Referencia de Métricas METRIC NAME
Colaboración de Ilia S. Rodríguez Torres, Ph.D., Doral Bank Seminario: Midiendo Resultados: Usando Métricas para demostrar el valor añadido de los RR. HH.
Organizational Effectiveness Rev enue Factor
Rev enue / Total FTE
Ex pense Factor
Operating Ex pense / Total FTE
Income Factor
Rev enue - Operating Ex pense / Total FTE
Human Capital Value Added
Rev enue - Operating Ex pense - Compensation Cost (Workforce on Pay roll) + Benefit Cost EPTNW / Total FTE Rev enue - Operating Ex pense - Compensation Cost (Workforce
Human Capital ROI
on Pay roll) + Benefit Cost EPTNW / Compensation Cost (Workforce on Pay roll) + Benefit Cost EPTNW Net Operating Profit After Tax - (Shareholder's Equity * 0.12) /
Dollars of unit revenue generated per full-time equivalent employee. Dollars of unit operating expense incurred per full-time equivalent employee. Dollars of unit profit generated per full-time equivalent employee. Dollars of adjusted unit profit added per full-time equivalent employee.
Dollars of adjusted unit profit per each dollar spent on employee compensation and benefits.
Total FTE
Dollars of true profit (after expenses, taxes and capital costs) generated per full-time equivalent employee.
Outsourcing Ex pense Percent
Outsourcing Ex pense / Operating Ex pense
Outsourcing costs as a percent of total operating costs.
Management Ratio
Total Headcount / Management Headcount
Number of employees to each manager.
Management Inv estment Factor
Management Compensation Cost / Total FTE
Dollars spent on Managers per full-time equivalent employee.
Av erage Tenure - Total
Total Employ ee Tenure / Regular Employ ee Headcount
Average length of service of all active full and part-time employees.
Av erage Tenure - Ex empt
Ex empt Employ ee Tenure / Ex empt Regular Headcount
Average length of service of all active exempt full and part-time employees.
Av erage Tenure - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Employ ee Tenure / Nonex empt Regular Headcount
Average length of service of all active nonexempt full and part-time employees.
Headcount Percent - Contingent - Total
Total Contingent Headcount / Total Headcount
Contingent employees as a percent of total headcount.
Contingent On Pay roll Headcount / Total Headcount
Contingent on-payroll employees as a percent of total headcount.
Contingent Off Pay roll Headcount / Total Headcount
Contingent off-payroll employees as a percent of total headcount.
FTE Percent - Contingent - Total
Total Contingent FTE / Total FTE
Number of Contingent FTE as a percent total FTE.
FTE Percent - Contingent - On Pay roll
Contingent On Pay roll FTE / Total FTE
Number of Contingent on-payroll FTE as a percent total FTE.
FTE Percent - Contingent - Off Pay roll
Contingent Off Pay roll FTE / Total FTE
Number of Contingent off-payroll FTE as a percent total FTE.
FTE Percent - Management
Management FTE / Total FTE
Number of Management FTE as a percent total FTE.
FTE Percent - Professionals
Professionals FTE / Total FTE
Number of Professional FTE as a percent total FTE.
FTE Percent - Sales
Sales FTE / Total FTE
Number of Sales FTE as a percent total FTE.
FTE Percent - Office & Clerical
Office & Clerical FTE / Total FTE
Number of Office & Clerical FTE as a percent total FTE.
FTE Percent - Operativ es
Operativ es FTE / Total FTE
Number of Operatives FTE as a percent total FTE.
Human Economic Value Added
Headcount Percent - Contingent - On Pay roll Headcount Percent - Contingent - Off Pay roll
Referencia de Métricas METRIC NAME
Colaboración de Ilia S. Rodríguez Torres, Ph.D., Doral Bank Seminario: Midiendo Resultados: Usando Métricas para demostrar el valor añadido de los RR. HH.
Human Resources Structure HR Ex pense Percent
HR Ex pense / Operating Ex pense
Internal and external HR expense as a percent of operating expense.
HR FTE Ratio
Total FTE / Total HR FTE
HR Ex empt Percent
HR Ex empt FTE / Total HR FTE
HR FTE Inv estment Factor
HR Ex pense / Total FTE
HR Headcount Inv estment Factor
HR Ex pense / Total Headcount
HR Outsourcing Percent
HR Outsourcing Cost / HR Ex pense
Total number of FTE employees that each Human Resource employee supports. Number of exempt HR FTE as a percent of total HR FTE. Dollars spent on Human Resource functions per full-time equivalent employee. Dollars spent on Human Resource functions per headcount employee. Outsourcing expenses as a percent of total HR expense.
HR Consulting Percent
HR Consulting Cost / HR Ex pense
Percent of HR expenses that are used for HR consulting services.
HR Compensation Ex pense Percent
HR Compensation Cost / Operating Ex pense
HR compensation costs as a percent of total operating expenses.
