Energy Insight Yearbook 2020

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CLUSTER CONSOLIDATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




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UNLOCKING HUGE POTENTIAL IN OFFSHORE WIND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


SUSTAINABILITY AS A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





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MAKING WIND MORE SUSTAINABLE THROUGH TECHNOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




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FURTHER GAINS ON WELLS WITH SUPERCRITICAL CO2 TECHNOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




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Nem Media Høffdingsvej 34 2500 Valby Denmark E-mail: Web: ISSN: 2445-6217

Editors: Karin Jensen, Anette Jorsal, Magnus Andersen, Arne Nielsen, Jane Stewart and Mohammed Ali Wachah. Graphics & Layout: Kapteina Reklame Advertisement: Mohammed Ali Wachah, +45 2323 8082, Magnus Andersen, +45 4281 1110,

Print: Green Graphic & Signtec Reklame Mediapartners:

Glenda Napier CEO, Energy Innovation Cluster

A GREEN TRANSITION REQUIRES A COMMON MINDSET The energy system of the future requires a full integration of all sectors in the value chain. If we can continue to find innovative interfaces in the energy system to collaborate on, we can develop the greenest and most innovative energy system and energy industry in the world. Shortly before Christmas in 2019, the Danish parliament adopted a new climate law with a commitment to reach 70% below its 1990 emissions no later than 2030 and reaching the ultimate target of carbon neutrality by 2050.

within a relatively short timeframe. Since 1990, Denmark has been able to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions collectively with approximately 20 percent, primarily through a more efficient energy use and an increased utilisation of wind energy. In 2010, wind and solar energy accounted for only 22 percent of the Danish electricity consumption; last year, half of Denmark's electricity consumption came from wind and solar.

It is an ambitious climate law setting a clear direction for Denmark’s green transition.

It is the highest level in the world and a testament to the enormous development in Denmark's energy system during the last decade.

It does not, however, include a road map on how to get there.

And yet it is far from enough.

“Obviously, we have set a goal that is a bit atypical in politics, because we know that we cannot achieve it with the current instruments”, the Danish minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities; Dan Jørgensen, said of the new climate ambition:

Going all the way is still a huge challenge. We cannot reach our 70 percent reduction ambition without thinking outside the box – and more importantly, outside our own sector, industry and borders.

“We are going to think creatively, involve all relevant sectors, we will listen to the expertise and we need further research”. I could not agree more. The climate law is an important signal to the rest of the world in times where affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy is more important than ever before. It is also a signal to the Danish energy industry to step up its efforts to work together, to collaborate on innovation and to get involved across sectors. Denmark has already demonstrated an ability to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions significantly

We must think of the Danish energy system holistically. We must include all energy sectors in our mindset, we must focus on both the sector prior to our part and the sector following us in the value chain. We have the chance to leverage the rest of the world’s view on the green transition – based on our Danish stronghold within the field. We need to improve our interaction among sectors and systems. This will increase both innovation and synergies between the sectors, further reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and building a stronger and better energy industry along the way. A holistic approach as opposed to the individual energy systems components such as production or distribution will further strengthen the Danish Energy Model: Renewable energy, system integration including electrification and energy efficiency An integrated system is essential, as the sectors support each other in creating an efficient energy system. At Energy Innovation Cluster, our 20+ innovation projects cover the entire specter of energy production, transmission and distribution. We focus on creating cooperation in all parts of the industry and on getting the entire value chain in the energy system to be innovative together. We work with demand driven innovation across the entire sector. The demand for innovation is there. “We have set a goal that we cannot achieve with the current instruments”, Dan Jørgensen said, and asked for creative thinking, cross sector involvement and further research. I agree. Innovation together and across the entire value chain is key in making Denmark a global leader in the development of an intelligent energy system.

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CLUSTER CONSOLIDATION IN THE ENERGY SECTOR WILL SMOOTH THE WAY FOR THE GREEN TRANSITION Five cluster-organisations in the energy sector will go together in a joint energy cluster, which will seek to lift and make innovation in energy technology easier. This could help pave the way for a greener future where all energy systems play together and in which oil & gas will play a role too. In March 2019, the Danish executive Board for Business

“By joining forces you also get more muscles, you can be

Development and Growth decided to dedicate DKK 35 million

present in the entire country, you have the power to follow

for cluster consolidation with the aim to strengthen innovation

companies abroad and you obtain critical mass which will make

within Denmark’s strongest and most promising business and

a lot of things much easier,” says Andreasen.

technology areas.

Innovation is widely regarded as paramount for the green

Just before the end of 2019, five energy cluster-organisations,

transition and the new energy cluster will help lift innovation

Energy Innovation Cluster (EIC), CLEAN, House of Energy,

and make efforts easier.

Gate21 and Network for Sustainable Business Development announced that they were seeking funds to set up a joint energy cluster with the aim to lift and make innovation in energy technology easier. Peder Andreasen, Chairman of EIC, sees several advantages for the industry by joining forces with four other energy cluster organisations.

“Instead of having five different places you can go to for help, you’ll just have the one in future. The new energy cluster will be a nation-wide cluster so no matter where your business is located, you’ll get the same help to find the right partners,” says Andreasen. And matching up with the right partners and form the right collaborations are vital in innovation, he adds. EIC is the cluster organisation and innovation network for energy production in Denmark and represents both wind energy and oil & gas production. ”One of the reasons for forming EIC was because oil & gas and wind are facing some of the same challenges and can learn from each other and apply the same innovation across the two industries,” says the EIC Chairman. The other four cluster organisations are not working directly with offshore energy production but by joining forces with them, other parts of the value chain will now be added to the competencies of EIC. And with offshore wind set to play a significant role in the green transition, electrification will be a

Peder Andreasen, Chairman of Energy Innovation Cluster

4 Energy Insight Yearbook

main task.

“One of the challenges as we increase the amount of wind energy in the energy system, is that it will require the development of entirely new ways of doing things and that means innovation to make the systems work together.” “Some of the other clusters are working with areas that may benefit offshore wind so that we can have a better, and broader, integration of wind power in the energy system,” says Andreasen. Integration, energy efficiency measures, consumption and looking at the entire value chain, from producer to consumer, will now be gathered in one large energy cluster, says Andreasen. ”All parts of the value chain will be represented here,” he says. Oil and gas will be part of the equation Oil Gas Denmark facilitates innovation among its member companies through its close cooperation with EIC. And although renewable energy, and not least wind energy, will play an increasing role in the future energy system, oil & gas will still have a role to play for many years to come, says Martin

Martin Næsby, CEO at Oil Gas Denmark

Næsby, CEO at Oil Gas Denmark. “We don’t know the final structure of the energy cluster,

Many of the challenges renewable energy sources are facing, or

but I believe there will be something to gain for us all. Oil

will face in future, when it comes to efficiency and optimisation

Gas Denmark can contribute with substantial amount of

of the entire value chain, are very similar to those faced by the

knowledge, competency and experience but we can also learn

oil & gas industry and Næsby sees several areas where Oil Gas

from the other sectors,” says Næsby.

Denmark can be part of the solution.

Denmark’s goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 70% by 2030 and

Oil Gas Denmark is part of the Government’s Climate

be CO2-neutral in 2050 is an enormous challenge and will

Partnership for Energy & Supply and will in this context point

depend on all areas of the energy industry working together

out different solutions that require lots of innovation and

and learning from each other. The energy system will largely

cooperation across the industry just as there are concrete areas

consist of renewable energy sources, but oil & gas will still be

where Næsby expects cooperation will be strengthened.

needed for many years to come, says Næsby.

“The Danish oil & gas industry has one of the lowest CO2

”Perhaps it is time that we start to look at the North Sea as a

foot-print in the world and if we are to retain that position,

potential for energy and look at how we can cooperate here. In

more innovation is required. We need to be even more energy

that context, innovation will be an important part,” he says.

efficient and even more innovative in our solutions and that

“If looking at the North Sea as one resource with an integrated

too could be an area for cooperation,” he says.

energy system, both above and below water, where we integrate

Although rising year-by-year, the share of solar and wind

energy systems, develop new energy systems, Power-to-X,

energy is still just a small part of the global power mix with

CCS and so on. If we could make this work it could be very

fossil fuels still providing by far the largest share.

interesting for Denmark but also to showcase to the outside

“All forecasts show that we will need oil and gas for many years

world,” he adds.

to come, so why not make the different energy systems play

The accumulation of competencies in oil & gas over many

together and make the oil industry commit itself even more

decades has helped facilitate building competencies in wind

to reducing emissions, be energy efficient, cost efficient and

energy just as many oil service-companies move into the

support the green agenda?” asks Næsby.

offshore wind segment.

This too could be a position of strength for Denmark, he says.

“The competencies and solutions required are very similar in

”The way forward is to have an energy efficient and CO2

offshore wind and oil & gas,” says Næsby and adds “it is not a question of either oil & gas or wind, but both oil & gas and wind.”

efficient oil & gas industry and have it integrated in the energy system,” says Næsby.

Energy Insight Yearbook 5




COVID-19 AND OIL PRICE WAR ARE A CAUSTIC COCKTAIL Corona depresses oil prices. At the same time, the oil producing countries have done their bit to depress oil prices by increasing production because OPEC members cannot agree to a reduction. More or less everyone loses out. This article has been entirely rewritten since it was first

Low oil prices might sound like good news for aviation,

conceived in early March. Then, already under pressure from

motorists, and transport and heavy industries but, as the

the corona virus, the oil price was about USD 50 a barrel,

corona virus continues to spread and causes countries to

down from USD 65 in December. In a weekend, the oil market

lock down completely, the demand for oil products has fallen

succumbed entirely. By early Monday, 9 March, oil prices had

sharply. In other words, in a world with low oil prices, this time

plummeted to about USD 30 a barrel.

there are no winners. Everyone loses.

Corona was not to blame. The price slump is essentially the

“The more the world locks down, the lower the demand for oil.

result of an OPEC meeting, at which members failed to reach

In the current situation, I expect to see oil prices remaining

an agreement. Russia would not approve a proposal to reduce

low in the coming months. As countries begin to re-open, the

the daily flow of oil. Instead, Russian leaders sent word to all

demand for oil will increase. The question is ‘will demand be

the country’s oil companies that they could produce as much

equal to the oil available on the market?’ I have my doubts.

as they wished. Saudi Arabia’s response was immediate. The

There is a flood of oil on the market now that OPEC has stepped

Saudis sharply increased their production, sending the price

up production,” says Senior Economist at Sydbank, Kim

hurtling towards the abyss, despite the fact that this decision


is costly for their own national finances as, if the oil price sinks below USD 80, Saudi Arabia has to loan to cover public expenditure.

“As China has isolated entire regions due to the corona virus, the demand for oil shrinks and oil prices fall,” says Kim Blindbæk, Sydbank.

USA is now too big OPEC proposed reducing oil production by 1.5 million barrels

the corona crisis, although, if the price war continues, low oil

a day, of which the OPEC countries would cut production by

prices might be of some comfort to the transport industry,”

one million barrels, Russia half a million. However, as we

says Jens Nærvig Pedersen.

know, Russia said no, probably for reasons that derive from the financial crisis. Danske Bank’s Senior Analyst, Jens Nærvig Pedersen, explains:

In early March, Kim Blindbæk from Sydbank predicted about 2.5 percent growth. Now, in mid-March, in the light of both corona and the oil price war, he is unable to put a figure on

“During the finance crisis, OPEC wielded the sword to keep

world economic growth.

oil prices afloat. Daily production was reduced to four million

“We’re seeing a complete European lock-down and this will

barrels to keep prices up. The upshot was that the US grabbed the opportunity to invest in shale oil production, which is

have a devastating impact on global growth. We expect many countries to be in deep recession in the first quarter and

somewhat more costly to extract, and there was soon a boom in

economic growth to be negative in both the first and second

oil production in the US. This meant that the OPEC countries

quarters of the year. This implies that economic growth will be

and Russia lost market share in the US. Russia is now unwilling

very low, if not negative, in 2020. China is now getting back to

to give the Americans new shale opportunities by reducing oil

work but the most recent figures (17 March, ed.) from China for

production in order to force prices up.”

retail and industrial production are abysmal.”

In fact, the USA used to be a small oil producer. In just a few

Oil companies are plush

short years, she has become the world’s largest.

Everyone loses out The world is currently completely unpredictable. The corona

According to Jens Nærvig Pedersen, while low oil prices are having dire impact on the global economy, the oil companies are not yet feeling the sting.

virus is disrupting economies and markets, and the demand for

“Five years ago, when oil prices plummeted from more than

oil has nose-dived.

USD 100 a barrel to a much lower level, the oil companies

“At present, there are no winners. Shares in Saudi Arabia’s national oil company have fallen, and the Russians too are

worried that oil prices would stabilise at a low level. They cut costs by various means, including boosting efficiency.

counting the cost in the shape of a slump in their currency. Oil

If prices remain at the current low level, oil producers outside

markets will make no progress until the world emerges from

OPEC will feel the pinch.”

Oil production prices The average cost of producing a barrel of oil (in USD): Saudi Arabia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.9 Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.3 Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.1 USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.3 UK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.5 Source: Sydbank

“There is always the risk of an escalation of Middle East conflicts but corona is currently grabbing all the headlines,” says Jens Nærvig Pedersen, Danske Bank.

Energy Insight Yearbook 9




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8TH LICENCING ROUND IN THE NORTH SEA STALLED AS MINISTER REQUIRES MORE INFORMATION AND MORE TIME The 8th licencing round to explore for oil and gas in the Danish section of the North Sea has been stalled as the Minister for Climate-, Energy and Utilities, Dan Jørgensen, believes a decision to award licences require a better foundation and more time. The Danish Energy Agency announced in February 2019 that it

The four companies are Ardent Oil, Lundin Norway, MOL Dania

had received five applications for new oil and gas exploration

and Total E&P Danmark.

and production licences in the 8th Licencing Round. Four companies are involved in the applications as well as the Nordsøfonden, the state-owned oil and gas company managing the state’s participation in all new licences in the Danish sector and will receive a share in all licences to be awarded.

The 8th Licencing Round was opened in June 2018 by Denmark’s previous centre-right government. However, a new Social Democratic government took office last Summer and many things have changed over the past year, not least a new and very ambitious climate plan, which was agreed by a vast majority in Parliament and will see Denmark reduce its CO2 emissions by 70% by 2030 and be CO2-neutral in 2050. The licences to be awarded in the 8th Round will see oil and gas exploration in the Danish segment be extended till after 2050. “The coming year will see large decisions for the green transition in Denmark and that is why the Government has decided to postpone a decision on the 8th Licencing Round,” said Dan Jørgensen in January in a video released by the Ministry. The Minister said the question on whether, and if so how, Denmark in future will explore and produce oil and gas in the North Sea must be seen in context with the plan for a general green transition in Denmark. “We must make a decision that is both green and economically responsible which is why we must analyse all sides of the matter” the ministry said. The Government has appointed climate partnerships with industry players who will provide recommendations on how to meet the 2030-goals. In dialogue with the Government’s independent advisors, The Danish Council on Climate Change, the Minister will also seek to better understand what the climate effects will be.

Dan Jørgensen, Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities

Ole Hansen, Head of Business Development at Total E&P Denmark

“Overall, we will be better able to reach a decision later this

significantly to the Danish economy – money that can be spend

year,” the Minister said.

directly on welfare and the green transition,” says Ole Hansen.

However, the companies that have filed applications with the

Total Denmark works continuously on bringing down its

Energy Agency have already spend many resources on the

climate footprint, also in Denmark, which is why it participates


in the Government’s climate partnership for energy and supply.

Total Denmark said in a written statement sent to Energy

“Our contribution will lead to concrete actions, activities and

Insight that all licencing applications, also the 8th Licencing

further climate measures and more specifically, we are looking

Round, requires a large and complex amount of preparation,

at both energy efficiencies, electrification and CO2 storage,”

which stretches over several months.

Hansen says.

“It is a process that involves both analytical, technical and

For Total Denmark, the 8th Licencing Round is first and

commercial competences, strategic decisionmakers, both

foremost about production in a period of transition towards

in Denmark and internationally, as well as dialogue with

2050, where Denmark’s goal is to be CO2-neutral. Until 2050,

stakeholders and authorities,” says Ole Hansen, Head of

there will be an increasing need for natural gas to replace coal,

Business Development at Total E&P Denmark.

which has a significantly higher CO2-footprint than natural

Total Denmark continues to see potential in the Danish section

gas, according to Total Denmark.

of the North Sea, where it produces oil and gas cost effectively

“We have in our application focused on the area around the

and with one of the lowest CO2 footprints in the world.

Tyra-field because possible discoveries can then be produced

“It is our ambition to continue to develop and explore oil and gas in the North Sea in a responsible and sustainable way. At the same time, production in the North Sea contributes

through the future Tyra production facility, which will operate with 30% lower CO2 emissions than before the redeveloment,” says Ole Hansen.

Energy Insight Yearbook 13


Oil & gas industry in key position to unlock huge potential in offshore wind Offshore wind currently accounts for a mere 0.2% of all global electricity production but has the potential to reach 12% by 2050, according to DNV GL Energy. The oil & gas industry shares many similarities with offshore wind and is in a strong position to accelerate the development of offshore wind. Today, installed offshore wind capacity is just over 20 gigawatt

Other very interesting markets are the Baltic Sea and the East

(GW) but has the potential to reach up to 1,500GW by 2050,

Coast of United States whereas Japan, the West Coast of the

according to DNV GL Energy. By then 30% of all electricity

United States, the Mediterranean and the West Coast of Norway

production will come from wind energy, 12% from offshore

are challenged by enormous water depths.

wind and 18% from onshore wind.

“These markets will need prices on floating foundations come

Even though onshore wind will still be the biggest wind energy

down significantly before you can develop offshore wind,” says

form in 2050, it is important to look at the growth rates for the

Peter Brun.

different renewable sources, says Peter Brun, Director and head of DNV GL’s Global Offshore Wind segment.

But offshore wind requires financial muscles, a fact that will only become more evident in future when projects become

“Solar energy will grow by a factor 45 compared with

much larger and are located further from shore at much deeper

2017-levels, onshore energy by factor 10 and offshore wind by


a factor 140. Obviously offshore wind comes from a much lower level, but we expect offshore wind to play a dominant role in 2050,” he says.

“The projects we are looking at in future will be giga wattsized with much bigger turbines and further out at sea and that means higher risks too. You need to have capital strength to be

While onshore wind lacks available sites for new wind farms,

a credible player in this segment and to lift such big projects,”

offshore wind has an abundance of available sites and wind

says Peter Brun.

resources at sea are also much bigger than onshore, just as there are no limitations on the size of the turbines. “Offshore, you don’t have the tip height restraint as you do onshore, which means you can build very, very large and hugely efficient wind turbines there,” says Brun. The North Sea represents a sweet spot in offshore wind, helped along by relatively low water depths, strong wind resources and close vicinity to load centres, or large cities with a significant demand for renewable electricity for their green transition.

14 Energy Insight Yearbook

He believes this is where the oil & gas industry can play a role and help accelerate the development of offshore wind.

“The oil majors come with lots of capital but also with lots of experience from large-scale offshore projects. Over the coming decades we will see a transition, away from fossil fuels and into renewable energy, and many oil majors will seek to gain a position in renewables,” says Peter Brun. There are many similarities between oil & gas and offshore wind. The location is one thing, but also areas such as safety, marine warranty surveyors, power cables, installation and vessels. “New vessels will be required, or existing vessels that will need to be converted for installation and operations and maintenance to fit the requirements of future offshore wind projects where turbines are 12MW or more,” says Peter Brun. Several major oil groups have already entered the offshore wind industry. Denmark’s DONG Energy, today Ørsted, was a first mover and is now fully converted into an offshore wind group after selling its oil & gas operations. Royal Dutch Shell, one of the world’s largest oil groups, and Norway’s Equinor are other examples of major oil groups that have moved into offshore wind. “At DNV GL we have seven, eight oil and gas engineers who have Peter Brun, Director and head of DNV GL’s Global Offshore

switched over to offshore wind after a technical upgrade and various

Wind segment.

courses. It is much easier than to train completely new employees,” says Brun. The opportunity to convert oil & gas engineers to offshore wind is an enormous advantage for the industry and will prevent problems like those seen in onshore wind about ten years ago, when a shortage of experts and engineers created significant bottleneck problems.


AAU in Esbjerg working on energy technology of the future The University of Aalborg’s (AAU) Department of Energy Technology in Esbjerg is working with new energy technologies in both offshore wind and oil & gas. Two of the most exciting projects are fully autonomous drones and monitoring and cleaning of production water. Drones are already used for inspection of offshore wind turbines, primarily operated manually by a trained drone pilot. With wind energy expected to account for a much larger share of the world’s energy production in the coming decades, thousands more wind turbines will be erected, all requiring inspection over their lifespan. “There are some American companies today with semiautonomous drones, but these are very expensive solutions. They are also very heavy and require a lot of battery power,” says Petar Durdevic, Assistant Professor. AAU is cooperating with industry players to develop a cheaper fully autonomous solution, that can inspect wind turbines and is simple to operate. ”This will help reduce prices,” Durdevic says. Durdevic says that the key here is to remove as many humans as possible from the hazardous environment of offshore wind turbine inspection, but at the same time be able to improve quality and the amount of data obtained through the use of stateof-the art technology. “Within three years we hope to have a prototype that has been tested in real life environment,” Durdevic says. The autonomous drone will be able to carry out tasks that are challenging for humans to achieve, for example carry out repetitive tasks continuously and be able to obtain numerous data and pictures from the turbine. “Many competitors are using very expensive components, but we will look at using cheaper components but with more advanced algorithms.” Durdevic says.

