AdventureBox magazine issue 195 (July 2015)

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ÂŁ5.50 (UK only) Issue 195 July/August 2015 - ISNN 1366-9001

Mystery at the castle

Contents Mystery at the castle The Masked Prince is going to a party for his nephew Baby Snuffles. The prince is also a famous detective but surely this is just a nice family party?

page 3

Jellyfish Find out about these mysterious stinging sea creatures.

page 48

Goal! Join the Blues and Reds in the final match.

page 52

Tell us about AdventureBox Send in your form to enter the prize draw.

page 57

The great escape Zak is at summer camp. He is sharing a room with Edward, also known as Sobbing-man‌

page 59

Mystery at the castle

By Anne Didier and Olivier Muller Illustrated by Aurore Damant


BOX N째182

Mega gizmo written by C. Claire


BOX N째183

Help, Whiffy! written by B. Fichou

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dM Voice s: Candice Moore an






Subscribe to AdventureBox + CD to hear the story read aloud. Find out more at





Fairy Fay “Let’s stop for a rest, Tricks,” the Masked Prince told his horse. “My sister Davina’s castle is not very far away now.” The famous detective held out a sugar lump for Tricks. “You poor old thing!” said the Masked Prince. “You must be tired! But you will be able to rest now. The party for my nephew Baby Snuffles is going to go on for two whole days!” 5

Just then a carriage flew past. “That’s Fairy Faye…” said the famous detective. “She will be at the castle before us! Those horses’ wings are pretty cool, don’t you think?” Tricks rolled his eyes. He thought they looked totally ridiculous! 6

Minutes later the Masked Prince rode into the castle courtyard. His brother-in-law Anton came out to welcome him. “I’m so glad you were able to come!” said Anton. “Me too,” said the Masked Prince. “My investigation in the Land of the Ogres took less time than expected. So… how is my nephew?” “Baby Snuffles is fine,” said Anton. “He sleeps like a log. Follow me!”


Anton and the Masked Prince walked towards the Great Hall where Davina and Fairy Faye were talking. The Masked Prince kissed his sister and bowed to the fairy. “I am so pleased to see you again.” “Me too, dear Prince,” said Fairy Faye with a dazzling smile. “Your outfit is quite… magical!” said the detective. The fairy’s dress was covered in tiny buds that were opening out into flowers!


Davina said, “We are so lucky to have a great fairy like Faye to give Snuffles a special gift…” “What gift are you planning to give my nephew?” asked the Masked Prince. “That’s a surprise for tomorrow,” said the fairy in a mysterious voice. “Speaking of surprises…” said Anton. “I should tell you that we have three extra guests!” “Really?” said the Masked Prince. “It was not planned,” said Davina. “But they are lovely people, you will see!” 9

The Masked Prince began to climb the stairs to his room. On the first landing, he suddenly heard a noise behind him. He stood back against the wall and just missed being run over by a trunk with wings that was speeding up the stairs. “It’s not always easy having a fairy in the house!” he said to himself.


There’s going to be a party for Baby Snuffles. Fairy Faye has come to give him a special gift.



Surprise guests

At dinner the Masked Prince sat down next to a tubby little man. “Hello, I’m Davina’s brother.” “Oh? The famous detective? Pleased to meet you! I am Prince Edmund and I am here by chance. I saw a light so I came in.” The little man burst out laughing. He wiped the corner of his eyes with his napkin and went on, “Actually, my carriage was damaged yesterday evening, just near the castle. Your sister was kind enough to put me up while it’s being fixed.” 11

There was a young woman sitting opposite the Masked Prince. She had a pointed nose covered in freckles. Anton introduced her. “Do you remember Madeline, my cousin? She was at our wedding… She gave us a wonderful present…” “Oh, not at all,” said cousin Madeline, blushing slightly. “Actually, you do look familiar,” said the Masked Prince. 12

Then he spoke to the young, blonde woman at the end of the table. “And you are…?” “My name is Bertha and I’m a journalist with the Crown Echo. I’m here to write about Fairy Faye’s gift to Baby Snuffles…” Just then, the doors to the dining hall burst open as if they had been pushed by invisible arms. Fairy Faye appeared. “So sorry I’m late,” she said. “I had to change after such a long journey.”


