2 minute read
3D lungs to study SARs-CoV-2
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A collaborative project which is under the joint leadership of the biomedical engineer Taciana Pereira, is under way to research COVID-19. The idea behind the study is to create three-dimensional lungs to examine the mechanisms deployed by the pathogen to infect the organs
© Universitat de Harvard
and to identify possible ways of blocking them. This project will be critical as a way to gain in depth knowledge of the best ways to treat and prevent this virus which has already infected a large part of the world population. Source: Harvard University
The mystery of the defects in solar cells has been solved thanks to the research carried out by a group of engineers at the University of
Manchester. Most solar cells only offer performance of 20%. After a solar power system is installed, this performance has been observed to .CAT
L’enginyera biomèdica Taciana Pereira ha liderat el projecte d’uns pulmons tridimensionals per estudiar els mecanismes de la COVID-19. Aquests pulmons seran clau per investigar en profunditat aquesta malaltia que està afectant una part molt important de la població de tot el món.
fall from 20% to 18%. The mystery of this 2% is due to the impedance created when the solar power is transformed into electricity within the silicon solar cells and is caused by the quality of the material. Source: The University of Manchester

© Universitat de Manchester
Un nou algoritme permetrà controlar els moviments de diferents robots en un mateix espai. Aquest nou sistema ha estat desenvolupat per enginyers de l’Institut Tecnològic de Califòrnia. L’objectiu d’aquest algoritme és que els robots aprenguin de manera autònoma incorporant en el seu sistema la informació nova.

Automated learning for robots Engineers at the California Institute of Technology have designed a new method for controlling multiple robot movements. The question of coordinating the movements of various robots at the same time has always been one of the main problems of robotics. To overcome this problem, these engineers have developed an algorithm called GLAS (Globalto-Local Safe Autonomy Synthesis) with which the robots can learn automatically as they go along, adding any new information they capture to their system. Source: California Institute of Technology
© Institut Tecnològic de Califòrnia
Uns enginyers de la Universitat de Manchester han descobert el misteri de la baixada de rendiment, del 20% al 18%, al cap de poc temps d’acabar la instal·lació fotovoltaica amb cèl·lules solars de silici. L’estudi revela que la causa és per la qualitat del silici quan es fabriquen les cèl·lules solars.