Production water A major environmental concern in offshore oil & gas production is Produced Water (PW) discharged to the ocean. On average, three to four barrels of PW are produced with each barrel of oil produced, but this number is higher for mature fields. “Many of the fields in the Danish section of the North Sea are mature so we are potentially talking about a tremendous amount of PW,” says Zhenyu Yang, Associate Professor at AAU’s Department of Energy Technology in Esbjerg and leader of the Research Programme of Offshore Energy Systems at AAU. PW consists of for example dissolved and dispersed oil components, particles and chemicals and since some of them are highly toxic, direct discharge of PW is strictly forbidden for environmental reasons.

16 Energy Insight Yearbook

Zhenyu Yang, Associate Professor

Petar Durdevic, Assistant

at AAU’s Department of Energy


Technology in Esbjerg

“We need to be able to continuously monitor the quality of PW. Today, monitoring is done manually, perhaps two, three times a day, but we should really monitor continuously, throughout the day,” says Yang. AAU advanced monitoring technology can closely monitor and measure toxic compounds, but the information gathered can also be used to regulate the process and reduce pollution. “Our research started in 2013 and focusses on applying advanced monitoring but also to develop technologies that can automatically adjust and control the PW Treatment (PWT),” says Yang and adds the aim is to reach zero discharge of harmful PW in future. AAU has throughout the research period cooperated closely with Danish operators and suppliers such as Maersk Oil (now Total Denmark), Rambøll and DTU’s DHRTC but also has many international partnerships in Norway, the US and the UK. The advanced technology applied is called “plant-wide control technology” of PWT and AAU has a unique testing PWT facility at its offshore laboratory in Esbjerg. “Some of our research has already been tested in the lab but it will be a job for some of the industry partners to commercialize the technology and take it to market,” says Yang.

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“SUSTAINABILITY IS AS MUCH AN OBLIGATION AS A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY” NorSea has merged three targets for better, more efficient operations and a reduced carbon footprint into one business strategy: Safer, smarter, greener is the way forward.

Responsible and profitable in equal measures NorSea Denmark has a sustainability vision that is short, crisp and catchy. Crucially, it is not just a catchphrase or a smart take on some of the hottest buzzwords in the energy sector. Sustainability, a reduced carbon footprint and environmentally sound operations are all very much at the core of NorSea’s strategy.

“Three years ago, we set an ambitious goal to reduce our footprint by 30 percent by the end of 2020. We have achieved excellent results already. Today, sustainability is an integral part of our strategy and business practices,” says Jesper HøjHansen. The company’s strategy and practices evolve from an ambition to become safer, smarter and greener. “It is very much an interdependent ambition. For example, through LEAN, digitalization and automation we have

“Going out of business is not sustainable,” says NorSea CEO

developed a more efficient operating model. We have

Jesper Høj-Hansen.

eliminated many process steps, reduced the risks and cut the

“Doing business as usual’ is very much the fast track to folding for the offshore oil & gas sector. As an industry, we must share an ambition to produce energy as sustainably and responsibly as possible. This is our license to operate,” he says.

‘It all adds up’ At NorSea, a responsible operation consists of balancing economic, social and environmental concerns for the benefit of the company and the community.

18 Energy Insight Yearbook

amount of the time and machinery needed. This in turn adds value to the vessels as they have more time to make the journey to the destination. Vessels sail more slowly and consume less fuel, have a smaller CO2 footprint and lower costs,” Jesper HøjHansen says: “Our approach is to view optimized and efficient operations also as a safer option with a smaller footprint. It all adds up”, he says.

Jesper Høj-Hansen, CEO at NorSea

Reduced footprint Six years ago, NorSea introduced its first fully electric-powered heavy-duty forklift. Today, 20 percent of the forklifts working at the offshore base are electric.

for business for our customers and ourselves”, he says and adds “At least, so far.”

Sustainability performance matters In recent years, the offshore industry has changed

Last year, the logistics department replaced eight trucks in the

significantly, not least where sustainability and emissions are

fleet. The new trucks were chosen with focus on both safety


performance and fuel consumption. Last year, NorSea finished refurbishing its harbour front headquarters in Esbjerg, transforming an old-fashioned office and warehouse building into an energy-efficient ‘House of Offshore Innovation’, a state-of-the-art hub for innovative offshore companies. “All the good deeds aside, if our customers failed to buy into change by requesting and even demanding more sustainable operations, none of this would have been possible,” emphasises Jesper Høj-Hansen. “We are not philanthropists nor do we aspire to be. What I find

“What has changed is that these issues are now important to our customers,” Jesper Høj-Hansen says. “To be honest, in the past the only numbers operators really cared about were discounts, price reductions or increased production. This is no longer the case. “There is more concern for the environment and broader backing for the sustainability agenda than ever before. Just a few years ago, few believed these issues were essential to their operations. Now it is absolutely key for our customers that we as vendors and suppliers help support sustainable and energyefficient energy production,” Jesper Høj-Hansen says.

most satisfying on this journey is that it is quite simply good

Energy Insight Yearbook 19

Less tolerance One could argue that sustainability has advanced to the higher echelons of the industry just as safety was years ago, and with similar impact on everyday production: “Not long ago the energy industry accepted a certain element of hazard. Ours was a risky business. Today, no one accepts risk as ‘just the way things are’”, says Jesper Høj-Hansen. “You can see a similar change with regard to sustainability. No one accepts waste and no one tolerates recklessness with regard to the environment. On the contrary! Everyone now expects us to engage in responsible sustainability practices and to make consistent efforts to reduce the environmental impacts of all our activities,” he says.

Going greener As a multi-service supplier with a one-stopshop concept aimed at supporting offshore energy industries, NorSea’s documented track record as a more efficient and sustainable company is a gate-opener to customers. “We can see that our quest for a significantly smaller footprint does matter. It gives us a competitive edge on several levels,” says Jesper Høj-Hansen. Moreover, Jesper Høj-Hansen believes that companies in the energy sector generally have much to benefit from working towards a greener energy industry. “It has positive impact on many levels, not least on social acceptance and recruiting,”, Jesper Høj-Hansen says. “The world is going greener. If the energy sector is to recruit the best talents in the future – and it must because we face important challenges only the smartest are able to resolve – then there has to be a vision for a better


and more sustainable energy production.

With 230 employees, NorSea Denmark is a significant service provider within the Danish offshore energy sector. NorSea operates the largest supply base in Denmark and delivers high-tech, innovative and complete supply chain solutions.

According to a report from Stanford University, Denmark’s oil & gas production is among the world’s greenest in terms of CO2 emissions. I am proud to be working towards further shrinking our CO2 footprint and I am sure the same pride and ambition are prevalent in the next generation,” Jesper Høj-Hansen says.

20 Energy Insight Yearbook

NorSea Denmark is a part of the Norwegian NorSea Group, which employs 1200 across the North Sea region. The majority shareholder in NorSea is the global maritime industry group, Wilh. Wilhelmsen.

GWO Blade Repair

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Price for this course is 20.999 DKK ex. vat per participant.

AMU-Vest Spangsbjerg Møllevej 304-306 6705 Esbjerg Ø T: +45 7914 0322


DENMARK'S ADVANTAGES CAN BE EXPLOITED IN ESBJERG The Danish government’s ambitious climate goals include more offshore wind farms and a new energy island. In Denmark's Energy Metropolis, faith in growth in the North Sea is profound. Esbjerg Mayor Jesper Frost Rasmussen sees a clear opportunity to secure continued development in Denmark that is already a leading energy player. Growth in the North Sea could also create thousands of new jobs. International delegations often visit the Port of

“Of course, the government’s plans will create new

Esbjerg. They all come to learn more about the

jobs. This is of both local and national interest.

world's leading port for offshore wind. Esbjerg,

We already have about 5,000 jobs in offshore wind

Denmark's Energy Metropolis, is developing all the

spanning the entire supply chain, and if we are not

time. Larger areas will be needed to accommodate

ready to cope with future developments, these jobs

the increasingly larger components of an industry

will not necessarily be here in 15 years’ time. They

that constantly pushes technological boundaries.

might move elsewhere in Europe. It is important for

There is plenty to learn here and nothing to suggest

Denmark that we are ready for that development.

that development will slow down in the coming

We are in a unique position today and we must do

years. In fact, the rate of growth here may even

everything we can to maintain it. There is absolutely

increase if the Danish government's ambitions

no reason to put obstacles in the way. Of course,

for sustainability are to be met. Government

there are opportunities to establish other things

plans include more offshore wind farms and the

elsewhere in the country but it would make a very

construction of an energy island that could benefit

good sense to consolidate our strong position here in

enormously from the industrial stronghold that is

Esbjerg,” says Jesper Frost Rasmussen.

already anchored in Esbjerg. “Esbjerg is clearly ahead of the field when it comes to offshore wind. There is a natural concentration of knowledge in the many companies in the offshore value chain at the Port of Esbjerg. The location of a future energy island in the North Sea will be beneficial for a number of reasons. Esbjerg is also set to become linked to important information and power lines. The infrastructure is already in place. The government recently stated that it wishes to make the North Sea the ‘Silicon Valley of the

Thousands of new jobs To achieve the optimal effect of a future energy island, the Mayor from the western part of Jutland believes it crucial to take into account all aspects of offshore wind and to organise the port to handle ship-out, fabrication, installation and maintenance. Huge components are sure to create not only major challenges but definitely also more opportunities in connection with planned developments in the North Sea.

wind industry’. It makes sense to locate the energy

“The greatest potential lies out in the North Sea. If

island here because Esbjerg is already the hub of

the energy island is realised here, the cluster of wind

many of the industry’s activities,” says Jesper Frost

energy companies and offshore wind supply chain,

Rasmussen, Mayor of Esbjerg and Vice-President of

which are already strongest and most advanced in

WECP (World Energy Cities Partnership), who also

Esbjerg, will grow. Many of these companies will

believes that it is important to safeguard Denmark’s

export their services to the rest of the world.

head start in the wind industry.

The port will have to be extended to meet demand.

22 Energy Insight Yearbook

Esbjerg must also remain an attractive location for wind turbine maintenance that includes daily trips to wind farms and less frequent component replacements,” says Jesper Frost Rasmussen, who looks to emulate the UK and the jobs created by offshore wind maintenance in the UK. “According to Wind Denmark, the wind industry already employs almost 34,000 people. In the UK, calculations have shown precisely what maintenance means for jobs. Maintenance has created almost 1,700 jobs per gigawatt in the UK. If we look at the Danish government's plans to build the first energy island with 10 gigawatt in the North Sea and measure with the same ratio as a yardstick, the energy island could create 17,000 new jobs in the region. It would be a quantum leap for Esbjerg, even though it is already an offshore wind stronghold. If we really want Denmark to drive development, the energy island will boost development here that is already the envy of a great many other players. We must make the most of Denmark's advantages here in Esbjerg,” says Jesper Frost Rasmussen. The energy island concept has yet to become a specific project, although Esbjerg has obvious advantages also after the initial phase. “Equally important is how North Sea wind energy is used. Esbjerg benefits from the opportunities offered by the COBRA cable to the Netherlands. COBRA sends electricity directly to the Netherlands and plays an important role in Europe's green transition. What about the bigger picture? For example, green transition and opportunities to produce clean energy, such as the Nordic GTL method of producing aviation fuel, which requires power for electrolysis, large amounts of biomass and incineration plants. Here too, Esbjerg is in a unique position because many of these sub-elements already exist here. We are also looking forward to exciting times regarding Power-to-X,” notes Jesper Frost Rasmussen. Finally, he points out that, in connection with deciding the location of the future energy island, the Danish government should consider the many aspects of green transition, environmental protection and improvement, employment and exports that can be exploited for Denmark in Esbjerg.

Energy Insight Yearbook 23

Courses for the Wind Turbine Industry GWO Basic Safety Training, GWO Basic Technical Training, GWO Slinger signaller, GWO Blade Repair, according to GWO Standards, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2008. ActSafe Power Ascender training with rope access to WTG´s inside and outside approved by DNV-GL according to ISO 22846-1 & -2. Confined Space, Advanced Rescue, Slinger Banksman and customized solutions.

For further details, please contact Business Consultant/Virksomhedskonsulent, Rescue Center Denmark/Rybners kursuscenter, Dan Berg Nielsen,, Mob.: +45 2060 8137

Rescue Center Denmark Storstrømsvej 39 6715 Esbjerg N Phone 79 13 45 11

EN HAVN I RIVENDE UDVIKLING Esbjerg Havn har været basehavn for olie- og gasaktiviteterne i den danske del af Nordsøen, siden udvindingen af olie og gas begyndte for mere end 50 år siden. Esbjerg Havn er den førende havn i Europa inden for håndtering og udskibning af vindmøller. Over 200 virksomheder er samlet på havnen, der er arbejdsplads for 10.000 personer.

Gateway Scandinavia




• Exceptional all-weather berthing facilities, • Base port for offshore installation and O&M • Unique working conditions at the quayside • Biggest floating dock at the danish westcoast • Special mindset - “The can-do attitude”


WIND ENERGY FUTURE ON A LARGER SCALE Logistics at the Port of Esbjerg must undergo development in order to meet growing demand from the wind industry. Port transformation will seal Esbjerg’s future as an international wind hub. The Port of Esbjerg in Denmark has so far handled 20 GW of wind components. Fifty-five offshore projects have been pre-assembled or installed from here, including, most recently two major projects, Deutsche Bucht and Hohe See. It is fair to say that Esbjerg has already a steady flow of projects and is involved in approximately half of the offshore projects currently being installed. While the essential expertise lies with the OEMs, stevedoring and a variety of service companies, the port itself has a fleet of mobile harbour cranes, crawler cranes, reach stackers, a self-propelled modular transporter and 162 dockworkers to handle major components. The port handles about 600,000 tons of project cargo each year. The most part is wind industry components. Half of these components are for offshore, the other half for onshore wind farms. In future, the port has to grow. “Turbines and major components are getting bigger all the time. We recently acquired the world’s largest mobile harbour crane, the Liebherr LHM 800, and can now lift 448 tons in twin lift. In a good year, 1.5 GW capacity is installed from the port. This entails 100 calls at the port by turbine installation vessels and 2000 calls by crew transfer vessels. In future, we will see even more activity and larger components. In five years’ time, we will have to have twice our current capacity and apply different handling methods. The same applies to road transport. Extremely large components cannot travel by road so the port’s infraand superstructure will be even more important. Developments in the wind industry drive the need for continued investment,” says Dennis Jul Pedersen, CEO at the Port of Esbjerg. A fresh look at port operations The Port of Esbjerg has a practical location at a reasonable distance from twothirds of Europe’s major components manufacturers. General cargo vessels operate daily from Esbjerg to all parts of the world. Although Esbjerg is already the world’s leading port for the wind industry, Dennis Jul Pedersen expects much more, and looks forward to maintaining Esbjerg’s market position in the future.

26 Energy Insight Yearbook

“Let’s put this into context: Denmark is set to install another 10 GW in the next decade. We have installed about 2 GW since 2001, which means that we will have to install five times this capacity in half the time. That is only for Denmark. If we look at the forecast for Europe, the picture is the same, which means that ports are under pressure to expand in order to become nodes in a network of offshore wind ports. Ports are becoming geographical clusters that, in addition to the operation and maintenance of wind farms, must also consider manufacturing, pre-assembly and installation needs. Port expansions are imperative. Today the Port of Esbjerg covers 4.5 million square metres. Within the next 6-7 years, we will need a further million to cater for the demand in Denmark. On the other hand, the infrastructure is only the perimeter around a complex system. Considering wind industry development and practical matters regarding catering for the industry’s activities, we have to see port operations in a new light,” says Dennis Jul Pedersen, who believes that the wind industry is evolving at several levels. “Seabed preparation, pre-assembly sites and changes to the access roads to the port are all on the table. It will also be relevant to look at the capacity needed to handle decommissioning of wind farms in the future, which is very much a new field in the Danish sector. We also have to consider what positive effects the circular economy might have. Industrial parties must work together, consider our future, comprehend political plans and take into account the opinions of developers and a flotilla of auxiliary companies bobbing in our wake. For example, how will turbine installation vessels be designed in future? Will they be too big to call at some ports? Or will some ports refuse to service them? Given Esbjerg’s proximity to many European installation sites, these questions will interest the developers because they will affect the cost of energy.”


While the small robots print 0.1-0.3 mm layer thickness, the large 3D printers print at layer thicknesses of 1-5 mm.

3D printing on a very large scale MDT A/S is one of only a few companies in the world to print 3D elements of 3 x 2 x 1.5 metres. The company has invested in development and machinery, and can print in three sizes. At MDT Flexible Products A/S in Kolding, Denmark they do not flaunt their accomplishments. They flaunt neither their premises, which have an ultramodest company sign, nor their products that include many lightweight aluminium or composite designs produced for TV studios, the Eurovision Song Contest, the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen or 92 Marks & Spencer stores in the UK. Nor with several thousand square metres of noiseattenuating material, often with image print. They have never bragged about any of these. The same applies to their 3D print competences. However, now that they can print on a very large scale, they are willing to spill the beans to the offshore industry. “We have invested fairly heavily in labour and equipment because we know that our clients want 3D prints of large elements,” explains Morten Dahl, owner of the company that he founded 20 years ago. Last year, he hired engineer Jonas Bo Friis Andersen to upscale the company’s 3D print capacity. MDT A/S can print elements that measure 1.5 x 1 x 1 m, and their newest printer can print up to 3 x 2 x 1.5 m.

Robots do 3D printing In essence, both large printers apply the same technology as that used in the eight small 3D printers at MDT A/S, although robots manage the printing process. It takes some tricky programming to get software and robot to speak the same language. Jonas Bo Friis Andersen was responsible for this process and both robots are now printing large elements. “Using three sizes of printer, we can resolve any 3D print job you care to mention. Even our medium-sized print capacity is rare in Denmark and there are very few of the largest 3D printers in the world. 3D printing is developing fast in the USA, Canada and the Netherlands but most projects are backed by large universities, who help to finance them. We have invested and developed both large machines in-house and at our own expense,” says Morten Dahl. He is 49 years old and has owned MDT A/S for 20 years. In future, he will no longer keep good stories secret. Instead, he intends to tell companies in the offshore industry – oil & gas, and wind – that MDT A/S in Kolding prints not only small 3D elements, but also very large ones. 3D printing is faster and

more cost-effective than milling or bending an element in steel. In some cases, an element printed on a 3D printer costs only one-third of the price of the same element made of steel. “We wish to spread the word that we do something that offshore companies may need. We want to tell them that we can offer new clients new opportunities. They wouldn’t normally consider 3D printing to make large elements. We want to help change this,” says Morten Dahl. The clients are welcome to bring their own drawing of the element they want printed in 3D. “However, we are equally capable of developing an element from idea to print,” says Jonas Bo Friis Andersen, Design Engineer at MDT A/S. Before founding MDT A/S, Morten Dahl’s employers included Electrolux and LM Windpower. Over the years, MDT A/S has supplied lightweight designs for use in testing wind turbine blades, and the company consistently runs development projects, including surface treatment and lifetime tests, to meet its own and clients’ purposes.

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SMALL COMPANY FINDS SOLUTION FOR THE GIANTS Advantis has developed a cradle for MHI Vestas and Siemens. The new cradle tool makes moving tower components simpler, more flexible and cheaper. MHI Vestas is satisfied with cooperation with Siemens. You do not have to be a huge company to devise solutions for the biggest players in the wind energy industry. Advantis in Aarhus, Denmark is an excellent example. Advantis is an engineering and development consultancy that employs six people who put their heads together to create new and better industrial solutions, e.g. for the wind industry. Via Energy Innovation cluster, two wind turbine manufacturers, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind and Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, sought to work together to create the ideal cradle for transporting tower components. Until now, the specialist transport companies used a variety of cradles. This was not the cleverest solution, as refitting the trailer every time cost a great deal of time and man-hours. A select group of companies was invited to come up with a cheaper cradle solution. Advantis found one. The cradle is flexible, i.e. it can be adjusted to fit different types of tower modules. Advantis’ solution is much cheaper that previous designs as it has far fewer welded joints. Moreover, the new cradle is easier to handle when hoisting tower components onto the trailer.

30 Energy Insight Yearbook

“We invited stakeholders to attend a one-day workshop to discuss the assignment with us. We soon discovered that the cradle currently used was too complex and during the day, we developed an alternative approach to the task. We decided to make things as simple as possible. As a rule, simple solutions are cheaper,� says Kim D. Jensen, CEO at Advantis.