HR Employ ee Cost Factor
HR Compensation Cost / Regular HR FTE
Average compensation paid to HR employees.
HR Compensation Cost * (1+ Benefits Comp Percent) / Regular
Average compensation paid to all HR employees including benefit costs.
HR Total Employ ee Cost Factor
HR Separation Rate - Total
Total HR Separations / Total HR Headcount
HR Separation Rate - Ex empt
Ex empt HR Separations / Ex empt HR Headcount
HR Separation Rate - Nonex empt
Nonex empt HR Separations / Nonex empt HR Headcount
HR Structure Breakdow n -
Number of HR employees w ho terminated as a percent of total HR employees. Number of HR exempt employees w ho terminated as a percent of total HR employees. Number of HR nonexempt employees w ho terminated as a percent of total HR employees.
HR Administrativ e FTE / Total HR FTE
Number of HR FTE in Administrative functions as a percentage of total HR FTE.
HR Benefits FTE / Total HR FTE
Number of HR FTE in Benefit functions as a percentage of total HR FTE.
HR Compensation FTE / Total HR FTE
Number of HR FTE in Compensation functions as a percentage of total HR FTE.
HR Employ ee Relations FTE / Total HR FTE
Number of HR FTE in Employee Relations functions as a percentage of total HR FTE.
Number of HR FTE in HRIS functions as a percentage of total HR FTE.
HR Management FTE / Total HR FTE
Number of HR FTE in HR Management functions as a percentage of total HR FTE.
HR Structure Breakdow n - Legal
HR Legal FTE / Total HR FTE
Number of HR FTE in Legal functions as a percentage of total HR FTE.
HR Structure Breakdow n - Staffing
HR Staffing FTE / Total HR FTE
Number of HR FTE in Staffing functions as a percentage of total HR FTE.
Administrativ e HR Structure Breakdow n - Benefits HR Structure Breakdow n Compensation HR Structure Breakdow n - Employ ee Relations HR Structure Breakdow n - HRIS HR Structure Breakdow n - HR Management
Referencia de Métricas METRIC NAME
Colaboración de Ilia S. Rodríguez Torres, Ph.D., Doral Bank Seminario: Midiendo Resultados: Usando Métricas para demostrar el valor añadido de los RR. HH.
Compensation Compensation Rev enue Percent Total Compensation Rev enue Percent Total Labor Cost Rev enue Percent Compensation Ex pense Percent Total Compensation Ex pense Percent Total Labor Cost Ex pense Percent Compensation Percent - Ex ecutiv e Compensation Percent - Manager Compensation Percent - Staff Compensation Percent - Variable Compensation Percent - Contingent -
Compensation Cost (Workforce on Pay roll) / Rev enue
Employee compensation cost as a percent of unit revenue.
Compensation Cost (Workforce on Pay roll) + Benefit Cost EPTNW / Rev enue
Employee compensation and benefit cost as a percent of unit revenue.
Compensation Cost (Total) + Benefit Cost EPTNW / Rev enue
Total compensation and benefit cost as a percent of unit revenue.
Compensation Cost (Workforce on Pay roll) / Operating Ex pense Compensation Cost (Workforce on Pay roll) + Benefit Cost EPTNW / Operating Ex pense Compensation Cost (Total) + Benefit Cost EPTNW / Operating Ex pense Compensation Cost (Ex ecutiv e) / Compensation Cost (Workforce on Pay roll) Compensation Cost (Manager) / Compensation Cost (Workforce on Pay roll) Compensation Cost (Staff) / Compensation Cost (Workforce on Pay roll) Variable Compensation Cost / Compensation Cost (Workforce on Pay roll)
Employee compensation cost as a percent of unit operating expense. Employee compensation and benefit cost as a percent of unit operating expense. Total compensation and benefit cost as a percent of unit operating expense. Executive compensation cost as a percentage of unit compensation cost. Manager compensation cost as a percentage of unit compensation cost. Staff compensation cost as a percentage of unit compensation cost. Variable compensation cost as a percentage of unit compensation cost.
Contingent Cost / Compensation Cost (Workforce on Pay roll)
Total contingent compensation cost as a percentage of unit compensation cost.
Compensation Percent - Contingent -
Contingent On Pay roll Cost / Compensation Cost (Workforce on
On Pay roll
Pay roll)
On-payroll contingent compensation cost as a percentage of unit compensation cost.
Compensation Percent - Contingent -
Contingent Off Pay roll Cost / Compensation Cost (Workforce on
Off Pay roll
Pay roll)
Contingent Cost Rev enue Percent Total Contingent Cost Rev enue Percent On Pay roll Contingent Cost Rev enue Percent Off Pay roll Contingent Cost Ex pense Percent Total Contingent Cost Ex pense Percent On Pay roll Contingent Cost Ex pense Percent Off Pay roll
Off-payroll contingent compensation cost as a percentage of unit compensation cost.
Contingent Cost / Rev enue
Costs of contingent w orkers as a percent of total revenue generated.
