The A-Z Teen Girl of God

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Lizzy’s Kids Church Material presents...

The A-Z Teen

Girl of God

Devotional Series

The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

Intro This is a series of devotionals covering twenty six crucial topics which are aimed at girls of High School age which can be used as a youth group, individually or with girls in small groups. The main aim of these devotionals are to help girls from a Biblical perspective, discuss matters which they face every day as part of growing up. Girls will hopefully develop a sense of identity in Christ through recognising their value in God and become closer as a group as they will realise that they are in this journey of life together.

themes bcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxy A = B = C = D = E = F = G = H = I = J = K = L = M =


Ambitions [5 Days] Bible

[3 Days]


[4 Days]


[4 Days]


[5 Days]

Friends [4 Days] Guys [5 Days] Heroes [4 Days] Illnesses

[4 Days]

Jewellery Kipping Love

[2 Days]

[3 Days]

[3 Days]


[4 Days]

N = O = P = Q = R = S = T = U = V = W= X = Y = Z =


[3 Days]

Overspending Parents

[3 Days]

Quiet Times Rules

[4 Days]

[4 Days]

[3 Days]


[2 Days]


[3 Days]

Ungraciousness Violence Work

[4 Days]

[5 Days]


[3 Days]


[5 Days]


[3 Days]

[4 Days]


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

A = Ambitions: Day 1

Ambitions It is important to have dreams because they are what encourage us to strive for what we want in life. However, growing up, it is mandatory for us to understand the difference between realistic dreams and fantasy dreams. As long as we work for our dreams and they are realistic, there is no reason why we should not achieve them.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

day 1


 What is a dream you hope to achieve in the future?  What dream did you have growing up which you know is fantasy?  What are the differences between these two dreams?

“Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart” Psalms 37:4

 What does this verse mean to you?  How does this have an impact on your faith in these dreams becoming true?  What dream do you believe of yours God has in the bag to reveal before your eyes? Write down two goals in the space below – one you want to achieve in the short term and one you want to achieve in the long term. Think how you can work towards them and pray for God to help you with this. Check your progress of these goals at the end of the course. Short term goal ............................................................................................................... Long term goal ..................................................................................................................

prayer 4

Dear God, thank you for the dreams You have placed in my heart. Help me to achieve the goals I have, in Your strength and not in my own. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

A = Ambitions: Day 2 & 3


Ambitions Our individual talents are what make us different. In a world full of people, it means that there is always somebody to help us in our weaknesses. It is important for us to find our strengths so we can make the most of the opportunities that come our way and we can be a blessing to others on our path.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time


day 2


 What things are you good at and what things do you find more challenging?  How do you put the talents you have to good use?  What can you do to improve the skills you find difficult?

“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great” Proverbs 18:16

 What does this verse mean to you?  What is the main purpose do you believe we should be using our talents for?  How could you use your talents to benefit others in the church or the local community?

The future is the next part of the story of our lives, including the good parts and bad parts. Our future is unique to us because only we live our lives and can influence the outcome. In the future, we can look back on our past and see the progress we have made.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

Make a difference to others in the church or the local community like putting some food packages together for people with less money or cleaning a less able bodied person’s house for them. In church, this could be helping with the children’s work or cleaning the building in the week. Stick at doing it regularly for a month to see the difference you make.

challenge of the day


Dear God, thank you for the talents You have given me that make me the person that I am. Help me to use them to bless others in need and ultimately for Your glory. Amen.


day 3


 What are your views on the future?  Is there anything that scares you about growing older?  Where do you hope to see yourself in 10 years time, 20 years time and 40 years time?

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11

 What does this verse mean to you?  How does this verse impact your outlook on the future?  How will your future be different to someone who does not believe in God?

Share with somebody you trust or are close to about your worries about the future and the reasons for it. Get together with them regularly to pray about these worries and talk about how praying and talking about these issues is making a difference.

Dear God, thank you for the future You promise me when I trust in You. Help me to not worry about my future as it is in Your hands and I know it will be good. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

A = Ambitions: Day 4 & 5


Ambitions Allowing God’s will to happen in our lives means that His decisions for our lives are important for us. He wants us to show this in the way we live because He cares for us truly and to Him, this is the way we make room for Him in our hearts. As a result, He gives us the best future we could ask for or imagine.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time challenge of the day

prayer 8

day 4

God’s Will

 What comes to mind for you when we talk about God’s will?  What is difficult for you when letting God have His will in your life?  How would our lives look different by letting God’s will happen in every area of our lives?

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

 What does this verse mean to you?  What things stop us from allowing God’s will from happening in our lives?  In what one area of your life could you let God’s will happen more and how? This week, pray that God’s will will be done in this particular area of your life. If it does not happen the way you want it to, remind yourself of the verse of the day. Write it on a sticky note and stick it up somewhere in your room.

Dear God, thank you for the knowledge that having Your will in our lives means You only want the best for us. Help me to allow Your will to be done in a certain area in my life that I’m struggling with. Amen.

Having motivation is the key to succeeding because it is the process in our brains which helps us to complete a task. We need motivation even when God is at the centre of our future goals. He says things won’t always be easy but as long as we work through them, He will be our strength and ride us through the storms of life, with Him by our side.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

day 5


 At what times in the day or during what activities, does motivation come easily to you?  Why is having motivation good?  Why is having motivation difficult when it involves something we find hard or something we do not want to do?

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain” 1 Corinthians 15:58  What does this verse mean to you?  When does the Bible say we should especially be motivated?  In what ways, can we show that we are motivated in our work for God?

challenge of the day

Show your motivation to do something for someone else which you do not particularly enjoy doing but you know will help them in some way. Make it a regular thing in blessing them.


Dear God, thank you that I can help others. Help me to bless others by doing jobs for them that I’m not always keen on doing but help me to do them with a positive attitude. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

B = Bible Day 6

Bible There are 66 books in the Bible – 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. It was written by many different authors and contains oratorios, songs, poetry, letters and history. This book is not just about God but it is the Word of God.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 10

day 6

What it Contains

 How well do you know about what the Bible contains?  How relevant is the contents of the Bible for people in today’s world?  What is meant by the Bible is the Word of God?

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, the Word was God” John 1:1

 What does this verse mean to you?  What difference does this verse make to a non-believer’s opinion on the Word of God?  How does this mean we can live with assurance that what we read from the Bible is true?



Test your memory by putting the Books of the Bible in the correct order. See if your memory has improved halfway through the devotionals. Aim to know the order the Books of the Bible by the end of this series.

Dear God, thank you for Your Word. Help me to take in what I read from it and live in confidence that what I read in the Bible is true. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

B = Bible Day 7 & 8



As Christians, we believe the Bible is there as a guide of how we should live as there is advice in there for any situation we go through in life. We specifically believe that it is God’s Word so it is from God to His people. It is also a form of encouragement and still has its place in society today.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 12

day 7

Life Guide

 Do you see the Bible as relevant today as it was when it was written?  Who do you go to when you are needing advice in a situation?  Is there anything from the Bible, which sticks in your mind?

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without giving fault, and it will be given to you”. James 5:1  What does this verse mean to you?  How can we see a situation differently from the view of the Bible?  What can we take from the Bible to help us when we find ourselves in certain situations?

Look at an inspirational character in the Bible who is in a similar situation to you. Read how they overcome it and try and mirror this behaviour in the way you react yourself in your own situation.

Dear God, thank you for Your Word which is full of encouragement and wisdom. Help me to use what I read from it to benefit my own life and others I meet. Amen.

Making time to read your Bible as part of your daily routine is important as it strengthens your relationship with God and it is a good discipline to get into. Like with friends, you have to invest in your relationship with God so you get to know Him properly. Through reading your Bible, He talks to you and His presence becomes clear in your life.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 8

Daily Habit

 How would you get to know somebody properly?  What things does your regular daily routine include?  How often do you sit down to read the Bible? How important is doing it daily to you?

“Keep the Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful”. Joshua 1:8  What does this verse mean to you?  What does it mean to meditate on the Word of God day and night?  What things can you spend less time doing to add in some Bible reading into your day?

Complete your daily routine in the week using the space below. Add in some extra time to spend looking at the Bible each day and try and stick to spending more time with God this week. 7am 12pm 5pm 8am 1pm 6pm 9am 2pm 7pm 10am 3pm 8pm 11am 4pm 9pm Dear God, thank you for Your Word which is full of encouragement and wisdom. Help me to use what I read from it to benefit my own life and others I meet. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

C = Clothes Day 9 & 10



Everybody wants what everyone else has. Fitting in is about having the latest fashion. In today’s society, it is about what is on the outside that is important, rather than what is on the inside. Because of this, first impressions are everything and people are judged on the clothes they wear.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 14

day 9


 Do you think first impressions are important?  Is there a particular outfit you have wanted for ages that someone else has?  What is more important to you – what is on the inside or on the outside?

“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs”. 1 Timothy 6:10

 What does this verse mean to you?  How does this change your views on the importance of first impressions?  How can having a faith help us to see the way God views us?

Choose one person you know who is under confident about how they look. Compliment them on the way they look or on what they are wearing this week and see how their confidence boosts.

Dear God, thank you that You love me for the way I am. Help me to be happy with who I am and what I have and for me to see others how God sees them. Amen.

It is good for us all to be unique in our way because it makes us who we are. The world is stereotypical and says we should be a certain way. We were made to be different which we should be proud of and we should avoid listening to the labels the world gives us.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 10 Style

 In a stereotypical world, which group would you say you are in?  What is important to you about your image?  How would others describe your style?

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewellery or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight”. 1 Peter 3:3-4  What does this verse mean to you?  How does God see you?  Does this help to raise your confidence in who you are to other people?

Make of collage on A3 card from images found in magazines and on the Internet of things you wear and like. Display it on your bedroom wall to remind you of how unique you are and how you should be proud of who you are.

Dear God, thank you for who You made me to be. Help me to be proud of who I am as long as it pleases You. Amen


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

C = Clothes Day 11 & 12



People form opinions on other people’s clothing rather than their character. It is important to make good choices on what you wear as this is what people remember for a long time. In a stereotypical world, people also label you for what they see on the outside.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 16

day 11

Appropriate Dress

 What is the worst outfit you wore or an outfit you wore for the wrong occasion?  By what you wear, what do you think it says about you to other people?  Is wearing appropriate dress important to you?

“I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or peals or expensive clothes”. 1 Timothy 2:9

 What does this verse mean to you?  How does this change the way we should present ourselves in terms of clothing?  What are some rules good to stick to when considering your everyday outfits? Look at your wardrobe this week and consider the message you are sharing with others through what you wear. Think about any outfits you are unsure of and ask a parent their opinion. Any outfits you want to get rid of, throw away and do not pass them onto others as this could pass on mixed messages onto them about appropriate dress.