Good dialogue, tough process At MHI Vestas, they are very satisfied with the project and its progress but feel that the process was long and tough. MHI Vestas has recently ordered 100 cradles and Michael Tvede-Jensen does not discount the possibility that the two wind turbine manufacturers may join forces on other projects.

Energy Insight Yearbook 31

“The dialogue between ourselves and Siemens was excellent. Even if we are competitors, we are also colleagues in the industry. We play on the same pitch and there are things we can cooperate on. As indeed this project shows,” says Michael Tvede-Jensen, Category Manager Indirect Sourcing. He continues: “There’s enough work for both companies. The wind turbine industry is developing by leaps and bounds, especially in offshore. It’s true; the process has been long and hard because it is sometimes difficult to make ends meet. Both sides expressed wishes of their own and it took a long time to reach compromises. Now we have a versatile product that can be used with any tower component. It can be mass-produced and will therefore be cheaper.”

A late invitation In fact, Advantis was not even asked to come up with a solution but via networking, the company was consulted about the venture. Advantis gets the vast majority of its jobs via networking and by taking good care of its customers. One day, the company had invited customers to join an excursion. On this trip, Advantis heard from a customer, a manufacturer, of the challenges inherent to redesigning the cradle. Advantis listened attentively because this was just the type of challenge they like to work on, i.e. one that required a great deal of innovative thought and creativity. “We had only a week and a half to come up with a solution whereas the others had worked on it for six weeks,” explains Kim D. Jensen. It was a challenging assignment with much input and requirements for the cradle that, for example, must withstand a severe storm at sea. After much thought and calculation, Advantis could present its proposal. After three meetings, after each of which they regulated and adjusted the details, the company was offered the job.

The cradle is a door opener The new cradle is now in production. It fits onto to the tower component. When the tower component is hoisted in connection with transportation, it is raised by the supporting cradle. Advantis has previously designed solutions for the wind energy sector and hopes that this solution will pave the way for similarly interesting tasks. The company now has a framework agreement with MHI Vestas Offshore Wind that prequalifies Advantis to bid for jobs at MHI Vestas. “In the autumn, we attended Wind Europe (conference & exhibition, ed.). Everyone even only remotely involved in the wind industry was there. It was a good opportunity to tell people about this project and some subsequently asked if we could resolve specific tasks for them,” explains Kim D. Jensen.

32 Energy Insight Yearbook

Facts Advantis An engineering and development company that works as an advisory consultancy. Advantis develops ideas and concepts with clients and turnkey solutions for a variety of branches. Advantis takes care of product development and project management. The challenge Energy Innovation Cluster invited a number of companies to come up with proposals for a new tower cradle for both MHI Vestas Offshore Wind and Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy. Advantis designed and developed the new cradle. R&D Engineering A/S performed detailed calculations. SH Group produced a prototype cradle. Development was subsidised by Syddansk VĂŚkstforum.

Energy Insight Yearbook 33

A HOLISTIC APPROACH GIVES BETTER INNOVATIONS Smart data, new digital opportunities, and focus on innovating with sustainability are central if the offshore and maritime industry is to be competitive in the future. Smart data can help the industry accelerate the common goal of, for example, reducing C02 emissions, but this will require new ways of working, states Creative Director and digital innovation expert Katja Egmose. Real value-creation require more agile and closer collaboration across the company's departments.

Clarifying the goals Together with Espen Jørgensen, Head of Ocean and Paal Holter, CXO and industry expert on digital innovation, Katja Egmose is heading EGGS Design's services to the offshore and energy sectors. "A good start would be to ask questions to clarify what the goal is, whether it is ways to optimise the current workflows, and perhaps reduce cost?", recommends Katja Egmose. "Or perhaps to explore new ways of working to ensure a more sustainable service, and potentially expand the relevance and reach of your business?"

Leveraging on external perspectives "We are the most experienced innovation consultancy in the field, having helped leading clients within their fields such as Aker BP, Maersk Tankers, ABB, Siemens and Kongsberg succeed with digital transformations for over a decade.", shares Espen Jørgensen. "We experience that companies benefit from external perspectives and support for their technological business development and implementation of new ways of working."

Digitalisation process with measurable impact "The past ten years we've developed a holistic approach to secure the right focus through a complex digitalisation process and help align and define measurable impacts", Paal Holter explains. "People-orientation and design-thinking methodologies will help you through exploration, concept development and testing. Technology and data can help the offshore industry achieve cost reduction through innovation. We advocate that companies include ambitions for a cleaner, healthier and safer future. But to succeed with innovation, the corporate organisation must also cater for the adoption of working with new services and products."

Users, organisational change and open-mindedness The three designers sum up three aspects that companies succeeding with digitalisation within the offshore sector are ensuring:

They involve their professional users and future customers applying real user insight into their innovation processes

They consider what organisational transformation is needed and cater for this for successful implementation of their innovations

They are open-minded and discuss a wide selection of potential value additions that can contribute to their innovation processes and culture.

For more information, visit

Kongsberg Maritime (former Rolls-Royce Marine): Vessel Performance

EGGS is involved in Aker BP's innovation initiative Eureka. It’s a portfolio of

is an example of successful digitalisation. While vessels are becoming

projects, that aims to identify ways of liberating and utilising Aker BP's vast

connected, making large amounts of data available in on-shore locations,

amounts of data, such as process diagrams, work orders, seismic information,

Kongsberg has increased their focus on new digital services. This

sensor data, and data related to their production processes. The goal is to

application helps asset owners optimise their fuel consumption.

create digital innovation without compromising on safe, efficient operations.

34 Energy Insight Yearbook

RelyOn Nutec also trains employees involved in erecting and servicing wind turbines.

36 Energy Insight Yearbook


FROM FIREFIGHTING TO 360° SAFETY SOLUTIONS When safety is at stake, providers can no longer settle for a firefighting certificate. They have to offer a full range of services. RelyOn Nutec is by far the world’s largest safety training company. It offers training in oil & gas, and wind. The company trains more than 250,000 delegates each year on five continents. If fire breaks out on a drilling platform, you need much more

In 2018, Polaris, a Danish-Swedish capital investment

than just a firefighting certificate. Especially if you have

company, acquired Falck Safety Services. The company

forgotten where your fire suit is stored. You have a problem.

changed its name again last year to RelyOn Nutec and now

Today’s firefighters have to know much more. You need to

operates in 23 countries on five continents. Each year, it runs

know precisely what to do in your own field and ensure that

safety training courses for just over 250,000 employees from

your actions are coordinated with the next link in the chain so

hundreds of companies. RelyOn Nutec is now by far the world’s

that he/she also does the right thing. It is not enough just to

largest provider of safety training for the oil & gas, and wind

train people to put out a fire. There is much more to it.


This has become RelyOn Nutec’s brand logo. 360° Safety


includes all the possible procedures and scenarios with a view to enhancing safety.

RelyOn Nutec continues to acquire companies across the globe. Only in 2019, RelyOn Nutec acquired three companies, Oiltec

The story begins with firefighting in Esbjerg, where Falck ran

Solutions, Cresent (digital learning) and Rider International.

a firefighting school for some years. As the offshore industry

The company now generates annual revenue of about DKK 1

grew, firefighting became increasingly technical and many


more, new safety training services were added to the catalogue. The company changed its name to Falck Safety Services. It trained industrial employees across the globe.

The company’s acquisitions are intended to consolidate the business so that it can offer full-service safety solutions. “Safety is much more than just getting a certificate. Today, we examine safety from every angle. 360°. We have shifted from elementary training courses to providing advanced simulator training and e-learning. We also offer Training Management, i.e. we manage all the safety training in a company. We have also learned to share experience and expertise between our many departments across the globe and the accumulation of knowledge at our disposal is enormous,” says Claus Nexø Hansen, Managing Director Scandinavia. 360° Safety at RelyOn Nutec comprises four key words: Compliance, Competence, Performance, Control. Compliance consists of training certificates. Companies can choose to outsource all their safety training needs to RelyOn Nutec. Where Competence is concerned, a company can hire RelyOn Nutec to check the quality of its safety system and assess whether its employees have the right safety skills.

Claus Nexø Hansen, Managing Director Scandinavia

Energy Insight Yearbook 37

RelyOn Nutec offers safety training for people in the maritime sector and in industry. Much of its safety training is for the oil & gas and offshore wind sectors, i.e. courses take place at sea.

Performance is all about ensuring that the workforce is aware of all on-site procedures. Safety training often takes place on site. RelyOn Nutec has developed its own e-learning programme so that employees can keep themselves up to date with safety measures via their mobile phone. Finally, Control, i.e. monitoring that safety procedures function as intended. As Claus Nexø Hansen says, “In safety, trust is good but control is better.”

Tomorrow’s safety training programmes RelyOn Nutec often intervenes, tracking a company’s safety flow performance to check that everyone acts correctly and that every single element of the safety flow is coordinated with the rest. “We employ many consultants who can conduct research of this type at the company’s facilities.” Safety equipment and safety procedures are developing all the time, and RelyOn Nutec contributes to their development. “We take part in all sorts of forums, with clients and international organisations, such as GWO, and in the oil & gas industry, where we are helping to develop and make our mark on tomorrow’s training programmes,” says Claus Nexø Hansen.

38 Energy Insight Yearbook

ZENITH PROTECTS AGAINST ELECTRIC ARC AND FLAME AND HEAT ACCIDENTS. The ZENITH offshore series has been developed according to carefully defined requirements, together with major leading offshore companies. The series is certified according to EN ISO 11612, EN 1149-5, IEC 61482-2 and EN ISO 20471. See the entire ZENITH offshore series:

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Kiwa Inspecta A/S Stades Krog 6, 2800 Kongens Lyngby Tlf.: 7022 9770 Email:

GET PACKING, GO MOBILE - Maersk Training on the doorstep There was a time when on-the-job training meant following

Today, everything has changed. Maersk Training has

an 'old hand' and spending countless hours watching before

established training centres at the principal oil hubs, and

ever getting a chance to have a go. While on-the-job training

has world-leading simulators and purpose-built classrooms.

was a valuable transference of knowledge, like its textbook

MĂŚrsk Training was aware that this was not the only option,

counterpart, the classroom, it had its shortcomings. On-the-

considering, in particular, the specific needs of the wind

job training often showed only how to do it, not why. The

turbine industry. It was time to get packing and go mobile.

classroom did show why, but rarely enhanced the practical hows.

Maersk Training's tried-and-tested policy is to take the learning process where it is most needed. The first practical

Wind turbines, particularly those offshore, take the learning

application saw two mobile crane simulators touring the world

process quite literally to new heights. There is no time to

for a decade. The simulators operated at ports and brought the

wonder how something works and how to make it work if you

training to the operational environment.

are 140 meters above a wind-lashed sea.

Focusing on skills without the risks and within the active

When Maersk Training started in 1978, drilling crews and later

port environment was beneficial at every level. Experienced

mariners travelled by plane, train or car (sometimes all three)

operators could share skills and best practices for the

to sit in a temporary classroom building and listen to a very

betterment of all. Rookie operators could obtain proficiencies

experienced local instructor. This was the only option.

in the safest of situations, and entry-level drivers could be

40 Energy Insight Yearbook

assessed as part of the interview process. Taking training 'to

round the world in Taiwan where, although temporary, it

the coalface', so to speak, also works well on drilling rigs and

constitutes the first phase of a huge new wind turbine training

oil platforms.


A comparatively callow wind turbine industry benefits from all

In oil & gas, armed with this 'in-a-box' solution, a Maersk

the developments grounded in many years of maritime and oil

Training instructor can stay within normal airline luggage

& gas training. The crane simulators were housed in that most

restrictions, unpack an effective simulator and deliver a wide

versatile of settings, a 40-foot container. Inside, there was

range of courses. Add a people skills specialist to the technical

room for a full cabin, an instructor post and a mini classroom.

instructor and you have a mobile version of the successful all-

In ten years, thousands were trained across the globe. Class

embracing courses run at Maersk Training centres. Training

over, the container slipped anonymously back on board.

can be conducted on a rig, in a conference room, anywhere you

For the wind industry, Maersk Training decided to adapt the


concept and take it a stage or two further. In the UK, they

The advantages of training on site are that it fosters a positive

worked on a three-container set-up to provide a full range of

atmosphere and the tools are at hand so that learning is

GWO courses.

immediately translated learning into working practices. The

The first container was shipped a comparatively short distance. It was located onshore but within sight of the huge Walney Offshore Wind Farm in northwest England. It was barely operational before MĂŚrsk Training decided to construct a

additional advantages to the client are less administration, lower travel and accommodation costs, and more trainees can be put through mobile training than through more traditional training methods.

second and then a third. One container is already halfway

Energy Insight Yearbook 41

(Possibly) the world’s first offshore repowering The Bockstigen wind farm is situated near the coast of Gotland in Sweden. Erected in 1998, it was the world’s third offshore wind farm. Bockstigen consisted of five 550 kW Wind World turbines and all five had produced since the wind farm was commissioned. In 2018, four of the five turbines were still running. However,

All five turbines were in full operation by November 2018. From

they were all nearing the 20-year limit and very close to the

planning phase to operation phase, the project took less than

end of their technical lifetime. Low electricity prices and a lack

a year.

of subsidies put the project’s future in jeopardy. Decisions had to be made.

From plan to execution

A sustainable approach to repowering The repowering project upgraded the obsolete turbines with refurbished main components, including gearboxes, blades and

Momentum drew up a plan to replace the existing turbines

generators. The first of its kind, the project represents a more

with refurbished turbines. This was the only feasible solution.

sustainable approach that can be widely used when, for either

Momentum decided to replace the nacelles, blades and

practical or political reasons, new turbines cannot be used.

controllers in the old turbines with refurbished Vestas V47 nacelles and a new DEIF controlling and monitoring system. Having raised funding, Momentum organised the purchase of used Vestas V47 turbines (blades and nacelles) in Germany and refurbished them in Denmark. The old turbines in Sweden were dismantled and decommissioned – and replaced with the refurbished ones.

42 Energy Insight Yearbook

Re-using the existing towers, grid and foundations made this project financially viable and saved the owners a fortune. The result is a technical lifetime extension of the wind farm by at least 15 years and an expected long-term double digit IRR on gross investment at market conditions (no subsidies).

Since the start of operation a year ago, annual production has more than doubled, even breaking monthly production records in both January and February 2020. Technical performance is outstanding with an availability of more than 99 %, which is excellent for an offshore wind farm with refurbished turbines. We have learned to push the boundaries. We now know precisely how to upgrade an installation that has technically outdated wind turbines.

Other projects on the way This project has shown that, in many cases, recycling and renovating old wind turbines and

"In this project, we at Momentum have shown that we can assist owners of older wind turbines by extending the lifetime of their investments under very difficult conditions. We supervised every process, including sourcing and purchasing used turbines, renovating blades, nacelles and main components, transporting and installing the refurbished turbines, and dismantling and decommissioning the old wind turbines. The project responded to the investors’ wish for their asset manager to be involved in all processes that could improve sustainability and the yield on their investment - and minimise the financial risk." Kim Madsen, CEO Momentum Gruppen A/S

erecting these in place of existing, technically obsolete wind turbines is a more feasible and perhaps even the only viable solution. In the wake of this project, Momentum has noticed that wind turbine owners are increasingly expressing an interest in similar solutions for use on sites where financial or local restrictions prevent the erection of new, large and modern wind turbines. For example, a new project is currently in process in a region, where altitude restrictions make refurbished and technically updated wind turbines the only financially viable option for extending the useful lifetime of the existing wind farm.

Energy Insight Yearbook 43

A LEADING PARTNER FOR COST REDUCTION Building on more than 20 years of experience, Thomas Group A/S plays a leading role in delivering cost reductions in the wind industry supply chain. We focus on the international wind power industry, where we identify, develop and implement tailor-made technical cost-out solutions to improve supply chain competitiveness and cycle time. We specialise in optimizing blade and jacket manufacturing, transport equipment and lifting/handling equipment. We support OEMs in Europe, Asia, Africa and USA to cut costs in the manufacturing of the largest blades on the market. We focus on identifying opportunities to parallelise production processes to optimise these and reduce cycle time. Our work also includes identifying savings from quality improvements and work force reductions.

INCREASING THROUGHPUT Objective: To increase the client’s throughput. In one case, to meet the demands of our client, we identified parallel processes in their production facilities. We then examined the lay-up process, placing the glass fibre in the wind turbine blade, and discovered that this could be optimised. We devised an automated glass fibre deposition system that reduced cycle time and increased throughput by 20-25 % (relative to a European benchmark). The system boosted the precision and accuracy of the glass fibre deposition in the blade, which also meant that the blade required fewer repairs. Implementation and payback took less than one year and provided our client with major cost reductions. The process was tailored to meet the client’s needs and included both steps of our project model: from concept development - investigating customer factory footprint with full 3D factory layouts, material introduction, space for lifting operations to delivery of final design, full documentation package including CE marking and turnkey delivery of the automation system. In the wake of this project, the client implemented the solution for several blade sizes, achieving significant increases in throughput, precise and accurate fibre placement, fewer repairs and therefore a general improvement in blade quality.

“Wind is a maturing industry – but a complex value chain makes continuous focus on reducing the costs associated with generating wind power, an everlasting battle. We help to lower the cost of energy by focusing on the interface between equipment and operations. Whether at factories, in transit or during installation and servicing of turbines, efficient processes and excellent equipment go hand-in-hand with profitability.” Thomas Schmidt Madsen, CEO & Owner of Thomas Group.

HOW WE WORK At Thomas Group, we aim to build trusting relationships, as we believe that close engagement with our clients is the key to success. Confidence in sharing information is one of the most important aspects to foster in making great projects. To achieve this, we apply a two-step integrated project model that covers our client’s specific needs: Step 1: project initiation, concept development and engineering Step 2: manufacturing, installation & completion, and service. In addition, we offer turnkey solutions from development and engineering to production, installation, commissioning and training. We are therefore able provide our clients with tailormade solutions to reduce their costs and ultimately levelise the cost of generating wind energy.

Our project team at a jacket production site. For our client, Bladt Industries, we developed production, assembly, transportation and handling equipment for four-legged jacket foundations.

44 Energy Insight Yearbook

Need to get ship done? Leave it to the top dog From our offices in Esbjerg, Aarhus, Kalundborg, Copenhagen and soon Frederikshavn as well, GAC Denmark can help you sniff out the best-fit solutions to your ship agency and logistics needs throughout the country. No animals were harmed in the making of this advertisement.

Making wind more sustainable through technology Danish wind specialist PolyTech is dedicated to making wind energy even more sustainable. With their technology to enhance and protect the blades, turbines are more intelligent, produce more energy and require less maintenance. As the global search for sustainable and carbon neutral energy

PolyTech has incorporated the UN Sustainable Development

has intensified in recent years, so has PolyTech’s commitment

Goals (SDGs) into its strategic focus.

to wind energy. At the core of PolyTech’s business is a firm belief that wind energy, if it is to replace a greater share of fossil fuels, must become an even better investment.

“You might say that we are moving from just being in a sustainable industry to being sustainable in everything we do. Contributing to the increased production of renewable

“If we make wind power more competitive by reducing the

energy is important, but we can and must do more even before

total cost of ownership, increasing productivity and lowering

solutions leave PolyTech and our supply chain,” says Mads

maintenance costs, we’re on the path to a better world. We


work closely with our customers in the wind industry to find technological solutions to their challenges while moving our

Better blade protection

own company in a more sustainable direction,” says PolyTech’s

PolyTech specialises in developing and producing solutions

CEO Mads Kirkegaard.

that protect and enhance valuable assets, including wind

Sustainability as a driving force

turbine blades. In recent years, PolyTech’s strong focus on the wind energy sector has triggered rapid growth. The company

Working so closely with the wind industry, PolyTech was

has expanded its activities to meet the demands of the global

inspired to become even more sustainable. Among other steps,

wind industry.

46 Energy Insight Yearbook

PolyTech CEO Mads Kirkegaard: “We work closely with our customers to make wind energy an even better investment while moving our company in a more sustainable direction.”

“Better blade protection is key to making wind energy more profitable, especially as blades increase in size. Operation and maintenance costs constitute a significant portion of the total annual costs of a wind turbine, and the blades are most exposed to wear and tear,” says Mads Kirkegaard. One of PolyTech’s best performing solutions is ‘Ever Lasting Leading Edge’ (ELLE™), which is a polyurethane softshell that protects the leading edges of the turbine blades from erosion. The shell is a resilient protective layer that absorbs kinetic energy from the water, dust, insects and ice particles that cause erosion. ELLE™ already protects more than 30,000 blades around the world, on on- and offshore turbines. “Leading edge erosion is a growing problem that costs wind turbine operators a massive loss of energy production and higher maintenance costs. Onshore and offshore, resilient and long-lasting leading edge protection is essential. We have the technology and expertise, the right partnerships and the global footprint to provide that protection in all markets,” says Mads Kirkegaard.