Contingent On Pay roll Cost / Rev enue
Costs of on-payroll contingent w orkers as a percent of total revenue generated.
Contingent Off Pay roll Cost / Rev enue
Costs of off-payroll contingent w orkers as a percent of total revenue generated.
Contingent Cost / Operating Ex pense
Costs of contingent w orkers as a percent of total operating expenses.
Contingent On Pay roll Cost / Operating Ex pense
Costs of on-payroll contingent w orkers as a percent of total operating expenses.
Contingent Off Pay roll Cost / Operating Ex pense
Costs of off-payroll contingent w orkers as a percent of total operating expenses.
Referencia de Métricas METRIC NAME
Colaboración de Ilia S. Rodríguez Torres, Ph.D., Doral Bank Seminario: Midiendo Resultados: Usando Métricas para demostrar el valor añadido de los RR. HH.
Compensation (cont.) Employ ee Cost Factor - Regular
Compensation Cost (Regular Employ ee) / Regular Employ ee
Employ ees
Employ ee Cost Factor - Workforce
Compensation Cost (Workforce on Pay roll) / Workforce on Pay roll FTE
Employ ee Cost Factor - Ex ecutiv e
Compensation Cost (Ex ecutiv e) / Ex ecutiv e FTE
Employ ee Cost Factor - Manager
Compensation Cost (Manager) / Manager FTE
Employ ee Cost Factor - Staff
Compensation Cost (Staff) / Staff FTE
Total Employ ee Cost Factor
Compensation Cost (Regular Employ ee) + Benefits Cost EPTNW / Regular Employ ee FTE
Average compensation paid to each regular employee. Average compensation paid to each FTE employee. Average compensation paid to executive level staff (vice-president level and above). Average compensation paid to managers Average compensation paid to all employees, not including executives and managers. Average compensation and benefit costs per regular employee FTE.
Total Labor Cost Factor
Compensation Cost (Total) + Benefits EPTNW / Total FTE
Contingent Cost Factor - Total
Contingent Cost / Contingent FTE
Average compensation and benefit costs per all FTE, including contingent off-payroll employees. Average dollars paid to each contingent w orker.
Contingent Cost Factor - On Pay roll
Contingent On Pay roll Cost / Contingent On Pay roll FTE
Average dollars paid to each on-payroll contingent w orker.
Contingent Cost Factor - Off Pay roll
Contingent Off Pay roll Cost / Contingent Off Pay roll FTE
Average dollars paid to each off-payroll contingent w orker.
Referencia de Métricas METRIC NAME
Colaboración de Ilia S. Rodríguez Torres, Ph.D., Doral Bank Seminario: Midiendo Resultados: Usando Métricas para demostrar el valor añadido de los RR. HH.
Benefits Benefit Rev enue Percent
Benefit Cost / Rev enue
Employee benef it cost as a percent of unit revenue.
Benefit Ex pense Percent
Benefit Cost / Operating Ex pense
Employee benef it cost as a percent of unit operating expense.
Benefit Compensation Percent Benefit Factor Healthcare Factor Workers' Compensation Factor Benefit Cost Breakdow n - Legally Required Pay ments Benefit Cost Breakdow n - Retirement & Sav ings Plan Pay ments Benefit Cost Breakdow n - Life Insurance & Death Benefit Pay ments Benefit Cost Breakdow n - Medical & Medically Related Benefit Pay ments Benefit Cost Breakdow n - Pay ments for Time Not Worked Benefit Cost Breakdow n Miscellaneous Benefit Pay ments
Benefit Cost EPTNW / Compensation Cost (Workforce on Pay roll) Benefit Cost / Workforce on Pay roll Headcount Medical & Medically Related Benefit Pay ments / Cov ered Employ ees
Employee benef it cost as a percent of employee compensation cost. Average cost f or all benef its per employee. Medical and healthcare benef it cost per covered employee.
Workers' Compensation Cost / Workforce on Pay roll Headcount
Workers' compensation cost per covered employee.
Legally Required Pay ments / Benefit Cost
Legally required payments as a percent of total benef it cost.
Retirement & Sav ings Plan Pay ments / Benefit Cost
Retirement and savings plan payments as a percent of total benef it cost.
Life Insurance & Death Benefit Pay ments / Benefit Cost
Lif e insurance and death benef it payments as a percent of total benef it cost.
Medical & Medically Related Benefit Pay ments / Benefit Cost
Medical and medically related benef it cost as a percent of total benef it cost.
Pay ments for Time Not Worked / Benefit Cost
Payments f or time not w orked as a percent of total benef it cost.
Miscellaneous Benefit Pay ments / Benefit Cost
Miscellaneous benef it payments as a percent of total benef it cost.
Referencia de Métricas METRIC NAME
Colaboración de Ilia S. Rodríguez Torres, Ph.D., Doral Bank Seminario: Midiendo Resultados: Usando Métricas para demostrar el valor añadido de los RR. HH.