She was wearing a summer dress that sparkled like the sun on the sea. A light breeze puffed out the sleeves and suddenly there were seagulls flying all around. Edmund asked, “Did some caterpillars invade your flowery dress?”

He laughed loudly at his own joke. But when he saw that the other guests were giving him funny looks, he blushed. “Oh! Sorry! I was only joking…” 14

“Let the party begin!� said Davina. They all raised their glasses in honour of Baby Snuffles. Then Fairy Faye used her magic wand to serve the food and the guests started chatting again. At the end of the meal, the staff cheered when Fairy Faye ordered the dishes to wash themselves. Edmund wanted to make himself useful so he went to get tea for everyone. Soon everyone went up to their beds, except for cousin Madeline and Fairy Faye.


The Masked Prince was on his way to his room when he heard a shriek. He hurried upstairs and found Bertha shaking with fear. “What’s going on?” asked the detective. “There’s… a spider in the bathroom…” gulped the journalist. A minute later, the Masked Prince came out of the bathroom holding a tiny spider. “Thank you,” said Bertha. “Now I can have my bath!”


After dinner, the Masked Prince discovers that Bertha, one of the surprise guests, is scared of spiders.



Wake up!

The next morning, the Masked Prince woke up with a bad headache. He looked at his watch. “Ten o’clock! I never wake up this late. Help! The party is about to start!” He hurried down the corridor and almost knocked over cousin Madeline. She was carrying a huge pile of presents. “Are all those for Snuffles?” asked the prince. “Er… yes…” said Madeline, looking embarrassed. “I could not stop myself.” 17

The Masked Prince and Madeline walked into the Great Hall where Davina, Anton, Edmund and Bertha were waiting. “We are almost all here now,” said Davina. “The only person missing is Fairy Faye.” “She’s very late,” said Anton. “We were supposed to meet her at half past nine to talk about the party.” 18

“Let’s go and find her, then!” suggested the Masked Prince. The detective and his brother-in-law went up to the second floor. They knocked on Faye’s door but she didn’t come to open it. The Masked Prince was worried. He turned the door handle. The door was not locked. The detective walked into the room. They could hear muffled sobs coming from the wardrobe. “Faye!” said the Masked Prince.


The fairy was crouching under the clothes hanging in the wardrobe. She looked pale and sickly. There were tears streaming down her face. “What happened?” asked the prince. Fairy Faye spluttered,“My magic wand… Someone has stolen it!”

The prince noticed an empty wand box on the bedside table. “When did you last use it?” “This morning, before I had my bath,” sniffed the fairy. 20

Fifteen minutes later the detective called all the people staying at the castle together. “Faye’s magic wand was stolen this morning,” he said. “As you may have guessed, it’s a very valuable object…” Faye whispered sadly, “Wands like mine are specially made. It will take months to make another!”


The fairy looked down at her grey, untidy dress. “I don’t know how I’m going to manage without magic for such a long time!” “You will have to get used to dresses without seagulls!” joked Prince Edmund.

Then he stopped laughing and apologised. Davina said, “But if you don’t have your magic wand, you can’t give babies their special gifts!” 22

She said to her brother, “Can’t you do something?” The Masked Prince said, “In Fairytale Land, stealing a magic wand is a serious crime. I shall carry out an investigation. I must ask you all to stay in the castle until this matter is sorted out.”


Faye’s magic wand has been stolen. The Masked Prince asks everyone to stay in the castle until he solves the mystery.



Questions The Masked Prince asked Fairy Faye, “Can you tell us in detail what you did this morning?” “Well… I got up at eight o’clock,” said the fairy. “I was about to have a wash when I heard Bertha calling for help.” “Why were you calling for help?” asked the Masked Prince, turning to look at the journalist. “I could hear scratching noises in the cupboard,” explained Bertha, blushing. 24

Fairy Faye said, “I found a mouse among the towels. I pointed my wand at it and made it disappear.”

