Flower Meanings - List of Flowers and Their Meanings

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Flower Meanings - List of Flowers and Their Meanings A

Abutilon Meditation

Acacia (Rose, White) Friendship, Elegance

Acacia (Yellow) Concealed love

Acanthus Fine arts, Artifice

Achillea State associated with war

Aconite (Monkshood) Hatred, Misanthropy words, Become cautious

Adam's Needle Best friends

Adonis Patience, Humility, Unfortunate memories

Agrimony Gratitude

Alliums Patience, Unity, Humility

Almond Blossom Hope, Contemplation

Aloe Sorrow, Grief

Alstroemeria Aspiringly, Devotion, Friendship

Amaranth (Globe) Immortal love

Amaryllis Splendid beauty

Ambrosia Reciprocated love

Anemone Fragile, Anticipation

Angelica Inspiration

Anthurium Hospitality

Apple Blossom Hope, Excellent fortune

Apricot Blossom Diffident love

Arbor Vitae True friendship


I enjoy thee only

Asphodel Regret, Lassitude

Aster Love, Contentment, Patience

Azalea Fragile, Patience, Chinese symbol pertaining to womanhood B

Baby's Breath Innocence, Gladness

Bachelor Button (Bluebottle, Cornflower) Celibacy, Anticipation, Delicacy, Perfection



Balsam (Impatiens) Impatience

Barberry Hot temperament

Bay Wreath Glory, Prize with regard to goodness

Begonia Be cautious, Deep thinking

Bells regarding Ireland Good

luck, Greatest wishes



Betony Surprise

Bindweed (Convolvulus) Philander, Quidnunc, Perseverance

Bird of Paradise Festivity, Celebration

Bittersweet Flower Truth, Fact

Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia) Encouragement, Motivation, Impartiality

Blackthorn (Sloe) Asceticism, Difficulty

Blue Bell (Harebell, Campanula) Constancy, In Zero Way ending love, Gratitude, Appreciation

Bouvardia Excitement, Enthusiasm

Burdock Boredom, Importunity

Buttercup Childishness

Butterfly Weed Leave me C

Cactus Maternal affection along with love

Caladium Leaves

Ravish, Joyousness

Calendula (Pot marigold) Happiness

Calycanthus Benevolence

Camellia (White) Adorable, Lovable

Camellia (Pink) Strong desire

Camellia (Red) Excellence, Perfection

Chamomile (or Camomile) Enterprisingness, energy within adversity

Candytuft (Iberis) Indifference

Cardinal Flower Eminence

Carnation (White) Sweetness, Innocence, Pure love

Carnation (Yellow) Disdain, Rejection

Carnation (Pink) Unforgettable, Woman's love

Carnation (Red) Admiration

Carnation (Purple) Unpredictability, Changeable

Carnation (Striped) Rejected love

Cattail Prosperity, Peacefulness

Cedar Leaf Think regarding me

Celandine (Lesser) Forthcoming joys

Cherry Blossom Good education, Spiritual beauty

Chestnut Flower Seek justice

Chrysanthemum (Bronze) Excitement

Chrysanthemum (General) Cheerfulness, Optimism, Great friend, Along With love

Chrysanthemum (Red) Love, Affection Chrysanthemum (Yellow) Slighted love

Chrysanthemum (White) Trueness

Cinnamon Beauty

Clematis Ingenuity

Clove Dignity

Clover (Four leafed) Good luck

Clover (Five leafed) Bad luck

Clover (White flower) Think regarding me

Cockscomb Silliness, Absurdity

Coltsfoot Maternal care

Columbine Deserted love

Coreopsis Cheerful

Coriander Lust

Cosmos Peaceful

Crocus Prevision, Gladness, Cheerfulness

Crown Imperial Powerfulness, Mightiness

Cyclamen Goodbye, Separation

Cypress Mourning, Despair D

Daffodil(Jonquil) Chivalry, Unreciprocated love, Sympathy, Please love me

Dahlia Dignity, Elegance

Daisy Innocence, Loyal beauty


Happiness, Faithfulness

Daphne Flower Glory, Fame

Delphinium (Larkspur) Boldness, Ardent attachment, open heart

Dew Plant Serenade

Dog Rose

Pleasure E

Edelweiss Courageous

Eglantine (Sweet briar) Spring, Poetry

Elderberry Blossom (Elderflower) Kindness, Humility

Endive Frugality

Eremurus (Foxtail lily or Desert candle) Endurance

Eryngium (Blue hobbit, Sea holly)

