Ethan Earle Context of Practice — Studio Brief 01
Context of Practice 3 Proposal
Ethan Earle
Question 5
Context of Practice — Studio Brief 01
To what extent does Aesthetic ‘Style’ reflect the context, audience and/or function of contemporary Graphic Design?
Ethan Earle
Statement of Intent
Context of Practice — Studio Brief 01
My ambitions for COP3 are similar to this year, however going much more in-depth and exploring a wider range of will enable will enable a more extensive investigation as to whether ‘trends affect the validity of graphic design’. The aim for the written work will be to simply investigate more into trends, to gather more information but from a different perspective as this year. Focusing on mechanical reproduction and mimicry in the industry that is so prevalent in the digital age to extend on my current knowledge. Additionally, introducing more authors into the essay, in other words, adding more theories to the argument will supply a more valid response to the question and further extend my own understanding of design in the digital age. The practical will play a much more vital part in my COP3 journey. It will no doubt be a 50/50 mix of written work and design work, therefore allowing a much more thorough investigation into the specific details of the question. The main purpose of exploring trends in more depth is because I currently feel that I have not gotten all of the information I would have liked out of COP2, and know for certain that exploring this in more depth will not only benefit my future practice, but help me better understand the purpose that trends hold in the design industry.
Ethan Earle
Mechanical Reproduction Mimicry Design ‘Inspiration’ Blogs Consumerism
Related Subjects
Context of Practice — Studio Brief 01
Ethan Earle
‘In principle a work of art has always been reproducible. Man-made artefacts could always be imitated by men. Replicas were made by pupils in practice of their craft, by masters for diffusing their works, and, finally, by third parties in pursuit of gain.’ (BENJAMIN, Walter) ‘The art of storytelling is reaching its end because the epic side of truth, wisdom, is dying out.’ (BENJAMIN, Walter)
Context of Practice — Studio Brief 01
‘Artistic movements that until thirty years ago still lasted some ten to fifteen years are now reduced to trends and exhibition concepts that follow each other in rapid succession. Art production and presentation have, in other words, become instantaneous.’ (GIELEN, Pascal)
Ethan Earle
The Murmuring of the Artistic Multitude, Global Art, Memory and PostFordism — Pascal Gielen Postmodernism and Consumer Society — Fredric Jameson The Politics of Postmodernism — Linda Hutcheon The Art of Mechanical Reproduction — Tamarra Trodd
Context of Practice — Studio Brief 01
Illuminations (The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction) — Walter Benjamin
Ethan Earle
http://tumblr.com/ http://the-brandidentity.com/ http://creativereview.co.uk/ http://books.google.co.uk/
Context of Practice — Studio Brief 01
Ethan Earle OUGD501
Context of Practice — Studio Brief 01
Ethan Earle OUGD501
Context of Practice — Studio Brief 01
Ethan Earle OUGD501
Context of Practice — Studio Brief 01
Ethan Earle OUGD501
Context of Practice — Studio Brief 01