Dear God, thank you that I can introduce others to a message of hope through who I am and what they see of me. Help me dress in a way which is pleasing to You and portrays a life of positivity. Amen.

Building your own self-worth and selfesteem is crucial as it makes you feel good about who you are. Having these as part of your character means that you know who you are as a person and how you can make a difference. We can help others to develop their own worth through showing kindness and helping them to recognise their strengths.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 12

Building Self Worth

 What things are you good at?  Are you sure of the strengths you have and the kind of character you have?  Would you have the same view of yourself as God has?

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart”. 1 Samuel 16:7  What does this verse mean to you?  Should we be perfecting our appearance or our character in God’s eyes?  In what ways, can we help each other see the way God sees us?

In a group, write your name at the top of an A4 piece of paper each. Pass the pieces of paper around the circle and write something positive about the person whose piece of paper it is. When everyone has done this, hand them back to the people they belong to. Keep them to read when you are feeling down to remind you of what good things people see in you. Dear God, thank you that You love me for who I am and I do not have to be anybody else. Help me to see that You made me who I am for a reason and to love the things I can do and the character You made me. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

D = Dieting Day 13 & 14

Dieting Eating healthily is a good way of ensuring you eat the right foods your body needs. It is bad for the body when girls lose weight just to be stick thin as a result. We do this as the world says we should be a certain way. Then, we become obsessed with losing weight as our brains tell our bodies we are not good enough.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 18

Dieting day 13

Healthy v Excessive

 Is being on a diet important to you on the factors of being healthy or looking your best?  What does a healthy diet look like to you?  Do you listen to the media about how it says we should look?

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore, honour God with your bodies”. 1 Cor 6:19-20  What does this verse mean to you?  What is meant by, “your bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God”?  In what ways can we honour God with our bodies?

Look up encouraging verses in the Bible about your appearance and the way God made you. Write them down on sticky notes and stick them around the outside of your mirror to catch your eye with how God sees you.

Dear God, thank you that You gave me life. Help me to make the right choices in being a shining example of how You want me to look after the body You gave me. Amen.

Having a balanced diet is crucial to keeping away from having certain health problems. It is fine to have treats now and again as eating healthily should not stop you from living life. The result of healthy eating does make you feel good about yourself when the results are evident in your appearance.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 14

Balanced Diet

 What is more important to you, your appearance or having a good time?  What makes you feel good about yourself?  On a personal level, do you consider yourself healthy?

“Jesus answered, “It is written,; “Man shall not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God”. Matthew 4:4

 What does this verse mean to you?  Are we self-conscious about the way we look with a group of people or having a good time with them?  Is there anything we can do to improve our health and show others that we do not have to live one way or another? Write down three aims you want to achieve by making your lifestyle healthier, like cutting down on sugary snacks or doing exercise each day. Check your progress every month for three months and write down how you are achieving your aims. Aim 1 Aim 2 Aim 3 Progress Progress Progress Dear God, thank you for the body and life You gave me to live life to the full. Help me to live a healthier lifestyle for Your glory and to be a living example to others of how important it is to look after the body You have given us. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

D = Dieting Day 15 & 16

Dieting Everyone is always comparing themselves to everyone else. It is essential to learn to like the person you are and wanting to develop the strengths you have. This way you learn self-worth and helps you to gain happiness in your own skin.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time


Dieting day 15 Healthy Mind

 Do you sometimes have problems in believing you are too fat, thin, short, tall etc?  Does the Internet, magazines, friends and the media influence this opinion of yours?  Which feature of yours do you like best?

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will”. Romans 12:12  What does this verse mean to you?  How important is it to remind yourself of what the Bible says about you, rather than other people’s opinions on the subject?  In what ways can we stop other people’s negative words from affecting us?

challenge of the day

Grab a bunch of friends together this week for a makeover day. Get them to bring their make-up, hair accessories and clothes over and do makeovers on each other. Take photos to remind you of this day with your friends and the beautiful person God made you to be.


Dear God thank you that I have people who love me for who I am. Help me to not feed off the negative comments I get from people about how I look or how I act but to press into what You say about me. Amen.

Just like healthy eating, exercise is good for you too. It lowers your chances of getting some illnesses which occur when you are unhealthy and you feel good about yourself as you feel you have achieved something. It is great when you see the results of exercise paying off!

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 16


 How determined are you on seeing the results of something you have worked for?  Do you do much exercise on a weekly basis?  Would you say taking exercise on a daily basis is a priority for you?

“She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks”. Proverbs 31:7

 What does this verse mean to you?  If the Bible says we should exercise, is this a command?  How can we make more time to exercise in our daily routine?

Pick a sport you like taking part or are good at this week. Take a friend and commit to attending a sports club connected to this sport on a regular basis.

Dear God, thank you that I can move and have an active lifestyle. Help me use it to the best of my ability with what I choose to do with my time. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

E = Exams Day 17



Exam time is an overwhelming time for everyone going through it as that is the only thing playing on their minds. In order to cope well, it is mandatory that you have strategies in place to help you get through it. Making sure your life is not just about the exams is also important to create a balance.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time


day 17



 Are you someone who spends too much time or too little time on homework?  Do you cope well and perform well under pressure?  In what ways, do you calm down when you are stressed?

“Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint”. Isaiah 40:30-31

 What does this verse mean to you?  From this verse, how can we see that schoolwork can be easier when we approach it differently?  As Christians, what is the answer to keeping calm under stress?

Evening Timetable Time 3:30






4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30

challenge of the day

prayer 22

Make a timetable of your evenings using the template. Ensure that as well as homework and exam revision, you add in time for leisure and social time. Share it with a parent so they can support you in your studies and help you relax when you need to.


Dear God, thank you that my strength is in You and that when I go through challenges I know You are with me. Help me to stay calm when tensions are high and to turn to You when I am stressed, Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

E = Exams Day 18 & 19



Revising is a good thing to get into as it helps you to retain information you have learned. It is boring and difficult to get into but we all have things we do not want to and the more we do it, the easier it becomes. You will be glad you have done it when you get a good mark in a test.

thinking time

verse of the day

reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 24

day 18


 How good are you at remembering information?  How disciplined are you with going over what you have learnt in school?  Is your performance in school important when considering your future?

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not for human masters”. Colossians 3:23

 What does this verse mean to you?  Working for the Lord, how does it affect your attitude to revision?  How can a relationship with God affect your overall performance?

Making revision fun is essential in making it work and getting good results. Using the suggestions below, find the best way you take in information and then try the challenge below to practice the method. Methods Of Revision: Timelines | Mind Maps | Revision Booklets Annotations | Essay Questions | Past Exam Papers | Cue Cards Challenge: Look at the words below & try to remember them in order. After 10 minutes of memorising them, write down as many as you can without peeking. Rainbow Dinosaur January Queen Car Summer Sandwich Policeman Nostril Olive Dear God, thank you that You help me with things I find challenging. Help me to do all I need to, to make my school results better for myself. Amen.

Habits are a weakness that every human struggles with. The choices we make depend on whether that certain behaviour pattern becomes a habit. The longer a habit goes on, the harder it is to break it but we can do it when we decide to put the work in.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 19 Good Habits

 Are there any habits you have which would be good to break the cycle of?  How did that habit become part of your everyday living?  How do you think you can break the habit?

“No temptation has overtaken except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so you can endure it”. 1 Corinthians 10:13

 What does this verse mean to you?  How can we overcome our habits with God’s help?  Why do you think it is important to develop good habits as a Christian?

Think of a habit you seriously want to tackle and talk to a close friend about it. Ask them to be accountable by checking how you are doing overcoming the habit until the habit is something of the past.

Dear God, thank you that you gave me a good brain. Help me to use it wisely. Amen


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

E = Exams Day 20 & 21



When you have done all you can, that is all people can ask of you. However, humans want to do well so your body does not always know when you have done enough work so you do not take breaks regularly. This makes you more stressed and you struggle to control your emotions as you are tired and worked up.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 26

day 20

Over Revising

 Do you ever get worked up about tests or exams?  How do you react when you are in a worried state of mind?  What ways do you try and resolve yourself to stay calm in the situation?

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged”. Deuteronomy 31:8

 What does this verse mean to you?  How can we change our attitude towards an exam or schoolwork according to this verse?  What things as Christians can we do to calm your nerves before a test or an exam? Remind yourself of today’s verse, if a big test or exam comes up. Spend some time praying about it and remind yourself about God’s goodness to you. Keep calm, know you have done all you can and know whatever grade you come out with, God has got it for you.

Dear God, thank you that with You, I know things will be alright. Help me to see Your goodness through the challenges I face. Amen.

As Christians, it is so important to put our faith first. We need to stand firm in what the Bible says about ourselves and our future. If not, we get sucked in to believing what the world says and the Bible becomes a second opinion.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 21

Reliance on God

 Who do you rely on for advice when you are worried about something important?  What do they do which helps you to feel more positive about the situation?  How often do you rely on God in these circumstances?

“Cast your anxieties on Him because He cares for you”. 1 Peter 5:7

 What does this verse mean to you?  What worries can you give over to God to sort out?  How do you think this will help you to move forward and get on with life?

On a piece of paper, write down three things which worry you in life. Put it an envelope and keep it somewhere safe. Pray about those things over the next few months before opening it up to see how your worries have been resolved.

Dear God, thank you that I can rely on You to get me through things. Help me to do this more with things I am worried about. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

F = Friends Day 22 & 23


Friends Friends are the people who we get on with and are the ones there for us when it matters most. Most friends come together because of something they have in common. We may not hang out with everyone but being respectful to everyone is important.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 28

day 22

What is a Friend

 What qualities do you think are important to look for in a friend?  Who is your best friend and why are they such a good friend?  What things do others say make you a good friend?

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity”. Proverbs 17:17

 What does this verse mean to you?  What qualities in our friendships do you think are most important to show as Christians to others?  Should we be friends with everyone we meet?

Choose a close friend who you really appreciate your friendship with. Let them know how special they are to you by buying them a present to say thank you for all they have done for you.

Dear God, thank you for the friends I have. Help me to stick to the ones who treat me as they should. Amen.

You can be a role-model to people in different ways. It is crucial that we are role models in the way we treat others. This is because it is our job to show the love of Jesus through our actions. We can do this by treating everybody fairly and with respect, even people we may not always get on with.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 23

Role Models

 Do you aspire to be like any of your friends and why?  Is there anybody a part of your life who you could treat better and how?  Do you think you treat people as Jesus would want you to?

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and give glorify your Father in heaven”. Matthew 5:16

 What does this verse mean to you?  How does this verse relate to you in your role in your friendship groups?  Should it matter about standing out by treating everyone with respect?

