merge ....................................................................................................................................................................................................72 Mail Merge: O utlook 2 007 as the Data S ource .......................................................................................................................73 Mail Merge: Excel 2007 as the Data S ource ..............................................................................................................................76 SmartArt .........................................................................................................................................................................................................79 Text Objects and Illust rations ...............................................................................................................................................................81 Drop Cap ...................................................................................................................................................................................................81 Text Boxes .................................................................................................................................................................................................82 WordArt .....................................................................................................................................................................................................84 Pictu res an d Clip Art .............................................................................................................................................................................84 Shapes ........................................................................................................................................................................................................85 Gridlines .....................................................................................................................................................................................................85 Word Opt ions ..............................................................................................................................................................................................86 Popular .......................................................................................................................................................................................................86 Display........................................................................................................................................................................................................86 Proof in g.....................................................................................................................................................................................................87 Save .............................................................................................................................................................................................................87 Advance d ..................................................................................................................................................................................................87 Customize .................................................................................................................................................................................................88 Add-Ins ......................................................................................................................................................................................................88 Trust Cente r .............................................................................................................................................................................................89 Resou rces ..................................................................................................................................................................................................89 PDF Format ...................................................................................................................................................................................................89 Save Word Document as PDF ..........................................................................................................................................................89 E-mail as P DF...........................................................................................................................................................................................90 Š EncoreTech, Inc. 2009


Word 2007 Migration Workbook

Document Collaboration ........................................................................................................................................................................90 Comments ................................................................................................................................................................................................90 Track C hanges .........................................................................................................................................................................................92 Displayin g and Hiding Commen ts and Tra cke d Changes ....................................................................................................93 Managin g T racke d Chan ges a nd Comment Display ..............................................................................................................94 Reviewing Pane ......................................................................................................................................................................................95 Inspe ct Document .................................................................................................................................................................................95 Compare Documents ...........................................................................................................................................................................96 Combine Revisi ons ................................................................................................................................................................................99 Combine Documents Sequen tially .................................................................................................................................................99 Document Protect ion ........................................................................................................................................................................ 100 Mark As Final ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 102 Sharing Word 2007 Documents ........................................................................................................................................................ 103 New File Formats ................................................................................................................................................................................ 103 Compatibility M ode ........................................................................................................................................................................... 103 Run Com patibilit y C hecke r ............................................................................................................................................................. 104

Š EncoreTech, Inc. 2009


Word 2007 Migration Workbook HO W T O U SE THE E NC OR E L EA RN IN G S YSTE M W ORD 2007 WO RKBO OK The aim of th is Wo rkbook is to serv e as a clear-cut reference gu ide, either fo r in structo r-led o r self-paced learn ing of Word 2007. Th e Wo rkboo k is o rgan ized topically an d contains: 

Instructional text

Screen images

Step-by- step exercises and

Prompts for eLearning comp anion lessons.

eLearning Companion Lesson: How to Use eLearning The Enco re L earning System can be used as is o r customized . Th roughout th e Work book, y ello whighlighted text marks appropriate location s fo r F irm custom izations here. Custom izations o f these materials can be m ade by EncoreTech or by clients, bu t shou ld on ly be attemp ted by indiv iduals profic ient wo rking with MS Wo rd at the level of a d esk top pub lish ing app lication.

© EncoreTech, Inc. 2009

Word 2007 Migration Workbook

T H E O F F IC E F L U E N T I N T ER FA C E Word 2007 is d esigned to be easier to use than p revious versions of the p rogram. I ts interface is intend ed to h elp you find th e features that you need quick ly.


When Word b egan, there were abou t 200 features. By Office 2003 there were: 

31 Toolb ars

19 Task p anes

1500 F eatures

All were buried in menus and subm enus. The Ribbon is design ed to org anize all of Word ’s featu res using Tabs to mak e commands more accessible. By default th ere are 7 standard tab s. However, add itional tabs will be add ed wh en third-party applications are integrated with Word . Also , some tabs are contextu al, i.e., tab s that show up dep ending on the object selected. Commands are o rganiz ed in to Groups in a Tab. Dial og Launchers reveal dialog s o r task panes for add itional commands. Not all g roup s hav e (o r need) a d ialog launcher, such as the Editing g roup on the Home tab. Gall eries p rov ide a co llection of thumbn ail d esigns from wh ich to choose. Some galleries o ffer a live p review of the loo k and fo rmat o f head ers, foo ters, cover p ages, tables, sty les and more. A ScreenTi p about each command and dialog launcher displays wh ere you rest the po inter.

Ex e rc is e 1 . EXP L O R E T H E RI B B O N (1)

The Home tab is where you start when Word 2007 is launched. Note the groups, commands and dialog l aunchers.


Click the Insert tab. Note a completely different set of groups, commands and dialog launchers. © EncoreTech, Inc. 2009


Word 2007 Migration Workbook

Ex e rc is e 2 . M I N I M I Z E (1)




To minimize the Ribbon so that only the tabs are vis ible: 

Right-c lick on the Ribbon in the tabs area; o r

Double-click a Tab on th e Ribbon; or

Press Ctrl +F1.

