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July Reading with Energi Empress Priya
Card: Recognize Despair as an Opportunity
This month the Guides are encouraging us to recognize despair as an opportunity. Rather than feeling that things in life are happening to us, open up to accepting that things in life are happening for us. You have come into this physical existence to experience the physical world and create opportunities for soul growth and expansion.
For some of you, the Guides see you going through challenges in a relationship whether you are still with the person or broken up. They sense you are stuck on blaming the other person for this situation. Instead they ask you to consider asking yourself, what can you learn about yourself from this situation? Why have you attracted a relationship like this? What needs to be healed within you or awakened within you?
For some of you, the Guides see you going through financial struggles or career struggles. They sense that this is due to your negative relationship with money, or your perception of money. You believe money is in control of your life. They are encouraging you to realign with the knowledge that everything is energy and that money is simply energy. Your struggles are an opportunity for you to access your abilities to create abundance through joy and passion, rather than out of fear and from a survival mindset.
For some of you, the Guides see you experiencing personal challenges, feeling stuck in overcoming something within yourself. Again, because you are addressing this from an attitude of something happening to you rather than happening for you, you are missing the viewpoint of the opportunities available for you to grow. The soul growth that you can access from your current situation is far more beneficial than the manifestation of the physical outcome.
The Guides invite you all to allow yourselves to experience the truths that are being shown to you. As Neptune recently went into retrograde and will remain there until December, you will be forced to face truths during the last half of the year. Ignoring them or turning away from them will only delay the inevitable and keep you away from aligning with your desires and manifestations.
With my pure love and appreciation, Energi
Empress Priya
Card Deck: Soul Helper Oracle
Author: Christine Arana Fader
Illustrator: Elena Dudina
Publisher: Earthdancer