Chair and Directors
Date: November 3, 2018
Shawn Dahlen, Acting Chief Administrative Officer
Subject: Old Fort Geotechnical Summary of Findings
RECOMMENDATION #1: That the Regional Board lift the Evacuation Order for all homes in the Old Fort Subdivision excluding 7605 Old Fort Road which will remain under an Evacuation Order and 6975 Old Fort Road, 9820 River Drive and 7583 Old Fort Road which will be under Evacuation Alert .
RECOMMENDATION #2: That the Regional Board re-affirm that the following properties remain under evacuation order at this time and that PID: 014-675-986 is added to the evacuation order. N1/2 of SW ¼ SEC 19 TP 83 R 18 W6M, N1/2 of S1/2 of SW ¼ SEC 19 TP 83 R 18 W6M, N1/2 of SE1/4 SEC 19 TP 83 R18 W6M, 9909 240 Road, 9911 240 Road
RECOMMENDATION #3: That the Regional Board re-affirm that the following properties remain under evacuation alert at this time. PID: 007-387-539 6963 265 Road 6933 265 Road 9819 240 Road PID: 006-773-397 50m ROW (temporary access road) N1/2 of S1/2 of SW1/4 SEC 19 TP 83 R18 W6M 50m ROW (temporary access road) N1/2 of SW1/4 SEC 19 TP 83 R18 W6M Old Fort ROW south of PID: 007-387-539 REM SEC 18 TP 83 R 18 W6M
BACKGROUND/RATIONALE: On September 30, 2018 the Old Fort Subdivision experienced a large bedrock landslide which impacted the Old Fort Road, BC Hydro transmission and distribution lines and damaged the residence at 7605 Old Fort Road. As a result, the Peace River Regional District placed evacuation orders and alerts throughout the subdivision and surrounding area because of the immediate danger to life safety and as a precautionary measure respectively. The Peace River Regional retained Westrek Geotechnical Services Ltd. on October 5, 2018 to provide emergency geotechnical support with regards to managing the risk to public safety from the landslide. Staff Initials:
Dept. Head:
CAO: November 4, 2018
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Report – Old Fort Geotechnical Summary
November 3, 2018
Because of the emergency conditions, Westrek utilized LiDAR and eventually Ground Truthing to analyze the landslide. On October 29, 2018 the Peace River Regional District received Westrek’s final “draft” report. Once received, BGC Engineering began a peer review on the report and findings. On October 31, 2018 BGC, along with FLNRORD spent a day on site in Old Fort as part of the review process. It should be noted that FLNRORD has collaborated with all agencies through the process including geotechnical experts working with/for BC Hydro, Energy and Mines, MoTI, Westrek and BGC. The Peace River Regional District’s legal counsel has reviewed Westrek’s final “draft” report as well. The PRRD has not yet received a final report from either Westrek or BGC Engineering, however as a result of the preliminary findings both firms have supplied a summary of findings and preliminary opinion of assessment in order for the Peace River Regional District Board to be able to make decisions on the continued need for evacuation orders and alerts. 9909 and 9911 240 Road will remain under Evacuation Order until such time as a Safe Work Plan is approved by BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. (MEMPR)
ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS: 1. That the Regional Board wait to make decisions on evacuation order areas and alert areas until the final reports are received from Westrek and BGC Engineering. (These will take a few weeks for delivery.) 2. That the Regional Board choose to have the homes of 6975 Old Fort Road, 9820 River Drive and 7583 Old Fort Road removed from Evacuation Alert at this time prior to receiving the final reports from Westrek and BGC Engineering.
Ensure that the Solid Waste Management Plan is operating on a fiscally defensible basis.
Ensure effective execution of Public Safety and Emergency Services initiatives.
Foster Collaboration on services with municipalities and electoral areas.
Establish a strategy for coordinated advocacy on identified issues.
Manage parks and trails in the region.
Support the agricultural industry within the regional district.
Not Applicable to Strategic Plan.
FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION(S): Disaster Financial Assistance will only be available for structures and infrastructure directly impacted by the landslide event.
COMMUNICATIONS CONSIDERATION(S): Westrek, BGC Engineering and FLNRORD are in agreeance that further investigation of long term hazards and risks of the Old Fort Subdivision including monitoring should be considered.