Benefits Benefit Rev enue Percent
Benefit Cost / Rev enue
Employee benefit cost as a percent of unit revenue.
Benefit Ex pense Percent
Benefit Cost / Operating Ex pense
Employee benefit cost as a percent of unit operating expense.
Benefit Compensation Percent Benefit Factor Healthcare Factor Workers' Compensation Factor Benefit Cost Breakdow n - Legally Required Pay ments Benefit Cost Breakdow n - Retirement & Sav ings Plan Pay ments Benefit Cost Breakdow n - Life Insurance & Death Benefit Pay ments Benefit Cost Breakdow n - Medical & Medically Related Benefit Pay ments Benefit Cost Breakdow n - Pay ments for Time Not Worked Benefit Cost Breakdow n Miscellaneous Benefit Pay ments
Benefit Cost EPTNW / Compensation Cost (Workforce on Pay roll) Benefit Cost / Workforce on Pay roll Headcount Medical & Medically Related Benefit Pay ments / Cov ered Employ ees
Employee benefit cost as a percent of employee compensation cost. Average cost for all benefits per employee. Medical and healthcare benefit cost per covered employee.
Workers' Compensation Cost / Workforce on Pay roll Headcount
Workers' compensation cost per covered employee.
Legally Required Pay ments / Benefit Cost
Legally required payments as a percent of total benefit cost.
Retirement & Sav ings Plan Pay ments / Benefit Cost
Retirement and savings plan payments as a percent of total benefit cost.
Life Insurance & Death Benefit Pay ments / Benefit Cost
Life insurance and death benefit payments as a percent of total benefit cost.
Medical & Medically Related Benefit Pay ments / Benefit Cost
Medical and medically related benefit cost as a percent of total benefit cost.
Pay ments for Time Not Worked / Benefit Cost
Payments for time not w orked as a percent of total benefit cost.
Miscellaneous Benefit Pay ments / Benefit Cost
Miscellaneous benefit payments as a percent of total benefit cost.
Referencia de Métricas
Colaboración de Ilia S. Rodríguez Torres, Ph.D., Doral Bank Seminario: Midiendo Resultados: Usando Métricas para demostrar el valor añadido de los RR. HH.
Staffing Accession Rate - Total
Total Hires / Regular Employ ee Headcount
All hires as a percentage of headcount.
Accession Rate - Ex empt
Ex empt Hires / Ex empt Regular Headcount
All exempt hires as a percentage of headcount.
Accession Rate - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Hires / Nonex empt Regular Headcount
All nonexempt hires as a percentage of headcount.
Accession Rate - Ex ternal - Total
Ex ternal Hires / Regular Employ ee Headcount
Accession Rate - Ex ternal - Ex empt
Ex empt Ex ternal Hires / Ex empt Regular Headcount
External new hire employees as a percent of employee headcount. External new hire exempt employees as a percent of employee headcount.
Accession Rate - Ex ternal -
Nonex empt Ex ternal Hires / Nonex empt Regular Headcount
External new hire nonexempt employees as a percent of employee headcount.
Accession Rate - Internal - Total
Internal Hires / Regular Employ ee Headcount
Accession Rate - Internal - Ex empt
Ex empt Internal Hires / Ex empt Regular Headcount
Internal new hire employees as a percent of employee headcount. Internal new hire exempt employees as a percent of employee headcount.
Nonex empt
Accession Rate - Internal -
Nonex empt Internal Hires / Nonex empt Regular Headcount
Internal new hire nonexempt employees as a percent of employee headcount.
Accession Rate - College - Total
College Hires / Regular Employ ee Headcount
Add Rate - Total
Total Add Hires / Regular Employ ee Headcount
Add Rate - Ex empt
Ex empt Add Hires / Ex empt Regular Headcount
Add Rate - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Add Hires / Nonex empt Regular Headcount
Add Rate - Ex ternal - Total
Ex ternal Add Hires / Regular Employ ee Headcount
Add Rate - Ex ternal - Ex empt
Ex empt Ex ternal Add Hires / Ex empt Regular Headcount
All college hires as a percentage of headcount. Number of people hired to new positions as a percentage of headcount. Number of exempt people hired to new positions as a percentage of headcount. Number of nonexempt people hired to new positions as a percentage of headcount. External new hire added employees as a percent of headcount employees. External new hire added exempt employees as a percent of headcount employees.
Nonex empt
Add Rate - Ex ternal - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Ex ternal Add Hires / Nonex empt Regular Headcount
Add Rate - Internal - Total
Internal Add Hires / Regular Employ ee Headcount
Add Rate - Internal - Ex empt
Ex empt Internal Add Hires / Ex empt Regular Headcount
Add Rate - Internal - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Internal Add Hires / Nonex empt Regular Headcount
External new hire added nonexempt employees as a percent of headcount employees. Internal new hire added employees as a percent of headcount employees. Internal new hire added exempt employees as a percent of headcount employees. Internal new hire added nonexempt employees as a percent of headcount employees.