“That’s very odd!” said Anton. “I have never seen a mouse in this castle!” “What happened next?” the detective asked the fairy. “I went back to my room.” “Had you locked your door?” asked the Masked Prince. 25

“No,” said Fairy Faye. “I had walked out in a hurry. When I came back in, I locked the door to have a bath. But when I was getting dressed again, I noticed the bedroom door was open and my wand was gone…” “The thief must have hidden in your room when you went to help Bertha. He or she must have run off when you were in the bath,” said the detective.

He turned to the others. “Could each of you tell me what you were doing between eight and nine o’clock this morning!” 26

Edmund said, “I had breakfast with Madeline and then we went for a walk in the garden… Don’t worry, I didn’t try and kiss her in the rose garden. Ha! Ha! Ha!” Madeline rolled her eyes and said, “We came back at about half past nine…” “Anton and I were talking with the cook about what to have for lunch,” said Davina. “So everyone has an alibi*” muttered the Masked Prince… “It’s more complicated than I thought!” * proof of where they were when the crime happened.


The wand was stolen between eight and nine o’clock. But everyone in the castle has an alibi.



Strange and weird Just before midday, the Masked Prince came back down to the Great Hall. He had made a careful inspection of Faye’s room. The castle guests sat in comfy chairs having a drink. Nobody said a word. “Do you know where Bertha is?” asked the Masked Prince. “I think she has gone to her room,” said Madeline. 28

The detective went back upstairs and found the journalist on her hands and knees spraying every corner of her room with insecticide. “Um… Am I disturbing you?” he asked. “No, no, come in!” she said. “I was just spraying to get rid of any little creatures…” “Drinks are being served downstairs…” said the Masked Prince.


Bertha nodded. “I know but I would rather stay in my room. This castle is full of dangers…” She clasped her hands together nervously. “Have you noticed that the chandelier in the dining room is not properly attached?” The prince gave her a surprised look. “I had not noticed… Oh, by the way, I was wondering if you had told your newspaper about the stolen wand.” “Not yet,” said Bertha. 30

“Just as well. Could you wait until this evening before telling them?” Bertha smiled. “No problem, I will wait!” The prince was about to go but then he changed his mind. “Another thing… When you call, say hello to Ambrose Otherman, will you?” “Ambrose Motherman?” “Your editor in chief!” “Oh yes, of course!” said Bertha. “What was I thinking?”


The Masked Prince shut the door quietly behind him. “Strange…,” he muttered. “For someone who works at the Crown Echo not to know… Hmmm… I must give Ambrose a call!”

The prince went to the little room where the phone was. Unfortunately, someone was already in there so he sat outside on a stool to wait. He could not help overhearing. “Hello, dear? Yes I’m fine!” said a voice. 32

The prince peered in to see who it was. “But I’m such an idiot.” said the voice. “I brought presents for Snuffles and nothing for Davina. I’m so upset about it…” There was a silence. Then the voice said, “Yes… Me too, I can’t wait to see you, darling. Lots of love!”


The Masked Prince just had time to hide behind a curtain before cousin Madeline came out of the little room, humming. “That’s weird,” said the young detective. “She didn’t mention the stolen wand…” He called his friend at the Crown Echo. Then he went out into the castle courtyard. He wanted to walk for a while and think about the things he had just found out…


By the gate, a man called out to him. “I’m the village carpenter. Can you tell Prince Edmund that his carriage is fixed?” “Of course,” said the Masked Prince. “What was wrong with it?” “The axle was sawn in two.” “Sawn in two?” exclaimed the detective. “Yes,” said the carpenter. “I told Prince Edmund it looked like someone did it on purpose. But he didn’t seem to care…”


Bertha and Madeline are behaving strangely. Edmund is also being a bit odd it seems…



Explanation When the Masked Prince got back to the castle, he went to find Fairy Faye. “Tell me, did you give Edmund, Madeline and Bertha gifts when they were babies?” “That’s funny,” said Faye. “Madeline and I were just talking about that last night. You know, it was me who gave her the gift of generosity. Isn’t that wonderful?” “What about Bertha and Edmund?” 36

“I don’t remember all the gifts I have given. There are thousands of them. But I always make a note of babies’ names.” Fairy Faye took a notebook with golden pages out of her bag. She quickly looked through it. “You are right, I gave Prince Edmund the gift of being funny and I gave Bertha the gift of being careful.” “That explains everything, then!” said the detective.


