Endeavour Energy & Utilities

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storm of interest has pushed the

something that can simply be switched

energy and utilities industry into

off. Developments and change are being

the public eye and set a challenge

implemented along the supply chain of all

for current companies to innovate and

major players in this industry as all of them

evolve before the new companies, having

steer themselves towards a greener and

recently arrived on the scene, set to make

prosperous future but when dealing with

their name by finding the solutions first.

the energy that is saving people’s lives you

While on the surface it would seem that it’s

cannot make broad strokes because this is

a simple matter of balancing the need for

how people die.

reliable energy and the difficulties of finding an abundance source of energy companies and governments today are forced to bend to public demand. With millions of people campaigning for clean, carbon

Littlegate Publishing Ltd does not accept

neutral energy and demanding a change in

responsibility for omissions or errors. The points

policies in oil, gas and coal while refusing to

of view expressed in articles by attributing

change the way in which they use their own

writers and/or in advertisements included in this magazine do not necessarily represent those of

having to make their decisions based upon

living or dead is purely coincidental. Whilst

accounting. These businesses are forced to

the information contained within this magazine,

demand everything and yet expect to not

publishers for loss arising from use of information

have to pay anything.

publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrievable system or transmitted in any form or

industries alive to keep people employed is what we’ve focussed on in this issue of Energy and Utilities and we’re happy to offer this issue to you.

create energy for a growing population who

no legal responsibility will be accepted by the published. All rights reserved. No part of this

changes take place, and keeping these

energy in the home, these companies are

the publisher. Any resemblance to real persons, every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of

Keeping the energy flowing while these

Demand for energy is one that is directly

by any means without the prior written consent of

tied first and foremost with the need for

the publisher.

supplying energy to homes, hospitals

Copyright © Littlegate Publishing Ltd 2017

and schools and this demand is not

Endeavour Magazine | 3


HELGELAND KRAFT FEATURES 6 18 26 32 38 44 52 58 66

TOFCO 4 | Endeavour Magazine

TOFCO Here To Stay Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V. Refining The Future Helgeland Kraft A Fusion Of Art And Energy The Ludan Group Developing Biogas-Based Energy Solutions National Energy They’ve Got The Power Solareff South Africa’s Renewables Revolution Masdar City We Built This City Guyana Goldfields Setting The Gold Standard The National Water and Sewage Corporation Pure And Simple



THE LUDAN GROUP Endeavour Magazine | 5

TOFCO WWW.TOFCOTT.COM // 001 868 651 0006

HERE TO STAY In keeping with its long-standing reputation for being the Caribbean’s only world-class oil & gas hub, Trinidad & Tobago has for decades been a global hotspot for hydrocarbon exploration and production.



The task of keeping production levels from declining

is big business here. Local operators rub shoulders daily with the industry’s established multinational big beasts, as they work tirelessly to tap into the estimated 728 million barrels of crude and 25.24 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of 3P natural gas reserves that lie under the territorial waters and lands of the twinislands.


hanks to its oil riches, Trinidad & Tobago remains by far the wealthiest Caribbean nation, however, as industry-insiders know all too well, the past five years have not been kind to the

country’s principal economic activity, from which 40% of national GDP is derived. The collapse of world oil prices in 2014 dealt the country’s energy sector a grievous blow, and brought about an industry down-turn which even now is yet to abate. But as the old saying goes, form is temporary, class is permanent - history has shown on more than one occasion that the market will undoubtedly pick up again. For now at least, though, Trinidad & Tobago’s oil & gas sector operators are in the painful process of readjusting to what experts consider to be a ‘new normal’ of pegged low oil prices - a process which is proving uncomfortable for some of the region’s oil & gas sector stalwarts. Trinidad Offshore Fabricators Unlimited (TOFCO), as the premiere offshore fabricator in the Caribbean today, is one such stalwart. Since the company was first founded in 2004 as a joint venture between Weldfab Ltd. and Chet Morrison Contractors LLC., TOFCO has proven through the completion of some of the largest, most complex offshore platform builds ever built in the region, that its far-reaching reputation for excellence is well-deserved. “What sets TOFCO apart is our world-class performance but with Trinidad pride. We keep the work in-country rather than send jobs elsewhere. We’ve proven we can deliver projects to the

8 | Endeavour Magazine

TOFCO LIFT Sammy’s Multilift Services 500ton Crane and 825ton Crane were the two main cranes used in a eight crane tandem lift for the Main Deck Component in the Juniper Platform 

JUNIPER ROLLOUT Sammy’s Multilift Services worked alongside Mammoet USA using our 24line SPMTs (Self Propelled Modular Trailer) to transport the Juniper Platform onto the barge. 

TOFCO highest of standards,” said Javed Mohammed proudly, TOFCO’s

be argued that the successful manufacture and installation of so

General Manager.

large an undertaking does not validate Javed’s faith in TOFCO’s

While TOFCO provides maintenance and fabrication services

international pedigree.

to both onshore and offshore projects, its most impressive, high-

He said: “We provide a service in country that is equivalent to

profile line of business involves the construction of the colossal

what you would find anywhere in the world. We organically grew

offshore platforms used to reach subsea oil fields within Trinidad &

a business in a country where these capabilities did not previously

Tobago’s waters. The company provides the structural, mechanical,

exist. We brought world-class safety and best practices to the

electrical, and instrumentation skill sets needed to build and deliver

country, organized top talent and mentored young people from the

assemblies – the deck, four legs, and four footings that make-up

island on how to perform this work, all while not getting anyone

an offshore platform. Upon being pre-built at its 21-acre yard in

hurt or killed.”

La Brea – a cutting-edge site with the manufacturing facilities and

The company’s track record of success speaks for itself, and

workshops needed to tackle the most demanding projects, these

yet it is telling of the troubled state of the market that not even

component modules are then taken offshore from TOFCO’s deep-

TOFCO has not been immune from the effects of the oil and gas

water port out to be installed and assembled and commissioned in

sector’s woes. Historically, the development of strong and enduring

the Atlantic Ocean and other basins.

partnerships with clients has helped the company generate much

To date, the company has completed five major offshore platform

in the way of repeat business, and benefit from the economies of

jacket and deck fabrication projects for BP Trinidad & Tobago -

scale and decreased costs that come with project repetition. It is

Cannonball, Mango, Cashima, Savonette and Serrette, one for BG

through this that the company has maintained its competitiveness.

Trinidad & Tobago - Poinsettia Deck, and two for EOG Resources

Increasingly, however, Javed has noted with alarm how belt-

Inc. However, the recent completion of BP Trinidad & Tobago’s

tightening amongst former clients and partners has led to falling

Juniper offshore gas platform - the largest offshore structure ever

demand for the platform upgrades and construction projects that

built in Trinidad & Tobago - is its greatest achievement yet. It cannot

have long been the company’s bread and butter. Not that this

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10 | Endeavour Magazine

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www.ramroopsindustrialtt.com Endeavour Magazine | 11

TOFCO shrinking project pipeline is an issue effecting only TOFCO – far

Our people need a place to work in Trinidad. America is finally

from it. Rather, Javed believes that falling demand is an industry-

placing more emphasis on doing more work on a national basis

wide problem affecting almost all of Trinidad & Tobago’s home-

rather than sending jobs elsewhere. We should demonstrate that

grown energy sector service providers, as cash-strapped former

similar mind set in Trinidad.”

clients turn away from them in perceived favour of cheaper competition from abroad:

Securing the company’s long-term future is understandably foremost on the mind of TOFCO’s management team. Furthermore,

“TOFCO has grown this company organically and taught people

in addition to its expansive portfolio of assets – the machinery,

how to work as team. We’ve transferred technology to the island

equipment, and international-standard manufacturing facilities –

and empowered the local community. The people of Trinidad are

TOFCO has another string to its bow that grants the company a

capable of doing this specialised work, we just need the support,”

genuine competitive advantage: its highly skilled and experience

Javed stated. He continued: “The threat is the lack of projects

local workforce.

that are needed to maintain continuity. The upstream sector has

TOFCO’s employee base is considerable, and is made-up

been constrained by capital spending world-wide. In this market

of welders, fabricators, and riggers amongst others, whom the

there is always someone who is willing to steal market share by

company cross-trains over several disciplines. With a focus on

promising cheaper services. But is that always the best route?

youth, many of TOFCO’s senior staff members themselves started

These companies aren’t just stealing one job from Trinidad, they

from the bottom and worked up through the ranks. The company is

are stealing future jobs. If operators and the T&T government allow

no stepping stone – employees come here to stay:

spending to be done elsewhere, they are going to kill an industry

“When people come to work at TOFCO, they don’t want to

that has taken over a decade to come together. The real threat is

leave. We have had some problems in the past associated with

the sustainability of the industry. If jobs are taken from the people

trying to ramp up quickly without a full contingent backlog of work

of Trinidad, we may not be able to revive the local fabrication

to provide smooth continuity. Because of this, we ended up having


many people working for us that thought they were entitled to

From 2015 to 2017, HADCO’S ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING DIVISION joined forces with TOFCO, a leading provider of offshore fabrication on BPTT’s Juniper platform. BPTT’s US $2 billion investment in Trinidad & Tobago’s future, “Juniper” was TOFCO’s largest project to date and one that HADCO was extremely proud to be a part of, having supplied a wide range of electrical & lighting products, including Hoffman Enclosures, Enduro Cable Trays and Hawke Cable Glands.

