January 2021

Page 17

ering & Monitoring

Think about what you want to appeals. We do not have full clarity busine gain. The obvious answer here is yet about exactly who will be actively key de cheaper bills. But with current competing for business come April you us indications suggesting retail 2017. how m “ Energy in Buildings and Industry and the Energy Institute margins will beare 2.5 per cent net,teamed up to bring A number where delighted to have you thisof the large existing Continuing Professional Development initiative ” straightforward price discounts companies have made it clear they many MARK THROWER MANAGING EDITOR will offer relatively thin pickings. intend to compete, but even here, in provis Saving money through better exactly what form remains to be seen. should SERIES 18 |14MODULE 06 SERIES | MODULE 08| METERING | Metering& &MONITORING Monitoring water management should be United Utilities and Severn Trent, for The considered in addition to simple instance, have made it known they will gears u This month's CPD module by an active role for the last few volumetric discounts. There could besponsored taking Amon also besystem efficiency savings to be years, but it was only in the last few comin use. The accuracy depends energy used daily, weekly a

very much on the specification and and methods to allow com installation of the metering. If the wrong against the previous year’s size or type of meter is specified or if Where possible it should in the meters are wrongly installed then some typical key ratio’s to the system accuracy will suffer badly. consumption to be compa It is estimated that over 30 per cent of key operating parameters all installed meters are either wrongly example; outside tempera sized or wrongly installed. In most cases kWh/degree day, productio the monitoring system has to interface unit of production, sales in with existing meters many of which are of turnover, occupancy in k by Chris Burgess, and technical adviser, Energy Institute wrongly specified but aretrainer uneconomic hours or kWh/unit of floor to replace. correctly, these key ratios c Threenergy phase monitoring electricity meters useful information about h and require that the L1, L2 and L3 phase energy is being used comp targeting (M&T) is one of the currents and voltages are correctly previous years and other fa fundamental techniques that Fig. 6 Display of site cost breakdown by energy type identified and wired to the meter departments within the org manager correctlyan in energy phase. This is often can not use Normally various graph for case the long-term sized at 1000A which will give very the as the cablemanagement colours do not of be produced to show the in value in the energy monitoring system guarantee that the phases areto in the or decrease in corrected en or energy dashboard read the same. energy consumption and highlight poor accuracy at the actual working load of 100A. In these circumstances correct sequence as the phases. The consumption. This is especially important when a new potential improvements in the a compromise should be reached to cable colours can be swapped within In many systems it is als replacement meter is fitted or a meter efficiency of energy use. improve accuracy. The switch should the wiring network with colours not to produce graphs and key value rolls over back to zero. Monitoring is essentially be metered with a smaller range matching the phases resulting inaimed the carbon and cost as the crit If you need to add a number of at establishing existing metering system rated at say 250A with electricity meters the reading low. pattern as kWh. This is becoming m meters to get to a total then the ofMeters energywith consumption, whereas alarm levels set within the metering a pulsed output have and gives some interesting percentage accuracy of each meter systems such that if the actual demand additional problems withof a when comparing fuel type will also be added. If poorly specified targetingpotential is the identification approaches the 250A level in the future contact missed pulses. which This Once some historical da or installed this overall accuracy could level ofbounce energyorconsumption then an alarm would be instigated and can be avoided if modbus or similar accumulated then it is pos be very poor. It is not recommended to can be set as a goal for the energy new 1000A metering CT’s could be multi register meters are used where looking at energy use usin add meters together to get to a total. It is management fitted. Unfortunately, most electrical the actual meterstrategy. register is read back methods; such as regressio better to measure the main supply and and targeting should and fluid metering systems are installed andMonitoring pulses are not counted. and CUSUM to identify tren split the main meter output in relation In the of mechanical meters systems have this capabilit to the percentage of the total supply form ancase essential part of the energy to meter the maximum capacity of the installation the actual load on such as water or gas theor meters allow the user to set target by each subthe meter. By doing this theelectricity, strategy for any size type are of with meter - typically, requiredand fornot performance standards thesuch system large inaccuracies. almost always oversized of the system accuracy is maintained as the organisation, whetheror industrial, natural gas, water or heat metersenergy targets can be very asgiving ISO50001 and organisational Another potential problem is