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Intuitive Goddess Reading
July Reading with Intuitive Goddess Priya
Card: Throat Chakra
The message from the Guides focuses on the Throat Chakra which is located in the neck and throat area of the body. It governs our ability to communicate and our self-expression. The first half of the year has continued with the uncovering and awareness of many social issues. The Guides are encouraging you to participate in open and ongoing conversations to share your knowledge, your perspective, your experiences and your feelings regarding the many issues facing us globally during the second half of the year.
They sense many people with an imbalanced throat chakra. This is a result of not feeling equipped or safe to share their feelings or thoughts, or for those of you who are speaking too much without focus or purpose. You are encouraged to bring your throat chakra into balance. For those of you who have been holding back from speaking up, bringing your throat chakra into balance can come from speaking up, being honest about who you are, communicating in any form, writing, singing, through art, poetry, drama or chanting.
The Guides wish to remind you that you are always worthy of being listened to but be sure that you are communicating in a way that you can be heard. Allow people time to receive, process and respond to you. Keep your communication flowing both ways and feel confident in sharing.
For some of you, the message pertains to your own self-talk, as the Guides sense some of you engaging in a negative or judgmental self-talk. If this is you, begin a practice of 3 minutes in front of the mirror with positive and encouraging self-talk messages. If you feel like you freeze when you get to the mirror, you can prepare your positive self-talk messages in writing and bring them with you.
For some of you, the Guides sense your communication races quickly, the way your mind does. Your words are headed out your mouth before your brain even finishes the thought. They suggest that you slow down, you will be heard and you will benefit from taking time to sit with your thoughts and then sharing.
For all of us, it is a time where we need to communicate with the intention and with a goal of finding commonalities, understanding and growth, rather than to declare rightness or wrongness. When you get frustrated, get out into nature and let out a strong, loud scream and free yourself of that energy. Speak up and speak with compassion and love.
In love and appreciation, Intuitive Goddess Priya
Card Deck: Chakra Insight Oracle Author: Caryn Sangster Publisher: Blue Angel Publishing