Despite the reaction you get from others, invite someone sat on their own to come over and join your group or go sit with them and talk about their day. Everyone else will realise the positive change you make in that person’s life.

Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to be a friend to everyone I meet. Help me love them as You do. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

F = Friends Day 24 & 25



To have a godly heart means to be more than just a Christian, it means to act more like Jesus and make Him number one in our lives. We should also treat others equally and put others before ourselves, The only way we can ultimately develop a godly heart is through pressing into His Word and our relationship with Him.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 30

day 24 Godly Heart

 In your own words, what does it mean to have a godly heart?  Who in the Bible shows the characteristics in their personality of having a godly heart?  In what ways, could you be more like Jesus?

“Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people”. Ephesians 6:7

 What does this verse mean to you?  How can this verse have an impact the way you live your own life?  By serving the Lord wholeheartedly and not people, how will this have a positive effect on our attitude?

Making friends with people who are going to build us up and be there for us is essential. They help us to become more confident in ourselves and come out stronger through the hard times. They know what we are made of and bring out the best in us.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

Give to others by volunteering some hours to help someone with some jobs or you could give away some things to these in need. This way you are showing the love of Jesus through your work.

challenge of the day

Dear God, thank you for the gift of giving and the fact I now have Jesus. Help me to be more like Him and show His love through my actions towards others. Amen.


day 25

Right Friends

 What personality trait makes you want to be friends with someone?  What personality trait sticks out in you when people first meet you?  Why is it not good to be friends with the people who will bring us down and get us into trouble?

“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character”. 1 Corinthians 15:33

 What does this verse mean to you?  How should this verse affect us when choosing who we hang out with?  How will hanging out with the wrong people affect you long-term?

Think about the way your friends are acting in front of you and when they start swearing or gossiping, stand up and say, “No!”. Make it clear that the Bible says not to and that is why you do not do it.

Dear God, thank you for the people You have put around me to be a witness to. Help me to stand up for what I believe is wrong. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

G = Guys Day 26


thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 32

Friends v Relationship

 Do you think that you should be friends with a boy before dating them?  How do think dating a friend can affect your friendship if it ends?  Is honesty a priority you look for in a boy?

“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves”. Romans 12:9-10

 What does this verse mean to you?  According to the Bible, how should we treat a boyfriend?  Is there anything you could do to treat him better from the passage we have just read?

Qu es tio ns

day 26 Do you know each other well?

Re la tio ns hi p

It is better to start off being friends with a boy before dating them as you know them properly and whether you like them more than a friend. It is important to not lead them on and to be honest about your feelings towards them. It will have a better outcome for the two of you in the end, whatever happens.

Do you get on well?

What attracted you to him in the first place?

Can you live with the things long-term that annoy you most about him? Is he a fully committed Christian who attends church regularly? Does he intend to live for God for the rest of his life? Is God at the centre of your relationship? Do you see a future in your relationship together? How would things be between you if you broke up now?

Think about your current relationship with a boy or about a boy you fancy. Be honest and ask yourself the questions on the next page to really think about the future of the possible relationship. Pray about it afterwards and see what God has to say.

Dear God, thank you for the friendships I have. Help me to date someone who You plan for me to be with long-term and if I am not at the moment, let me know. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

G = Guys Day 27 & 28


Guys Every girl thinks that flirting is the way to get a boy’s attention but it is usually done in an inappropriate manner. This is when boys get the wrong message and girls can be seen by others wrongly. Flirting is unneeded and most boys prefer girls who act natural in front of them.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 34

day 27


 What is your first reaction when you see a boy you fancy?  Would you usually try harder to impress a boy you fancy than if you were just with a boy you are friends with?  Have you ever experienced any embarrassment in front of a boy you fancy?

“For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation for all people. It teaches us to say, “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age”. Titus 2:11-12

 What does this verse mean to you?  From these verses, is flirting wrong in God’s eyes?  Interpreting what this verse says, how should we act in front of boys?

In today’s society, sex is seen as a everyday thing people do from a young age. However, the Bible says God did not make it for that. Sex was made for two people who loved each other in marriage to enjoy and ultimately multiply the generations.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

Set yourself the challenge of getting to know a boy you like. Have a general conversation with him and act like you would in front of your friends. Build upon this friendship and take dating out of the question for now.

challenge of the day

Dear God, thank you for the friendships I can have with boys. Help me to behave in a way that pleases You and to value the friendships I can have with them first. Amen.


day 28


 How far do you think is too far for Christians to go in a relationship before marriage?  Do you think that sex is not valued like it used to be?  Why do you believe God created sex?

“It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each one of you should learn to control his own body in a way that isholy and honourable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God”. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5

 What does this verse mean to you?  Can you see from the Bible why we should not go out with nonChristians?  How would this affect the boundaries we put in place in our relationship with them? With your boyfriend, sit down as a couple and set the boundaries you want in place. Explain why it is important to you to not have sex before marriage. If your boyfriend loves you and has the same views as you, he will support your decision and carry on dating you no matter what.

Dear God, thank you for Your gift of sex. Help me to get my priorities right and stick to what the Bible says about not having sex before marriage. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

G = Guys Day 29 & 30



Date with the right attitude. To ensure that your relationship with your boyfriend grows, it is essential that you are both dating with the same intentions. Because of this, it is important to talk about these things. This is where honesty comes in so you will both be on the same page.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 36

day 29


 Why is dating from a young age the in-thing to do in today’s society?  What is the most important thing about dating a boy for you?  Why do you think God made men and women to be together?

“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”. Proverbs 31:30

 What does this verse mean to you?  Does this verse change your views on why we should date the person we love?  How can we ensure we are dating the boy God had planned for us?

Show your boyfriend or a really close male friend how much they mean to you. Through your love for them, pay to take them out to the cinema or for a meal one evening.

Dear God, thank you for my boyfriend/close friend. Help me to show them how much they mean to me through my actions towards them. Amen.

Every girl wishes for a fairytale ending with their dream boy. However, it does not always happen when we want it to or with the boy we would like it to be with. It is good not to get our hopes up and to be patient as the boy we end up with is often better than any boy we could ever have imagined being with.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 30 The Right Guy

 In a fairytale land, what is your perfect prince like in looks and personality?  Is a boy’s looks or personality more important to you?  Have you ever consider what the Mr. Right is like that God has in store for you?

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose”. Romans 8:28

 What does this verse mean to you?  From this verse, do you think a relationship with God or a relationship with a boy is more important?  Do you trust God in picking Mr. Right for you?

Make a realistic list in the space below of the things you would like in your dream boy or of the things you like about the boy you are already with. Talk and pray together about it with a more mature Christian. I want his personality to be like: I want him to look like: His likes should be: His dislikes should be: Dear God, thank you that You give us what You think is best. Help me to know that You have the perfect boy for me who I could never imagine more perfect or love any more. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

H = Heroes Day 31 & 32



The typical hero is someone who saves the day. In a movie, they wear a cape, fly and have super powers. In the modern day, everyone has a different hero based on their own experiences and who they look up to. A hero in the everyday world is someone who does the extraordinary.

thinking time

verse of the day

reflection time


day 31 What makes a hero

 Who is your favourite superhero and why?  Is there anyone in your life who you consider to have done something heroic and what was it?  If you were a hero, what would you like to be known for?

“We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbour for their good, to build them up”. Romans 15:1-2  What does this verse mean to you?  What characteristics does a hero have according to the Bible?  Do we have to do the extraordinary to be a hero?

challenge of the day

Be someone’s hero by helping them with something they need to get done. It could be doing filing in an office or a weekly food shop for the elderly. One more job ticked off their list will make their day easier.


Dear God, thank you that I have the privilege to be a blessing to someone in need. Help me to be someone’s hero in the small way I can help. Amen.

We can be inspirations to others in different ways. An inspiration is when we are left influenced to be like that person or to do what they do. When we feel inspired, we are left determined to achieve what they can do and we are motivated to keep trying until we reach our goals.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 32 Inspirations

 Who are your biggest inspirations in your life right now and how do they inspire you?  What qualities do you think you have to have to be an inspiration?  Does anyone inspire you in your faith?

“So that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for evert good work”. 2 Timothy 3:17

 What does this verse mean to you?  Who is the Bible character you aspire to live your life more like?  How can we aspire to be like these people in the Bible?

Read the story of your favourite Bible character and look at the way they face challenges with a faith in God. Make a list of the things that inspire you about them and think about how you can live a life more like them. Pray about the the things you need to work on to be more like them.

Dear God, thank you that I have people who inspire me to be more like the person You made me to be. Help me to work on things which need to change so I can ultimately be more like Christ. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

H= Heroes Day 33 & 34


Heroes We are influenced by the people and things we surround ourselves with. Whether that person or thing is a positive influence is dependent on their behaviour. Its our job to surround ourselves with the things that please God, rather than people who will try to pull us away from our faith.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 40

day 33 Bad Influences

 Who are our biggest influences in our life?  Do you change the way you behave based on who you are with?  Can becoming a Christian change the way we behave and think for the better?

“Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm”. Proverbs 13:20

 What does this verse mean to you?  How does this affect the people we should surround ourselves with?  How can we be a good influence to others in the way we act and what we say? Pick out a habit of yours which is not a good influence to others. Set up a money box and every time you do it, put a certain amount of money in the box. Give the money raised every week to a charity of your choice.

Dear God, thank you for the positive people You have placed in my life. Help me to break my bad habits and be a good influence to others. Amen.

Jesus is the greatest hero to come into the world throughout history. It is our job to share this message with the world. We could do this by sharing what it says in the Bible with others but also by living out the love of Jesus through our words and actions.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 34


 Who is your favourite person from history and why?  Describe Jesus in three words?  Do you believe that Jesus is still as relevant today as He was when He was on earth?

“This is what the Lord says: “Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the heavens, though the nations are terrified of them. For the practices of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel”. Jeremiah 10:2-3  What does this verse mean to you?  How can we ensure that we are influenced by the Bible in the way we speak and behave?  How will this make a difference in the way people view us?

Ask God to point out the ways you need to improve the way you behave or speak and share these with someone you trust. Look at what the Bible says and think how you can overcome these problems. Meet regularly to discuss your progress.

Dear God, thank you that You sent Jesus as a role model of how we should live our lives. Help me to be more like Him. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

I = Illnesses Day 35 & 36



No one knows why some are born with health problems and others are not. What is important is that we take the right treatment to keep our health stable and from deteriorating. It is also crucial that we learn to deal with our health problems as we need to learn to live our lives to the full with all we have.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 42

day 35

Health Problems

 Do you know anyone with health problems and how does it affect them?  Do they have to carry out any regular treatment to keep themselves stable?  What is their general attitude to life?