November 4, 2018
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Report – Old Fort Geotechnical Summary
November 3, 2018
OTHER CONSIDERATION(S): In anticipation of possible changes to the existing orders, PRRD staff have prepared re-entry packages for residents of Old Fort and have organized de-winterization and provision of water for homes in Old Fort. Residents are encouraged to attend the Northern Grand Hotel immediately following the Board meeting to speak with staff to arrange these services. Attachments: 1. Westrek Geotechnical Services, Emergency Landslide Assessment, Old Fort BC, Summary of Findings. 2. BGC Engineering, Preliminary Opinion on Westrek’s Emergency Assessment of Old Fort Landslide. 3. FLNRORD, email of support for Westrek’s Emergency Assessment of Old Fort Landslide 4. PRRD Old Fort Landslide Re-Entry Plan 5. Old Fort Subdivision Evacuation Overview Map
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R-1 Emergency Landslide Assessment Old Fort, BC
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eqnncrugf!ykvjkp!c!hgy!fc{u/!!Vjg!ujcng!tkfig!tgockpu!uvcpfkpi=!jqygxgt-!dqvj!vjg!uqwvjyguv!cpf! uqwvjgcuv!hncpmu!jcxg!fgvcejgf!cpf!ctg!ewttgpvn{!cv!tkum!qh!unkfkpi/!!! Vjg!uwffgp!jqtk|qpvcn!oqxgogpv!kp!vjg!dgftqem!vtkiigtgf!c!ejcppgnk|gf!gctvjhnqy!vjcv!unqyn{! vtcxgngf! uqwvjyctf-! eqpuwokpi! Qnf! Hqtv! Tqcf! cpf!gxgpvwcnn{!tgcejkpi!c! dcem! ejcppgn! qh! vjg! Rgceg!Tkxgt!qp!Qevqdgt!9/!! Qp!Qevqdgt!3-!vjg!gctvjhnqy!vtkiigtgf!c!ncpfunkfg!vq!vjg!yguv!vjcv!oqxgf!crrtqzkocvgn{!26!o! uqwvjyctf! qxgt! vjg! hqnnqykpi! hgy! fc{u/! ! Vjku! ncpfunkfg! qeewttgf! gpvktgn{! ykvjkp! cp! cpekgpv! ncpfunkfg!fgrqukv-!gpeqorcuukpi!vjg!jqwug!cv!8716!Qnf!Hqtv!Tqcf/!!Vjg!jqwug!cv!8694!Qnf!Hqtv! Tqcf!ku!pqv!nqecvgf!qp!vjg!cpekgpv!ncpfunkfg-!pqt!ycu!kv!korcevgf!d{!vjg!tgegpv!gxgpv/!! Vjg!kpkvkcn!tqemunkfg!oqxgogpv!cnuq!ecwugf!cpqvjgt!ncpfunkfg!gcuv!qh!vjg!ujcng!tkfig!yjgtg!cnoquv! 21!jc!qh!ncpf!oqxgf!uqwvjyctf!21!vq!26!o/!!Vjku!ncpfunkfg!cnuq!qeewttgf!gpvktgn{!ykvjkp!qnfgt! ncpfunkfg!fgrqukvu/!!Vjg!oqxgogpv!fkf!pqv!tgcej!Qnf!Hqtv!Tqcf!qt!fcocig!cp{!uvtwevwtgu/!!!!
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W es t r e k G e o t e c h n i c a l S e r v i c e s L t d .
November 4, 2018
November 4, 2018
R-1 Emergency Landslide Assessment Old Fort, BC
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W es t r e k G e o t e c h n i c a l S e r v i c e s L t d .
November 4, 2018
R-1 Emergency Landslide Assessment Old Fort, BC
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W es t r e k G e o t e c h n i c a l S e r v i c e s L t d .
November 4, 2018
R-1 Emergency Landslide Assessment Old Fort, BC
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W es t r e k G e o t e c h n i c a l S e r v i c e s L t d .