With 25 years industry experience, HADCO’s Electrical & Lighting Division continues to be a leading distributor of premium electrical products, representing global brands including Philips, BTicino, Bradford White, ABB & Schneider servicing Industrial, Commercial and Residential projects.

For your Electrical & Lighting solutions please contact: HADCO Ltd. Electrical & Lighting Division #6 Greenland Drive, Pt Lisas Industrial Estate, Couva, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. P: (868) 636-4369/4373 F: (868) 636-7672  Info@HadcoLtd.com  www.HadcoLtd.com 12 | Endeavour Magazine

TOFCO that job. Our good employees, our biggest assets, are the ones

“Maintaining work continuity at our facility is imperative to our

that earned their jobs and that appreciate the company. These

sustainability. Without it, the community loses economic activity,

employees work cooperatively to ensure that we deliver efficiently

and it challenges TOFCO to once again develop the skill sets of

with safety and quality at the forefront.

many new employees. In that respect the company is heartened by

We believe in mentorship and understudy programs, and continue to train and develop our people in country.

the public offer of the government to work together in attracting


new business and the hope that the commitment to local content

we can, we promote within. There are several employees who

will lead to more topsides and jackets being built in Trinidad and

have elevated themselves at various levels such as Supervisors,


Superintendents and Managers.”

With regards to what the coming years hold for the company,

TOFCO’s commitment to finding and nurturing the top young

the future looks bright, even in spite of the challenges posed by the

talent ties back to its earlier years when it had not long entered

marketplace. Following the success of the Juniper project, TOFCO

the market. Back during this time, it was difficult to draw seasoned

is planning to expand further on its Electrical & Instrumentation

industry workers to what was then the new kid on the block. So

(E&I) business – a field which represents something of a growth

instead, TOFCO built up a workforce comprised of bright young


things, many of whom are still at the company today. This faith

Additionally, TOFCO is taking a long-term approach by

and investment in youth has not only proved hugely beneficial for

partnering with its clients to further improve efficiency and increase

the business, but also the community, which Javed feels a great

competitiveness in the business. To achieve this, TOFCO looks to

personal affinity and loyalty to. To Javed, the community is as

drive continuity of projects whilst collaborating on pre-engineering

much a partner to TOFCO as its clients and Trinidad & Tobago’s

aspects of projects that are years down the road.

government, and only through delivering ongoing success over

A significant segment of the company’s work is on brownfield

the years to come can the business continue to add value to the

development projects where existing critical infrastructure either

country at large and its people:

offshore or onshore requires maintenance to extend operational


Allied Security is a Trinidad and Tobago based, privately owned security and risk management company. We have substantial experience as well as an extensive client base, including government, international agencies and the international corporate sector.

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Endeavour Magazine | 15

TOFCO lifetime or enhance efficiencies. Therefore, TOFCO continues to

it does in contributing to the community in which its staff lives

promote business development and gain market intelligence for

and works. The company’s ultimate aim is to help people who

new opportunities in country throughout the region.

cannot otherwise help themselves, and through its outreach work

Currently the company continues to support BP/Technip

help lift up and empower residents to go on and make their lives

FMC on the Juniper Hook up, TROC at Beachfield and other

better. Taking an active role in the improvement of the social,

small brownfield work for various operators. The company has

health, educational and economic opportunities in the community

it eyes in the upcoming FPSO support prefab work for the Liza

of La Brea is one of TOFCO’s key goals, and on this front it has

Field in Guyana. TOFCO has been involved in preliminary order

made great strides forward. Over the last 13 years, its outreach

of magnitude pricing thru potential EPC contractors on behalf of

programme has positively impacted children, victims of domestic


violence, churches, community leaders and the environment,

TOFCO’s main focus is having BP’s Angelin Deck and Jacket

amongst others.

project built at TOFCO. There is an expectation that a decision will

Rhonda Farrell, HR Manager said it best, when she said: “TOFCO

be made by April 2017. We are excited about the recent public

is here to stay. Management has a genuine love for the community

support from our acting Minister of Energy. Finance Minister Colm

and we are dedicated to its development.”

Imbert who is acting as Minister of Energy said to TOFCO at the Juniper sailaway: “Whatever you need, the Government is willing to assist with.” In addition to Angelin, there are a variety of projects we are targeting including additional normally unmanned installations on the greenfield developments planned as well as infrastructure upgrades offshore and onshore and onshore downstream projects.” Another area on which TOFCO will focus is on the good work

16 | Endeavour Magazine


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Endeavour Magazine | 17


REFINING THE FUTURE Staatsolie Suriname has made an impressive name for itself within the oil and energy industry, thanks to focused leadership and a refreshing attitude to remaining adaptable in a turbulent marketplace, so Endeavour Magazine spoke with Rudolf Elias, Managing Director, to find out what the future holds. WRITTEN BY AMY BUXTON


Founded on December 13th 1980, Staatsolie Suriname

(Staatsolie) is a state-owned company. While there is no denying that Staatsolie is a commercially run enterprise, there is also an important element of institutional function at play as well, making this a truly versatile and diverse operation. The question is, what are defined as Staatsolie’s main activities?


ommercially, Staatsolie is involved in the exploration,

you go, the more risk you take. With local prices being what they

drilling, production, refining, marketing, sales and

are right now, we invest in production and exploration as a good

transport of crude and refined products, as well as the

return locally outweighs increased risk, for us.”

generation of electricity. In its institutional function, Staatsolie acts

Don’t you find this approach refreshing? Whereas commercial

on behalf of the State in assessing Suriname’s offshore hydrocarbon

enterprises throughout the world are normally looking to expand



as soon as possible, often at the detriment of service standards,

negotiating petroleum contracts and monitoring the execution of

Staatsolie is confident that focusing its attention at a local level at

such contracts.”

this moment is the key to continued reliability and success. There is





Essentially, if there is an activity that is in any way connected to

such an inherent understanding of the instability of the oil industry

the energy industry in Suriname, you can be assured that Staatsolie

that unnecessary risk is simply not an option right now, with serious

is involved and operating with the best interests of the area at its

austerity measures being taken instead:

core, but the commercial aspects really are worth noting as well.

“The plummeting of world market oil prices in 2014 and 2015

Selling premium gasoline and diesel, fuel oil, bitumen, electricity

has continued. The price of a barrel of Saramacca Crude even

and bunker services, both locally and regionally, the company has

dropped to US$16 in January 2016, the lowest level in years. In

an impressive impact on a number of industries that have come

order to cushion the effects of the falling international oil prices

to rely on Staatsolie. Thanks to its professional demeanor and a

since 2014, several austerity measures were taken. The first half

deep commitment to clients, industries including manufacturing,

of 2016 was one of the toughest periods in Staatsolie’s history.

agriculture, fishing and power generation have all come depend on

Recovery of oil prices, next to the austerity measures taken, created

Staatsolie, but we wanted to know whether these services might

more breathing space in the latter half of 2016. Prospects for this

be offered a little wider afield. That’s the question we posed to

year are positive since the oil prices are recovering, the refinery will

Rudolf Elias, Managing Director.

be producing more premium products and there will be revenues

“That’s a difficult question to answer at this time in the oil cycle. Of course, we would like to expand into new areas, but the further 20 | Endeavour Magazine

from the Merian gold mine, in which Staatsolie has a 20% stake.” It really is enlightening to encounter an organization that seeks

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Endeavour Magazine | 21

STAATSOLIE MAATSCHAPPIJ SURINAME N.V. to make no bones about the stress it has been placed under, and the team divulged further:

So, what will keep Staatsolie operating on a higher level than its nearest competitors? The answer is a simple combination of a

“Staatsolie is the national oil company. There are no other

stellar reputation and an incredibly talented body of staff. Having

operators in the local petroleum sector (production and refining).

crafted an enviable reputation in the petroleum sector over the last

Still, we must consider the challenges for operating in the current

36 years, through an in-depth understanding of market conditions

international and local business environment. Internationally, these

and continued supply of high quality products, professionals are,

challenges are in terms of the oil prices and competition in attracting

naturally, keen to work for this seemingly future-proofed set-up

partners for offshore exploration. With the diminishing influence

and that’s not something that Staatsolie will ever take for granted:

of the OPEC on the oil prices, we can expect ongoing volatility.

“Staatsolie currently employs around 1,000 people. Based on

We are very much aware that we must tune our business to the

the belief that people are key to the company’s success, Human

ongoing volatility. That’s why we strive to stay in the lowest cost

Resource development is a vital aspect of our business practices.

quartile of oil producers. Also, the precarious economic conditions

Training for staff is aimed at the development of knowledge and

in Suriname pose a challenge.”

skills in a way that is beneficial for both employer and employee.