Referencia de Métricas METRIC NAME
Colaboración de Ilia S. Rodríguez Torres, Ph.D., Doral Bank Seminario: Midiendo Resultados: Usando Métricas para demostrar el valor añadido de los RR. HH.
Staffing (cont.) Replacement Rate - Total
Total Replacement Hires / Regular Employ ee Headcount
Replacement Rate - Ex empt
Ex empt Replacement Hires / Ex empt Regular Headcount
Replacement Rate - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Replacement Hires / Nonex empt Regular Headcount
Number of people hired to fill existing positions as a percentage of headcount. Number of exempt people hired to fill existing positions as a percentage of headcount. Number of nonexempt people hired to fill existing positions as a percentage of headcount.
Replacement Rate - Ex ternal - Total
Ex ternal Replacement Hires / Regular Employ ee Headcount
External new hire replacement employees as a percent of headcount employees.
Replacement Rate - Ex ternal -
Ex empt Ex ternal Replacement Hires / Ex empt Regular
Ex empt
External new hire replacement exempt employees as a percent of headcount employees.
Replacement Rate - Ex ternal -
Nonex empt Ex ternal Replacement Hires / Nonex empt Regular
Nonex empt
Replacement Rate - Internal - Total
Internal Replacement Hires / Regular Employ ee Headcount
Internal new hire replacement employees as a percent of headcount employees.
Ex empt Internal Replacement Hires / Ex empt Regular
Internal new hire replacement exempt employees as a percent of headcount employees.
Replacement Rate - Internal - Ex empt
External new hire replacement nonexempt employees as a percent of headcount employees.
Replacement Rate - Internal -
Nonex empt Internal Replacement Hires / Nonex empt Regular
Nonex empt
Internal new hire replacement nonexempt employees as a percent of headcount employees.
Career Path Ratio - Total
Total Promotions / Total Promotions + Total Transfers
Promotions as a percentage of all movement w ithin the organization.
Career Path Ratio - Ex empt
Ex empt Promotions / Ex empt Promotions + Ex empt Transfers
Exempt promotions as a percentage of all movement w ithin the organization.
Nonex empt Promotions / Nonex empt Promotions + Nonex empt
Nonexempt promotions as a percentage of all movement w ithin the organization.
Career Path Ratio - Nonex empt
Referencia de Métricas
Colaboración de Ilia S. Rodríguez Torres, Ph.D., Doral Bank Seminario: Midiendo Resultados: Usando Métricas para demostrar el valor añadido de los RR. HH.
Cost Per Hire - Total
Total Hiring Costs * 1.1 Factor / Total Hires
Average dollars spent on hiring costs per employee hired.
Cost Per Hire - Ex empt
Ex empt Hiring Costs * 1.1 Factor / Ex empt Hires
Average dollars spent on hiring costs per exempt employee hired.
Cost Per Hire - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Hiring Costs * 1.1 Factor / Nonex empt Hires
Average dollars spent on hiring costs per nonexempt employee hired.
Cost Per Hire - Ex ternal - Total
Ex ternal Hiring Costs * 1.1 Factor / Ex ternal Hires
Total of six key hiring costs (plus f actor) per external new hire.
Ex empt Ex ternal Hiring Costs * 1.1 Factor / Ex empt Ex ternal
Total of six key hiring costs (plus f actor) per external new exempt hire.
Cost Per Hire - Ex ternal - Ex empt Cost Per Hire - Ex ternal - Nonex empt Cost Per Hire - Internal - Total Cost Per Hire - Internal - Ex empt
Hires Nonex empt Ex ternal Hiring Costs * 1.1 Factor / Nonex empt Ex ternal Hires
Total of six key hiring costs (plus f actor) per external new nonexempt hire.
Internal Hiring Costs * 1.1 Factor / Internal Hires
Total of f our key hiring costs (plus f actor) per internal new hire.
Ex empt Internal Hiring Costs * 1.1 Factor / Ex empt Internal
Total of f our key hiring costs (plus f actor) per internal new exempt hire.
Hires Nonex empt Internal Hiring Costs * 1.1 Factor / Nonex empt Internal Hires
Total of f our key hiring costs (plus f actor) per internal new nonexempt hire.
Cost Per Hire - College - Total
College Hiring Costs * 1.1 Factor / College Hires
Total of f our key hiring costs (plus f actor) per college new hire.
Cost Per Hire - Adv ertising
Adv ertising Hiring Costs / Total Hiring Costs
Adversiting costs as a percent of total new hire cost.
Cost Per Hire - Agency
Agency Hiring Costs / Total Hiring Costs
Agency costs as a percent of total new hire cost.
Cost Per Hire - Referral Bonuses
Referral Bonuses Hiring Costs / Total Hiring Costs
Ref erral bonuses costs as a percent of total new hire cost.
Cost Per Hire - Trav el
Trav el Hiring Costs / Total Hiring Costs
Travel costs as a percent of total new hire cost.