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well”. Psalm 139:14

 What does this verse mean to you?  How can we live it out in our everyday lives, despite our health problems?  Can we help those who struggle to live with what they cannot do? Visit someone who is poorly and unable to get out the house to let them know someone cares. Encourage them by reading Psalm 139 to them and remind that God has a plan for them while they are in their current condition.

Dear God, thank you for the way You made me. Help me to show others that it does not matter about our health problems as we can still live life to the full. Amen.

We all have things we have to do which we do not like doing. Unfortunately, some of these things we have to do are the things that keep healthy. It is important that we stick to them because God gave us our bodies with the responsibility to look after them.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 36

Looking after you

 What is one thing have to do to keep healthy that you hate doing?  What attitude do you complete the task with?  What will happen if we do not keep ourselves healthy?

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him”. Colossians 3:17

 What does this verse mean to you?  How should we respond to the day to day tasks we hate doing?  What difference will this make to the attitude we have in our spirit?

Make a health task you hate doing fun by putting your favourite song on to dance to or your favourite programme on while you do it. You will be in a positive mood so you will complete it quicker.

Dear God, thank you for the body You have given. Help me to remember the importance of keeping well. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

I = Illnesses Day 37 & 38



People think that God only healed people in Bible Times. It is important that we keep the truth alive that He can still heal today. We can do this by praying for people who are ill and sharing our own stories of how God has healed us from sickness.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 44

day 37 Healing

 Do you believe God can still heal people today like He did in the Bible?  Have you ever experienced God’s healing in your own life?  Do you think we should still rely on doctors, hospitals and medical treatment as well?

“Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all His benefits – who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion”. Psalm 103:2-4

 What does this verse mean to you?  Do you think healing is relevant to today’s people?  If it says in the Bible that God heals all diseases, do you think its true?

Give a sick person a get well soon card so they know they are in your thoughts. Include in your message that God is a God of healing. Visit them with it and ask to pray with them for their illness. Continue praying in your own time for them.

Dear God, thank you that I am well. Help me to be there for those who are ill and remind them that they are loved by You through my actions. Amen.

Praying is a way we as Christians can connect with God. It is our way of having a conversation between us and Him. The more we talk to God, the better our relationship with God gets. It does not matter how we pray, God is just pleased when we talk with Him.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 38 Prayer

 Do you pray to God on a regular basis?  When do you pray, if do you pray?  Do you believe that God hears our prayers and answers them?

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanks-giving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. Philippians 4:6–7  What does this verse mean to you?  How should prayer affect the way we live our lives on a day-today basis?  What does a life based on prayer look like to you?

Write one line prayers in the space below you can say at different times a day. Say it with your eyes closed so that God is the only one you are concentrating on. Practise this every day this week. Wake up ___________________________________________________ Breakfast ____________________________________________________ Lunch ______________________________________________________ Dinner _____________________________________________________ Bedtime ____________________________________________________ Dear God, thank you that I can talk to You. Help me to find praying easier to do and help me to want to do it more. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

J = Jewellery Day 39 & 40



To girls, appearance is everything as they think that people judge them by what is on the outside. The media tells them that we are not beautiful without accessories. Therefore, they cannot leave the house without wearing these items because they feel they have to look the part to be accepted.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 46

day 39 Looking the part

 Is wearing jewellery and make up a must for you in the mornings?  Do you think that girls are only accepted in society if they look the part?  What is your definition of beautiful?

“Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes”. Luke 12:22-23

 What does this verse mean to you?  Reading this verse, how does it affect the way you think about yourself?  What is more important than food, the body and clothing in God’s eyes?

Identity is all about who we are. It is important to be ourselves as we were all made to be different. We have different likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. It is mandatory that we develop our own identity to be the best we were made to be.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

Raise your self-confidence by posting a no-make up selfie on social media. Nominate three other girls to take part in the challenge and comment on their photos about the beautiful woman God made them.

challenge of the day

Dear God, thank you that life is more than about what I look like. Help me to be confident in who You made me to be. Amen.


day 40 Identity

 What are your likes and dislikes?  What are your strengths and weaknesses?  Is your identity important to you?

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” Genesis 1:27

 What does this verse mean to you?  How should this verse give us confidence in our identity?  In what ways, can we become confident in who we are in Him?

Design your dream outfit and make it become a reality with someone who is good at sewing. Wear it out with pride to show people that being unique and the person God made you to be is important to you.

Dear God, thank you that You made me to be me. Help me to be proud of who I am and to be everything You made me to be and more. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide



Routines are important as they help us to function and get done what we need to. Certain things need to be done in a day so it is good to have a routine so everyone know what’s going on. Your bodies become familiar with this and its a step towards living a healthier lifestyle.

Healthy habits keep your body functioning how it should as your body gets into a certain way of working. It is when we start treating our bodies differently that they react because they do not like the way we are treating them. We treat our bodies well and they work, mistreat them and they fail.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 48

K = Kipping Day 41 & 42

day 41 Routines

 Do you have certain times in the day when you eat and sleep to keep healthy?  How does your routine in terms of sleep compare to the sleep guidelines for your age?  What happens to your body when you get out of routine?

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the truth”. 2 Timothy 2:15

 What does this verse mean to you?  How do this have an impact on how we live our day to day lives?  Do you think it is okay to have a late night and sleep in occasionally?

Set yourself the challenge of getting up and going to bed at a sensible time each day for a week. Ensure the day’s tasks are completed and then take time in the evenings to do what you love and with your favourite people. Dear God, thank you for the day You have made. Help me to make use of it, to the best of my ability. Amen.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 42 Healthy Habits

 What are you least good at when it comes to treating your body how you should?  Does your body give you any indications of when it does not like how you are treating it?  How will these things affect your health in the long-term?

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship”. Romans 12:1  What does this verse mean to you?  How should this verse affect us in the way we keep our bodies healthy?  What can you do more of to have a healthier body?

Set yourself healthy meals to eat each day for a week using the table on the next page. Do it with someone to encourage each other when you want to just eat what you fancy.

Dear God, thank you that my body works well. Help me to treat it in a way that glorifies You. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

K = Kipping Day 43


Kipping healthy


Health Meal Plan Challenge Day Monday











Laziness is when we choose to not do something because we cannot be bothered. Instead, we get someone else to do it for you. This can affect our relationships with others, the way they view us and the opportunities offered to us.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

day 43 Laziness

 Are you able to complete a task you do not enjoy with a positive attitude?  Do you take hold of every opportunity that comes your way?  Does it annoy you when you are left to do other people’s jobs that they have not been done?

“A sluggard’s appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied”. Proverbs 13:4

 What does this verse mean to you?  How do you feel from this passage that God’s opinion is on laziness?  Should we be the opposite and tire ourselves completely by taking on too much?

Next time you feel like having a lazy day, find someone that you could help with giving a hand with some jobs like doing DIY around the house or out and about jobs like doing the weekly food shop. Offer to help regularly as they need as long you have nothing important on.

prayer 51

The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

L = Love Day 44

Love Love is usually associated with a strong feeling for someone or something. In the Bible, it refers to God as love. Because we are made in God’s image, He commands us to love everyone, meaning that we treat them all with equality.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 52

day 44 What is Love

 What comes to mind when you think of love?  Who and what things do you love?  How do you treat someone you love?

“But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked”. Luke 6:35

 What does this verse mean to you?  What does it mean to love your enemies according to the Bible?  Is showing love to someone just for the reward the right attitude to have?


Do something for someone this week who you may not get on with or speak to. Do it without expecting nothing in return. It could be as simple as helping them to fix something or baking them a cake.

Dear God, thank you for the gift of love You have given to this world. Help me to show Your love through my actions towards others. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

L = Love Day 44 & 45



A loving heart is a characteristic connected with people’s actions. Someone is usually described as loving when life is not all about them and they always do something to help others. In the Bible, it is referred to as having a servant heart.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time challenge of the day

prayer 54

day 44 a Loving Heart

 Who is the most loving person in your life?  Who inspires them to be that way?  What does it mean to have a servant heart in your own words?

“Only be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you: to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep His commands, to hold fast to Him and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul”. Joshua 22:5  What does this verse mean to you?  Is someone with a loving heart the same as someone with a servant heart?  What does it mean to love God with all your heart and soul? Write down the five most important people or things you love in the space below. Now, number one to five in order of importance how important the commands God has given are to you. Pray God will make these commands become more important to you. 1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________ 4. _________________________ 5. _________________________ Where the important things to God come into my life: Love the Lord your God. Walk in all His ways. Keep His commandments. Cling to Him. Serve Him with all your heart and soul. Dear God, thank you that You love me more than I could ask or imagine. Help me to love You more and start putting You first above other less important things in my life right now. Amen.

The term, “love your neighbour as yourself” in simple terms means to stick up for those in need. It is important that we do because not everyone can speak up for themselves. Jesus sent us to bring hope to the lost, hurt and sick which is showing them the love of Jesus.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 45

Love your neighbour

 Do you know someone who you can help bring hope to in their situation?  More widely, what world issues are you passionate about seeing coming to an end?  How can you make a difference in seeing that issue come to an end?

“The second is this: “Love your neighbour as yourself”. There is no other commandment greater than these”. Mark 12:31

 What does this verse mean to you?  How can we influence the people in need who we live around?  Is what ways, can we show love to the people who live in other parts of the world?

Prepare a ten minute presentation for a group of people on a world issue, including facts and the impact it’s having on the environment and us. Ask them for ideas on ways you can raise awareness on the issue.

Dear God, thank you that I have the ability to speak up for those in need. Help me to recognise ways in which I can give them the help and promote the freedom they need to live the life they deserve. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

M = Music Day 47 & 48



Music is such a big thing these days and it’s everywhere you go. Christians will often listen to two types for different reasons. They listen to Christian music in their own time or when they are worshipping God. Whereas, they may listen to secular music when they are with friends or just chilling.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 56

day 47

Christian v Secular

 Who is your favourite secular recording artist and why?  Do you listen to Christian music at all and when?  Have you ever got Christian music on when non-Christians are around?

“I will declare Your name to my brothers and sisters; in the assembly I will sing Your praises”. Hebrews 12:2

 What does this verse mean to you?  What makes us keep our faith private from the rest of our lives?  Does this mean we should have the confidence to sing our praises to God in front of non-Christians?

Put on worship music you particularly like in the background quietly while with non-Christian friends. Talk about why you like it and listen to worship music. Answer any questions in confidence that come up in conversation about your faith.

Dear God, thank you that I can be a witness of You through the music I listen to. Help me to worship You in confidence, no matter where I am or who I am with. Amen.