So many other companies might have opted to simply ‘power

We promote as much as possible from within, but for certain

through’ a period of financial turbulence, but Staatsolie has set

specialized skills we have to seek candidates outside the company.”

itself apart by directly tackling it and the rewards are starting to

Rudolf was keen to emphasize that employees at Staatsolie

speak for themselves. Had austerity measures not been taken,

should enjoy as much satisfaction from their roles as possible:

this could have been a very different article, but thanks to strong

“Our staff members are a real valuable part of the company,

leadership, industry expertise and a savvy approach to investment,

because of their intellect. In the coming year we would like to

Staatsolie is ready for the next chapter.

do everything to educate our team and to focus on our younger


Having issues with hydrocarbon being drained to your Waste Water Treatment System? Let Agar show you how its Interface Detection solutions can reduce that amount by more than 80%, putting millions back into your operating budget. OIL/WATER APPLICATIONS ■ Desalters ■ FWKOs ■ Dehydrators ■ 2/3 Phase Separators ■ Oil Storage Tanks ■ ...and more To learn more, contact: rcarbajal@agarcorp.com 22 | Endeavour Magazine

AGAR…a great partner in providing real-time “Multiphase flow measurement solutions to key operators in the region. ”

STAATSOLIE MAATSCHAPPIJ SURINAME N.V. members, as they will be the individuals carrying the company

two farm-in partners for the exploration in nearshore blocks and

to the next level. We put a lot of our effort into our young

in the offshore we are looking to close two Petroleum Sharing

intellectuals, by exposing them, amongst others through extensive

Contracts (negotiations ongoing) in 2017.”

training and even internships abroad , to expand their horizons.

There can be no doubting that Staatsolie is ready to

We aim for a sense of purpose when our staff comes to work and in

move forward and tackle industry turbulence head on, as the

return, we facilitate them so they can return home with a sense of

infrastructure already in place, completed refinery expansion and

accomplishment every day.

dedicated team have combined to create a genuine force to be

With the future of the company looking to be in fantastically

reckoned with. Rudolf seems keen to lead Staatsolie into the future

well-equipped hands, we wanted to know what other steps are

with a positive mindset as well, as he concluded the interview by

being taken to keep up with demand for products. A key project

stating that,

looks to have been the extensive refinery expansion project, which

“By 2020, we will have a company with, more than ever, happy

was completed in 2015. When we say extensive, we really do mean

people who have an extraordinary sense of accomplishment. We

it as this one project expanded the refining capacity from 7,200 to

will grow to a value that is far bigger than it is today, as I strongly

15,000 barrels of crude material per stream day. With exciting new

believe that in the coming three years, we will find oil offshore,

developments on the horizon, it was a prudent move two years

together with our partners. This will change the history of the

ago, as the company is in an enviable position now:

company and Suriname. We will find it and when we do, we will

“We have a number of future projects that are being tackled

float 10-20% of shares into the market and enjoy real success.”

right now. Onshore, we have a 141 well-drilling program to boost the crude production back to 17,000 barrels per day, as in 2016, the crude production had declined. We are keen to attract one or

STPGr oupN. V.cont r i but edt ot hedev el opmentoft heoi lfiel dsofSt at eOi l STP Group N.V. contributed CompanySur i namesi nce2012.

to the development of State Oil Company Ov ert hepas t5year sweexpandedandspeci al i z edt opr ovi det hef ol l owi ng Suriname oil field since 2012. ser vi ces:

the past 5Syears we expanded and Dr y–andwe t l andHDPE pi pel i nei ns t al l at i on;over5Over 0km ( 4” 2 2”I P ) specialized to provide the following Tankcons t r uct i on services mainly in the oil and mining Gr i t bl as tandcoat i ng LaborSuppl y;St at eOi lRefiner yExpansi onPr oj ectindustry: Equi pmentRent al • Dry – and wetland HDPE-

pipeline installation; already over 55km installed (4”-22” IPS) • Steel Tank and pipeline construction • Gritblast and coating • tri Labor Supply: Refinery “ Wes v ef orco nt i nuou squal i t y Expansion Projects and i mpr ov ementofou rser vi ce s” T&I Super i orTankandPi peGr oupN. V.|Napel s t r aat#33-Sur i name|st pnv c o@gma i l . com |( +597 )327060 • Equipment Rental “We strive for continuous quality improvement of our services”

Superior Tank and Pipe Group N.V. | Napelstraat #33 - Suriname | stpnvco@gmail.com | (+597) 327060 24 | Endeavour Magazine

production for our customers.


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Endeavour Magazine | 25 4/28/17 8:49 AM


A FUSION OF ART AND ENERGY Hidden deep in the wintery forests of Helgeland, nestled away from public roads at the foot of the North Norwegian peeks, sits a lone building of glass, stone and wood. At night, lights from within this curious structure glow magenta and blue, reflecting off the falling waters of the Forsland river and the crisp surrounding snow. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER


This is Øvre Forsland Kraftverk – the Upper Forsland hydro-power plant, one of 12 owned, developed and run by the region’s sole energy providers, Helgeland Kraft.


pper Forsland Power-plant could easily be mistaken for an art

from glass, slate and local stone that blend with the rock-face

installation. It is both at odds with its surroundings and yet

that cradles it. The windows and facade are cut in irregular shapes

in harmony with them - a modern anomaly in a wild setting,

that mimic trees and these nearby peaks, created using a wood

yet one that has been designed to not only leave its surroundings

that will gradually develop a soft grey pigment as it interacts with

unspoiled, but to work with them to enhance the natural beauty of

the elements. The wood is produced by Kebony, a local company;

its location.

its durability and low-maintenance mean it lends itself to use in remote locations, and thus diverts demand away from endangered tropical forests.


Upper Forsland was commissioned for two reasons – firstly and

Helgeland is the southern-most district of Northern Norway,

most importantly, to provide clean hydro-power to the local area.

just south of the Arctic Circle – a province with a small population

Norway is a world leader in green energy; the Dutch government

but many visitors who travel to hike and explore its rugged, striking

actively promote the development of a variety of green solutions,

landscapes. Helgeland Kraft’s hydro-power plants generate 90% of

but hydropower is by far the dominant industry, generating 80% of

the area’s power, providing electricity to 54,950 homes purely from

the country’s electricity.

renewable energy, with an additional 35% of their revenue coming from the supply of power to homes further afield.

Hydropower is cheaper than many other sources of power and Helgeland Kraft is able to pass on the savings to the homes

In 2008, Helgeland Kraft commissioned the design of several

they supply in the form of a lower energy bill. However, unlike

new plants briefed to not only meet a high standard of sustainability,

some power sources, hydro-power is of course affected by the

clean production and low environmental impact, but to also suit

weather. In heavy rainfall or icy conditions, the volume of electricity

their surroundings. Øvre Forsland was the first of these plants to

produced can rise or fall, causing costs to fall and rise in response.

be completed, in 2015, with the remaining plants expected to be

Helgeland Kraft are careful to monitor these conditions daily,

finished between now and 2018.

looking always for the cheapest way to meet supply demand using only green energy sources. However, even taking these price fluctuations into account, the cost of energy is a fraction of that

THE PLANT Helgeland

paid for oil and gas-fired energy, making hydropower both a more Kraft





Arkitektkontor to design the Upper Forsland plant. The firm took inspiration from the facility’s surroundings, creating the building 28 | Endeavour Magazine

affordable and sustainable solution, both in the short-term and, for the environment, the long-term too. Helgeland Kraft’s goal is “to improve the security of supply and

HELGELAND KRAFT provide increased value in Helgeland.” - a mission which Helgeland,

of these plants represents an investment of 1100 million NOK, and

having spent hundreds of millions in recent years, is dedicated to

will increase Helgeland Kraft’s total power generation capacity by


25 per cent. The Tosenanleggene plant in Tosbotn has already been

The future of clean energy supply is a motivation behind Upper

completed, supplying 6500 households from an equally attractive,

Forsland’s second purpose as well: education. The plant’s striking

conscientiously constructed facility. The cost of these remaining

appearance was not only designed out of respect for the aesthetics

builds has been made possible largely by a loan of 470 million NOK,

of its location, but also in the hope that the plant will gain media

which was provided by the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB).

attention and draw the gaze of the public eye. Raising awareness

This long-term funding is a new source of capital for Helgeland

and education on this energy source is an important goal for

Kraft, and indicative of the recognition the company is quite

Helgeland Kraft, which hopes to ensure hydro-power’s continued

rightfully receiving for its recent works. In May 2016, plant

growth in Norway, and see that it continues long into the future.

architects Stein Hamre Arkitektkontor attended the Architizer A+

Already in a popular location for sight-seeing, Helgeland Kraft hope that the Upper Forsland plant will become a sought-

Awards in New York, where the plants were the winners of the Architecture & Sustainability category.

out destination for passing explorers, perhaps hiking to it for

These plants are but a few of the many global projects hoping

the challenge or the view, but staying to learn more about the

to promote green energy by reaching out to the public imagination.

possibilities of this green technology. The service road leading up

In Denmark, the Solrødgård Wastewater Treatment Plant combines

to the plant is closed to public traffic, one of Helgeland’s many

a waste-water treatment plant with public gardens, juxtaposing

efforts to limit the plant’s impact on the tranquillity of the local

natural beauty with their glass-walled facility to remind visitors

area. Instead, hikers have the sounds of the tumbling Forsland River

of the link between waste management and the world it works to

as the biggest clue to the plant’s location – that is, until they reach

protect. Meanwhile, wider initiatives such as the US-based Land Art

the edge of the resort, when their arrival will trigger the building to

Generate Initiative encourage artists around the world to address

light up through the trees. The light show, powered by the plant’s clean hydro-power, shines for an hour before falling dormant again, a striking beacon to travellers without wasting power.

