Vacúnate publicado el 10 de diciembre 2021 en Primera Hora

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Vacúnate, la serie “La vacuna es el mejor regalo de amor en la pandemia. Vacúnate por ti, por tu familia, por el país y por mantener las escuelas abiertas” Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico

Importante completar las dosis de la vacuna contra el VPH La enfermedad neumocócica es prevenible Powered by


SUPLEMENTOS | PRIMERA HORA viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021

Vacunar “regalo de amor” a los tuyos es un

Por Glorimar Velázquez Especial para Suplementos


a aparición de la pandemia del COVID-19 cambió la vida de todas las personas en el mundo. Muchos adultos salieron de sus espacios de trabajo para laborar desde sus hogares. Los niños abandonaron las escuelas para estudiar a distancia. El encierro obligó a todos a estar alejados de sus familiares y amistades. Sin embargo, lo peor de todo han sido las miles de vidas que se han perdido a causa del novel coronavirus. Afortunadamente, se desarrollaron vacunas que han demostrado ser efectivas contra el COVID-19. ¿Qué lecciones está dejando la pandemia del COVID-19? ¿Cómo está la isla en la meta de vacunación? A casi dos años de la llegada de los primeros casos de COVID-19 a Puerto Rico, el doctor Víctor Ramos Otero, presidente del Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico, contestó estas y otras preguntas.


Desde el principio de la pandemia, establecimos un call center, porque las personas tenían muchas dudas sobre el virus y no tenían con quién

comunicarse. Ahí recibimos más de 100 mil llamadas que pudimos atender. Después, empezamos a repartir equipo de protección personal para los médicos que tenían oficinas. Esto lo hicimos porque se les estaba repartiendo equipo de protección a los médicos que estaban en los hospitales, pero los que trabajaban desde sus oficinas estaban desprotegidos. Luego, establecimos el servicarro de pruebas, que aún está disponible de lunes a viernes desde las 9:00 a.m. hasta las 2:00 p.m. Para este servicarro, logramos un acuerdo con un laboratorio y comenzamos a hacer pruebas desde abril del año pasado, junto con la Asociación de IPAS de Puerto Rico. Asimismo, nuestro primer evento de vacunación fue el 24 de diciembre. Durante esa Nochebuena, vacunamos a varios profesionales de la salud como fue la recomendación inicial. También fuimos los primeros que llegamos a muchos lugares de la isla para vacunar a los profesionales de la salud. Además, nos hemos mantenido cooperando con el Departamento de Salud, trabajando en varios centros de vacunación. La clínica principal está en The Mall of San Juan, donde vacunamos a los niños de 5 a 11 años y también a los mayores de 12 con las dosis que necesiten. Los otros centros de vacunación están en el Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos, en

Víctor Ramos Otero, presidente del Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico, conversó sobre la importancia de la vacunación ●

Las Piedras, San Lorenzo, Guayama, Peñuelas, Maunabo, Loíza, Aguas Buenas, Utuado, Cataño y Barceloneta. También, debo mencionar que nosotros fuimos los que más encamados visitamos. Fueron más de 10 mil encamados. Esa vacunación se hace casa por casa y es un reto, pero lo hicimos. Otra iniciativa que tuvimos fue de educación continua con el curso obligatorio de COVID-19 que más de 8 mil médicos cogieron con el Colegio. Ese curso lo preparó la Sociedad de Enfermedades Infecciosas de Puerto Rico, y los médicos salieron muy satisfechos con todo lo que aprendieron.


Una de las lecciones es que hay que trabajar en grupo, junto con el Departamento de Salud y las organizaciones privadas. Yo creo que la unión de voluntarios, tanto del sector público como del privado, ha sido beneficiosa. Otra lección aprendida es que se siguieron las recomendaciones de

la ciencia, a pesar de que había mucha presión del sector económico. Puedo decir que hubo reuniones que fueron difíciles, pero nuestra posición siempre fue que, si se afectaba la salud, más se iba a tardar en recuperar la economía. Definitivamente, el tiempo nos dio la razón. Ahora vemos cómo han aumentado el turismo y la venta de autos, entre otros sectores. Si no se hubiese sido tan estricto al principio, no tendríamos esa recuperación económica.


Siempre es posible evitar muertes, sobre todo después de la vacuna. Muchos de los fallecimientos que se dieron en personas que podían vacunarse, pero no lo hicieron, se podían evitar. Las personas que no se vacunan tienen menos posibilidades de pelear contra el virus. A veces, la gente piensa que 3 mil vidas es poco y que Puerto Rico lo hizo mejor, en com-

BrandStudio Lead Manager: Milvia Ramírez Rivera Editora: Jannette Hernández Hernández ● Subeditora: Lucía A. Lozada Laracuente Coordinadora de Suplementos y Publicaciones Especiales: Sharian Maldonado Rodríguez

paración con otras jurisdicciones, y es verdad, pero, cada persona que muere, duele; cada una tiene su historia y hay historias bien tristes. Hay que ponerles rostros a los fallecidos, tanto de las personas como de los médicos. Yo tuve amigos cercanos que murieron, como cinco que fueron compañeros pediatras, y cada uno nos afecta. Pero, la mortalidad del virus es de [aproximadamente] un 2 %, y si tomas 3.2 millones de personas, serían unas 64 mil vidas que se podían perder, si no se hubiesen tomado las medidas que se implementaron cuando inició la pandemia. Las medidas, como el toque de queda y los cierres de negocios, funcionaron y nos ayudaron a minimizar las muertes.


En Puerto Rico, a diferencia de Estados Unidos, los movimientos antivacunas nunca han sido grandes. Afortunadamente, nosotros siempre hemos tenido una alta tasa de vacunación pediátrica, la más grande de Estados Unidos. A pesar de estos movimientos antivacunas, hemos notado que la

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SUPLEMENTOS | PRIMERA HORA viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021


gente ha escuchado a la ciencia. Mi intención es convencer al que se puede vacunar. Yo no pierdo mi foco ni entro en discusiones con estos grupos. Ellos tienen una postura firme y clara; no voy a entrar en polémica, solo quiero convencer a los que podemos vacunar y aclarar las dudas que las personas puedan tener.


Vamos muy bien. De la población elegible, más del 90 % tiene una dosis y más del 80 % tiene la serie completa. El porcentaje baja a 70 cuando tomamos toda la población, incluyendo los no elegibles, pero entendemos que eso va a aumentar, según se vayan vacunando los niños. Actualmente, hay unos mandatos de vacunación que a mucha gente no les gustan, pero han sido muy efectivos. Se han utilizado desde 1905 para la viruela, que se logró erradicar del mundo. Hay personas que piensan que es onerosa la obligación de vacunarse, pero si pensamos en el caso de Jacobson vs. Massachusetts, en 1905, en el que el demandante se negó a cumplir con el requisito de vacunación y el tribunal ordenó que estuviera detenido hasta que pagara la multa, eso sí es oneroso. Ahora eso no lo hacemos, así que esperamos que reine la sensatez y que dejen a los científicos hacer su trabajo.



La meta es vacunar a todo el que podamos. Nunca va a haber un 100 %, porque hay personas que no se pueden vacunar por condiciones de salud o por alguna razón ideológica, pero la meta es vacunar a todo el que podamos.


Yo, como pediatra, pienso que la vacuna es el mejor regalo de amor que los padres pueden darles a sus hijos, para tener una Navidad y un regreso a clases seguro. No se ha detectado ningún efecto secundario serio en niños, solo dolor en el brazo y un poco de malestar. Mi exhortación a todos —adultos y niños— es que se vacunen tanto con la primera, como con la segunda dosis y los refuerzos, que es la parte donde más atrás estamos. Para aclarar dudas sobre las dosis de refuerzo, la fórmula de la vacuna de Pfizer y de Janssen es igual. En el caso de la de Moderna, es la mitad de la dosis, porque esa cantidad demostró que tiene el efecto protector de refuerzo. Así que, además de seguir vacunando a nuestros niños, exhortamos a todos a estar pendientes a las variantes nuevas, como ómicron, de la que, al cierre de esta edición, ya se han detectado casos en varios estados de Estados Unidos, así como en otros países, como: Bélgica, Alemania, Reino Unido y Brasil.


SUPLEMENTOS | PRIMERA HORA viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021

¿Por qué es importante completar las dosis de la vacuna contra el VPH? Si no se completan las dosis, no se puede garantizar una protección óptima y de larga duración Por Carmen I. Suárez Martínez, MD, FAAP Especial para Suplementos


arias cepas del virus del papiloma humano, conocido como el VPH, pueden causar enfermedades muy serias como los cánceres de cérvix, vagina, vulva, pene, ano, y cabeza y cuello, además de verrugas genitales. Afortunadamente, existe la posibilidad de vacunarse y prevenir las complicaciones que produce esta infección cuando el cuerpo no es capaz de eliminarla. La vacuna contra el virus del papiloma humano incluye protección específica contra las cepas del virus asociadas a estas condiciones. Se recomienda que se vacunen a todas las niñas y los niños a los once años, aunque se puede comenzar desde los 9 años. Es importante recalcar que es preferible vacunar antes de que comience la actividad sexual, ya que esta infección se adquiere por contacto con piel infectada y en relaciones sexuales que involucren área genital/genital o genital/oral. El virus del papiloma humano es muy común y por eso el riesgo es real. Entonces, es importante saber que las vacunas estimulan al sistema inmunológico a crear defensas específicas contra los agentes infecciosos para los cuales existen vacunas. Existen varios tipos de vacunas. Es posible utilizar el germen, pero en su estado muerto. A este tipo de vacuna se le conoce como vacuna inactivada. También hay vacunas que utilizan el germen completo, pero debilitado, cosa de que produzca inmunidad, pero no cause la enfermedad. A estas vacunas se les conoce como vivas atenuadas. Otras vacunas utilizan una parte del germen como una proteína o parte de la cápsula y, en ocasiones, se pega una parte del germen a un adyuvante para lograr la inmunidad. Hay vacunas que utilizan las toxinas que produce el germen como método de inducir inmunidad.

Las vacunas pueden administrarse de manera oral, nasal o inyectable. Al administrar una vacuna, el cuerpo —y específicamente el sistema inmunológico—, reconoce ese agente como extraño y crea defensas o anticuerpos específicos contra el agente infeccioso. Estas defensas tienen el potencial de atacar la infección real, si, en algún momento, tiene contacto con la persona. Las células blancas del torrente sanguíneo son esa línea de defensa. Existen recomendaciones específicas en cuanto a la cantidad de dosis de cada vacuna. Estas recomendaciones se basan en estudios científicos donde se busca saber cuántas dosis son necesarias para asegurar una respuesta inmune robusta y duradera. En ciertas vacunas, también se sugieren refuerzos para mantener la inmunidad a largo plazo. En el caso del VPH, se recomienda poner dos dosis separadas por seis meses en pacientes menores de 15 años. Luego de los 15 años, la recomendación es administrar tres dosis. En este caso, la segunda dosis se administra dos meses luego de la primera y la tercera dosis a los seis meses de la primera. Con estos esquemas, los pacientes deben de estar protegidos contra las cepas causantes de verrugas genitales o los cánceres causados por el VPH. Actualmente, esta vacuna tiene indicación para personas de hasta 45 años de edad. Es importante recalcar que, si no se completan las dosis, no se puede garantizar una protección óptima y de larga duración. Es por este motivo que debemos estar bien pendientes de no olvidar la segunda o la tercera dosis, según sea el caso. Esta vacuna es muy bien tolerada. Los efectos adversos tienden a ser dolor en el área de la inyección y en

algunos jóvenes se reportan desmayos. De ocurrir un desmayo, se espera una recuperación rápida. Por esta razón, recomendamos que el paciente esté sentado y se observe. Esta vacuna ha demostrado una reducción significativa en los cánceres que se asocian al virus del papiloma humano y en verrugas genitales. Tenemos una herramienta efectiva y segura para combatir un problema de salud muy serio. No olvidemos utilizarla a la edad indicada y con las dosis recomendadas. Fuentes de información: Academia Americana de Pediatría, Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades, Sociedad Americana Contra el Cáncer. La autora es presidenta de la Sociedad Puertorriqueña de Pediatría.

