ACT Government P-MARS Project Management and Reporting System

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INFORMATION SHEET The ACT Government is introducing a new online system for the management of Capital Works across Whole of Government. If you are a Contractor who supplies construction, consultancy or ICT products and services to the ACT Government for capital works, this information sheet will provide you with some key information about the new Project Management and Reporting System for capital works (P-MARS) and how it may impact you.

WHAT IS P-MARS? ACT Government is implementing a new system for managing and reporting on its capital works program. The PMARS project aims to deliver a more comprehensive management and reporting system to improve capital works delivery.

HOW WILL I BE AFFECTED? If the contract under which you provide construction, consultancy or ICT products and services to the ACT Government is managed within the P-MARS system, you will need to register for access to the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) online portal. The SRM online portal will allow you to:     

Electronically submit payment claims; Electronically submit invoices for payment; Track the payment status of invoices; Communicate directly with Project Managers on specific contractual matters; and Update insurances and submit documentation.

You will need to register to access the SRM online portal. You will be provided with the required information to initiate the process prior to the pilot commencing. Until that time please continue with business as usual.

HOW WILL I BENEFIT? The implementation of P-MARS will represent an improved experience for you by providing a common platform for managing your projects and payments, improving visibility on the status of your contracts and payments, simplifying how you submit and access project and contract documents and more streamlined communication with your ACT Government project contacts.

WILL I NEED TO UPDATE SOFTWARE OR CHANGE THE WAY I ISSUE INVOICES? No changes will be required to your business systems or the way you currently issue invoices. The P-MARS SRM online portal is web-based. You will have a password protected logon and will be able to submit invoices online. P-MARS will then route your invoice through the appropriate persons to ensure payment within contractual terms. One of the advantages to industry will be an enhanced capability for the Government to meet its obligations to industry.

P-MARS Information Sheet – Suppliers/Contractors V1.0 February 2017 Page 1 of 2

For queries about P-MARS, contact us at

WHEN WILL THE NEW SYSTEM GO LIVE? A pilot program will run over May and June 2017. This pilot program will allow contractors the opportunity to trial the new system, undertake online training, seek help and ask questions. During the pilot period you will still be able to discuss payment claims and submit invoices through the established channels. The new system will go live in July 2017.

WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO? At the moment you are not required to make any changes to the way you currently do business with ACT Government for your capital works products or services, including how you invoice. More information will be provided in the coming months and you will be invited to a briefing session scheduled for May 2017. You may certainly contact us if you have any queries.

HOW DOES THIS RELATE TO ACT GOVERNMENT’S NEW AUTOMATED INVOICE PROCESSING ARRANGEMENTS (APIAS)? You may already be aware that the ACT Government is working toward the implementation of the APIAS system. P-MARS is an entirely separate system specifically targeted towards capital works. If your contract or works agreement/purchase order/work order is managed through P-MARS, then you will only need to submit your invoicing through the SRM online portal. The P-MARS SRM online portal will assist you with working closer with ACT Government through a communication portal specifically related to your contract/s, as well as the ability to submit variations, payment claims and invoices, all online. You will be provided with all necessary assistance to ensure a smooth transition to the new arrangements.


A central email has been established to provide two-way communication with contractors. If you have any queries, please email Further information will be communicated at various stages throughout the project outlining business requirements, and providing assistance with transitioning to the P-MARS SRM online portal. You will receive an invitation for a briefing session scheduled for May 2017 where you will find out how the P-MARS SRM online portal can help you work more closely with ACT Government.

WHO CAN I TALK TO? If you have any queries, email

P-MARS Information Sheet – Suppliers/Contractors V1.0 February 2017 Page 1 of 2

For queries about P-MARS, contact us at

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