A PIECE OF HISTORY As well as being able to explore the facility, read-up and learn about hydropower, and watch the plant’s operations, visitors can enjoy the beauty of the surrounding land from an observation area, capable of seating up to 16 people, sitting just across the water from the hydro-power plant. They can also arrange to join a guided tour that will tell them more about the history of energy in the area, for Upper Forsland is not the only surprise to discover in the sprawling forests. The plant is kept company by the relics of its predecessors, the remains of hydro-power initiatives dating back to the start of the 20th Century. In particular, remains from the 1940s, concrete now reclaimed by water and woodland greenery, tell of German-built hydro-energy solutions that sought reliable energy sources during strenuous wartime conditions. Only a hint of what once stood, ruins such as the 1941 Starfossen Knaftverk or the 1943 Merrafossen dam show how even one of the darkest periods in human history was able to inspire bright initiatives for the future.

BUILDING THE FUTURE Now, following Upper Forsland, Helgeland Kraft have seven new plants planned - five in Tosbotn and two, in cooperation with Salten Kraftsamband AS, in Rødøy-Lurøy. In total, the construction 30 | Endeavour Magazine

the topic of green energy, combining aesthetics with innovation in its biennial competitions much as Helgeland Kraft have in these builds. Helgeland Kraft are a conscientious company, all of its staff sharing its commitment to the wellbeing of their region and its future in many capacities. As well as providing for Helgeland through clean, affordable energy, the company also believe in supporting people’s standard of living; every year, the company collect funding for local organizations, particularly supporting groups that work to help Norway’s children and young people. Hydro-power is set to keep growing in Norway in the coming years, and with it, the industry and sustainability of the Helgeland region. As they enter their penultimate year of development, Helgeland Kraft’s plants should keep increasing visitors and attention to the area, just as they continue to increase reliable, cheap and conscience-freeing energy for the local population and beyond. The popularity of these aesthetic power plants is a trend that we will hopefully start to see spreading around Norway, Europe and the globe – one of many initiatives pushing to show the world that energy does not have to be expensive, ugly and harmful, but can be part of a clean, affordable and beautiful future.

Endeavour Magazine | 31


DEVELOPING BIOGASBASED ENERGY SOLUTIONS At a time when some leading figures are still denying the existence of global warming, other countries and companies are working industriously to develop sustainable energy alternatives for world fuel. Ludan Environmental Technologies, a subsidiary of the Ludan Group, have been working on just such a mission, assisting in the development of a method to not only produce green energy, but to reduce existing pollution in the process. Alice Instone-Brewer spoke to the Ludan Environmental Technologies CEO, Tidhar ‘Teddy’ Golan, to find out more. WRITTEN BY ALICE INSTONE-BREWER

THE LUDAN GROUP After decades of industrialisation, mankind initially

succeeded in stemming the rise of greenhouse gas emissions in the 1990s, but sadly this progress was short-lived. Greenhouse gas emissions have been on the rise again since 2007, with fracking having been pointed in some quarters as the obvious culprit. Environmental scientists agree, and are of the opinion that fracking has heavily contributed, and yet the rise in natural gas drilling does not align with the rise in greenhouse gases closely enough for it to be the only cause. Researchers are now looking back to ‘green waste’ as a contributing factor – crop and livestock agricultural waste, sewage, wasted food, and everincreasing landfills.


arious renewable energy technologies have been developed over the years in the search for alternative fuel, and whilst these technologies do not yet produce the majority of the

energy we use, they do represent the majority of the current growth in the energy sector. Nobody would deny a green future is on the horizon, and the national economies that are investing in green energy are already reaping the benefits. However, these alternatives to fossil fuels still don’t tackle the secondary culprit behind the greenhouse effect, this issue of ‘green waste’. The Ludan Group sees this issue as the next exciting area of development in renewable energy, and have committed their Environmental Technologies division to the problem. The Ludan Group are a multi-purpose technology and engineering group with a formidable reputation. The Group, which is made up of three key divisions, started life in 1977 as an Israelbased engineering services provider, where it quickly went on to become an industry leader. Ludan then extended these services into Europe and developed their second branch, dealing in IT and control systems software. Ludan Environmental Technologies (LET) is the third division of the group, focused on providing and developing environmental solutions, primarily in wastewater treatment, soil remediation

BIOGAS The principle behind biogas is simple: it takes organic waste and turns it into a renewable energy source, achieving two sustainability goals at once. The process is cheap and leaves little to no carbon footprint behind, as it collects and dissolves the waste and uses most of its carbon content. As well as reducing the global greenhouse effect by utilising these gases, biogas technology also lowers soil and water pollution by reducing unused sewage and landfill waste. The method is applicable in high pollution areas and rural areas alike, and can assist developing areas and economies by creating jobs and increasing self-sustainability with this clean, readily available energy source. “Biogas is a remarkably green choice,” enthuses Tidhar ‘Teddy’ Golan, CEO of Ludan Environmental Technologies. “Not only is it creating clean energy, it is also an end solution to treating waste.” All in all, biogas sounds perfect - cheap, sustainable, and not only does is avoid creating pollution, but it reduces the pollution that already exists. Yet we currently only utilise biogas on a small scale, and there is a long way to go in developing the technology before it is a viable option on a larger one. This is where the Ludan Group comes in.

and renewable energy. Their highly-trained engineers specialize in providing solutions to clients around all segments of industrial pollutants. These areas of expertise lend themselves perfectly to the development of biogas technology. 34 | Endeavour Magazine

LUDAN ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES For the past five years, LET have primarily focused their efforts in the Netherlands and Spain, where they have invested heavily

THE LUDAN GROUP in an array of biogas power infrastructures. To date, they have

government enforce regulations on agricultural waste management

constructed 14 European biogas power plants, and are currently

and disposal. These regulations create demand for companies to

working on their 15th. The focus in the Netherland has been made

use sustainable, green solutions rather than being able to opt for

possible by the Dutch government, who is targeting a sustainable

cheaper, more wasteful practises. This support is coupled with

national economy. “Europe in general, and the Netherlands

financial backing, to encourage companies to develop this resource,

in particular, is moving towards a green economy”, Golan tells

to allow the technology to develop to the point where it is a

Endeavour, “and we are very excited to be a part of it.”

profitable investment for the private sector. “We strongly believe in

LET is operating in the Netherlands as project developers, EPC

the Dutch market.An established regulatory environment coupled

contractor and O&M contractor. In most cases LET will work as the

by long term commitment of the Dutch government provides us a

contractor and operator on projects that were developed by it but

sound working environment. After establishing a leading position

such services are also provided to third party developers.

in this market, we see the Netherlands as a hub of other European

Each of the plants is geared towards efficient biogas production

operations. “

and boosting capability, and will operate under a 12-years

In countries without this level of government support, Ludan

concession structure with the Dutch government. They collect

Environmental Technologies are facing a different picture. For

energy from organic waste using either anaerobic digestion or

example, LET are also actively involved in waste-to-energy

gasification technologies, with the resulting output being delivered

production in Spain, but without government subsidising, these

to the Dutch national gas grid. Biogas technology is advancing in

are smaller individual projects managing on site waste to energy

many ways; the product syngas can be upgraded for biomethane


(an equivalent of natural gas) or used for electricity and heat

“Renewables are poised to seize the crucial top spot in global

production. “We started out by converting agricultural waste to

power supply growth, but this is hardly time for complacency,” said

electricity. Over the years, the plants have gotten bigger in size

IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol as he released the IEA’s Medium-

and capacity, and we’ve moved on to converting a combination of agricultural and industrial waste into green gas. Producing green gas is a much more complicated and challenging process than generating electricity, so there is a clear path of technological developments there.” Says Mr. Golan.