SUPLEMENTOS | PRIMERA HORA viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021


Enfermedad neumocócica: un mal prevenible Las vacunas son la mejor manera de evitarla ●

Por Vanessa Olivo Echavarry, MD Especial para Suplementos


a enfermedad neumocócica es causada por la bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae (neumococo) y aunque esta contiene más de 90 serotipos, los diez tipos más comunes causan el 62 % de la enfermedad invasiva a nivel mundial. La enfermedad se transmite de persona a persona por gotas de saliva suspendidas en el aire. El neumococo es un habitante común del tracto respiratorio humano. Puede ser ais-

lado de la nasofaringe en un 5 a un 90 % de las personas saludables. Muchas personas pueden portar la bacteria en su nariz y garganta sin desarrollar enfermedad invasiva. Hay dos síndromes clínicos principales de enfermedad neumocócica invasiva: bacteriemia (infección del torrente sanguíneo) y meningitis (infección en las membranas del cerebro). Ambos son causados por una infección con la misma bacteria, pero tienen diferentes manifestaciones. Sin embargo, es la pulmonía neumocócica la enfermedad más común causada por la infección neumocócica. Se estima que, anualmente, ocurren 400,000 hospitalizaciones por pulmonía neumocócica en Estados Unidos. Esta pulmonía puede ocurrir en combinación con bacteriemia o meningitis, o

puede ocurrir sola. La pulmonía neumocócica aislada no se considera una enfermedad invasiva, pero puede ser grave. Los síntomas incluyen: fiebre repentina, escalofríos, dolor de pecho, tos, dificultad para respirar, respiración rápida, frecuencia cardíaca y debilidad. La tasa de mortalidad es del 5 al 7 % y puede ser mucho mayor en los adultos mayores. La bacteriemia neumocócica se presenta en alrededor del 25 al 30 % de los pacientes con pulmonía neumocócica. Más de 5,000 casos de bacteriemia neumocócica sin pulmonía ocurren cada año en Estados Unidos. La bacteriemia es la presentación clínica más común entre los niños menores de dos años y representa el 70 % de la enfermedad invasiva en este grupo. Los neumococos causan el 50 % de

todos los casos de meningitis bacteriana en Estados Unidos. Se estima que hay 2,000 casos de meningitis neumocócica cada año. Los síntomas y los signos pueden incluir: dolor de cabeza, cansancio, vómitos, irritabilidad, fiebre, convulsiones y coma. La tasa de letalidad de la meningitis neumocócica es de aproximadamente el 8 % entre los niños y del 22 % entre los adultos. El daño neurológico permanente es común entre los sobrevivientes. La enfermedad neumocócica es una afección grave que causa mucha enfermedad y muerte. Los niños pequeños y los ancianos (menores de dos años y mayores de 50) tienen la mayor incidencia de enfermedades graves.


Las tasas de letalidad son más altas para la meningitis neumocócica y la bacteriemia, y la mortalidad más alta se produce entre los ancianos y los pacientes con enfermedades subyacentes. La tasa global de letalidad por bacteriemia neumocócica es de alrededor del 20 % entre los adultos. Entre los pacientes de edad avanzada, esta tasa puede llegar al 60 %. Las vacunas son la mejor manera de prevenir la enfermedad neumocócica. Existen dos tipos de vacunas para la prevención de la enfermedad neumocócica en Estados Unidos: vacuna antineumocócica conjugada (PCV13) y vacuna antineumocócica polisacárida (PPSV23). Ambas han demostrado ser eficaces y seguras. El Comité Asesor sobre Prácticas de Inmunización (ACIP, en inglés) hace sus recomendaciones para la prevención de enfermedad neumocócica por grupos de edad y factores de riesgo. En cuanto a la vacunación del adulto, el ACIP actualizó su recomendación el 22 de noviembre de 2019, por lo que la vacuna PCV13 ya no se recomienda de forma rutinaria para todos los adultos de 65 años o más. La PCV13 se sigue recomendando para todos los adultos que sean pacientes inmunocomprometidos, con fuga de líquido cefalorraquídeo o implante coclear. El ACIP continúa recomendando que todos los adultos de 65 años o más reciban habitualmente una dosis de la vacuna antineumocócica de polisacáridos (PPSV23). La PPSV23 contiene doce serotipos en común con la PCV13 y once serotipos adicionales. Los once serotipos adicionales representan entre el 32 y el 37 % de la enfermedad neumocócica invasiva entre los adultos de 65 años o más. El ACIP recomendó que los fumadores y las personas con diabetes reciban solo la PPSV23 una vez antes de los 65 años y nuevamente a los 65 años o más. Se recomienda la PPSV23 (pero no la PCV13) para adultos de 19 a 64 años con todos los tipos de asma. Ahora, más que nunca, queda demostrada la efectividad de las vacunas para prevenir enfermedades potencialmente mortales. Conversa con tu médico o farmacéutico sobre los riesgos de la enfermedad neumocócica y qué tipo de vacuna es la apropiada para prevenirla. Fuente: Immunization Action Coalition: Ask the experts. La autora es infectóloga.


SUPLEMENTOS | PRIMERA HORA viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021

¿Refuerzo, booster o tercera dosis? Es una herramienta necesaria para mantener los anticuerpos a niveles óptimos por más tiempo ●

Por Lemuel Martínez, MD Especial para Suplementos


n medio de cualquier crisis, buscamos cuál sería la mejor solución para salir de la misma lo antes posible. Una crisis, de por sí, es retante, pero, más aún si el problema va evolucionando o mutando constantemente. Este es el asunto que tenemos ante nosotros: que estamos batallando con un virus que no es estático, sino cambiante. Por eso, surgen las discusiones públicas del tema de las variantes del COVID-19. Primero surgió la variante alfa, pero también se escuchó de la beta y la gamma. Estas variantes no resultaron en mayores complicaciones para la salud pública, hasta la aparición de delta. Países que parecían haber domado la pandemia (como India y Rusia) se toparon con lo que ya Italia, Brasil y Nueva York habían vivido: sistemas de salud colapsados, mientras pacientes esperaban en las afueras de los hospitales por tratamientos. La variante delta resultó ser altamente contagiosa, aunque no más severa. Mucha preocupación surgió sobre qué tan efectiva se mantendrían las vacunas. Un análisis muy bien preparado por el doctor Rafael Irizarry junto con el Departamento de Salud de Puerto Rico (datos de nuestro país, de nuestros ciudadanos y por nuestros científicos), logró darnos la respuesta que buscábamos y un poco más. Las vacunas actuales son muy potentes, inclusive contra la variante delta, pero su efectividad disminuye a través del tiempo y esto es más marcado en personas mayores de 65 años. Con Janssen/Johnson & Johnson, la efectividad baja a partir de los dos meses de vacunación. En el caso de las vacunas de mRNA (Pfizer y Moderna), la efectividad disminuye luego de seis meses. Pero, en aquel momento, no estábamos autorizados a ofrecer dosis adicionales a las personas, lo que nos causaba mucha ansiedad. Recientemente, la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA, en inglés) y los

Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, en inglés) autorizaron el ofrecimiento de dosis adicionales a las personas. Ese booster o tercera dosis es una herramienta necesaria para mantener los anticuerpos a niveles óptimos por más tiempo. Es importante tener en cuenta lo siguiente: no podemos comparar la estrategia de vacunación contra la influenza con la del COVID-19. La influenza es un virus que ha adquirido un patrón de infecciones por temporada. Es decir, sabemos que en los meses de diciembre, enero y febrero ocurre la temporada alta de contagios. Por lo tanto, nos vacunamos una vez al año (desde octubre, ¡aún están a tiempo!). En el caso actual con el COVID-19, este virus no ha tomado temporadas. Es decir, no podemos predecir cuándo esperamos una alta transmisión. La estrategia de vacunar una vez al año, entonces, sería difícil de utilizar en estos momentos. Una manera de simplificar la conversación sería entender que hay cosas que sabemos y cosas que no sabemos. No sabemos qué impacto, por ejemplo, traería la variante ómicron. No sabemos si pronto viene otro repunte de contagios y no sabemos cuándo nos expondremos a una persona contagiada. Lo que sí sabemos es que las vacunas de mRNA han mantenido alta efectividad contra las variantes que ha presentado el COVID-19 hasta ahora, pero óptimamente por seis meses. Sabemos que el virus seguirá su esfuerzo por mutar, por lo que, en algún momento, tendremos que reformular la vacuna. Pero, hoy, hay que entender que la dosis adicional a los seis meses es parte del proceso para mantenerse óptimamente protegido. Es por eso que se quitaron las restricciones y ahora se permite a toda persona mayor de 18 años acceder a una tercera dosis. Inclusive, esa dosis podemos cambiarla de Pfizer a Moderna y viceversa. Más importante aún, toda persona vacunada con Janssen/Johnson & Johnson que pueda moverse a vacunas de mRNA logrará protección por más tiempo. Tenemos la oportunidad de crear una comunidad altamente vacunada, aprovechémoslo y vacunémosnos con la misma voluntad y sentido de urgencia como cuando llegaron las primeras vacunas. El autor es infectólogo, presidente de la Sociedad de Enfermedades Infecciosas de Puerto Rico y miembro del Comité Científico COVID-19 de Puerto Rico.

07 SUPLEMENTOS | viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021




SUPLEMENTOS | PRIMERA HORA viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021

Los menores entre 5 a 11 años deben tener sus dosis completadas para lograr admisión escolar presencial en o antes del 31 de enero del 2022. También se incluyen los estudiantes del sistema público y privado de 12 años en adelante, cursando escuela intermedia, superior, vocacional o universitario ●

Los derechos y responsabilidades de vacunar a los hijos Por Linette Sánchez, J.D. Especial para Suplementos


n Puerto Rico, la mayoría de la población está consciente de la importancia de las vacunas contra el COVID-19. Entienden los fundamentos médico-científicos que demuestran que la vacuna es el instrumento más efectivo para

protegernos contra la severidad de la enfermedad del COVID-19. Aquellos que no necesariamente comprenden la ciencia, asumen su responsabilidad, buscando información y recomendaciones de expertos en inmunidad a través del Departamento de Salud, organizaciones privadas con credibilidad, médicos y personal de enfermería.

Son pocos, pero muy vocales y activos en las redes sociales, los que desvían el mensaje de protección y medidas de seguridad contra el COVID-19. Sin evidencia, provocan equivocaciones en el análisis y el balance de riesgos versus beneficios de la vacunación ante un virus que puede ser letal. Ciertamente, las constituciones de Estados Unidos y de Puerto

Rico protegen los derechos individuales a la libertad y la autonomía. Estos derechos nos permiten expresar nuestras ideas en el campo de la libertad de expresión y la autonomía para elegir si autorizamos o rechazamos un tratamiento médico como la vacuna. No obstante, debemos reconocer que los derechos individuales constitucionalmente protegidos no

son absolutos. El Gobierno tiene un interés apremiante en proteger a sus ciudadanos y visitantes de peligros a la salud pública. La pandemia ocasionada por el virus SARS-CoV-2 es un peligro inminente que ha terminado la vida de más de 5 millones de personas alrededor del mundo y más de 3,200 en Puerto Rico. Con el fin de proteger al mayor número de personas, el Gobierno establece medidas de seguridad para todos y mandatos de vacunación con énfasis en la población laboral y estudiantil. En Puerto Rico, desde la década de 1970, tradicional e históricamente la Asamblea Legislativa designó a la Rama Ejecutiva, por conducto del Secretario de Salud, la autoridad y el deber de escoger las vacunas requisito para la admisión escolar. Recientemente, el gobernador Pedro Pierluisi, en la Orden Ejecutiva 2021-075, como medida de emergencia, ordenó que los menores entre 5 a 11 años deben tener sus dosis completadas para lograr admisión escolar presencial en o antes del 31 de enero del 2022. También se incluyen los estudiantes del sistema público y privado entre las edades de 12 años en adelante, cursando escuela intermedia, superior, vocacional o universitario originalmente bajo la Orden Administrativa del Departamento de Salud 2021-509. El derecho y la responsabilidad de los padres, tutores y/o encargados de los menores de edad se expresa al lograr acceso y llevar a sus hijos al proveedor pediátrico de su preferencia, aclarar sus dudas sobre la vacuna y tomar una decisión ilustrada basada en evidencia médico-científica y el bienestar de su hijo. Deben llevar la identificación con foto del adulto, el número de Seguro Social del menor (si tiene) y estar presentes en todo momento con el menor. Si papá o mamá no pueden ir, deben redactar una carta sencilla autorizando a un adulto encargado a completar el consentimiento para la vacuna del menor y copia de la identificación con foto de quien firma la carta. Si tienes dudas, puedes comunicarte con el Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico para una orientación, llamando al 787-751-5979, extensión 122 o pasar por el Centro de Vacunación del Colegio en The Mall of San Juan. Conoce tu derecho de acceso a la vacunación y ejerce tu responsabilidad. La autora es experta en Derecho de Salud. Para información, llama al 787-763-0838 o escribe a

09 SUPLEMENTOS | viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021

LAS ABUELAS HÍPSTERS DEBERÍAN PONERSE UNA De hecho, los CDC RECOMIENDAN que casi todas las personas de 65 AÑOS O MÁS se vacunen con PNEUMOVAX 23, incluso si ya han recibido una vacuna antineumocócica diferente.

Después de los 65 años, su riesgo de enfermedad neumocócica es


en comparación con los adultos sanos de 50 a 64 años.

Representación actoral

Para casi todos los mayores de 65,

ESTA ES SU OPORTUNIDAD Acerca de PNEUMOVAX 23 PNEUMOVAX 23 es una vacuna para personas de 50 años de edad en adelante que se administra en forma de inyección. Ayuda a protegerle de la infección por ciertos gérmenes o bacterias denominados neumococos.