Intelligent lightning protection Another major cause of blade damage is lightning. Depending on where the blade is struck, lightning can cause anything from superficial damage to catastrophic failure of a wind turbine blade. PolyTech aims to develop intelligent lightning protection that can register and transmit key parameters in real-time. Distinguishing one parameter from the others may offer operators substantial financial benefits. When smart sensors are integrated in the lightning protection system, the turbine operator has the data he needs to make accurate assessments of potential damage to the blade, and can reach informed decisions on operational planning and maintenance. “We are taking the first steps towards more intelligent blade monitoring. Although lightning is the obvious place to start, the sensors can measure a variety of parameters, including vibrations, G-force, pressure strain, shock and temperature. We are taking general monitoring of the condition of the blade to a new level, enhancing design knowledge for OEMs and providing more profitable operations for the asset owner,” says Mads Kirkegaard.

The PolyTech ELLE™ solution already protects the leading edges of more than 30,000 blades around the world, on- and offshore turbines.

Energy Insight Yearbook 47


Do you know any start-up companies started by a 58-year-old? Who turned down 3 job offers? You will shortly! - KC Business Development was started by Kim Christensen on 1/6/2019 in Esbjerg, the Energy Capital of Denmark. Consultancy: We get operational and make simple action plans.

Representation: Are you having trouble winning contracts in Denmark? Let us help.

Are you looking to export to new markets, market entrance or are you looking to grow your exports to existing markets, market penetration? Let us help you.

Are you looking for a company that can help you enter the European/Scandinavian market within Renewables, Oil and Gas, or Logistics? Let us help you to reach your targets. We can offer to be your representative in Scandinavia, and if you need an office in Denmark to make you more competitive, be your “ears on the ground” and help you to secure the vital orders in a very competitive market, we can help with that too.

KC Business Development will help your business to grow internationally and assist your company in going global. You have the product or service, and we will assist you in finding new clients, increasing your turnover and your profitability We offer to assist your board or management in finding the right direction in the global market, and we offer to help you make your plans a reality.

KC Business Development was formed specifically to help foreign companies become represented in Denmark, where you have easy access to the renewables industry and are also in the close vicinity of important oil and gas markets such as Norway, the UK, the Netherlands, and Germany.

Contact: KC Business Development - T: +45 2925 2021 - E: -


A DRONE THAT SEES THE UNSEEN ToppTOPO’s new Falcon 8 drone contains technology that unites digital with thermal imaging For many people, drones have gradually become part daily life. ToppTOPO A/S has operated in the drone market for several years. The company’s new Falcon 8 drone has special technology, as Bjarne Topp, the founder of ToppTOPO A/S, explains: “The drone has triple-redundant technology and an inertial movement unit or IMU. The drone therefore takes steady images, even at wind speeds of 10-12 m/s. The technology allows the eight propellers on the drone to compensate for weather conditions. The drone hovers steadily without the drone pilot having to react.” Designed to locate leaks A drone that can operate in a fresh wind is undoubtedly versatile but particularly suitable for offshore work,

48 Energy Insight Yearbook

e.g. in connection with inspection and mapping work: “We can fit different types of camera. For instance, we can fly the drone with a digital camera and a thermographic camera in the same payload. As a result, we get images that, for example, clearly show where there may be leakages in a pipeline. The drone sees things we can’t,” explains Bjarne Topp. Suitable for quality assurance The drone is also perfect for documenting performance: “When you are asked to document that you have done the job correctly, you can use the drone again to take images to attach to your QA report,” concludes Bjarne Topp. If you wish to know more about the new Falcon 8 drone, call ToppTOPO A/S on +45 47 19 92 99.

A leading partner in electrical systems Building on more than 35 years of experience, KK Wind Solutions is a strong partner in electro-mechanical systems for wind turbines. Our solutions range from development of state-of-the-art systems and lean manufacturing to installation, service and maintenance. We help our customers bring down costs and optimise turbine performance. Find out more at


DTU tackles leading edge erosion of wind turbine blades Offshore wind turbines are expected to serve for several decades, keeping their high structural and aerodynamic performance. During their service time, they are exposed to severe weather such as rain and hail that can cause the erosion of wind turbine blade surface, reducing the aerodynamic properties of wind turbines and possible blade failure. This is very expensive for wind energy producers, since the efficiency of the energy generation will be reduced, and expensive repair actions are required. Researchers at DTU Wind Energy are working to solve this problem, in collaboration with the wind energy industry. The DTU researchers work both on the development of more durable wind turbine materials, and on extending the leadingedge lifetime through slowing down the tip speed during severe weather.

The Duraledge project works to develop blade protection The first idea to improve any structure is to make the materials from which it is made, stronger and more durable. The Duraledge project seeks to develop more durable wind turbine blade coating materials. In cooperation with a consortium of leading wind turbine blade manufacturers and material manufacturers, the DTU team is working to understand the mechanisms of degradation of wind turbine blades and to extend their service time by developing durable coatings for the blades. “We are looking at ways to change or modify the material structure of the protective coating used on the blades,� says Leon Mishnaevsky Jr, senior researcher at DTU and coordinator of the Duraledge project. Rain drop size distribution measured offshore

50 Energy Insight Yearbook

The surface erosion of wind turbine blades

damage distribution in eroded surface. For

is controlled by microscale processes of

this, advanced methods of computational

material degradation. The working idea

micromechanics of structured materials are

in the Duraledge project is that by better


understanding these microscale processes, their physical mechanisms and role of external conditions, one can optimise and design the structures of the coatings. The coatings with architected microstructures will ensure the dispersion of raindrop energy and stop the materials degradation at microlevel.

With the computational models, the factors influencing the blade erosion are investigated, and recommendations toward the development of optimal protective coatings are formulated. The studies have also shown that the structure of polymer coatings, for instance the availability of interconnected regions with high damping

In order to analyse the mechanisms of

properties, has a strong effect on the erosion

erosion, computational simulations of

protection. The voids and defects available

degradation of materials at microscale

in the coatings play a role of main triggers

level and advanced microscopy analysis

for the erosion. It was also demonstrated

of the materials are combined with novel

that multilayer coatings with controlled


viscoelastic properties of layers can ensure

“We need to carry out detailed experiments

enhanced blade protection.

to determine what might be the reasons for

“The combination of advanced computational

blade degradation and the best way to do it

modelling, creatively designed experiments

is by combining advanced computational

and novel polymer materials technologies

modelling with novel experiments and

create the basis for the successful solution

microscopy,” says Mishnaevsky.

of the problem of optimisation of protective

Composite samples with coatings with different structures were manufactured and

coatings on blade turbines in this project”, says Mishnaevsky.

tested in the rain erosion testing and single

The project is carried out in collaboration

point impact fatigue tester. The rain erosion

with leading wind turbine blade

test is accelerated tests with specimen of

manufacturers in Denmark. The outcome

typical blade material tested at a whirling

of this project, the created knowhow, will

arm in a laboratory with controlled speed

be used by DTU’s industrial partners to

and controlled rain, while single point

overcome the blade erosion problem. The

impact tests are desktop quick tests of

Duraledge project runs for three years, with

coatings with repeated rubber ball impacts.

one and a half year remaining.

The coatings with controlled, pre-designed microstructures and chosen properties were

The Erosion project: How to avoid erosion

investigated. Microscopical studies and

During heavy rain and hail the risk of

X-ray analysis of damaged samples allowed

leading-edge erosion is particularly high

visual analysis of the coating degradation

when the blades run at full speed rather


than low speed. Most exact risk is difficult

The experiments allow to identify which microscale mechanisms control the surface degradation for different types of coatings. Computational models of coatings and composites, taking into account their real structure and porosity, viscoelasticity, as well as water properties and observed damage mechanisms are developed. The computational models can reproduce the repeated impact by randomly moving water droplets on the coated materials of wind turbine blades and predict the

to predict but most leading-edge erosion of wind turbine blades occurs at offshore sites. “Usually, tip speed is around 70-80 m/s and when raindrops hit the blades, the impact can start the erosion. However, erosion at this tip speed is not a big problem, but with the new and much taller offshore wind turbines, with longer blades, tip speed can easily exceed 100m/s and that is when we begin to see real damage to the leading edges,” says Charlotte Bay Hasager, Professor MSO at DTU and coordinator of the Erosion project.

Energy Insight Yearbook 51

Fig. 1. Eroded blade: large scale view and microscopy scan.

With a suitable damage model and knowledge of the wind and

”Our recommendation is to slow tip speed to around 70-80 m/s

rain climate at site, it is possible to estimate the lifetime. Too

when it is heavy rain. At that speed we don’t see these serious

little is known on the rain climate offshore. To close this gap

leading-edge erosion damages,” the DTU professor says.

in knowledge the Erosion project team install instruments to observe raindrop size distributions at six locations in Denmark.

The concept of slowing down turbines during specific environmental conditions takes place for high turbulence gusts

“There are two things here. First, no one considered that

and extreme wind speeds to decrease fatigue, to reduce noise

higher tip speed would have such significant impact on

and to limit collision with birds and bats. Thus, the proposal

leading-edge erosion and second, we have not fully understood

to slow down turbines during heavy rain and hail is just a new

the climate out at sea, especially rain climate. We have lots of

addition to safer operation of wind turbines. What is novel is

data for wind and rain, but not very good data for how much it

the need for reliable input on the rain and hail conditions to

rains when it’s very windy,” says Professor Hasager.

develop and implement the safe mode control.

The Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) operate a network

The savings in slowing down the speed of the wind turbines

of rain gauges in Denmark. This valuable data source provides

are around 2-3% according to model results. This is taking into

interesting insight to the combined wind-rain characteristics.

account the repair cost and downtime. It appears likely that

Key message from the analysis is that even though the

with one day out of 365 days at a lower speed can extend the

coastal weather station at Anholt has low annual average rain

life of a wind turbine between 3 to 25 years. The challenge is

compared to Karup in the heart of Jutland, a turbine will need

to identify the minutes summing up to one day during the year

repair more often at Anholt than at Karup assuming similar

that cause the most damage and in due time slow the turbine

turbines at the two sites.


“In the wind industry, observations for rain is not available.

“It was surprising to learn how much weather conditions

Now we need to start looking at whether it rains when we have

impact leading-edge erosion on large offshore turbines. It was

heavy wind or gusts,” says Professor Hasager.

assumed that higher turbines and better wind conditions would

From series of rain erosion tests with varying speed and drop sizes during testing, new damage models are established. A damage model predicts how many raindrop impacts or how

be a positive, but when the blades are eroded fast and need frequent repair there is a challenge to solve,” says Professor Hasager.

much volume of water must hit the blade at specific speeds, to

More research and testing are needed to fully prove the concept

initiate and accelerate leading edge erosion.

of erosion safe operation. One opportunity is to use micro rain radar that observe rain at e.g. 1000 m height and use the rain signal to operate the turbines several seconds prior to severe rain hitting the wind farm. An array of few sensors connected to turbines in an entire wind farm could now cast for safe mode control of the wind turbines. Alternatively, nacelle-based wind lidar could provide rain information near-real time. The Erosion project runs over three years and nine months and finishes in December 2020. The results from both projects represent the two complementary strategies for solving the problem of leadingedge erosion. In order to prevent the leading-edge erosion, a combination of intelligent control strategies and better materials is required. DTU Wind Energy is working on new solutions of wind turbine blade protection, integrating these strategies.

Professor MSO Charlotte Bay Hasager and Senior researcher Leon Mishnaevsky Jr (DTU), with cutout of eroded blade.

52 Energy Insight Yearbook

The two projects are supported by Innovation Fund Denmark.

International symposium on Leading Edge Erosion. In order to integrate the available knowledge in this area

The Erosion project is a

from all the groups around the world, the researchers from

collaboration between DTU Wind Energy, the Danish

DTU Wind Energy organised an International Symposium on

Meteorological Institute, E.ON, Vattenfall, R&D A/S and

Leading Edge Erosion of Wind Turbine Blades, 4-6 February

Vestas. The aim of the project is to increase the service life

2020. Around 120 experts from all the world participated in

of wind turbine blades on multi-megawatt wind turbines

the 3-day symposium at DTU's campus at Risø to present and

by reducing the wear by lowering the blade speed when it

discuss new solutions to the challenge of leading edge erosion.

is raining heavily. The project runs from 1 April 2017 to 31

The participants come from universities and industry and

December 2020. It is supported by Innovation Fund Denmark.

from a number of European countries, as well as USA, China, Mexico, Canada and Japan. Among the topics considered, there were meteorology, aerodynamics, coating and other kinds of protection of wind turbine blades, among others. The research field is highly interdisciplinary and novel.

The Duraledge project is a collaboration between DTU Wind Energy and Vestas, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, LM Wind Power, Hempel A/S and Covestro Deutschland AG. The aim of the project is to extend the service life of wind turbine

Conclusions from the symposium:

blades and reduce the cost of maintenance by predicting,

modeling and understanding the mechanisms of edge erosion

Leading edge erosion is an interdisciplinary problem. Its solution requires better interaction between materials scientists, meteorologists, aerodynamics, computational modelling and data analysis specialists.

More efforts to develop reliable measurement methods and predictive computational modelling are needed. Those will allow to quantify the rain-wind climate and the environmental influence to blades globally, as well as to predict aerodynamic performance and understand the physical mechanisms of erosion .

Solutions to limit leading edge erosion requires cutting edge innovative cross-disciplinary research and development field with national and international perspectives.

and developing new durable coatings. The project runs from 1 November 2018 to 31 October 2021 with support from Innovation Fund Denmark. The combination of the Erosion and Duraledge project concepts is pictured in Figure 3

Figure 2 shows some photos from the symposium.

Fig. 3. Leading edge erosion tackled by the projects Erosion and Duraledge.

Fig. 2. Photos from the symposium from left to right: Director of DTU Wind Energy Department, Peter Hauge Madsen, Dr. Leon Mishnaevsky Jr, Prof. Charlotte Bay Hasager, Prof. David Nash/U Strathclyde (UK), group photo, Sr. Specialist Kirsten Dyer/ORE Catapult (UK), Prof. Fernando Sánchez López/ UCEU (SP), Sr. Specialist Jakob Kronborg, Ørsted (DK), Nicolas Quievy, Engie (BE) and Dr. Søren Fæster, DTU.

Energy Insight Yearbook 53

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Advantis has developed: Euro pallet for tower sections - concrete industrialization The project aims to reduce the total cost of transporting and storing tower sections though improved equipment which can handle tower sections from both Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind, and most likely other WTG manufacturers. The scope was internal transport at the tower manufacturer, road and sea transport to the installation port and transport in the installation port.

Flexible and innovative development

How we operate: Our approach, our flexibility and the way we tackle projects are founded on placing our customer right at the centre. Whether we solve a problem in-house or on-site with our customers, our approach and methods focus on structuring, implementing and meeting challenges. We like agile methods for projects, and know that requirement specifications, speed and predictability are often challenged. We work with agile project methods, so we can deliver faster, more flexibly and reliably. Contact: – CEO Kim D. Jensen +45 25 29 75 86 - Inge Lehmanns Gade 10 8000 Aarhus Denmark

FURTHER GAINS TO BE ACHIEVED ON WELLS WITH SUPERCRITICAL CO2 TECHNOLOGY “Around 1 in 10 wells shut-in during 2017 in the UKCS. If lost production from shut in wells is 10%, by restoring 10% of these wells, we can raise UKCS production by around 16,000 boe/d – at $ 70 bbl, this is worth $1.1 MM per day.”i Of this potential a proved technology using CO2 in its supercritical state, contributes restoring approximate 44%. Offshore oil & gas market financial losses and safety By experience several oil & gas markets loose potential yields. Figures from the UK Oil & Gas Authority (OGA)ii states that out of 7800 wells drilled 33 million BOE production was lost (2017) due defective wells. This is not a discernable improving trend. Topping that, well abandonment has increased four-fold since

Operating safely, ensuring SSSVs to activate within the specified number of seconds is also included in the SCCO2 services. Re-activation production efficiency of subsea pipes, of wells and of SSSVs threats of work-related and environmental disasters are avoided.

Operative financial efficiency

2016 with over 150 wells per year expected to be plugged &

The OGA encourages operators to improve well intervention

abandoned. In 2016 £402 million was spent on 76 abandon-

to reduce losses. This is now possible with the SCCO2 technol-

ments (in average 1 abandonment costs £5,3 million). This

ogy. Compared to the average abandonment cost 2017 of £2.7

is a rising tendency: in 2017 £446 million was spent on 163

million there is space for defining a careful project performing


a SCCO2 services.

OGA concludes “..on improving the overall production effi-

“We have now invented a solution to a problem, earlier un-

ciency in recent years, well production losses remain high at 33

solvable”, stated Espen Amundsen receiving the winning price

million BOE per year and the large number of shut-in wells (cir-

of ICOTA 2018, recommended by SHELL, building up project

ca 30% of total active wells) present opportunities for economic

references to both major O&G producers and pipe manufactur-


ers, not only in the UK but also world-wide.

Main causes reported in the 2017 survey effecting well produc-

Services for recovering financial losses

tion losses included: •

Well Integrity (43,46%)

Of the approximate 44% well integrity issues, the here presented Super Critical CO2 (SCCO2) technology improves well

The Super Critical CO2 technology 2nd generation operating offshore is ATEX approved and recover abandoned wells, cold wells, blocked control lines (CL) and chemical injection lines (CIL) applying the following services:

performance on the following points:

Flushing up to 60 km long, narrow sub-sea lines


Back flushing (soda effect)

Tree valves


Well heads

Lifting media out of one-way lines


Changing fluid in one-way lines

Sampling for analysis

Hydraulic sliding sleeves


In 2017 the UKCS operators spent £685 million on well intervention. Out of these the well intervention cost in subsea remains a potential issue with 14% of all subsea wells having an intervention accounting for 54% of the cost.

56 Energy Insight Yearbook

Operation of SCCO2 2nd generation.

The Super Critical CO2 technology is also used onshore for

CO2 in supercritical state is a good solvent for non-polar and a

manufactory SCCO2 flushing. This service addresses manufac-

few polar low molecular-weight compounds.

turers of tubes and pipes fulfilling best-practices requirements of oil companies. Topside control lines and sub-sea umbilical are cleaned down to a NAS 1638 grade 3.

Technology applied The CO2 media in a fluid state operates at a viscosity 10 times lower than water. The solvent applies no surface tension. With media characteristics of high diffusivity, the media penetrates blockages, even wax, and reaches corners; penetrating organic and inorganic blockages. Media density is adjusted by tempera-

Cases and references Picked from a range of cases for various oil operators at the UKCS, one case will be featured here: A major oil & gas producer in the North Sea recognizes the need for reactivating a former oil producing well. The well is cold. Estimated blockage depth is 400 ft. (122 m) down the control line. Anticipated, the dirt consists of organic and inorganic material and sludge.

ture and/or pressure reaching its supercritical state. Turbulent

Scope of work: Carry out an offline SCCO2 treatment to clear

flushing with a Reynolds number is performed keeping pressure

the control line blockage.

even when purifying long narrow lines. As density is increased, the media reaches a carrying capacity equivalent to oil, releasing the operated environment of debris.

TRSV depth: 989 ft (app. 300 meters)

TRSV depth temp: 60-90°C

NAS References SCCO2.

Energy Insight Yearbook 57

Total CL volume: 3700mls

Total blockages in the control line: 4 The SCCO2 technology rid the CL line off blockages down to 835 ft, with up to 1.18 SG (Specific Gravity). See the full case here: images/Cases/OTG/PDF/Reactivating_cold_wells. pdf

Markets Applying the technology, business partners are needed world-wide. For the time being the UK market and the Norwegian market are pursued, where limited agree-

Sample showing NAS grade 12 (before cleaning with SCCO2).

ments are formatted. However, the SCCO2 technology is well suited also for FPSO’s, why for example, Brazil also will be a target as other international oil producers and pipe, tube and coil manufacturers.

Improved technology package Recent technology improvements have manufactured a second generation SCCO2 skid set, for operation in Europe as well as in Australia including Oceania. The full package now includes: •

The SCCO2 technology services

PMP: a predictable maintenance program from cradle to grave on CLs and CILs. Following tendencies

Sample showing NAS grade 3 (after cleaning with SCCO2).

in condition monitoring and planned maintenance proves financial gains to be established. •

FACT tool kit: short for: ‘Field Analysis Chemical Treatment’: a chemical test kit brought on-site to identify the proper solvent treating a blockage. The on-site tool kit saves project time and ensures only pre-approved chemistry is applied.

Contact For further interest, please contact Ocean Team Group of Companies: Jens Peder Thomsen: mobile +45 4033 7026

SCCO2 unit 1st generation.

The Oil & Gas Technology Centre, used in a SHELL presentation on OWI2019EU

1 2

Oil & Gas Authority UK, Wells insight report 2018; 4.5 Well management and 4.6 Well intervention.

58 Energy Insight Yearbook

Your idea was to create sustainable offshore wind turbines for the benefit of future generations We provide the 12-metre high steel structure of the Power Converter Module, which is installed at a height of 12 metres inside the more than 100-metre high wind turbine tower.