Austerity, Independence

Eucalyptus Safeguard, Protection

Eupatorium Late, Delay

Eustoma Calmness, Thoughts

Everlasting Flower Remembrances

Eyebright (Euphrasia) Cheer up F

Fennel Strength

Fern Sincerity, Confidence

Fig Argument

Filbert Reconciliation

Fir Evaluation, Time

Flax Symbolizes domesticity and kindness

Forget-me-not True love, Memories, Hope

Forsythia Anticipation

Foxglove (Digitalis) Insincerity

Frangipani Protection, Shelter

Freesia Spirited, Trust

Fuchsia Good taste , Confiding love

Furze Anger G

Gardenia Secret admiration and love

Gentian Sweetness

Gerbera Happiness, Cheerfulness

Geranium Comfort, Stupidity

Gillyflower Lasting beauty

Ginger Flower Proud, Majestic

Gladiolus Give me a break, Power involving character

Gloxinia Love initially sight

Goldenrod (Solidago) Encouragement, Motivation , good fortune, Success H


Flower Laugh from trouble

Hawkweed Quick-sighted



Hazel Flower Reconciliation

Heather Flower (white) Protection, Wishfulness

Heliotrope Eternal love

Hemlock You will kill me

Hibiscus Delicate beauty


Coming involving joys

Hollyhock Fruitfulness, Ambition

Honeysuckle Devoted love, Generous

Hop Injustice

Houseleek Domestic Economy

Hyacinth (Blue) Constancy

Hyacinth (General)