November 4, 2018
AN APPLIED EARTH SCIENCES COWIPANY Suite 500 - 980 Howe Street Vancouver, BC Canada V6Z OC8
Telephone (604) 684-5900 Fax (604) 684-5909
November 2, 2018 Project No.: 1880-001 Tyra Henderson
Peace River Regional District Box 810, 1981 Alaska Highway Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4H8 Dear Tyra,
Re: Preliminary Opinion on Westrek's Emergency Assessment of Old Fort Landslide The discovery of a landslide on Old Fort Road near Fort St John, BC was reported in the media on September 30, 2018. This lead to the closure of Old Fort Road that day by BC Ministry of Transportation (MoTi). In response to loss of road access and concerns over public safety from
ongoing landslide movement, Peace River Regional District (PRRD) issued evacuation orders and alerts for the Old Fort community. Several organizations have been supporting the geotechnica! response to the Old Fort Landslide event, including:
• PRRD, who retained Westrek Geotechnical Services Ltd. (Westrek) to provide geotechnical services in support of the Old Fort Landslide emergency and to provide recommendations on the evacuation orders as wel! as medium and long-term recommendations; • MoTI and their geotechnicai consultant Tetra Tech Inc. (Tetra Tech) who have been
acquiring and processing airborne LiDAR survey (ALS) data to track landslide movements, and who have been working to reconstruct Old Fort Road; ,
• BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (MEMPR), whose health and safety inspectors have required that operators of a gravel quarry (Biair Pit) located at the top of the landslide prepare a geotechnical incident report and safe work plan prior to recommencing quarry operations; and • BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development
(FLNRORD), who has been advising Emergency Management BC (EMBC) and providing specialist in-house landslide assessment support to the other parties listed above.
PRRD has retained BGC to conduct a peer review of the emergency landslide assessment that is being completed by Westrek. Work is being carried out under a contract between BGC and PRRD based on BGC's standard terms and conditions. For PRRD tracking purposes, the assignment is identified as Task no. 193467, Request no. 58.
November 4, 2018
R-1 Peace River Regional District November 2, 2018 PreEiminary Opinion on Westrek's Emergency Assessment of Old Fort Landslide Project No.: 1880-001
BGC's review ofWestrek's draft report (Westrek 2018) is in progress. We have read Westrek's
draft report, completed independent analysis of LiDAR data for the landslide acquired by BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI), conducted a 1-day site visit, and participated in several teieconferences with PRRD and their Counsel, Westrek, MoTI, Ministry of Forest,
Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD), and other stakeholders. Our review has also been informed by landslide assessment project work in the
region and in similar geological conditions (e.g. BGC 2012). Immediately following our October 31, 2018 site visit BGC provided PRRD with preliminary observations and opinions in a debrief teleconference. This letter documents preliminary opinions provided in that teleconference.
1.0 PRELIMINARY OPINIONS BGC is in the process of providing PRRD and Westrek with comprehensive review comments, and these will be summarized in a draft letter report to be issued to PRRD by November 9, 2018. In the meantime, we can confirm we agree with Westrek's assessment that homes in the Old Fort Community currently under evacuation order are not at imminent risk of impact from landslides
associated with the Old Fort Landslide event, with the exception of three homes detailed in the following paragraph. Our preliminary opinion is most homes are not likely to be impacted by damaging landslide movements associated with the Old Fort Landslide prior to significant snow melt and/or rainfall in spring 2019. Westrek has identified three homes that in their opinion may still be at imminent risk of damaging landslide impact: • 7605 Old Fort Road, which has been displaced and damaged by an active landslide block west of the channelized earth flow; • 6975 Old Fort Road, which in Westrek's opinion may be at imminent risk of impact from a rapid rock slide; and • 9820 River Road, which in Westrek's opinion may be at imminent risk of impact from a rapid rock siide.
BGC agrees that 7605 Old Fort Road remains at imminent risk of ongoing damaging landslide impacts. Furthermore, the home requires assessment by a structural engineer to determine if and how it could be safely re-entered under its current condition.
BGC is currently not of the opinion that the homes at 6975 Old Fort Road and at 9820 River Road may be at imminent risk of impact from a rapid rock slide originating from the displaced shale ridge, and wiif be working closely with Westrek and other stakeholders to understand and resolve
this difference of opinion in the coming days. Our opinion is based on an appreciation that there is no precedent for large, extremely rapid landslides to develop in flat-lying shaies with geologic and topographic conditions similar to those present above Old Fort (e.g. Hungr 2010).