Cost Per Hire - Relocation
Relocation Hiring Costs / Total Hiring Costs
Relocation costs as a percent of total new hire cost.
Cost Per Hire - Recruiter
Recruiter Hiring Costs / Total Hiring Costs
HR recruiter costs as a percent of total new hire cost.
Cost Per Hire - Ex ternal - Adv ertising
Ex ternal Adv ertising Hiring Costs / Ex ternal Hiring Costs
Adversiting costs as a percent of total external new hire cost.
Cost Per Hire - Ex ternal - Agency
Ex ternal Agency Hiring Costs / Ex ternal Hiring Costs
Agency costs as a percent of total external new hire cost.
Ex ternal Referral Bonuses Hiring Costs / Ex ternal Hiring Costs
Ref erral bonuses costs as a percent of total external new hire cost.
Cost Per Hire - Ex ternal - Trav el
Ex ternal Trav el Hiring Costs / Ex ternal Hiring Costs
Travel costs as a percent of total external new hire cost.
Cost Per Hire - Ex ternal - Relocation
Ex ternal Relocation Hiring Costs / Ex ternal Hiring Costs
Relocation costs as a percent of total external new hire cost.
Cost Per Hire - Ex ternal - Recruiter
Ex ternal Recruiter Hiring Costs / Ex ternal Hiring Costs
HR recruiter costs as a percent of total external new hire cost.
Cost Per Hire - Internal - Adv ertising
Internal Adv ertising Hiring Costs / Internal Hiring Costs
Advertising costs as a percent of total internal new hire cost.
Cost Per Hire - Internal - Trav el
Internal Trav el Hiring Costs / Internal Hiring Costs
Travel costs as a percent of total internal new hire cost.
Cost Per Hire - Internal - Relocation
Internal Relocation Hiring Costs / Internal Hiring Costs
Relocation costs as a percent of total internal new hire cost.
Cost Per Hire - Internal - Recruiter
Internal Recruiter Hiring Costs / Internal Hiring Costs
Time to Fill - Total
Total Day s to Fill / Total Hires
Time to Fill - Ex empt
Ex empt Day s to Fill / Ex empt Hires
Time to Fill - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Day s to Fill / Nonex empt Hires
Time to Fill - Ex ternal - Total
Ex ternal Day s to Fill / Ex ternal Hires
Time to Fill - Ex ternal - Ex empt
Ex empt Ex ternal Day s to Fill / Ex empt Ex ternal Hires
Time to Fill - Ex ternal - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Ex ternal Day s to Fill / Nonex empt Ex ternal Hires
Time to Fill - Internal - Total
Internal Day s to Fill / Internal Hires
Time to Fill - Internal - Ex empt
Ex empt Internal Day s to Fill / Ex empt Internal Hires
Time to Fill - Internal - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Internal Day s to Fill / Nonex empt Internal Hires
HR recruiter costs as a percent of total internal new hire cost. Average number of calendar days f rom requisition date to of f er acceptance per hire. Average number of calendar days f rom requisition date to of f er acceptance per exempt hire. Average number of calendar days f rom requisition date to of f er acceptance per nonexempt hire. Number of calendar days f rom requisition date to of f er acceptance per new external hire. Number of calendar days f rom requisition date to of f er acceptance per new external exempt hire. Number of calendar days f rom requisition date to of f er acceptance per new external nonexempt hire. Number of calendar days f rom requisition date to of f er acceptance per new internal hire. Number of calendar days f rom requisition date to of f er acceptance per new internal exempt hire. Number of calendar days f rom requisition date to of f er acceptance per new internal nonexempt hire.
Cost Per Hire - Internal - Nonex empt
Cost Per Hire - Ex ternal - Referral Bonuses
Referencia de Métricas METRIC NAME
Colaboración de Ilia S. Rodríguez Torres, Ph.D., Doral Bank Seminario: Midiendo Resultados: Usando Métricas para demostrar el valor añadido de los RR. HH.
Staffing (cont.) Average number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per hire. Average number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per exempt hire. Average number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per nonexempt hire. Number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per new external hire. Number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per new external exempt hire.
Time to Start - Total
Total Day s to Start / Total Hires
Time to Start - Ex empt
Ex empt Day s to Start / Ex empt Hires
Time to Start - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Day s to Start / Nonex empt Hires
Time to Start - Ex ternal - Total
Ex ternal Day s to Start / Ex ternal Hires
Time to Start - Ex ternal - Ex empt
Ex empt Ex ternal Day s to Start / Ex empt Ex ternal Hires
Time to Start - Ex ternal - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Ex ternal Day s to Start / Nonex empt Ex ternal Hires
Number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per new external nonexempt hire.