GREEN EARTH? Globally, renewable energy is growing fast. According to a report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) last year, renewables will represent the largest single source of electricity growth until 2020, driven by falling costs and aggressive expansion in emerging economies. However, despite green expansion in many areas, biogas is being globally under-utilised, with studies suggesting how while the amount of potential available energy from renewables rivals our yearly consumption of fossil fuels, we currently use only 0.5% of the potential available power. This is partly because the potential energy is scattered too thinly – rather than having key sites to drill, those working in biogas are faced with a planet’s worth of landfills, sewage systems, food and plant waste. This high availability of potential fuel seems illogical to ignore, yet collecting it on a large scale is a logistical challenge. There are also other challenges. “This is also one of the big challenges in this sector,” explains Golan. “It is much more complicated than any other green energy supply because it involves managing not only the energy side but also the waste cycle.” Yet in the Netherlands, the biogas industry is seeing doubledigit growth - a rise which is partly due to how strictly the Dutch 36 | Endeavour Magazine

Term Renewable Energy Market Report 2015 at the G20 Energy

from Ludan, but they have faith that the Dutch biogas market is

Ministers’ Meeting; “Governments must remove the question

ready to rise. As they pave the way for future companies with their

marks over renewables if these technologies are to achieve

all-in-one project delivery, Ludan hope to inspire an expansion of

their full potential, and put our energy system on a more secure,

this sector, but are also confident that as more companies become

sustainable path.”

involved in producing the resource, their will securely remain a sector leader. This confidence comes from the Group’s 30-plus years of end-


to-end, all-in-one project delivery experience, and the large-scale

Dutch support is coming from the SDE+ Scheme (Stimulering Duurzame


operations they already have in place. Always pushing technology


forward whilst running their operations with industrial efficiency

The scheme is an operating grant that aims to

will, Golan hopes, serve as an inspiration to other organisations

incentivise the development of renewable energy, eligible for

looking to make their contributions to the sector more efficiently,

companies and non-profit organisations working in renewable

as well as demonstrate what is possible when a government takes

electricity, gas or heat in the Netherlands, with two application

an active role in supporting green growth. Ludan is looking to grow

deadlines a year. The second application deadline for 2016 expired

its European operations to other markets that are following the

on October 27th.

Netherlands’s example and trust that their growing installed base



Each of the Dutch biogas plants that Ludan have been involved with were developed and supported under this scheme, and

operations will exist as a point of reference for such expansion in the carbon light sector.

plans are in place to continue assisting future plants supported by the scheme, as well as supporting their existing plants in the Netherlands. This is a vast commitment of both time and resources

Nesemeier GmbH Proudly working with The Ludan Group

Industriestraße 10 D-32825 Blomberg Germany

T: +49 5235 50287 0 F: +49 5235 50287 29 E: info@nesemeier-gmbh.de

nesemeier-gmbh.de Endeavour Magazine | 37


THEY’VE GOT THE POWER When it comes to supplying energy to an entire country, the stakes are high in terms of reliability and value for money, but National Energy has been making the task look simple for almost 40 years. Endeavour Magazine took a closer look to find out how. WRITTEN BY AMY BUXTON


Incorporated in 1979, under the name of the National

Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago, National Energy (NE) is a 100% owned subsidiary of another already successful local supply enterprise. When you stop and think about it, it makes perfect sense to offer a one-stop shop for energy solutions and The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago (NGC) has never looked back.


nitially set up in order to assist in the monetising of the region’s

as we have to wonder why a significant rebranding exercise was

natural gas resources, NE quickly grew and absorbed extra


responsibilities, including industrial and marine infrastructure

“National Energy embarked on a rebranding exercise in 2013,

management and the construction of petrochemical plants, but it

transitioning from National Energy Corporation to National Energy.

was in 1999 that things really started to gear up,

This fresh and modern brand image is aimed at further positioning

“In 1999, National Energy became an independent entity within

the company to achieve set goals.”

the NGC Group of Companies, with a mandate to “develop and

A fresh new image for a longstanding, respected and trusted

manage suitable infrastructure, in order to facilitate and promote

company is never a bad thing, as it helps to maintain a grip on

the various activities relevant and appropriate to natural gas-

competitive industries, but don’t go thinking that NE is all about

related operations.”

the show and has nothing going on behind the new façade, as that

But that’s not all. Having become a free-thinking operation

couldn’t be further from the truth. With a commitment to engaging

within a supportive framework, NE was quick to pick up the pace

with activities that meet the Government’s energy mandates,

and start looking for other tasks to take on and in 2004, facilitation

promoting an international brand image, embracing vertical

and promotion of all the natural gas projects was added to the

integration of assets and so much more, it’s clear that it’s all go for

extensive professional repertoire. These mandates might seem to

NE, but just so we are all on the same page in terms of activities, in

bring with them a heavy dose of responsibility, but it’s nothing that

a nutshell, what is it that NE does?

the experienced team can’t handle and, in fact, the future looks set to include even more branching out,

“Conceptualisation, promotion, development and facilitation of new energy-based and downstream industries in Trinidad and

“Today National Energy is well positioned as the force that

Tobago, identification of new industrial estates and associated

will drive the expansion of the energy sector into the future. The

deep water ports, ownership and operation of marine and other

company is taking a proactive approach to promoting Trinidad

infrastructural assets to facilitate all gas-based and metal plants,

and Tobago’s energy brand regionally and internationally, as well

tower and harbour operations and sustainable management of the

as continuing to execute the development of energy projects and


infrastructure under the guidance of the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs.” This development brings us onto our next point very nicely, 40 | Endeavour Magazine

And there it is, proof incarnate that the activities undertaken by NE are not only serious in nature, but also vital for the continuation of gas supply throughout Trinidad and Tobago. It’s no wonder that

SURINAME DRYDOCK AND SHIPBUILDING COMPANY S.A. Saramaccastraat 33-35 • P.O. Box 1846 • Paramaribo, Suriname • South America Email: drydock@sr.net • Phone: (597) 475100 – 425757 – 424252 • Fax: (597) 420750 • Website: www.surinamedrydock.com

Facilities Floating drydock of 50.00 x 22.00 x 1.60 meters with breadth of 18.00 meters between the wing walls and a lifting capacity of 1100 tons Floating drydock of 30.00 x 13.40 x 1.22 meters with breadth of 10.05 meters between the wing walls and a lifting capacity of 150 tons

Slipway with a capacity of 100 tons and one for new buildings and repairs of vessels up to 600 tons with a length of 70.00 meters Machine shop for repairing and machining of shafts, bearings and parts

Representative of: Damen Shipyards Gorinchem

Propeller shop for repairing several kinds of propellers such as manganese bronze, bronial, aluminum and stainless steel Endeavour Magazine | 41

NATIONAL ENERGY with close to 40 years of experience in the industry that NE are

While the people of Trinidad and Tobago can rest easy, knowing

widely considered to be one of the foremost operations, but they

that there will be continuous development of the profitable energy

are as forward-thinking as they are experienced.

sector, NE is consistently looking for new and exciting projects that

It’s no secret that ALL businesses need to be approaching the

will further benefit the region and with Port Galeota, an $80million

future with an element of sustainable and stewardship-based

project, already underway and a serious reconfiguration of the

thinking and with a vision to be “a global leader in the development

existing Brighton Port also nearing completion, there looks to be

of sustainable energy-based industries” in place, this is one

plenty to keep the team occupied. Add in a mandate to continue

operation that is ahead of the curve. Utilising the expertise of its

with estate development and the day-to-day activities of NE look

team, NE aims to benefit all citizens of the region through a clever

to be set in stone, for the foreseeable future,

combination of market intelligence, corporate alliances, ownership

“National Energy has been mandated by the government of

and streamlined operation of assets and above all else, innovation.

Trinidad and Tobago to identify and develop new industrial estates

Don’t simply skip past the desire to offer benefits to the people

and ports for location of petrochemical, inorganic and downstream

of Trinidad and Tobago, as not only is NE a market leader in terms

industries. At present, no existing sites are available to locate

of effective energy development, it is also a proud advocate of

additional investments and environmental compliance requires

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR),

a large spatial envelope around plants. Therefore, new sites are

“National Energy will be a leader and innovator in the field

needed to fulfil these standards.”

of CSR, create shared value for the company and its multiple

Always looking to the future and underpinning new innovations

stakeholders, with a focus on socio-economic development and

and ideas with almost four decades of market-leading expertise,

human development, support initiatives which preserve the

NE is a rare commodity in the modern business world. With a clear

national identity and heritage and will seek to be sustainable in the

desire to always be moving forward for the good of the people that

way we conduct our daily operations and in the social interventions

it serves, 2017 is set to be an exciting and successful year for NE,

we develop, implement and support.”

as well as Trinidad and Tobago.


Marine Application Product Link™ Installation on the vessel NEC Empress. This device allows Massy Cat and National Energy to remotely monitor the two Caterpillar 3516B main engines on the vessel, for example, its operational status, location, fault codes and alerts. This is the very first installation done in the region using these new devices that were specifically designed and constructed for Marine Application and it most certainly won’t be the last. IT PAYS TO KNOW; Cat® Product Link™.