BGC Preliminary Opinion on Imminent Landsiide Risk FINAL Page 2
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R-1 Peace River Regionai District November 2, 2018 Preliminary Opinion onWestrek's Emergency Assessment of Old Fort Landslide Project No.: 1880-001
Furthermore, in the very unlikely event of a large, extremely rapid rock slide, the natural
topography would deflect the slide to the south and away from the homes. The Old Fort Landslide event has resulted in several deep ground cracks within and around the margins of the landslide. Many of these cracks are difficult to see and could pose a safety hazard to persons and pets walking near them. Residents should be advised of this hazard.
Many homes and other infrastructure in the Old Fort Community, including homes at 6975 Old Fort Road and 9820 River Road are situated on landslide deposits which could potentially remobiiize and/or on areas potentiaily susceptible to impact from future iandsiides. In BGC's opinion there remains a requirement to further investigate, monitor and assess landslide hazard
and risk within the Old Fort Community prior to 2019 spring snowmelt. We will provide PRRD with more detailed recommendations for further assessment in subsequent communications.
Westrek has concluded that the central and southern slopes in Blair Pit are within the rockslide initiation area and pose a safety risk to workers. BGC agrees that rock s!ide hazard could pose
a safety risk to workers in BIair Pit. We believe the pit operators and their geotechnical consultants could likely develop safe work procedures that would allow for extraction of gravel stockpiles within these parts of the pit. Extraction of the gravel stockpiles is likely to have a neutral or positive impact on short and long-term stability of the rock slide, and BGC recommends this be completed if safe work procedures can be developed that meet the requirements of MEMPR and the pit operators.
BGC Preliminary Opinion on imminent Landslide Risk FINAL Page 3
November 4, 2018
R-1 Peace River Regional District November 2, 2018 Preliminary Opinion on Westrek's Emergency Assessment of Old Fort Landslide Project No.: 1880-001
2.0 CLOSURE We trust this summary of our preliminary opinions is useful to PRRD. However, we would like to
caution that certain opinions contained in this letter conflict with opinions presented in Westrek's draft report. While we are working to resolve those differences of opinion, we cannot be certain
if or when those opinions will converge, it is possible that contrary opinions will remain following completion of our peer review and the submission of Westrek's final report.
BGC Engineering Inc. (BGC) prepared this document for the account of Peace River Regional District. The material in it reflects the judgment of BGC staff in light of the information available to BGC at the time of document preparation. Any use which a third party makes of this document or any reliance on decisions to be based on it is the responsibility of such third parties. BGC accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this document. As a mutual protection to our client, the public, and ourselves ail documents and drawings are
submitted for the confidential information of our client for a specific project. Authorization for any use and/or publication of this document or any data, statements, conclusions or abstracts from or regarding our documents and drawings, through any form of print or electronic media, including without limitation, posting or reproduction of same on any website, is reserved pending BGC's written approval. A record copy of this document is on file at BGC. That copy takes precedence over any other copy or reproduction of this document. Yours sincerely,
Michael Porter, M.Eng., P.Eng., LEG
Director, Principal Geological Engineer Reviewed by: Pete Barlow, M.Sc., P.Eng.
Director, Principal Geotechnical Engineer
BGC Preliminary Opinion on Imminent Landslide Risk FINAL Page 4
November 4, 2018
R-1 Peace River Regional District November 2, 2018 Preliminary Opinion on Westrek's Emergency Assessment of Old Fort Landslide Project No.: 1880-001
REFERENCES BGC Engineering inc. (2012, November). Site C Clean Energy Project, Prejiminary Reservoir Impact Lines [Report]. Prepared for BC Hydro. Hungr, 0. (2010). Mobility of Landslides in Shale Rocks, An Update [Report]. Prepared for Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd. Westrek Engineering Services Ltd. (2018, October). Emergency Landslide Assessment, Old
Fort, BC [Draft report]. Prepared for Peace River Regional District.
