ENERTIA - Asia's Premier Journal on Sustainable Energy & Power" - Issue - June 2014 - Volume 7 - Issue VI - Lead Story - In Retrospect Discussion Forum “Future of Energy- India Vision 2032” bats for the Theme : Growing India’s Power sector to 1000GW+ by 2032 (Renewable Energy – Solar, Wind, Bio-Energy etc. Portfolio of 250GW) Investment Drive of US $ 3 Trillion by 2032 - Power Generation, T&D & Smart Grid Infra (See the coverage inside) Hydro Vision - Bhutan Interview - Dasho Chhewang Rinzin, Managing Director, Druk Green Power Corporation (DGPC), Bhutan Cover Power - Expose 1.0 Continues Sins of Extension - Series Part IV- ENERTIA B. P. Rao illegitimately Stays Glued to the Chair as Maharatna BHEL Bleeds.... Happy Reading - ENERTIA - Asia's Premier Journal on Sustainable Energy & Power !!!