3 minute read
Ready... Set... Action!
By: Andrea Sipcic
When it comes to action and taking action, it is most often associated with the physical. Even with action movies, it’s all about the physicality of what they’re doing and usually so much happening. While this is most often what action is referred to as, it is not solely conducive to this.

When it comes to our goals and taking action towards them, while physical action is most likely required, there can be more to it than that. Sometimes we can feel resistant, hesitant or fearful to take the physical steps we know need to be taken and that we want to take. This is one of our clearest indications that mindset action is most likely required first. This essentially means changing your thoughts, beliefs and/or perspective around the situation or goal at hand. For example: You’ve been wanting to start a course that interests you but have felt fearful and reluctant to do it, so you keep putting it off and get frustrated with yourself. You know it’s for your greater good to take the course and continue to push yourself to go ahead with it, but you don’t and are not even sure why. It turns out you have fears related to failure, linking it to a past failed attempt at a new project you took on. Here is where you would want to start with a mindset change first, choosing new thoughts, beliefs and affirmations that are uplifting and supportive to the new path you really are wanting to take.
With a new, greater mindset and perspective comes a better feeling around the subject/goal. It’s from this better feeling place that next physical steps come naturally and without force. It’s like clearing up the fog that didn’t allow you to clearly see the road ahead. To help move you forward from there and set yourself up for success, you’d want to be implementing even a few small changes to your patterns, habits and routines that are uplifting and supportive in your forward journey. They also don’t all have to be specific to your goal/s. Some can include:
- Naming three things you appreciate about your life as soon as you wake up in the morning
- Listening to uplifting music or a meditation upon awakening and getting your day going
- Having a set time and place where you journal
- Creating a schedule for yourself that keeps you on track with what you are looking to accomplish