November Newsle,er The snow has fallen and cooler temperatures are here which means winter is on its way. Please make sure your child has proper outdoor gear. This includes a full snowsuit, waterproof mi:s/gloves, a warm toque and of course winter snow boots. We will be taking the children outside on a regular basis unless temperatures reach below -‐15. It is important to make sure your child has everything to keep warm this winter. Just a few reminders: Inside shoes are very important! It is for the safety of your child and a school policy. Please make sure your child has a proper fiFng pair of inside shoe that are leG here at school. Lunch kits need to be placed into our fridge (located in the kitchen) in the morning at drop off Lme. Please make sure your child has a spare set of clothing that is leG here at daycare and don’t forget to label all your child’s garments including outside gear and shoes. If your child is going to be away or late the following day (or a specific future date) please inform a teacher. Please provide us with a morning phone call if your child will not be a:ending or arriving aGer 9:30am that same day. ScholasLc book orders will conLnue this month. Remember our center benefits from all parent/guardian orders. So far we have been able to add some audio books to our library!! Thanks for the support! We will be having our monthly staff meeLng on November 28th. Early closure at 4pm sharp. We have started a wish list for a few things that would benefit our center. If you have any of these items lying around the house and would like to donate them, it would be appreciated. Dress up clothing, doll/Barbie clothing, old cell phones, magneLc blocks, k’nex for kids, board games (5 and under), book shelves and puzzles.
Important upcoming dates:
Closed Monday November 11th 2013 -‐ Remembrance Day Staff meeLng November 28th
If you have any concerns/quesLons, feel free to call me (250) 793-‐5437 or drop by the office Ronda Reid Manager