FOOTWEAR ENDURA FOOTWEAR Endura steps up your ride even further with a complete head to toe product offer. In addition to no-nonsense apparel, we have successfully applied our defiant disruption to the helmet and protection categories with awardwinning product but today we fit the last piece into the jigsaw…. a gamechanging footwear collection. We enter with our dominant category of MTB, where the brand has proven success and regularly tops opinion polls of the best kit in the market, but it is no mainstream collection. We have ripped up the rule-book and approached the project through the lens of our Ergonomistry philosophy and the collection features highly inventive engineering backed by medical science to allow you to ride harder longer.
Carefully profiled and contoured support helps the arch of your foot to cope better with the conflicting demands of walking and cycling placed upon it and deliver better power transfer and more comfort
This carefully placed ,contoured soft raised button helps spread your big toe from the rest of them greatly improving your forefoot function and comfort-vital in cycling with so much pressure coming through this area of the foot and preventing unwanted scrunching of the toes
These small raised soft tactile dots are strategically placed to improve your foots proprioception greatly improving its ability to soften and stiffen as and when it needs too through coordinated muscular contractions