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The Mindset of Magic
By: Priya Ali
Many people have a mindset surrounding magic that is based on fear, disbelief and doubtfulness. As the mind is a very powerful tool, it’ s easy to understand how it can cause us to be fearful or feel as though we are experiencing some kind of illusion. Have you ever been home alone at night and heard a noise in your house that scared you? You may have checked to make sure your doors were locked, taken a walk around to observe and come up with nothing, yet your mind was still wandering. Your mind was looking for a reason for the noise and couldn ’t find it. Next, your mind starts thinking of all kinds of scary explanations and has you terrified.
Often in my coaching practice, I see clients who are afraid of the power of their mind. They will allow themselves to acknowledge that their mind is tripping them up, and some may even acknowledge that their mind controls them rather than them controlling their mind. One of the reasons I think they shy away from the magic mindset is out of fear of accessing the true power of their mind.
If they acknowledge and access the power of the magic of their mind and begin to create and conjure a life that they love and enjoy, it means that they would have to acknowledge that they also hold the power to create and conjure things they don ’t want in life too. Sometimes they don ’t feel ready to handle such intense power.
Magic of the mind is synonymous with the power of intention. If you can believe it, you can receive it. If your beliefs are fear based then what you receive will be too. If your beliefs are pure-desire based then that is what you will receive.
Spellcasting, rituals and affirmations are all part of intention setting. Would you rather live a life that you intended to create or one that was being created by default with a mixture of the intentions of those surrounding you?
The choice is yours. Make it a magical one.