2 minute read
Transforming 2D materials into 3D
SERGI ALBET Consultor digital Col·legiat 14.416
Flat materials that can be transformed into three dimensional shapes have potential applications in medicine, robotics and many other areas. However, complex calculations are required for these transformations to work. Engineers at Harvard University have developed a platform that uses machine learning to programme the transformation of 2D surfaces into 3D shapes. The researchers used finite element simulations that, with the help of neural networks, learned how to understand the role of soft and stiff areas. From this point, the network generates a design and the pressure needed to inflate it to create the desired 3D form.
Source: Harvard John A. Paulson. https://bit. ly/3Km8hJX
© Harvard John A. Paulson
Many recyclable plastics never reach the right bin. Terms like “eco” or “plant-based” on them can cause confusion when it is time to recycle them. Engineers at the University of Berkeley say that only materials that are broken down within 60 days can be regarded as compostable. The importance of our waste crisis now forces designers to plan the end of the plastic’s life cycle as one of their main priorities. This means that engineers have to work on designs that take this life cycle into account, using cheap sustainable plastics made from renewable resources that are safe and quick to break down, commonly known as bioplastics.
© Universitat de Berkeley
Source: University of Berkeley. https://bit.ly/32cyGc5
Uns enginyers de la Universitat de Harvard han creat una plataforma capaç de transformar els materials 2D en 3D. Aquesta plataforma aprèn de manera automàtica, estudia quins són els punts rígids i tous del material 2D i fa els càlculs. Un cop fets, genera un disseny indicant la pressió a què s’hauria d’inflar el material per crear la peça 3D desitjada.
Sovint els humans desconfien de les prediccions que pot donar una màquina a l’hora de prendre decisions. Un grup d’enginyers del MIT han desenvolupat un mètode en què la IA ajuda i complementa les habilitats dels humans per arribar a conclusions més ràpidament o a l’hora de prendre decisions per tal d’enfortir la confiança.
Un equip d’enginyers de la Universitat de Berkeley centra els esforços en el disseny dels objectes que ha creat amb els anomenats ‘bioplàstics’. Aquests materials tenen com a objectiu ser assequibles i sostenibles i estan fets aprofitant recursos renovables que es poden compostar de manera fàcil i segura.
Predictions and artificial intelligence
Researchers at MIT have created a method to help workers cooperate with artificial intelligence systems, The engineers have created a technique that guides humans to acquire a more precise understanding of which situations they should take decisions in and which they should trust to a machine’s predictions. At a basic level, it teaches people how AI can supplement their skills when taking decisions and help them to reach conclusions faster.
Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). https://bit.ly/358roax