42 | Endeavour Magazine


AT THE VANGUARD OF SOUTH AFRICA’S RENEWABLES REVOLUTION It is something of a mystery how many still believe that energy is a scarce resource, when, if utilised, our skies, seas, and air offer the potential to provide us with more of it than we could ever possibly use. Fortunately, however, this antiquated belief is starting to fade. WRITTEN BY DJAMIL BENMEHIDI


The past decade has seen the emergence of a growing

awareness and conscientiousness of environmental sustainability issues, and this is coming at the expense of the fossil fuel-based energy sources that have traditionally fired the global economy. Certainly, in South Africa - a country that basks in near-constant sunshine all-year round, and where unreliable, insufficient grid-sourced energy supply is par for the course - the sustainable energy revolution has taken hold in a way that few could ever have foreseen.


n little over a half decade, South Africa has quietly and pragmatically developed a progressive renewable energy sector that is the envy of many a larger, richer nation. And as one of

the companies far-sighted enough to enter the alternative energy market nearly a decade ago when it was still in its infancy, Solareff is now reaping the rewards. What a difference seven years can make! Where once it had only the capacity to take on smaller contracts, the company has grown rapidly over the time since to become what it is today: one of South Africa’s leading solar Photovoltaic (PV) solutions specialists, with a proven track record of successfully completing the most demanding rooftop and ground-mounted Solar PV installations to the highest quality standards. When you’re accustomed to taking on the some of the biggest, most complex installations, not only in the Southern Hemisphere but on the entire African continent, successfully completing a project that meets client expectation requires more than simply turning up with men and equipment – it requires the provision of a full turnkey service which can cover all aspects of the task at hand. Throughout every stage of the journey, from the design phase at the beginning to the installation of the last solar PV unit at the end, Solareff works with its clients to ensure delivery of a tailored product that is optimised to meet their needs. “Solareff is a specialist South African-based renewable energy solutions company, with a proven track record of installing mediumto large-scale rooftop and ground-mounted Solar Photovoltaic

46 | Endeavour Magazine

SOLAREFF (PV) projects. With more than 18MWp of commissioned and

PV systems, incorporating online monitoring tools to ensure early

current projects, we continue to be leaders in high-quality Solar

fault detection and correction, comes as standard. By striving to

PV solutions across the commercial, agricultural and industrial

exceed expectations in this way, the company has won a great deal

markets,” explained Jaco Botha, Solareff’s Managing Director and

of repeat business from customers – an achievement which Jaco


credits as being the key to the company’s success.

He continued: “At Solareff, we are committed to providing

Undoubtedly, Solareff’s growing order book is a by-product

guaranteed, top quality, sustainable Solar PV solutions designed to

of its great work, but it is also representative of the alternative

meet our client’s unique electricity consumption requirements. Our

energy sector’s emergence as a reputable and financially viable

in-house team of qualified engineers deliver full turnkey solutions

energy source. A drive toward a cleaner, more environmentally

- including engineering design, procurement, construction,

sustainable South African economy is taking place, as both the

monitoring and after sales management. We have the expertise

business community and households turn away from grid-sourced

and capacity, through our team of professional project managers, to

energy en masse, and the coal-fired power stations that power it, in

ensure that all our projects are effectively managed and executed,

favour of off-grid energy sources. Solareff, and its fellow providers

while keeping our clients updated throughout the installation

of renewable energy sources have naturally been the beneficiaries


of this seismic shift in attitude – a point that is reinforced by the

Not that Solareff’s commitment to its clients ends following project completion – far from it. Solareff is a company which has

recent successful completion of two of its more recent installations, the Graham Beck Wine Estate and Woolworths projects.

grown to become a market leader, having carefully cultivated

The name Graham Beck is one which South African wine

a reputation for excellence. Jaco understands all too well the

connoisseurs will be familiar with, both for its reputation as a

importance of providing a superior level of service that demonstrates

highly-regarded producer of red, white, and sparkling wines and its

a willingness to go above and beyond client expectations. In-line

standing as one of Africa’s foremost ethical wine brands. Graham

with this customer-first ethos, a comprehensive post-installation

Beck Wine Estate has gone to great lengths to go about its business

service, which includes regular upkeep and maintenance of solar

operations in a manner which is environmentally sustainable, and

48 | Endeavour Magazine

this has manifested itself recently in the company’s decision to install a 312kWp solar PV system on the roofs of buildings across its sprawling estate. The project, which required 1,200 Canadian Solar 260Wp panels, equating to 2,384m2 of PV surface area, proved to be a vast undertaking but its benefits are undeniable. This solution will provide 16% of total energy consumption, which will result in cost savings of over R300,000 in the first year and cut CO2 emissions by 474 tons. “With all the sunshine hours in the Robertson area we have a high solar irradiation factor. That factor, combined with the fact that all the roof areas on our structures are positioned at the perfect angle for optimizing the solar radiation, made it an easy decision to harvest sunlight for electricity,” said Louis Jordaan, Graham Beck’s Operations Manager. The electricity generated by the solar PV solution is for the estate’s own consumption – the majority being consumed by the cellar and any surplus being fed into their own grid. This installation will continue to produce clean ‘green’ electricity for at least 25 years, providing tangible environmental benefits for sustainable, responsible farming. Another major project that was completed by Solareff for the global retailer Woolworths has had no less a profound

SOLAR-LOG™ - MORE THAN JUST PV MONITORING! Solar-Log™ is THE leading supplier for qualified and inverter-independent PV monitoring, energy and feed-in management. Solar-Log™ also provides ZERO EXPORT features to avoid feedin into the grid and regulates inverter power properly with the consumption. The Solar-Log™ hardware and software system protects the PV investment and is meanwhile installed in more than 100 countries.

environmental impact. As one of the country’s largest and most

In this graphic, the red line represents the consumption curve. The curves of self-consumption and production (yellow area) show practically the same gradient. This means that there is no surplus energy that feeds into the grid.”

Endeavour Magazine | 49

SOLAREFF prominent retailers, Woolworths’ ambitious aim to become

strong warehousing, logistical, and financial resources of the Alviva

entirely reliant on renewable energy sources by 2030 will have an

Group – formerly known as Pinnacle Holdings Ltd – has access to a

incredibly positive environmental impact, and set a high bar for the

number of exciting growth opportunities, and is poised to continue

rest of the South African business community to follow. Solareff’s

its expansion further across the African landmass. Additionally, the

selection to install, commission, and maintain a vast 1MWp solar

company has been buoyed by the decision of Clearwater Mall’s

PV system at Woolworths’ Midrand, Gauteng-based Distribution

owners Hyprop to further expand on the installation work that

Centre represents a leap forward towards realising its goal.

Solareff completed in 2015.

The installation of this system, made-up of 3,129 Canadian

Jaco elaborated, saying: “Our clients trust our expertise and

Solar 320W panels covering 6,920m2 of roof space, was a project

we deliver on our promises and aim to exceed their expectations.

even grander in scale than the Graham Beck project. In the first

A large percentage of our business comes from repeat customers,

year alone, this energy solution will account for 12% of the site’s

Clearwater Mall owned by Hyprop is a great example of this: in

total energy usage, which will result in the reduction of 1,700 tons

2014 we won an open tender for a 500kWp solar PV rooftop

of CO2 emissions – an outcome that has delighted Woolworths,

installation at Clearwater Mall which they wanted to use a pilot

according to Energy Manager Quentin Zevio, who stated: “The


completion of this project is incredibly exciting for Woolworths.

After being impressed with the results of the pilot, Hyprop

Sustainability is a core value of our business, so it is only natural

fast-tracked the installation of an additional 1MWp solution which

that we accelerate towards more renewable sources of energy. This

was awarded to us without going out on tender, we completed

is a significant step towards our ambitious goal - 100% renewable

the installation of phase 2 in 2015. Hyprop have now engaged

energy from 2030. We are grateful to Solareff for taking us a step

Solareff to install phase 3 which will be a further 1.4MWp solution

closer to achieving this.”

– on completion of phase 3 this will make Clearwater Mall the 3rd

So, what next for the company? Well, Jaco is optimistic that the coming 12-months will be no less fruitful than the year just gone for a number of reasons. Solareff, with the ability to leverage the

50 | Endeavour Magazine

largest rooftop solar PV solution in South Africa.”


WE BUILT THIS CITY Eco initiatives are big business and vital for the sustainability of our planet, so when you combine these two facets, what happens? Masdar City happens! An exciting, innovative and mindblowing development, Masdar City looks set to change not only the construction industry, but also the whole world and if that doesn’t intrigue you, we don’t know what will. WRITTEN BY AMY BUXTON


Trying to lay the groundwork for an article about one

of the most audacious eco-developments out there is difficult. Set the bar too high and we might struggle to keep you as excited as we are, but set it too low and you might skip past.


e think the minds behind Masdar City can best reel you in,

and the world’s benchmark for sustainable development”, Masdar

“In 2008, Masdar City broke ground and embarked on

has set its own targets exceptionally high, but there can be no

a daring journey to develop the world’s most sustainable

doubting that they will be reached and exceeded, after all, this is

eco-city. Through smart investments, Masdar City is successfully pioneering a ‘greenprint’ for how cities can accommodate rapid urbanisation and dramatically reduce energy, water and waste.”

an operation that makes no bones about why it is doing what it is, “We believe that sustainability is a key criteria that we must use in making decisions. We think about the degree to which the actions

Admit it, you’re hooked and need to know more, right? Well

we take can be repeated in the future without any significant loss

you’ll be glad to discover that this is no joke and could well be a

in quality, resources or efficacy. Because our business is so forward

glimpse into how the future will look, if the Masdar City team has

thinking – pioneering new concepts and technologies – it’s vital that

anything to say about it!

our decision making process be firmly rooted in reality. Everything

We all know that they way we live and work now isn’t

we do is grounded in what is feasible, given financial and technical

sustainable and that a whole new attitude to ecological survival

constraints. This will result in better technology, healthier returns

and stewardship is needed if we are going to make the planet last

and greater uses.”