By listening to inappropriate lyrics, it can play tricks on our minds as to what is acceptable. It is important to keep our minds clean by being careful of we expose ourselves to. We can easily do this by not allowing ourselves to listen to inappropriate songs. It is not about being unpopular, it is about pleasing God.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 48

Lyrics & Image

 Do you like any songs which have unsuitable lyrics or an unsuitable message in the song?  Do you think songs with inappropriate lyrics can play tricks on the mind?  What is your reaction when a naughty song comes on the radio?

“Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord, touch no unclean thing; then I will receive you”. 2 Corinthians 6:17

 What does this verse mean to you?  Does it change your opinion on what music you should be listening to?  Will you be careful in future about what you listen to, despite being unpopular in the decisions you make? Decide against listening to inappropriate songs. Do this by turning the radio channel over if you are able to or walk away until the song has finished. Say to your friends, it is a personal decision which they will have to get used to.

Dear God, thank you that I can live a life that is clean with You. Help me to avoid things that can play on my mind about what I really believe. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

M = Music Day 49 & 50



Gifts are the talents God has given us and we are all given different talents. Our talents are what make us unique. We need to use our talents to bless others and to glorify Him.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 58

day 49


 What is a gift that God has given you?  Do you enjoy using the gift that God has given you?  What stops you from using your gifts to bless others?

“Each of us should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” 1 Peter 4:10

 What does this verse mean to you?  How can you use your gift to make a difference in the church or the local community?  Why should we be using our gifts to spread the Word of God to others?

Worship is giving out a feeling of adoration for a highly ranked person or thing. As Christians, our worship should be to God only. We can do this through prayer, singing, dancing, taking part in Christian celebrations, using spiritual gifts and living out His love. You do not have to be in church to worship.

thinking time

challenge of the day

Consider how you can use your gift in the church to glorify God and bless others others. Talk to the pastors how you can use it in church and regularly serve.

Dear God, thank you for the gifts You have given me. Help me to use the gifts I have to bless others and glorify You. Amen.

“The twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they were created have their being”. Revelation 4:10-11  What does this verse mean to you?  Why should we worship God according to this Bible reading?  How can we use the examples of the elders to live our lives similarly? Read more passages in the Bible to understand why worshipping God should be so important. Use one of the following ways of worship to praise God in your own way today. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



 Can we sometimes worship other things other than God without realising it?  Why do you think we should only worship God?  Which way are you most comfortable in worshipping God?

verse of the day reflection time

day 50

Write your own prayer of what God means to you. Sing along to your favourite worship song. Put worship songs on, do interpretive dancing on the spot. Take part in Christian services such as Easter or Christmas. Recognise the spiritual gifts in you, ask God to show you where to use them. Living out His love through your words and actions towards other people.

Dear God, thank you for everything You have done for me and everything You are to me. Help me to worship You with everything I have. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

N = Nastiness Day 51 & 52

Nastiness When you are young, it is important to fit in. Popularity is all based being in a certain gang. This is the way young people see themselves as being accepted in society. Therefore, making friends is not based on what a person is like inside but based on their status in society.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 60

Nastiness day 51

The In-Crowd

 Is being popular important to you?  What qualities do you consider when choosing your friends?  Would you be mean to others to be accepted into the popular group?

“We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; but the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all”. Isaiah 53:6

 What does this verse mean to you?  How does this verse fit in with the way we can behave in a social group with friends?  How can we reflect the love of Jesus in our choices rather doing what makes us popular? Host a movie night this week with the people you want to invite. Do not pick based who gets on or who others say to invite. Get them all to bring a movie to choose from, their pyjamas and some snacks to share. Dear God, thank you that You made us all to live life together. Help me to bring the peace of Jesus in the friendships which are not the greatest. Amen.

Bullying is showing any kind of unkind behaviour towards someone, repeatedly. It is a problem with young people as they think they have to prove themselves or make others feel small for them to feel good about themselves. God despises it.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 52 Bullies

 What happened when you or someone else you know was bullied?  How did it feel for the person being bullied?  Is our job to stand up to the bullies by fighting back?

“You have heard that it was said, “Eye for eye and tooth for tooth”. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles”. Matthew 5:38-41  What does this verse mean to you?  Does this mean we should just stand there and let bullies beat us up?  Which thing from the passage do you find hardest to do?

When being bullied, pray to God to bring you peace in the situation. Walk away and appear unbothered by the bully. In the situation of witnessing bullying, help the person get away from the situation and ask to pray with them.

Dear God, thank you that I can be there for people who are in need. When someone is unkind to me, help me to stay strong and remember your truth. Also, to stick up for other people who are bullied too. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

N = Nastiness Day 53

Nastiness For some, life can be so much about themselves that they do not want others to do well or have great things. They like being the centre of attention. This happens with teenagers especially as they are always competing to be the best at everything.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

day 53

A Selfish Attitude

 Do you know someone who makes life all about themselves and they do not care about anyone else?  How does it make you feel when they will not celebrate in your achievements too?  How do you act when others are in need?

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others”. Philippians 2:3 – 4  What does this verse mean to you?  If looking at the interests of others rather than our own is in the Bible, should we make it a priority?  How can we show others are more important to us than ourselves?




Celebrate with someone who has celebrated a big achievement like passing a driving test or a school exam by making them a card and buy them a gift to say well done.

prayer 62

Dear God, thank you that You gave me other people to live life with. Help me to celebrate in their achievements as well as my own. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

O = Overspending Day 54 & 55



Money is one of the biggest problems in this world. Some people have too much of it and others have too little of it. People’s heads are usually bigger than their pockets. This is why they end up losing everything they have or end up with overdrafts.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 64

day 54 Money

 How important is money to you?  If you had all the money in the world, how would you spend it?  What happens to people when the only thing in their life is money?

“Keep your lives from love of from money, and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you”. Hebrews 13:5

 What does this verse mean to you?  How does it affect the way you look at money in your own life?  How can we ensure we put our trust in God rather than money?

Set up a money pot in your bedroom and put a pound coin a day in it. Take the money to the bank and put it straight in a bank account. Only open it when it is full and spend it on something you really want.

Dear God, thank you that I can rely on You to supply my every need. Help me show my love more for You rather than money. Amen.

Everyone likes money, it is in our human nature to. However, some people are better at saving it than others. Some people have to have what they want when they want it as they do not like waiting. It is a good practice to learn to save from an early age.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 55

Spending not Saving

 Would it be a lie if you said you did not like spending money?  What can you not stop yourself from buying all the time?  Does the purchase make a difference to your life afterwards?

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. Matt 6:19 – 21

 What does this verse mean to you?  Is it more important to have your eyes on the godly things rather than the worldly things?  How can paying more attention to the worldly things than on God affect our relationship with Him?

Go on a shopping trip and decide what you are going to save your money up to buy. Avoid the temptation of buying it now but have it fixed in your mind that if it’s something you really want, you will still want it when you can really afford it.

Dear God, thank you that You give me the money to live. Help me to use it on things that I truly need and will make a difference to my life. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

O = Overspending Day 56 & 57

Overspending Christians believe that we should tithe. This means to give 10% of our money to the church. God gave us the money so we are just giving back a percentage of it to show our thankfulness to Him. Many tithe every week as they believe that God wants to see us put our faith first and He blesses us in return.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 66

Overspending day 56 Tithing

 Have you ever tithed to the church?  What is your opinion on giving 10% of our money to the church?  Do you believe that our relationship with God could strengthen through tithing?

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this”, says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it”. Malachi 3:10

 What does this verse mean to you?  Should tithing be about trusting God or the blessing in return?  Do you believe God keeps to His promises in return?

Take 10% of your money and put it in the offering bucket at church this week. Pray that it will be used to bless others in the church.

Dear God, thank you that You have given me everything I need. Help me to give back to You, not because I want to be blessed but because I am thankful. Amen.

As Christians, we are there to spread the Word of Jesus through our words and actions. We can do this by helping those in need. This is because this is what the Bible has commanded us to do. Jesus showed that He went out and spent time with those in need too.

day 57 Charity

thinking time

 In what ways, can we give to charity?  Is our money or our actions more important when giving to others?  Do you regularly support a charity in some way?

verse of the day

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”.

reflection time

challenge of the day


Acts 20:35

 What does this verse mean to you?  If it is Jesus’s command, should be giving to those in need on a regular basis?  Which group of people do feel passionate about helping more?

Arrange a sponsored event to raise money for a local, national or international charity close to your heart. Ask your family and friends to take part and collect sponsors through sponsorship forms or an online giving page.

Dear God, thank you for the opportunity to give to those in need. Help me to be more giving with my time and resources towards others. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

P = Parents Day 58 & 59



Parents are there to fulfil our needs and guide us on the right path to become the person we are and fulfil our full potential. In the teenage years, they can be difficult to live with because we want to be our person. However, they love us unconditionally and will always be there, whatever happens.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 68

day 58 Their Role

 What is a parent’s role in your eyes?  How does the role of the parents change from when we were are a child to when we are a teenager?  What is the parents job when it comes to our faith?

“Fathers, do not exasperate your children to anger, but bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord”. Ephesians 6:4

 What does this verse mean to you?  How should it affect the way you both look at an issue that the two of you have different views about?  In a Christian family, what is the most important role of the parent?

Talk to your parents about something that you really want to do which they do not agree with. Look at the Bible together about what it says on the issue and pray for God to guide you in your decision making.

Dear God, thank you that I have my parents to guide me. Help me to accept their decisions in their parenting and see their sides of the situation. Amen.

The job of a parent is challenging as they are running a house, may be working and bringing us up. They have a lot on their minds and they need help sometimes. They may not say it but it is great when a family can work together to get the day-today jobs done.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 59


 Do you do what your parents say generally straight away?  Are their jobs around the house which are yours to complete daily or weekly?  In what attitude or on what conditions do you complete the jobs?

“Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord”. Colossians 3:20

 What does this verse mean to you?  So what is the main reason we should obey our parents command for?  How will this help your parents?

Fill in the table on the next page. Give individual jobs for everyone to complete and stick it up in the kitchen so everyone knows what they are doing.

Dear God, thank you for everything my parents have done for me. Help me to have a willing heart to help out more to show how much I appreciate what they do for me. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

P = Parents Day 60



Jobs around the house Challenge Job Washing Up Drying Up








The relationship between children and parents seems to go two ways, either they are best friends or worst enemies. This is often dependent on the set up of the family and the different personalities mixing. It is important to get the balance right between the relationship of friends and parents.

day 60

Children & Parents

Ironing Cooking Making Beds Loading dishwasher Feeding Pets Emptying Bins Laying the table Making Lunchboxes Hoovering

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

Loading washing machine

 What is your relationship like with your parents now compared to when you were younger?  Are you alike in any ways?  What do you enjoy doing together when you are having oneon-one time?