How we help MHI Vestas Offshore Wind When MHI Vestas Offshore Wind produces one of the world’s most powerful wind turbines, we contribute – under the manufacture of the Power Converter Module – with our great expertise within steel-based structures and solutions. Our expertise combined with our agile approach makes it possible for us to rapidly implement the changes created in the innovative process. Of course, our quality packages provide for the high demands on quality and traceability. Our services include R&D consultancy, steel ordering, laser cutting, bending, quality assurance, third-party services, and logistics.

Customized solutions

Independent steel service center

Flexible shaping of steel

Reliable logistics and delivery

JibFlex is available in many configurations, each designed for specific working load limits and radius.

SAFER AND MORE EFFICIENT MANUAL HANDLING The goal is to enhance safety and eliminate human risk by changing the way things are done. To achieve this, we challenge conventional methods. JibFlex improves lifting operations where no conventional

platform. From there, the brackets had to pass through a 66

lifting beam or davit crane can operate in a confined space or

cm wide door in the tower and be lowered into a hatch. The

where the structures are an obstruction.

brackets then had to be positioned correctly before the welders

“As a CEO and as a leader, it is my responsibility to inspire the

could do their job.

employees to challenge pre-existing methods and create safer

Conventional crane types and crane alternatives were

innovative methods. JibFlex is a product of our endeavour,”

considered but none was suitable. This led to the invention of

says Tonny Klein, CEO.

SubC JibFlex; a tool that performs multiple lifting procedures

The idea for the JibFlex came up during an offshore project in the North Sea. What do you do when you need to handle components weighing 150 kg at an offshore wind turbine and no conventional crane can do the job? The answer? Be inventive!

From project to product One important but difficult aspect of wind turbine maintenance is component removal and replacement. To safeguard personnel and prevent damage to the component or

in a single operation. JibFlex can move the brackets from the vessel onto the platform, through the door in the tower and then down into a hatch.

Many opportunities A solution originally developed for a specific offshore project, JibFlex is becoming a standard product that can be redeveloped to resolve specific issues. Whether manual handling, rigging, extensive crane work or load risk from loads, JibFlex has it covered.

wind turbine tower, it is important that the lifting operation be

“Lifting operations are often challenging. We believe that there


is no need to compromise on safety and efficiency regardless of

The JibFlex story starts with welding brackets weighing 150 kg. These had to be transported from a vessel onto a wind turbine

60 Energy Insight Yearbook

the difficulties of lifting on and in wind turbines, vessels, oil & gas platforms or in workshops,” declares Søren Dalby Andersen, Product Manager at JibFlex.

A flexible solution JibFlex is proud to be a part of renewable energy projects. The tool has been used in hundreds of wind turbines but it has proven itself useful also in other situations. For example, JibFlex was hired to design, produce and install a push-on unit for gangway landing. The heavy (150 kg) push-on unit had to be hoisted into place where deploying a conventional crane was impossible. A JibFlex with a special connection to the platform was used to move and lift the push-on unit in place – safely and under control. JibFlex can also be installed in workshops. As substantial advantages, JibFlex offers not only unbeaten flexibility but also a higher lifting height than e.g. a gantry crane. Truly a flexible solution, JibFlex reaches every point within its radius. It is portable and mobile and can move components up, down and across its working radius. Anchoring points can be located almost everywhere. You need no more than one JibFlex as it can be relocated as needed – which also makes it a cost-effective solution.

Safer workplaces When it comes to ensuring the safety of your personnel, JibFlex may have a bigger impact than you might think. “People are important. Health & safety are of paramount importance. In Denmark, onethird of all reported muscular and skeletal injuries is caused by lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling loads. JibFlex makes workplaces safer,” Tonny Klein states.

JibFlex, developed and patented by SubC Partner.

JibFlex literally takes a load off the shoulders of your personnel. General guidelines suggest a max. lifting weight for workers of 25 kg, whereas the JibFlex can move up to 500 kg. It is therefore a vital component in a safer workplace. With the portable and mobile JibFlex, you can reduce manual handling in applications and situations where space is confined and conventional lifting gear cannot be used, e.g. door openings in a wind turbine tower. “We are dedicated to improving safety and cutting operative costs. JibFlex minimises the need for manual handling, the risk of personal injury and it slashes lifting time.

This JibFlex moves components on a daily basis. It makes workshop handling safer and more efficient.

Energy Insight Yearbook 61

Keep it simple: JibFlex is a product that is easy to understand.

Invented in the offshore industry, the JibFlex is of course

Our customers and distributors describe JibFlex as smart,

very durable, and resistant to wear and tear in aggressive

unique and simple.


The simpler and more comfortable the tool, the more it is used.

JibFlex’s strategy is to make further enhancements to the

All things being equal, Jibflex boosts safety and HSE,” says

standard product. JibFlex seeks to develop a standard heavy

Søren Dalby Andersen, “because JibFlex simplifies the work.”

load solution, i.e. an even more flexible model with greater load

Safety is cost-effective Safety measures are not usually associated with costeffectiveness in the offshore industry. JibFlex is an exception. By eliminating the need for a conventional lifting beam or

capacity and higher lifting height. “Wind turbines are getting larger all the time so the components we move and replace will also get larger. We need to be able to move heavier loads.

davit crane, JibFlex safely performs multiple lifting procedures.

In future, our goal is to develop a model exclusively designed

Operations are not costly, as you need only the one JibFlex tool

for manufacturers. A model to meet their specific needs. It will

that can be relocated as needed.

be less flexible than today, anchored, and have lower max. load

Focus on customers’ needs

capacity but the tool will be significantly cheaper,” says Søren Dalby Andersen.

As a partner in flexible and efficient lifting, JibFlex offers solutions to meet standard and customised requirements. “In the offshore industry, time is money. A wind turbine

The maximum working radius of a standard JibFlex is 7m. JibFlex is, however, compact when not in use.

shutdown is costly. JibFlex is fast and easy to install and dismantle. They require minimal training. The JibFlex has been used on many hundreds of wind turbines. JibFlex really got off the ground in 2019 as manufacturers began to show a great deal of interest in the tool. There was also a significant increase in orders for custom-made JibFlex solutions, particularly heavy load solutions,” says Søren Dalby Andersen. JibFlex’ modular assembly is simple. Lock brackets ensure that the modules rotate freely. The brackets add to JibFlex’ flexibility. JibFlex can either remain in place for future operations or simply be dismantled and moved to a new location.

Made to last JibFlex was born at sea and JibFlex is therefore made to last. The lightweight aluminium modules and unique structure ensure that workers do not get their fingers caught during installation and operation.

Facts JibFlex is developed and patented by SubC Partner. With its unique features, JibFlex offers both vertical and horizontal displacement of payloads. JibFlex is designed with safety in mind. It is one of the safest jib arms on the market. For 3D files and technical documentation, visit

62 Energy Insight Yearbook

JibFlex minimises the need for manual handling in applications and situations where a conventional lifting beam or crane cannot operate due to limited space




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ce About the Conferen

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The tip of the iceberg. This is usually what we see. However, between the water surface and the seabed stands a subsea structure, which we can´t see. And further below the seabed, a costly but inevitable foundation, that keeps the wind turbine safely in place. The seabed geology is diverse and full of surprises. Geo has assisted more than 50 offshore wind farms to a good head start with our geoscience expertise. In Danish and international waters.

CONTRACT SPECIALIST FOR THE OFFSHORE INDUSTRIES NICHE Highly specialized legal support; risk analysis, negotiation and contract management of offshore contracts in the execution phase e.g. claim handling, change orders etc. EXPERIENCE Law firm providing a vast, in-depth experience dealing with offshore oil/ gas and offshore wind contracts in the Danish, English, Norwegian, German and Dutch sectors.

Advokatfirmaet Kyhn-Hansen / Nygårdsvej 75 A, DK-6700 Esbjerg / Tel: +45 31 42 54 10 /

FROM COMPETITOR TO PARTNER – A MUST IN THE QUEST FOR SURVIVAL AND SUCCESS The market for energy has always been affected by climate, global policies and new technologies. According to Energy and Climate Academy, who works worldwide in further education for the energy and climate sector, there are changes ahead. The future parameter for success is not another invention, but the ability to be able to process the large amount of new information and the ability to cooperate with both knowledge centers, government agencies and other actors who should be considered as partners rather than competitors. The market for energy has always been affected by climate,

nationally and internationally, that I see the potential for more

global policies and new technologies. According to Energy and

communication and sharing of knowledge in the energy and

Climate Academy, who works worldwide in further education

climate sector.” says Torben.

for the energy and climate sector, there are changes ahead. The future parameter for success is not another invention, but the ability to be able to process the large amount of new information and the ability to cooperate with both knowledge centers, government agencies and other actors who should be considered as partners rather than competitors. The strategic overview in the energy & climate sector has been reserved for a few experts in the sector. They analysed the energy system and then communicated with tech developers and the decision makers. The tech developers work from separate platforms such as companies or universities. A wind turbine producer’s closest competitor, at the moment, is other wind turbine producers and then come all the other energy sources such as solar, bio fuel and traditional fossil fuels. But in the future, the closest competitor will be other

Torben Kirkegaard’s observations in the energy and climate sector are supported by the general tendencies of global industries and knowledge societies, where new knowledge is generated faster than ever and the need for the appropriate skills is changing at a similar pace. The Swiss Foundation ”World economic forum”, which ran a discussion forum on the world’s economic issues with government heads, politicians and industry leaders, estimates that approximately 35 percent of the skill sets considered vital today will change within just 5 years. The foundation also listed the four most important skills, necessary to handle and adapt to the changes of the future, known as the 4 C’s or the 21st century skillset: •

Creativity – to create and innovate, have ideas, be inventive, learn from experiences and be original.

Collaboration – cooperation, participates equally in processes, be responsible, stay open

Critical thinking – relates to the real world, be problem solving, analyses, evaluate, ask investigative questions.

Communication – listen, express ideas, use different platforms and use different expressions

renewable energy sources and not just the other wind turbine manufacturer. Simply put, the way the development – or the work distribution – in the energy and climate sector today, both nationally and internationally, belongs to a dying paradigm, which is being replaced with a new one, where growth and development on a much larger scale, will happen through the sharing of knowledge, co-operation and communication. This is the goal of Torben Kirkegaard, CEO and founder of Energy and Climate Academy, who develop courses targeted specifically at stakeholders in the energy and climate sector all over the world.

”The statement from the world economic forum very accurately addresses the future needs in the energy and climate sector. This is relevant for all industries; the possession of knowledge is in and of itself not the road to success when knowledge and information are developed at an increasing pace. The resources

”At the Energy and Climate Academy we specialise in

expended to find the correct knowledge, keeping it to yourself

developing courses for companies in the energy and climate

and utilising it to gain an advantage over the competition,

sector globally. With this in in mind we have established

without the knowledge being compromised is becoming

an extensive contact network in knowledge and education

increasingly difficult and is no longer profitable. This is

institutions, companies and organisations, in a number of

because technology will have advanced before a marketable

countries. It’s during exchanges, with a long list of competent

product is ready. Therefore the way forward is the sharing of

professionals, when we discover needs, when we develop both

knowledge and co-operation” explains Torben Kirkegaard.

66 Energy Insight Yearbook

He is well aware that this approach is shaking the foundations of the traditional methods of corporations in the energy and climate sector, particularly their approach to business development and the idea that knowledge is to be considered a corporate secret. There is no doubt that this paradigm shift will have major bumps along the road and across all corporate levels. The point is that there is no way around this. Disruption might be a severe expression to use in this case, but then again not, the approach to knowledge is ever changing and the industries and organisations that fail to adapt are facing a dark and difficult time. Organisations, in for example, the wind industry, could advantageously start using the sharing of knowledge. By doing this, they would take their development further in relation to other energy sources. Instead of what amounts to hindering each other and as a result, the entire industry’s development, by not sharing their knowledge. Green Tech Center in Vejle, Denmark (see photo) is an example of a practical cooperation. Here are 25 companies with 200 employees, all working within energy and climate areas. Competitors who have become partners in specific projects, companies who can use their neighbors’ competencies and thus deliver a better product or service to their customers. They meet at lunchtime, in the same canteen and at the coffee machine during the day, which not only means that they share professional knowledge, but also create relationships which lead to trust and makes co-operation faster or more effective. In terms of courses the tendency towards sharing knowledge is also showing. The Energy and Climate Academy has been offering a course on the Integrated Danish energy system. This is where employees from different organisations can improve their external sharing of knowledge. Here participants from the Danish Energy Agency will meet project managers from private companies, university lecturers and energy companies ”This course underlines that we still have some steps to go before we can apply knowledge sharing across entire industries, when the potential is not yet fully understood internally in organisations. But it is an important first step in the right direction.” emphasizes Torben Kirkegaard.

Join us

Den Danske Vedligeholdsforening (The Danish Maintenance Society) Your network for knowledge of operation and maintenance.

At The Danish Maintenance Society, knowledge sharing and networking are part of our DNA. Through networks and member events, we keep members up to date with the latest in operations and maintenance. - it creates value in the company.

CALL FOR BRAVE POLITICIANS IN DENMARK TO STAND UP AND BE COUNTED... Wave energy in the long-term perspective We obtain renewable energy from the sun and moon that produce wind, solar, tidal and wave energy. Of these, wave energy has by far the highest energy density. Wave energy density is about 800 times greater than air, a fact, which helps to explain why developing wave energy technology is very difficult. Moreover, the element itself is difficult to manage. The idea of making wave energy is far from new. The first patent applications came in the 1800s. At the end of the 1700s (in 1799, to be precise), a Frenchman Messers Girard came up with an idea to extract energy from the waves. You would be forgiven for wondering why we still do not have the technology to exploit energy from the sea. As da Vinci once wrote, we have succeeded not in controlling but only working with water for a couple of centuries. Some wave energy plants have failed but we have also developed systems that can survive the element and its immense forces. Even so, wave energy requires further development. Wave energy is often compared with the other renewable energy sources. This may be relevant in some respects but if you only look at the economic aspects of these technologies here and now, wave energy takes a beating. Wind energy exploitation is another renewable energy source that has a long history that includes large development subsidies. Its history stretches over a period of about 1300 years – back to the earliest wind energy finds – so the wind has always been the easiest energy source to exploit. In the past, the UK and Sweden were at the same stage as Denmark when it came to exploiting and deploying wind turbines. However, neither the Swedish nor the British politicians were able to agree on introducing feed-in tariffs for wind. Danish politicians adopted feed-in tariffs almost 40 years ago, and Danish wind energy has benefited ever since.

68 Energy Insight Yearbook

Wave energy is currently facing the same challenges that

and also potential investors, this entire field needs a huge

the wind industry in Denmark faced back then. All the

injection of cash.

so-called experts believed that wind energy would never be cheap enough to compete with conventional energy sources, i.e. fossil fuels. Today’s sceptics say the same about wave energy. Back then, brave Danish politicians adopted feed-in tariffs, which meant that Denmark is now a leading player in wind energy.

Wave energy testing requires a much smaller set-up than wind turbines. A Wave Energy Converter (WEC) is simply a cable and a monopile that send power ashore (in this case, to Hanstholm). For about DKK 50 million, we could set up a superlative test centre. An upgrade at Nissum Bredning would cost only onetenth of that figure. Over the years, almost 40 prototypes

If we in Denmark wish to have a second clean and

have been tested at Nissum Bredning. An upgrade would

renewable energy source with enormous export potential,

reinstate it as the world’s most frequently visited test site.

this can only happen if politicians pass a courageous resolution to set up feed-in tariffs. A resolution of this kind will attract investors willing to take the type of risk needed to make real inroads into getting wave energy afloat once more. If we in Denmark do not take the plunge, others will. Fortunately for the climate, the Swedes, Norwegians, Portuguese, Spaniards and especially the British are investing heavily in wave energy and the development of associated technologies. The timing is vital – but also straightforward. Feed-in tariffs are paid based on the energy delivered. Equally important, however, is that the stakeholders backing Danish wind energy must develop high quality test facilities, i.e. on a par with those developed for wind energy. Danish Wave Energy Center (DanWEC) has been chosen to manage wave energy testing. Tests take place in the Limfjord, Nissum Bredning and in the North Sea off Hanstholm.

The recipe is simple. No matter how the switch to clean, renewable energy sources is made, it will cost money. However, the wind turbine industry case demonstrates that investments can turn into an extremely profitable business. If we fail to update and develop test facilities, we will see even more developers going abroad. It is highly unlikely that they would return to Denmark to set up production of wave energy technology in Denmark. Their network and potential investors will be present where development takes place. For decades, we spearheaded the development of renewable energy solutions. If we hesitate to invest in wave energy now, huge export opportunities and employment prospects will be lost to players in other countries. I would like to see the powers-that-be ask themselves why other countries are investing heavily in wave energy development. As I see it, there is only one answer: We cannot just settle for wind energy. We must take immediate steps to develop technology to exploit wave

Aalborg University (AAU) collects and processes test

energy efficiently. We have 1,436 kilometres of coastline,

data. The university offers excellent facilities and unique

which makes Denmark an obvious frontrunner in wave

competences within wave energy. Nevertheless, if it is

energy. We must become part of the renewable future, not

again to become an attractive proposition for developers

only in wind but also in wave energy.

Energy Insight Yearbook 69

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Figure 1 Wavepiston in the North Sea at DanWEC, Hanstholm


INNOVATIONS IN DANISH WAVE POWER The Danish Partnership for Wave Power includes nine small

Program). Despite a high success rate of about 30 %, wave

but active entrepreneurial companies developing and testing

power receives only a fraction of the EUDP R&D grants. This is

Wave Energy Converters at sea. Wavepiston just completed

mainly due to the relatively small number of WEC developers,

its two years of testing at DanWEC’s test site at Hanstholm

their limited development capacity and perhaps the quality of

and Crestwing has just started its second year of testing in

funding applications.



The Danish Wave Partnership for Wave Power published a


strategy and road map for Danish wave power development for the period 2012-2015. The partnership hopes the new Danish government will use

In 2019, Wavepiston completed two years of trials at the DanWEC test site off Hanstholm. With support from Eurostars, the consortium has developed and tested improved load control

the strategy to boost wave energy using the same fundamental

solutions for the extreme loads during storms. Handling

principles that resulted in the international success of Danish

extreme loads in a simple and efficient way is key to making

wind energy technology:

wave energy competitive, as it will reduce CAPEX and OPEX.


Financial incentives

Based on DanWEC test experience and experimental results,


Guaranteed demand


Long-term framework conditions

Wavepiston tests will now move to PLOCAN, a test site off Gran Canaria, in 2020. At PLOCAN, a test platform at sea, connected via a pressure

At present, there are no dedicated market incentives, such as

pipe to Wavepiston, will pump pressurized seawater to a

special feed-in tariffs, for wave energy. The Danish partnership

PTO module. Wavepiston is supported by Horizon 2020 SME

proposes a combination of feed-in tariffs for the energy

Instrument Phase 2 in 2020.

produced with lower requirements to match private funding of the projects.

In 2021, another consortium plans to use Wavepiston to demonstrate a wave-to-energy and -water system on the

Today, the main source of Danish funding for wave energy is

tourist island, using pressurized seawater to produce electricity

EUDP (Energy Technology Development and Demonstration

and desalinate water (for drinking) via reverse osmosis.

Energy Insight Yearbook 71

Figure 2 Tordenskiold by Crestwing in Kattegat

Floating power plant FPP combines wave power with floating wind. Working with project developer DP Energy, FPP is currently working applying for permission and developing a project in England, Scotland and Ireland. FPP plans a full-scale demonstration sea test at PLOCAN. In

high reliability at sea. The project includes both numerical modelling (DTU) and tank testing (AAU). The commercial solution will supply power and real-time data connection to sensors on the seabed and at the surface. Water depth is limited to 200 m.

Joint developments

partnership with Lundin Norway, APL NOV, Semco Maritime,

One of the cornerstones of the 2014 roadmap is that WEC

CeFront, Aalborg University and DNV GL, FPP is also

developers would work on joint projects that could be

participating in a project that seeks to adapt FPP’s technology

beneficial to multiple developers. Several projects, including

to the oil & gas market. The project receives EUDP funding.

SDWED, MSLWEC and the "Concrete for wave energy” project,

Moreover, in partnership with Aalborg University, FPP is improving the performance of the PTO system, using newly developed digital hydraulic PTO control strategies. Finally, FPP is one of the pilots included in the North Sea Interreg-funded project OESA that focuses on accelerating pilot deployment.

Crestwing In Kattegat, Crestwing has tested a prototype named Tordenskiold over a period of 5½ months. In May 2019, the prototype was towed to port for maintenance and improvements ahead of re-deployment in Kattegat in February 2020.

ExoWave ExoWave is currently working on a submerged hinged flap and on the development of wave-to-water solutions. Wave-to-

supported by EUDP, are now focusing on how concrete can become a commercially attractive material for certain types of WECs. The project examines Wave Dragon and KNSwing, both large passive structures that are suitable for construction in concrete.