To restore, re peat any of the above steps.

eLearning Companion Lesson: The Ribbon


, in th e upper left co rner of your screen, replaces th e

File menu. It also contain s sev eral new commands.

Ex e rc is e 3 . EXP LO R E T H E O FFI C E BU T T O N (1)

Click the Office Button and revie w the choices on the me nu.


Hover your mouse pointer over Print. O bserve your choices to the right.


Click your mouse button off the Office Button menu to close it.

eLearning Companion Lesson: Office Fluent User Interface

T HE Q UICK A CCESS TOOLBAR Commands can also be accessed from th e Quick Access Toolbar, frequ ently abbreviated as th e QAT. The Quick Acc ess Toolbar is alway s visib le, indep enden t of the activ e tab on the R ibbon By default the Quick Acc ess Tool bar is located ab ove th e Ribbon and includ es th ree buttons: Save, Undo and R edo. You can add, organ ize, and remove buttons. You can also mov e th e Quick Acc ess Toolbar belo w the R ibbon, so it’s c loser to your documen t screen .

Ex e rc is e 4 . M O V I N G T H E Q U I C K A C C E S S TO O LB A R (1)

Click the down arrow to the right of the Q uick Access T oolbar.


From the choices on the menu, click S how Below t he Ribbon.

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Word 2007 Migration Workbook Word 2007 provid es many ways to add command s to th e Quick Access Tool bar .

E x e r c i s e 5 . A D D C O M M A N D S F R OM (1)



Click the down arrow to the right of the Q uick Access T oolbar. Add the following options: New, O pen, Print Preview, S pelling & Grammar.

E x e r c i s e 6 . A D D C O M M A N D S F R OM




You can add any option from any tab on the Ribbon. For ex ample, to add the Page Orientati on button, click the Page Layout tab.


From the Page Setup group, right-click O rientation.


Click Add to Quick Access Toolbar.

Sim ilarly, add an entire group by righ t-clicking the g roup name.

Ex e r c is e 7 . A D D C O MM A N D S






Click the down arrow for the Q uick Access T oolbar menu; select More Commands.


In the Customize dialog, display Popul ar Commands from the Choose commands from list.


Select Style from the list of Popul ar Commands.

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Word 2007 Migration Workbook (4) Click the Add button to add the Style box to the l ist of commands on the Quick Access Toolbar. (5)

Click OK. You will see the Style box on your Quick Access T oolbar.

The Customiz e dialog also p rovides o ptions to : 

insert a sep arato r bar to g roup your commands,

change the o rder of toolb ar bu tton s, and

remov e commands.

Did you know? You can remove comma nds direct ly from the Q uick A ccess Tool bar. Right-click on the command. Select Remove from Quick Acce ss Tool bar.

E x e r c i s e 8 . C U S T OM I Z I N G T H E Q U I C K A C C E S S T O O L B AR (1)

Click the down arrow for the Q uick Access T oolbar menu; select More Commands.


Click the arrow to the right of Choose commands from to explore other lists from which you can choose.


Find the Command list that contains Print; Add the Print icon.

(4) Find the Close command in the All Commands list; Add the Close icon. (5)

Add a vertical dividing line to group your commands on the Quick Access Toolbar. Scroll to the top of the commands list, highlight Separator and click Add.

(6) Use the up arrow on the right to position <Separator> between the Style and Print commands. (7)

Remove the Orientation icon.

(8) Click OK.

eLearning Companion Lesson: The Quick Access Toolbar

T HE S TATUS B AR The Stat us Bar is loc ated at the bottom of the docum ent windo w. It c an be customized by righ tclicking . © EncoreTech, Inc. 2009


Word 2007 Migration Workbook

E x e r c i s e 9 . C U S T OM I Z I N G T H E S T A T U S B A R (1)

Right-click the Status B ar.


Select Track Changes to displ ay the status of that function in the S tatus Bar.


Select it again to remove that inf ormation button.

(4) Click away from the Customize Status B ar menu to turn it off.

eLearning Companion Lesson: The Status Bar The View s are no w located to th e right side o f the St atus Bar. Th ey includ es the fo llo wing : 

Print Lay out

Full Sc reen Reading

Web Layou t

Outlin e


These can also be found on th e View Tab.

Ex e rc is e 1 0. V I E W D O C U M E N T S (1)

On a blank document screen, type =rand(20). Press Enter.


Use the Status B ar buttons to change from Print Layout to Draft vie w.


Change to Full Screen Reading view.

Did you know? What ha ppe ned t o Nor mal and Reading Layout vie ws? The Normal vie w of previous versions of W ord has bee n rename d Draft vie w. Reading Lay out is now calle d Full Scree n Reading.

eLearning Companion Lesson: Working in Different Views

Selecting Full Screen Readi ng v iew not on ly alters the way a d ocument is b eing viewed, bu t it also changes th e op tions availab le. M ark -up, editing , and comparison functionalities are av ailab le from th e Full Scr een R eading View t oolbar.