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it”. Proverbs 22:6  What does this verse mean to you?  What does this say about what a relationship between a child and a parent should be like?  How does this change the way you view your parents when they are disciplining you?

Hanging washing out Clearing the table

challenge of the day

Put food shopping away

prayer 70

Take your parents out for coffee, just you and them. Let them know how much you are thankful for the way they have brought you up and the way they have guided you on the right path to become the person you are today.

Dear God, thank you for the parents I have. Help me to see how far I have come with them guiding me to be the person I am today and to learn to appreciate it wholeheartedly. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

Quiet Times

Quiet Times

The Bible is the Word of God. It is through His Word that He connects with us. He reveals His will for our lives through it and we come to know Him better. We learn how He wants us to live and through reading it, it can impact our words and actions.

By praying to God, we are talking to Him. It does not matter how we pray. He can also talk to us when we pray and reveal things to us. Through praying, we know it brings us hope as we believe God will answer our prayers as long as it’s in our best interest.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 72

Q = Quiet Times Day 61 & 62

day 61


 Do you read the Bible on a regular basis?  Do you see the importance of doing this to build on your relationship with God?  Do you think that He can talk to us through what we read in the Bible?

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness”. 2 Timothy 3:16  What does this verse mean to you?  How will reading the Bible impact our faith levels?  Is it worth Bible reading becoming a daily discipline in your life?

Challenge a friend to complete the rest of the devotionals with you. Write your own notes on what you get from your own quiet times. Discuss once a week what God has been talking to you about and pray on what you have learnt.

Dear God, thank you for Your Word. Help me to dig deeper into it, want more of You and use what I am learning to impact my everyday life. Amen.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 62


 Do you pray regularly?  Do you believe that our prayer requests come true?  How do you pray?

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us”. 1 John 5:14  What does this verse mean to you?  Does it make you question God’s ability to answer prayer requests that seem way too big for you to ask of Him?  How will it impact the way in which you pray in the future?

Write a prayer in the space below thanking God for one thing He has done for you and ask Him to make the impossible possible in your situation. Pray your prayer in confidence everyday until you see an answer to your prayer. Dear God, Thank you for _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Please do something in my following situation: ______________________ ____________________________________________________________ Dear God, thank you for the prayer-answering God You are. Help me not to doubt your ability to answer any prayer request which seems too big when it is not for You. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

Q = Quiet Times Day 63 & 64

Quiet Times By spending time with God, your relationship goes from strength to strength. His presence becomes more president in your life and in this time, He speaks to You. It makes a difference to your everyday life too as He brings you continual joy.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time challenge of the day

prayer 74

Quiet Times day 63 Time with God

 Do you spend time with God on your own at all?  Have you tried it before?  What do you find most difficult about spending time with God?

“But when you pray, go into your room and close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you”. Matthew 6:6

 What does this verse mean to you?  How should we pray?  Should prayer be about the blessing we get in return as a reward?

Set up a prayer journal and write down things you want to see change. Pray about them as the week goes on and write down how you see things improve step-by-step. Do this until you see the result you are praying for.

Dear God, thank you that You are always there for me to talk to. Help me to make this a daily priority in my life so You become my answer to everything. Amen.

The purpose we were made for is to have a personal relationship with God. This is why Jesus died on the cross for us. He wants us to be close so the emptiness we feel before we know Him is taken away. We also need a support network of other Christians to help us on this journey.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

day 64 Personal Relationship

 If you are a Christian, is your loneliness the same as before you gave your life to God?  Do you believe God can make our lives full again?  Why is it important to ensure the world hears about His love for them too?

“He was in the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognise Him. He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him. Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become the children of God – children not born of natural descendent, nor born of human decision or a husband;s will, but born of God”. John 1:10-13

 What does this verse mean to you?  How does it feel to be called a child of God to you?  Would you consider having a personal relationship with God?

Ask yourself the questions below. After, talk to another Christian you know and discuss your beliefs with them. Say the following prayer with them, if you are ready to take the next step of becoming a Christian. 1. Do you have a faith? 2. Want to know more? 3. Do you want the fullness of God in your life? 4. Want to be given the name of a child of God?


Dear God, thank you that You sent Jesus to die on the cross and that I am able to know You through Him. I have not always got it right and tried to live my own way but I want this to change. I am sorry for everything I have done wrong. Come into my heart. Help me to change and live a life that pleases You and fulfil the purpose You have for my life. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

R = Rules Day 65 & 66


Rules God is the one who has ultimately authority over all people and things. However, the Bible says we should submit to those we are under too. Authority may be shown in a wrong manner but so long as we respect everyone, fear God and honour the king, we shall live life to the full and have eternal life.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 76

day 65


 What does it mean for someone to have authority in your own words?  Is authority important in the running of this world?  Why should the ultimate authority come from God?

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God”. Romans 13:1  What does this verse mean to you?  Do you believe that anyone you know has a calling to become an authoritative figure in this world?  What can we do in support of encouraging our world leaders from afar?

Put a post on Facebook in appreciation of the people in power. Say how much we admire them for stepping up to their calling in authority and that you are going to pray for the work they do and decisions they have to make on behalf of us. Make it into a copy and paste post.

Dear God, thank you for the people You have placed in power to make the right decisions on how this world is run. Help me to make my contribution to Politics in the way I can. Amen.

Rules are not so fun for teenagers because they are seen as barriers which get in the way of what we want to do. However, rules are there to keep us safe and happy so everyone can live a happy, fulfilled life. When rules are in place, we know where we stand.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


  

day 66

Reasons for Rules

How much do rules make a difference to our lives? Are there any rules you do not agree with as part of a place you go to? Are there any rules you think should be added?

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from ourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”. Ephesians 2:8-10

 What does this verse mean to you?  How can it change the way we look at rules in place?  Are rules in God’s plans to ensure we live according to His Word?

When in school and a group of your friends are moaning about uniform or behaviour expectations, question them on why they do not like that particular rule. Ask them what difference it would make if the rule was not in place. Live applying to the rule this week to show you can still live your life happy and full.

Dear God, thank you that there are rules in place to ensure we are happy and healthy. Help me to show others that we can still live a fulfilled life with rules in place. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

R = Rules Day 67

Rules Everyone likes the idea of living in a world without rules. However, there would be no structure or order so the world would be a mess. Everyone would run riot, treat others and the world how they like and nothing would be achieved.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 78

day 67

Without Rules

 What is the main purpose in having rules?  Why deep down do you think life be would be perfect without rules?  How would this affect the world around us?

“Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control”. Proverbs 25:28

 What does this verse mean to you?  How does it highlight the importance of having rules?  Use the verse to demonstrate what life would be like without rules in an everyday context? In a group or a club where there are no particular rules, sit down with everyone and come up with rules to follow. Have consequences in place for when anyone oversteps the boundaries. Have the rules covering the following things: 1. Respect for belongings/other people and leaders. 2. Behaviour which is a good example to others. 3. Kind words and actions towards others and leaders. 4. Good time management skills. 5. Respecting decision making in rules and consequences.

OBEY the Rules


Happy Life

Dear God, thank you that we have rules in place to have the best life possible. Help me to keep to my side of the bargain when it comes to obeying rules. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

S = Siblings Day 68 & 69



Getting on with siblings is needed as they are family and we have no choice in that. They are the people we generally will spend the rest of our lives with. On the other hand, they are the people who know us best and can be more like friends to us when we decide to get along.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 80

day 68 Getting Along

 How is your relationship with your siblings?  In what ways, can you get on each other’s nerves?  Is there anything about your siblings that make you not want to swap them for the world?

“Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or a sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen ”. 1 John 4:20  What does this verse mean to you?  According to the Bible, how should we feel towards our siblings?  In what ways, can you show love towards your siblings?

Plan some time in the day to spend with your siblings doing an activity they enjoy. Do this every week to strengthen your relationships and make memories together.

Dear God, thank you for the siblings You have given me to share the good times with and have through the hard times for support. Help me to treasure every moment with them and treat them as I should. Amen.

Families are everything. They influence the way you behave, the person you become, they are your support network, they are a life-lasting influence and they put you on the right path. It is important to treasure your family and love them unconditionally.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 69 Role of Family

 Do you ever wish you were not related to your family sometimes?  What do they do which annoys you most?  Is there anything about them you will always be thankful for?

“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord”. Joshua 24:15  What does this verse mean to you?  In God’s eyes, what is the role of the family as a whole?  How will this impact the ways in which you worship and serve God together?

Have a mini family service together. One person covering the following parts – worship, communion, a Bible talk and a prayer. Let God bless these times, building firmer foundations for your relationships with each other and God. Do this every week to encourage each other in your faith.

Dear God, thank you that I am brought up in a Christian family. Help me to be influenced in what they have taught me and the faith they show in their own lives so I can be the best in Christ I was made to be too. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

T = Temper Day 70 & 71



Teenage girls are hit with all sorts of hormones going through their bodies. One of the things affected most by this is their temper. They can become easily-angered, find it difficult to control their temper and get upset about the smallest of the things. They find it difficult to control their emotions and the whole world revolves around them.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 82

day 70 Right Temperament

 What things make you get in a temper most often?  How do you react when you are in a temper and how long does it last?  What methods do you use to resolve the situation?

“Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered display folly”. Proverbs 14:29

 What does this verse mean to you?  How can you relate this verse to how you react with your own temper?  What can you do to become more patient?

Set up a quiet area that you can go to when you are angry or upset to cool down in. Stay in the area until you are calm and then come back to the situation. Keep practising this until you learn to control your own temper in public.

Dear God, thank you for people who are there to support me as I grow up. Help me to learn to gain more control of my emotions with their help. Amen.

It is important that we act in a way that is pleasing to God. Also, non-Christians will make presumptions on how they see us act. Therefore, living more like Christ means to display the heart of God in our attitude.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 71 A Godly Spirit

 What do you think it means to a have a godly spirit about you?  How does it change the way in which we act?  Should other people be able to see the difference in us?

“Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful”. 2 Timothy 2:23 – 24

 What does this verse mean to you?  How does it show we should act in a tense atmosphere?  What are the things which get in the way of us being kind to everyone?

Memorise the Bible verses in your head of the kindness we should show to everyone. When in this situation, say the verses to yourself in your head to swap the negative thoughts.

Dear God, thank you that You help me to keep calm when people are purposely trying to get to me. Help me to continue to believe that You will change me for the better when I look at what Your Word says. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

T = Temper Day 72

Temper People have opinions on us based on how we behave. Therefore, when we behave unkind and spoilt, no one wants to be our friends. Most people want to be friends with people who will share, they can trust and will treat them with respect.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 84

day 72 Our Behaviour & how others view us

 Is there anyone in your life who acts unkind and spoilt as a way to make friends?  Can you sometimes act this way?  Do you think that people act this way because they think life is all about them?