Ten minutes later, everyone was in the Great Hall again. The Masked Prince began to speak. “I have found Fairy Faye’s wand… or rather, what is left of it!” He showed them three pieces of shining wood.

“It was broken into three pieces and hidden under Snuffles’ pillow.” “I don’t believe it!” said Davina. “Three pieces because there are three guilty people!” said the detective. “Edmund, Madeline and Bertha, I accuse you of committing this crime together.” 38

Everybody in the room froze. “Here is what I think happened,” said the Masked Prince. “Yesterday evening, Edmund sawed the axle of his carriage in two. Then he came to the castle to join his two friends. He popped a sleeping pill into my tea. It had the effect he wanted. I was still asleep this morning when Madeline put a mouse in Bertha’s cupboard.” “My cousin Madeline?” asked Anton.


“Yes,” said the detective. “I found a little cage in her bag. Bertha then called out so that Fairy Faye would go to her room… Meanwhile Edmund was able to hide in Faye’s room and steal the wand!”

“But why would they want to do that?” asked Davina. “It true. I organised everything!” said Madeline, looking guilty. “When I heard that Fairy Faye was going to give Snuffles a gift, I decided I had to stop her. So I called two of Fairy Faye’s other victims…” 40

Faye said in a shaky voice, “What do you mean, victims?” “To be honest with you, your gifts are not always welcome presents!” said Edmund. “Do you think it’s fun to have the gift of being funny? To have to make jokes all the time and annoy everyone?” “What about me?” said Bertha. “I would give anything to be rid of my gift of being careful. I hardly dare go out of my house. I don’t know how to swim or ride…”


The Masked Prince said, “Your gift stopped you being a journalist, didn’t it? I called Ambrose Otherman, the editor of Crown Echo. He remembers interviewing you. You panicked when he explained the risks of the job…”

Fairy Faye turned to Madeline and said, “What about you? I thought you were happy with your gift of generosity!” 42

“I have a lot of friends, it’s true. But they are more interested in my presents than in me,” sighed Madeline. “I always feel I have to give them something.” She looked at Fairy Faye. “Your gift has not made me happy…” The fairy held her head in her hands. “Oh dear! I never thought what my gifts would do to people’s lives.” 43

Davina put her arm around the fairy’s shoulder. “I think these three people were given difficult gifts. Maybe in future, Fairy Faye, you can think of simpler gifts to give.” Anton picked up Baby Snuffles. “Why not just give babies the gift of good health?” he suggested. Fairy Faye nodded and said, “I will have time to think about it while a new wand is made for me.”


The Masked Prince said, “Do you want to make a complaint against these three? They did steal your wand and destroy it.” Faye shook her head. “No… I understand why they did what they did. But now my wand is broken I’m going to need help to drive my carriage, do the cooking and mow the lawn…” 45

Cousin Madeline stepped forward. “I would be happy to help you.” “So would we,” said Edmund and Bertha together. “That’s perfect, then!” said the detective. Fairy Faye said to him, “Thank you Masked Prince. We would never have solved this mystery without you!” The detective smiled at the fairy.


Then he said, “Look at page 15 in your notebook!” Faye turned to page 15 and read out, “Masked Prince, gift of being observant*.” “Well, well!” said Faye, smiling. “My gift helped you to become an excellent detective. So I don’t always get it wrong, then! * noticing things.

© Bayard Presse - J’aime Lire July 2014.


So do you have a gift for writing? If you do, write and tell us what you think of this story!


Jellyfish Jellyfish live in the sea. They are amazing creatures. They have no legs and no head!

A jellyfish’s body is shaped like a bell.

The bell has smooth skin on top.

All around the edge of the bell are tiny tentacles that sting. 48

A jellyfish’s body is made mostly of water.

Their mouth is in the middle of the bell, surrounded by the oral arms. They use it to eat and also to do their droppings.

J.-L. Klein/M.-L. Hubert/PlanetNoe

These rings are for making baby jellyfish.

Jellyfish have oral arms that hang from the middle of the underside of their body. These bring food towards the jellyfish’s mouth

We are scared of jellyfish because they can give us a nasty sting. Why do they sting?