Time to Start - Internal - Total
Internal Day s to Start / Internal Hires
Time to Start - Internal - Ex empt
Ex empt Internal Day s to Start / Ex empt Internal Hires
Time to Start - Internal - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Internal Day s to Start / Nonex empt Internal Hires
Offer Acceptance Rate
Total Offers Accepted / Total Offers Ex tended
Offer Acceptance Rate - Ex ternal
Ex ternal Offers Accepted / Ex ternal Offers Ex tended
Offer Acceptance Rate - College
College Offers Accepted / College Offers Ex tended
Number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per new internal hire. Number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per new internal exempt hire. Number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per new internal nonexempt hire. Offers accepted as a percent of offers made. External new hire offers accepted as a percent of external new hire offers made. New college hire offers accepted as a percent of new college hire offers made.
Sign-On Bonus Percent
Total Hires Receiv ing Sign-On Bonuses / Ex ternal Hires + College Hires
New hires receiving a sign-on bonus as a percent of total new hires.
Sign-On Bonus Percent - Ex ecutiv e
Ex ecutiv e Hires Receiv ing Sign-On Bonuses / Ex ecutiv e Hires
New executive hires receiving a sign-on bonus as a percent of total executive new hires.
Sign-On Bonus Percent - Manager
Manager Hires Receiv ing Sign-On Bonuses / Manager Hires
New manager hires receiving a sign-on bonus as a percent of total manager new hires.
Total Sign-On Bonus Cost / Total Hires Receiv ing Sign-On
Average sign-on bonus amount for each new hire w ho received signon bonus.
Sign-On Bonus Factor Sign-On Bonus Factor - Ex ecutiv e Sign-On Bonus Factor - Manager
Bonuses Ex ecutiv e Sign-On Bonus Cost / Ex ecutiv e Hires Receiv ing Sign-On Bonuses Manager Sign-On Bonus Cost / Manager Hires Receiv ing SignOn Bonuses
Average sign-on bonus amount for each new executive hire w ho received sign-on bonus. Average sign-on bonus amount for each new manager hire w ho received sign-on bonus.
Referencia de Métricas METRIC NAME
Colaboración de Ilia S. Rodríguez Torres, Ph.D., Doral Bank Seminario: Midiendo Resultados: Usando Métricas para demostrar el valor añadido de los RR. HH.
Staffing (cont.) Average number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per hire. Average number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per exempt hire. Average number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per nonexempt hire. Number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per new external hire. Number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per new external exempt hire.
Time to Start - Total
Total Day s to Start / Total Hires
Time to Start - Ex empt
Ex empt Day s to Start / Ex empt Hires
Time to Start - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Day s to Start / Nonex empt Hires
Time to Start - Ex ternal - Total
Ex ternal Day s to Start / Ex ternal Hires
Time to Start - Ex ternal - Ex empt
Ex empt Ex ternal Day s to Start / Ex empt Ex ternal Hires
Time to Start - Ex ternal - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Ex ternal Day s to Start / Nonex empt Ex ternal Hires
Number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per new external nonexempt hire.
Time to Start - Internal - Total
Internal Day s to Start / Internal Hires
Time to Start - Internal - Ex empt
Ex empt Internal Day s to Start / Ex empt Internal Hires
Time to Start - Internal - Nonex empt
Nonex empt Internal Day s to Start / Nonex empt Internal Hires
Offer Acceptance Rate
Total Offers Accepted / Total Offers Ex tended
Offer Acceptance Rate - Ex ternal
Ex ternal Offers Accepted / Ex ternal Offers Ex tended
Offer Acceptance Rate - College
College Offers Accepted / College Offers Ex tended
Number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per new internal hire. Number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per new internal exempt hire. Number of calendar days from requisition date to employee start date per new internal nonexempt hire. Offers accepted as a percent of offers made. External new hire offers accepted as a percent of external new hire offers made. New college hire offers accepted as a percent of new college hire offers made.
Sign-On Bonus Percent
Total Hires Receiv ing Sign-On Bonuses / Ex ternal Hires + College Hires
New hires receiving a sign-on bonus as a percent of total new hires.
Sign-On Bonus Percent - Ex ecutiv e
Ex ecutiv e Hires Receiv ing Sign-On Bonuses / Ex ecutiv e Hires
New executive hires receiving a sign-on bonus as a percent of total executive new hires.
Sign-On Bonus Percent - Manager
Manager Hires Receiv ing Sign-On Bonuses / Manager Hires
New manager hires receiving a sign-on bonus as a percent of total manager new hires.
Total Sign-On Bonus Cost / Total Hires Receiv ing Sign-On
Average sign-on bonus amount for each new hire w ho received signon bonus.
Sign-On Bonus Factor Sign-On Bonus Factor - Ex ecutiv e Sign-On Bonus Factor - Manager
Bonuses Ex ecutiv e Sign-On Bonus Cost / Ex ecutiv e Hires Receiv ing Sign-On Bonuses Manager Sign-On Bonus Cost / Manager Hires Receiv ing SignOn Bonuses
Average sign-on bonus amount for each new executive hire w ho received sign-on bonus. Average sign-on bonus amount for each new manager hire w ho received sign-on bonus.