Wave Dragon Wave Dragon is planning to build its overtopping-type converter in concrete with rated power in the 1.5 MW to 4 MW range for DanWEC/Canary Islands and Wales/South Africa, respectively. WD is currently seeking funding for these fullscale demonstration plants. Figure 3. A steel Wave Dragon was installed at Nissum Bredning in 2004. A full-scale WD will be made of concrete


energy development will be accelerated when the first wave-to-

KNSwing is a ship-shaped WEC structure with multiple OWC.

water plants are on the market, expected in 2020/21.

KNSwing has plans to build their plant in concrete. As part

RESEN WAVES With financial support from EUDP, Resen Waves focuses on optimising small (300-700 W) Smart Power Buoys for

Figure 3

72 Energy Insight Yearbook

of the concrete-to-concrete project, an attempt will be made to incorporate KNSwing OWC chambers in floating concrete harbour breakwaters.


certification scheme will be similar to that developed for the

Ocean Energy Systems partnership under the IEA in 2001.

wind turbine sector. In Denmark, 3-4 people are currently

Since then membership has steadily increased to 25 members.

involved in this work.

Ocean Energy focuses on wave power, and tidal, thermal and

The Ocean Energy Scale-up Alliance (OESA) See: https://

salinity gradient. Products include electricity, heat, cooling,

drinking water, biofuels and chemicals. The OES seeks to develop 300 GW of ocean energy by 2050, create 680,000 direct jobs and save 500 million tons of CO2.

OESA projects aim to assist with the upscaling of wave and tidal energy pilot p. Managed by the Dutch Marine Energy Centre (DEMEC), eight service providers and five pilots

Tasks are distributed among the OES partners. Since 2016,

will build the project. The Danish participants are Aalborg

Ramboll, a Danish company, has coordinated projects using

University (service provider), DanWEC (service provider) and

“Task 10 WEC numerical models”. The project has focus on

FPP (pilot). Launched in January 2019, the project is funded by

cooperation, verification and validation of numerical models

EU Interreg, North Sea Region.

for wave power systems. Since 2018, experts from 13 countries have participated in the project. More recently, the partners have focused on validating the experimental results of a shoreline OWC provided by a Korean company, Kriso.

IEC Standardisation For several years, DS-IEC has been preparing standards and guidelines under IEC for wave energy as the basis for certification when wave energy becomes commercial. The

Another pilot in the OESA project is German WEC developer NEMOS. NEMOS is currently preparing to test at the DanWEC test site in Hanstholm and testing a prototype at Oostende in Belgium. DanWEC was established as a so-called “Greenlab” in 2012. At the geographical test area at Hanstholm, two buoys measure wave and tidal conditions. Over the years, DanWEC has gathered in-depth knowledge of wave energy as a resource and design conditions at the site. DanWEC has also mapped depth contours and seabed material.

Figure 4

Energy Insight Yearbook 73

INDEX A/S Megatrade Beslag

Profile: Global distributor of locks and fittings to customers within the Wind and off shore industry. Megatrade is a flexible company with a passion and know-how of its products. Besides our wide range of standard products we offer customer specific products, kit-set and pre-assembly solutions. For more visit


Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Gungevej 5 - DK-2650 Hvidovre +45 7040 4766 Opening hours Hvidovre: Mandag-Torsdag 8-16 Fredag 8-14

Meterbuen 33 - 2740 Skovlunde +45 4450 4450"

Advantis ApS

Inge Lehmanns Gade 10 - 8000 Aarhus C

Industry role: Consultant; Engineering; Installation; Manufacture or Supply Profile: ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact. Industry sector: On- & Offshore Wind, Oil & Gas Industry role: Design, Engineering, Solutions & CAD Automatisering Profile: Advantis is an engineering and development company that works as an advisory consultancy. Advantis develops ideas and concepts with clients and turnkey solutions for a variety of branches. Advantis takes care of product development and project management. Energy Innovation Cluster invited a number of companies to come up with proposals for a new tower cradle for both MHI Vestas Offshore Wind and Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy. Advantis was offered the job and designed and developed the new cradle.


Contact information: +45 7010 1022

Industry sector: On- & Offshore Wind, Oil & Gas Industry role: Design; Engineering; Installation; Service; High Voltage Solutions; Project Solutions; Manpower Profile: ALL NRG is a Leading Provider of Manning and Project Solutions to the Onshore and Offshore Energy Sector. The company was established in 2014 by the acquisition of four prominent energy-related companies, each with a long and strong track record. For more than 20 years, we have served the energy sector with flexible, cost-effective solutions. With an exceptional track record of successful international projects, we offer a unique combination of hands-on experience, specialist know-how and extensive service. We take immense pride in serving the world of energy with the highest standards in the industry. Whether we supply a single technician or a full scope project solution, our focus is on safe, cost-effective execution – always tailored to customer needs.

Altra Industrial Motion

Profile: THE LEADING BRAND NAMES OF ALTRA WIND TECHNOLOGY CAN OFFER EXPERTISE IN CUSTOM PRODUCT SOLUTIONS FOR A WIDE VARIETY OF WIND POWER APPLICATIONS. These leading brands include Ameridrives, Matrix, Stromag, Svendborg Brakes, Twiflex, Warner Electric and Warner Linear. As a leading multinational designer, producer and marketer of a wide range of electromechanical power transmission products, Altra offers products utilized in wind turbine applications where reliability and accuracy are necessary to avoid costly downtime, assure safe operations and consistent reduction output. As the world’s demand for wind power grows, the infrastructure and equipment necessary to produce and distribute it will come under increasing pressure to perform.


Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

300 Granite Street, Suite 201 Braintree, MA 02184 +1 781-917-0600

Spangsbjerg Møllevej 304-306 - 6705 Esbjerg Ø +45 79140322 / +45 79140300

74 Energy Insight Yearbook

Industry role: Training and Education Profile: AMU-Vest is the leading centre for adult education in service training in Western Jutland.

AN Group A/S

Mejeribakken 8 - 3540 Lynge +45 4825 1000 /+45 4825 4640

Atkins Danmark A/S

Dokvej 3, Sektion 4 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 5251 9000 / +45 5251 9799

AVEVA Denmark A/S

Sofiendalsvej 5A - 9200 Aalborg SV +45 99301100


Lammefjordsvej 2 - 6715 Esbjerg N +45 70 20 04 11 Contact: Martin Bødker Christensen +45 41948084


Langelinie Allé 35 - 2100 København Ø +45 7227 0000 / +457227 0027

Bladt Industries

Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Consultant; Design; Engineering; Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: The people of AN GROUP are specialists within production IT & Automation systems, SCADA & ESD, Instrument, Electrical and Project Management, Safety Management including Safety Instrument Systems. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant Industry classification: Fabrication and Construction; Feasibility or Front End Studies; Foundations and Piles; Installation and Commissioning; Instrumentation; Land and Premises; Maintenance, Modification and Operation; Networking and Events; Personnel; Pipes, Pipelines and Risers; Process Control; Project Management; Safety; Training Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Design; Engineering Industry classification: Computing and Information Technology; Construction Vessels

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Wind; Marine Profile: AVN Hydropower provides service, maintenance and complete overhaul of heavy-duty hydraulic equipment for oil and gas, marine and wind industry. We offer fast service and reduced downtime due to our own workshops located strategically in Denmark, where we stock a large selection of hydraulic spare parts. AVN Hydropower is located near the harbor in Esbjerg. We consider ourselves as your partner in hydraulic service. Our experienced team of engineers and technicians offers solutions and advice regarding maintenance of the hydraulic system. This includes exploring adoption of system performance surveillance for service optimization. We supply custom built hydraulic power units, cylinders, accumulators, hoses, pipe installations and all types of hydraulic components. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Service Profile: Bech-Bruun is among the leading law firms in Denmark. From our offices in Copenhagen and Aarhus, we provide advice on all aspects of corporate and commercial law. Our clients include national and international enterprises, organisations and public authorities. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Nørredybet 1 - DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Denmark T: +45 96 35 37 00 W:

Industry role: infrastructure; Construction; Consultant; Service

Blue Water Shipping

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Trafikhavnskaj 9 - 6701 Esbjerg +45 7913 4144 / +45 7913 4677


Brørupvænget 16 - DK-7650 Bøvlingbjerg +45 9788 5123

Profile: Making a difference - Bladt Industries is an international steel contractor specialising in large-scale and highly complex steel structures. We operate within three key areas of business providing steel solutions for the wind and renewable energy sector, for the oil and gas industry and for infrastructure. Our range of products includes foundations and substations for offshore wind turbine projects, suctions anchors, topsides and jackets for oil and gas projects as well as buildings, bridges and harbour structures for infrastructural projects. Read more at:

Industry role: Consultant; Manufacture or Supply; Service; Certifications: 923 Certification; iso-14001 Certification; iso-9001 Certification; ohsas-18001 Certification Profile: Blue Water Shipping is a global provider of all logistics services in modern supply chain management. We operate within seven business areas: • Wind Logistics • Oil & Gas • Industrial Projects • Port Operations & Agency • General Cargo • Reefer Logistics • Cruise Logistics • North Atlantic. Blue Water Shipping offers complete and customized solutions to any shipping requirements anywhere in the world. Profile: As an MTO company, we at BM2 INDUSTRI A/S work very closely with our clients. The client always plays an active role in the initial phases of the manufacturing process. BM2 INDUSTRI A/S specialises in the turning, boring and milling of large elements. As we use state-of-the-art production apparatus, including CNC lathes and dividing heads, we can work to precision tolerances as specific as 1/1000 mm. The technology is developing fast. Via training courses, we ensure that our employees have the necessary expertise. At BM2 INDUSTRI A/S, we monitor technological development very closely, and aim consistently to deliver high quality products at competitive prices. We have a wealth of experience and can come up with potential solutions and bright ideas for your project. We offer project management services and provide a consistent flow of status reports and follow-ups to ensure that you, our client, are up to date at all times.

Energy Insight Yearbook 75

Bureau Veritas Danmark

Vesterbrogade 149, byg. 4 - 1620 København V +45 7731 1000

Bølgekraftforeningen (The Wave Energy Association) Hamborgvej 40 - 7730 Hanstholm +45 2463 2404

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Service Profile: Bureau Veritas Group is uniquely placed to support customers with services that generate high added value and are intended to guarantee the legality and conformity of their operations, reduce the risks they incur, and measure and improve the performance of their organisation. Visit our Energy and Process website at: Industry sector: Wave Energy Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: Bølgekraftforeningen - Foreningen til fremme af bølgekraft og andre Havenergiformer (The Wave Energy Association - the Association for the Promotion of Wave Energy) is up to date with the development of wave energy in Denmark and abroad. Since 1997, we have been working to create better conditions for the development of wave power in Denmark. Today, we primarily work to inform the Danish population and the Danish politicians about the economic, climatic and energy potential that lies in the waves. At the same time, we guide the emerging wave power inventors in their concept development, and give them insight into known wave power technologies. The board holds virtually all Danish experts within wave energy and offers their knowledge to the members of the association."

Carl Backs

Vesterhavsgade 153 - DK-6700 Esbjerg +45 7512 0930


Rådhuspladsen 59, 4. - 1550 København V +45 2196 1000


Vesterhavsgade 153 - DK-6700 Esbjerg +45 7512 0930


Vestkraftkaj 4 C - 6701 Esbjerg 7513 6011 / 7513 6027

DAHL Advokatfirma, Esbjerg Dokken 10 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 8891 9000

76 Energy Insight Yearbook

Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Manufacture or Supply Profile: Carl Backs was established in 1971, therefor we have many years of experience supplying the offshore oil and wind sectors, we have the experience and knowledge necessary to provide the best service and knowhow. We are proud of our success in aligning our partners’ requirements for Personal Protective Equipment to our easily accessible and bespoke webshops. Our aim is to add value and provide cost reduction for our partners. Located in Esbjerg, we are already involved with the current and emerging offshore market. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: Promoting green growth and employment in Denmark. CLEAN is Denmark’s leading green cluster organisation with members from the entire cleantech sector. CLEAN is a politically and technologically neutral platform that works across industry boundaries and the public and private sectors allowing domestic and foreign companies, knowledge institutions and public authorities to exchange knowledge and enter into new partnerships. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Work Wear; Safety Profile: We have more then 15 years of experience supplying the offshore oil and wind sectors, we have the experience and knowledge necessary to provide the best service and knowhow. We are proud of our success in aligning our partners’ requirements for Personal Protective Equipment to our easily accessible and bespoke webshops. Our aim is to add value and provide cost reduction for our partners. Located in Esbjerg(DK), Hull(UK), Grimsby(UK) and on the US Northeast coast we are already involved with the current and emerging offshore markets. Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Manufacture or Supply Profile: COPCO serves the oil and gas industry with a wide range of chemicals and oil products. Our office and tank terminal is located right on the quay side at the Port of Esbjerg. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Service Industry classification: Legal

Danish Export Association Glarmestervej 20 A - 8600 Silkeborg +45 8681 3888 / +45 8681 3114

Danish Marine & Offshore Group Nørremarksvej 27 - 9270 Klarup +45 9831 7711 / +45 9831 7755

Danish Standards (Dansk Standard) Göteborg Plads 1 - DK-2150 Nordhavn +45 39 96 61 01 fax +45 39 96 61 02

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Service; Support Organisation; Training and Education Profile: A membership of the Danish Export Association brings you know-how: Through the Danish Export Association you are included in a professional and powerful network. The Danish Export Association addresses suppliers of components, systems as well as services. The Danish Export Association is a strong partner for Danish companies wishing an international impact. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Support Organisation Profile: Danish Marine & Offshore Group is a member-based supplier association of companies offering products, consultancy and services to the international offshore industry. The aims of the association is to organise conferences and networking events as well as to encourage cooperation between the members to the benefit of the customers. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; On- & Offshore Wind Industry role: Standardisation Profile: Danish Standards is Denmark’s national standardisation organisation. Through our Danish committees and strong professional networks, we provide knowledge about and influence on international standards to Danish enterprises, trade associations, consumer organisations, the authorities, reseachers etc. We are members of the international standardisation organisations ISO and IEC as well as the European counterparts CEN, CENELEC and ETSI.


Profile: The Danish Maintenance Society, DDV, is a non-profit nationwide network of managers and technical specialists. Our members use the network to acquire and impart knowledge, where knowledge sharing happens through conferences, seminars, network meetings and company visits. The globalized and competitive world demands efficient operations. This means focusing on optimizing the operation through maintenance, and that applies to all type of companies in Denmark. Maintenance is not an annoying cost but one of tomorrow's vital competitive parameters. Only through constant optimization of all processes in society from large manufacturing companies to government offices, we may retain Danish workplaces and our current level of prosperity.

Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Købmagergade 86 - 7000 Fredericia +45 7591 4455

Frodesgade 125 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 7912 8444 / +45 7912 8455

Industry role: Consultant; Service Profile: Deloitte works with a wide range of both private and public organisations. Deloitte offers a range of support services including: Auditing; Accounting; Tax; Relocation; Information technology; Environment; Management consultancy


For more information, office locations, contact information and more, please visit:

Profile: DEME is a world leader in the highly specialised fields of dredging, marine engineering and environmental remediation. The company can build on more than 140 years of know-how and experience and has fostered a pioneering approach throughout its history, being a front runner in innovation and new technologies.


Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy

Agern Allé 5 - 2970 Hørsholm +45 4516 9200 / +45 4516 9292

Industry role: Consultant; Design; Installation; Research and Development; Service; Training and Education

DI Energi

Industry sector: Oil and Gas

H.C. Andersens Boulevard 18 - 1787 København K +45 3377 3377 / +45 3377 3300

Profile: DHI is an independent, international consulting and research organization with headquarter in Denmark. Our objectives are to advance technological development and competence within the fields of water, environment and health. With respect to design optimization, environmental impact assessment, and environmental management of large-scale offshore projects (oil & gas as well as offshore renewables), DHI possesses a body of experience and an array of advanced problem solving tools, which are unsurpassed worldwide.

Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: The Confederation of Danish Industries (Dansk Industri - DI) is a private organisation funded, owned and managed entirely by currently 6,400 companies within the manufacturing and service industries.

Energy Insight Yearbook 77

DNV GL, Esbjerg

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy

Dokken 10 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 7912 8600 / +45 7912 8601

Industry role: Consultant; Design; Engineering; Installation; Research and Development; Service; Training and Education

DTU - Centre for Oil and Gas

Industry sector: Oil and Gas

Elektrovej, Bygning 375 - 2800 Kgs. Lyngby +45 4525 7210

DTU Wind Energy

Profile: DNV GL is driven by the purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV GL enables organizations to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. We provide classification and technical assurance along with software and independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil and gas, and energy industries.

Profile: The Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre at DTU is tasked with researching and developing new technologies with a view to improving utilization of the North Sea reserves of oil and gas. The centre is located at DTU and affiliated with research groups at the University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University, Aalborg University, and the Geological Survey of Greenland and Denmark (GEUS). Industry sector: Offshore Wind

DTU Risø Campus - Frederiksborgvej 399 4000 Roskilde +45 4677 5085

DTU Wind Energy is a globally leading department for wind energy with scientific and engineering competences to the highest international standards.

East Metal A/S

Industry sector: On- & Offshore Wind, Oil & Gas, Renewables, Lifting equipment

Bavnehøjvej 6 - DK6700 Esbjerg +45 7525 1799

EGGS Design

Store Kongensgade 59D - 1264 Copenhagen +45 3123 9371

Industry role: Contract Manufacturer of metal constructions and components Profile: East Metal provides manufacturing solutions for OEM-machinery and equipment. Specialized in heavy, complex products. We take care of the entire manufacturing process – from procurement, formatting, welding, machining, corrosion protection, NDT, FAT-assistance, production optimization, assembly and delivery. With 700 employees East Metal has a large and flexible production capacity and delivers certified quality. Industry sector: Energy, Oil and gas Industry role: Consultant; Service Design, Product Design, Digital Design, Software development, Engineering, Training, Design thinking Profile: EGGS Design is an independent innovation consultancy, helping companies craft new products, applications, services and business transformations. We work holistically to ensure that human insights play well together with engineering, technology, brand and business. Ocean-related innovation has been the pride of Scandinavian engineering for decades. EGGS Design is an experienced partner within the offshore sector, having contributed to impactful digital and service innovation and product design for professional users in leading companies such as Kongsberg Maritime, ABB Marine, Maersk Tankers, Siemens, Ulstein and Aker BP. We are ready and able to facilitate innovation processes that will extend the Scandinavian ocean legacy - both into the future and into international markets.

EKU, E-Learning Kompetence Udvikling Hegnet 28 - DK-6715 Esbjerg N +45 4140 6700 / +45 7517 0500 Contact person: Per Nørsten, Adm. Direktør,

78 Energy Insight Yearbook

Industry sector: On- & Offshore Wind, Oil & Gas Industry role: Training; Safety Profile: Online Electrical Safety Training – Available all hours. EKU offers the best online E-Learning solutions! Our electrical safety course “EN 50110 & L-AUS, Safety when working on or near electrical installations” is available at in English and Danish. European standard and Danish regulations. Electrical safety courses based on German regulations (VDE 0105-100 & DGUV 1&3 ) and required for performing work on or near electrical installations in Germany “Elektrotechnisch unterwiesene Personen (EUP)” and “Electrofachkräfte (EFK)” are available at – in German and English. Our courses are available 24/7/365 for enrollment and completion. Enrollment, payment, course completion and print of certificate - All online – whenever it suits you. We offer the best competencies and service in the market."

Eltronic Wind Solutions A/S Kilde Alle 4 - DK-8722 Hedensted +45 7674 0101

Endress+Hauser A/S

Industry sector: On- & Offshore Wind Profile: Eltronic Wind Solutions is your leading strategic partner when it comes to innovative equipment solutions for the entire life cycle of wind turbines both onshore and offshore – including concept design, production, transport, installation, service and decommissioning. With more than 15 years of expertise, Eltronic Wind Solutions is one of the leading experts within the wind industry. For more information visit

Industry sector: Oil and Gas

Poppelgårdvej 10-12 - 2860 Søborg +45 70 13 11 32 / +45 70 13 21 33

Industry role: Consultant; Engineering; Installation; Manufacture or Supply; Service; Training and Education

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy

Tonne Kjærsvej 65 - 7000 Fredericia +45 70102244


Amaliegade 44 - 1256 København K +45 33926700 / +45 33114743

Energy and Climate Academy Lysholt Allé 6 - DK 7100 Vejle +45 3023 7636

Energy Innovation Cluster Kanalen 1 - DK-6700 Esbjerg +45 3697 3670

Eryk (former BIC Electric) Springbankevej 14, DK-7323 Give

CONTACT PERSON: Maj Winther Møller - Group Sales Manager +45 50 43 61 98;

Profile: Endress+Hauser is a leading supplier of measuring instruments and automation solutions for the industrial process engineering industry. Safety, efficiency and availability, whether upstream or downstream, we tackle your specific challenges with partnership and enthusiasm. Our goal is to support you in enhancing and improving overall plant safety, and in enjoying the confidence that comes from working with accurate, robust and reliable measurement instrumentation. Our factory-trained and knowledgeable people are available to support you globally throughout the entire life cycle of your plant.