HDEOH FRQ VX SURYHHGRU GH DWHQFLµQ P«GLFD VL SODQHD UHFLELU 31(8029$;b DO mismo tiempo que otras vacunas. /RV HIHFWRV VHFXQGDULRV P£V FRPXQHV GH 31(8029$;b VRQ ORV VLJXLHQWHV dolor, sensación de calor, sensibilidad, enrojecimiento, hinchazón y endurecimiento en el lugar de inyección; dolor de cabeza, debilidad y sensación de cansancio, y dolor muscular. Informe a su proveedor de atención médica o pida ayuda inmediatamente si tiene cualquiera de los siguientes problemas, que pueden ser signos de una UHDFFLµQ DO«UJLFD GLILFXOWDG SDUD UHVSLUDU VLELODQFLD VDUSXOOLGR XUWLFDULD Los efectos secundarios en el lugar de inyección pueden ser más frecuentes y pueden sentirse con más intensidad después de una segunda inyección que después de la primera inyección. Informe a su proveedor de atención médica si tiene efectos secundarios que le causan molestias o no desaparecen. Se le aconseja informar los efectos secundarios negativos de los fármacos recetados a la FDA. Visite, o llame al 1-800-FDA-1088. Lea la Información para Pacientes de PNEUMOVAX 23 adjunta y analícela con su proveedor de atención médica o farmacéutico.

CDC = Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades

¿Tiene problemas para pagar su vacuna de Merck? Quizás Merck pueda ayudarle. Visite &RS\ULJKW kb 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS XQD VXEVLGLDULD GH Merck & Co., Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. US-PNX-02208 9/21

Consulte con su médico o farmacéutico para saber si la vacunación antineumocócica es adecuada para usted.


viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021 | SUPLEMENTOS 10


7”7” 7”7”7” 7”7” 7” 7” 7”7”


RxFor Only Rx Only Rx Only Copyright © 2020 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., una subsidiaria For patent patent information: information: For patent information: &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS Para obtener información sobre patentes: Revised: 05/2015 Revised: Revised: 05/2015 05/2015 Revised: 05/2015 Revised: Revised: 05/2015 05/2015 de Merck & Co., Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG US-PNX-02208 9/21 Solo con receta médica For patent information: For patent For patent information: information: For patent information: For For patent patent information: information: &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS 86 31; 86 31; 86 31; &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS Rx Rx Only Only Rx Only D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG 7” 86 31; 86 31; 86 31; 86 31; 86 31; 86 31; Rx Only Rx Only Rx Only Rx Only RxRx Only Only