Referencia de Métricas METRIC NAME
Colaboración de Ilia S. Rodríguez Torres, Ph.D., Doral Bank Seminario: Midiendo Resultados: Usando Métricas para demostrar el valor añadido de los RR. HH.
Training & Development Employ ees Trained Percent
Workforce Trained / Total Headcount
Employees receiving training classes as a percent of total headcount.
Training Cost Factor - Total
Total Training Cost / Workforce Trained
Dollars spent on training for each employee w ho received training.
Total Training Cost (ETPB) / Workforce Trained
Dollars spent on training for each employee w ho received training excluding Trainee Pay & Benefits.
Total Training Cost / Operating Ex pense
Internal and external training cost as a percent of unit operating expense.
Total Training Cost (ETPB) / Operating Ex pense
Internal and external training cost as a percent of unit operating expense excluding Trainee Pay & Benefits.
Ex ternal Training Cost (ETPB) / Total Training Cost (ETPB)
External training cost as a percent of unit operating expense excluding Trainee Pay & Benefits.
Internal Training Cost (ETPB) / Total Training Cost (ETPB)
Internal training cost as a percent of unit operating expense excluding Trainee Pay & Benefits.
Total Training Cost / HR Ex pense
Training cost as a percent of HR expense.
Total Training Cost (ETPB) / HR Ex pense
Training cost as a percent of HR expense excluding Trainee Pay & Benefits.
Training Compensation % - Total
Total Training Cost / Compensation Cost (Workforce on Pay roll)
Training cost as a percent of compensation cost.
Training Compensation Percent -
Total Training Cost (ETPB) / Compensation Cost (Workforce on
Ex cluding Trainee Pay & Benefits
Pay roll)
Training cost as a percent of compensation cost excluding Trainee Pay & Benefits.
Training Headcount Inv estment Factor
Total Training Cost / Total Headcount
Dollar investment for employee training.
Total Training Cost (ETPB) / Total Headcount
Dollar investment for employee training excluding Trainee Pay & Benefits.
Training Cost Factor - Ex cluding Trainee Pay & Benefits Training Cost Percent - Total Training Cost Percent - Ex cluding Trainee Pay & Benefits - Total Training Cost Percent - Ex cluding Trainee Pay & Benefits - Ex ternal Training Cost Percent - Ex cluding Trainee Pay & Benefits - Internal Training Cost HR Ex pense % - Total Training Cost HR Ex pense Percent Ex cluding Trainee Pay & Benefits
Training Headcount Inv estment Factor - Ex cluding Trainee Pay & Benefits
Referencia de Métricas Headcount Training Factor
Total Training Hours / Total Headcount
FTE Training Factor
Total Training Hours / Total FTE
Training FTE Inv estment Factor -
Colaboración de Ilia S. Rodríguez Torres, Ph.D., Doral Bank Seminario: Midiendo Resultados: Usando Métricas para demostrar el valor añadido de los RR. HH.
Average number of hours of training per headcount employee. Average number of hours of training per full-time equivalent employee.
Total Training Cost / Total FTE
Dollar amount spent on training per full-time equivalent employee.
Total Ex empt Training Cost / Ex empt FTE
Dollar amount spent on training per exempt full-time equivalent employee.
Total Nonex empt Training Cost / Nonex empt FTE
Dollar amount spent on training per nonexempt full-time equivalent employee.
Total Training Cost (ETPB) / Total FTE
Dollar amount spent on training per full-time equivalent employee excluding Trainee Pay & Benefits.
Ex empt Training Cost (ETPB) / Ex empt FTE
Dollar amount spent on training per exempt full-time equivalent employee excluding Trainee Pay & Benefits.
NonEx empt Training Cost (ETPB) / Nonex empt FTE
Dollar amount spent on training per nonexempt full-time equivalent employee excluding Trainee Pay & Benefits.
Training Staff Ratio
Total FTE / Training Staff FTE
Number of FTE employees supported by each training staff FTE.
Training Cost Per Hour - Total
Total Training Cost / Total Training Hours
Dollars spent on training per hour of training provided.
Total Training Cost (ETPB) / Total Training Hours
Dollars spent on training per hour of training provided excluding Trainee Pay & Benefits.
Training Hours Percent - Internal Staff
Internal Staff Training Hours / Total Training Hours
Number of internal training hours as a percent of total training hours.
Training Hours Percent - Ex ternal Staff
Ex ternal Staff Training Hours / Total Training Hours
Number of external training hours as a percent of total training hours.
Total Training FTE Inv estment Factor Total - Ex empt Training FTE Inv estment Factor Total - Nonex empt Training FTE Inv estment Factor Ex cl. Trainee Pay & Benefits - Total Training FTE Inv estment Factor ETPB - Ex empt Training FTE Inv estment Factor ETPB - Nonex empt
Training Cost Per Hour - Ex cluding Trainee Pay & Benefits