1 minute read

Best Brand Activation of the Year

This award recognises the supplier that has achieved an outstanding on-premise or digital campaign activation across our channels with a multi-team, collaborative effort.

To nominate for this award, please provide:

1. The name of the brand or sub-brand you are nominating.

2. A description of the nominated 2022 activation and the desired outcome (approximately 50 words or less).

3. A list of the assets created for this and how were they leveraged (platforms), with example files attached.

4. The period of the activation.

5. A description of the customer insights that informed this activation (approximately 50 words or less).

6. The results of the activation, e.g. customer or sales uplift (approximately 50 words or less).

7. Names of your Endeavour Group contacts.

8. A JPEG or PNG of your company logo.

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