Jellyfish sting to catch prey.

David Doubilet/

When a small creature touches a jellyfish’s tentacles, it gets stung and is paralysed. Then the jellyfish eats it.


Andrey Nekrasov/

Jellyfish never stop and rest. They swim all the time.

They move by opening out and then tightening (expanding and contracting) their bell.

Did you know?

Some jellyfish have stinging tentacles that are several metres long!

Turtles, tuna and sunfish eat jellyfish.

Š Bayard Presse - Youpi August 2014. Text: Emmanuel Chanut. Illustration: RÊmi Saillard.

Sonke Johnsen/Visuals Unlimited/Science Photo Library/Biosphoto

Biosphoto/Natural History Museum of London

Some jellyfish also make light. They look very pretty at night.


Goal! Join the dots to finish the picture.


Bring on the substitute. Find the player with short hair and an earring. He’s wearing a blue shirt with an even number and is not smiling.

Answer :it’s number eight.


Great play! Put the first five pictures in the correct order.






Answers : B E D C A.


55 Answers: from left to right – 1 blue player’s shoes 2 sub’s yellow shorts 3 blue player’s hair style 4 spelling of team name 5 bottom blue player’s pony tail 6 spectator’s striped trousers 7 hair colour of blue player in front of goal 8 goalie’s gloves 9 extra photographer 10 line on field 11 photographer’s cap colour.

Blues! Blues!

Rods! Reds!

Blues! Blues!

Reds Reds!



Find 11 differences between these two pictures.

It’s a header!

© Bayard Presse - J’aime Lire July 2014. Game idea: Arnaud Alméras. Illustrations: Matthias Malingrëy.

Answers: referee says, “You can kick when I blow the whistle.” (read each word backwards). Players says, “If I score we will take home the cup!” (read backwards). Goalie says, “If I save this, I will be a hero!” (fill in missing parts of letters).


erocs I fI emoh ekat lliw ew !puc eht

If I save this, I will be a hero!

ouY nac kcik nehw I wolb eht eltsihw. What are the referee, the player and the goalie saying.

Penalty kick

Readers’ survey Dear AdventureBox reader, Help us make your favourite magazine even better! Fill in this survey and send it back by the closing date. You could win one of these great animals of the world globes. Simona Sideri, Editor in Chief

Closing date: 15 September 2015. All completed surveys received will be entered in a prize draw! th

The covers of the last ten issues of AdventureBox: 186





190 Fun


194 £5.50 (UK only) Issue 195 July/August 2015 - ISNN

May 2015 - ISNN 1366-9001


The Masled Prince investigates at

On the road

It’s not fair, Miss!


lt’s not fair, Miss!


£5.50 (UK only) Issue 194 June 2015 - ISNN 1366-9001

£5.50 (UK only) Issue 193


Christmas Stagecoach

Bewitched painting

Panic at the restaurant



- ISNN 1366-9001

Magic painting


£5.50 (UK only) Issue 192 March 2015 - ISNN

£5.50 (UK only) Issue 191 March 2015 - ISNN

January/February 2015


Secret friend

Christmas stagecoach


195 AdventureBox


£5.50 (UK only) Issue 190


Pilot in trouble


£5.50 (UK only) Issue 189 December 2014 - ISNN

189 AdventureBox

November 2014 - ISNN

A secret


194 AdventureBox


192 AdventureBox


£5.50 (UK only) Issue 188



ing Witch Scho ol


190 AdventureBox


188 AdventureBox


£5.50 (UK only) Issue 187 October 2014 - ISNN

187 AdventureBox




193 AdventureBox


191 AdventureBox


£5.50 (UK only) Issue 186 September 2014 - ISNN

186 AdventureBox

Mystery at the castle

the castle

Fiction Fiction

















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Zak s k n i J The great escape




What’s going on?

lt’s terrible! Sobbing-man is sharing our room!

He cried all night… Missing his parents!



That’s bad luck. There’s always one like that, at every summer camp. What?

You are a camp expert?

What are you going to do with Sobbing-man, l would give him a sleeping pill? rather help him to go home. He lives near here.