BGC Preliminary Opinion on Imminent Landslide Risk FINAL page 5
November 4, 2018
R-1 Dear all, I have read the BGC letter to the PRRD, dated 2 November 2018, giving a preliminary opinion on Westrek's Emergency Assessment of the Old Fort Landslide. I fully agree with and endorse the opinion of BGC expressed in their 2 November letter. And I agree with BGC's opinion that only one house has been damaged by the landslide and that no other house is in imminent danger of a rapid rock slide. I would also encourage MEMPR to work towards putting a plan in place to remove the gravel stockpiles from the head of the landslide. I base my endorsement on my own local landslide experience and on recent (October 2018) email correspondence, phone conversations, helicopter overview flights, GPS surveys of landslide movement, and Old Fort field visits with BGC, TetraTech, MOTI and Westrek, including analyses of numerous lidar images, and review of related reports for nearby Peace River landslides. I strongly recommend that further landslide analyses be conducted (perhaps this fall and into next year), including drilling to identify the thickness of various landslide components and the depth and characteristics of failure planes. Knowing the ages of various landslides (from radiocaron dating and image analyis) would be useful for overall risk analyses. Sincerely, Marten Geertsema, PhD, PAg, PGeo Research Geomorphologist FLNRORD Prince George, BC 250 561 3473
November 4, 2018
PEACE RIVER REGIONAL DISTRICT Old Fort Landslide Re-Entry Plan Prepared By: Peace River Regional District Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Advance Planning Unit
November 4 2018
November 4, 2018
Quick Reference Directory PEACE RIVER REGIONAL DISTRICT Emergency Program Coordinator 250 784-3218 250 219-3000 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT BC Provincial Emergency Coordination Centre (24 hours) 1-800-663-3456 NORTHERN HEALTH 250-719-6500 (Local Office) DAWSON CREEK AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL 250-782-8501 FORT ST. JOHN HOSPITAL 250-262-5200 BC AMBULANCE SERVICES 250 612-9936 ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE 250 784-3700 Dawson Creek 250 787-8100 Fort St John 250 788-9221 Chetwynd 250 783-5241 Hudsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hope 250 242-5252 Tumbler Ridge CHARLIE LAKE FIRE DEPARTMENT 250 785-1424 BC HYDRO SECURITY COMMAND CENTRE (24 Hours) 1-877-311-8611 NORTHWESTEL 1-800-661-0838 Network Operations Control Centre (24 Hours) TELUS 1-877-700-4662 BC OIL AND GAS COMMISSION 1-800-663-3456 24hr reporting 250 794-5200 Fort St John Office PACIFIC NORTHERN GAS 1-800-663-1173
November 4, 2018
R-1 OLD FORT RE-ENTRY PLAN SITUATION On the morning of Sunday, September 30, 2018, a landslide occurred above the Old Fort area south of Fort St. John. In response, the Peace River Regional District declared a State of Local Emergency and established an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) as the responsible authority for the emergency. On September 30th mandatory evacuation orders were issued by the EOC; further orders of evacuation were issued on October 4, 7 and 11th as the landslide progressed. Slide material and stress fractures permanently severed the only access road to the majority of the Old Fort subdivision, creating a life safety risk. Approximately 145 people were evacuated or are affected by the evacuation orders issued. PURPOSE This purpose of the plan is to co-ordinate an orderly return of residents to their homes and properties. The re-entry will be phased into several stages. RETURN CRITERIA CHECKLIST The timing of re-entry is based on the following: Agreement from the geotechnical engineers and associated peer-review process that the residual risk is tolerable to allow residents to return to the area. Confirmation from Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure that access has been restored to the evacuated area. This would be dependent on the progress of the under construction detour road (off of Old Fort Road) to a semipermanent condition. Ministry provided risk signage is in place on the semi-permanent road. Road flagging is in place during active construction. BC Hydro service is functional. Confirmation from Pacific Northern Gas that the underground gas infrastructure do not pose any hazard (e.g. leakage) to residents. Confirmation from BC Ambulance that the newly constructed semi-permanent road is accessible for their vehicles. School District 60 to resume school bus services either directly to the Old Fort subdivision or, as a contingency, at a point west of the semi-permanent road and communicating that plan to residents with school aged children. Resiliency Centre is ready to assist the returning residents. Emergency Management BC approved funding to provide, through a specified contractor, de-winterization services for properties previously winterized.