meter wrong type resulting in poor accuracy. as using the best historical accuracy of the main meter. This is true commercial or public sector. The with a digital interface, commonlyor typical month’s data as t carbon footprints compiled in zeroing and rollover. If there is a small Some mechanical meters are good for for electrical and fluid metering. primary objective of M&T is to gain number a simple pulsed output. compliance with ISO14064; of available meter registerand continuous flow but very inaccurate Once you have installed your Then an target. Whatever targeting a better of Correct how automatic meter • provide visible feedback supportmetering digits on the meter relative to theto actual when the understanding flow is intermittent. system and havereading started (AMR) used the accuracy and rep load, then the numbers will rollover meter specification and installation collecting yourwhich data the next objective energy is used. When correctly is system reads the metered the metering system data i staff awareness campaigns. very quickly the register filled. It is essential if the best accuracy to be of the success of the system. must be to make the best use of the data. applied M&T helps identifyissigns consumption (typically over Smart as meters may is benefit important to use the largest numerical achieved. In order to do this you must have avoidable energy waste and other 30-minute periods) and stores the It is now very economic domestic energy consumers by register available. Electrical and mechanical system intelligent metering system specified the metering and metering opportunities to reduce energy data ready to be analysed. Metersallow the user control their increasing the visibility of energy Some monitoring systems allow the metering accuracy is generally a system correctly and also built in to the consumption, but energy savings are user canrequirement be hard wired to the meter use by knowing exactly ho costs and their consumption profile.software to manually enter the actual meter problem as the metering system the necessary achievedis only if appropriate reader, but wireless technology using their energy and how In the non-domestic sector values if required, in order that the devices targeting accuracy normally described asactions a and data management actual physical meter and the displayed percentage of full scale. This means routines. Thesemore should include total are taken based on the correct is often practical and cost is costing across the variou with communication capability that if the meter isofoversized the their business. It is always interpretation the M&Tthen results. effective. together with analysis software accuracy will be low. For example, a small and build up the syst The output from a well-designed Fig.are Third, there are sensors or other nowofcommonplace, enabling 5 Display site daily Co2 generated by electricity consumption. 3 per cent error on a meter sized for meters when they are requ M&T 3scheme will will enable the energy data input facilities to record the the best results and not me systems to be configured to 3/hr. /hour of flow be 3m If the 100m manager parameter that “drives” energy sake of it. These systems a automatically measure, analyse and actual flow to: rate is only 10m3/hr then the • detect avoidable waste consumption, such as external easy to expand and provid report energy consumption. meter accuracy will beenergy 30 per cent of that the actual flow rate. remain Most meters are not specified and installed corr might otherwise hidden; temperature or production Checking fiscal energy meters and truly linear areas and if operating out with the • identify for investigation and throughput in a manufacturing supply many years of relia utility bills as a cost control measure linear band they will be very inaccurate. about their business in a si action prompted by unexpected environment. might once have been considered In many cases the existing system understand manner. It is be patterns energy consumption; The final part is analysis software a basic form of monitoring but now load is veryoflow relative to the installed appropriate systems for ap Fig.automatic 7 Display of site energy costs per student • quantify theinstallation savings achieved - there is a variety of software M&T has evolved into a capacity of the especiallyby uses. A mixture of meterin where the systemprojects has beenin designed energy-saving a manner available with different levels of sometimes be advantageo mature area of business with a wide for future expansion. The metering that accounts for factors such as sophistication in terms of the depth range of products and services from system installed is usuallytemperature rated at variations in external or of analysis and facilities such as Acknowledgements different suppliers. • CIBSE for technical inform the maximum capacity of the system levels of production output; energy dashboards using real-time tables even though the load is much smaller. Four parts of an aM&T scheme • improve carbonswitch budget data displays, cost and carbon • Scotia Energy Ltd for the For exampleenergy a1000Aor electrical setting; reporting and databases to recordand There are four parts making up an board with a 100A load on it. The metering system would normally be • improve the collection of data energy reduction projects. Often • The Carbon Trust for use automatic M&T scheme starting

Energy metering and monitoring


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