Industry role: Service Industry classification: Cables and Connectors; Grid Interface or Substations; Safety

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: The Danish Energy Authority carries out tasks, nationally and internationally, in relation to the production, supply and consumption of energy. This means that the Authority is responsible for the whole chain of tasks linked to the production of energy and its transportation through pipelines to the stage where oil, natural gas, heat, electricity etc. are utilised for energy services by the consumer. Industry sector: Offshore Wind Industry role: Training and Education Profile: Capacity building is one of the key factors for success in the off shore wind energy business. We offer short, professional post-graduate courses for engineers, managers and others that want access to the newest knowledge and experience. Our lecturers come from leading companies and universities, such as Ørsted and DTU Wind. Since 2004 more than 4.000 have participated in our courses. We offer open courses as well as custom designed courses. During the years we have conducted courses all over the world. Profile: Denmark's new cluster organisation and innovation network. We focus on innovation projects about onshore and offshore wind energy, oil and gas, the integration of wind in the power system and new technologies for the industry for energy production. January 1st 2019 was transformed into Energy Innovation Cluster. The industry for energy production, industry associations, universitites and are partners behind Energy Innovation Cluster.

Industry sector: Oil & Gas, Offshore Wind Industry role: Service provider; Pre-assembly; Electrical; Maintenance; Installation

PROFILE Eryk (former BIC Electric, a part of a BIC Group) is a technical service provider in electrical and mechanical installation, maintenance and commissioning for Offshore Wind Power and Oil&Gas. We provide experienced, skilled and hard-working technicians, and engineers at competitive rates. We always keep focus on quality, safety and legal compliance at each of our projects. Thanks to our partnerships we also offer turnkey solutions: services and material, e.g. the biggest offshore windfarm in the world – Hornsea Project One OWF. Using our services, our partners can quickly adjust their resources to the current market demands and improve their competitiveness. More:

Energy Insight Yearbook 79

Esbjerg Business Development Centre Niels Bohrs Vej 6 - 6700 Esbjerg +4575123744 / +4536973501

Esbjerg Havn (Port of Esbjerg) Hulvejen 1 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 7612 4000


Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: At Esbjerg Business Development Centre we will nourish your business. We offer you new approaches to your opportunities and challenges, regardless of the development stage and line of your business. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Profile: The Port of Esbjerg has specialised facilities and flexible areas for transporting, pre-assembling, shipping out and servicing offshore wind turbines. The companies at the Port of Esbjerg represent the entire supply chain for the wind industry. The companies at the Port of Esbjerg also represent the entire supply chain for the oil and gas industry. The port’s oil and gas activities range across several areas: from supplying and servicing existing installations to the establishment of new fields. From maintenance projects involving several hundred employees in rotation on the platforms to rig-repair, security training and decommissioning. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Dokvej 4 - 6700 Esbjerg +4578730730

Industry role: Service

FORCE Technology

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Park Alle 345 - 2605 Brøndby +45 4326 7000 / +45 4326 7000

Profile: ESVAGT delivers safety and support at sea, and focus on quality and safety and provide a wide range of specialized services to the offshore oil, gas and wind industries: Standby, rescue and serviceduties, oilspill response and surveillance, offshore wind service support.

Industry role: Consultant; Design; Engineering; Research and Development; Service; Training and Education Profile: FORCE Technology is among the leading technological consulting and service companies in Denmark as well as internationally, transforming knowledge into solutions and focused on transforming highly specialized engineering knowledge into practical and cost-effective solutions for a broad range of business sectors and industries.

GAC Denmark A/S

Profile: GAC Denmark is a highly efficient Ships Agency and provides a wide range of integrated shipping and logistics services throughout the country, including project logistics services in the North Sea. In January 2012, the GAC Group acquired the shipping subsidiaries of the Lehmann Nordic Group, one of the region's oldest transportation groups, to form GAC Denmark A/S. Since the company have been rebuilt to an efficient Ships Agency which covers all Danish ports and all vessel types. We also provide a broad range of integrated shipping and logistics services for clients throughout the country, including project logistics for the all-important North Sea energy sector.


Industry sector: Oil and Gas

Vestkraftkaj 4A - DK-6700 Esbjerg +45 3374 7515

Stensgårdvej 2 - 5500 Middlefart +45 42 42 50 70


Maglebjergvej 1 - 2800 Kgs. Lyngby +45 4588 4444

Grenaa Havn A/S

Neptunvej 1 - 8500 Grenaa +45 87 58 76 00 / +45 86 32 43 71

80 Energy Insight Yearbook

Industry role: Manufacture or Supply

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Contractor; Design; Engineering; Laboratory Tests; Survey Profile: Geo is a Danish full-service engineering company. We offer services ranging from offshore site investigations to geotechnical design, including offshore geotechnical- and geophysical services. With our in-house custom made equipment and our state-of-the-art laboratory, we are able to secure high quality samples and data. Geo has participated in numerous offshore projects involving the oil and gas sector, as well as more than 50 offshore wind projects.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Installation; Service Industry classification: Cranes (Mobile); Decommissioning and Abandonment; Land and Premises; Material and Product Handling; Personnel; Ports and Supply Bases


Erhvervsvej 16 - DK-2600 Glostrup +45 4484 7766

Industry sector: On- & Offshore Wind, Oil & Gas Profile: HAKI scaffolds are utilized widely as access solutions for the offshore oil and gas industry. HAKI knows that the oil & gas industry has unique demands and knows how to fulfill these. Working with some of the largest main contractors worldwide, we have a proven record of providing bespoke scaffold and access solutions for offshore operations. Suspended structures are safely created from platforms out at sea using the advanced guard rail ensuring that permanent guard frames are installed prior to accessing the platform. Simple storage solutions such as the Hakitainer reduce the space taken up by materials. HAKI provides technical expertise, training and on-site support to help customers optimize their investment in their HAKI products and raise industry standards, wherever the environment.

House of Energy – Energy Cluster Denmark

Profile: House of Energy is the Danish energy cluster for sustainable energy technologies, who works with electricity, gas and heat in the entire value chain from production, distribution and delivering the energy to the consumer. House of Energy connect businesses with the research world, utility companies, municipalities, investors and other actors with an interest in energy. We offer a variety of benefits including networking events, conferences, project development, consortium matchmaking, assistance to fundraising and access to the latest knowledge about different energy forms. House of Energy’s position of strength is integrated energy systems and we support the Danish Partnership for Wave Power, which is a technology collaboration on wave energy conversion. The Partnership works to develop wave energy through knowledge sharing, industrial partnerships and by coordinating activities.

Hub North

Industry sector: Offshore Wind

Boulevarden 13 - 9000 Aalborg Majsmarken 1 - 9500 Hobro Kolding Åpark 3 - 6000 Kolding

Boulevarden 13 - 9000 Aalborg +45 99 31 15 84

Hvide Sande Havn (The Port of Hvide Sande)

Fossanæsvej 22, Blue Tower - 6960 Hvide Sande +45 9731 1633

Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: Hub North is a northern Danish network with targeted profiling within wind energy. The operators are companies active within the windmill industry, directly or as subcontractors to larger manufacturers. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Profile: During 2011–2013 dkk 150 million were invested in a major expansion of the port and the surrounding facilities: • The water depth has increased in general to ensure stability when sailing through the entrance, and larger ships can dock without risk • Larger and better quay installations • Better access to unloading and the ice factory • Expansion of facilities for tools and storage • Better logistics with the development of the road network • Navigation conditions in the entrance and the port basins have been improved • The port has its own dredging equipment and can therefore guarantee stable approach conditions. The wind industry already make use of the port, and Hvide Sande had a crucial importance in the construction phase of the Horns Rev 3 wind farm, especially regarding the shipping of manpower, supplies, and servicing vessels. Subsequently, Vattenfall has reported that they will use the Port of Hvide Sande as O&M port for servicing Horns Rev 3. The services provided are also available to oil & gas customers, at this highly efficient and price-competitive port.

Hytech Personnel A/S

Måde Industrivej 19 - 6705 Esbjerg Ø – Denmark +45 7060 2022

Ib Andresen Industri A/S

Industrivej 12-20 - 5550 Langeskov +45 6338 2222

Industry sector: Energy Industry role: Recruitment Experts Profile: For more than 15 years, we have built up a great deal of expertise in recruitment of technical, production and office staff within the energy sector. Our goal is to be the natural link between customers and employees with high professional competence.

Profile: As supplier of steel-based solutions, our ambition is to help companies throughout the value chain of the steel – from idea to industrial reality. We provide processing of coils to slit rings and sheets as well as shaping to finished components and profiles. Together with our customers we reduce the complexity and increase the flexibility, wherever needed in their value chain. Our customers will experience our expertise and efficient coordination as a strong basis for the cooperation, where we have a fine eye for detail while keeping in mind the bigger picture of our customers.

Energy Insight Yearbook 81

J.A.K. Workwear A/S

Energivej 11 - 6700 Esbjerg +457615 2929 / +457615 2939

Jutlandia Terminal A/S Amerikavej 1 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 7513 6022

KC Business Development For direct contact: Niels Bohrs Vej 6 - Esbjerg 6700 +45 2925 2021

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply Profile: Production of work wear for offshore use. Whole sale of safty shoes and personel protection gear. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: logistics and Port services Profile: Jutlandia is a full-service offshore provider dedicated to providing a high level of service and strong individual commitment. Based at the port of Esbjerg, we provide all ""requirements"" for the local exploration and production in the North Sea. Worldwide we are operating at 300 destinations, and we have three big modern warehouses and outdoor storage, including facilities for storage of pipes and tanks. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; On- & Offshore Wind; Maritime; Logistics Industry role: Consultant Profile: Let us represent you in Denmark from our offices in Esbjerg, the Energy Capital for renewables, oil/gas and logistics with easy access to the UK, the Netherlands, Germany and Norway. Are you looking to export out of Denmark or grow your existing exports? Let us help. We get operational – we advise – we inspire. Kim Christensen has 25+ years of experience within renewables, oil/gas and logistics. Please read more about KC Business Development on – or telephone 0045 29 25 20 21 for more information. We look forward to hearing from you.

Kiwa Inspecta

Stades Krog 6 - DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby +45 7022 9770

Profile: Kiwa Inspecta is a leading company in testing, inspection and certification in Denmark. With our certification, inspection, testing, training and technology services, we build trust in our customers' products, services, processes, (management systems) and employees. We have extensive experience in inspection of boilers, pressure vessels, piping systems and elevators, etc. We also carry out certification of companies according to ISO 1090, and we certify, weld and assist with WPQR and WPS. Our growing NDT departments are always present in your local area and will always secure quality. If you need a responsible partner, contact us.

KK Wind Solutions

Industry sector: On- & Offshore Wind

Boegildvej 3 - 7430 Ikast +45 9692 4300

Profile: KK Wind Solutions is a leading partner in electro-mechanical systems for wind turbines. Our offshore and onshore solutions range from development of state-of-the-art systems and lean manufacturing to installation, operations and maintenance. Our expertise with system integration and our ability to provide integrated supply chain solutions set us apart from others. In every aspect of our business, we strive to not only satisfy but exceed our customers’ expectations.

Kyhn-Hansen (Law firm Kyhn-Hansen)

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; On- & Offshore Wind

Maersk Broker (Specialised Tonnage)

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Contact information: +45 3142 5410

Midtermolen 1 - 2100 København Ø +45 33 63 85 94

82 Energy Insight Yearbook

Profile: Specialized and experienced law firm within all tiers in the wind, oil and gas industry. Experience achieved from high internal and external legal positions in the industries. Main focus is contract negotiations, public tenders and contract management.

Industry role: Consultant; Service Industry classification: Business Development; Construction Vessels; Cranes (Mobile); Decommissioning and Abandonment; Foundations and Piles; Installation and Commissioning; Project Management; Support Vessels; Wind Turbine

Maersk Training A/S

Dyrekredsen 4 - 5700 Svendborg, Denmark +45 7026 3283

Maskinmesterskolen København

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Wind; Maritime Profile: Maersk Training is based on a safety culture that focuses on eliminating risks by being prepared. We teach the Oil & Gas, Maritime, Container Terminal and Wind industry how to improve safety and operational performance. We always train as close to real life as possible, teaching organisations, crews and individuals, how to handle or avoid challenging situations, both in on- and offshore operations.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Akademivej 56, bygning 358 - 2800 Kongens Lyngby +45 45257600

Industry role: Education; Training

Maskinmestrenes Forening

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Sankt Annæ Plads 16 - 1250 København K +45 33 36 49 20 / +45 33 36 49 49

Masytec A/S

Vallensbækvej 31 - 2605 Brøndby +45 4345 8866


Værkstedsvej 2 - DK-6000 Kolding +45 7555 9797

MSK er Danmarks ældste maskinmesterskole og har uddannet maskinmestre siden 1906. Der er ca. 700 studerende og 60 ansatte. Nederst på formularenMSK er førende inden for det elog køletekniske område og har uden sammenligning landets bedste køletekniske faciliteter, laboratorium og eksperter. MSK er med helt fremme når det gælder styring og regulering samt robotteknologi og tilbyder ekspertviden omfattende de seneste teknologier inden for solceller, vindenergi og brændselsceller.

Industry role: Training and Education Profile: Engineers’ Association is an organization for graduate engineers, dual purpose cadets and technical manager offshore, all trained - or in training - in an engineering school or a maritimetraining center. Industry sector: Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture and Supply; Service Profile: Lubrication systems for offshore, windpower and other industries.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; On- & Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture and Supply; Service; 3D Printing; Design; Engineering; Profile: MDT A/S are specialists in lightweight constructions. Flexible light weight aluminium profiles can be manipulated by hand in all directions making it possible to manufacture exceptionally curved light weight, strong structures. MDT A/S is one of only a handful of companies in the world to print 3D elements of 3 x 2 x 1.5 metres. The company has invested in development and machinery, and can print in three sizes. 3D printing is faster and more cost-effective than milling or bending an element in steel. In some cases, an element printed on a 3D printer costs only one-third of the price of the same element made of steel.

MHI Vestas Offshore Wind A/S Dusager 4 - 8200 Aarhus N +45 8844 8900

Industry sector: Offshore Wind Industry role: Design; Manufacture; installation and service The company’s sole focus is to design, manufacture, install and service wind turbines for the offshore wind industry. The company aims to drive down the cost of energy from offshore wind parks by driving capital and operating savings, and increasing output of wind turbines by bringing the best technology to the market.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - TradeCouncil

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Momentum Gruppen A/S

Profile: Momentum Gruppen A/S (Momentum) is a market leading, full scope Asset Manager covering all aspects of wind- and solar projects during the entire value chain from “cradle to grave”. We have strong management and consulting skills, and we are able to assist our customers in any part of the value chain, and each phase of the asset’s technical- and financial lifetime: Planning, Construction, Operation, Asset Life Extension, Repowering, Decommissioning and Sales & Sourcing of Projects. We operate offshore and onshore wind parks as well as ground and roof-based PV plants.

Asiatisk Plads 2 - 1448 København K +45 33 92 00 00 / +45 33 92 04 30

Contact information: +45 46 33 70 10

Industry role: Support Organisation

Energy Insight Yearbook 83

The Nord-Lock Group

Gydevang 39-41 - DK-3450 Allerød +45 2178 6699

Nordjyllands Beredskabs Uddannelsescenter (NOBR) Rørdalsvej 55 - 9220 Aalborg Øst +45 70 15 15 14

NorSea Group Denmark Kanalen 1 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 7912 8900

Nortek ApS

Ormhöjgaardvej 4 - DK-8700 Horsens +45 7199 8909

Ocean Team Scandinavia A/S Vesterhavsgade 56 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 7518 0077

Industry Sector: Oil and Gas, Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply Profile: Our mission is to safeguard human lives and customer investments. The Nord-Lock Group believes that no one should ever have to question the integrity of mechanical solutions so critical to our way of life. As a global leader in bolting solutions, we are strengthening the public and industrial infrastructures that shape modern living in decades to come. We help you optimize your bolted joints! Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Training; Safety Profile: We offer a wide range of courses at our two training centres. e.g STCW, LNG, CFS, BOSC/ OPITO, Fire, GWO basic safety training, Height rescue, advanced rescue, Basic height safety & Rescue, Confined Spaces, First Aid, ITLS etc. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Profile: NorSea Group Denmark (formerly Danbor) was established in 1974 where the company began supporting the offshore players in the North Sea. As the offshore industry developed the company became a multi-service supplier delivering customised solutions to the offshore industry world-wide. In 2014 NorSea Group Denmark became a part of NorSea Group, a leading supplier of base logistics to the offshore industry. NorSea Group Denmark offers total integrated logistics service , offshore supply base and port operations, offshore operation & maintenance, steel construction & surface treatment and facility service & infrastructure development Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: NORTEK offers a wide range of solutions within industrial and hydraulic hoses, couplings, hydraulic valves, pumps, filters, hydraulic system solutions and costumer-required solutions. Industrial large bore hoses up to 24”; BOP Couplings; ATEX hoses; On-site fully equipped container for hydraulic hose assembly; Steel compensators and hoses; Advanced pipe bending from 4 to 60 mm pipe mounted with wide range of possibilities, among others triple-lok 37°, O-lok 90°, Bördel E-F, EO2 and Vossform; High pressure hose assembly up to 3500 bar; Hydraulic wrenches, bolt tensioner and small jack-up cylinders. Because quality matters. Industry sectors: Oil & Gas; On- Offshore Wind; Maritime; Power Generation Industry role: Technology provider; services Profile: Ocean Team Scandinavia is your international partner within specialized cleaning of technical and fluid transfer systems. Core competences include oil flushing, chemical and mechanical cleaning. Furthermore, we offer product development, construction and production of customized purification systems. Industry classification: Fluids and lubricants, hydraulics, chemicals and oils. Instrumentation, pumps and accessories. ISO-9001 certification.

Offshore Denmark

Stationsvangen 5 - DK-8541 Skødstrup +45 3028 9975

Industry sectors: Oil & Gas; On- Offshore Wind; Maritime Profile: Offshore Denmark is a unique networking concept with Danish companies active in the offshore and marine industries. On this website you have a quick overview of these companies who offer the ultimate products and services covering all aspects within the marine and offshore industry. The members of Offshore Denmark represent: - Great expertise in the manufacture of innovative and competitive products. - The power to offer complete turnkey solutions with a strong supporting service industry. - A competent and technologically skilled industry with more than 5,000 strongly motivated employees.

Olie Gas Danmark

Knabrostræde 30, st. - 1210 København K 3841 1880 / 3841 1889

84 Energy Insight Yearbook

Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: Oil Gas Denmark is a trade organization for all companies in the upstream oil and gas production sector. This involves oil producing companies as well as partners, suppliers and service companies operating within exploration and production of oil and gas in Denmark.

Per Aarsleff A/S

Hasselager Allé 5 - 8260 Viby J +45 8744 2222

Phoenix Contact A/S

Hammerholmen 48 - Postboks 1181 - 2650 Hvidovre +45 3677 4411

Industry sector: Offshore Wind Profile: Aarsleff is a leading Danish contracting company. Our expertise is to devise, plan and implement large-scale projects within infrastructure, climate change adaptation, the environment, energy etc. – from design to handing-over. Our point of departure is a strong position in Denmark and the Baltic Sea region, and we solve projects in most parts of the world. Aarsleff finds it very important to combine the many contracting disciplines of the Group in turnkey projects – for example by entering into framework and partnering agreements. In this way, we are using the synergy potentials between the different qualifications. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Automation; Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: Phoenix Contact offers innovative and robust solutions for the automation of your wind power plants. This allows you to minimize downtimes and use your wind power plant as efficiently as possible. As automation specialists, we also support you in implementing the Machinery Directive with our safety services. Phoenix Contact offers a comprehensive portfolio of hardware and software for the future-proof automation of the sometimes outdated installations involved in the production, transport, and processing of oil and gas.


Profile: PlanEnergi provides consulting in all phases of wind turbine planning from the first ideas until all permits are granted. Municipal plans with environmental assessment and EIA reports, visualization of small plants on land and of large offshore facilities. We emphasize a concise and easily comprehensible debriefing for both the authorities and the public. We aim to integrate the wind plants harmoniously in the landscape. • Analyses of potential wind turbine and solar energy sites • Optimization of layout pattern relative to the wind conditions, landscape, topography, distance to neighbors, noise and shadow flicker • Description of existing conditions – photos, maps, landscape description and analysis • Visualizations • Public meetings • Regulatory procedures – local development plans, municipal plans and environmental impact assessments • Documentation concerning Neighborhood Compensation – Visualizations for the Taxation Commission • And a lot more, contact us for more information.

