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September Reading with Intuitive Goddess Priya
Card: Aiyana Vision - Way of the Divine Feminine Revealed
The message from the Guides for September is that the energies of the month are calling for and supporting you to undergo deep self-reflection in order to connect and strengthen your level of self-awareness. It’ s time to allow yourself to get very honest and true with what is really driving you as you move through the days of your life towards your goals and relationships.
September, the Guides say, is a month to connect to your feminine energies regardless of your gender association. This involves allowing yourself to be vulnerable, compassionate and most importantly, authentic. It is a time to “ get real” and drop any “b.s. ” or excuses that you have been hiding behind or covering up. Being supporting and encouraging towards yourself during this process of self-revelation will benefit you far more than any form of negative self-talk, criticism or punishment.
Depending on your self-determined state of readiness, you will begin to recognize and have more understanding of your patterns, your cycles, your passion and your purpose. During this time you may find it necessary to move onwards from some of your existing relationships and lifestyle choices. Take time to be aware of how you feel and function in each of your relationships, daily routines and interactions and observe any fluctuations in your energies, such as increases or decreases.
Use these observations to adjust the way you engage in these areas, while setting an intention to make these adjustments from a place of love and wisdom rather than fear and negativity.
By connecting to, uncovering and revealing your truth, you will increase the peace, ease and flow that surrounds you, even if the truth prompts an admission of something undesired or the need for personal transformation. Cycles always come to an end before a new one can begin.
Card Deck: Earth Warriors Oracle Author: Alana Fairchild Artwork: Isabel Bryna Publisher: Blue Angel Publishing