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land”. 2 Chronicles 7:14  What does this verse mean to you?  How should we behave according to this verse when we have found Jesus?  Do you think Jesus can change the way your heart is?

Keep Calm AND


Next time you win a competition, give the prize to someone you feel is more deserving than you. Let them know how their humbleness amazes you. Encourage them to carry on being the person they are.

Dear God, thank you that You teach us to give to others more humble than ourselves. Help me to recognise when I can bless others like this. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

U = Ungraciousness Day 73 & 74



We should always be thankful for what we have as there are others who are less fortunate than us. It should come from our hearts, from how we act and what we say. Most of all, we belong to God and our things come from God so all thanks should be given to God.

Greediness is when we want more than what we have. Often, this means wanting what others have. It is a feeling which brings unhappiness and nothing will ever be enough because we often keep on wanting more. We are never satisfied.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 86

day 73


 To you, what does it mean to be thankful?  What are you most thankful for in your life?  How do you show thankfulness to other people?

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows”. James 1:17

 What does this verse mean to you?  So who should we ultimately be thankful to for all we have?  How can we show our thankfulness to God?

Put a Worship CD on in the background. Read Psalm 118 out loud from your heart, meaning every word you read. Pray thanks to God for all you have at the end and sit in silence for a few minutes while you give God time to speak to you.

Dear God, thank you for everything You have given to me. Help me to show my thankfulness to You in praising You in every situation. Amen.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 74 Greed

 If you had one last wish in the whole world, what would it be?  Has there ever been something you wanted for ages but when you got it, it did not bring you happiness?  How do you feel when others get jealous of something new you have?

“For everything in the world – the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life – it comes not from the Father but from the world”. 1 John 2:16

 What does this verse mean to you?  What is God’s view on greediness?  How do you think we can get away from being greedy which is not so easy in today’s world?

Have a clear out of the stuff you do not use anymore and take it to the charity shop. Do this every few months to limit how much you have and give to charity at the same time.

Dear God, thank you that You give me everything I need. Help me to not be jealous of what others have but to just be thankful of what I do have. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

U = Ungraciousness Day 75

Ungraciousness We should always put others before ourselves. It is the way that life becomes not about ourselves. We develop friendships from this as we are taking an interest in someone else. This makes them feel good about themselves because someone else cares about them.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 88

day 75

Putting others first

 Do you see the importance in putting others first?  What difference does this make to their day?  As Christians, should we be making the effort to put others first all the time?

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many”. Mark 10:45

 What does this verse mean to you?  Why do you think Jesus came to serve and not to be served?  Should we live a life like Jesus with Him as our role model on how to live?


Gracious and


In the shop today, let someone else go before you in the queue or on a bus, let an elderly person have your seat. This will make their day as you have gone out of your way to help them.

Dear God, thank you that I can bless others. Help me to always think of others in all that I do and for the benefit of others. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

V = Violence Day 76 & 77



Abuse is being mistreated badly on a regular basis or frequently. It is a matter which needs to be talked about as it happens but people try to hide it. People do it to others as it is the only way they know of how to treat others or it is the way they deal with their own problems.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 90

day 76


 What do you think it means to mistreat someone?  How does this make the other person feel?  Do you think that they should keep it to themselves or tell someone about it?

“But to you who are listening: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you”. Luke 6:27–28

 What does this verse mean to you?  Do you think we should do the same to those who mistreat us?  How can we overcome these things we are going through?

If you or someone you know is being mistreated or mistreating someone else, get help by talking to someone about the problem. If it is someone close being mistreated or mistreating someone else, be honest and encourage them to get help. If they refuse, let someone else know what is going on and just pray that God would bring them out of the situation. Dear God, thank you for the worth I have in You. Help me to treat others as you love them and show them the hope they can find by turning to You in their difficulties. Amen.

Having control is having the power to tell people what to do and having things done their way. They do this because they like to feel superior and to make others feel small. It is often a behaviour pattern which worsens over time.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 77


 Is there a difference between taking control and being in charge?  How does it feel to be superior?  Is this a good aim to have in your life?

“But when Uzziah became powerful, his pride let to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the Lord his God, and entered the temple of the Lord to burn his incense on the altar of his downfall”. 2 Chronicles 26:16

 What does this verse mean to you?  What happens to our hearts when we are overridden with pride?  How does this affect the way in which we treat the role we have been given?

In a team challenge and you have the opportunity to elect yourself for team leader, ask someone else who you think would be good for the role. Take a back seat and be a good team player.

Dear God, thank you for the opportunities You give me to lead in. Help me in a way that pleases You but also, to give others the chance too. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

V = Violence Day 78 & 79



People used to use unhealthy language out of anger or annoyance. These days, teenagers like to use it as a way to look cool. The truth is it is just a childish habit which adults then find difficult to get out of. Their children then copy this behaviour and it becomes a cycle which is repeated.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 92

day 78

Unhealthy Language

 Do you use unhealthy language on a regular basis?  Do you use it out of annoyance or anger or just because it is language you use all the time?  How did it start?

“Whoever of you loves life and desires to see good days, keep your tongues from evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it” Psalms 34:12–14  What does this verse mean to you?  How can we ensure that what comes out our mouth are good words?  In what ways, can we seek peace in the way we speak?

Buy a packet of your favourite sweets to keep in your bedroom and in a situation where you use good language when you usually would not, have a sweet. As you improve your language, decrease the number of times you have a sweet so your new behaviour pattern becomes natural. Dear God, thank you that I have a mouth to speak. Help me to use good language which glorifies You. Amen.

The main thing we should always treat other with is respect. God made us all equal and we are all made unique so we should embrace it. We are made in God’s likeness and He loves us for it. In His eyes, we are perfect and we should love others in the way He loves us.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time challenge of the day


day 79

How to treat others

 How should we treat others with respect?  What does it mean when we are made in God’s likeness?  What is the opposite of acting respectful towards someone else?

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets”. Matthew 7:12  What does this verse mean to you?  Do you think it is still okay to hurt someone back if they have done it to you?  How would God view disrespect, according to the Bible? Write an acrostic poem in the space below. Using Respect as the theme, include what respect is and how we should show respect to others. Keep the poem as a reminder of how we should treat people. R __________________________________________________________ E __________________________________________________________ S __________________________________________________________ P __________________________________________________________ E __________________________________________________________ C __________________________________________________________ T __________________________________________________________

Dear God, thank you that You love each one of us, even when we are not at our best. Help me to treat others with love and respect. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

W = Work Day 80 & 81



In our work or education, it is extremely important to give it our best. This means give the tasks set everything we have. Putting in the effort should not be based on our earnings but on making a difference to others, as we can bless through our work.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

day 80

Working Hard

 What is your general attitude towards school or work and why?  Which task would you put 110% effort into because you enjoy it?  Does your future have an influence on how you perform at school or work?

“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength”. Philippians 4:13

 What does this verse mean to you?  How should it affect us in the way we work towards the tasks we find difficult?  Is there anything you could work harder at in school or work?

With homework you struggle with, set yourself ten minute stages to complete it in. In between, reward yourself with five minutes of doing something you enjoy doing so homework is not such a difficult chore.

When completing work, it is good to set yourself boundaries so you do not overdo it. This will ensure that you do not do too little or too much work. Teenagers need this so no area of their lives is more important than another. We need to spend as much time working as we do socialising.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

day 81 Boundaries

 Are you as enthusiastic completing work as you are in spending time with friends?  Do you overwork yourself by taking too many commitments on?  Is keeping up with your physical health just as important as impressing a teacher or a boss?

“You are the salt of the earth. But if salt has lost its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot”. Matthew 5:13  What does this verse mean to you?  How does it compare to our balance between work and social life?  On the basis of this, should we be setting time to do the things we love in life as well as working? Think up three aims for general life and school that you want achieve in the next five months. Confide in someone you trust to complete the table below together and help you to achieve the aims. Aim

General Life


1 2

prayer 94

Dear God, thank you that in Your strength, I can do anything. Help me to complete all my work to the best of my ability. Amen.



Dear God, thank you for the work You have set out for me to do. Help me set boundaries though so my life does not just become all about work and nothing else. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

W = Work Day 82 & 83



Rewards are a great way to celebrate what you have done. They can also be a way of relaxing and taking a break from everyday tasks you have to complete. We should get the balance right between working too hard and taking advantage of rewards. This is done through setting targets.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 96

day 82


 What treat do you give yourself when you have done good work?  How often do you give yourself a treat?  Do you use treats as a way of relaxing?

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test,that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him”. James 1:12

 What does this verse mean to you?  What is God’s view on treating yourself?  What is His ultimate reward to us?

On the weekend, set a time aside to complete homework and stick to it. After, do something you love to let off steam and enjoy the time you have off school.

Dear God, thank you for the ultimate reward of Jesus in our lives. Help me to enjoy the rewards more so I work harder in what I have to get done. Amen.

We all have deadlines set, in school or work. It is important though to not overdo it by working right up until the last minute. This is how we get overtired and we become ill as we wear ourselves out as we cannot relax because our brains are on overdrive.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 83 Overdoing Work

 Do you typically overwork until your body does not allow you to?  How does your body let you know when enough is enough of doing work?  Is this a good work ethic to have?

“But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors, as it is today”. Deuteronomy 8:18

 What does this verse mean to you?  How can we develop a good work ethic as Christians to show others?  What difference will this make to our relationship with God?

Set a stopwatch up with a certain time limit to do homework in each evening. When the stopwatch finishes, put your school stuff away. With the rest of the time you would usually spend on homework, reading the Bible and pray instead.

Dear God, thank you for the brain You have given me to use to the best of my ability. Help me to worry less about what is going to happen and trust more in You who has my future in hand already. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

W = Work Day 84

Work A servant heart usually is associated with a person who is constantly working for others. In Christian terms, this is someone who is always serving in church and giving their own time to be there for others. They do this because they love God and want to show His love for others through their actions and words.

A Servant Heart

thinking time

 Do you serve at all in the church?  Is there anyone you know who is constantly giving their time to bless others?  Why is it important as a Christian to have a servant heart?

verse of the day

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to His own advantage; rather He made Himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death – even death on a cross!”.

reflection time


day 84

Philippians 2:5–8  What does this verse mean to you?  Does this mean we are called to have a servant heart, just like Jesus Himself?  How can you do more for others using the skills you have?

challenge of the day

Ask God if where you are currently serving in the church is the right place for you. If it is not, let someone know and see where else you may be able to serve instead. Try a few options out and pray to God to see where He wants you. If you already are, look for more opportunities where serve Him more.


