3 minute read
Riding the wave as one
waves as one RIDING THE
The artist co-operative Art Space Gallery in St Ives is celebrating its 20th anniversary – two decades of successfully taking control of their own sales. M anaged by seven Cornwall based artists, Art Space Gallery is located on the stunning Wharf of St Ives’ iconic harbour. Over the last two decades, a succession of 26 artists have called this sophisticated gallery their own – riding the waves when other galleries have had to close, sharing the costs and responsibilities democratically, working as a team to create a unique gallery showing a diverse array of work.
St Ives has, for centuries, been a hub for artists and for art galleries selling their work. The members of the Art Space Gallery have successfully ‘gone it alone’ to consistently sell work directly to the public, art enthusiasts and collectors from all over the world. Over the years, the artists have carved out a welldeserved place in the art establishment, building a reputation for work of exceptional quality. The artists currently in residence include Julian Rowe, who creates his compositions in oils; Helen Atkins, whose paintings are all about the sea and capture the contrast of the seasons; and Sara Pound, a traditional painter of seascapes, landscapes, boats and ȵ owers using ink, watercolour and pastel. Lucy Middleton is a lover of all things coastal and is constantly experimenting with her light and airy response to St Ives, while Tracey Oldham’s work – featuring clear lines and bold colour – stands out as graphical and stylish, at the same time achieving a glossy, luxurious surface and cutting straight to the essential feel of summertime. Mary Kaun English, who has long been inspired by the rugged north coast, reveres its strength and beauty, which she captures via organic pit-fi red ceramics. Lesley 1innes, who has been associated with the gallery for many years, describes the gallery’s “virtually ‘tailor-made’” set-up as one that “many can only dream of”. “We are all very enthusiastic about entering into our third decade of business with strength and confi dence,ȋ Leslie continues, Ȋand believe it is our dexterity and sense of unity which keeps our spirits alive.”
ART SPACE GALLERY T he W harf , S t I ves T R 2 6 1 PU gallery @ artspace-cornwall.co.uk | 0 1 7 3 6 7 9 9 7 4 4 artspacegallery stives www.artspace-cornwall.co.uk Find more like this: www.cornwall-living.co.uk
Tracey Oldham
Julian Rowe
Lesley Ninnes
EXPERIENCE Art Space Gallery provides a friendly atmosphere and is always staffed by one of the seven artists, who enjoy giving interested visitors an insight into the methods and inspiration behind the work.

Lucy Middleton

Helen Atkins
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