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(or you your your child): you read you read this, you this, should you should ask ask the first shot. you (or your you read this, you should ask • (or have heart lung problems isthis athis summary only. It does not Side effects at the site where What should I my tell my health Read leaflet before you or Side Side effects effects at the at the site site where What What should should I child): tell I or tell my my health health Read Read this leaflet leaflet before before you you or or Side effects at the site where What should Ichild): tell health Read this leaflet before you or Side Side effects effects at at the the site site where where What What should should I(or tell Iyour tell my my health health Read Read this this leaflet leaflet before before you you or or frecuentes y pueden sentirse con PNEUMOVAX 23. SiIf tiene preguntas • tienen fiebre common common and and may may feel feel worse worse PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23. 23. If you you have have any any common and may feel worse PNEUMOVAX 23? PNEUMOVAX 23. If you have any you or your child has where amás side effect the first shot. you (or your child): you read this, you should ask the first the first shot. shot. you you (or your (or your child): child): youyour read you read this, this, you should you should ask ask • are • are allergic allergic to to PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 your your health health care care provider. provider. This This • are • allergic are allergic to PNEUMOVAX to PNEUMOVAX 23 23 your health health care care provider. provider. This This • are allergic to PNEUMOVAX 23 your health care provider. This intensidad después de una segunda sobre la vacuna luego devaccine leer este •provider have a fever take the place of talking to your •Tell tienen problemas inmunológicos you get the shot may be more care provider before getting your child gets the called you you get get the the shot shot may may be more be care care provider before before getting getting your your child child gets gets the the vaccine vaccine called called you get the shot may be more care provider before getting your child gets the vaccine called you you get get the the shot shot may may be be more more care care provider provider before before getting getting your your child child gets gets the vaccine vaccine called called Tell Tell your your health health care care provider provider Tell your Tell your health health care care provider provider if more ifif ifnot Tell your health care provider ifdoes after after a a second second shot shot than than after after Tell your your health health care care provider provider if if questions questions about about the the vaccine vaccine after after after a second shot than after Tell your health care provider if questions about the vaccine after that bothers you or that are allergic to PNEUMOVAX 23 your health care provider. This • are • allergic are allergic to PNEUMOVAX to PNEUMOVAX 23 23 your your health health care care provider. provider. This This • have • have heart heart or or lung lung problems problems is is a summary a summary only. only. It does It does not not • have • have heart heart or lung or lung problems problems is a summary is a summary only. only. It does It does not not • have heart or lung problems is a summary only. It does not inyección que después de la primera folleto, debe consultar ayou su proveedor o están recibiendo un tratamiento Tell your health care provider if Tell your Tell your health health care care provider provider if if • have immune problems or are doctor, nurse or other health care common and may feel worse PNEUMOVAX 23? PNEUMOVAX 23. If you have any common common and and may may feel feel worse worse PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23. 23. If If you have have any any common and may feel worse PNEUMOVAX 23? PNEUMOVAX 23. If you have any common common and and may may feel feel worse worse PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23. 23. If If you you have have any any you you or or your your child child has has a side a side effect effect you or you your or your child child has a has side a effect side effect you or your child has a side effect the the first first shot. you (or your your child): child): you you read read this, this, you you should should ask ask the first shot. you (or your child): you read this, you should ask goshot. away. heart or lung problems issummary a summary only. It not •your have •you have heart heart or orcomo lung problems problems youyou is atake is a summary only. only. It does Itdoes does not not •(or have •your have alung fever a fever take take the the place place of of talking talking to to your • Tell have •Tell have a fever ahealth fever the take place the place of talking of talking to your to your • con have a fever take the place of talking to your inyección. de atención médica. Esto es solo un radiación quimioterapia or your child has a side effect you or your or your child child has a has side a side effect effect receiving radiation treatment provider vaccine. Only after a second shot than after your health care provider if questions about the vaccine after after after a second a second shot shot than than after after Tell Tell your health care care provider provider if if questions questions about about the the vaccine vaccine after after after a second shot than after your health care provider if questions about the vaccine after after after a a second second shot shot than than after after Tell Tell your your health health care care provider provider if if questions questions about about the the vaccine vaccine after after that that bothers bothers you you or or that that does does not not that bothers that bothers you or you that or does that does not not that bothers you or that does not are are allergic to to PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 your your health health care care provider. provider. This This •a••are allergic to PNEUMOVAX 23 your health care provider. This a take the place of talking to your •care have have fever afever fever take take the place the place of talking of talking to your to your resumen. No reemplaza laprovider charla have •allergic have immune immune problems problems or or are are doctor, doctor, nurse nurse or or other other health health care •care have immune immune problems problems are or are doctor, doctor, nurse nurse or other or other health health care •(or have immune problems are doctor, nurse or other health care •••have usted está embarazada o oror Tell Tell your your health health care care provider provider ififof Tell your health care provider if side For a more complete list that bothers you or that does not that that bothers bothers you you or that or that does does not not for chemotherapy your health care can the first shot. you (or your child): you read this, you should ask the the first first shot. shot. you you (or your (or your child): child): you you read read this, this, you you should should ask ask the first shot. you (or your child): you read this, you should ask Informe a su proveedor de the the first first shot. shot. you you (or your your child): child): you you read read this, this, you you should should ask ask go go away. away. go away. go away. go away. have have heart heart or orproblems lung lung problems problems is is ais anurse summary summary only. only. It Ithealth does does not not •immune have heart or lung problems a provider summary only. It does not sobre laabout vacuna con su médico, • ••receiving have immune or are doctor, nurse or other care • Only have immune problems problems or are or are go doctor, doctor, nurse or other or other health health care care amamantando receiving receiving radiation radiation treatment treatment provider about about the the vaccine. vaccine. Only receiving radiation radiation treatment treatment provider provider about the vaccine. the vaccine. Only Only receiving radiation treatment provider about the vaccine. Only you you or oreffects, your your child child has has side side effect effect you or your child has a hijo side effect ask your health care atención médica si usted oaasu away. away. go away. •are are pregnant or breast-feeding decide if PNEUMOVAX 23 right •have are allergic to your health care provider. This •have are •allergic allergic allergic to PNEUMOVAX toPNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 2323 23 your your health health care care provider. provider. This This •are are to PNEUMOVAX your health care provider. This •is•are allergic allergic to to PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 2323go your your health health care care provider. provider. This This • • have a a fever fever take take the the place place of of talking talking to to your your • a fever take the place of talking to your enfermero u otro proveedor de Tell health care provider if if Tell Tell your your health health care care provider provider if Tell your health care provider ifnot Tell your your health health care care provider provider ifdoes if For For amore more acomplete more complete complete list list of of side side For aFor more ayour complete list of list side of side For abothers more complete list of side receiving radiation treatment provider about the vaccine. Only receiving receiving radiation radiation treatment treatment Tell provider provider about about the vaccine. the vaccine. Only Only for for chemotherapy chemotherapy your your health health care care provider provider can can for chemotherapy for chemotherapy your your health health care care provider provider can can for chemotherapy your health care provider can experimentan efectos secundarios that that bothers you you or or that that does does not that bothers you or that not provider. for you or your child. • have heart or lung problems is a summary only. It does not • have • have heart heart or lung or lung problems problems is a is summary a summary only. only. It does It does not not • have heart or lung problems a summary only. It does not • • have have heart heart or or lung lung problems problems isis a is a summary summary only. only. It It does does not not ¿Cómo se administra atención médica. Solo su proveedor For a more complete list of side For a For more a more complete complete list of list side of side ••are have have immune immune problems problems or oror are are doctor, doctor, nurse nurse or or other other health health care care • •chemotherapy have immune problems are doctor, nurse or other health care you or your child has a side effect you you or your or your child child has has a side a side effect effect you or your child has a side effect you you or or your your child child has has a a side side effect effect effects, effects, ask ask your your health health care care effects, effects, ask ask your health health care care effects, ask your health care for your health care provider can for chemotherapy for chemotherapy your your health health care care provider provider can can • are • are pregnant pregnant or or breast-feeding breast-feeding decide decide if PNEUMOVAX if PNEUMOVAX 23 23 is is right right • pregnant are pregnant or breast-feeding or breast-feeding decide decide if PNEUMOVAX if PNEUMOVAX 23 is 23 right is right • are pregnant or breast-feeding decide if PNEUMOVAX 23 is right que les resulten molestos o que no How is PNEUMOVAX 23 given? go gogo away. away. away. •a aradiation take the place of talking to your •receiving •have a fever afever fever treatment take take the the place place of talking of talking to your to your •have have ahave fever take the place of talking to your • •have ahave fever fever take take the the place place of of talking talking to to your your de atención médica puede decidir si You may also report any side effects, ask your health care effects, effects, ask your ask your health health care care receiving radiation treatment provider provider about about the the vaccine. vaccine. Only Only radiation treatment provider about the vaccine. Only that bothers you or that does not that that bothers bothers you or that or that does does not not that that bothers bothers you you or or that that does does not not that bothers you oryou that does not provider. provider. provider. provider. provider. • PNEUMOVAX 23? pregnant or decide if PNEUMOVAX 23 isisright • are •are pregnant arereceiving pregnant or breast-feeding orbreast-feeding breast-feeding decide decide iffor PNEUMOVAX if PNEUMOVAX 23 is23 right right desaparecen. for for you you or or your your child. child. for you or you your or your child. child. for you or your child. Most often, just one shot is given. What is PNEUMOVAX 23? Por lo general, se administra solo • have immune problems or are doctor, nurse or other health care • have • have immune immune problems problems or are or are doctor, doctor, nurse nurse or other or other health health care care • have immune problems or are doctor, nurse or other health care PNEUMOVAX 23 es adecuado para • • have have immune immune problems problems or or are are doctor, doctor, nurse nurse or or other other health health care care For For a a more more complete complete list list of of side side For a more complete list of side effect to your or your child’s provider. provider. provider. for for chemotherapy chemotherapy your your health health care care provider provider can can for chemotherapy your health care provider can How How is is PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 given? given? How How is PNEUMOVAX is PNEUMOVAX 23 given? 23 given? How is PNEUMOVAX 23 given? go away. go away. go away. go away. go go away. away. you or your child. forfor you for or you your or your child. child.23 is a vaccine that una vacuna. Pida a su proveedor de atención usted oPNEUMOVAX su hijo. You You may may also also report report any any side side You You may may also report also report any side any side You may also report any side receiving radiation treatment provider about the vaccine. Only receiving radiation radiation treatment treatment provider provider about the the vaccine. vaccine. Only Only receiving radiation treatment provider the vaccine. Only receiving receiving radiation radiation treatment treatment provider provider about about the the vaccine. vaccine. Only Only Ifreceiving you or your child is in higheffects, effects, ask ask your your health health care care effects, ask your health care health care provider, or directly How is PNEUMOVAX 23 given? How is PNEUMOVAX is PNEUMOVAX 23 given? 23 given? PNEUMOVAX •How •Most are are pregnant pregnant or or breast-feeding breast-feeding decide decide ififabout 23 23 is is right right • Most are pregnant or breast-feeding decide ifisabout PNEUMOVAX 23 is right Most Most often, often, just just one one shot shot is given. given. What What is PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? Most often, often, just one just shot one shot is given. isisagiven. What What is PNEUMOVAX is PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? often, just one shot is given. What is PNEUMOVAX 23? médica una lista más completa de is given as aprovider shot. Itcan helps protect You may also report any side You You may may also also report report any side any side For a more complete list of side For For a more a more complete complete list list of side of side For a more complete list of side For For a a more more complete complete list list of of side effect effect to to your your or or your your child’s child’s effect effect to your to your or your or your child’s child’s effect to your or your child’s for chemotherapy your health care provider can for for chemotherapy chemotherapy your your health health care care provider can can for chemotherapy your health care provider for for chemotherapy chemotherapy your your health health care care provider provider can can Si usted o su hijo pertenecen a un risk forshot pneumococcal provider. provider. provider. to secundarios. the Vaccine Adverse Event Most often, just isisgiven. What isyou 23? Most Most often, often, justgroup just oneone one shot shot is given. given. los efectos What What is PNEUMOVAX isPNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? for for you you or or your your child. child. for or your child. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 a vaccine abyvaccine that that PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 2323 is 23 a vaccine isis ais vaccine that that PNEUMOVAX is a23 vaccine that ¿Qué es PNEUMOVAX 23? you from infection certain effect to your or your child’s effect effect to your to your or your or your child’s child’s If If you you or or your your child child is is in in a higha highIf•are you If or you your or your child child is in a is highin a highIf you or your child is in a higheffects, ask your health care effects, effects, ask ask your your health health care care effects, ask your health care effects, effects, ask ask your your health health care care health health care care provider, provider, or or directly directly health health care care provider, provider, or directly or directly health care provider, or directly grupo de alto riesgo de infección • are pregnant or breast-feeding decide if PNEUMOVAX 23 is right • are • are pregnant pregnant or breast-feeding or breast-feeding decide decide if PNEUMOVAX if PNEUMOVAX 23 is 23 right is right are pregnant or breast-feeding decide if PNEUMOVAX 23 is right • • are pregnant pregnant or or breast-feeding breast-feeding decide decide if if PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 is is right right How How is isinfection, PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 2323 given? given? How is PNEUMOVAX given?care then your health Reporting System (VAERS). You PNEUMOVAX 23 that PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX is vaccine avaccine vaccine that that PNEUMOVAX 23 es una is given given as as ais shot. aisahelps shot. helps Itprotect helps protect protect is given isisgiven as a23 shot. a23 shot. It ItItvacuna helps protect is given as aas shot. It helps protect You You may may also also report report any any side side You may also report any side Ifneumocócica, you or your child is in If you If you or your orgroup your child child is in is a highinashot ahighhighgerms or bacteria which are health care provider, or directly health health care care provider, provider, or directly or directly risk risk group group for for pneumococcal pneumococcal risk group risk for pneumococcal pneumococcal risk group for pneumococcal provider. provider. provider. provider. sufor proveedor de provider. provider. to to the the Vaccine Vaccine Adverse Adverse Event Event to the to Vaccine the Vaccine Adverse Adverse Event Event to the Vaccine Adverse Event También puede informar cualquier for you or child. for you for you or your or your child. child. for you or your child. for for you or or your your child. child. Most Most often, often, just just one one shot shot is isifgiven. given. What What is is PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? Most often, just one is What is PNEUMOVAX 23? provider will decide itgiven. would be que se administra como inyección. may call the VAERS number isyou given a Itby protect is given is given as aas as shot. ashot. shot. Ityour helps Ithelps helps protect protect you you from from infection infection by by certain certain you from you from infection infection certain by certain you from infection by certain effect effect to toto your your or or your your child’s child’s effect your your child’s risk group for pneumococcal risk group risk group for pneumococcal for pneumococcal atención médica decidirá si será called pneumococcus (pronounced to the Vaccine Adverse Event tocare the to Vaccine the Vaccine Adverse Adverse Event Event How is PNEUMOVAX 23 given? How How is PNEUMOVAX is PNEUMOVAX 23 given? 23 given? How is PNEUMOVAX 23 given? How How is is PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 given? given? infection, infection, then then your your health health care infection, infection, then then your your health health care care infection, then your health care efecto secundario a or su proveedor de You Reporting Reporting System System (VAERS). (VAERS). You You Reporting Reporting System System (VAERS). (VAERS). You Reporting System (VAERS). You Ayuda aor protegerle de la infección PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 is iswhich ais acertain vaccine vaccine that that PNEUMOVAX 23 a vaccine that helpful to give a second shot of 1-800-822-7967 at no charge, You may also report any side You You may may also also report report any any side side You may also report any side you from infection by yougerms from you from infection infection by certain by certain You You may may also also report report any any side side germs germs or or bacteria bacteria which which are are germs or bacteria or bacteria which which are are germs bacteria are If If you you or or your your child child is is in in a a highhighIf you or your child is in a highnecesaria una segunda vacunación health health care care provider, provider, or or directly directly health care provider, or directly infection, then your health care infection, infection, then then your your health health care care atención médica o el de su hijo, oYou “noo-mo-ca-cus”). PNEUMOVAX 23 Reporting System (VAERS). You Reporting Reporting System System (VAERS). (VAERS). You Most often, just one shot is given. What is PNEUMOVAX 23? Most Most often, often, just just one one shot shot is given. is given. What What is PNEUMOVAX is PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? Most often, just one shot is given. What is PNEUMOVAX 23? Most Most often, often, just just one one shot shot is is given. given. What What is is PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? provider provider will will decide decide if if it it would would be be provider provider will decide will decide provider will decide if it would if it would be be if it would be may may call call the the VAERS VAERS number number may may call the call VAERS the VAERS number number may call the VAERS number por ciertos gérmenes o bacterias is is given given as as a a shot. shot. It It helps helps protect protect is given as a shot. It helps protect PNEUMOVAX 23adelante. at a latereffect time. or report online to effect to your or your child’s effect effect to your to your or your or your child’s child’s effect to your or your child’s germs or which are germs germs or bacteria orbacteria bacteria which which are are effect to to your your or or your your child’s child’s called called pneumococcus pneumococcus (pronounced (pronounced called called pneumococcus pneumococcus (pronounced (pronounced called pneumococcus (pronounced con PNEUMOVAX 23 risk risk group group for for pneumococcal pneumococcal risk group for pneumococcal directamente al Sistema de Informes to to the the Vaccine Vaccine Adverse Adverse Event Event to Vaccine Adverse Event provider will decide provider provider will decide will decide ifsecond would be if it would if it would be be is for people years of age and may call the VAERS number may may call the call VAERS the VAERS number number PNEUMOVAX is acertain that PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX is 23 acertain is vaccine avaccine vaccine that that PNEUMOVAX 23 is a50 vaccine that PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23infection 23 is is a23 vaccine a23 vaccine that that helpful helpful to to give give second aitis second shot shot of1-800-822-7967 of helpful helpful to give to give achild second aamás shot shot of of helpful to give ais second shot of denominados neumococos. 1-800-822-7967 1-800-822-7967 at at no no charge, charge, 1-800-822-7967 at no at charge, no charge, 1-800-822-7967 at no charge, you you from from infection infection by by certain you from by If you or your child is in a highIf you If you or your or your child child in is a in higha highIf you or your is in a highIf If you you or or your your child child is in in a a health care provider, or directly health health care care provider, provider, or directly or directly health care provider, or directly called pneumococcus (pronounced called called pneumococcus pneumococcus (pronounced (pronounced health health care care provider, provider, or or directly directly “noo-mo-ca-cus”). “noo-mo-ca-cus”). PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 “noo-mo-ca-cus”). “noo-mo-ca-cus”). PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 “noo-mo-ca-cus”). PNEUMOVAX 23 sobre Eventos Adversos Producidos infection, infection, then then your your health health care care infection, then your health care Reporting Reporting System System (VAERS). (VAERS). You You Reporting System (VAERS). You helpful to a 23 second shot of helpful helpful to give togive give aPNEUMOVAX second a second shot shot of of PNEUMOVAX 23 está indicada older. Itas is also for people who are 1-800-822-7967 at no charge, 1-800-822-7967 1-800-822-7967 atonline no at charge, no charge, is as a It It protect is given isgiven given as a shot. ashot. shot. Itwhich helps Ithelps helps protect protect is given as abacteria shot. It helps protect is is given given as as a shot. aor shot. It helps helps protect protect PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 at at a later a later time. time. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 at 23 a later at a later time. time. PNEUMOVAX at a later time. or or report report online online to to or report or report online to to or report online to Can 23 be given germs germs or or bacteria bacteria which which are are germs are ¿PNEUMOVAX 23 puede risk group for pneumococcal risk risk group group for for pneumococcal pneumococcal risk group for pneumococcal risk risk group group for for pneumococcal pneumococcal to the Vaccine Adverse Event to the to the Vaccine Vaccine Adverse Adverse Event Event to the Vaccine Adverse Event “noo-mo-ca-cus”). PNEUMOVAX 23 “noo-mo-ca-cus”). “noo-mo-ca-cus”). PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 to to the the Vaccine Vaccine Adverse Adverse Event Event por Vacunas (VAERS). Puede is is for for people people 50 50 years years of of age age and and is for is people for people 50 years 50 years of age of and age and is for people 50 years of age and provider provider will will decide decide if if it it would would be be provider will decide if it would be para personas de 50 años oolder más. may may call call the the VAERS VAERS number number may call the VAERS number PNEUMOVAX 23 at a later time. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 at 23 a later at a later time. time. 2 years of age and if they or report online to or report or report online online to to you from infection by certain you you from from infection infection by certain by certain you from infection by certain you you from from infection infection by by certain certain with other vaccines? What are the ingredients of administrarse con otras vacunas? called pneumococcus pneumococcus (pronounced (pronounced called pneumococcus (pronounced infection, then your health care infection, infection, then your your health care care infection, then your health care infection, infection, then then your your health care care comunicarse con el VAERS al(VAERS). Reporting System (VAERS). You Reporting Reporting System System You You Reporting System (VAERS). You iscalled for people 50 years of age and is for is people for people 50 years 50 years of age of and age and Reporting Reporting System System (VAERS). (VAERS). You You older. older. is It is also also for for people people who who are are older. older. It is also ItItalso is for also people for people who who are are older. It is for people who are También está indicada para personas helpful helpful to to give give athen ahealth second second shot shot of of helpful to give a23 second shot of Can Can PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 be be given given 1-800-822-7967 1-800-822-7967 at at no no(VAERS). charge, charge, Can PNEUMOVAX Can PNEUMOVAX behealth 23 given be given Can PNEUMOVAX 23 be given 1-800-822-7967 at no charge, have certain medical conditions germs or bacteria which are germs germs or bacteria or bacteria which which are are germs or bacteria which are germs germs or or bacteria bacteria which which are are Consulte a su proveedor de atención Talk to your health care provider if PNEUMOVAX 23? 1-800-822-7967 sin costo o puede “noo-mo-ca-cus”). “noo-mo-ca-cus”). PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 “noo-mo-ca-cus”). PNEUMOVAX 23 provider will decide if it would be provider provider will will decide decide if it if would it would be be provider will decide if it would be provider provider will will decide decide if if it it would would be be may call the VAERS number may may call call the the VAERS VAERS number number may call the VAERS number older. Ityears also for people who are older. older. Ityears is also Itisyears is also for people for people who who are are may may call call the the VAERS VAERS number number de 2 años o más si padecen ciertas 2 years 2 of of age age and and older older if they if they 2 years 2 of age of and age older and older if they if they 2 of age and older if they Can PNEUMOVAX 23 be given Can Can PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 be 23 given be given ® PNEUMOVAX 23 at at aa ZOSTAVAX later later time. time. 23 at a later time. with with other other vaccines? vaccines? with with other vaccines? vaccines? with other vaccines? or or report report online online to to or report online to What What are are the the ingredients ingredients ofof What What are the are ingredients the ingredients ofen What are the ingredients of of that put them atof increased risk forPNEUMOVAX called pneumococcus (pronounced called called pneumococcus pneumococcus (pronounced (pronounced called pneumococcus (pronounced called called pneumococcus pneumococcus (pronounced (pronounced médica si other planea recibir you plan to get ZOSTAVAX (Zoster presentar un informe en línea Active Ingredients: Bacterial is for for people people 50 50 years years of age age and and is for people 50 years of age and helpful to give acare shot of helpful helpful to give to give acare second asecond second shot shot of of helpful to give ahealth second shot of helpful helpful to to give give a a second second shot shot of of afecciones médicas que incrementan 1-800-822-7967 at no charge, 1-800-822-7967 1-800-822-7967 at no at charge, no charge, 1-800-822-7967 at no charge, 2 is ofof age and older if they 2 years 2years years of age and age older and older if conditions they if they 1-800-822-7967 1-800-822-7967 at at no no charge, charge, have have certain certain medical medical conditions conditions have have certain certain medical medical conditions conditions have certain medical with other vaccines? with with other other vaccines? vaccines? What are the ingredients of What What are the are ingredients the ingredients of of Talk Talk to to your your health health care care provider provider if if Talk to Talk your to your health provider care provider if if Talk to your health provider if (Zoster Vaccine Live) al mismo PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? PNEUMOVAX 23? infection. “noo-mo-ca-cus”). PNEUMOVAX 23 “noo-mo-ca-cus”). “noo-mo-ca-cus”). PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 “noo-mo-ca-cus”). PNEUMOVAX 23 “noo-mo-ca-cus”). “noo-mo-ca-cus”). PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 Vaccine Live) atat the same time as sugars from pneumococcal older. older. ItItthem is is also also for forincreased people people who who are are su riesgo de infección. older. It is also for people who are PNEUMOVAX 23 abe time. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX at 23 aprovider at later alater later time. PNEUMOVAX 23 at a later time. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 at at a23 a later later time. time. or report online toto or report or report online online to23 or report online toBacterial have certain medical conditions have have certain certain medical medical conditions conditions or or report report online online to to Can Can PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 be be given given Can PNEUMOVAX 23 given that that put put them them at at increased increased risk risk for for that put that put them at increased at increased risk for risk for that put them at risk for Talk to your health care if Talk Talk to your to your health health care care provider provider iftime. if(Zoster tiempo que PNEUMOVAX 23 ya PNEUMOVAX 23? PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? you you plan plan to to get get ZOSTAVAX ZOSTAVAX (Zoster you plan you plan to get to ZOSTAVAX get ZOSTAVAX (Zoster (Zoster you plan to get ZOSTAVAX (Zoster Active Active Ingredients: Ingredients: Bacterial Bacterial Active Active Ingredients: Ingredients: Bacterial Active Ingredients: Bacterial is people 50 years of age and is for isfor people for people 50 years 50 years of age of age and and is for people 50 years of age and is is for for people people 50 50 years years of of age age and and PNEUMOVAX 23 because it may types: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6B, 2 2 years years of of age age and and older older if if they they 2 years of age and older if they Illnesses or health problems may that put them atatincreased that that put them put them at increased increased riskrisk for riskfor foryouVaccine with with other other vaccines? vaccines? with other vaccines? infection. infection. infection. infection. infection. What What are are the the ingredients ingredients of of7F, What are the ingredients of 8, 9N, 9V, que quizás sea mejor recibir estas Hay enfermedades o problemas you plan toLive) get ZOSTAVAX (Zoster plan you plan to get to ZOSTAVAX get ZOSTAVAX (Zoster (Zoster ¿Cuáles son los ingredientes de Active Ingredients: Bacterial Active Active Ingredients: Ingredients: Bacterial Bacterial Vaccine Vaccine Live) Live) at at the the same same time time as as Vaccine Live) Live) at the at same the same time as time as Vaccine at the same time as sugars sugars from from 23 23 pneumococcal pneumococcal sugars sugars from from 23 pneumococcal 23 pneumococcal sugars from 23 pneumococcal older. It is also for people who are older. older. It is It also is also for people for people who who are are older. It is also for people who are older. older. It It is is also also for for people people who who are are be better to get these vaccines at Can PNEUMOVAX 23 be given Can Can PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 be 23 given be given Can PNEUMOVAX 23 be given Can Can PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 be be given given 10A, 11A, 12F, 14, 15B, 17F, 18C, have have certain certain medical medical conditions conditions have certain medical conditions allow these germs to spread into infection. infection. infection. vacunas con al menos 4 semanas de salud que pueden permitir que Vaccine Talk Talk to toPNEUMOVAX your your health health care care provider provider ififmay Talk to your health care provider if PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? PNEUMOVAX 23? PNEUMOVAX 23? Vaccine Live) at the same time as Vaccine Live) Live) at the at same the same time as asmay sugars from 23 pneumococcal sugars sugars from from 23 pneumococcal 23 pneumococcal PNEUMOVAX 23 23 because because it may PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 because 23 because ittime may itit PNEUMOVAX 23 because it may types: types: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6B, 6B, 7F, 7F, 8,9V, 8, 9N, 9N, 9V, 9V, types: types: 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6B, 4, 5, 7F, 6B, 8, 7F, 9N, 8, 9N, 9V, types: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6B, 7F, 8, 9N, 9V, 2 of age and older if 2that years 2years years of age of age and and older older ifrisk they ifthey they 2that years of age and older ifor they 2 years 2Illnesses years of of age age and and older older if if they they Illnesses Illnesses or or health health problems problems may may Illnesses or health or health problems problems may may Illnesses or health problems may least 4 weeks apart. with other vaccines? with with other other vaccines? vaccines? with other vaccines? with with other other vaccines? vaccines? 19F, 19A, 20, 22F, 23F, and 33F What are the ingredients of What What are are the the ingredients ingredients of of What are the ingredients of What What are are the the ingredients ingredients of of that put put them them at at increased increased risk for for put them at increased risk for the blood, lungs, brain where de diferencia. estos gérmenes se propaguen por PNEUMOVAX Ingredientes Activos: Azúcares you you plan plan to to get get ZOSTAVAX ZOSTAVAX (Zoster (Zoster you plan to get ZOSTAVAX (Zoster Active Active Ingredients: Ingredients: Bacterial Bacterial Active Ingredients: Bacterial PNEUMOVAX 23 because it it may PNEUMOVAX 23 because 23 because itthese may may types: 1, 2,11A, 3, 4, 5, 6B, 7F, 8,8, 9N, 9V, types: types: 1,10A, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6B, 5, 7F, 6B, 8, 7F, 9N, 9V, 9N, 9V, be be better better to to get get these vaccines vaccines at at be better be better to get to these get these vaccines vaccines at at be better to get these vaccines at 10A, 10A, 11A, 11A, 12F, 12F, 14, 14, 15B, 15B, 17F, 17F, 18C, 18C, 10A, 11A, 12F, 14, 12F, 15B, 14, 17F, 15B, 18C, 17F, 18C, 10A, 11A, 12F, 14, 15B, 17F, 18C, Illnesses or health problems may Illnesses Illnesses or health or health problems problems may may have certain medical conditions have have certain certain medical medical conditions conditions have certain medical conditions have have certain certain medical medical conditions conditions allow allow these these germs germs to to spread spread into into allow allow these these germs germs to spread to spread into into allow these germs to spread into Talk to your health care provider if Talk to your to your health health care care provider provider ifbacterianos ifPNEUMOVAX Talk to your health care provider Talk Talk toTalk to your your health health care care provider provider if if if PNEUMOVAX 23? PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? PNEUMOVAX 23? PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? la sangre, pulmones o el cerebro, infection. infection. infection. theylos can cause serious diseases de 23 Vaccine Vaccine Live) Live) at at the the same same time time as Vaccine Live) at the same time as Talk to your health care provider if sugars sugars from from 23 23 pneumococcal pneumococcal sugars from 23 pneumococcal Inactive Ingredients: Phenol Hable con proveedor de be better to get these vaccines at10A, be better be better to get these get these vaccines vaccines atas atPNEUMOVAX 10A, 11A, 12F, 14, 15B, 17F, 18C, 10A, 11A, 11A, 12F, 12F, 14, 15B, 14, 15B, 17F, 17F, 18C, 18C, least least 4to weeks 4 weeks apart. apart. least least 4you weeks 4su weeks apart. apart. least 4 weeks apart. 19F, 19F, 19A, 19A, 20, 20, 22F, 22F, 23F, 23F, and and 33F 33F 19F, 19A, 19F, 19A, 20, 22F, 20, 23F, 22F, and 23F, 33F and 33F 19F, 19A, 20, 22F, 23F, and 33F allow these germs to spread into allow allow these these germs germs to spread to spread into into that put them at increased risk for that that put put them them at increased at increased risk risk for for that put them at increased risk for that that put put them them at at increased increased risk risk for for the the blood, blood, lungs, lungs, or or brain brain where where the blood, the blood, lungs, lungs, or brain or brain where where the blood, lungs, or brain where donde producen enfermedades you plan to get ZOSTAVAX (Zoster you plan plan to get to get ZOSTAVAX ZOSTAVAX (Zoster (Zoster you plan to get ZOSTAVAX (Zoster you you plan plan to to get get ZOSTAVAX ZOSTAVAX (Zoster (Zoster Active Ingredients: Bacterial Active Active Ingredients: Ingredients: Bacterial Bacterial tipos neumocócicos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6B, Active Ingredients: Bacterial Active Active Ingredients: Ingredients: Bacterial Bacterial such as: atención médica si planea recibir PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 because because it it may may PNEUMOVAX 23 because it may you plan to get PNEUMOVAX 23 at types: types: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6B, 6B, 7F, 7F, 8, 8, 9N, 9N, 9V, 9V,9V, types: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6B, 7F, 8, 9N, (a preservative) least 4 weeks apart. least least 4 weeks 4 weeks apart. apart. 19F, 19A, 20, 22F, 23F, and 33F 19F, 19F, 19A, 19A, 20, 22F, 20, 22F, 23F, 23F, and 33F and 33F Illnesses or health problems may Illnesses or health problems may the blood, lungs, ororbrain where the blood, the blood, lungs, lungs, or brain brain where where infection. infection. infection. infection. infection. infection. they they can can cause cause serious serious diseases diseases they they can cause can cause serious serious diseases diseases they can cause serious diseases graves como las siguientes: 7F , 8, 9N, 9V, 10A, 11A, 12F , 14, 15B, Vaccine Live) at the same time Vaccine Vaccine Live) Live) at the at the same same time time as Vaccine Live) at the same time as Vaccine Vaccine Live) Live) at the the same same time time as as Talk Talk toat to your your health health care care provider provider if if10A, Talk to Talk your to your health health care provider care provider ifas ifsugars Talk to your health care provider ifas sugars from 23 pneumococcal sugars sugars from from 23 pneumococcal 23 pneumococcal from 23 pneumococcal sugars sugars from from 23 23 pneumococcal pneumococcal Inactive Inactive Ingredients: Ingredients: Phenol Phenol Inactive Inactive Ingredients: Ingredients: Phenol Phenol Inactive Ingredients: Phenol PNEUMOVAX 23 al mismo tiempo be be better better to to get get these these vaccines vaccines at at be better to get these vaccines at the same time as other vaccines. 10A, 10A, 11A, 11A, 12F, 12F, 14, 14, 15B, 15B, 17F, 17F, 18C, 18C, 11A, 12F, 14, 15B, 17F, 18C, allow allow these these germs germs to toin spread spread into into allow these germs to spread into • cause An infection the blood they can serious diseases they they can cause can cause serious serious diseases diseases such such as: as: such such as: as: such as: 17F ,types: 18C, 19F ,4, 19A, 20, 22F ,8, 23F y 8, 33F Talk to your health care provider if Talk Talk to your to your health health care care provider provider if if Inactive Ingredients: Phenol Inactive Inactive Ingredients: Ingredients: Phenol Phenol PNEUMOVAX 23 because it may PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 because 23 because it may it may PNEUMOVAX 23 because it may PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 because because it it may may you you plan plan to to get get PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 at at you plan you plan to get to PNEUMOVAX get PNEUMOVAX 23 at 23 at you plan to get PNEUMOVAX 23 at types: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6B, 7F, 8, 9N, 9V, types: 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 6B, 5, 6B, 7F, 7F, 9N, 8,9V, 9N, 9V, 9V, types: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6B, 7F, 8, 9N, types: types: 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6B, 6B, 7F, 7F, 8, 9N, 9N, 9V, 9V, (a (a preservative) preservative) (a preservative) (a preservative) (a preservative) que otras vacunas. • Illnesses Una infección en la sangre Illnesses or health problems may Illnesses or health or health problems problems may may Illnesses or health problems may Illnesses Illnesses or or health health problems problems may may What else should I 33F know about least least 4 4 weeks weeks apart. apart. least 4 weeks apart. 19F, 19F, 19A, 19A, 20, 20, 22F, 22F, 23F, 23F, and and 33F 19F, 19A, 20, 22F, 23F, and 33F the the blood, blood, lungs, lungs, or or brain brain where where the blood, lungs, or brain where such such such as:as: as: you plan to get PNEUMOVAX 23 at you plan you plan to get to PNEUMOVAX get PNEUMOVAX 23 at 23 at (a preservative) (a preservative) (a preservative) be better to get these vaccines at be better be better to get to get these these vaccines vaccines at at be better to get these vaccines at be be better better to to get get these these vaccines vaccines at at • A lung infection (pneumonia) the the same same time time as as other other vaccines. vaccines. the same the same time time as other as other vaccines. vaccines. the same time as other vaccines. 10A, 11A, 12F, 14, 15B, 17F, 18C, 10A, 10A, 11A, 11A, 12F, 12F, 14, 15B, 14, 15B, 17F, 17F, 18C, 18C, 10A, 11A, 12F, 14, 15B, 17F, 18C, 10A, 10A, 11A, 11A, 12F, 12F, 14, 14, 15B, 15B, 17F, 17F, 18C, 18C, Ingredientes Inactivos: Fenol allow these germs to spread into What are the possible side allow allow these these germs germs to spread to spread into into allow these germs to spread into allow allow these these germs germs to to spread spread into into • An • An infection infection in in the the blood blood • they An •infection An infection in in the in blood the blood •• An infection the blood PNEUMOVAX 23? Una infección pulmonar they can can cause cause serious serious diseases diseases they can cause serious diseases ¿Cuáles son los posibles efectos Talk Talk to to your your health health care care provider provider if if 19F, Talk to your health care provider if Inactive Inactive Ingredients: Ingredients: Phenol Phenol Inactive Ingredients: Phenol What What else else should should I23F, know Iabout know about about What What else should else should I23F, know I33F know about What else should I23F, know about the same time as vaccines. the same the same time as other asother other vaccines. vaccines. (un conservante) least 4time apart. least least 4 weeks 4weeks weeks apart. apart. least 4 weeks apart. least least 4 4 weeks weeks apart. apart. that can also come with an 19F, 19A, 20, 22F, 23F, and 33F 19F, 19F, 19A, 19A, 20, 20, 22F, 22F, and and 33F 33F 19F, 19A, 20, 22F, and 33F 19F, 19A, 19A, 20, 20, 22F, 22F, 23F, 23F, and and 33F • the An infection in the blood •the An •such infection An infection in the in blood the blood the blood, lungs, or where effects of PNEUMOVAX 23? the the blood, blood, lungs, lungs, or brain orbrain brain where where blood, lungs, or brain where the blood, blood, lungs, lungs, or or brain brain where where Some adults and children have (neumonía) que también puede such as: as: such as: secundarios de PNEUMOVAX 23? • lung A lung lung infection infection (pneumonia) (pneumonia) • A lung ••lung AA infection infection (pneumonia) (pneumonia) • A infection (pneumonia) What else should I know about What What else else should should I know I know about about you you plan plan to to get get PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 at at you plan to get PNEUMOVAX 23 at What What are are the the possible possible side side What What are the are possible the possible side side What are the possible side (a (a preservative) preservative) (a preservative) PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? PNEUMOVAX 23? infection inserious the blood incluir una infección en ladiseases sangre they can cause diseases The most common side effects are: they they can can cause cause serious serious diseases they can cause serious diseases they can cause cause serious serious diseases diseases problems with leakage of spinal Talk to your health care provider if Talk Talk to your to your health health care care provider provider if if Talk to your health care provider if Talk Talk to to your your health health care care provider provider if if Inactive Ingredients: Phenol Inactive Inactive Ingredients: Ingredients: Phenol Phenol Inactive Ingredients: Phenol Inactive Inactive Ingredients: Ingredients: Phenol Phenol Los efectos secundarios más • lung Acan lung infection (pneumonia) •they A •••that A lung infection infection (pneumonia) (pneumonia) ¿Qué más debo saber sobre that that can can also also come come with with anan can that also can come also come with with an an that can also come with an What are the possible side What What are the are possible the possible side side PNEUMOVAX 23? PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? the the same same time time as asPNEUMOVAX other other vaccines. vaccines. the same time as other vaccines. effects effects of of PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? effects effects of PNEUMOVAX of PNEUMOVAX 23? effects of PNEUMOVAX 23?23? Some Some adults adults and and children children have have Some Some adults adults and children and children have have Some adults and children An An infection infection in in the the blood blood • as: An infection in the blood such as: •to pain, warmth, soreness, such such as: as: such as: such such fluid after the ishave cracked frecuentes son los siguientes: you plan to get PNEUMOVAX at you you plan plan to get to get PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 at 23 at you plan to get PNEUMOVAX 23 at you you plan plan to get get PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 at atare: •infección An infection of the coverings • as: Una en las paredes (a preservative) (a preservative) (a preservative) (a preservative) (a23 (a preservative) preservative) PNEUMOVAX 23? that can also come with anan that that can also can come come with with anblood What What else else should should Ileakage Ileakage know know about about What else should Iskull know about infection infection in in the the blood infection infection inalso the in blood the blood infection in the blood effects of PNEUMOVAX 23? effects effects of PNEUMOVAX of PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? Some adults and children have Some Some adults adults and and children children have have The The most most common common side side effects effects are: are: The most The most common common side effects side effects are: are: The most common side effects problems problems with with leakage of of spinal spinal problems problems with with leakage of spinal of spinal problems with leakage of spinal redness, swelling, and or injured or after medical •What dolor, calor, sensibilidad, cerebro o lablood médula espinal Algunos adultos y niños tienen ••infection A A lung infection infection (pneumonia) (pneumonia) •del A lung infection (pneumonia) the same time as other vaccines. the the same same time time as other as other vaccines. vaccines. the time as other vaccines. the the same time time as as other other vaccines. vaccines. of the brain and spinal ininfection the in the in blood the blood What are are the the possible possible side side What are the possible side •lung infection in the blood •infection An •An infection An in the in the blood bloodcord •An An infection in the blood • infection •An infection infection in in the the blood blood PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? PNEUMOVAX 23? most common side effects are: The most The common common side side effects effects are: are: problems with leakage of problems problems with with leakage leakage of spinal ofspinal spinal •most pain, •warmth, pain, warmth, warmth, soreness, soreness, •The pain, •same pain, warmth, soreness, soreness, • same pain, warmth, soreness, fluid fluid after after the the skull skull is is cracked cracked fluid fluid after after the skull the skull is cracked is cracked fluid after the skull is cracked • An • An infection infection of of the the coverings coverings • An • infection An infection of the of coverings the coverings • that An infection of the coverings enrojecimiento, hinchazón hardening at the injection site (meningitis). operations and this may increase What else should I know about What What else else should should I know Iabout know about about problemas de pérdida líquido What else should I de know about What What else else should should I and know I know about that can can also also come come with with an anan • pain, that can also come with (meningitis). effects effects of of PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? effects of PNEUMOVAX 23? Some Some adults adults and and children children have have Some adults children have • pain, warmth, soreness, • pain, warmth, warmth, soreness, soreness, fluid after the skull is cracked fluid fluid after after the skull the skull is cracked is cracked redness, redness, swelling, swelling, and and redness, redness, swelling, swelling, and and redness, swelling, and or or injured injured or or after after medical medical or injured or injured or after or after medical medical or injured or after medical An infection of the coverings •• An •of infection An infection of the of coverings the coverings • A lung infection (pneumonia) •infection A • lung A lung infection infection (pneumonia) (pneumonia) A lung infection (pneumonia) y endurecimiento en el lugar •A• •A lung lung infection infection (pneumonia) (pneumonia) of of the the brain brain and and spinal spinal cord cord the of brain the brain and spinal and spinal cord cord of the brain and spinal cord cefalorraquídeo luego de fracturarse • headache What are the possible side What What are are the the possible possible side side What are the possible side What What are are the the possible possible side side their risk for pneumococcal PNEUMOVAX 23? PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? PNEUMOVAX 23? PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? infection in in in the the blood blood infection the blood PNEUMOVAX 23 puede no proteger The The most most common common side side effects effects are: are: The most common side effects are: problems problems with with leakage leakage of of spinal spinal problems with leakage of spinal redness, swelling, and redness, redness, swelling, swelling, and and or injured or after medical or injured or injured or after or after medical medical hardening hardening at at the the injection injection site site hardening hardening at the at injection the injection site site hardening at the injection site PNEUMOVAX 23 may not operations operations and and this this may may increase increase operations operations and this and may this may increase increase operations and this may increase de la inyección of the brain and spinal cord of the of brain the brain and spinal and spinal cord cord oSome lesionarse el cráneo, o después that can also with ananprotect that that can can also also come come with with an can also come with an that that can can also also come come with with an an (meningitis). (meningitis). (meningitis). (meningitis). (meningitis). •warmth, weakness, feeling tired effects of PNEUMOVAX 23? effects effects of PNEUMOVAX of PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? effects of PNEUMOVAX 23? effects effects of of PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? infection. PNEUMOVAX 23 may Some adults and children have Some Some adults adults and and children children have have Some adults adults and and children children have have Some adults and children have athat todos los que se lacome apliquen. No • • pain, pain, warmth, soreness, soreness, • pain, warmth, soreness, fluid fluid after after the the skull skull is is cracked cracked fluid after the skull is cracked hardening at the injection site hardening hardening at the at injection the injection site site operations and this may increase operations operations and and this may this may increase increase • dolor de cabeza • headache • headache • headache • headache • headache • • An An infection infection of of the the coverings coverings • An infection of the coverings everyone who gets it. It will not their their risk risk for for pneumococcal pneumococcal their their risk for risk pneumococcal for pneumococcal their risk for pneumococcal de una intervención médica, y (meningitis). (meningitis). (meningitis). infection in the blood infection infection in the in the blood bloodque The infection in the blood infection infection incontra in the the blood blood • muscle pain The most common side effects are: The The most most common common side side effects effects are: are: The most common side effects are: The most most common common side side effects effects are: are: not be able to prevent all of problems with leakage of spinal problems problems with with leakage leakage of spinal of spinal problems with leakage of spinal protege enfermedades problems problems with with leakage leakage of of spinal spinal PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23spinal 23 may may not not protect protect PNEUMOVAX 23 may 23 may not protect not protect PNEUMOVAX 23 may not protect redness, redness, swelling, swelling, and and redness, swelling, and or or injured injured or or after after medical medical or injured or after medical ••weakness, debilidad, cansancio headache • headache headache their risk for pneumococcal their risk for risk pneumococcal for pneumococcal esto puede aumentar el riesgo de weakness, • pain, weakness, feeling feeling tired tired their •are •warmth, weakness, feeling feeling tired tired • pain, weakness, feeling tired of ofPNEUMOVAX the the brain brain and and spinal spinal cord cord of the brain and cord protect against diseases that infection. infection. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 2323 may may infection. infection. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 may 23 may infection. PNEUMOVAX 23 may sean causadas por tipos de bacterias ••hardening pain, warmth, soreness, •hardening pain, •warmth, warmth, warmth, soreness, soreness, •pain, warmth, soreness, • not •pain, soreness, soreness, these infections. fluid after the skull is cracked fluid fluid after after the the skull skull is cracked is cracked fluid after the skull is cracked fluid fluid after after the the skull skull is is cracked cracked PNEUMOVAX 23 may not protect PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 may 23 may not protect not protect • An infection of the coverings •(meningitis). An • infection An infection of the of the coverings coverings •An An infection of the coverings • •An infection infection of of the the coverings coverings everyone everyone who who gets gets it. it. It will It will not everyone everyone who who gets it. gets It will it. It not will not everyone who gets it. It will not • dolor muscular hardening at at the the injection injection site site at the injection site Tell your health care provider or operations operations and and this this may may increase increase operations and this may increase contraer una infección neumocócica. weakness, feeling tired • weakness, • weakness, feeling feeling tired tired infection. PNEUMOVAX 23 may infection. infection. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 may 23 may • muscle • muscle pain pain • muscle • muscle pain pain • muscle pain (meningitis). (meningitis). caused by bacteria types that are not not be be able able to to prevent prevent all all of of not be not able be able to prevent to prevent all of all of not be able to prevent all of que no están en la It vacuna. redness, swelling, and redness, swelling, swelling, and and redness, swelling, and redness, redness, swelling, swelling, and and or injured or after medical or injured or injured or after or after medical medical or injured or after medical or or injured injured or or after after medical medical everyone who gets it. It will not everyone everyone who who gets gets it. will it. Itcord not will not of the brain and spinal cord of the of the brain brain and and spinal spinal cord cord of the brain and spinal cord of of the the brain brain and and spinal spinal cord protect protect against against diseases diseases that that are protect protect against against diseases diseases that are that are protect against diseases that are Es posible que PNEUMOVAX 23 ••muscle headache headache • redness, headache get emergency help rightnot away their their risk risk for for pneumococcal pneumococcal their risk for pneumococcal The vial stoppers, syringe • Indique pain •are muscle muscle pain pain not be able to prevent be not able be able to prevent to prevent all all ofallof ofno not in the vaccine. these these infections. infections. these these infections. infections. these infections. ayour su proveedor de atención hardening at the injection site hardening hardening at the at the injection injection site site hardening at the injection site hardening hardening at at the the injection injection site site Tell Tell your your health health care care provider provider or or Tell your Tell health health care care provider provider or or Tell your health care provider or PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 may may not not protect protect PNEUMOVAX 23 may not protect operations and this may increase operations operations and and this this may may increase operations and this may increase operations operations and and this this may may increase increase protect against diseases that are protect protect against against diseases diseases that that are are pueda evitar todas estas infecciones. (meningitis). (meningitis). (meningitis). (meningitis). (meningitis). (meningitis). caused caused by by bacteria bacteria types types that that are are caused caused by bacteria by bacteria types types that are that are caused by bacteria types that are • • weakness, weakness, feeling feeling tired tired • weakness, feeling tired if you get any of the following infection. infection. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 may may infection. PNEUMOVAX 23 may tip plunger stopper andincrease syringe ¿Por qué motivo no debería recibir these infections. these infections. infections. médica ohealth busque ayuda de or ororthese Tell your care provider Tell your Tell your health health care care provider provider • headache • headache • headache • headache • • headache headache get get emergency emergency help help right right away away get emergency get emergency help help right right away away get emergency help right away everyone everyone who who gets gets it. it. It It will will not not everyone who gets it. It will not their risk for pneumococcal their their risk risk for for pneumococcal pneumococcal their risk for pneumococcal their their risk risk for for pneumococcal pneumococcal The The vial vial stoppers, stoppers, syringe syringe The vial The stoppers, vial stoppers, syringe syringe The vial stoppers, syringe caused by bacteria types that are caused caused by bacteria by bacteria types types that that are are not not in in the the vaccine. vaccine. not in not the in vaccine. the vaccine. not in the vaccine. • • muscle muscle pain pain • muscle pain PNEUMOVAX 23? problems after vaccination not not be be able able to to prevent prevent all all of of not be able to prevent all of Who23should not get capdel forvial, PNEUMOVAX emergencia de inmediato si tiene Los tapones el tapón del 23 are not PNEUMOVAX 23 may not protect PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 may 23 may not not protect protect PNEUMOVAX 23 may not protect PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 may may not not protect protect get emergency help right away get emergency get help help right right away away The vial stoppers, syringe The The vial stoppers, vial stoppers, syringe syringe •emergency feeling tired •you •weakness, weakness, feeling feeling tired tired •weakness, feeling tired •si•weakness, feeling feeling tired tired ifget if you you get get any any of of the the following following if you ifweakness, you any get of any the of following the following ifweakness, get any of the following protect protect against against diseases diseases that that are are protect against diseases that are infection. PNEUMOVAX 23 infection. infection. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 may 23may may infection. PNEUMOVAX 23 may infection. infection. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 may may plunger plunger stopper stopper and and syringe syringe tip tip plunger plunger stopper stopper and syringe and syringe tip tip plunger stopper and syringe tip inin the vaccine. notnot in not the vaccine. the vaccine. No debe administrarse esta vacuna alguno de los siguientes problemas because these may be signs of émbolo de la jeringa y la tapa de la these these infections. infections. these infections. made with natural rubber latex. PNEUMOVAX 23? everyone who gets it. It will not everyone everyone who who gets gets it. It it. will It will not not everyone who gets it. It will not everyone everyone who who gets gets it. it. It It will will not not Tell Tell your your health health care care provider provider or or Tell your health care provider or if you get any of the following if you if you get any get of any the of following the following plunger stopper and syringe tip plunger plunger stopper stopper and and syringe syringe tip tip • muscle pain • muscle • muscle pain pain • muscle pain • • muscle muscle pain pain problems problems after after vaccination vaccination problems problems after after vaccination vaccination problems after vaccination caused caused by by bacteria bacteria types types that that are are caused by bacteria types that are not be able to prevent all of not not be able be able to prevent to prevent all of all of not be able to prevent all of not not be be able able to to prevent prevent all all of of Who Who should should not not get get cap cap for for PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 are are not not Who Who should should not get not get cap for cap PNEUMOVAX for PNEUMOVAX 23 are 23 not are not Who should not get cap for PNEUMOVAX 23 are not usted (o su should hijo): not get this vaccinedespués deallergic la vacunación, ya que an reaction oraway other jeringa de PNEUMOVAX 23 no están You if get protect against diseases that are protect against against diseases diseases that that are are protect against diseases that are protect protect against against diseases diseases that that are are get get emergency emergency help help right right away away emergency help right The The vial vial stoppers, stoppers, syringe syringe The vial stoppers, syringe This leaflet is a summary problems after vaccination problems problems after after vaccination vaccination Who should not get cap for PNEUMOVAX 23 are not Who Who should not get not get cap for cap PNEUMOVAX for PNEUMOVAX 23 are 23 not are not •should son alérgicos a23? cualquiera de sus because because these these may may be be signs signs of of because because these these may may be signs be signs of of because these may be signs of not not in inprotect the the vaccine. vaccine. not in the vaccine. these infections. these these infections. infections. these infections. these these infections. infections. made made with with natural natural rubber rubber latex. latex. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? made made with with natural natural rubber rubber latex. latex. made with natural rubber latex. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? PNEUMOVAX estos pueden ser signos de una hechos de látex de caucho natural. serious conditions: Tell your health care provider or Tell Tell your your health health care care provider provider or Tell your health care provider oror Tell Tell your your health health care care provider provider or or you (or your child): caused by bacteria types that are caused caused by bacteria by bacteria types types that that are are caused by bacteria types that are caused caused by by bacteria bacteria types types that that are are if if you you get get any any of of the the following following ifan you get any of the following plunger plunger stopper stopper and and syringe syringe tip tiptip plunger stopper and syringe of information about ingredientes because these may be signs of because because these these may may signs be signs of of made made with natural rubber latex. made with with natural natural rubber rubber latex. latex. PNEUMOVAX 23? PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? reacción alérgica ube otra afección an an allergic allergic reaction reaction or or other other an allergic allergic reaction reaction or other or other an allergic reaction or other You You should should not not get get this this vaccine vaccine if if You should You should not get not this get vaccine this vaccine if if You should not get this vaccine if • emergency difficulty breathing get help right away get get emergency emergency help help right right away away get emergency help right away get emergency emergency help help right right away away • in are allergic to any of itsa get Este folleto es un resumen de laare The vial stoppers, syringe The The vial vial stoppers, syringe The vial stoppers, The The vial vial stoppers, stoppers, syringe This This leaflet leaflet asyringe summary asyringe summary This This leaflet leaflet is astoppers, summary isis ais summary This leaflet is asyringe summary not the vaccine. not not in the in the vaccine. vaccine. not in the vaccine. not not in the the vaccine. vaccine. • in tuvieron una reacción alérgica problems problems after after vaccination vaccination problems after vaccination Who Who should should not not get get cap cap for for PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 are are not not Who should not get cap for PNEUMOVAX 23 not PNEUMOVAX 23. If you would grave: an allergic reaction ororother allergic an allergic reaction reaction or other other You should not get this vaccine You should You should not get not this get vaccine this vaccine if if if an serious serious serious conditions: conditions: serious conditions: conditions: serious conditions: you you (or (or your your child): child): you (or you your (or your child): child): you (or your child): información sobre PNEUMOVAX 23. • wheezing This leaflet is a summary This This leaflet leaflet is a summary is a summary if you get any of the following if you if you get get any any of the of the following following if you get any of the following if if you you get get any any of of the the following following ingredients plunger stopper and syringe plunger plunger stopper stopper and and syringe syringe tiptip stopper and syringe tip plunger stopper stopper and and syringe syringe tip tip of of information information about about ofplunger information of information about about of information about PNEUMOVAX 23 en el pasado serious •because dificultad para respirar because these these may may be bebe signs signs of ofofplunger because these may signs made made with with natural natural rubber rubber latex. latex. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? made with natural rubber latex. PNEUMOVAX 23? like more information, talk totip your serious conditions: serious conditions: conditions: (or your child): you•you (or you your (or your child): child): • difficulty • difficulty breathing breathing • difficulty • difficulty breathing breathing • difficulty breathing • are • are allergic allergic to to any any of of its its are • allergic are allergic to any to of any its of its • are allergic to any of its Si desea obtener más información, • after rash of information about of information of information about about problems after vaccination problems problems after after vaccination vaccination problems after vaccination problems problems after vaccination vaccination • had an allergic reaction to Who should not get cap for PNEUMOVAX 23 are not Who Who should should not not get get cap cap for for PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 are 23 are not not Who Who should should not not get get cap cap for for PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 are are not not Who should not get cap for PNEUMOVAX 23 are not PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23. 23. If If you you would would PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23. If 23. you If would you would PNEUMOVAX 23. If you would • su hijo es menor de 2 años. • sibilancias an an allergic allergic reaction reaction or or other other an allergic reaction or other should should not not get get this this vaccine vaccine ifif •ifdifficulty You should not get this vaccine health care provider. You can also difficulty breathing •wheezing difficulty breathing breathing • You are allergic to any of • are •You allergic are allergic to any to of any its ofits its • wheezing • wheezing • • wheezing • wheezing ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients consulte con su proveedor de This This leaflet leaflet is isinformation, a a23. summary summary This leaflet is arubber •these hives PNEUMOVAX 23. Ifsummary you would PNEUMOVAX 23. If you If you would would because these may be ofmade because because these these may may be signs be of because these may be signs of ofPNEUMOVAX because because these may may be be signs signs ofsigns ofsigns PNEUMOVAX made with natural rubber latex. PNEUMOVAX 23? made made with with natural natural rubber rubber latex. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23?23 in the past made with natural rubber latex. PNEUMOVAX 23? made with with natural natural rubber latex. latex. PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? like like more more information, information, talk talk tolatex. to your your •serious sarpullido like more like more information, talk to talk your to your like more information, talk to your conditions: conditions: serious conditions: you you (or (or your your child): child): you (or your child): call the Merck National Service wheezing • wheezing •serious wheezing ingredients ingredients ingredients atención médica. También puede • rash • rash • rash • rash • rash • had • had an an allergic allergic reaction reaction to to • had • an had allergic an allergic reaction reaction to to • had an allergic reaction to ¿Qué debo decirle a mi proveedor of of information information about about of information about •••allergic urticaria like more information, talk to your likehealth more like more information, information, talk to talk your to your an reaction or an allergic anallergic allergic reaction reaction or other orother other reaction or other an allergic reaction reaction or or other other • not are less than 2of years You should not get this vaccine if You You should should not not get get this this vaccine ifan You should not get this vaccine if •ifan You You should should not get get this this vaccine vaccine ifvaccine ifold. health health care provider. provider. You You can can also also health care care provider. provider. You You also can also health care provider. You can also difficulty breathing breathing •allergic breathing are are allergic allergic to to any any of of its its • atención are allergic to any its Center at llamar al Centro Nacional decan usppi-v110-i-1505r039 This leaflet is aIfIfa summary This This leaflet leaflet is a1-800-622-4477. is summary summary This leaflet is a summary rash rash rash This This leaflet leaflet is is acare a summary summary • ••PNEUMOVAX had an reaction to • had an had allergic anallergic allergic reaction reaction tothe to de médica antes de recibir •difficulty hives •conditions: hives • serious hives •serious hives • difficulty hives PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23 in in the the past past PNEUMOVAX 23 in 23 the in past the past PNEUMOVAX 23 in past PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23. 23. you you would would PNEUMOVAX 23. If you would health care provider. You can also health health care care provider. provider. You You can also can also conditions: serious serious conditions: conditions: conditions: serious serious conditions: you (or your child): you you (or your (or your child): child): you (or your child): you you (or (or your your child): child): call call the the Merck Merck National National Service Service call the call Merck the Merck National National Service Service call the Merck National Service Servicios de Merck al 1-800-622-4477. Revised: 05/2015 • • wheezing wheezing • wheezing ingredients ingredients ingredients of information about of information of information about about of information about • hives hives ofof information information about about PNEUMOVAX 23 in the past PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 232 in 23 the past the past • allergic are • are are less less than than 2in years 2any years old. old. •• hives • •are are •are are than less than years 2 years old. old. •PNEUMOVAX 23? are less than 2 years old. like like more more information, information, talk talk to toto your your like more talk your call the Merck National Service callCenter the call Merck the Merck National National Service Service •rash breathing •rash •difficulty difficulty breathing breathing •difficulty breathing •difficulty breathing breathing •less allergic to any of its •had •are allergic allergic to any to of its of its are to any of its • •are allergic to to any any of of its its Center Center atinformation, at 1-800-622-4477. 1-800-622-4477. usppi-v110-i-1505r039 usppi-v110-i-1505r039 Center at 1-800-622-4477. at 1-800-622-4477. Center at 1-800-622-4477. usppi-v110-i-1505r039 usppi-v110-i-1505r039 usppi-v110-i-1505r039 Avise aFor su de atención •• difficulty rash • difficulty had an an allergic allergic reaction reaction to to • allergic had an allergic reaction to PNEUMOVAX 23. If would PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23. 23. If you Ifyou you would would PNEUMOVAX 23. If you would PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23. 23. If If you you would would • ••are less than 2 2years old. • are less are than less than 2proveedor years years old. old. patent information: &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS health health care care provider. provider. You You can can also also health care provider. You can also Center at 1-800-622-4477. Center Center at 1-800-622-4477. at 1-800-622-4477. usppi-v110-i-1505r039 usppi-v110-i-1505r039 usppi-v110-i-1505r039 • wheezing • wheezing • wheezing Revised: Revised: 05/2015 05/2015 • wheezing Revised: Revised: 05/2015 05/2015 Revised: 05/2015 • • wheezing wheezing ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients médica si usted (o •• hives hives • hives PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 23su in inhijo): the the past past PNEUMOVAX 23 in the past like more information, talk to like like more more information, information, talk talk to your toyour your like more information, talk to your like like more more information, information, talk talk to to your your D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG call call the the Merck Merck National National Service Service call the Merck National Service Revised: 05/2015 Revised: Revised: 05/2015 05/2015 • rash • rash • rash • rash • • rash rash • had an allergic reaction to • had • had an allergic an allergic reaction reaction to to • had an allergic reaction to • •had had an an allergic allergic reaction reaction to to • son alérgicos a PNEUMOVAX 23 usppi-v110-i-1912r040 For For patent patent information: For patent patent information: information: patent information: &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS 86 31; health Rx Only ••For are are less less than than 22information: years years old. old. • For are less than 2 years old. health care provider. You can also health health care care provider. provider. You You can can also also health care provider. You can also health care care provider. provider. You You can can also also Center Center at at at 1-800-622-4477. 1-800-622-4477. Center 1-800-622-4477. usppi-v110-i-1505r039 usppi-v110-i-1505r039 usppi-v110-i-1505r039 • D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG •&RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS hives •hives hives •hives hives • •hives PNEUMOVAX 23 in the past PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 in 23 the in the past past PNEUMOVAX 23 in the past PNEUMOVAX 2323 in in the the past past Revisado: 12/2019 D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG For patent information: ForPNEUMOVAX patent For patent information: information: &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS &RS\ULJKW ũ 0HUFN 6KDUS 'RKPH &RUS call the Merck National Service call call the the Merck Merck National National Service Service call the Merck National Service call call the the Merck Merck National National Service Service Revised: Revised: 05/2015 05/2015 Revised: 05/2015 86 31; 86 31; 86 31; 86 31; 86 31; •Rx less 22 years old. Rx Only Only • Only are •are are less less 2 years years old. old. Rx Only Rx Only Rx •are are less than 2than years old. • •are less less than than 2than years 2than years old. old. D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG D VXEVLGLDU\ RI 0HUFN &R ,QF $OO ULJKWV UHVHUYHG Center at Center Center at 1-800-622-4477. at1-800-622-4477. 1-800-622-4477. usppi-v110-i-1505r039 Center at 1-800-622-4477. usppi-v110-i-1505r039 usppi-v110-i-1505r039 Center usppi-v110-i-1505r039 Center at at 1-800-622-4477. 1-800-622-4477. usppi-v110-i-1505r039 usppi-v110-i-1505r039 86 31; 86 31; 86 31;