Dear God, thank you for the opportunities I have to serve You. Help me to find more ways to serve You and grow in You as I seek the plans You have for me. Amen.




The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

X = XXX Day 85 & 86



The main interest teenagers have is in the opposite sex. They have to be in a relationship as the world and their hormones tell them. At this age, looks are more important than personality in a relationship. Relationships between girls and boys are always breaking up and getting back together too.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time


day 85

Opposite Sex

 What age were you when you were in your first relationship?  What interests you most about a boy?  What kind of boy can you imagine yourself with in ten years time?

“Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again”. John 3:3

 What does this verse mean to you?  According to this verse, what is the most important thing in a boy you choose to date?  Do you think God has any interests in the sort of man you see yourself marrying?

challenge of the day

Draw the perfect boy in your eyes on an A4 piece of paper with notes of the sort of personality and interests you see him having. Next to it, write down the boy that God has in store for you. Compare the two lists and see if there are any matches. Pray about the matter.


Dear God, thank you for the perfect boy You have for me. Help me to be patient and only date a boy when I believe he is the boy You want me to be with. Amen.

When in a relationship, setting boundaries is essential as Christians. This is so that you have a relationship that is based on what the Bible says and it pleases God. You both know then how far you are going to go and what is expected of both of you to make it work.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 86


 Do you see the importance of setting boundaries in a relationship?  How important is following the Bible in your relationship with your boyfriend to you?  How far do you think is too far to go in a relationship before marriage?

““Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immortal”. Hebrews 13:4

 What does this verse mean to you?  Should sex be untouched by a couple until after marriage?  Why do you think this is?

Sit down with your boyfriend and talk about the importance of doing what the Bible says about setting boundaries in relationships. Have a married, more mature Christian couple to give the two of you emotional support and Christian advice on this journey.

Dear God, thank you for my boyfriend. Help us to be honest with each other and for our relationship to please You in the way we live and treat each other. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

X = XXX Day 87

XXX God made man and woman to be together. He has brought many couples together. Therefore, it is important that we keep Him at the centre of our relationships. We can do this through bringing any issues we struggle with as a couple to Him and have our quiet times together.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time


day 87

God Centred

 How will bringing God to the centre of a relationship make it easier?  What sorts of struggles in our relationship should we bring before God?  Where do you think we can also find a lot of answers on how to live a God-centered relationship?

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as in fact you are doing”. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Keep God at the


 What does this verse mean to you?  In what ways, should you not behave towards our boyfriend?  How can we encourage and build each other up in our faith?

challenge of the day

As a couple, spend time with God. Read the Bible, pray together in this time and talk about life in general together. Do this weekly to strengthen your relationships with God and each other.


Dear God, thank you for my boyfriend, best friend and brother in Christ. Help us to find the time to spend with You together regularly so that You are at the centre of our relationship. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

Y = You Day 88 & 89


You What we look like means everything to a girl. We are scared of being judged for how look. Therefore, we have to be happy with how we look before we ask anyone else’s opinion or even reach the front door to go out.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 104

day 88


 What can you not leave the house without wearing?  Do you have to dress up nicely before going anywhere?  How does the way you act compare to the way you look in importance to you?

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”. 2 Corinthians 5:17

 What does this verse mean to you?  How do you believe God sees your image?  Should we be so self-conscious about the way we look when we are special to God?

Take a no make-up selfie and post it on Facebook. Use the following hash-tags - #beautifulingodseyes and #noshame in the captions. Tag three Christian women friends to do the same, to show looks do not matter anymore as it is only God’s approval that does! Dear God, thank you for my beauty on the inside and out. Help me to see for myself how beautiful I am to You and become confident in who You made me as. Amen.

Our personalities make us who we are and different from everybody else. God developed our personalities to fit to the person He made us to be. He loves us for it and would not have us any other way.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 89 Personality

 Which part of your personality stands out in your group of friends?  Has your personality changed as you have grown older?  Is there a trait in your personality you wish was not apart of you?

“For in Him we live an move and have our being.

As some of your own poets have said, “We are His offspring”. Acts 17:28

 What does this verse mean to you?  How does it change the way we view ourselves as a whole?  How can we learn to live with the things we do not like about ourselves?

Do something this week to stretches you to develop the person you are and step out of your comfort zones. For example, if you do not like sport, join a sports club or if you do not like standing up in a crowd, join a theatre group.

Dear God, thank you for all the abilities I have. Help me to push myself to be the best person You made me to be. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

Y = You Day 90 & 91



When you become a Christian, you become a part of the body of Christ. We are all a different part because our gifts are the talents that God has given us. They were given to us to set us apart from others and to bless others. It is important we use them to the best our ability as we are part of the body of Christ and every part matters.

thinking time

challenge of the day

Body of Christ

 What does it mean to you to be a part of the body of Christ?  What would happen to the body of Christ if a part decided to not function?  How can you use your talents to make a difference to the body?

verse of the day reflection time

day 90

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each of you is a part of it”. 1 Corinthians 12:27

 What does this verse mean to you?  How important is your role as a part of the body of Christ?  How can you make a difference there?

As a youth group, arrange a special service to put on for the rest of the church. Hand roles out to the different members of the group, depending on their gifts. In the service, cover welcome, worship, drama, notices, media, preaching and snacks and drinks after.

We can make our own choices about everything as God created free will in this world. It’s our choice to make the right decisions in life. He already has a plan for our lives. However, it is up to us to make the choice to seek Him and then, He will reveal it to us.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

day 91 Personal Choices

 Is there anything about your upbringing you wish you could have changed?  How would it have affected the life you would have now?  What is the most important thing to you like to make your own decisions on?

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps”. Proverbs 16:9

 What does this verse mean to you?  Do you think God establishes our steps because we wants control over us?  How does this change our future if we decide to take His steps, instead of our own?

Make the choice this week to hand all your decisions over to God. Pray and ask for Him to fill you with the peace and knowledge in your heart that He is in control.

prayer 106

Dear God, thank you that You made me to be part of the body of Christ. Help me to do my bit in order for others to come to know You too. Amen.


Dear God, thank you for free will. Help me to see how having You in control of my life brings the best future I could ask for and help me to choose You in all my decisions. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

Y = You Day 92

You When we become Christians, we become part of God’s family. To be a child of God, you have to love Him and obey Him with everything you have. We were made to live and think like Him which we should strive for everyday.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time


day 92

Child of God

 What do you think of when we talk about being a Child of God?  How do you become a Christian?  How can we strive to live and think more like Christ everyday?

“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith”. Galatians 3:26

 What does this verse mean to you?  How does it feel to be called a child of God simply through faith?  Would you say that you are part of God’s family?

challenge of the day

With it in mind that we are a child of God through faith. Invite some of your school friends to a youth event at your church. Answer any questions brought up about anything discussed on the night. Pray that through things they hear, they would feel the need for Christ in their own lives.


Dear God, thank you that I am a child of God and a part of Your family. Help me to understand the importance of introducing my friends to You. Amen.




The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

Z = ZZZ Day 93 & 94


ZZZ Having a sleeping routine is important as it helps the body to work as it should. The brain knows what to expect and is able to cope with the day. The difference between day and night becomes noticeable so the brain can shut down properly and not have to run on overdrive.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 110

day 93


 What time do you go to bed at night in the weekdays and on the weekends?  How do you shut your brain down in the evenings before you go to sleep?  Do you sleep well at night?

“As long as it is day, we mut do the works of Him who sent me. Night is coming when no one can work”. John 9:4

 What does this verse mean to you?  How should we look at the way we view day and night differently?  How can it affect the way in which we process when we do not have a routine?

Take time this week to look at the way you transition your body between day and night. Turn your electronic items off an hour before you go to bed and switch it to a book so your brain has a chance to unwind.

Dear God, thank you for the gift of sleep to help us restore energy for the next day. Help me to get into a good routine at night so I can sleep well rested for what You have in store for me the next day. Amen.

Starting your day and ending it the right way is essential to how it is going to pan out. We can ensure this by deciding we are going to be in a positive mood and achieve good things. This helps the way in which we react when something does go wrong.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day


day 94

Healthy Habits

 What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?  Do you decide what mood you are going to be in that day?  Is your mood that day dependent on what is happening in the present or what happened the day before?

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness”. Lamentations 3:22–23

 What does this verse mean to you?  How does it affect the way we wake in a bad mood, due to an incident of the previous day?  In what ways, can we start our day right with God?

Put God first and last in your thoughts in the day. In the morning, read His Word first thing and pray about the events of the following day and in the evening, go on a walk by yourself to reflect on the day you have had and praise Him for the things you have got up to.

Dear God, thank you that Your mercies are new to me each day. Help me to ensure that You are the first in my thoughts and the last in my thoughts each day. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide

Z = ZZZ Day 95 & 96



A lot of teenagers go through a stage of staying up half the night and they still get up early the next morning. They do this as they believe that they have more energy than they do. However, some people have trouble actually sleeping at night as they are restless.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time

challenge of the day

prayer 112

day 95

Trouble Sleeping

 Is getting to sleep at night difficult for you at all?  What is your sleep pattern like? Is it regular?  How does this affect the way in which you work?

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety”. Psalms 4:8

 What does this verse mean to you?  How does it change the way you feel when you are struggling to sleep?  In what ways, do you think the situation can change when God is on our side?

If you are struggling to sleep at night, make sure you are going to bed early enough to get a good amount of sleep at night. Ensure that the conditions of your bedroom are suitable for sleeping. Pray asking God to give you peace and rest for a good night’s sleep.

Dear God, thank you that You are a God of peace and rest. Help me to sleep well when I need to. Amen.

Fasting is all about giving something up for a period of time to concentrate on God. During this time, God is our main priority. It is to show Him that He is more important to trust than the essentials. In the Bible, Jesus fasted food and some today have a fast of sleep.

thinking time

verse of the day reflection time challenge of the day


day 96


 What do you think of the idea of fasting for 40 days and 40 nights?  Could you manage to fast food or sleep for a time to spend it with God?  What is the most important thing to you which you would find difficult to fast from?

“When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who ses what is done in secret, will reward you”. Matthew 6:16–18  What does this verse mean to you?  Does it bring up any questions you have on the subject of fasting?  Is the purpose of fasting at all important to you or to what you do?

Arrange a day as a youth group to spend it together worshipping God, praying and reading the Bible, fasting from something important to you. Pray about issues you are going through and the things you want to change after finishing this devotional.

Dear God, thank you that You are a prayer-answering God. Help me to make You the most important thing in my life like You deserve to be and help me to show a heart of thankfulness for all You have done over the course of this devotional series. Amen.


The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide



The A-Z Teen Girl of God Guide



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