November 4, 2018
R-1 OLD FORT RE-ENTRY PLAN Emergency Management BC approved funding to provide Emergency Support Services, other than for car rentals, for residents until such time that the dewinterization process is complete for their property. OBJECTIVES Based on the recommendation of geotechnical experts and when the critical infrastructures (e.g. the semi-permanent road and BC Hydro) and other essential services are re-established, the Emergency Operations Centre Director will recommend the Peace River Regional District Board of Directors amend the Old Fort area Evacuation and Alert Orders. The Emergency Operations Centre needs to:
ensure the orderly return of evacuees to enable a smooth transition back to regular life;
ensure access to emergency services such as RCMP and BCAS;
provide clear communication to residents that remain on evacuation order; inform them independently prior to any public announcement;
facilitate measures to reduce threats to residents;
coordinate measures with other agencies including Emergency Support Services and Red Cross that will support evacuees before, during, and after an order is rescinded;
support families and individuals who remain on evacuation order by continuing Emergency Support Services for food and lodging;
establish mental health and evacuation assistance services through continuation of the Resiliency Centre; and,
coordinate with Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, RCMP, utility companies, Provincial Regional Emergency Operations Centre and other necessary agencies to facilitate the re-entry of residents.
EVACUATION RETURN STRATEGY Hazard and risk assessment by property: The geotechnical investigation and peer-review process commissioned by the Emergency Operations Centre has identified properties or areas where the residual risk is tolerable and further identifies any properties where the residual risk is unacceptable.
November 4, 2018
R-1 OLD FORT RE-ENTRY PLAN Condition of the semi-permanent road: Upon confirmation from Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure that the “semipermanent” road is open for 24-hour movement of all types of vehicles, the Emergency Operations Centre Director with approval of the PRRD Board may rescind or replace existing Orders and Alerts. (See Figure 1)
Figure 1:Semi-permanent road off of Old Fort Road
A need for scheduled re-entry: Due to the weather forecast and failure of Hydro services, many homes were winterized to minimize weather-related damage while residents were evacuated. Once the order is amended, the Emergency Operations Centre will coordinate the re-entry as below:
The semi-permanent road (Off of Old Fort Road) will be open 24/7 for all vehicle traffic. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure will provide safety flagging services when construction work is being performed on the road.
With the approval of residents or property owners, Emergency Operations Centre will coordinate and schedule de-winterization services through a specified contractor.
The de-winterization crew estimates it can complete 12 residences each day. Based on this, all residences will be de-winterized within approximately a week (7 days) after the order is lifted from their properties.
Alternatively, residents have the option to hire their own contractor at their cost to de-winterize their residences. In the event they do so, they assume the liability for any damage or malfunction. 4
November 4, 2018
Once the order is lifted, residents will have the option to enter their residences as they wish. However, for residents unable to fully return to their homes until de-winterization has been completed, Emergency Support Services for food and lodging will be extended.
The Emergency Operations Centre will provide Emergency Management BC the list of residents opting to de-winterize their residences at their expense and a daily list of de-winterized properties in order to coordinate the expiry of emergency support services.
ASSISTED REPATRIATION Approximately 145 residents were evacuated from the Old Fort area during this event. Assisted transportation through water taxis, buses, and helicopters were provided to residents unable to evacuate due to road closure. Some evacuees were also provided with rental cars for their transportation needs. Since the evacuation, the Emergency Operations Centre has been working with residents to permit removal of their work vehicles to ensure that their livelihood is not impacted any further. As the road became more passible, evacuees were permitted to remove personal vehicles. Car rentals were to be returned once personal or work vehicles were retrieved. Emergency Management BC has approved funding for a wheelchair accessible passenger vehicle to assist with repatriation, on a limited pick-up schedule, with funding terminating no later than November 11 th. ASSISTED TRANSPORTATION FOR PERSONS WITH MOBILITY ISSUES The Emergency Operations Centre is aware of four (4) residents with mobility challenges. During the evacuation, the RCMP and the Search and Rescue team did not note any non-mobile evacuees. Emergency Operations Centre Information will inform residents with mobility challenges of the available options for transportation assistance. This will be communicated through the PRRD website, official social media pages, and the Resiliency Centre. RE-ENTRY OF LIVESTOCK AND OTHER ANIMALS Residents are responsible for arranging return transportation for any evacuated animals. PROPERTIES REMAINING UNDER ORDER Properties that may remain under the evacuation order will require the following:
Properties under an evacuation order will have a “Do Not Enter” sign placed on the driveway to inform residents and suppliers of the evacuation order.