Yeah, Victoria is the camp leader’s daughter! l have been coming here every summer since l was three.

An escape!

We almost had one two years ago! But that’s not allowed!

We hid a little boy in the summer camp’s dirty laundry. He got as far as the village launderette. And then?

Noooo… l’m only joking!

He got caught because he sneezed in the van. Anyway, that gives me an idea for getting past the gate!

The laundry lady nearly had a heart attack when she saw him spinning round in the washing machine.

? What?

Are you crazy? lt’s too risky! No it’s not! Don’t worry. My plans almost always work out. Meet behind the kitchen at quiet time!




Shush! They will hear you!

Do you want to go home or not?


! ! s s s e e e e Yee

Stop freaking out, Fred! Ba-dum! Ba-dum!

Right, let’s get going!

Yeah, l have my dad’s mobile!



Sniffle, sniffle!

Go on, get in!

Hello, this is the Health and Safety department. We are coming to inspect you today.

Do you follow all the Health and Safety rules?

Er‌ Of course. l know them off by heart!

Better not hang about. l think he will be out in a minute.

‌ And most importantly, you must empty your bins regularly!


l was just about to! 63



We should get back to our rooms before they find us!


T he r! leade camp

Help! He will get there before us!

Let’s take a short-cut!


Sobbing-m… er… Edward? He must be next door…

Where is Edward?

Can you go and find him? His mum is on the phone!

Oh no! What am l going to do??

Oh… Okay. man?! Sobbinge back? You cam

Sniffle… l never left. The cook emptied the wrong bin! Sniffle…

l waited but it smelled so bad, sniffle, and it was dark and l was all alooone!



being l prefer uwith yo ou-ou-ou!

Lucky you came back!

glad Are you really l came back?


Yes, yes, now go.


g m. l’m cryin lt’s ok, Mu e v ppy. l ha cos l’m ha d really goo made two friends.


T he end


© Bayard Presse - J’aime Lire July 2014. Text: Anne Didier and Olivier Muller. Illustrations: Clément Devaux.

Your mum is on the phone.

To finish illus. here

In your next issue ?

copyrights problem

196 Adven £5.50 (UK only


Terrifying trip home

) Issue 196

Matt and Brian take the school bus every day. One day after school, the sky suddenly turns very dark, but Sandy the driver does not seem too worried...

September 2015 - ISNN 1366-9001


Terrifying trip home

Fiction Facts Fun


School bag monsters Managing Publisher: Christophe Mauratille. Editor in Chief: Simona Sideri. Art Director: Pat Carter. Text and research: Liz Shepherd. Sales & promotion: Andrea Chhan. For editorial queries please contact: Bayard Magazines, PO Box 61269, London N17 1DF, UK. For a subscription in Switzerland: Edigroup SA 39, rue Peillonnex - 1225 Chêne-Bourg (Switzerland) - tel: (0041) 22 860 84 02 - fax: (0041) 22 349 25 92 - email: AdventureBox is published by Bayard Presse Asia – Le Grain de Sénevé Publishing Co. Ltd, located at Room 8, 9/F, Block A, Hong Kong Industrial Centre, 489-491 Castle Peak Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Printers: Ayregraf Artes Graficas (cover), Rivadeneyra (inside) Spain and Allion Printing Co. Ltd, Hong Kong. ISSN: 1366-9001. All rights reserved to the publisher © J’Aime Lire, Youpi – Bayard Presse.

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Last month’s answers: 1C 2A 3C 4C 5B 6A.

195 AdventureBox

Mini quiz 1. The Masked Prince’s horse is called:

A Anton B Wings C Tricks

A carpenter B mechanic C farrier

5. Jellyfish are made mostly of:

A stingers B water C jelly

A Anton's cousin The Masked

B Prince's cousin C Edmund's cousin

4. The Masked Prince's gift from Fairy Faye was:

A to have good health B to be very generous

Mystery at the castle

3. Edmund's carriage is fixed by the castle:

2. Madeline is:

C to be observant

6. Zak's room mates at camp are:

A Fred and Ed B Victoria and Fred Jason



AdventureBox was great... now I’m ready for


C and Fred

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