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Full Moon in Aquarius
On August 22nd, 2021 the sun went from the fixed and confident sign of Leo into the practical and down to earth mutable sign of Virgo. We also came into our second Aquarius moon of the year. The first Aquarius full moon was last month, an opening to a new energy. This full blue moon gives us another opportunity to rethink, reflect and reset all our desires and goals that may have been incomplete and needed closing out. The energy of this moon makes that possible, shedding some light and allowing us to release something once and for all. The relationship with our emotions might be more complicated, as the moon in Aquarius has a strong need for emotional freedom. Making yourself a part of a group of people will help us understand our feelings and free ourselves from negative emotions. It is all about frequency and becoming aware of what the full moon is illuminating for us that we may not have been fully aware of and how it can be amended.
The Full Moon in Aquarius relates to frequency. It's important to think about what type of frequency we are putting out into the world. If the energy you are putting out is of kindness, generosity and love, you will find the same frequency automatically coming back to you. This full moon allows us to take heed and become aware of the type of frequency or energy we are putting out, meaning our actions, our thoughts and our words. Aquarius is an air sign, ruled by thoughts and communication, making it a strong indication to be wary of.
Are you aware of what you are thinking?
Are you checking your vibe in that present moment?
How are you feeling?
Can you change how you are thinking at that moment?
The Aquarius moon is also about realigning with our souls’ purpose and having a deeper trust in ourselves, in life, being alright with not fitting in, feeling truly comfortable in our own skin, doing what we absolutely love and being ourselves
unapologetically. This can be healing, listening, supporting, creating, inspiring or just simply offering out our heart and soul to the world. Aquarians are natural visionaries and humanitarians of our world and do not shy away from being of service. This moon will help lead us into our full potential and power to heal, prioritizing community over self and making changes in only the best way we can.
What are you passionate about?
What do you do that makes your heart and soul sing?
What one thing would you do, if you could every day for the rest of your life?
Another positive is that the full moon makes a sweet and close conjunction with the planet of fortune and expansion, Jupiter. This is a beautiful aspect as again it is about being the sign of community and collaboration. Jupiter conjunct the moon creates more opportunities to come together with people, be it online or in the physical to heal, create and make a change. We are so much stronger together, so use this as an opportunity to get our desires and things we are passionate about done successfully in a collaboration. This is a ‘bigger picture’ moon; a ‘I can visualize my future’ moon. Aquarians embrace the future rather than being apprehensive about it, so go with it and embrace all that this Jupiter conjunction is bringing along with it, which usually smells like luck and success. This can also mean embracing some discomfort and change, as Aquarius will want to break free and rebel against anything that may hold us back. The energy of this moon will have us yearning for freedom, which indicates that it is a good time to make some big changes in our life and in our world. It’s a time to let go of old beliefs, finding out what makes us tick and makes ‘us’ us.
If we do feel a little uneasy with the big changes the Universe has in store for us, don’t worry! We have a wonderful trine (where three planets harmoniously support one another) from Uranus to Mars and Mercury in Virgo. This energy will allow us to ground ourselves comfortably, so try to do whatever it takes
to be present in your physical body. Remember to breathe and connect to Mother Earth and trust that we are being guided.
Ways to use this moon…
1. Connect your head and your heart.
2. Activate your activism.
3. Embrace belonging without fitting in.
4. Let it go.
5. Prepare for change.
6. Ground yourself.
Try some of these affirmations at this full moon:
I am committed to helping others and raising the vibration of the Universe.
I am unapologetically myself.
I choose to shape my future in a balanced way between comfort and challenge.
I know what I need to do to find freedom.
I know myself; I trust myself; I know what I want out of life.
To reiterate, this Aquarius full moon is about the greater vision and our contribution to the world and the people around us. It will enable us to take what is in the heart to heal, create, inspire and share it with the world and overcome and release any stagnant
energy that no longer serves us. It will be a time of illuminating some truth guiding us to make clear and concise choices. It’s about our freedom and our growth towards our desired paths. May this full moon bring you all an abundance of light, clarity, freedom and release. Love and Light, Savita Moon Child.