3 minute read
Best Friends Until Whenever
When I look at the people that I interact with on a regular basis, I’ve noticed that some of the faces have changed. There are some new faces and faces that I thought would be there forever that are no longer there at all. In some cases, we just drifted apart. In other cases there was a reason that brought us to go our separate ways. I will admit that this is something that I struggle with to this day. I find myself feeling very uncomfortable with the idea of a person not being in my life anymore. I’ve often searched for ways to try and stop them from leaving and blamed myself when they did. I wasn’t good enough, I didn’t give them enough attention, I wasn’t fun enough. How can I fix this? What am I going to do without them? All of these thoughts used to consume me. However, I’ve slowly come to realize that there may be another way to look at it.

As each of us grow physically, mentally and spiritually, the types of relationships that we require and are drawn to can change. This means that if the people around you are growing at a different rate or in a different direction than you are, there may be a shift in the dynamic of your relationship or sometimes an end to the relationship altogether. Now to be clear, I’m not saying to go and start cutting everyone off. I am saying, look at the people you surround yourself with. Pay attention to the way you impact each other and consider that an adjustment might be needed when it comes to how much time you spend with them and how you interact with them. However, do this from a place of appreciation and love. While the end of a relationship may bring feelings of sadness, anger or resentment, there is always room for gratitude for the growth and joy you were able to achieve and experience because of it. With every single relationship we have with someone, there is an exchange. There is a lesson learned, an experience had, something to take away.

I have begun to understand that sometimes people come into your life at certain times, for specific reasons. Some people come into your life because they need you and others because you need them or you actually need each other. I’ve even had people who I thought were gone come back at another time. With all of these people there is a lesson learned, an experience had, something to take away. Choosing to go your separate ways, regardless of the reason can be hard but it doesn’t have to be all bad. It might not seem like it at first but it will be ok and the next person you meet might be your next best friend until whenever.