World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO) article

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World Federation of Engineering Organisations leads engineers for a Sustainable World

Engineers have an important role in the transbribery standard, ISO37001. This was develformation of Qatar which is progressing at a oped in collaboration with the WFEO Commitfast pace with the continuing investment in tee for anti-corruption and is based on the Britlarge scale infrastructure projects, especially in ish standard BS10500. This standard provides transport, roads, water, sewerage and electricia framework for a management system which ty. The Qatar Society of Engineers is providing mitigates against the risk of corrupt practices. essential leadership for the engineering proCompanies can be accredited against this stanfession ensuring standards of the engineering dard in the same way as for quality, environprofessional practice, promoting professional ment and safety (ISO: 9001, 14001, 18001). development and ethical practice through conInternational accreditation agencies will be ferences and seminars. An important function, able to certify companies in all thee standards in an increasingly globalised engineering proin a single audit. The standard was released fession, is relationships with other professional in September 2016. WFEO members are now engineering institutions around the world. This • Dr. Marlene Kanga working with other international partners infacilitates the sharing of technical knowledge President Elect of the World Fed- cluding the Global Initiatives Against Corrupas well as approaches to establishing world class eration of Engineering Organisa- tion ( to develop training tions. professional engineering standards. materials to support the implementation of the The Qatar Society of Engineers is a member of Standard. the World federation of Engineering Originations (WFEO) The WFEO Committee on Engineering and the Environment and participates actively in the conferences and meetings of the has international experts in environmental engineering and organisation. Engineering is a globalised profession with en- has developed a Model Code of Practice for Sustainable Degineers travelling internationally for work projects around the velopment as well as associated guidelines. These have been world. The participation of Qatar Society of Engineers is con- translated into seven languages and provide valuable guidance sistent with its objective of building engineering partnerships to engineers around the world in developing sustainable soluwith professional engineering institutions around the world. tions. Environmental engineers representing WFEO have also The World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO) participated in international events involving mitigation of the brings together engineers from more than 90 countries to dis- impacts of climate change including the annual COP events cuss global issues which involve engineering. An important which are held around the word. project is contribution to the United Nations Sustainable De- Natural disaster resilience is another hot topic, especially for velopment Goals (SDG) which came into effect in early 2016. developing countries affected by extreme weather events. WFEO is making an active contribution to the achievements Engineers from WFEO, through its Committee on Disaster of the sustainable development goals through experts from Risk Management, are working closely with the UNISDR, member countries. It has established connections at the highest the agency responsible for natural disaster risk mitigation and levels in the United Nations to ensure that engineering input is are making a contribution to the Sendai framework to implerecognised. This is being achieved through the various stand- ment strategies for mitigating the impacts of natural disasters. ing technical committees of WFEO. A web based resource has been developed to share knowledge For example, with the growing importance of the internet and on natural disaster resilience to build capacity in this area (see: data sharing, its Committee on Engineering and Innovative Technologies is working with the UN and other international Qatar Society of Engineers is increasingly an active participant organisations to develop global approaches into emerging and in many of these initiatives. Its contributions enable WFEO innovative technologies. to continue to increase its impact as a successful international The ability of engineers to travel and work in a large number of representative of the engineering profession. We look forward countries is possible if there is global multilateral recognition to the continuing active participation and contribution of the of engineering education. WFEO is facilitating the ability of Qatar Society of Engineers through the specialised knowledge engineers to travel and work around the world with recogni- and expertise of its members in the many global initiatives of tion of their qualifications through its partnership with the In- WFEO. This will ensure the vision of WFEO to be the leadternational Engineering Alliance. WFEO is also working with ers in providing engineering solutions for a better, sustainable professional engineering institutions to develop approaches to world. improve engineering education. This is necessary intellectual Dr. Marlene Kanga AM CEng Hon.FIEAust Hon.FIChemE, infrastructure which underpins economic development. ATSE was National President of Engineers Australia in 2013 Engineers interested in fighting corruption in engineering proj- and is President Elect of the World Federation of Engineering ects have been successful in lobbying for an international anti Organisations.


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