November 4, 2018
R-1 OLD FORT RE-ENTRY PLAN In the event evacuees need to enter their properties temporarily, they may request a temporary entry permit from the Emergency Operations Centre; the Planning Unit will process requests on a case by case basis.
For residents and property owners whose properties may remain under evacuation order a separate information session will be held to provide updates on the geotechnical investigation and peer review process and risks associated with the active landslide area.
GARBAGE DISPOSAL The Emergency Operations Centre provided evacuees with garbage disposal services during the initial stages of evacuation through R&R Rentals Ltd. Since the evacuation area had lost power, residents will be provided with the following for assistance with garbage and appliance disposal.
Garbage disposal bins will be placed in locations within the Old Fort neighborhood for separate disposal of appliances and household garbage.
A recommendation will be made to the PRRD Board of Directors to waive tipping fees.
The frequency of garbage disposal and replacement of the bins will vary. Bin capacity will be monitored.
RESILIENCY CENTRE The Peace River Regional District in partnership with the Canadian Red Cross has set up a Resiliency Centre staffed with volunteers and representatives from different agencies. The Resiliency Centre provides information and coordinates offers from the community. The Resiliency Centre is located at 9940 102 Avenue, Fort St. John, between BMO Bank and Domino’s Pizza. The Resiliency Centre hours of operation vary and can be found on the PRRD website.
November 4, 2018
R-1 OLD FORT RE-ENTRY PLAN EMERGENCY SUPPORT SERVICES Emergency Support Services will continue to provide basic services such as shelter and food for the residents that may remain under evacuation order. While residents are unable to return home due to the timing of the de-winterization process, these same Emergency Support Services will be provided. Emergency Support Services will terminate for an evacuated household the day after de-winterization service is completed for their property. COMMUNICATION The Emergency Operations Centre will ensure that all residents are well informed of the re-entry process and the phased de-winterization process. The Emergency Operations Centre will contact residents by phone and use the PRRD website, PRRD social media pages, and news outlets to reach all the residents. A Re-Entry Centre will be opened immediately after the Peace River Regional District Board of Directors approves the ReEntry Plan and associated changes to evacuation orders. There will be messaging on the following items:
Notice of evacuation rescind, downgrade or amendment.
Information on the phased de-winterization process.
Information on the extension of emergency support services for residents unable to return home due to the timing of de-winterization.
Information on the semi-permanent detour road.
Information on area hazard and risk will be a component of the order to rescind the evacuation order(s); this information will be part of the resident re-entry package.
A separate closed door session will be held with residents remaining under the evacuation order to provide update on their properties.
Guidance on returning home and supplies required for residents provided in the re-entry information package.
Approved by: ____________ Position: Emergency Operations Centre Director
Approved by: Position: Board Chair, Peace River Regional District
November 4, 2018
R-1 OLD FORT RE-ENTRY PLAN APPENDIX 1. “Do Not Enter” sign for the properties remaining under evacuation order.
November 4, 2018
7274 7298
9878 9860
Old Fort Subdivision Evacuation Overview
240 RD
PID: 024-970-221
9914 9940 9936
Evacuation Order Rescinded
265 RD
City of Fort St John
PID: 006-773-397
Evacuation Order
9299 9145 9041 9001 9187 9499 9677 9747 6702 9625 OLD FORT LOOP 9676 9742 9708 9408 9538 8720 8719 9129 90639033 8799 8683 9007 8955 8600 6662 8711
Electoral Municipal
* Not Publicly maintained roads
9405 9341
Evacuation Alert REM SEC 18 TP 83 R 18 W6M
Evacuation Order 9416 Rescinded
Evacuation Order
6737 9486
Evacuation Alert
Fort St. John
Landslide - Rescind
_ ^
W6M N1/2 OF S1/2 OF SW1/4 SEC 19 TP 83 R 18 7605 6975
N1/2 OF SE1/4 SEC 19 TP 83 R 18 W6M
PID: 007-387-539
Declaration of Local State of Emergency
12:00 PM
N1/2 OF SW1/4 SEC 19 TP 83 R 18 W6M
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Evacuation Order
PID: 014-675-986
c _ ^
Building/Residence Mile Post Rural Community Water Feature
Compiled and produced by the Peace River Regional District on Saturday, November 3, 2018.
November 4, 2018