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Patient Information about PNEUMOVAX® 23 (pronounced “noo-mo-vax 23”) Patient Patient Information Information about about polyvalent Patient Patient Information Information about about Patient Information about Generic Name: pneumococcal vaccine ®Information ® ® ®® Information Patient about Patient Patient Information about about 23 23 (pronounced (pronounced “noo-mo-vax “noo-mo-vax 23”) 23”) PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 2323 (pronounced 23 (pronounced “noo-mo-vax “noo-mo-vax 23”) 23”) PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX (pronounced “noo-mo-vax 23”) PNEUMOVAX ® ® ® What should I tell my health Side effects at the site where Read this leaflet before you or 23 (pronounced “noo-mo-vax 23”) PNEUMOVAX 23 (pronounced 23 (pronounced “noo-mo-vax “noo-mo-vax 23”) 23”) PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX Generic Generic Name: Name: pneumococcal pneumococcal vaccine vaccine polyvalent polyvalent Generic Generic Name: Name: pneumococcal pneumococcal vaccine vaccine polyvalent polyvalent Generic Name: pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent Información para Pacientes sobre Patient Patient Information Information about about Patient Information about you get the shot may be more care provider before getting your child getsGeneric the vaccine called Generic pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent Generic Name: Name: pneumococcal pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent polyvalent ® Side Side effects effects at at the the site site where where What should should Itell tell Ivaccine tell my my health health Read Read this this leaflet leaflet before before you orName: or Side Side effects effects atat the at site the where site where What What should should I pronuncia tell Imy health my health Read Read this leaflet this leaflet before before you or you or Side effects the site where What should I tell my health Read this leaflet before you oryou ® ® ®What ® (se 23 “noo-mo-vax 23”) PNEUMOVAX common and may feel worse PNEUMOVAX 23? PNEUMOVAX 23. If you have any 23 23 (pronounced (pronounced “noo-mo-vax “noo-mo-vax 23”) 23”) PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 (pronounced “noo-mo-vax 23”) PNEUMOVAX Side effects at the site where What should I tell my health Read this leaflet before you or Side Side effects effects at the at site the where site where What What should should I tell I my tell health my health Read Read this leaflet this leaflet before before you or you or Patient Information about Patient Patient Information Information about about Patient Information about Patient Patient Information Information about about you you get get the the shot shot may may be be more more care care provider provider before before getting getting your your child child gets gets the the vaccine vaccine called called you get you the get shot the shot may may be more be more care care provider provider before before getting getting your your child child gets gets the vaccine the vaccine called called you get the shot may be more care provider before getting your child gets the vaccine called Genérico: vacuna antineumocócica polivalente after a second shot than after Tell your health care provider if questions aboutNombre the vaccine after Generic Generic Name: Name: pneumococcal pneumococcal vaccine vaccine polyvalent polyvalent Generic Name: vaccine polyvalent ®pneumococcal ® ® ®provider ® ®provider you get the shot may be more care before getting your child gets the vaccine called youcommon you get the get shot the shot may may be more be more care care provider before before getting getting your your child child gets gets the vaccine the vaccine called called common common and and may may feel feel worse worse PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23. 23. If you If you have have any any common and may and may feel worse feel worse PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23. If 23. you If have you have any any common and may feel worse PNEUMOVAX 23? PNEUMOVAX 23. If you have any 23 (pronounced “noo-mo-vax 23”) PNEUMOVAX 23 23 (pronounced (pronounced “noo-mo-vax “noo-mo-vax 23”) 23”) PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23 (pronounced “noo-mo-vax 23”) PNEUMOVAX 23 23 (pronounced (pronounced “noo-mo-vax “noo-mo-vax 23”) 23”) PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX the first shot. you (or your child): you read this, you should ask Los efectos en el Lea este folleto antes de que usted •What tienen problemas cardíacos Side Side effects effects at the the site site where where What should should II care tell tell my my health health Read Read this this leaflet leaflet before you you or or Side effects at the site where What should I care tell my health Read this leaflet before you or common and may feel worse PNEUMOVAX 23? PNEUMOVAX 23. Ifbefore have any common common and and may may feel feel worse worse PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23? 23? PNEUMOVAX PNEUMOVAX 23. Ifabout 23. you Ifyou have you have any any after after second a at second shot shot than than after after Tell Tell your your health health care care provider provider if questions questions about the the vaccine vaccine after after after a second aasecundarios second shot shot than than after after Tell your Tell health health care provider provider ifvaccine ififafter questions questions about about the vaccine the vaccine after after after a second shot than after Tell your health provider ifpolyvalent questions about the vaccine after Generic Name: pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent Generic Generic Name: Name: pneumococcal pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent Generic Name: pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent Generic Generic Name: Name: pneumococcal pneumococcal vaccine vaccine polyvalent •your are allergic to PNEUMOVAX 23polyvalent your health care provider. This lugar de inyección pueden ser más