© EncoreTech, Inc. 2009


Word 2007 Migration Workbook

The left section o f th e toolb ar contains the Save

, Print

, and Insert Comment

buttons as well as the Tools and the T ext Highli ght Color menu s. The Tool s menu inc ludes fiv e features : 

Researc h for look ing up a wo rd

Tran slati on ScreenTi p fo r the translation of a wo rd as you rest you r poin ter over it

Text Highlight Col or (dup licate)

New Comment (dup licate)


The center section of the Full Screen Readi ng too lbar is fo r navig ation. Read from sc reen to screen using the VCR- sty le fo rward and back buttons. Th e midd le button provides a list of methods for p eru sing the text, including hyp erlin ks to jump to a p articu lar h ead ing.

In addition to th e Clo se

button, the righ t sec tion of th e

Full Screen R eading too lbar contain s a menu called View Op tion s . The top choice tog gles whether or not you choose to view e-m ail attachments in th e Full Screen R ead ing mode. The two choices below it are Incr ease or Dec rease T ext Size fo r read ability. The n ext set of op tions allo w you to v iew eith er on e o r two sc reens, while th e next choice g ives you a view equ ivalent to how the page will p rin t. If Show Print ed Page is selected, the next option allo ws you to view with th e marg ins o r withou t.

Did you know? The bottom three options in the Full Scree n Reading View mode have to do wit h Track Changes, Comments, and Mark-up options.

Ex e rc is e 1 1 . W O R KI N G I N F U LL S C R E E N RE A D I N G V I E W (1)

Select Text Highlight Color and highlight some text with a color.

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Word 2007 Migration Workbook (2)

From the View O ptions menu, choose All ow T yping. Move to the second paragraph and type: Allows Typing In Full Screen Reading View. Click the Close button to return to Page Layout View.

The Zoom Slider is loc ated at th e right side of th e Status Bar. To ad just the screen view, either slide th e control back and forth or u se th e plu s (+) and minus ( -) controls for fine tuning.

Ex e rc is e 1 2 . U S I N G T H E Z O O M S LI D E R (1)

Note the current zoom percentage, which is located to the left of the Zoom Slide r. The default is 100%.


Slide the Z oom Slider to the left and to the right and notice the screen change and the percentage change.


Using the Zoom Slide r, decre ase your screen perce ntage to between 30- and 4 0percent. Click the Plus and Minus buttons to change the zoom in 10% increme nts.

(4) Click the Percentage button to explore the Zoom Control dialog.

T HE M INI TOOLBAR The Mini Tool bar appears when text is selected and th e mouse poin ter is in the selection. It is transparent un til you move your mou se poin ter to ward it. It contain s quick ed iting tools, includ ing fonts, font attribu tes, and font siz ing, Quick Sty le Gallery , Format Painter, alignm ent, tex t colo r and high ligh ter, ind ents and bullet options. To use, select the item o r item s you need . Click in the documen t screen to complete.

Ex e rc is e 1 3 . U S I N G T H E M I N I TO O L B A R (1)

Type your name and select the text.


Click B on the Mini T oolbar.


Click I on the Mini T ool bar.

eLearning Companion Lesson: The Mini Toolbar

(4) Click the G row Font button twice. (5)

Click the S hrink Font button once.

(6) Click away from the highl ighted text to remove the Mini Tool bar.

Did you know? If you have text highlighte d and do not see the Mini Toolbar, right-click and t he toolbar will a ppear a bove the shortcut me nu.

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Word 2007 Migration Workbook

K EYT IPS AND K EYBOARD SHORTCUTS KeyTi ps are on-screen key board shortcuts fo r Ribbo n and QAT function s. Th ey app ear wh en you press th e ALT

Did you know? Almost all of the keystrokes from earlier versions of W ord still function.

key, rep resented by a letter o r number(s). For exam ple, if you p ress ALT+ H fo r the Home tab , KeyTips fo r each command will d isp lay on th e Ribbon .

Ex e rc is e 1 4 . W O R KI N G W I T H K E Y TI P S (1)

Press the ALT key once. Observe the Ke yTip letters on the R ibbon.


To get to the Insert tab, press the N ke y. Notice how the Ke yTips change to reflect the options on the Insert tab.


Press T for Table. The choices on the Insert T able menu display KeyTi ps.

(4) Press ESC to remove the menu.

eLearning Companion Lesson: KeyTips, Keyboard Shortcuts, & the Ruler

S HOW & HIDE T HE R ULER The View Ruler butt on, located in the upp er p ortion o f the v ertic al sc ro ll bar, disp lays o r hid es bo th the ho rizon tal and vertical ruler.

Ex e rc is e 1 5 . V I E W I N G T H E RU LE R (1) (2)

Click the View Ruler button at the top of the vertical scroll bar. Click the View Ruler button again to turn the ruler off.

eLearning Companion Lesson: The Office Fluent User Interface Š EncoreTech, Inc. 2009

Did you know? The vertical ruler will not a ppear if it is turned off in Word Opt ions. To turn on t he vertical ruler, click the Office Button | Word O ptions | Advance d. Under Display, select the Show vertical ruler in Print Layout view che ck box.

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