3 minute read
By: Premadasa Gangadeen
With regard to strength and empowerment, Yoga offers the possibility of many benefits to match varied needs. If one is looking toward strengthening the body, then they can simply access the multitude of resources available online, in bookstores and in-person for asana and pranayama instruction and practice. If the focus is on strengthening the mind, cultivate a daily practice of mantra and/or meditation. When it comes to spirit, however, how do we know whether or not it is ‘ strong ’ or ‘ weak’?
The first time that I came to that question personally was in my early pre-teens when it felt as though I was in a low period in life. Things felt dark, heavy and slow. Many of us have at times felt a similar way or as though they were in some sort of spiritual crisis and not sure how to either identify it as such or to find a method to manage being in this state. For me in terms of the gunas or aspects of nature, it was more about being in a tamasic state and out of balance with the other states of rajas and sattva. These states of sattva, rajas and tamas are referenced in numerous ways across Yoga, Ayurveda and within the inspiration of the great Hindu scripture and yogic treatise, the Bhagavad Gita.
In short, we strive to be in a balanced, harmonious or sattvic state where great ease is realized within the body, breath, mind, intellect and spirit. This is the state where one simultaneously feels happy, healthy and holy. We rely on the state of action or rajas to initiate movement, heat and transformation to help propel us toward sattva, and we likewise rely on the state of tamas or the qualities of inertia/slow-movement, coolness and heaviness to allow for deep rest, growth, introspection and foundational support toward the same. Sattva exists when we realize a state of balance and equipoise within the total self.
As a young flower begins to grow up and into a full blossom due to the many influences of its surrounding nature, the study and practice of Ashtanga Yoga philosophy as espoused in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali produces the same effect on the individual or yogin on their journey of eight.
commentaries and translations and it is encouraged to explore as many as you can come across as it has been my experience that once one initiates a quick or cursory glance into any of these texts, it assists them on their soul journey toward Self-Realization; the realization of Oneness. No matter how often I refer to these texts or how a random passage may have entered into my day, the depth, newness, or its seemingly perfectly timed application of its wisdom continues to astound me as I experience greater awareness, love and expansion. Many have shared similar sentiments with me over my years of study, practice and teachings.

Commit to the following simple practice to demonstrate using Yoga to strengthen the body, mind and spirit as a 7-day challenge and have fun! Check out this link for some guidance when practicing Sun Salutations.
Mind (10 minutes):
Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Breathe in through the nose comfortably into the belly and lower and upper rib cage. Breathe out through the nose, releasing the upper and lower rib cage and then the belly as the navel falls in toward the spine. Count up from zero on the inhalation and down to zero on the exhalation. Gradually increase your timing with ease. Remain established in the breath awareness above for 2-3 minutes. On the next inhalation mentally intone the sound SO. On the exhalation mentally intone the sound HUM. Pause gently between the inhalations to exhalation and vice-versa. Continue for 7 minutes and then externally chant AUM 3 times to close.
Cultivate a daily practice of either reading a passage or a few from the above texts or any text which offers you any degree of inspiration, insight, or inner-peace and then practice the body and mind outlined above. Afterwards journal any thoughts, processes and/or releases that may have come up. Upon completion of the 7-day challenge, read the journal again and meditate on it for an additional 10 minutes. On the morning of the 8th day read it again and then safely burn it somewhere outside and allow the ashes to blow away. Offer gratitude and meditate at the site for 10 minutes in a comfortable position. AUM