long enough for us all to realise our commercial dreams and Masdar

Wow. This really assuages the fear that any company seeking

City, though sounding like something from a sci-fi film right now,

to make real environmental change will be run with a ‘head in the

offers a very real and tangible solution. It’s because it actively seeks

clouds’ approach. Masdar recognises that environmental stability is

to overcome the biggest environmental threat currently facing the

vital for us as a species and offers fantastic commercial potential to

world: humans.

any operation that can tap into it and make it a reality. This really

As a species we are wasteful beyond belief, so we are totally reliant of future-focused companies, such as Masdar, that

is what you’d call a win-win situation. So how will Masdar City contribute?

are determined to tackle our flagrant disregard for all things

“Masdar City is an emerging clean technology cluster that

environmental. Looking at the mission statement and values that

places its resident companies in the heart of the global renewable

guide the team at Masdar, it comes as no surprise that they have

energy and cleantech industry. Widely recognised as one of the

sought to go large with their eco endeavours.

world’s most exciting eco-developments, the city is a free zone

With a vision to make “Abu Dhabi the preeminent source of

located in close proximity to Abu Dhabi International Airport and

renewable energy knowledge, development and implementation,

17 km from downtown Abu Dhabi. The community is a launching

54 | Endeavour Magazine

MASDAR CITY point into local, regional and international markets and it provides

reducing wastage due to human error, a whopping 95% decrease

a critical mass of sector knowledge and talent.”

in domestic hot water energy, 75% less in air conditioning and 70%

There is far more to Masdar City than just impressive jargon,

less electricity demand is already being witnessed. Extend this

as when you get down to the nitty-gritty of what makes this

technology to residential buildings, as well as commercial spaces

commercial free zone so special, you’ll understand why we are so

and we’re sure you can imagine the potential for cost-effective,


eco-friendly living on an enormous scale,

Featuring a mix of traditional Arabic architectural techniques

“With a few thousand people living and working in Masdar City,

and incredibly innovative modern technology, Masdar City captures

it is on its way to realising its vision. But this is only the beginning.

and uses all the natural weather conditions and uses them to great

Masdar City continues to add new businesses, schools, restaurants,

effect. During the soaring summer temperatures, natural winds are

apartments and much more, creating the diversity of any major,

caught and directed around the city, to offer pleasing breezes, while

modern city. “

the year-round sun is harnessed by a 22-hectare field of close to

Masdar City IS the future. It’s the future that we all need and

90,000 solar panels that power the city. But we’ve only just begun

whilst it serves mostly commercial interests at the moment, when it

to tell you about the amazing green initiatives!

is completed, Masdar predicts that 40,000 people will live and work

As we said, we are a wasteful species, so to counter our

there, with a further 50,000 commuting in on a daily basis. We can

thoughtlessness, Masdar City has no light switches or water taps,

tell you that we can’t wait to see how this eco utopia develops and

with movement sensors seeking to attend to every need. Moreover,

thrives and we hope the rest of the world follows suit soon, for all

all vehicles within the city will be electric or use only clean energy.

our sakes.

If this all sounds a little stringent, let us put it into context and reveal that thanks to the futuristic set-up that sees natural energy replacing depleting consumables and automated facilities

Multiplex is a leading global contractor with a focus on sustainable growth,

safety and innovation. We have been shaping skylines and delivering vital infrastructure assets across the Middle East for 19 years and globally for over 50. In 2014, Multiplex successfully completed the Shell and Core design and build works as well as the fitout works for International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Headquarters. Touted as one of the most sustainable, energy-efficient offices in the United Arab Emirates, the 32,000m2, 7-storey Grade A office and retail complex was also the first project under the Estidama Pearl Building Rating System to achieve 4-Pearl Design and Construction Ratings. Multiplex was appointed to deliver another design and build project in Masdar City in early 2015.

56 | Endeavour Magazine


SETTING THE GOLD STANDARD The Republic of Guyana, a South American nation based on the northern coast of the continent, is not, for want of a better term, a household name. But then again, nor are many of the world’s best kept secrets. WRITTEN BY DJAMIL BENMEHIDI


A former British colony for a little over two centuries

until it achieved independence in 1966, Guyana’s landscape and spectacular bio-diversity – its otherworldly beaches and sweeping savannahs, and the peaks and plateaus of the Guiana Shield that thrust out into the sky above the canopy of the lush rainforest that blankets the land around it – showcase the beauty of nature at its finest and most unspoiled.


uyana’s natural gifts have provided the foundations upon

of 150,000 ounces of gold per year on average. However, these

which a thriving eco-tourism sector is emerging, but as the

figures, impressive as they might be, don’t tell the full story for one

miners who have entered the country in recent years have

simple reason: they are conservative in nature, and don’t take into

found to their delight, Guyana’s natural gifts are as bountiful below-

consideration vast, as of yet untapped ore reserves onsite, nor an

ground as they are above.

expansion of Aurora’s processing facilities that upon completion

Guyana Goldfields, one of Canada’s most promising up-

will greatly increase production capacity.

and-coming junior miners, has discovered first-hand just how

“We have ore reserves of 3.2 million ounces of gold, all very

extraordinarily mineral-rich the Guiana Shield region is – an area

high-grade at approx. 3 grams. Then there’s additional resources

stretching across tracts of territory in Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela,

that could potentially ramp up reserves to around 8 million ounces

and Brazil. It is here that the company’s flagship project, the Aurora

– we have a further 5 million ounces where we need to do more

Gold Mine, is based, and make no mistake about it – in finding, and

drilling and technical work to expand accessible ore reserves.

then developing the site over the years since, Guyana Goldfields

But right now we have a 15-year mine life, although in reality, its

have struck gold.

lifetime could last a lot longer than that. We’re expanding the plant

“We announced commercial production Jan 2016, and last year

at a phenomenal rate from around 150-160,000 ounces to about

(2016) represented our first full year of production with just over

220,000+ ounces per year – we’ve just started that expansion,

151koz of gold. It’s been a great accomplishment and we’re pleased

which will be a $42 million project and completed by early 2018.

with the progress we’ve made thus far,” said Scott Caldwell, Guyana

Constructed on-time and on-budget at a cost of US$250

Goldfield’s President & CEO. He continued: “We also started 2017

million, Aurora Gold Mine’s credentials place it firmly in the world-

off strong by producing just over 40koz in Q1’17 while maintaining

class category, and signals Guyana’s return to the top table of big-

an excellent health, safety and environmental track record with

ticket gold producers. However, as Caldwell mentioned, what’s

over 3,000,000 hours accumulated without a lost time incident.”

most exciting to Guyana Goldfields along with its investors is that

Such considerable output from what is a truly world-class gold

this already top-tier asset hasn’t yet come close to realising its

asset signals Guyana’s return to the top table of global gold mining.

potential. Indeed, realising this potential is the company’s foremost

With estimated reserves in excess of 3.2 million ounces to be mined

goal, and Guyana Goldfields is set to commit to a $6-8 million per

over an initial 15-year lifespan, Aurora presently yields in the region

annum spend on exploration and drill work which will not only

60 | Endeavour Magazine

Exploring growth, extracting value At PwC, we’re focused on helping mining companies navigate and overcome the challenges the industry is facing over the next 10 to 20 years. Whether you’re a junior, mid-tier or senior mining company, our team of experienced professionals has the knowledge to ensure your mine continues to grow and operate at peak performance.


GUYANA GOLDFIELDS incorporate brownfield work on the Aurora site but true grassroots

Guyana Goldfields team have the means and resources to achieve

greenfield exploration amongst other targets within their vast

this. However, what is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating and

portfolio of assets in Guyana. Such a considerable outlay, along

reassuring attributes of the company is that there is a commitment

with the $42 million that has been set aside for the mill expansion,

to getting to the top the right way, and to becoming one of the

is a statement of intent on the part of Guyana Goldfields.

sector’s premiere mining companies without compromising the

Technically speaking, Guyana Goldfields is, for all its strengths,

environmental integrity of Guyana in any way. Once upon a time, the

a junior miner, but Scott and the rest of the team have far greater

gold mining sector had a poor reputation that, due to incompetence

aspirations. And critically, the means are there to achieve organic

and malpractice, was well-deserved in many instances. Times have

growth through the drill-bit, mill expansion, and exploration, which

changed, however, and such negligence on the part of the mining

will in-turn deliver a sufficient enough production increase to see

sector is for the most part now an unpleasant chapter in history,

Guyana Goldfields rise to the next level.

but understandably a distrust of the sector lingers, especially in the

On this, Scott told us: “We believe, or at least hope that we’re

minds of the Guyanese who remember the Omai disaster in 1995.

going to find another deposit that will require us to build a new,

With this in mind, Guyana Goldfields has set-out to make itself a

second mill, and the goal is to organically grow from 220,000

valuable and conscientious component of the Guyanese economy

ounces to maybe 300-400,000 ounces. But we’ve got to get drilling,

that not only contributes wealth to the country’s national coffers,

then we’ll know if we’re going to be truly successful. There’s a lot of

but also invests in sustainable objectives that increase the quality

targets, we know there’s a lot of gold in the region, the question is

of living for the Guyanese people as a whole.

can we find it and put it into production? If we do and we continue

In every fibre and sinew of the company can be found an

achieving organic growth, we can go to the next level and become

overarching commitment to going about mining operations in a

the next mid-tier producer.”

socially and environmentally responsible manner, as Scott was

In terms of capability and expertise, there is little doubt that the

62 | Endeavour Magazine

keen to iterate: “Our focus and efforts on CSR and sustainability is

Endeavour Magazine | 63

GUYANA GOLDFIELDS engrained. The company’s CSR Strategy, Community and National

got a great working relationship with the government and the

Initiatives target areas locally within our communities, and also on

local communities there. It’s a very friendly and supportive country

a national level that promote sustainable development in Guyana.

to do business. On the operations side - the mine is performing

We do a lot of work with children, in terms of investing in and

well, as is the mill and the processing plant. Our next focus is on

supporting educational efforts, and we also work with a number

the mill expansion which will bring our overall annual production

of indigenous communities on various initiatives. We invest in and

from 150koz of gold to over 200koz. Alongside that, we’re also

support schools and offer transportation to help kids get to school,

focused on organic growth through the drill bit and ramping up our

which can involve helping them travel by bus or by boat. Offering

exploration efforts to hopefully find that second mine”.

opportunity to children with a view to building a better future has been a central focus of ours.”

