3 minute read

Deodorize Naturally

By: Andrea Sipcic

Deodorants and antiperspirants have always been known to be a staple in our everyday hygiene and prepping routine. Growing up it was never even questioned if it was needed or not, with ever popular brands bombarding TV commercials and new odour blocking scents coming out what seemed like every month.


Upon getting into more of a natural lifestyle, I soon discovered that there were natural based deodorants and that the ones everyone was buying had a few hidden “Secrets.” So I wanted to know what the deal was. Turns out antiperspirants actually block sweat pores, so the body doesn’t go through the natural process of sweating. Deodorants prevent the funky odours from occurring, using aluminum compounds (a neurotoxin), triclosan and other unnatural chemicals. Some of the effects of using these generic products on a regular basis may include:

- Aluminum accumulation in breast tissues

- May play a role in breast cancer

- Inhibits toxins from being released from our system

- Can cause skin irritation, allergies and thyroid issues

- Can contribute to hormonal imbalances

Upon trying some of the natural options, I initially found what so many others found - that “they don’t work.” I refused to give up and believe that in order to not have underarm odour I had to apply a bunch of unnatural chemicals to my delicate skin every single day. I then found that as I started detoxing my body from the inside, things began to change. I no longer required deodorant as much and found that a few of the natural ones worked quite nicely for me. Eventually I found my all time favourite, the crystal rock deodorant. When it was first introduced to me I laughed. A completely mineral based rock thing that you put on with a bit of water and it actually works? No way. Funny enough, the first time I tried it was before I began my “detoxing journey ” and did not like it. I gave it another shot a long while after that and it became life changing for me. All I needed was a bit of water on it and after applying, I was good for the whole day. I couldn ’t believe it. Knowing also that I was applying 100% natural minerals to my skin was a huge, happy bonus.

Speaking of water, if my new found deodorant love wasn't enough (which it was), enter 2.5 Kangen water. (We ’ ve previously reviewed Kangen water and it’ s benefits.) Deodorant spray is one of the primary uses of this disinfecting, super low ph water. It can be applied from a spray bottle on its own (as originally intended). I actually also like to sometimes use this water as my water to spray the rock. It’ s like supercharging my deodorant rock.

As always, trying out what works and doesn ’t work for you is key. Knowing what you ’ re putting in and on your body, remembering that what we apply to our skin is absorbed by our body, is also key to a happy, healthy, sustainable body.

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