SUPLEMENTOS | PRIMERA HORA viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021

Por Mayra Vélez, MD Especial para Suplementos


ras un año y casi nueve meses viviendo en esta emergencia sin precedentes en el siglo XXI que es la pandemia del COVID-19, son muchas las lecciones que hemos aprendido. Pero, todavía nos queda mucho camino por recorrer juntos, como puertorriqueños y como parte de la humanidad. Soy infectóloga, estoy en un ambiente hospitalario que siempre es una zona de alto riesgo para la transmisión de enfermedades, pero, en la situación actual, es el riesgo exponencial que se amplifica dramáticamente. Lo mismo ocurre con las personas cuya salud es frágil o que padecen alguna condición que provoca que su sistema inmunológico esté débil, por nombrar algunos ejemplos, que temerariamente acudan a lugares públicos, con aglomeración de personas, entre otros escenarios posibles. Su riesgo es exponencial y su vida literalmente depende de la prevención y la precaución, y el buen juicio es esencial. Los médicos no queremos que nadie sufra lo que hemos visto y vemos constantemente en los hospitales con el embate del COVID-19. Estamos en un momento en el cual parte del control lo tenemos nosotros, los ciudadanos. Aunque las autoridades concernidas como el Departamento de Salud y otras entidades realicen su trabajo, a la ciudadanía también le toca hacer el suyo. Es por ello que, en esta etapa de la pandemia, es imperativo que las personas con distintas condiciones y con otras características que las hacen parte de una población más vulnerable aún, de alto riesgo, tomen medidas para cuidarse y tengan conciencia plena del peligro que representa para su salud y su vida visitar lugares que en este momento representan peligro de contagio.


COVID-19 y la población en alto riesgo: lugares que deben evitar



● Personas que no se han vacunado contra el COVID-19, o están parcialmente vacunadas. ● Pacientes con el sistema inmune débil con condiciones autoinmunes tales como: lupus eritematoso sistémico, diabetes tipo 1, esclerosis múltiple, artritis reumatoide y tiroiditis de Hashimoto, entre otras ● Pacientes de cáncer, en tratamiento o en remisión ● Pacientes con enfermedades respiratorias crónicas: asma, enfisema, enfermedad obstructiva pulmonar, otras ● Niños menores de 12 años: no se pueden vacunar aún ●Ancianos: por lo general su sistema inmune es más débil


● Sitios cerrados con acondicionador de aire: numerosos estudios han evidenciado que el riesgo de contagio es mayor: 1. Restaurantes 2. Cines 3. Aeropuertos, aviones 4.Transportación pública 5. Escuelas 6.Universidades 7.Gimnasios 8.Otros ● Si tienes que visitar un supermercado o farmacia, procura hacerlo en las horas que haya la menor cantidad de gente posible ● Lugares con aglomeración de personas, tanto cerrados como abiertos ● Hospitales: son un foco de infección potencialmente ● Nunca olvides las medidas básicas de prevención: lavado de manos, uso correcto de mascarilla, distancia física El buen juicio y la prudencia salvan vidas. Vamos a usarlos.

La autora es infectóloga del Centro Médico Menonita de Cayey.


SUPLEMENTOS | PRIMERA HORA viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021


Vacúnalos antes de que lleguen los Reyes El mejor regalo para la familia es que los niños de 5 a 11 estén vacunados ●

Por Cindy Calderón, MD, FAAP Especial para Suplementos


e diciembre a enero, Puerto Rico se destaca por su alegría, festividades y celebraciones familiares, las cuales han sido opacadas los pasados dos años debido a las medidas de precaución que adoptamos para protegernos del contagio del virus del COVID-19. Este año, la ciencia nos brinda la oportunidad de añadir la vacunación contra el COVID-19 como otra herramienta para proteger a nuestros seres queridos, permitiendo el reencuentro entre los familiares y retomar algunas de nuestras tradiciones. En el 2021 se aprobó la vacunación contra el COVID-19 para la población de 12 años y mayores, y, finalmente en el mes de noviembre, se aprobó la vacunación para nuestros niños de 5 a 11 años. Muchas familias recibieron esta noticia con gran alegría y esperanza de que, este año, podrán celebrar las festividades familiares con mayor protección. Al tomar la decisión de vacunar a sus niños, la familia necesita conocer cómo se diferencia la vacuna para niños de la vacuna para los mayores y los beneficios de la vacuna versus los riesgos de la enfermedad. Es importante que obtengan información de fuentes basadas en datos y evidencia, y que reconozcan información incorrecta de fuentes basadas en malinterpretaciones u opiniones sin ninguna evidencia. Distinguir entre estas fuentes a veces puede ser difícil, por lo que es aconsejable buscar orientación del médico del niño. La vacuna aprobada para niños de 5 a 11 años, la Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 para prevenir la enfermedad del coronavirus

2019 (COVID-19), contiene una concentración y se administra intramuscularmente en un volumen menor que la vacuna para mayores. Cada vacuna es de 0.2 ml de volumen y contiene 10 ug. de ARNm. Esta es la dosis mínima que provoca una respuesta efectiva de anticuerpos por el sistema inmunológico, apoyando una respuesta inmediata para detener la propagación del virus en caso de contagio. Similar a los adultos, requiere dos dosis con un intervalo mínimo de 21 días para adquirir una respuesta adecuada. La mayoría de los niños toleran muy bien la vacuna. Los efectos secundarios más comunes son similares a otras vacunas y se observan con mayor frecuencia luego de la segunda dosis. Incluyen: dolor en el lugar de la inyección, cansancio, dolor de cabeza, dolor muscular y escalofríos. Estos síntomas desaparecen en 24 a 48 horas. Al comparar la ayuda que provee la vacuna a nuestro sistema inmunológico para combatir el COVID-19, disminuyendo el riesgo de hospitalizaciones y muerte versus el riesgo de los no vacunados podemos tomar una decisión informada de cuál es la mejor decisión para nuestra familia. Además, los vacunados protegen a los que aún no se pueden vacunar, disminuyendo la prevalencia de infección y la probabilidad de que surjan nuevas variantes. Debemos considerar los beneficios de proteger a los miembros de la familia, vacunando a todos los que son elegibles. La autora es pediatra general, directora de la Clínica Programa Vacunación contra el COVID-19 del Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico y pasada presidenta de la Academia Americana de Pediatría Capítulo de Puerto Rico.

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