We also have a strategic investment in a company called Solgold PLC, a team that is based out in Brisbane, Australia. It

Through building relationships with local communities and

looks like they’ve found a huge porphyry copper-gold system in

taking great stride in operating in a conscientious manner to

Ecuador that looks very promising. Following our investment, we

eliminate any negative social or environmental impacts, Guyana

at Guyana Goldfields own about 7.2% of the company – clearly

Goldfields is winning hearts and minds. As they have shown,

as far as strategic investments go, it’s done quite well. All in all

it is possible to marry commercial success with a socially and

everything’s looking pretty good. Things are going great at Aurora

environmentally responsible approach to doing business. Business

and our strategic investments are looking pretty good for us.”

is booming, and with gold prices continuing to rise it would be safe

Having worked with Guyana Goldfields over the years and

to say that over the short to medium-term, at least, the marketplace

having observed the company’s growth and development, it is hard

looks buoyant.

for us not to share Scott’s optimism.

When asked about what’s next for the company, Scott concluded: “We’re very happy working in the country, and we’ve





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Endeavour Magazine | 65


PURE AND SIMPLE A model utility in the African region, National Water & Sewerage Corporation has continued to go from strength to strength, thanks to its incredible dedication to serving its consumers and an aspiration approach to long-term goals and development. Endeavour Magazine interviewed Dr. Eng Silver Mugisha, Managing Director, to find out more. WRITTEN BY AMY BUXTON


National Water & Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) is a

national utility that supplies the region of Uganda with the clean water and sewerage systems that is so desperately needs and is proactive in offering these services to as many areas as possible.


o much so in fact, that Dr. Mugisha revealed how an aggressive

regular water supply regimes. The Corporation faces challenges

period of expansion was undertaken to meet demand,

of inadequate infrastructure in the face of growing demand and

“Expansion of the geographical coverage has resulted in

environmental degradation, which is affecting both the availability

an increase in the number of NWSC service towns from 24 to 178

and quality of raw water and financing challenges, while maintaining

towns across the country in just a space of three years. This is a

a service delivery tariff. All these challenges are being faced head on

significant transformation in the business and service model of the

with practical engineering, financing and management solutions.”

Corporation and has redefined NWSC’s role in the Uganda Water Sector and service delivery industry.”

While you might not necessarily think that a national utility would face the same competitive issues as other commercial

The reason for this dramatic growth? An inherent understanding

operations, NWSC has taken it upon itself to actually create a

of the growing demand for water and sewerage services that has

global standard to live up to. As well as priding itself on exemplar

come about as a direct result of an increase in the number of

business stability and sustainability, NWSC is striving towards

towns that are springing up, which in turn, necessitates continued

long-term goals of becoming “the leading customer centred water

infrastructure development and improvement. The only problem

utility in the world”, reflecting both a desire to the very best within

is that environmental conditions have a tendency to make things

the industry, while always retaining a clear focus on the people that

more difficult,

matter most; consumers. Dr. Mugisha emphasised the point even

“The Corporation has taken bold measures to avert the


intermittent water supply situation in the country, especially in

“Our mission statement – “To sustainably and equitably provide

the newly taken over towns, through implementation of the Water

cost effective, quality water and sewerage services to the delight of

Supply Stabilisation Programme (WSSP). The programme entails

all stakeholders, while conserving the environment”, is anchored on

implementation of quick win measures in the upstream to enhance

three pillars namely the proliferation and sustainability of services,

water production and supply reliability. The implementation of a

the focus on the customer, and lastly the contribution towards the

number of programmes has successfully improved water supply

conservation of the environment. In pursuing our vision and mission,

reliability and accessibility. Areas previously devoid of services now

our customer business stability and sustainability statement for the

have piped water services, while a number of dry zones (areas with

long-term is “Water for All, for a Delighted Customer by a Delighted

inadequate supply) have been converted into wet zones with more


68 | Endeavour Magazine

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Endeavour Magazine | 69

THE NATIONAL WATER AND SEWAGE CORPORATION Speaking of workforces, the team in place at NWSC is substantial

being undertaken as well. One thing that is abundantly clear is that

at 3300-strong and makes no bones about the fact that it is at the

none of these undertakings are being taken lightly or for vanity

forefront the amazing service delivery that it is so renowned for.

purposes, however, as the customer-centric motives are always at

To that end, continuous motivation and empowerment of every

the core of every new plan,

individual employed by the company is a key focal point, which has

“We launched the Customer Relationship Model (CRM) where

resulted in extensive training and development opportunities, as

every customer is taken care of by a customer relationship officer.

well as comprehensive skill identification endeavours. Vocational

All this is aimed at ensuring customer delight. We are leveraging

skill strengthening and internal management development

new technology to better serve our customer. We are piloting

initiatives have been firmly put into place with a view to amplifying

packaged waste water treatment technology to ensure increase

the core strengths of every team member, from the top down, but

in our sewerage services, including replication to many other

it’s not just technical skills that are focused on,

operational towns. We have also completed plans to implement

“We also strengthen behavioural attitudes of staff, guided by a

an ambition plan codenamed 100 percent Service Coverage

set of values set by the Board, through various forms of coaching

Acceleration Project (SCAP100) aimed at extending water to an

and mentoring activities.”

additional 12,000 villages within our operational areas to reach

With an enviable reputation already garnered and a team

100% water service coverage by 2020.”

of highly motivated and committed staff in place, it comes as

Can you imagine the peace of mind that customers must enjoy,

no surprise that NWSC has been able to invest in exciting new

knowing that the NWSC has made a determined commitment to

developments, in a bid to remain at the very cutting edge of

always improving its services? This is truly a company that has

utility provision. A new water treatment plant, located to the east

sought to meet a need and do so with a personal touch and so

of Kampala, is one of the most intensive development projects

many global corporations could stand to take serious inspiration

currently being curated, but there are also serious IT innovations

from this approach. There’s no smoke and mirrors here, only clear

70 | Endeavour Magazine

and transparent operations with the consumer in mind, which is why the future looks set to be positive and more successful than ever,

FICHTNER WATER & TRANSPORTATION is an international consultant specialised in urban and rural infrastructure projects. One of the company’s major aims is to assist Uganda as a fast-growing country, in its efforts to improve drinking water supply and sanitation services.

“We are confident that in the next 3-5 years, we will have reached our target of 100% service coverage in all our areas of operation. Our current investment in infrastructure expansion, uplifting the profile and delivery of water and sewerage services, provision of subsidised services to the urban poor and enhanced collaboration with various stakeholders will give us tangible benefits in reliable, sustainable and efficient service delivery gains. These gains will be best demonstrated by increased geographical coverage, water supply reliability, efficient operations, a strong and sustainable financial position, increased participation in environmental conservation.” Inspiring, innovative and operating with the best interests of staff and customers at the core of every endeavour, NWSC is singlehandedly redefining the standards by which all corporations should be judged and we look forward to celebrating its future successes, which are all but guaranteed.

Earthworks for the Faecal Sludge and Sewage

Entebbe Water Treatment Plant

FICHTNER has successfully completed, among others, a number of projects in Uganda, including the Kampala Sanitation and Water Supply Master Plans, Kabale Water Supply and Sanitation Project, Entebbe Water Supply and Sanitation Project, and the Jinja new Intake Project, including a new treatment line. FICHTNER recently completed the Lake Victoria Protection Project, which improves sanitation services for the city of Kampala through a new combined faecal sludge and sewage treatment plant in Lugibi, including sewer networks in Katanga and Makindyi. FICHTNER is currently involved in the technical implementation to improve water supply and sanitation infrastructure in the informal settlements of Kampala, as part of the donor-funded Kampala Water - Lake Victoria WATSAN Programme. Fichtner Water & Transportation GmbH Linnéstrasse 5 79110 Freiburg - Germany Phone: +49 761 88505-0 E-mail: info@fwt.fichtner.de

Country Office Ggaba Road, Kansanga Kampala - Uganda Phone: +256 772 721 835 E-mail: belleruganda@infocom.co.ug uganda@fwt.fichtner.de


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Endeavour Magazine | 71

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