PolyTech A/S

Industry sector: On- & Offshore Wind"

Vestergade 48 H - 8000 Århus C Jyllandsgade 1 - 9520 Skørping A.C. Meyers Vænge 15 - 2450 København SV +45 9682 0400

Industrivej 37 - DK-6740 Bramming +45 7510 1026 / +45 7510 1126 Contact person: CEO Mads Kirkegaard


Hannemanns Allé 53 - DK-2300 Copenhagen S +45 5161 1000

Region Syddanmark (The Region of Southern Denmark) Damhaven 12 - 7100 Vejle +45 7663 1000

RelyOn Nutec

+45 7612 1314

Profile: At PolyTech, we help OEM and aftermarket customers bring new solutions and products to life. In the wind industry, we apply all our research, our knowledge, our innovation, our skills and our products to help reduce the levelized cost of wind energy. Our ultimate ambition is to contribute to a world powered primarily by renewables. We offer a wide range of robust and competitive solutions for leading edge protection, lightning protection systems, blade add-ons and turbine internals. Our creative, agile and holistic approach to product development has made us an experienced, trusted partner and a preferred supplier to major wind industry players who share our aspirations. We operate an accredited test center and a full-featured lightning testing laboratory, highly automated and specialized large-scale production facilities in Denmark, China and Mexico and a logistics center in USA. Industry sector: Energy Industry role: Consultant; Design; Engineering; Research and Development; Service Profile: Ramboll is a leading engineering, design and consultancy company founded in Denmark in 1945. The company employs 15,500 experts globally and has especially strong representation in the Nordics, UK, North America, Continental Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific. With more than 45 years of experience, Ramboll is a well-established, independent and highly regarded provider of engineering consultancy services for the offshore industry. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Support Organisation Profile: The Region of Southern Denmark supports the national offshore industry because the centre of the cluster is based in the region around the Port of Esbjerg. The regions target is to create more jobs in the industry by financing developing projects from regional and European funds. Profile: We provide safety and survival training and services, helping organisations in oil and gas, maritime, wind and industrial, improve safety for their employees and their customers. From our Copenhagen headquarter and 33 sites around the world, we serve +10,000 companies every year, from the sole employee contractor to some of the biggest companies in the highrisk industries across the world.

Energy Insight Yearbook 85

Rescue Center Denmark

Storstrømsvej 39 - 6715 Esbjerg N +45 7913 4555

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Training and Education Profile: Rescue Center Denmark is a unique center of knowledge and training, with expertise and specialized knowledge in Fire & Rescue, EMT treatment, Transport-, Towing-and Recovery Vehicles and risk assessment and prevention. We aim to match your training needs. With Rescue Center Denmark you will get a partner that can advise you on many issues, for example contingency planning, safety, vehicle constructions, choice of materials and equipment, rules and regulations.

Rohde Nielsen A/S

Nyhavn 20 - DK-1051 Copenhagen K +45 3391 2507

Profile: Rohde Nielsen A/S offers various services for the offshore sector including landfall dredging, trench dredging, backfilling, cofferdam installation, pipe pull, subsea gravel and rock placing, boulder removal, route pre-sweeping, and other offshore seabed preparation works. Working offshore requires tailored vessels, operational accuracy and detailed tracking – all of which are covered to full by our advanced fleet of specialized units.

Rybners Tekniske Skole

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy

Spangsbjerg Møllevej 72 - 6700 Esbjerg +4579134511

Industry role: Training and Education Profile: Rybners offers a wide range of educations within skilled craftsmanship, service and in-service training.

SafeExIT A/S

Profile: SafeExIT A/S is a 100% Danish owned company with more than 20 years of experience. We market and sell specialized products in the categories Emergency Lighting, Ex-equipment, Emergency Lighting for Infrastructure and Industrial Lighting. For Explosion proof installations, we have a wide range of products, from lighting, installation equipment, control stations, switch boards, gas detection and further. We always provide complete solutions, so the products complement each other and you only need one supplier. We work with the best suppliers and have the highest standard in quality assurance and service. With us, both functionality and design are important parameters. We are happy to calculate an offer for your project. SafeExIT A/S is ISO 9001:2015 certified.

Semco Maritime A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Herstedøstervej 19 - 2600 Glostrup +45 4345 5010 / VAT#: 20365773 SafeExIT:

Esbjerg Brygge 30 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 79166666 / +45 75156580

Siemens Industry Software A/S Borupvang 9 - 2750 Ballerup +45 44 77 44 77

Siemens Oil & Gas

Industry role: Consultant; Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: Dedicated to the energy sector, Semco Maritime is an international contracting and engineering company. For more than 30 years the company has been facilitating design, fabrication, service and maintenance of our customers’ assets, providing comprehensive project management across all phases of energy projects. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; Wave Energy Industry role: Engineering; Manufacture or Supply Profile: Siemens Industry Software A/S, a business unit of the Siemens Industry Automation Division, is a leading global provider of plant lifecycle management (COMOS) and product lifecycle management (PLM) software. The software solution COMOS, based on Microsoft technology, Supports the entire life cycle of a plant process or a machine from conceptual design through engineering, construction, maintenance and life extension to deconstruction. Industry sector: Oil and Gas

Nordre Dokkaj 1 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 4477 4477

Industry role: Consultant; Engineering; Installation; Manufacture or Supply; Research and Development; Service; Training and Education

Siemens Wind Power A/S, Brande

Industry sector: Offshore Wind

Borupvej 16 - 7330 Brande +45 96 33 44 33

86 Energy Insight Yearbook

Profile: The Siemens group in Denmark is part of the international Siemens concern, one of the Worlds biggest corporations within electronics and electro technique. The company solves assignments with in the areas: energy, industry, information, telecom, traffic, hospital equipment, hearing aids, light sources, Electrical Transmission and Distribution Equipment and electric installations. Based within the intensive research and development effort of the concern an extensive range of highly technological products and services are offered.

Industry role: Manufacture or Supply

Sihm Højtryk A/S

Guldborgsundvej 3 - 6705 Esbjerg Ø +45 7515 9700

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Consultant; Manufacture or Supply; Service Profile: Sihm Højtryk A/S is your high-pressure expert up to 7.000 bar! We offer high pressure pumps, units and equipment from some of the world’s leading manufacturers. High pressure test equipment, high pressure hoses and fittings up to 4000 bar from day-to-day, surface treatment equipment, water cutting equipment and much more. Does it involve any media under pressure we can assist! Highly trained specialists guarantee unmatched levels of service and responsiveness 24/7 – 365 days. Dealer and service center for; Hammelmann, Oertzen, StoneAge, Dynajet, Parker a.o.

SIMAC Training

Graaesvej 27 - 5700 Svendborg, Denmark +45 7221 5560

Industry role: Training and Education; Safety SIMAC Svendborg International Maritime Academy – SIMAC – is the leading maritime training center i Denmark. At SIMAC you can complete your training as Master Mariner, Marine Engineer or Ship’s Officer (Dual Degree). SIMAC Training SIMAC Training is the industry's preferred partner when there is a need for the latest knowledge and latest skills in the industry. SIMAC Training conducts training in the areas of Marine, Green Offshore, Offshore, Industry, Energy and leadership. SIMAC Training delivers high quality and specialized training, and maintains a number international level approvals, including: CETOP 1, 2 and 3, and VTS approval from DK, S, and IALA.

Skagen Blade Technology

Danmarksgade 56 - 9900 Frederikshavn +45 9848 1500


Vikingkaj 5 - DK-6700 Esbjerg +45 7512 8888

Solar Danmark A/S

Industrivej Vest 39 - DK-6600 Vejen +45 7652 7030

SubC Partner A/S

Sahara 4 - DK-6700 Esbjerg +45 7023 2122

Syddansk Universitet, Esbjerg Niels Bohrs Vej 9 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 65504114 / +45 65501091

Industry sector: On- & offshore wind Industry role: Service; Maintanance Profile: Vedligeholdelse af vinger world wide • Mere end 30 års erfaring i overfladebehandling • Specialister i glasfiber reparation • Reparation af Vortex generators, powercurve, dinotails, vingelet osv. • Leading Edge Protection påføring/montering • Rope access Industry sector: Wind (on- and offshore), Oil and Gas Profile: We are amongst the leading Green ship recycling and ship scrapping companies in Europe and have a larger stock of maritime equipment from scrapped vessels such as marine engines, gearboxes etc etc of all sizes for commercial vessels. In the item groups, you have access to a large part of our large inventory of second hand and new goods to the maritime and industrial industry. Use the search box above for you specific type or frase of your enquiry. Please don't hesitate to contact us If you don't find what you are looking for or have any question or enquiries. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Wind Industry role: Sourcing and Service; Logistics on technical products Profile: Being part of a sourcing and services company, Solar Offshore focuses on each individual customer. We want to work closely with you to offer tailored services that underspin your efforts to optimize daily processes, develop your skills and run more profitable businesses. Through our extensive partner network Solar Offshore has access to well-known brands as well as special order items. Our distribution system and warehouse structure ensure availability of a wide range of industry, oil and gas, and wind components. At Solar we will build our business around insights and a profound TCO mindset.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Profile: At SubC, we have high-level expertise, an innovative approach and advanced technologies at our disposal. SubC develops and maintains a portfolio of innovative products and services that aims to reduce the cost of offshore operations. We are experts in aluminium design and utilize in-house production knowledge to reduce weight and save costs while maintaining high quality and robust design. SubC is involved from early-stage feasibility studies to successful offshore commissioning. Our hands-on approach ensures that we take good care of your project in all its phases. SubC serves the energy sector in three ways. We provide unique products to meet unique challenges, onshore fabrication and engineering services, and offshore project execution. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Research and Development; Training and Education Profile: Knowledge is one of the prerequisites for growth in Denmark, where social welfare and competition within industry are increasingly dependent on research, highly skilled workers, and an industry with a flair for innovation and renewal. The University of Southern Denmark, with campuses located in the southwestern part of Denmark - i.e. Funen and Southern Jutland -is a research and educational institution with deep regional roots and an international outlook.

Energy Insight Yearbook 87

Swagelok Danmark

Glentevej 13 - DK-6705 Esbjerg Ø +45 7612 1950 Contacts: Finn Høst

Teknologisk Institut

Industry sector: Oil and Gas Industry role: Manufacture or Supply Profile: Swagelok Danmark is your authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center. Swagelok® designs, manufactures and delivers an extensive range of the highest quality fluid system products on the market. Our product range includes components such as fittings, valves, regulators and many more. We also offer a number of services such as on site energy surveys and tube fitting training to add extra value, security and safety to our customers. Visit for more info. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

DTI Oil & Gas - 8000 Aarhus C +45 7220 2000 / +45 7220 1019

Industry role: Manufacture or Supply; Research and Development;Service; Training and Education

Teknos A/S

Industry sector: Wind (on- and offshore), Oil and Gas

Industrivej 19 - DK-6580 Vamdrup +45 76939400

TESS Danmark

Tværkaj 4 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 7545 7851 TESS Frederikshavn Silovej 10 - 9900 Frederikshavn +45 7545 7852

TG Technology ApS

Byleddet 3A - DK - 4000 Roskilde +45 221 221 88

The Port of Thyborøn

Tankskibsvej 4 - DK-7680 Thyborøn +45 9690 0310

Thomas Group Manufacturing Bredskifte Allé 11 - DK-8210 Aarhus V +45 70 260 460

88 Energy Insight Yearbook

Industry classification: Academic Institution; Architectural or Building Materials; Business Development; Certification; Environmental Assessment and Monitoring; Inspection and Testing; Metal Materials; Networking and Events; Surface Treatment; Technology Services; Training; iso14001 certification, iso-9001 certification.

Industri classification: Iso-14001 classification, iso-9001 classification Profile: Teknos coating solutions for wind turbines Teknos has developed paints and coatings specially for wind turbine blades. The Teknos product family for wind blades consists of a full range of products, from priming to finishing paints, and putties as well as a game-changing repair solution for rotor blade leading edges. Teknos has strong evidence of its expertise in the surface treatment of wind turbine components and wind turbine towers. Alongside traditional solvent-based products, Teknos has developed alternative water-based and high solids solvent-based paints for tower surfaces. Ask for further information. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Manufacture; Supply; Service Profile: TESS Denmark is part of the Norwegian company TESS AS with over 140 branches in seven countries: Norway, USA, Brazil, Singapore, Scotland, Spain and Denmark. TESS is the largest supplier of hoses in Scandinavia, specialized in hoses, pipes, couplings, fittings and accessories to hoses and pipes for the offshore, maritime and windmill sectors. In Denmark, TESS has two departments, one in Esbjerg and one in Frederikshavn.

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind; food and pharma Industry role: Consultant; Manufacture and Supply; Tagging-Service Profile: TG TECHNOLOGY ApS supplies TAGS, signs and markings for harsh environments. We provide consulting assistance in the same area. TG TECHNOLOGY have experienced staff for mounting TAGS, as well as a mobile workshop for production onsite. A one stop shop in the field of Tagging that delivers worldwide. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Wind (on- and offshore) Industry role: Port; Service Profile: Thyboron Port is the accessible North Sea Base Port for both installation, O&M and decommissioning of North Sea Energy Projects. The port of Thyboron is the closest port to the 350 MW Danish Nearshore Wind Farm Vesterhav North/South and the 800 MW Offshore Wind Farm Thor. Heavy load quays and 15 hectares directly based storage area ensure very good working conditions at the port. The port of Thyboron has unique sailing conditions on the Danish west coast with an eastbound entrance. Berthing is ensured in all weather and the vessels are sheltered from the wind. Here flexibility has high priority and you will meet quick reaction and professionalism in all the service companies located at the port of Thyboron. Industry sector: Wind (on- and offshore) Profile: Building on more than 20 years of experience, Thomas Group Manufacturing A/S is a leading partner in delivering costs reduction in the supply chain of the wind industry. We focus on the international wind power industry, where we identify, develop and implement tailor-made technical cost-out solutions to improve supply chain competitiveness and cycle time. Among other things, we specialize in optimizing blade and jacket manufacturing, transport equipment as well as lifting/handling equipment. We have supported OEM’s in Europe, Asia, Afrika and USA to reduce their cost in the manufacturing of the largest blades on the market. We focus on identifying opportunities to parallelise processes in the production to optimize these and to reduce cycle time. This also includes identifying savings regarding quality improvements and manpower reduction.

Tibnor A/S

Klokkestøbervej 18 - 5230 Odense M + 45 4323 7700

Industry sector: Wind (on- and offshore), Oil and Gas Industry role: Supplier

Contact person: Carsten Holmgaard, Sales Manager +45 7740 1264

Profile: A strong partner to the manufacturing industry. We purchase, store, pre-process and distribute steel and non-ferrous metals to the wind, oil&gas, engineering, processing and construction industries. We are the partner that creates conditions for long-term profitable production. We have a long tradition of cooperation with Europe’s leading producers and can offer our customers the market’s most extensive selection of steel and non-ferrous metals.


Industry sector: Wind (on- and offshore), Oil and Gas

BANEGRAVEN 2 - 3550 SLANGERUP +45 47 199 299

Profile: ToppTOPO A/S has operated in the drone market for several years. The company’s new Falcon 8 drone has special technology; the drone has triple-redundant technology and an inertial movement unit or IMU. The drone therefore takes steady images, even at wind speeds of 10-12 m/s. The technology allows the eight propellers on the drone to compensate for weather conditions. The drone hovers steadily without the drone pilot having to react. The drone is particularly suitable for offshore work, e.g. in connection with inspection and mapping work. The company can fly the drone with a digital camera and a thermographic camera in the same payload. As a result, you get images that, for example, clearly show where there may be leakages in a pipeline.

Total Denmark A/S

Aldersrogade 6C, 4. - 2100 København Ø +45 4581 3701

Profile: Total Nordic is part of Total Marketing & Services, the commercial division of Total Group, one of the largest oil companies in the world. With its Head-Office in Copenhagen, Total Nordic has operations in all Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland) and operates four affiliates (TOTAL DENMARK A/S - TOTAL SWEDEN AB - TOTAL NORGE AS – TOTAL M&S FINLAND OY).

Tranemo Workwear Denmark A/S

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind

Farøvej 4-6 - DK-9800 Hjørring +45 9623 4488

Vattenfall, Esbjerg

Exnersgade 2 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 8827 5000

WSCO Advokatpartnerselskab Frederiksgade 7 - DK-1265 København K +45 3525 3800


Kraftværksvej 53 - Skærbæk - 7000 Fredericia +45 9955 1111

Aalborg Universitet Esbjerg Niels Bohrs Vej 8 - 6700 Esbjerg +45 99 40 99 40

Industry role: Flame Retardant Workwear Profile: Tranemo Workwear Denmark is dedicated to preventing work related injuries on the European market. Our mission is to make your workplace safer through innovation of advanced workwear and by sharing expertise and advice in assessment of the protection needed in your environment. Our focus lies on inherent flame retardant, high visibility and other high quality workwear. You will find our customers among professionals in industries such as: Utilities, Power, Offshore, Metallurgy, Railroads, Roads, Transport, Chemicals, Petrochemicals etc. Industry sector: Offshore Wind Industry role: Operator Industry classification: Maintenance; Modification and Operation; 923 Certification; iso-9001 Certification; ohsas-18001 Certification

Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Profile: WSCO is one of the leading law firms within offshore oil and gas, offshore wind, geothermal energy and other remewables in Denmark. We assist licence holders, operators, contractors and suppliers. Industry sector: Offshore Wind Industry role: Operator Profile: Ørsted develops, constructs and operates offshore wind farms, bioenergy plants and innovative waste-to-energy solutions and provides smart energy products to its customers. Industry sector: Oil and Gas; Offshore Wind Industry role: Research and Development; Training and Education Profile: Aalborg University Esbjerg is Esbjergs research and education institution for higher education in technology and engineering with a wide offer of educations.

Energy Insight Yearbook 89


Infocus International is widely recognised as a global conference and summit organiser. Here are some of the events planned in 2020: Power Purchase Agreement Structuring successful Power Purchase Agreements, managing competitive electricity markets & attracting merchant power investments. Date: 7–10 June 2020, Dubai | 19–22 October 2020, Singapore. Renewable Power & Energy Mix Essential approaches to market assessment, power project opportunity & business risk analysis. Date: 15–17 June 2020, Singapore. Mastering Wind Power An essential guide to the business of wind power project planning & development. Date: 8–10 July 2020, Singapore. Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contracts for the Energy Industry Mastering the legal and commercial framework, contract negotiation, financing, risk and contractor relationship complexities of upstream and downstream EPC projects. Date: 24–26 August 2020, Singapore. Gas & LNG Markets, Contracts & Pricing A comprehensive all-in-one course addressing all key elements for successful gas & LNG business strategies. Date: 28 Sep – 2 Oct 2020, Port of Spain | 23 – 27 Nov 2020, Singapore. More information about these and a lot more events can be found here:

ONS 2020 31 Aug - 3 Sep 2020, Stavanger, Norway Meet the most relevant people for your company and lay the groundwork for future business at ONS. Take the opportunity to gain insight into the latest news, trends, innovations and technical solutions in the oil and energy industry. ONS is an exhibition, a conference and a festival offering a meeting place where you’ll hear the latest news from the industry at the conference, meet your target audience at the exhibition, and network at the evening festival. The ONS conferences with its top speakers provides your employees with new and valuable insight that makes your company better equipped to adapt to a challenging market. For more information, visit

90 Energy Insight Yearbook

SPE Norway Subsurface Conference 2020 14 September 2020, Bergen, Norway Originally planned for 22 April 2020, the SPE Norway Subsurface Conference has been rescheduled to September because of COVID-19. Renowned as one of the most significant forums for oil and gas professionals in Norway and the rest of the world. The industry is in change and the focus on energy transition is growing, which is driven by the positive steps put forward in global climate discussions and rapid technology development. However, population and economic growth still drive the global need for energy to increase and we believe oil and gas will be an important part of our energy mix for decades to come. Established for more than 30 years and formerly known as the SPE Norway One Day Seminar, the SPE Norway Subsurface Conference brings together the industry to expand industry technical knowledge, connect with innovators and leaders and address technical challenges facing upstream oil and gas professionals. For more information, visit

Offshore Energy Exhibition and Conference 27-28 October 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Offshore Energy Exhibition and Conference (OEEC) is where the energy transition takes place. It is Europe's leading gathering of the entire offshore energy industry and your opportunity to network with highly qualified experts and professionals across global markets. For more than 13 years OEEC is unique in bringing together the offshore energy industry sectors oil & gas, offshore wind and marine energy. More than 550 exhibitors from around the world present their newest services, projects and innovative products. On top of this OEEC presents international trade missions, pavilions, exclusive network lounges of the OEEC member club, the Startup Zone, matchmaking areas, the Stage and networking drinks. Approximately 12,000 professionals will visit the exhibition, take part in strategic discussions, immersive technical conference sessions focusing on the future and technical developments in the industry. Three days of networking and together shaping the future of energy. For more information, visit

2020 Offshore Technology Conference in Houston Postponed The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) recognises the unprecedented global challenge associated with the current COVID-19 pandemic. Considering the rapidly changing guidance from governments and companies, OTC has chosen to postpone the conference from 4–7 May to the third quarter of 2020. Actively working to confirm dates in August or September, please follow the updates here:

Energy Insight Yearbook 91

Always safe. Never sorry.

Maersk Training is based on a safety culture that focuses on eliminating risks by being prepared. We teach the Oil & Gas, Maritime, Container Terminal and Wind industry how to improve safety and operational performance. We always train as close to real life as possible, teaching organisations, crews and individuals, how to handle or avoid challenging situations, both in on- and offshore operations. Contact Maersk Training at +45 70 263 283,


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