Games, Sports

Hyacinth (Purple) Forgive me

Hyacinth (Pink, Red) Play

Hyacinth (White) Loveliness

Hyacinth (Yellow) Jealousness

Hydrangea (Snowball Flower) Frigidity, Vanity, Heavenly thoughts I

Ipomoea I are component of thee

Iris Faith, Thank an individual to your friendship J

Jacob's Ladder Come down

Jasmine(White) Cheerfulness, Great a feeling of humor

Jasmine (Yellow) Modesty K

Kingcup (Marsh Marigold) Wealth, Riches


Laburnum Pensive beauty

Lady's Slipper Capricious beauty

Lady's Tresses Bewitching grace

Laurel Perseverance, Ambition

Lavender Acknowledgment, Constancy

Lemon Blossom Discretion

Lilac First love

Lily (Calla) Symbolizes magnificent beauty and purity

Lily (Casablanca) Celebrations, Happy occasions

Lily (Day) Flirtation, Coquetry

Lily (Eucharis) Maiden charms

Lily (Orange) Disdain, Hatred, Pride

Lily (Tiger) Pride, Wealth

Lily (Water) or Lotus Purity, Truth, Mystery, Estranged love

Lily (White) Virginity, Majesty

Lily (Yellow) Flirtation, Coquetry

Lily-Of-The-Valley Sweetness, Humility, Purity

Lisianthus Calmness

Lobelia Malevolence, Arrogance

London Pride (Saxifraga) Frivolity

Love-In-The-Mist (Nigella) Perplexity, Delicacy

Lupine (Lupin) Always happy, Voraciousness M

Magnolia Nobility, Perseverance, Enjoy for nature

Mallow Deep within love

Maple Retirement, Reserve nature

Marigold Jealousy, Cruelty, Secret affection

Marjoram Comfort, Blushes

Marvel-Of-Peru (Four o'clock flower) Flame of love

Mayflower (Trailing arbutus) Welcome, Hospitality, The Particular beginning

Mignonette (Reseda) Deserve

Mimosa Exquisite, Sensitivity

Mint Suspicion

Mistletoe Love and affection

Motherwort Secret love

Moss Rose Confession regarding love

Myrtle Joy, love and remembrance


Narcissus Formality, Egotism

Nasturtium Symbolizes

patriotism and also conquest

Nightshades Dark thoughts O

Oleander Beauty as well as grace

Orange Blossom Innocence, Eternal love

Orange Mock Deceit

Orchid Long-lasting impression, beautiful lady

Orchid Cattleya Mature charm

Oxeye Daisy Patience P

Pansy Thoughtfulness, Modesty

Palm Leaves Success, Victory

Parsley Festivity

Passion Flower Holy love, Faith along with believe

Peach Blossom Generosity

Pear Blossom Good health, Hope

Peony Happy Marriage, Happy life

Pepper Flower Warm feelings

Periwinkle (Blue) Beginning associated with friendship

Periwinkle (White) Delightful memories

Petunia Resentment, Anger

Phlox Sweet dreams, trying to impress you

Pine Pity, Hope

Plum Blossom Fidelity, Maintaining promises

Poinsettia Always cheerful

Poppy (General) Imagination, Oblivion

Poppy (Red) Pleasure

Poppy (White) Consolation

Poppy (Yellow) Success, Wealth

Primrose (General) I can't stay without having you

Primrose (Red) Neglected merit

Privet Prohibition, Ban

Pyxie Life will be sweet Q

Quaking Grass Anger, Agitation

Quamoclit Busybody

Queen Anne's Lace Fantasy

Quince Blossom Enticement


Ragged Robin Ardor, Intense sensation involving love

Ranunculus Dazzled, Radiant

Raspberry Blossom Regret, Remorse

Rhododendron Be cautious

Rocket Flower Rivalry, Competition

Rose (Black) Death

Rose (Bouquet associated with total blooms)


Rose (Bridal) Happy love

Rose (Bud) Innocent love, Elegance as well as youth

Rose (Burgundy) Unconscious beauty

Rose (Carolina) Love will be dangerous

Rose (Christmas) Tranquility

and also peacefulness

Rose Gratitude, Thank you

Rose (Lavender) Love in the particular beginning sight

Rose (Orange, Coral) Desire, Enthusiasm

Rose (Peach) Togetherness, Closing of the deal

Rose (Pink & White mixed) I enjoy you will still and will usually adore you

Rose (Wild) Charming simplicity

Rose (Yellow) Friendship, Joy, Gladness, Jealousy, Infidelity

Saffron Voluptuousness, End Up Being cautious about excess pleasures

Sage Domestic virtues

Sainfoin You befuddle me

Salvia Wisdom, I always consider you

Satin Flower Fascination

Saxifrage Affection

Scabious Unfortunate love, Widowhood

Sensitive Plant Sensitivity

Snapdragon Gracious lady, Deception

Snowdrop Friendship in trouble, Consolation, Hope

Spider Flower (Cleome) Elope along with me

Spiderwort Regard, Admiration

Star associated with Bethlehem Atonement, Satisfaction

Stephanotis (Madagascar

Jasmine) Happiness within marriage

Strawberry Flower Perfect goodness

Sunflower Wishes, Loyalty

Sweet Pea Flower Departure, Goodbye

Sweet William Perfection, Grant me one smile

Syringa You shall be happy yet T

Tamarisk (Salt Cedar) Crime, Guilty

Tansy Resistance, Neglected

Teasel Flower


Thistle Nobility, Austerity

Tuberose Dangerous

Tulip (Pink) Caring

Tulip (Purple) Royalty

Tulip (Red) Declaration involving love, believe me

Tulip (White) Forgiveness

Tulip (Yellow) Hopeless love V

Verbena (Vervain) Tender, Emotional, Anyone can get the wish, Superstition

Valerian An accommodating disposition

Veronica Flower Fidelity

Violet (General) Faithfulness, Modesty

Violet (Blue) Faithfulness, Watchfulness

Violets (White)

Let's have a chance

Viscaria Will you dance with me W

Wake Robin Ardor, Zeal

Wallflower Adversity, Friendship

Wisteria Poetry, Youth, Steadfast

Witch Hazel A spell, Inspiration

Wolfsbane Misanthropy

Wormwood Absence X

Xeranthemum Eternity, Immortality Y

Yarrow Good health Z

Zephyranthes Expectation

Zinnia (Magenta) Long-lasting affection

Zinnia (Mixed) Thoughts of an absent friend

Zinnia (Pink) Lasting affection

Zinnia (Scarlet) Constancy

Zinnia (White) Goodness

Zinnia (Yellow) Remembrance

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